#i know there's the tiger - dragon thing with furio and phoenix but... idk about edgeworth
oh yeah, I can’t put this game behind me until I’ve finished my analysis, since I have a whole lot of stuff I want to go over. But there is a simple thing I want to look at since I was wondering...
A basic rule to follow with a protagonist and antagonist or rival is you gotta make them opposites! Sometimes it’s subtle, sometimes it’s just personality things. And sometimes you just throw a whole bunch of that opposite stuff into their appearances.
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One’s hair goes down, the other’s goes back. Both have those spiky points but they go in different directions to reflect that they’re different sorts of people. Like this is basic as hell BUT now I can make my next point which is
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of course I noticed very quickly that Lang’s hair goes the complete opposite of Edgeworth’s, it goes straight up. So it does look quite a lot like Phoenix’s since it has two specific points that push further than the rest of his hair.
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And then there’s Furio Tigre who literally pretends to be Phoenix at one point and has the same hair style as him... With Furio Tigre as the tiger and Lang as the wolf, I inevitably started to conflate the two together and it’s been bugging me for ages. Mostly because I wish Agent Lang was more unique :(
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