glitchy-anime-fan · 2 months
Athena when Odysseus doesn’t listen to her and something goes wrong:
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(Mattei Athena at Louvre. Roman copy from the 1st century BC/AD after a Greek original of the 4th century BC attributed to Cephisodotos or Euphranor.)
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glitchy-anime-fan · 2 months
Poseidon said calmly.
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glitchy-anime-fan · 2 months
This might be just me, maybe I’m missing something, but I feel like some people who criticise EPIC!Odysseus for killing an infant but drawing the line at sleeping with Circe might not be taking into consideration how literally every event Odysseus has face since Troy has affected him as a person and how much guilt he’s continually facing.
To preface; THIS IS NOT ME HATING ON OTHER FANS!! I’m not trying to bully anyone or make fun of anyone, this is just something that has been in my head and I need to rant about it. This also only pertains to EPIC’s depiction of Odysseus, not any other interpretation of the character/story!
[minor grammatical edits made on 2/25/2024)
I saw a discussion on here the other day where the parties involved were talking about the changes made between the original Homeric story and EPIC. One of the main points of contention that I remember was how one of them said it rubbed them the wrong way that Odysseus was fine with killing an infant but didn’t want to sleep with Circe. I can totally understand why this may be an odd choice of morality to make, however, we have to keep in mind that the Odysseus from the Troy Saga is VERY different than the Odysseus in the Circe saga. Troy Saga Odysseus appears to be far more confident in himself and his plans; one could even argue that he’s a bit cocky. As stated by Odysseus in the ocean saga, NONE of his own men died in the battle which would add to Odysseus’ confidence and pride. This is vastly different than the grief stricken Odysseus later in the story, but more on that later.
Now the infant scene in question doesn’t necessarily set in stone Odysseus’ moral/ethical code; one could say the situation itself is an ethical dilemma (a problem with no one right answer). Odysseus is told by Zeus, king of the gods, that if he doesn’t kill Hector’s baby than Odysseus’ entire family (perhaps even kingdom) is in grave danger. However, Odysseus doesn’t make a decision right away, I’m mean the entire second song of the saga is Odysseus mulling over his options; kill an infant or risk his families safety. Neither option is preferable and I think “Just a Man” is meant to show that Odysseus isn’t a man who would readily kill a child, no questions asked, just because he was told to. In “The Infant and the Horse” Odysseus is ready to comply until he discovers that the “foe” he’s meant to kill is an infant. I mean, he literally pleads with Zeus to give him another option;
I could raise him as my own (He will burn your house and throne)
Or send him far away from home (He'll find you wherever you go)
Make sure his past is never known (The gods will make it known)
I'd rather bleed for ya, down on my knees for ya (He's bringing you down on your knees for ya)
I'm begging please
Oh, this is the will of the gods
Please don't make me do this, don't make me do this
This part alone shows that Odysseus is, in fact, NOT fine with killing a child. Again, the second song in the saga is Odysseus going over his options and even asks for forgiveness when he finally makes his decision. I don’t know about you all, but I don’t think someone who’s okay with killing a child would ask for forgiveness. In this situation it’s very likely that Odysseus made the choice to protect his family and kingdom above all else, which I feel like is a valid choice in this situation. Odysseus was told, by a god, that him and his family would be killed should the baby live, I highly doubt Odysseus at this point was readily willing to try and call Zeus’ bluff.
It’s also not like the action didn’t affect Odysseus later. Again, I’m sure someone who wouldn’t have a guilty conscience about such a heinous act would ask for forgiveness. Similarly, two songs later in “Open Arms”, Polites brings up Odysseus’ guilt at the end when he says “I see in your face, there is so much guilt inside your heart”. Odysseus is clearly guilty about what he’s done, once again reinforcing that he is not “okay with killing an infant”. You can also pick up on it in the way Jay sings Odysseus’ songs following “Just a Man”; Odysseus seems to be more distracted or distant likely due to the shock of his own actions.
Similarly, we have to take into consideration literally every new traumatic incident Odysseus is faced with between the Cyclops and Ocean sagas. In the Cyclops Saga, Polyphemus kills a large number of Odysseus’ crew which would make this the first heavy loss Odysseus’ army would have faced since the war. I can imagine that this loss would have been a huge blow to Odysseus’ pride given the fact that none of his men died in the war. Similarly, since Odysseus is their captain and king, it’s fair to assume that Odysseus may see the deaths as his fault adding to his guilt.
Not only does he lose many in his crew, Odysseus also loses his best friend Polites which greatly effects Odysseus throughout the rest of the musical. In “Keep Your Friends Close” when the crew is scheming to open the bag of wind from Aeolus, they say “Everything's changed since Polites,” referring to how much Polites’ death not only effected Odysseus but also the crew. Odysseus becomes more and more closed off and distrusting which makes sense since it seems Polites was the one that mainly pushed Odysseus to be more open. This is another death that Odysseus can tack onto the growing list of reasons his guilt is eating him alive.
Side note: Odysseus also looses the support of Athena, his patron goddess following “My Goodby”. Athena has been someone who we can assume (given Athena’s story during “Warrior of the mind”) has been guiding Odysseus since he was a child so, even if Odysseus is no longer happy with Athena’s view on being a good warrior, it likely hurt him on some level to loose her. We have to keep in mind; Odysseus also thought of Athena as a friend not just a goddess and has thought this way since he met Athena. If we assume that Athena and Odysseus have never had a fight this bad until “My Goodby” then I think it’s fair to say that the outcome of the fight would negatively impact Odysseus. He may be too prideful to admit it at the time, but I can only imagine how awful it would feel to loose the support of a friend and patron deity at the same time.
I think one of the biggest blows yet for Odysseus comes during “Ruthlessness” when Poseidon and/or the Laestrygonians sink and kill everyone but Odysseus and his immediate crew mates (as in, the crew on Odysseus ship as apposed to those on the other twelve ships). As I mentioned earlier, throughout the ten years Odysseus and his army were in Troy not one of his men died. This changed when they faced Polyphemus, and only worsens when Poseidon attacks. Odysseus goes from having a crew of 600 (at the start of the musical) to 43 following this attack. Not only does he loose nearly all his men, it’s directly Odysseus’ fault it happened in the first place. Poseidon tells Odysseus directly that they “totally could have avoided all this had [Odysseus] just killed [Poseidon’s] son”.
Had Odysseus just listened to Athena at the time and killed Polyphemus, there would have been no one left to tell Poseidon about the attack; the god likely wouldn’t have known. Likewise, had Odysseus not let his hubris get the better of him and not told Polyphemus his full name, even if Poseidon found out his son had died or was left blind, he wouldn’t have known who did it. The whole situation is directly Odysseus’ fault and Poseidon is very clear in letting him know that. This obviously is going to add to Odysseus’ guilt exponentially since this time it truly was his own actions that lead to this scenario. Not to mention that had Odysseus just apologised, Poseidon might have been gracious to the crew.
Now there’s no saying what that would look like for Poseidon, maybe he would have only sunk one or two ships or maybe he was lying, who knows. The main point is that Odysseus was given another chance to get out of this peacefully, but he can’t swallow his pride long enough to say “I’m sorry”. Odysseus instead tries to talk his way out of it and Poseidon isn’t having it; this is another instance of Odysseus’ actions resulting casualties. All of this happens before the Circe saga mind you.
So let’s review all the instances that would be causing Odysseus guilt so far:
He’s been forced to kill a child to save his family and kingdom
He’s lost his best friend and a chunk of his crew to Polyphemus
He’s lost the support of his patron goddess who he has also seen as a friend since childhood
He’s lost 90% of his crew (give or take) due to his own actions
You cannot look at this and tell me that it would not greatly affect your mental health in any way. Odysseus is being weighed down by an immense about of grief and guilt as the story continues. It gets to be so much that in Puppeteer Odysseus tells Eurylochus that while he would like to leave Circe’s island, he can “hardly sleep now knowing everything [they’ve] done”, directly referring to the guilt that keeps weighing on his mind. By this point in the story Odysseus is so wracked with guilt that he would rather risk his own life to save the few men he has left that add anymore to his guilty conscience.
I see this as one reason why Odysseus rejects Circe’s advances. Odysseus went to save his men who were transformed because he already can’t sleep and doesn’t want to add any more guilt onto his mind. Do we really think he would change this stance just so he could sleep with a goddess? The thought of cheating on Penelope would likely cause Odysseus just as much guilt as leaving his men. This situation poses a similar dilemma to the very beginning of the story; Odysseus can either comply and free his men or not. In this moment Odysseus is in a lose-lose situation, however, he doesn’t let that stop him from trying to essentially create a third option that doesn’t add to his guilt.
And he’s successful this time.
Unlike he pleaded with Zeus, is seems that for one reason or another Odysseus is successful in pleading with Circe; he is able to create a third option for himself and his crew. He’s able to create a reality where his remaining crew survives and Odysseus doesn’t add anymore to his guilt.
Again, this is not about the original story, or other interpretations, this is solely based on what we know from EPIC. In short; Odysseus pleaded and begged with Zeus not to make him kill Astyanax, to give him a third peaceful option but failed. Odysseus is given a whole song about his own moral struggle in the options given to him and is then haunted by the guilt of his actions. He is then faced with the death of his crew due to his own actions, becoming not only a point of further guilt but also a shot at his pride. Odysseus looses Athena’s favour and looses Polities. While Odysseus may have begun to cave to Circe, I believe it was ultimately his love for his family and his desire to not add to his guilt that made him reject Circe.
Odysseus was never okay with killing an infant, he felt guilty likely from the moment he made his final decision. By the time he meets Circe, Odysseus would rather attempt to talk his way out (something that hasn’t actually worked till now) than add to his guilt. I’m truly not sure what I’m missing that, in the context of the musical, this isn’t obvious. Maybe it’s because I’m taking EPIC as its own story and not a one-to-one with the source material, who knows.
Sorry this got really long, I just needed to get it out somewhere before it plaques my mind anymore. Once again, I’m not trying to hate on anyone or bully anyone, this is just my own opinion on the matter!
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 months
Sinners aren’t the only ones who can be overlords (theory)
I’m not sure if anyone else noticed this (hopefully I’m not late to this idea) but I’m pretty sure overlord status isn’t solely given to sinner demons. I'll be focusing on Rosie and Carmilla but I'm also going to include other characters for comparison sake. I'm also going to reference the Wiki page for the characters as well as things that Faustisse has said in the past while they were still working on the series. Take these with a grain of salt, this is just a theory after all, if I'm proven wrong by the show then so be it lol.
I've seen some talk in the fandom regarding not only Carmilla and her daughters but also Rosie and the residents of Cannible Town. I think the biggest thing I've seen is people being confused as to how Carmilla could have daughters since sinner demons cannot reproduce. A lot of the confusion is regarding how Carmilla could have daughters if she's a sinner given the reproduction issue. I think one of the popular theories is that Odette and Clara happened to die as adults and reunited with Carmilla in hell which makes sense if we are looking at them as sinners. However, while I was looking at the wiki page for Rosie I noticed a pattern with the other characters; their species are typically specified as more than just "demon" if applicable. For example; Moxxie, Milly, and Blitzo are all specified as "imp demons" while Alstor, Vox, and Valentino are specified as "sinner demons" showing that they are different.
(Below is screenshots of the wiki pages from each character mentioned above so you can see what I mean)
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Similarly, if we look at Stolas, Charlie, and Octavia, their wiki pages have them labelled as just demons, with no specification, however, we know all three of them are hellborns.
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Now I bring this up because if we look at Carmilla and her daughter's Wiki pages, they are denoted as a demon with no further specification.
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If we are to take this in the same context as Stolas and Charlie, it's a fair assumption to make that they are all hellborn demons. We don't exactly know how many different subspecies of hellborns there are aside from the ones that have been shown in Helluva Boss. To quote the HH wiki describing the hierarchy, hellborn demons include "Succubi and Incubi, among other unknown demon species of Hell". Who's to say that Carmilla and her daughters aren't part of this unknown subspecies of demons? This I think could help explain how Carmilla has two daughters as a demon.
Now in episode seven, we do see that Carmilla and her daughters were attacked by exorcists. As part of the extermination deal between Lucifer and Heaven, the exorcists are not allowed to kill hellborns. If this is the case, why would the exorcists attack Carmilla? Well, there could be a few reasons. The first reason could be that the exorcists mistook Carmilla and her daughters as sinners. Who knows how much the exorcists are taught about demons and the differences between hellborns and sinners. It could be that these angels mistook them as sinners whether it be because Carmilla looks similar to other sinners, or the exorcists were just caught up in th moment and attacked and demon who passed by. We could also guess that most angels just assume that all the demons in Pride are sinners since it seems that most hellborn demons originate from other rings.
On the other hand, perhaps the exorcist just didn't care. Who knows how long Adam had been planning to move up the exterminations. Who knows how the other exorcists see the exterminations from an individual standpoint. Lute obviously has her own opinions of demons and the exterminations so who knows what the other angels feel. These could have been exorcists who didn't care about the deal. Maybe they thought because they're angles they're better than demons and could perhaps get away with killing a hellborn (the hubris am I right?)? Maybe they thought they could come up with some kind of excuse to get themselves out of it. Who knows.
In a similar vein, I've seen once or twice people on Twitter talk about how the cannibals in Cannibal Town all look relatively similar despite it being shown that sinner demons have unique demon forms (obviously with some similarities if it's between families like Angel and his brother/father for example). I think I saw one tweet suggesting that the cannibals are another subspecies of hellborns (I unfortunately only saw it in passing and don't know the user off the top of my head) and I actually think this could have some merit to it.
Jumping back to the wiki pages, if you look at Rosie's page she also has the "demon" title without any sort of additional specification. Already this matches with what I mentioned at the very beginning regarding Charlie and Stolas. Faustisse also mentions that Rosie didn't die (it's included in Rosie's trivia section) alluding to the idea that she is, in fact, a hellborn demon.
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Likewise, while I was looking at the wiki page for Cannibal Town, I noticed this little gem in the trivia section. I think it's safe to assume that the reason all of the cannibal demons look the same/similar is that they are just another subspecies of demons native to Pride. This, again, can explain how there are children in Cannibal Town despite sinners not being able to reproduce; none of them are actually sinners.
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Now why do I bring this up? Well for two reasons; one it's just kind of cool to know that sinners aren't the only demons who can potentially gain overlord status. This means that, in theory, other hellborns could also gain higher status if they can make deals and collect souls. There is actually a good chunk of overlords that aren't specified as sinners, such as Velvette and Zestial alongside Carmilla and Rosie. As far as I can tell only Alastor, Vox, and Valentino are sinner demon overlords (we could also include Husk if we take into account that he used to be an overlord before the events of the show). This is just a cool little detail that I didn't catch at first that could end up being important or not important at all later in the show. And again, it can also show that those in the lower ranks of the hierarchy could potentially move up in status, not just the sinners.
The second reason I am bringing up this theory is that it adds another layer to Alastor's plan during the finale. So in the last episode, Alastor brings Charlie to Rosie to ask for assistance in fighting Adam. Now on the surface, we could read into this as Alastor knows Rosie will help because they're friends and he knows she'd be willing to support Charlie. This did likely play a part in why Alastor chose to go to Rosie.
However, if the cannibals are hellborns then perhaps he thought that the hotel would get some kind of win no matter what happened. I mentioned before that as part of the agreement for the exterminations to happen the exorcists can't kill hellborns. Perhaps Alastor took into account that with the cannibals around, the angels would have a harder time getting to the hotel as they would be trying to avoid killing demons that they aren't allowed to kill. This would allow the others more chances to sneak in and kill the exorcists while they're distracted.
On the other hand, he could have assumed that if the exorcists or Adam didn't care about the deal anymore then they would get in major trouble with the rest of Heaven for killing the cannibals. One way or another the Hotel is getting some kind of upper hand in the fight regardless; either they have a way to distract the angles or they put the angels in a position where they get in trouble later.
I tried looking back in the episode to see if any of the cannibals actually died and I couldn't see any. Perhaps it was just for the ease of animating or because it wasn't a huge focus in the battle so the effect the battle had on the cannibals just wasn't shown. Though, if I had to guess since Lucifer didn't show up until after Dazzle died and Charlie was in real trouble then none of the cannibals were injured or killed.
Overall I just think this is kind of a cool theory that I think adds some depth to the characters and/or their actions. Again, this is also just a fan theory so please don't take it as gospel. If anyone on the Hazbin team comes out and expands more on the cannibals and Carmilla that completely contradicts this then it is what it is! This was just something that I noticed today while I was working on a different Hazbin post and I had to write it somewhere lol.
sorry this got super long, I hope it makes sense. Sometimes I have trouble articulating my thoughts when I have ideas like this lol.
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 months
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I caved and made a Hazbin Hotel oc 🫣
Say hello to Belladonna, aka the Trickster Demon!
Credit to @cheseely for this lovely fanart they made that I referenced for the pose! I’m not familiar with the character, but I was really vibing with their art style 😌💕
(More info and bonus doodle under the cut)
So just a couple little things about Bella I'm going to add before I get into her background and such:
Bella is cisgender and uses she/her pronouns
She is also Demiromantic Asexual and is in a QueerPlatonic relationship with Alastor.
Bella is an overlord in Hell but doesn't often attend meetings b/c she can't stand Valentino
Bella runs a section of territory called “Sin Row” which is essentially a large entertainment district. The businesses in the strip range from speakeasies to host/hostess clubs to bars and more. It’s also comprised of both modern and “old-timey” spots likely to attract more customers.
She favours hard liquors like whisky and bourbon, though seems to only like bottles that have reached their peak age (12 years for Whiskey, 15 years for Bourbon). She also appears to enjoy red wine.
When alive, Bella's family were known bootleggers, as they lived during the prohibition, though Bella seems to dislike alcohol that has been diluted, even when she was alive.
Bella’s nickname comes from the fact that she was notorious for lacing food and drinks with a potential mixture of deadly nightshade to eliminate enemies. Ironically, Bella would die by being poisoned.
In life, Belladonna’s name was Allegra Falcone and was the only child of a New York Mafia leader in the 1920’s however, she died before the peak years of Mafia activity. She came from an Italian-American family who lived in and worked out of Brooklyn, New York.
While Bella’s father technically ran the group, many would say Bella was the one who pulled the strings. Bella is a very intelligent, sly, and calculating person which lead to her father often times listening to Bella’s suggestions above anyones. This is mainly because she’s proven that her plans not only work but are good for the families reputation. It’s rare that any of her plans backfired or cast the family in a bad light. Bella is also definitely a daddy’s girl, having been a lot closer to her father in life than to her mother. Bella, however, doesn’t act spoiled or bratty like your typical daddy’s girl; I imagine her father valued hard work and despite spoiling Bella from time to time, he still tried to instil the value of hard work into his daughter.
As Bella's father got up in age, Bella would often take over as a makeshift leader. because of her closeness with her father, none of the other mobsters questioned this. However, some would say that Bella was manipulating her father for a long time so that she would one day be chosen to take over the crime family when her father eventually passed. This would lead to her being called a "fox" due to her sly personality and intelligence. Bella also had an overall mischievous and playful personality which played into her being likened to a fox. This is also why her demon form is based on a fox rather than a spider, like Angel and his family.
In life and in death Bella and Alastor are good friends. Bella would visit New Orleans at least once or twice a year (sometimes more depending on how busy she is) to spend time with Al. I imagine they would go out drinking together when Bella would visit, likely visiting Mimzy’s club more often than not. They also have a lot of similar interests such as enjoying jazz, dancing, hard liquor, cooking, etc.
I also have this stupid little headcanon that Alastor was the Axeman of New Orleans (check out this post for more) before changing his MO and I imagine that’s how they first met in person. Bella would have known of Alastor through his radio show which Bella often listened to, however she only knew of his name.
Ngl, Bella was just in a silly goofy mood when she decided she wanted to go to a town that had an active murderer walking around just to meet her favourite radio host 🤷🏻. Bella absolutely finds the Axeman letter really funny because of how it’s worded and she likes to tease Alastor about it. She doesn’t do it constantly, but if she can make a reference to it somehow she will.
I should also mention that while they were both alive, Belladonna was only a year or two younger than Alastor. However, Belladonna died six years prior Alastor so there is now a larger age gap between them.
Similar to Alastor, Belladonna isn’t a huge fan of modern technology. However, she doesn’t seem to despise it like Alastor does likely because the entertainment district under her control includes very modern establishments. The more modern the club/bar/arcade/etc the more necessary modern technology becomes. Bella will admit that she doesn’t really understand it, and outside of the modern locations, she doesn’t put technology in the places like speakeasies. The closest thing to “modern tech” that she has at these places are security cameras. The club that she personally operates and uses as her base of operations has security cameras alongside a panel of tv’s connected to the cameras so she can monitor things but that’s about it. Bella also owns a smartphone at the suggestion of one of her employees, however she doesn’t really know how to use it. Angel has shown her how to text, take photos, and make phone calls with it, but Bella is uninterested in social media. She literally just uses her smartphone to call people and take pictures 🤧. She does have people who have been hired specifically to make sure all the modern tech is working right and is up to date.
Aside from valuing hard work, Bella views promises very highly. She despises promises breakers and has been known to never break a promise herself. Because she takes promises very seriously, punishments to breaking one are severe especially if one were to break a promise made directly to Belladonna. This is tied directly with her death, as she was poisoned by someone who promised their loyalty to her only to betray her later.
Belladonna’s general personality is very laidback and fun-loving. I imagine her personality is somewhere between Lucifers and Rosie’s; she’s not quite as theatrical and silly as Lucifer but she does have a mischievous side. Bella enjoys joking around with others and often shows her affection through light hearted teasing. Aside from teasing Alastor, Bella has teased Angel for his thin figure while offering him something to eat (this was a one time joke). She also has a love for slight-of-hand/stage magic, being much more impressed by a simple card trick than by actual feats of magic. Husk has used slight-of-hand magic tricks to cheer up Belladonna in the past because he knows she enjoys it.
Likewise, Bella has a soft spot for children and has a motherly side to her. She currently has a young hellhound in her care and has been known to include places like arcades and themed restaurants into her territory to appeal to a younger audience. She’s also really good when it comes to respecting people’s boundaries (with the occasional exception). The biggest example is with Alastor. Bella can be a physically affectionate person -typically touching someone in some way or just standing near people she cares about- but she also knows that Alastor doesn’t like to be touched unless he’s initiated it. Because of this, she often waits for Al to welcome or initiate any sort of physical affection before touching him. She’s usually really good about this, however should she get excited (such as when she saw Alastor after his 7 year “sabbatical”) she may act more impulsively and hug Alastor without thinking first. I imagine that because they’ve been friends for so long and Alastor knows Belladonna is just happy to see him, he doesn’t mind all that much.
She’s also a very welcoming woman and seems to judge people as individuals rather than who they associate with. She was originally wary of Angel due to his association with Valentino, however it didn’t last long after seeing how much he also hates Val. I’m talking, within the same interaction Bella went from being wary of Angel to becoming very caring of him. Bella has even told Angel that, should he need to get away from Val, he is more than welcome to stay within her territory as Valentino is permanently banned from entering the strip.
She also seems to be rather neutral about Hell’s hierarchy. Aside from her having a young hellhound in her care, I imagine she does business outside of the Pride ring such as getting Beelzejuice (and perhaps other alcoholic beverages) from the Gluttony Ring or ordering toys and such from Lust to be used in her clubs. Because of this I imagine she employs both hellborn demons and sinners to work for her directly or in her businesses that way if she needs something from another ring she has people who can leave Pride. She typically hires hellhounds as bouncers, however, they are also hired to take over other jobs where they’re needed (ie. Bartenders, hosts/hostesses, managers, etc). Similarly, Succubi and even Imps can be found holding any working position in any of the establishments throughout Sin Row according to what spots need to be filled. Overall, as long as they are willing to work and aren’t causing trouble, Belladonna couldn’t care less where a demon sits in the hierarchy; she’ll hire whoever she thinks fits the position. She’s also known to treat all of her employees well, making sure they’re paid well, are respected, and have whatever they need.
The only jobs she’s more strick about filling are the spots directly under her within her mafia family. While her normal employees have the Mafia’s protection, they aren’t necessarily considered part of the family and they don’t have to sell their souls to Bella to work for her. The primary members are those who were part of the Falcone family while they were alive, those who have proven their loyalty to Bella, and the souls she currently owns through deals she’s made. Again, no matter what position they hold in the family, Belladonna treats everyone with respect unless they’ve done something to cross her.
Following that; Belladonna is typically an even tempered woman, however when angered she can become explosive. Bella’s club has a large picture window (you know, those windows that replace an outer wall) next to the front doors that have since been set with reinforced glass because she’s thrown tables through it when angry. During the Overlord meeting about the extermination (one of the few meetings Bella went to), Carmilla was relieved that she didn’t have to worry about Bella causing collateral damage as Valentino was not present.
In addition to her explosive temper, Belladonna can hold a nasty grudge. Valentino is the biggest example as Bella can’t stand to hear his name let alone be in the same room as him. I imagine, before his ban, Val would try to recruit Bella’d workers. But with Val being Val, he would become aggressive and violent when he was rejected by whoever he was trying to recruit which would obviously piss off Belladonna. She eventually got sick of the assaults and after a particularly nasty incident Bella permanently banned Valentino from her territory. Even to this day she can’t stand Valentino. In short; Valentino is to Belladonna as Vox is to Alastor.
Given that Helluva Boss and Hazbin are in the same universe, I wouldn’t be surprised if Belladonna and Crimson have some kind of rivalry or animosity going on between them. I can’t think of a specific reason they would dislike each other aside from them having a traditional mafia family rivalry. Or perhaps Bella dislikes Crimson as a person given he’s pretty chauvinistic and sexists; there’s likely been some incident between them where Crimson was sexists and he majorly offended Belladonna. Maybe he said something along the lines of not believing Bella could be an overlord or be in charge of so many crime organisations (I imagine a lot of her deals were done with other mafia families or smaller gangs) because she’s a woman.
This got longer than I originally planned so here’s a little drawing I did of Alastor and Belladonna’s matching pun mugs 💕 I might post more about Bella on my main blog ( @glitchy-anime-fan ) for the sake of keeping my blogs consistent, but here’s what I have on Bella for now!
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 months
I’m currently working on a new new post for Bella (my Hazbin oc) but while it’s in the works I thought I would share two other oc’s I came up with! Neither of them are fully fleshed out but maybe talking about them will help me flesh them out more lol.
First one is my interpretation of the archangel Azreal! Azreal is of the older archangels (having been around before man was even created) and is Lucifer’s older sibling. I feel like Azreal and Lucifer would be on rather decent or good terms as I imagine they wouldn’t have immediately hated Lucifer after he fell. I can see Azreal themself being rather neutral about most things regarding heaven, earth, and hell and so they aren’t one to base their opinion on someone solely based on if they’re an angle or demon. For example; Azreal harbours a strong hatred for Adam because his personality annoys Azreal to no end however, they appear to be friendly with Charlie because of her sunny personality.
I also imagine Azreal, as the archangel of death, isn’t so much the stereotypical emo/edgy grim reaper type that death type characters usually are depicted as. I feel like Azreal may look scary or intimidating (they are quite tall as well) but really they’re just in desperate need of a pot of coffee and nap. Poor guys working 24/7 to record the names of newborn humans and escorting dead one to heaven and hell, they need a nap 🤧. I feel like Azreal is also super introverted, doesn’t talk much, and likes to be by themself more often than not which kind of plays into the rumour that they’re this edgy or cold angel. I feel like Azreal was aware of the exterminations but didn’t approve of them. I feel like Azreal spends a lot of time on earth given their work and they see human souls as more than just “winners or sinners”. And on a more selfish level I can imagine the extermination days might affect Azreal’s work. Maybe new souls can’t enter hell during the exterminations or something which causes Azreals soul collections to back up. Can you imagine what mayhem could be done by a collection of sinners stuck on earth longer than they’re supposed to be? For the most part Azreal cares for their family and just wants to do their work on peace.
Oh, I also like the idea that the reason Azreal is mistaken for a grim reaper is because their normal outfit has a hood that they normally have up, but they also tend to wrap themself in their wings. Their wings are what gives them that sort of shapeless form that many grim reaper depictions have.
My second character idea is more for Helluva Boss but they’re set in the same universe so they’re being added with Azreal. I was watching the Nun and Nun 2 (those two spinoffs from the Conjuring universe) and was kinda inspired by Valac to make an Ars Goetia character of the same name. I only just came up with the idea of having a Valac inspired oc so I haven’t quite decided on if my Valac is going to be a sibling or cousin to Stolas or if he’s a Goetia demon separate from Stolas’s family. I’m also not sure about exact age but I’m thinking he’d be younger than Stolas given Valac is often described as a young boy. However, I do imagine that Valac would be a crow/raven styled demon. Since Valac was/is known to help find hidden treasures I imagine my Valac was from the Greed Ring but often travels around the other rings in search of hidden treasures and other secrets. I don’t think Valac would have a very stuck up or bratty attitude, rather he’s more curious than anything. I think he’d also be the kind of person to just know super random facts that he’d share with people randomly. He’s just an excited little guy who likes to collect things 🤧
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 months
Currently my favourite stupid little headcanon for Alastor is that he was the Axeman of New Orleans while he was alive, except he refuses to talk about it because he sees it as his like cringy and embarrassing early days of being a serial killer (particularly with the letter).
If my math is correct, since Alastor died in his 30’s-40’s, he would have been in his late teens-mid twenties when the Axeman was active (16-25 if we use 30-40 as our age caps) so I image this year of crime was Alastor experimenting with his MO and later decided that he could do better. He would have either gone dormant for a while to figure out how he wanted to go about his new MO, or he just became more focused on hiding his experimentations until he was more confident so perhaps it took a while for his new victims to be found. We don’t know much about Al’s canon crimes so this is is pretty open ended to allow for flexibility and such should we get more info.
However, I do think Alastor would find the letter he sent to the police to be super cringy when he looks back on it. He hates talking about those killings and would absolutely change the subject or ignore any questions completely.
I have an oc that I’ve been working on that was friends with Al when they were both alive and I love the idea that she likes to tease Alastor about the letter (both in life and death). Like they’re trying to make plans to meet up or something and her first response is to ask if he wants to “Jazz it on Tuesday” and Alastor just sarcastically laughs at her.
This is so stupid but it makes me laugh so I’m sharing it anyway 🤧
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 months
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bedtime story
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 months
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glitchy-anime-fan · 4 months
AHHH LOOK AT THEM!! 🤧🤧💕💕 I love them so much, thank you!!! 💕💕💕
Hello! I just wanted to start off by saying I adore your art and your TWST Ciel au! It makes me smile whenever I see a new post from you! 💕
If you’re still open to TWST Ciel interaction request I was wondering how you imagine a meeting between Ciel, Kalim, and Jamil would be like? I wonder if Kalim and Jamil would remind Ciel of Soma and Agni in a way, especially if Jamil ended up making curry buns at some point and shared one with Ciel? 🤔
Keep up the amazing work!
HI! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE!!!💗💖💗💖 And for the nice words, it makes me very happy!!😭💕💕💕
I think Ciel would have tried to tolerate Kalim but at some points he still broke down. Kalim could really remind him of Soma! "He's so loud and annoying, laughing all the time!🙄". BUT IF THEY GOT TO KNOW EACH OTHER BETTER... That would be lovely!!😭💗💔💗💔
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They could be somewhat similar. They are calm and want to be invisible to others (at least definitely Ciel). It seems to me that Ciel would really like Jamil, he could joke about him sometimes! Jamil sees Ciel as a younger brother, BUT he also takes him seriously. Jamil will keep an eye on him so that he doesn't do anything to Kalim, but Ciel himself doesn't want to be in Kalim's company, so Jamil isn't too worried😊
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glitchy-anime-fan · 4 months
I’m watching Forged in Fired and you can’t convince me that the Hephaestus cabin doesn’t have their own little Forged in Fire competitions every like month or so 🤧
Their judges would probably be comprised of a Hephaestus kid (to judge forging technique), an Ares kid (to do the practical judging like cut or strength tests), and an Athena kid (likely to check how closely the “finals” blades hold up to the historical blades they’re making, as well as other perimeter tests).
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glitchy-anime-fan · 4 months
PJO Series!Percy: I…got kicked out because they think…I attacked someone on the field trip…
PJO Series!Gabe:…did you win?
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glitchy-anime-fan · 5 months
Detail I noticed in the Ghost Hunt manga
Spoilers for the first “arc”/case file!
So I’m a big fan of Ghost Hunt, I’ve reread the manga a few times, I’m currently trying to read the light novel, and I watch the anime at least one a year. It’s my Roman Empire, what can I say?
Anywho, while I was rereading the first case file in the manga I noticed an interesting little detail i hadn’t noticed before; Naru is playing with a nail in the late beginning, early middle of the case that’s brought up by the end.
What do I mean by this? Well, after we’re introduced to our main cast of characters there’s an incident roughly between pages 80-84 where Ayako gets trapped in one of the old school house classrooms. Takigawa ends up having to break down the door because it won’t open.
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Followed by the scene where they’re trying to figure out what’s going on. At one point we get a close up of Naru as they’re talking about what each specialist theorised is happening. In this panel we actually see Naru holding the nail.
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Mai even makes an offhand comment about Naru “playing” with the nail-
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Before we see her thoughts on the matter, where she mentions the “locked” door on the next page.
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Now why is this important? How does this tie into the nail detail/forshadowing? Well, the thing is that nail is actually why Ayako got locked in the room in the first place.
Pretty much, by the end of the case we find out that Kuroda (the one who was unconsciously causing the poltergeist in the building) was getting back at Ayako for being rude to her the entire case. So she pretty much closed the door behind Ayako and stuck a nail in the floor so it wouldn’t open.
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Do we see where I’m going? That nail that Naru holds up, the one he thought “wasn’t important enough” to mention? Yeah, that’s the nail he’s holding earlier in the case! It’s such a small detail that on my first read I didn’t even make the connection at first, but it’s a pretty subtle foreshadow when you look back on it. I’ve definitely watched the anime more and I’m almost certain that Naru doesn’t have any nail on his person until the end of the third episode, which made this detail stick out when I actually caught it.
Idk I just love catching little details during rereads that I didn’t notice sooner. It’s such a fun little experience that makes me happy.
Fun fact: in the first case, Kuroda herself also kinda foreshadows the resolve of the story! We find out that Kuroda is the one behind the poltergeist, unknowingly, and if you pay close enough attention you start to notice that all the poltergeist activities only seems to happen when Kuroda is in the building. A lot of the earlier incidents are proven to be accidents until Naru gives his original theory on ground subsidence being the cause. After that Kuroda starts unconsciously creating the poltergeist activity, but either way the odd happenings - things that couldn’t be explained by the land sinking anyway- almost always happen when Kuroda is around. When she’s gone almost everything is else can be logically explained away.
If you stayed till the end of my little info dump on a series that I’m sure has been dead since the early 2000’s…have some tea and cookies!
☕️ 🍪🍪🍪🍪
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glitchy-anime-fan · 6 months
Miraculous and (maybe) BSD BEAST Spoilers
Idk what to actually name this, it’s just me ranting while comparing BSD Beast to Shadybug and Claw Noir 😅
So the other day I saw a video on tiktok where someone was complaining about the fact that the new miraculous world special is supposed to have a “reverse world” situation with are main characters and yet Chloe is still a bully in both. For a little context; in the special we learn that Shadybug/Other world Marinette became depressed due to Chloe’s constant bullying of Marinette and Mari didn’t have a close friend group to support her through it.
Now I can see where this person is coming from when you think of this other world strictly as a reverse world; Gabriel is good in this world while Mari and Adrien are bad. But when you think about the few characters we are introduced to/learn about in this world, I feel like it’s closer to the concept of the Bungo Stray Dogs BEAST light novel/manga spinoff.
For those who don’t know about BSD or this spinoff/AU; BEAST is a light novel turned manga series where a select few characters from BSD have switched places. Our protagonist Atsushi is a member of the port mafia and is an antagonist for most of the novel. Dazai is still in the mafia and becomes their boss rather than leaving and joining the Armed Detective Agency. Akutagawa, Atsushi’s mafia rival in the main series, is instead a member of the ADA alongside Odasaku.
Other then these characters, most of the minor characters stay relatively the same as their main universe counterparts with a few exceptions. Kyouka is still with the mafia and works alongside Atsushi (her job is mostly the same just with a slightly different backstory and design). Gin, Akutagawa’s sister, is still with the mafia but works as a secretary and has a strained relationship with her brother (again she also has an altered design). But other than that, Chuuya’s position is the same (Mafia executive, loyal to Dazai, etc), and most of the ADA members are the same other than tweaked designs or minor personality changes.
Now my character comparisons are far from 1:1 BUT for the sake of the argument this is how I’m separating the characters:
Akutagawa is Gabriel/Hawkmoth/Hesperia
Atsushi is Shadybug/Ladybug
Chuuya is Chloe
The ADA members are Alya and Nino
Note: I didn’t add Chat Noir/Claw Noir because I’m talking specifically about Chloe’s role in comparison to Chuuya’s role in their respective worlds. Claw/Chat is not affected by Chloe in EXACTLY the same way as Shady/Lady (claw noir as a completely different “villain origin story”, chat/Adrien is not as heavily bullied by Chloe)
In this argument think of the characters above as being in the same place:
In the main stories/universe
Akutagawa/Gabriel are seen as “villains” or antagonists to our main characters for the most part.
Atsushi/LB are considered our “hero’s” or protagonist for the majority of the series.
The ADA/Nino and Alya are secondary characters who aid/help/support our protagonist in some way.
Chuuya and Chloe are secondary characters that typically cause some sort of conflict in one way or another to the protagonist and their allies.
In the alternate universe (BEAST/SB&CN)
Akutagawa/Gabriel have switched and taken on the “hero” or protagonist role
Atsushi/Shadybug have switched and taken over the “villain” or antagonist role
The ADA/Alya and Nino, while having changes in character designs, are still seen aiding our protagonist as allies (the ADA to Aku, Alya & Nino to Gabriel)
Chuuya/Chloe retain their roles as secondary antagonists is some aspect; Chuuya is still an executive of the port mafia and is loyal to Dazai (the leader of the mafia who also controls Atsushi). Chloe is still her bully self (as far as we know) who has pushed Shadybug/Marinette to become a villain
Pretty much what I’m getting at is that, when put in comparison to a series like BEAST, the SB & CN universe IS NOT a direct reverse world when you really look at it. It’s more of an “our main characters are reversed while the secondary characters are the same give or take”. I can see why people are confused or maybe frustrated given that it seems the alternate world in the special was framed as a reverse world, but when you look at what we’re given it really isn’t.
Like I said, Shadybug’s universe seems to align more closely to the BEAST universe where only certain characters are reversed. Of course we don’t have much to go one, but this is how I think about it from the tidbits we are given in the special. I mean at the end of both series, Shadybug and BEAST!Atsushi are no longer seen as villains. BEAST!Astushi is freed from the port mafia and Dazai’s control, instead taking up residence with BEAST!Mori at the orphanage. Shadybug is given a new sense of hope by Ladybug leading to the start of Shady’s redemption. So it truly isn’t a total reverse world AU in my opinion.
This is getting kind of long and Idk how else to frame my thoughts so imma leave it here. Sorry if it’s kinda ranty and I hope it makes sense. I can try to clarify stuff if anyone has questions, but it’s been a hot minute since I’ve read the BEAST light novel so hopefully I’m not too off.
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glitchy-anime-fan · 6 months
Shadybug and Claw Noir spoilers!
So I just finished watching the new Miraculous special and, whether it’s intentional or not, I love the idea that Shadybug and Claw Noir modelled aspects of their new suits off of our Ladybug and Chat Noir b/c those two helped them see that they could be better.
(I’m gonna call the reverse world pair Shadybug and Claw Noir for sake of readability and not getting them and LB/CN confused)
The main thing I noticed is both of their hairs (colour and/or style) are now similar to their main world counterparts.
Take Shadybug for example; her original design had her in twin buns, but after she’s redeemed thanks to our Ladybug she now sports the classic pigtails. While I do like the buns, I think the pigtails could be seen as a symbol of her desire to be good while the buns could be a reminder of her time as a villain.
The first step for both of them is so change their outward appearances and then work to change themselves as individuals.
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Similarly we see that when Claw Noir changes his costume, his hair changes from green to blonde like Chat Noir’s. While he doesn’t change his hair style, I think that the colour change for Claw Noir could show the same symbolism that I mentioned with Shadybug. Claw Noir is also seen with a new bell; he now has a bell resembling Chats instead of the spiky bell from before.
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There are other little things, like Shady and Claw’s eyes changing to their natural colours (and appearing like Ladybug and Chat Noir’s) and the lack of lipstick, but those could have other explanations. The eye colour thing could just be an automatic change to show that they are no longer evil. I think the lipstick thing could either be for the same reason or because they are no longer being damaged by the miraculous.
Whatever the reason, I just love this idea that they took inspiration from the people who showed them hope. Not only that, but these could be things that can remind Shady and Claw about their friends in the other world who believe in them, continuing to inspire them to grow as people and better themselves and others!
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glitchy-anime-fan · 6 months
you think you might continue your BSD language headcanons?
So fun fact, the rats/decay of angles post has been sitting in my drafts for like a year now 😅
I had moved on to other things at the time and I’m definitely not caught up with the manga or anime so I just haven’t thought about it. There’s a chance that I might go back to it, but at the moment I don’t know how up to date the original draft is. I’ve slowly been getting back into the series but I don’t want to make any promises for the time being. Sorry 😭
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glitchy-anime-fan · 7 months
Imagine; Pandora’s box where everything’s the same except the box/jar contains a glitter bomb made of super fine micro glitter
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