#i like Have wips including the one im writing now where scara is more forward and takes initiative and its fun
royaltrios · 5 months
the thing is i rly like top scara in chsc but i also see him as aggressively demisexual/ace and therefore i literally think he barely ever feels the desire to do the damn thing. childe instigates and sc goes along. he also has weird stuff w being like used for a purpose so he just lets ch do stuff and even tho he Likes It he cant frame it in his mind where he like . is the one who takes the initiative?? its something that happens to him and he enjoys. i guess? thats how ive always kinda seen them. childe is very overbearing and A Lot in general that he kinda bulldozes everything w enthusiasm and eagerness to please.
but like i LIKE sc being dominant also its Fun!!! i guess i can see him viewing it as like, its a power thing. and he Obviously likes being venerated/worshipped. but it rly is just stopped by the fact that i dont think he sees sex like that. like he just simply doesnt experience sexual desire . in my mind. its hard for me to write even tho i want toooo?? and ive Read stuff where he obviously isnt written as ace and found it in character. its literally just a me thing but i want to try and write him being more forward bc . variety is the spice of chsc life
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