#i know tumblr reccomends my posts to you sometimes so if youre seeing this hii!! ily!!!!!!!!!
dreamsy990 · 10 months
hi im going to talk about kingdom hearts with no aim or major point
finally going through and playing the kingdom hearts series is such an experience for me because like. even though i barely played them these games were really part of my childhood.
i used to watch my sister play them all the time and just thought they looked so cool. i wasn't really a disney kid or anything, i didnt have any attachments to the characters. eventually, my sister got to the lion king world in kh2, and that being one of the first and only worlds i really recognized, i told her i wanted to play the game. so she set me up with kingdom hearts 2 and let me play the game on my own.
i know every game reviewer from 2006 hates the first few hours of kingdom hearts 2, but personally, i loved them. i pretty much instantly fell in love with roxas and his story. (i really relate to some parts of it to be honest). and i wasn't very good at video games, actually only recently did i start getting better, but this was one of the first games where i could understand the plot.
i played the entire opening. i got up to sora's introduction, and i was so fucking confused. i just wanted roxas back. i stuck around twilight town for as long as i could reasonably justify, i redid the skateboarding minigame over and over, i just walked around. i stalled until i couldnt justify it anymore and then i tried to continue. i got all the way to hollow bastion before i gave up.
i kept coming back to kingdom hearts 2 over the years. every once and a while i would try to continue it again, but i could never really get past the first hour or so with sora. all i wanted was to keep playing in twilight town with roxas. one time i even tried to pick up the first game but i just couldnt get into it.
then earlier this year, i was out with some friends and i saw the kingdom hearts 2 manga on the shelf, and i thought what the hell, why not read it. i read part of it, then i bought it, and i read up to the end of roxas' story and started crying. i kept reading until the end of the twilight town story. a few days later i booted up the game again and replayed roxas' story and started crying. and then i just decided to play the rest of the series. now im playing through birth by sleep.
anyways kh2 is pretty good. but as much as i love sora now, roxas will still always mean more to me.
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