#i know one thing if my otp had like 60K fics i would NAWT be being unfunny on tumblr i’d be on ao3 having a gay ol’ time
jemgirl86 · 1 year
Honestly, fuck that Sticky run Bucky fan account, and fuck anyone tagging their miraculously unfunny crappy ass posts about Sam, and Sam adjacent content, with his name or the SamBucky/BuckySam ship.
I mean, by all means, get off your played out jokes, make yourselves feel better about your OTP having BIG sibling energy and absolutely no romantic chemistry, by shitting on Sam because you apparently don’t know that you can still enjoy your fanon ship without worrying about other fanon ships, but leave everyone else out of it. What I’m saying is, learn how to tag lmaooo. Quit being so damn tacky. Like… it’s always y’all 😭😭 It’s like you just can’t help yourselves. You just have to be uncouth af, at all times, and you’re not even embarrassed??? Yikes. Its to the point where we all just kinda feel sorry for y’all. Like yeah, you make us sick, but we’re also five seconds away from reaching into our own pockets to help cover your copays, because something has got to shake 😬😭
Listen, I’m sorry that both the SamSteve ship and the SamBucky ship have more chemistry and make more sense than your dry ass, friends to friends to acquaintances ass ship, but don’t take that out on Sam or his fans… jeez
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