#i know scally and percy's
cherrycokedup · 8 months
gosh the WHIPLASH i get seeing nevermore discord goers on tumblr. i feel like a very thinly disguised fae hiding among them. it is a delight though i also feel like a perfect spy
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italianscallion · 7 years
Blog Introduction
Hello! Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I’m so happy you decided to pay me a visit. While you’re here, why don’t you learn a bit about me, read some of my work and give FRIENDLY reviews, or submit a request to get your own imagine/one shot? If you give me a great idea, it may even be turned into a whole story/fanfic! Here’s a little bit about my blog in case you are interested!
About me:
I am italianscallion, but you can call me Scallion or ScalScal or Scally or whatever you want! I’m not going to give out any personal information, so I’m sorry if that’s what you came for, haha. I want to be an author someday, so this will be good practice for me! I’m not completely Italian, by the way. It’s hard to explain without giving away personal information. 
About my blog:
This is a secondary blog, as I said in the description, so I sadly cannot follow any of you on here :(. I can, however, follow everybody who sends a request or something nice to me on my other account, alittleglassofmilk. I post more personal stuff and funny things and stories on there if you want to check it out! If you want, you can follow me on this account (and/or alittleglassofmilk) so you don’t miss anything I post! I write about fictional characters, but I could write about real people, too, if that’s what you really want. Just request it so I know what you want! I don’t write lemons, sorry! I try to keep this a friendly no-swearing blog. 
Request guidelines: 
You can submit your requests with the tab on my page. There, you can ask me questions, send me a request, give me a review, anything you want! 
Some things to point out in your request:
Plot (Ex: a fight, though you have to tell me if you make up in the end or not and what the fight is about; a fun day in the park, though you have to tell me a bit about what you want to do in the park; etc.)
Fictional Character and their universe (!!!!IMPORTANT!!!!!)
Your Gender (Pretty Important!)
Type of Story (fanfic, even if I probably won’t do very many of those; one shot/imagine/preference, etc.) 
And that’s it! You don’t have to send your name, since it will be changed to Y/N so it can be open to everyone. You also don’t have to send anything about yourself, unless it has something to do with the story line (Ex: Your superpower for the Marvel/Dc universe, your godly parents for the Percy Jackson/HOO universe, etc.)  If you don’t send me anything like that, I can choose for you. I can also do a character/person x an oc (original character) if you want!
Submit Stuff:
You can also submit things, like art and stuff! I guess you can send requests there, but please try to send requests through my request tab instead. 
I think I covered everything! If you are one of the brave people who read this WHOLE thing, I salute you! Now you know a lot about my blog! Thank you so much, and if you do decide to check me out, I love you already. Keep the requests coming! Until I get some, I will write my own things as a sample. If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me! I will definitely write back soon, since I’m on this website all the time. Thank you all sooooo much!
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