#i like drawing silhouette nort
fgooooooo 2 years
Nort doodles
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I don't know if you're a car guy or not (I don't know my cars for shit) bur what sort of cars do you think the CEO Norts would own?
Like, even without using specific brands, would Ansem drive a powerful obnoxiously loud sports car or stick with something more lowkey elegant?
i'm far from a car guy when it comes to names and all the technicals BUT i can describe the traits of the cars they'd each have
ill describe em below the line tho cause post a lil long
MX - Definitely drives an older luxury model. It's old enough that to most people it just seems like a regular car, but to those who know what the car is and who's driving it, they're aware just how expensive it is; it's not totally busted but it's not without a few nicks and chips across the bottom, so to the casual person it's unassuming and normal. He doesn't drive it much but it still functions well for its age, even if the engine making the occasional hiccup stops it from being perfectly quiet.
Ansem - It's near dead silent when it drives and tinted windows make his car certifiably the quietest and most stealthy of the bunch- he's not much for overwhelming attention after all. Not terribly bulky but not as thin as a typical luxury car, the shell is painted with a dark matte coat. Despite the outwardly lackluster look, it has few decorations and particular accents about it that tell you its far more than a regular car. For the most part it's an unassuming ride, its pitch-black paint job drowning out most extra details like its unique grooves and silhouette. But once you notice it you definitely notice it, and perhaps that was intentional on his part.
Xemnas - In comparison to MX and Ansem, Xemnas's ride is a bit more obvious and eye catching. Staying true to a dark palette, its slim frame however is more generous with a few pops of silver and a glossy coat- tinted windows are a constant though: if he wants to be in his world, he'll be in it and block out the outside. And the inside of his world is a pristine white, occasional highlights of gray defining the interior of the car. The engine makes a delicate rumble when driven: loud enough to acknowledge its there, but not loud enough to disturb anyone or draw too much attention.
Bonus: YX - Out of all of them he has the most In Your Face car, not to mention it's the most new. Its dark coat fails- if not actually highlights, the bright blue LED hubcaps and similarly-colored thin streaks that decorate the frame of the compact shell. Despite being an updated version of MX's model, it's clear efforts were made to highlight the "luxury" aspect of it that give it a vintage-yet-modern air to it and radiates a grandiose feeling of self importance. It drives in surprising silence, though it is far more than capable of making noise. The only sure-private thing about it is the standard tinted windows.
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tumblunni 6 years
Also i was just randomly thinking it would be cool if the humanoid Nobodies still had some traits of the monster versions? Like it would make their designs less of a let down honestly. Even though i love them as characters i always hate the trope of more powerful enemies being more boringly humanoid, and the org are the EPITOME of this cos you wouldnt even know they werent human if they didnt wear a uniform! Like seriously coulda at least given them an unusual skin colour or i dunno maybe theyre all faceless under the cloaks or something? At least xigbar and saix have slightly pointy ears, tho thats from the 'norting instead...
So yeah!! thoughts!!
What if the org acted more like nobodies who were just able to create a human illusion througj their high power level? What if they had similar physics-defying bendy arms combat to the generic mooks? Cos seriously the low level nobodies are all so much more visually impressive! Yet you dont get much of a chance to really drink in those cool animations cos you fight them en masse at zoomed out camera angles and they die in three hits. :( So what if in addition to crazy lazer guns and matrix action, Xigbar also could twist his head 360 degrees and stretch his arms??? There's so much potential that could just come from 'human shaped but doesnt move like a human'. The mooks are already spooky enough just for being vaguely humanlike in silhouette.
Or maybe even if there was no visuals you could still mention how this human shape is really an illusion and they feel like theyre still monsters? Like maybe their true form looks monsterous and they have to intentionally shapeshift into what they can remember of their human self, but they get details wrong. And it could vary from person to person, like maybe one of them has the twisty no physics limbs cos they forget how gravity works, or maybe one of them struggles with faces and has to mime drawing on a new expression each time? Maybe when theyre talking to the protagonists they look humanoid but then they drop some of the more unnecesssary parts of the illusion when theyre around each other? Like they dont actually put their hoods up, they just all shapeshift into a default form of a generic guy in a hood. And they morph the hood into a face when they need to! That could be REALLY spooky when you're expecting them to take it off! Or maybe they actually just act like animated coats? Like tehyre just floating capes with nothing underneath until they need to grow a body to talk to someone. Like they fold up their sleeves origamu style to make hands, or they shoot out a bunch of ribbons/bandages that form into a face. Like theres so many ways you could just animate a normal human differently?? To get across that theyre not a normal human?? Even just do something like having the nobodies never blink or breathe. Do SOMETHING monstery, geez!
And Like i mean do the org still get hungry when they see hearts? I mean seriously its gotta be like hunger or something if all the heartless/nobodies/dream eaters/monsters of the week feel so compelled to steal souls even when they have no form of sentience or complex intelligence. Its not like theyre conciously capable of remembering their old life, feeling sad about it, and actually deciding to plan on how to fix it. So like do the humanoid nobodies just keep a bunch of hearts/lux in the fridge and dip them in their morning coffee or something? (Also actually is light energy even still called lux outside of KHUX? Is that just a term they coined on that specific world since they made this game to compete between keyblade factions for status?)
And oo, maybe every org member actually used to be one of the specific mook types that theyre in charge of? And they coukd have specific cool supernatural traits related to it? Like what if demyx could turn his feet into those weird ice skate claw things and zoom around like the Dancers? Or (i cant recall) whichever one uses the Creepers could also shapeshift like they do? And like all of them could turn their arms into pointy spikes/claws/cudgels/whatever cos all the mook nobodies seem to fight that way aside from saix's one that holds an actual weapon. It could be mega badass, like i mean everyone agrees that Lust in Fullmetal Alchemist is terrifying even though her attack is essentially The Finglonger from Futurama. Turning your hands into weapons is just inherantly funky neato!!!!
Also like can all of them turn into a boss monster form like Marluxia did? Or was that meant to be him fused with another monster or something? It was kinda unclear. But man wouldnt it be cool if they all got real funky one winged angel forms in their final fight?? We never see ANY boss nobodies aside from Twilight Thorn really. And theres like a fuckin bazillion boss heartless and all these humanoid nobodies exclusively command boss heartless to fight you, which was a huge missed opportunity. And i mean boss nobodies have a lot of potential! Like they could be the nobody of past bosses from kh1 and provide an interesting mirror match! Or they could be the nobody of a villain you already defeated, thus giving a bit more of a justified sequel to that world. They kinda tried to do that with Scar's heartless but it was handled real weirdly??
Anyway plz at least give me demyx going flbblblbll look at my noodle arms. Or for a more badass idea, maybe xaldin summons his spears out of his back like wings? So much spoopy potential seriously!!!
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