#i legit forget about leyton until i have to talk about them
zalrb · 2 years
what ships do you think had the chemistry leyton was supposed to have?
The usual suspects. Like, I said this in my post breaking down why they don’t work, Hilarie doesn’t bring out sincerity in Chad the way that Sophia can so for the destiny-soulmates-it’s-always-you-it-has-to-be-you-it’s-cosmic-it’s-transcendental intensity ... this
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is subpar.
Give me some Max and Liz shit.
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Give me this
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Give me that Lana and Clark
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Give me that Ash and Michael
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Give me that Ryan and Marissa
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Because  this
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when there’s this?
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compared to this?
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should be this
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for softer Leyton, which in a way is meant to be as intense as their angst because they’re just SO in love and which I said once again in my chemistry breakdown just comes across as performative and playing at being happy
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give me that Evak shit
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why am I going to believe this
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when this exists in the world
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when I have this
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give me this
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finderskeepersff · 6 years
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Staring at my computer screen, working Christmas Eve is fun. I tell a lie, it’s the worst feeling ever and I just cannot be bothered but there is cake, I can deal with that. Luckily my manager said I can deal with emails, meanwhile Ivy has to take calls. It sucks working on this day but it is what it is, I managed to get my brother new sneakers and a new games thing he wanted. I am so proud of myself, I got gifts for everyone and it’s been hard work. I’ve been working so hard my savings look so pretty and now I can go on a girls holiday, I’m excited “you want a doughnut?” Lee asked as he held it up with his hand “after you touching it, I think not” he snorted laughing “well stupid, I would have given you the box. But honest opinion, did you like my secret Santa gift?” I shrugged “you bought me balls, I mean it’s good to squeeze. How do you not know I don’t squeeze real balls, what makes you think I need this?” Lee chuckled “a woman so stressed seems like she don’t” I gasped “shut up, I have you know I have had some, thanks” I mean that was with Jordan’ brother but nobody needs to know “pass me a doughnut, I’m feeling hungry” Ivy poked my arm “I am on the phone and I can hear you two talking about balls, shut up! Oh pass me one” Ivy gets so distracted at the smallest of things “I was thinking, we should totally do New Years together, like that would be dope. Your crazy boyfriend is a no though” taking a glazed doughnut “I agree too” nobody wants that around, just reminds me. I have been so busy just stringing him along, I can’t be bothered and Mia is right. He knows where I am constantly, I need to break it to him but in public. I think his infatuation with me is creepy “I’ll be working so yeah” I shrugged, I’m getting double pay to work at the club so why not “do you ever not work? Well ok, it was a nice idea until busy body over here announces work every second” I couldn’t help but laugh at Lee, he ain’t wrong my work does get in the way.
I swallowed hard, I haven’t seen Jordan in weeks but here he is. Last time I saw him he was very uptight and was telling me I am his “let me come with you” Ivy said at the side of me “it’s fine, I’m going to tell him. But on New Years. To ruin his time” Ivy hugged me “have a good Christmas and please be careful, niggas are crazy out here for you. You too good for them” hugging Ivy smiling “shut up, you’re so dramatic, I’m not anything special. Have a good Christmas too” stepping back from the hug “now be careful with him” pulling my dress down a little “I will” walking off towards Jordan “finally let me see you” Jordan said, he got his arms open but I walked by him “you got a car?” I asked “no” he said behind me “looks like you’re walking then” I don’t want him in my car “wow, you being like this. I bought you gifts, I do so much for you?” I need to contain myself because he is crazy “I’m a little stressed that is all” walking towards the car park “let me de-stress you” feeling Jordan press up against me from behind “don’t” I said, I clearly said no of course but he continued to attack my neck in the same place his own brother did, pressing kisses to it “I said don’t, I’m going to fall forward with you pressing up on me like that” Jordan sighed deeply “who you looking this sexy for?” He asked “for work, why else?” Jordan finally moved from me and I felt relieved, I just feel a little nervous with him at times.
Jordan got into my car “here is your gifts?” He pulled over a bag full of things “put it on the backseat, you want me to drop you off home?” I rather he just goes home “yeah or we can spend time together, you know” putting the car engine on “I ain’t ever waited for a girl to have sex with, never Sofia. You just taking the piss with shit” rolling my eyes “then leave me” I openly said “nah, I’m happy with you but I have a proposition for you. How about we go to LA together, you can work in the clubs there. Beautiful face like yours, you can be bigger than this. I can trust you, even if those guys want you I know you wouldn’t, also” Jordan touched my shoulder “we can make money together on things, your body is good so I know we can. We can do this together” my mouth fell open “what am I to you? A fucking object!? So you are pimpin me out like Mia says?” Jordan legit looked offended “not exactly, just want better for you like you want right?” Putting my car engine on “I do but I don’t want to be some whore Jordan, you don’t exactly like me for me. Just that I’m beautiful, constantly. Do you see us working out? Like seriously?” I hope I can leave him today, I would be happy to just be away “I do, just that I need help. I need someone with me, to support me because nobody cares for me anymore Sofia, don’t you give up on me” I groaned out “this is what I hate Jordan! Why are you constantly crying but always the hard man with your bother?” I said without even thinking “which brother?” Jordan asked “just Josiah” changing it “forget it, I’ll drop you off at home” I need him gone.
Pulling up outside his home, we remained silent for the car journey here. There is nothing to say “do you think we will last?” Jordan asked, turning to him “honestly, no” I openly said “well you’re mine now Sofia, remember this. That job you got is on me, I will get you fired from both of your jobs. If you cheat I’ll make your life hell, you don’t know me, you’re right but you will get to know me more. I seen you just keeping your distance, trying to assume I will go away. I won’t, ask my ex girls. They ain’t get far” my face softened in a state of shock “are you threatening me!?” Jordan chuckled “I’m telling you, just think about that next time you tell me we ain’t working out. On New Years you better be pretty for me, I got you time off from work. And your lipstick, that doesn’t suit your lips” he reaches his hand over to my face “take it off and don’t wear that next time” he smeared the lipstick on my lips but I smacked his hand away “fuck you! Get out of my car and take yo shit. I don’t want you” I broke down crying “Sofia, listen to me. You can’t leave me because I will just make your life hell, grace’ life hell and Leyton” slapping his face “don’t mention my family you bastard” Jordan opened the car door “then don’t fuck with me” tears fell from my eyes staring at this evil guy.
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It’s that season, Timberland season “mom! I’m going to pick up Jasmine from the airport!” I shouted loudly, hopefully she hears me “I’ll tell her” Josiah said, nodding my head “cool” walking the hall to leave, the front door opened and there walked in my favourite brother “chosen one” I said laughing, he looked up at me. His cheek ever so red “you blushing? Or did someone pimp slap you?” Jordan pushed by me “apologise!” gripping his jacket and dragging him back to me “say sorry, you don’t hit into me” he mean mugged me “sorry!” He spat “I wish you both made up, this makes me so sad. Honestly, I want us all having a good time” only Josiah can wish that happens, I sniggered letting his jacket go “he needs to actually act right for that, I already let him off not being dead” dragging the door open shaking my head, he lucky I ain’t saying that I had sex with his girl. I been dreaming of that P, it was good, wet too. I was going to visit her again but like maybe I am pushing it, her pussy is good and I haven’t even mentioned it to anyone, I will take this to the grave with me because she good people. I feel she is anyways, closing the front door behind me. Looking up seeing the snow falling, shit we may have a white Christmas. Stepping down the front porch seeing a silver Audi parked in front of the home, I ain’t ever seen that car before.
Unlocking my car door as I shuffled my way towards it, looking at the car again. You never know in these streets, it could be anyone that may want to get to me so I need to be vigilant. Squinting my eyes at the car, the snow is falling and I can barely see. Walking further down the driveway, it’s a female. I can tell it is, she is applying lipstick. Oh wait, it actually could be who I think it is. Shuffling my way down the driveway, it’s Sofia. I couldn’t help but smile, to see her here and not in the club. Tapping her window, she is fussing with her eyes. She looked at me like a deer caught in headlights, she seems pretty sad actually. She rolled her window down “you good?” I asked, she might have broken down “just fine, I’m going now” nodding my head “you dropped off Jordan?” I asked, she seems very sad just staring into her eyes but she looked away “uh yeah” clearing my throat, I don’t get why she is with him “are you staying with him?” I had to ask “I don’t know” she is so stupid to be with him still “look, my brother is a snitch. I only got locked away because of him, so be careful with him” Sofia looked up at me from her window “why are you so different from Jordan?” I shrugged laughing “I’m me but I’ll let you go I guess, I got to pick up Jasmine from the airport. But you are ok right?” She nodded her head “he snitched on you?” She pointed at me “Cassius!” Hearing Jordan shout, turning around “what!?” I shouted looking behind me, he stared at me like a little bitch he is “anyways, I’ll talk next time maybe. Take care yeah? I ain’t going to front but you got me, in a good way” She looked behind me, in fear actually “ok I’m going, and yourself. Maybe we can talk, sometime and does my lipstick look bad?” She asked randomly “erm” now I have to look at her lips “nah, that shit cool” Sofia smiled as she rolled her window up and that was it, it’s weird and random with us both “shit look good on you” I said to myself.
Turning around and seeing Jordan just staring at me “what she want?” He asked “just that you’re a little bitch” walking off to my car, he is a little bitch that kid “you can go inside now dumbass” dragging my car door open, as I got inside my car. It’s so cold out in these streets, putting my car engine on. Let me get my sister before we get snowed in, rubbing my hands together looking over at Sofia’ car still parked there. She is so beautiful, amazingly beautiful anyways. I just can’t put my finger on it about this, you know this shit is just weird. Putting my car in drive as I slowly drove down my drive, Sofia also started to drive off but we both stopped our cars, I laughed at us both just stopping. I flashed my lights at her, let me let her go ahead. Waving my hand forward, her car finally drove off and so did I. I will follow her for a while, I mean I can imagine we are going separate ways.
I wonder where she is going, we seem like we are going to the same place or she will be cutting off somewhere. Driving around Sofia so we drove side by side, biting my bottom lip looking over at her. There is traffic ahead, we can stop and talk I am sure. Slowing the car down as so did she, she knows for a fact I am here so she ain’t looking. Putting my window down, Sofia ain’t even looking. We stuck in traffic so she better put the window, looking around my car and seeing some cents in the car, grabbing a coin and then threw it across. It hit her window, Sofia’ mouth fell open. She doesn’t look happy at all, the window rolled down “if that marks my car window I will be very angry” I had to laugh, hanging out of the car window “look at me, getting myself all cold for you. You look happier now” I can see it “you think? Maybe because I am happy being alone, you had your sex. Now what?” looking around me “well we could do it again now, I just see you was sad that was all” the traffic moved ever so slowly “since when did you care about me being sad? But I am totally fine” nodding my head “so you said you would like to talk?” Sofia rolled her eyes laughing “here? On the highway, please. But the quicker I get away from your family, the better. I realise that Jordan is not easy as it seems but whatever, this is my turning coming” she pointed “see you in the club then” moving back inside my car as I said, something happened and I feel it from her.
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