#i know there's been more sapphic kdramas lately and there are all the typical casual yuri anime
01tsubomi · 2 years
apparently disney+ made a stargirl movie in 2020 and it’s strange i didn’t know about it until searching “lgbt” on disney+ (since netflix apparently has, count ‘em, zero live-action yuri series) which is a whole other can of worms bc unless they adapted the (still perfectly good) story for modern times the only thing lgbt about it is that it follows a girl who’s not scared to look weird. speaking of which
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this is how they styled stargirl in the movie. and yeah it’s a little out there and i don’t really remember how her outfits are described but times and styles have changed enough since the early 2000s that teenagers who look like this are everywhere. at a more conservative school yeah maybe there’d be nobody with this cardigan but if i saw this girl on the street i’d just be like aw i love gay kids
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