#i know that with the way Ranboo's tail is so thin he absolutely would have lost it in the explosion
feminetomboy · 2 years
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Ranboo jumped.
At long last, the beeduo zine is out!! Here's the link in case you wanna see the whole thing :)
I wanted to draw Tubbo patching up Ranboo. I think we generally talk about Ranboo patching up him or just helping him with his scars, but I wanted to explore a more somber look at the alternative. What I couldn't draw was the faint sound of the radio in the background, the host rambling about stars and our existence between them. What I couldn't draw was the warmth of the bathroom, so that none of them would be cold. What I couldn't draw were the apologies muttered into Tubbo's hair...
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ramzawrites · 4 years
Ok I have coffeed up 🦀🦀🦀
Could I request a fic about a Male Reader Border Collie Hybridbeing hired to look after the pets of the Syndicate while theyre at a meeting? Having to feed every single dog, Ranboos cat, Carl, the parrots, Steve the bear, etc? Trying to wrangle the foxes because theyre trying to eat poison potatoes, shooing zombies off the turtle eggs? -🌱🌟
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The Syndicate’s Pet Sitter - BorderCollie!Hybrid!Reader
Pairings: none
Characters included: Technoblade, Philza, Ranboo, Nihachu
Warnings: n/a
Series: A request for my beloved 🌱🌟<3
Summary: The Syndicate is meeting up early in the morning and didn’t have the chance to feed their pets yet. Luckily Y/N who lives there as well but isn’t part of the Syndicate can take care of them. And no that is totally not because Border Collies are good herding dogs.
Words count: 4732
Authors Note: I just noticed I missed the foxes oh no ;_; Why do the Syndicate have so many pets I swear! I hope you guys enjoy this! Esp you 🌱🌟 since you requested it! I also haven’t had the chance to properly look over it look for typos, I apologize! I’ll deal with that as soon as I can! Also thanks for the prompt 😌 I have a weakness for animals and dogs
The chest let out a strained creak as Technoblade closed it for what felt like the hundredth time. He was preparing for the next meeting of the Syndicate and this time he, as well as Phil, had actually planned a few things other than just showing the newest members where the headquarters were and setting up the rules for the organization.
While both men were busy running from chest to chest collecting materials and writing down information into books, they were accompanied by a soft rhythmic thud as well.
That sound came from Y/N. More specifically his tail swishing up and down as he was sitting in front of a window on the windowsill. Watching peacefully as the two went about their business.
Y/N was a Dog Hybrid. A Border Collie Hybrid to be specific. He has been technically living with Techno and Philza for a while now but Techno liked to act as if he was just some stranger to him.
When Y/N first came to the SMP Philza and Techno were the first people he met and ever since then he has gotten quite attached to them.
At first Techno tried to get rid off him, especially since he always gave him wishy washy answers concerning his opinions on governments but Y/N wouldn’t let himself get spooked off that easily and even begun building his own little home close to them without asking. At that point Techno had to accept defeat and let him begrudgingly stay.
Philza liked to poke fun at that fact but he also understood Techno’s caution. Though over time Y/N has shown to be a trusty ally that could keep secrets, even once leading people astray since they became dangerously close to their home. Because of that Philza brought once the idea up that maybe they should let Y/N join the Syndicate after all as well.
Of course Techno immediately shut down the idea for the simple fact that not once has Y/N ever clearly stated that he was against any kind of government. There was no point in arguing with the Pig Hybrid about this particular topic so Philza just dropped the issue altogether.
That said after Niki came over to join the Syndicate and Ranboo got roped in it as well, Y/N managed to at least learn of the name of the organization.
He even asked to join to which Techno just said “Prove to us you are an anarchist and maybe I will think about it.”
“So you are saying you just want me to tell you the things you want to hear in order to get in? Doesn’t seem that smart to me.”
Y/N would always pull out these snide remarks whenever that topic came up.
For some reason Y/N woke up early and found that both Philza and Techno got up early as well so he just let himself in, sat down next to the window and begun happily munching on some cold steak for breakfast.
Techno made a point of ignoring him only muttering something about a “damn mutt” under his breath while Philza was chuckling to himself. Y/N’s fluffy dog ears obviously picked up on it but the happy swags of his tail continued on, knowing that if Techno really was annoyed by him, he would have already intervened way back when he begun building his home.
Phil was rummaging through a chest, trying to find some extra paper only to suddenly stop moving and turn around to look at Y/N, his arms still in the chest.
“Y/N?” adding a whistle to ensure that he would gain his attention.
As a response the Dog Hybrid looked absolutely aghast “Did you just-? Did you just whistle at me? Did you, Philza, just whistle at me to get my attention? Like a dog?”
“Sorry, just kind of happened but since you are here I have a request for you.”
Now Technoblade stopped whatever he was doing as well to observe what was happening in front of him, curious what he was proposing. A smirk adorning his features knowing full well that Philza probably whistled on purpose seeing how Y/N was kind of an unwelcome guest right now.
“You can request but no guarantee I will fulfill your request, old man.” Y/N spoke through an exaggerated pout.
This only earned him a tired sigh from Philza “Yeah, Yeah. As you can see we are up early for a reason but this also means we didn’t have the chance yet to feed the animals. Could you feed them all and make sure they’ll be alright while we are gone? You know how this place can get with pets.”
“All? Like all the pets? Like you want me to feed all the pets and take care of them?” Y/N was obviously intimated by the idea of the task judging with how his voice jumped up an octave to the end of the question. But who could blame him. Over time the group managed to amass a comical amount of pets which included a full hound army, polar bears, turtles, cows, Carl the Horse and in Ranboo’s case even parrots.
That reminded him.
“Does that include Ranboo’s bird and cat?”
“Does what include my bird and cat?” Suddenly the door swung open as Ranboo stepped inside Techno’s home. Cramping up the small cabin even more. The cold winter air only managing to sneak in for a short moment before he made sure to close the wooden door again.
Techno chuckled “We are asking Y/N here to feed our pets while we are busy at our meeting and to make sure they are safe while we are gone. He has time after all.”
Y/N’s shocked expression turned to a frown. Oh they did that deliberately alright.
Ranboo took a moment to take in the scene before he slowly nodded “Oh, if that is the case then I would actually really appreciate it if you could take a look at my parrot and cat. I haven’t had the chance to feed them yet since I ran out of seeds for the bird. Actually the reason I came over here was because I wanted to ask you guys if you had some extra.”
Techno’s smirk was ever present on his face as he motioned with his hand towards his mass of chests “Somewhere in there we have some but I’m sure Y/N will find them and take care of your pets as well.”
“Would you?”
Ranboo sounded so genuine and almost surprised by this that Y/N couldn’t come up with a snarky response but instead he looked defeated.
“I- alright. I will take care of your pets while you do your stupid Syndicate meeting.”
“We trained him well, Techno.”
“That we did, old friend.”
Now Y/N’s happy tail wagging did finally stop and he jumped up away from the window, surprising Ranboo in the process “You didn’t train me! I’m not one of your dogs!”
He knew they were joking but he still couldn’t let that stand.
Philza stepped closer to Y/N and put one of his hands on his head between his ears. Giving a short pat only to remove his hand again “Yes, we know. If that was true you would be listening to us at all times. Anyways, I spotted Niki outside and we are ready, so, we’ll be going. Make sure nothing happens to the animals! We are putting our trust in you!”
Before Y/N could protest or retract his agreement the group made sure to leave the little hut as fast as possible. Ranboo was very confused but still followed the others outside to loudly greet Niki.
Y/N himself was so bewildered by this whole situation he didn’t even make the effort to run out to greet Niki as well. Instead his thoughts begun to swirl around his new responsibilities.
What do Polar Bears eat? How is he going to feed all of the dogs? By Ender he hoped that Techno had all the necessary things in one of his chests.
That’s when a stray thought hit him “Did they hire me as pet sitter because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid? Did they seriously make me the pet sitter because Border Collie’s are stereotypically good herding dogs?”
That thought had to set in for a moment as he was asking himself if this seriously could be the case and knowing them that might have very well been a thought that crossed their minds. They all joked around about their hybrid parts but this was just ridiculous.
He didn’t know how yet but somehow he will make sure that the damn Pig and the Birdbrain will get this back tenfold. Ranboo was okay in Y/N’s book since he mostly got pulled into this by the others but even then he was still on thin ice.
“I better get going.” He whispered in order to try to pull himself out of his thoughts.
First on the agenda were the Polar Bears. Mostly since he wasn’t exactly sure how to go about it and just wanted to get it over with but also one of the Bears was laying inside the hut. Snuggling close to the fire place.
That polar bear was Steve and Techno often made comments of him being his emotional support animal and at this point Y/N just believed him. With Techno who knew at this point.
Well what would Steve eat? Just some meat?
How he didn’t immediately come to that conclusion he didn’t know but better late than never.
Y/N excitedly rubbed his hands together. Time to snoop through Techno’s things. No way in hell is he going to use his own resources to feed their pets. Hence why he begun looking through Techno’s chests. Taking note of things like stray armor, golden apples and enchantment books.
Somewhere in a corner he found some cooked fish. Should be fine, right?
Taking a couple of fish he moved over to Steve who was still lazily draped on the ground enjoying the heat from the fire. Carefully and slowly Y/N put down a couple of fish in front of his big snout. His dog ears pressed down on his head as he stared rigidly at the bear. Hoping for the best.
Steve’s black nose begun to twitch. He slowly opened up his eyes and lazily begun nudging the food closer to his snout with his big paw. Snacking on the pile of fish.
“Okay? I’m guessing that’s fine? I think?”
Just to make sure he still threw more fish towards him and then made his way with a second pile outside where Ed was waiting for his food as well. Ed was way more active and often enough obstructs the way up the stairs that lead to both Philza’s and Techno’s house.
Philza was always annoyed at Ed because of that particular reason. Though today he was a good Polar Bear that was sitting next to the stairs staring at Ender knows what.
Y/N threw him his pile of fish and watched for a second as he happily begun munching on them.
“Guess I’m doing alright after all.”
Almost as if to answer the bear suddenly begun to move towards Y/N which made him panic. Stepping back, trying to understand what he was doing now. Sure the bears are cute but also big and dangerous if they wanted to be.
But Ed bowed his head down and softly pressed his head against Y/N’s chest.
“Is this a thanks, buddy? Aw, no problem.”
Tentatively Y/N placed his hand on the bear’s head to give him one or two scritches. To which Ed then let out a deep puff of air through his nose and immediately moved back to his food to continue his breakfast.
All the Polar Bears are fed. Now only the whole hound army, cows, parrot, Carl the Horse, Turtles and Enderchest the Cat were left. Oh by Ender. That is still a lot.
Y/N immediately ran back into Techno’s hut and begun to search through his chests again. Grabbing things like Seeds, Sea Grass, more fish and some steak.
The parrot and cat were the easiest to deal with first so he decided to run into Ranboo’s house. Even if just to avoid the cold outside for a tiny bit longer.
He climbed down the ladder and found the parrot patiently waiting for him. Excitedly squawking as soon as he saw him.
Placing the seeds in front of the animal Y/N took a good look at the colorful bird.
“How are you doing? Keeping Ranboo company? Making sure he isn’t feeling too lonely?”
“Company! Company!” Ranbird answered in a shrill voice only to continue picking up the seeds off the ground.
Y/N liked spending time with Ranboo. He was a bit of an enigma with his memory issues and interesting behavior at points but Y/N loved hanging out with him. He would always try to offer to play pranks on Techno but Ranboo was too apprehensive about it, not wanting to make the scary Pig Hybrid mad at him.
The two had a bit of a running joke going on where both Ranboo and Y/N would call the other weird. Ranboo for his weird behavior and Y/N for the simple fact that he apparently didn’t fear Techno at all. Philza and Ranboo having to mostly hold him back before he could seriously upset Techno.
“Enderchest? Come here!” Y/N called out and continued to do the typical mouth noises to attract cats. Luckily he did come around a corner.
Happily meowing when Enderchest saw Y/N. Chirping as he pressed his body against Y/N’s legs.
“See, you are a kitty and I am a dog hybrid but we like each other.” Was he still a bit salty about the fact that they most certainly chose him to take care of the pets due to his Hybrid side?
Yes. Definitely.
Sure, no one else was there who could deal with it but on the other hand normally they were always so prepared for everything so this must have been planned beforehand. They didn’t feed the animals on purpose because obviously he was there and had time.
A loud meow pulled Y/N back out of his thoughts again.
“Sorry, Enderchest. You are right it’s food time.”
He then took out two fish and placed it in front of the cat who immediately put them in his mouth and ran off with them. Probably to eat in peace.
Next on the list was Carl. If Y/N didn’t make sure that Carl was absolutely doing alright and was fed Techno would kill him. And while Y/N liked to joke with Techno and pretend that he wasn’t as dangerous as everyone else is treating him like, he also knew that Carl is so important to him that Techno let him get himself kidnapped by the Butcher Army for the horse’s safety.
Technoblade hid his horse behind a wall but Philza one day accidentally found it. Y/N immediately took the chance to build an actual hidden entrance. He liked being a bit of an annoyance for Techno but if he can somehow help out, he will.
Pressing a button on the stone wall gave away to the little stable he and Philza made for Carl.
Some Hay and other food was always ready for Carl so all Y/N had to do was put some of it in the tray and make sure he still had water. Everything seemed fine so Y/N took a second to pet him.
“No idea why Techno is so attached to you but you do seem like a good one. He protects you so you better make sure to not disappoint him as well.”
Carl neighed and nuzzled his nose into Y/N’s shoulder. Softly nabbing on the clothes which made the man laugh in return and softly shoved Carl’s face away from him.
“My clothes aren’t food, buddy!”
Luckily Carl didn’t continue to screw around and instead concentrated on his actual food.
The next pit stop were the turtles and cows. It was easy feeding them since you just placed down the food and then let them go about their day. No, the dog army would be a problem later. They might be war dogs but they were still playful dogs.
Y/N closed up the stable for Carl and made his way through the snow towards the cows first. Opening up a chest that stood close by. He placed it there a few days back with a ton of wheat. It was meant as way to help with the feeding. It was meant for the others since these cows didn’t belong to him but now he was stuck with the responsibility after all.
The cows were happily chewing on the food that Y/N threw into their enclosure and seemed to be doing alright as well so he moved on to the turtles.
For the turtles he actually had to get into the enclosure. Putting the kelp down near the water so the turtles inside the water could see him placing the food down as well. All the while he had to make sure to not accidentally walk on top of the eggs that some of these turtles have laid.
The animals themselves seemed to ignore Y/N. Just slowly crawling along the coarse sand or floating inside the water.
That’s when Y/N heard a groan from behind him. A groan he knew too well.
“Oh no you don’t!”
Y/N swiveled around and pulled out his netherite sword. A sword he made with the help of Philza. During his travels in the nether he found some ancient debris but since he never worked with that material he asked Phil for help. Which was also the reason why the purple sword was called Swordza.
“You helped me make it, I’m naming it after you.” He said to Philza’s dismay.
Right now though the reason why he turned around so fast was that he heard the familiar retching sound of a zombie. It was still early in the morning no surprise there that a loose zombie might be around the place.
Also no surprise that the zombie appeared around the turtle enclosure. For some reason they loved trampling down turtle eggs which was really just barbaric if you really thought about it. Beings that seemingly just wandered around the overworld with no goal but as soon as they spot turtle eggs they suddenly know exactly where to go. Well, besides when they find a human to attack.
The zombie limped towards the turtles.
Y/N didn’t wait long to react. He immediately took a running start and jumped over the fence. Striking down with his sword while he was landing, giving the attack a little more oomph. Together with the enchantments on the sword the zombie fell down into a burning mess. Gurgling sounds escaping it only to die down. A growl escaped Y/N’s throat as he stared at the dead mob.
“Nothing will happen to the little ones while I have anything to say about it!”
He took another sweeping look around the place but found nothing out of the ordinary. With a relieved sigh he put his sword back. The turtles were fed and safe.
Though as he looked around his eyes fell unto the hoard of dogs. All fenced in under a self-made roof. Most of the dogs were laying around either in a small pile or alone. Some were trotting around or even playing but it seemed like the dogs were still tired.
It was time to deal with them.
Y/N walked over to the dogs and as he stepped closer the animals immediately took notice of him. A few running over to him while others just patiently stared. As he got closer to the fence the nearest dogs put their front paws on the fence. Barking excitedly.
If Y/N went in like this some will run out and that was not something he wanted to deal with. There was still some adrenaline pumping through his veins from back when he spotted the zombie but he was still slowly beginning to freeze. Honestly he wanted to get through this fast so he can go back into his cabin and enjoy the warmth of his hearth.
Maybe even begin to plot on how to get back at the Syndicate for doing this to him.
But this wasn’t important right now.
Y/N let out a sharp and loud whistle “Away! Come one! Move out of the way!” He pointed to a corner and surprisingly the dogs seemed to understand that he wanted them away from the gates.
When he opened said gate the dogs patiently waited for him to move in and close it again before they suddenly begun to swarm him. Jumping up trying to lick his face or they began sniffing him out.
“Hey! Stop! I can’t feed you like that!”
He had a frown on his face but his tail was happily swinging from side to side as the dogs greeted him.
“Okay, stop! Sit!”
Luckily the dogs were well trained since they immediately sat down. Still panting in excitement and whining but now they weren’t trying to pull Y/N down to play with him.
In return Y/N got out the steaks out of his inventory and walked past the dogs. Giving each one of them their share. Whenever some dogs begun to scuffle over the food all Y/N had to do was to whistle or yell “Stop!” and they would listen.
Truthfully he feared that feeding the dogs would be the most difficult task of all the animals but as it turned out they listened to him rather well. It’s probably only because Techno trained them so well but still, maybe there is a way Y/N could use this power for himself.
It didn’t take long for Y/N to feed all the dogs but once he reached the last one the first dogs were already done eating and happily following Y/N around the fenced off area. Sometimes barking, hoping to get his attention. While his ears would always move in the direction of the barking dogs, he made  appoint to concentrate on the dogs that he was actually interacting with.
Though when he was done he finally turned around to look at the happy dogs “You guys are needy, did you know that?”
As if to answer a dog right in front of him sat down and woofed at him.
Y/N rolled his eyes and knelt down, scratching that one particular dog behind his ear “You little pooch.”
That was a mistake. A huge mistake.
As he went down and balanced on the front of his feet the other dogs saw their chance as he went down to their height, practically jumping on.
Startled the Hybrid let out a yelp as the dogs pushed him on his back. Licking his face or tugging on his clothes.
He tried pushing the dogs away from his face but it he was unsuccessful. For every dog he pushed away two new dogs would try to jump into that new space. Sadly also pushing the dogs away seemed to be something fun for them.
At some point Y/N managed to get back up but still got swarmed by the dogs. All the dogs now in a happy playful mood after having eaten. Y/N could just tell them off but everyone on the outside could see that he had fun as well playing and tussling with the dogs.
Over time that tussling just became the dogs jumping into Y/N arms so he could throw them a few feet away while simultaneously trying to not fall down as some dogs begun tugging on his clothes again. The longer it kept going the more tired he got which was hi downfall. Quite literally.
He fell over again and while the dogs swarmed around him they too were getting tired and just laid down next to him. Framing his body or just straight up laying on top of him, one dog even snuggled up to his head, ending up more as a pillow for him.
At first Y/N tried to struggle against being buried alive by the animals but as soon as he noticed the warmth engulfing his body instead of the cold harsh wind he accepted his fate.
After all he was done with feeding the pets.
“Horrible. Techno would be proud with how relentless you all are.” A yawn escaped his lips which seemed to infect a few of the dogs as well.
It really didn’t take long for him to fall asleep. It was warm, soft and he felt safe.
The meeting for the Syndicate took longer than expected. They spent way too much time trying to find a common goal to start with. They didn’t want to do something huge at the beginning but start small, something that would test their cooperation and teamwork.
Though after they finally found something and started planning a few hours had past and since both Ranboo and Niki apparently had people to meet they had to stop the meeting early.
“You think the animals will be fine?” Ranboo asked Philza as they stepped out of their hidden headquarters.
The older man just waved off his question “Ah, they will be fine! We rag on Y/N often but we can trust him with things like these. He’s a good one even if he absolutely refuses to give Techno a straight answer when it comes to governments. I do believe he is only doing that to annoy him though.”
As the group approached their home again everyone took a good look around.
“Well, everything seems normal.” Techno noted.
Niki scowled “Aw I had hoped to see him. I couldn’t even say hello when I got here.”
That’s when Ranboo stopped dead in his track. He wanted to go home to get ready for Snowchester but something inside the dog pen caught his attention “Oh by Ender! There is an arm! The dogs have an arm!”
The other three ran over, confused with what the hell he was talking about only to see he was right. There was an arm sticking outside of the dogpile. Why did the dogs pile up in the first place though?
Out of nowhere Phil snorted and pressed his hand against his chest and mouth. Trying to stifle a laugh.
Niki still looked shocked and worried, confused with Phil’s reaction “What? Philza, why are you laughing?”
“Let me show you. Y/N! Are you awake, mate?”
At first nothing happened but then suddenly the arm moved and retreated back inside the dogpile. Now the others understood what happened.
Both Niki and Ranboo looked a bit embarrassed that they genuinely thought that these dogs might have ripped off an arm and were now cuddling with it.
Techno stayed stoic as always. Folding his arms in front of his chest, waiting for Y/N to properly react.
“Y/N, come on!” Phil called out again.
A muffled groan came from the pile of dogs and Y/N’s head appeared as he sat up “What?” He whined “I was having such a nice dream!”
“Oh my- Y/N! Good morning!” Niki greeted the Hybrid happily.
In response Y/N got a bit out of his furry burial but still pulled one of the ferocious war dogs closer to himself, hugging it. His tail now out as well showing the others his happy mood as he slowly drifted off again.
“Hello, Niki.” He sounded still half asleep. At least the others assumed since his face was buried in the dogs grey fur.
“Y/N please get away from my hound army. They are bred to fight and kill not for hugs and naps.” Techno grumbled.
“Then why are they so comfy and love me so much. They love me so much more than you” He made sure to drawl out the word “love” to really hammer that fact in.
“Let’s make Y/N then our go to pet sitter.” Phil noted.
This seemed to wake up Y/N, he immediately looked up with a scowl “No! I am not going to be your pet sitter! You put me in that role in the first place because I’m a Border Collie Hybrid, or am I wrong? If it’s true that’s seriously screwed up, by the way!”
Techno sighed “Yep, there he is. Now he is awake alright.”
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enderwoah · 4 years
any seven-footers in chat??
literally is cared for by everyone
wilbur warning him that it’s raining up on the surface when he’s in a cave? phil telling him not to mlg water bucket?? the entire server collectively decided “this. this we must protect.”
mans makes the little vwoopy noises when he’s excited
he messes with the particles a lot, waving his hand through them and making them swirl
determined to make his and niki’s forbidden friendship work
has sworn that one day he’ll figure out how to visit niki’s house
oh yeah phil low-key adopted him
it just be like that sometimes
mans is LOuD, ANGRY, AND ON! FIRE!!
yes his hair WILL explode into flames like disney!hades when he gets super mad no i dont take critisism
he doesn’t actually get cold when he gets sad as one would expect
he just gets hotter and hotter as emotions grow
only time you’d ever find him cold is if he just didn’t care anymore.
but he’d be a broken, broken man before that happend!
often hides under trees with ranboo when it rains
(if anyone on the smp ever needs wood, they go to one of those two. they have literally every kind. in excess.)
similarly, they make fun of wilbur and niki (lightheartedly and jokingly, of course) being in the water when it’s daytime
which is fair because they make fun of those two in the rain
glub glub mfer
sis is somehow useless with a bow and arrow but will absolutely murk you if you give her a trident
basically kins ariel
has a collection of above sea-level stuff wilbur has given her
uses them to decorate
determined to visit jack someday
has fins and gills
the whole shebang
and just for funsies -- is an angler fish hybrid
has the cool light thing coming from her hair and her teeth are super sharp
watch out!! she’s always armed and always dangerous!!!
oh he is so salty about the tiny wings
CONSTANTLY bugs phil about how to make his wings bigger
“you cant mate that’s just how you were born”
(he won’t find a way)
phil’s son
glides instead of flies and is really good at it
could probably beat an elytra course better than phil tbh
can actually hold his breath underwater for a helluva long time
mans has to sleep super high up and the atmosphere is suuuper thin so he’s used to not having a ton of oxygen
visits niki and “pollutes” her pond a lot
(he always cleans up afterwards and brings her cool stuff)
and he gets super embarrassed abt it afterwards
hard man
has funky fresh purple scale things that he can grow in combat to cover more of him
can manifest items out of thin air
no inventory pull up, they just appear
offers himself as a punching bag to people a lot to blow off steam
it doesn’t hurt
it hurts their knuckles more than him
even playfully punching him is a pain, good lord
ghostbur is very happy to be alive again! :)
wilbur has been dead, dead for quite a bit now
he genuinely is just a phantom
the phantoms that come at night are just people that have been dead for over 500 years
thankfully, wil only died a few months ago, so he still has some time left!
slightly forgetful
not the smartest boy in the bunch
didn’t think to build his house underground when he is literally burned by sunlight
still loves his father and his brother(s) dearly!
niki and him bond underwater a lot during the day
(he’s a ghost, he doesn’t need oxygen!!)
they are literally best friends man
wilbur goes on expeditions purely to get niki things she’s never seen before since she’s water-bound most of the time
somehow has the most playfully malicious intent when he’s literally more than half the server’s father figure
(ranboo, tommy, tubbo, wilbur)
plays pranks on ranboo with the pumpkin heads all the time
much to ranboo’s chagrin
but would literally fight a world for his kids
adopted or not
his wings make his hugs g r e at
he bonds with tubbo and ranboo over this inexplicable feeling of longing
(hint hint: they’re all connected to the end!!)
homesickness for a place they’ve never been...
anyways he also stops everyone from doing stupid stuff
“no ranboo, you can’t mlg water bucket”
“no tommy, yes i know you can jump off of giant towers, no, it’s not a good idea”
“NO tubbo, you CAN’T try and fight an entire raid armourless”
“no, wilbur, stop trying to see if walking in the sun around while wet will stop you from catching on fire, you’ll still melt.”
“i swear to god niki, don’t see how long you can hold your breath outside of the water”
it’s a 25/8 job, being the collective server’s dad.
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lunarose-moonflower · 3 years
So I actually wrote something instead of doing a pretty picture this time. It's a fairy bench trio AU that is actually co-authored in my opinion by @im-a-star-boy I came up the idea for the AU but they helped me with like all of the planning and story beats and ideas so in my opinion he's the co-author and if he wants to he can write for this au as well! We made this au together and I want to acknowledge that because he deserves credit. I'm stalling because I'm insecure about my writing but here you go it's my first time writing something in a long time and it's a little out of my comfort zone some things may be OOC because I've never written for these guys before
Ranboo was tired so very tired. he has been separated from his nymph for days, was it days? it might have been weeks possibly even months he couldn't tell anymore. he was hungry not finding any healthy flowers or fresh fruit that he could feed from which means he couldn't produce his dust as efficiently, the fairy dust that kept him alive. not to mention it was going to rain soon, he was a fairy with a rare allergy of sorts water burned like it was acid that's why he had been rejected by so many colonies in the past before being found by his kind-hearted but Stern nymph. unfortunately luck was not on his side and the rain began to fall burning his skin through his leaf made clothing. he tried his best to find shelter but he was so hungry and cold and burnt so the minute he found at least a little bit of cover from the rain he passed out of exhaustion.
meanwhile two boys are running through the forest trying to get back home, they had originally been messing around at the creek but as soon as the rain started to fall they knew they needed to get back. the shorter one with brown hair, Tubbo, running rather fast to escape the rain his taller blonde haired friend / brother maybe?? Tommy, wasn't far behind an arm over his head to protect himself from the rain. eventually when they got to a thicker part of the forest they slowed down, catching their breath as the thick trees shielded them mostly from the rain. Tubbo looked around for any cool rocks because everyone does that but found something interesting. "Hey toms! I found a little person!"he shouted to his friend as if that was a normal thing to say. "what the fuck are you on about?"said the taller blonde very used to his friend's habits at this point. "there's a little person! he's got wings and stuff"said the brunette picking something up from the ground before showing it to the taller. Tommy was very surprised when he found out his friend was telling the truth is that right there in Tubbo's hands was a tiny person only about 6 inches tall, his hair was black and white it looks like it should be split down the middle but it was messy so the colors mixed, he had a long tail that was almost as tall as him, it was long black and rather thin other than the tuft of black and white fluff at the end of it. he was wearing what looks like a little suit but it was made of leaves so it was rather torn up and ragged, on his skin one half of his face seemed darker than the other the lighter parts look like old scarring and it could be seen all throughout his body. he had dragonfly wings that had an iridescent heat to them mostly red and green all four of his eyes were closed and all four of his arms were wrapped around himself. "holy shit that looks like a little fairy!"exclaimed the blonde as he stared at the little creature and his friends hand "let's keep him! I mean he obviously needs a home" Tubbo was already tucking the little guy into his pocket as if it was a normal thing to find in the forest and bring home "we would have to hide it from everyone else"said Tommy still looking at the unconscious fairy "oh come on Wilbur won't notice Phil is too busy and tech is out on a trip! it's the perfect time to bring the little guy home!"he said quickly making his way to the house Tommy following behind both boys already talking about all the exciting adventures housing a fairy could lead to.
when Ranboo woke up he wasn't cold or burning. he was actually rather warm and lying on top of something soft, softer than the forest bed could ever be. he opened all four of his eyes to look around and he was in a very unfamiliar environment. he immediately set up and tried to flap his wings but they were waterlogged and would take a while to dry, needless to say he was very very scared. "it's awake!"shouted a large voice the fairy had never heard a voice that loud before and it caused him to cover those elf like ears of his. "stop shouting you're going to scare it"suddenly in front of Ranboo there was a big person with messy brown hair looking at him as if he were some kind of insect. "hey little guy!" not only was the fea absolutely terrified but he was also confused at being called little, the average fairy was 3 inches tall he was 6 inches tall, he had never in his life been called 'little'. "stay away from me!"the little creature immediately called out backing up as far away from the big creature as possible "whoa it just made noise" with all the brunette said and then Ranboo realized that they probably couldn't understand his language, it was a language of sounds and not words, only other fea could really understand it. "I think we scared it" said Tubbo looking at the fairy who was now shaking with something that wasn't cold "of course it's scared! it doesn't know us and we're like a thousand times its size"Tommy pointed out and he had a point. "it looks hungry we should feed it something" said the brunette gently using his pinky finger to ruffle the fairy's hair causing the little creature to jerk back "what does it eat? do we just like give it a piece of meat or something I mean it has pretty sharp teeth"upon hearing that Ranboo immediately shook his head no very quickly, Forest fairies like him could not digest meat at all. "you don't eat meat little guy?"questioned the brunette and got another shake of a head as an answer. "well what do you eat" Ranboo began looking around the room for any pictures of fruit or flowers, luckily he found a packet of flower seeds and held it up pointing at the flowers on the front, before looking to the window and pointing at the fruit trees outside. "you eat flowers and fruit?"he nodded "okay so Tommy and I are going to go raid the garden then you stay put"with that both of the humans left the room the fairy still didn't trust them but the idea of food was too good to pass up he was hungry really really hungry. didn't take the boys too long to return with some blueberries and freshly picked tulips setting them down on the desk "I can't believe we had to pick my perfect tulips for this"the blonde pouted "what we were just supposed to let him starve?" Tubbo retorted as he watched the fairy carefully as he picked up one of the blueberries, which was actually pretty big for him, and took a bite clearly happy and ate the thing quickly before going over to the flowers. the humans were expecting him to eat the petals or leaves or something but no he went for the nectar, flower nectar helps fairies produce fairy dust not to mention it makes fairies excellent pollinators. since the flowers have been severed they aren't producing any more nectar but they're still the leftover from when they were producing it, it was wonderful and sweet like any well taken care of flower's nectar should be. both of the humans were looking at the fairy with wonderment and somehow Ranboo felt like he could stay here, at least for a little while.
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