#i know ppl also want me to do big dramatic canon events but like. Private Interview was special bcuz it's a scene taken for granted
jesncin · 2 months
Aside from Lois’ interview with Superman (which your fan comic brought to life in such beautiful fashion), what other “canon events” from the story and history of the character would you want to portray in your head canon?
Thank you! I want to go into more of the Clark, Lana, Lois love triangle but I haven't zeroed in on an ideal circumstance or scene where I could squeeze the most story from for that dynamic yet. I want to write a good love triangle where it's a genuine struggle for who Clark will pick. Though out of all the ideas fighting for attention in my head, this is the least priority at the moment.
I know my Clois comics are popular and people especially want to know how Lois finds out about Superman's identity but I really don't want to speed to the post-secret identity era. People say that's where Superman gets interesting, but I personally disagree! Especially with Clois under the immigrant love story lens and Clark struggling as an alien who passes for a white-american-man, I feel like there's so much unexplored story in that dynamic before Lois knows about Superman's secret identity. And I dislike how modern Superman media speeds through the fun conflict that happens in his early years.
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