#i know this isnt twitter but this is where i talk about dl so
dragalia-life · 2 years
If twitter dies meet me in the dragalia lost alliance chat
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ogcosmicfragment · 4 years
Christ. Idc what antis think, but do we really have to hand them ammunition? Can't we just be happy with the things we do have, and wait and hope for more when it comes? That sort of clout-seeking, condescending, 'i know things that you don't know' wannabe-BNF post isn't helpful to anyone.
You know what? I wasn't gonna post this.. cause i said, "Hey, be cool. Don't put yourself into more shit drama with these people" but then I thought "yeah, fuck no, I don't wanna be associated with these kind of fans no more". So here it is.
It has been a helluva ride, we had so much fun in the past two years, we bickered and fought in a way that makes Real Housewives bush and hide. And we always overcame those situations, somehow united in supporting the guys privately and on their projects.
Than I come back after a work-induced hiatus and find that this fandom has become a no limits playground. Everyone can say whatever without giving one single fuck about the consequences their words can/could have. Cool.
But then I saw people I thought were the good ones (I'm always speaking in terms of fandom, I'm am NOT trenspassing into real life shit because I don't know these people outside of the fandom realm), with whom I have always had nice and constructive interactions turning into .. yeah, basically into their nemesis. And that hurt. Because I genuinely, seriously thought we were all better than them. For the way we have always handled news, info, sources and all, this read like a completely out of character behavior for me.
But I guess staying relevant really did become the number one priority in this fandom as of lately. And you know what? It's fine? I don't care? That's not why I'm pissed.
Well, not really pissed... more like annoyed by the fact that this has become the new normal around here, that just because we've had the announcement from Armie we might as well throw all cautions to the wind and say whatever the fuck we want without thinking about a) who reads us b) where are our words going to be reposted c) what consequences could those words have ... and the people who are enabling this behavior were here last year (same period) when whatever we were posting on our blogs either ended up on IG/Facebook/Twitter/DL with our names on it or was having some very suspish resemblance to what then happened irl.
I'm not even talking about the ones who have recently joined the fandom, because I can understand them trying hard to feel accepted into a well established fandom. I totally understand that. It's the playing into those people's minds that I despise and honestly want to have no business into.
More, I'd like to like.. publicly take my distances from the turns this fandom has taken in the last few days.
This is not us. This isnt how we managed to stay afloat for two years, pushing three almost.
It never was and I fucking hope it never will.
Oh, and if speaking my mind when people are being asses to other people or do a complete back bend makes me fandom police or double-faced (and that's rich... you know).. then I guess I am? 🤷🏻‍♀️✌🏼
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