#i like scanned the ledgends books that i own to try and get his voice right pfft
roseyjustice · 2 years
This question is for Luke! What's something cute Jasper does that you've noticed, something that makes you fall deeper in love each time you see it? @captainscyarika
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🌠: Is it fair to say everything, haha? But there are honestly a bunch of small thing that he does sort of unconsciously that I absolutely love.
Like when he’s really focused on something he tends to chew on his tongue, it's not super noticeable but it’s really cute that it's such a natural thing for him to do. Or when he’s working on his drawings or cleaning, he hums little tunes. They’re often just random melodies but sometimes he hums familiar songs and i can’t help but bob my head and listen to him. Jasper doesn’t think he can sing well but i love hearing him no matter what.
I can go on and on all day about him and his quirks!
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