#i like that it wasnt nandor who turned him
finngualart · 1 year
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nandermoenthusiast · 1 year
but i gotta be honest, the whole season did. it was fun and genuinely hilarious, while also acknowledging (maybe not doing something with it yet, but we have a whole other season already under go) some plot points like colin dreaming about his childhood with lazlo
i honestly honestly honestly have to say, i would not have changed a single thing from it. it was INSPIRED. i want to talk about the theme of this season, the vampires are assholes and they will never be nice to each other, but they are a FAMILY and they care about each other so deeply
first of all we have the morrigan manor trap, which i enjoyed so much, and although the season did a great job at building up to this with a hundred little moments in the previous eps, i was still literally shook at seeing the vampires face the music. like wow the guide is really telling them off for how they treat her and guillermo. like, i felt it. and nadja and lazlo are like ok this could have been a conversation but fine heres some footage of us being nice about u behind your back, AND THATS SO LOVELY LIKE - MY DEAR WE ARE FUCKED UP CREATURES OF THE NIGHT WELL NEVER TELL YOU TO YOUR FACE THAT YOURE IMPORTANT TO US
and its like. this season does a lot to put all the previous seasons into perspective. i cant even begin to speak about nandor and his aversion to turning guillermo. like, CHRIST
anyway the moment where nandor finds out was SO fucking delicious i love you mr de laurentiis i am completely in love with you going insane going insane also like ive seen some DISAPPOINTMENT over this finale and im ???? speechless is it that they didnt kiss or fuck? NANDOR KNOWS GUILLERMO BETTER THAN HE KNOWS HIMSELF HE KNEW HE COULDNT BEAR KILLING HE KNEW HE WASNT READY AND WANNA BET HE ALSO KEPT HIS DISTANCE ALL THESE YEARS BECAUSE HE KNEW THAT WOULD ADD TO GUILLERMO WANTING TO BE WITH HIM FOREVER BUT HES TOO CODEPENDENT TO LET HIM GO WHAT!!! THIS SHIT IS DELICIOUS
but where was i ah yes nandor finding out nandor staking out panera bread and talking to some rando about guillermo and nandor going to his mothers (vampire killer! so its like dangerous for him lbr) place once he found it within himself to let go of the humiliation and prioritize his feelings for guillermo. let that sink in. he didnt want to find him not really. otherwise he would have threatened his mom weeks ago. nandor actually forgiving guillermo and its just like that. because he loves him too much. nandor doing the gayest most romantically and sexually charged shit in the world to prove to guillermo he actually has forgiven him. nandor bringing guillermo home. and saying he will be living with us AS AN EQUAL
nandor bringing him blood. and while we are on this topic, NANDOR WHO HAS THE IQ OF A RUSSIAN TOILET KNEW RIGHT AWAY WHAT GUILLERMOS PROBLEM WITH HIS TURNING WAS AND HOW TO FIX IT. AND HE DID. IMMEDIATELY. WHILE LAZLO STRUGGLED FOR WEEKS. NANDOR KNEW INSTANTLY. this episode had such biiig caretaker nandor energy and i fucking gobble that shit up. he pays so much attention to guillermo and he is so warm and loving to him whenever hes not catching himself…… i think im gonna go cry
nandor looking at guillermo with barely repressed lust as guillermo shows off his new vampiric powers and is taken by a frenzy to just go and do some shit. nandor lurking in the shadows listening to guillermos confession about not being able to kill, and looking so broken up about it, and wanting to fix things immediately for guillermo (but he cant, and btw im glad they brought back the lamp even if it was just to say you dumbass, you are out of wishes, like maybe that was a disappointment to some people but im sort of glad they made nandor use up all his wishes because the whole ceremony bit was sooooooooooooo thoughtful and soooo warm on nandors part). he went and staged the whole place and orchestrated the whole thing just so guillermo could speak from the heart and say he made a mistake. that is insanely loving of him
and btw idk anything about the lore of vampiric lineage BUT! tbh i do think this is such a cool loophole. like when guillermo reverted, time for his human form had passed. which means if any vampire who has lived, idk, more than 130 years had the same thing happen to them, they would obviously turn to dust. of course they would die! but guillermo had this happen only a few months ago so hes good! and the vampirism is reverted! and he has the time and knowledge now to think long and hard if he still wants it
to be honest (not to be a blorke about nandermo) i do believe that nandor and guillermo will get into it next season and the subsequent conflict will be that guillermo cannot be a vampire so he will age and die one day, but i think since nandor is so caring and “acts of service” in this last episode, maybe the solution they find is they decide nandor will turn guillermo eventually, and then bring him blood without guillermo having to hunt and kill (he could also like rob blood banks or drink from people without draining them)
anyway how cool is it that guillermo turned out to be so similar to louis (interview with the vampire, the very movie that got him to want to be a vampire), with the same conflict, except he did get a do over thanks to nandor ❤️
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weirdbabs · 1 year
idk maybe im weird for not giving a crap about who turned guillermo. like. i get it its a metaphor for sex, nandor and guillermo like each other and have a “relationship”, guillermo “cheated” on nandor by seeking someone else out sure. but all the vamps end up feeling very puritanical when they talk about how he let derek, of all people, turn him. how he just gave it away. like who cares if his “first time” wasnt with someone he loved, it was with someone he trusted and felt comfortable enough asking and thats all that matters to me
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derangedwifenadja · 2 years
🚨Long pointless ramble ahead! CW: me trying to apply my actual history degree to the stupid vampire show🚨
(Im on mobile so I can't put it under a cut sorryyyyy)
It's 3am and I can't sleep because I'm trying to work out the actual historical timelines for the Staten Island vampires (I have a history degree and I want to apply my contextual knowledge to my headcannons bc of who I am as a person)
So nandor was apparently born in 1262 - a time of mass upheaval in the Mediterranean rly cus of the crusades etc. Al-Quolnidar is fictional but Iran was vaguely united at the time under various empires though I actually don't think they were technically ottomans - the ottoman empire was founded in the late 12thC but in Anatolia, and spread to mesopotamia a bit later, but whatever
Nadja is approx 200 years younger than nandor (as his pillaging happened about 200 years before she was born) and indeed this was a time where Roma and sinti populations had started to sort of settle in Greece which is still quite a big centre of traveller culture I think! Antipaxos is tiiiiiiny so it's unlikely it was massively affected by much in the way of major events but if it was populated at all in the 15th century it will have likely been by vineyard farmers - grapes can be pretty hardy and the soil isn't great on most Greek islands, so that'd explain the intense poverty cus we're seeing a pretty big Mediterranean economic crisis at this point (actually brought about by ecological stuff! Wild!) although of course extreme poverty was common in the medieval period throughout the Mediterranean, with pockets of wealth at different times. Also - orthodox Christianity at this point I think was relatively widespread, though folk religions tend to thrive better in smaller pockets (like small villages on tiny islands!) because the church wasnt very organised yet and generally didn't have the resources to do much missionary work or education or sending priests to the middle of nowhere to 'teach' (ie indoctrinate/bully) the locals.
I'd also love to know where she went after being turned! Travel from the smaller islands in greece would've probably been hard to come by so I guess she just turned into a bat? Then again from an island as small as antipaxos there probably will have been boats to and from the mainland and/or the island's larger counterpart, Paxos. Antipaxos is in western Greece rather than on the Aegean so she could've gone to Italy but 1500s Italy would've been a terrible place to be a vampire on account of all the Catholicism and garlic so who knows!
And Laszlo?? I have no fucking clue. He seems vaguely Georgian or Victorian and as a Br*tish person I should be able to figure out which but it really could be either. I can totally see him in an opium den so imma say early colonial England - before the industrial revolution? But also because I don't want him to have been involved in slavery maybe we'll put him post 1833 (slavery abolished in the UK). I'll be honest tho this was a post about Nadja - I love Laszlo but he's very Generic Olde Worlde English and that really could be anytime from 1750 to 1910
Tl;Dr: I think I deserve to be the historical consultant for wwdits. Where do I apply
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strawberryseeded · 1 year
ok more thoughts (tbh just typing out stuff until it makes sense) abt the wwdits finale cos i was kind of out of it/frustrated whn i made the last post lol ^^;
literally everything, EVERYTHING until now indicated that nandor didnt give a fuck about guillermo and he was gonna 100% kill him, actually, literally, for having another vampire turn him, since this is a HUGE disrespect towards him in the vampire world. and ill be honest we as the audience kind of know already that nandor does care abt guillermo... but we also know that nandor isnt really aware of this, and thats hes pretty selfish and proud (and also an idiot). so yeah, hes very well capable of killing guillermo tbh!! but he doesnt!!!!
instead, he tells guillermo hes too important for him to do that, and that hell be sad if he dies! AND he even helps him turn completely by giving him human blood. unusually quick to catch on to what the problem was, i might add. as if he had taken guillermo's vampire hunter's blood and how it would affect turning him into consideration before. AND when he realizes that guillermo is unhappy he not only -as i said before- is the 1st one to notice, but he IMMEDIATLY cooks up a plan to help him revert the process. a GOOD one (wtf) and again, very quickly too, as if he was expecting this turn of events. HECK HE EVEN SAYS THAT EXACTLY he says that he suspected/feared that guillermo wasnt 'cut out' to be a vampire, which i think is something that has come up before in the show but in context im sure we all brushed off as a mere excuse for not turning him, since thats just the reality for familiars in this universe.
in the end, they go back to how things were b4 guillermo was bitten. everything goes back to normal… right? right, except we as the audience have a different perspective on things.
again, we kind of knew that the vampire clique(?) uh yea idk sorry im calling them that rn lol) kinda, sorta, cares about guillermo. maybe. well, now its... somewhat? confirmed, via the guide subplot that vamps are assholes to others bc they just hv a vampire way of expressing things. then again, this whole thing was towards another vampire, and until the last episode they dont see guillermo as a (true) vampire.
so like okay whats these two (guillermo and nandor)'s deal then
ok so this is the first time i actually think abt this sorry im slow lol.. until now ive been just seeing things unfold and just kind of paying attention to some details or other's ppls opinions. BUT NOW(?) i can actually SEE (kinda) whats goin on !!!!! i have some Personal Opinions & Feelings after the s5 finale
clearly theres the plot embryo structure at play here, and i think i now understand guillermo's arc a lot better.
theres something he wants, somethings he's always wanted: to become a vampire. for some LONG 4ss time now hes been very frustrated bc his master doesnt seem to have plans for turning him any time soon. hes growing anxious bc of this but we know thats not the only reason; he clearly thinks the vampires in the house dont value him, dont see him as an equal. he thinks nandor doesnt care about him. and hes not entirely wrong, tbh.
the "final" decision to ask derek to turn him comes from mostly these feelings of being inadequate, of feeling like hes the only one who actually cares (about guillermo himself. about what he wants. about him and nandor's apparently dead end relationship)
so he gets sick of waiting, and he just goes to get what he always wanted by his own means.
and regrets it completely. so much so that at the end he makes the decision to turn back.
so... what it is what he truly wants, then? or, better yet, what does he need? his true wish. why did he want to become a vampire this whole time? what is he after?
in the last ep is also revealed that (apparently?? idk im gonna need a bit more context) its guillermo who choose nandor as his master. or at least, he genuinely thought nandor was a really good choice. the best even. he admires him, wants to be like him. wants to be near him.
guillermo probably admires the vampire's lifestyle more than being a vampire itself. he has a very supportive family but they are also... vampire hunters, so its clear they dont like vampires, and probably disagree with their lifestyle for that same reason, which obviously ties together with it being a religious family and also the fact that guillermo's sexuality is pretty obviously closeted.
ok im gonna leave it there i think the conclusion its p obvious at this point
but what about nandor??? welllll ok i think i got it but lemme try to figure it out entirely?
i think nandor's most important arc until now was... kind of the opposite but also the same as guillermo's. he tried to become human.
the reason he did this was bc he felt lonely as a vampire. yea being a vampire is cool as fuck but its kind of isolating in a way too when youve got no one to share it with. im not gonna go super in depth talking abt this bc 1) i saw this season whn it came out n havnt rewatched it since n dont wanna misquote anything -.-;; and 2) i think the meaning its also pretty self explainatory. im literally describing it and you can already tell what everything means. of course its guillermo who goes to get nandor back to tell him that thats not who he is.
ok moving on. nandor is p much still alone in the romantic/lifetime partner sense. he alredy tried changing who he is to get a partner (or at least, to have a place where he doesnt feel as lonely) and that didnt make him happy. NEXT, with the help of the genie (sorry idk if thats how u write it eng is not my 1st lang im lazy etc) he tried, on the contrary, to change all his partnerts to the point they werent themselves anymore to accomodate his needs and whims. he tried to find the "perfect" partner, one that did everything he wanted, exactly. well, surprise, that didnt work out either. that didnt make him (or anyone) happy.
at this point i think its p obvious that he needs to compromise with other people. hes too self absorbed, too focused on what he wants as an end goal and doesnt truly see who his partners are as people. for him, they just serve as a role, they just exist to feel this void he has, this loneliness.
woooow guillermo's and nandor's issues are way more similar than what i thought!!!!!!!!!!!wooooooooooow using my brain worked u guysss ^^
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tskumoyuuma · 1 year
ykno I think I would thoroughly enjoy the shadows vampire show if it wasnt for nandor. like I like every single other character but hes the kind who I just. cannot bring myself to like, not even a little bit. n iv watched up to the previous season which I liked cause he was am absolute shitbag, the shittiest he ever had been, n I was like yes ! hes the worst n the show agrees w me ! vindication ! but like I literally cant bring myself to even try watching the season coming out now cause iv seen posts on my dash talking about it. how guillermo went to another vampire to get turned n how everyones like "wow nandors not gonna like this this is the ULTIMATE betrayal" n meanwhile I'm over here like has everyone forgotten what he did Guillermo in literally the last season. honestly believe guillermos done nothing wrong at all he was completely valid to do that n if its considered the biggest act of betrayal against nandor then good. cause it's what he deserved
and then of course my opinion on this does Not match the vast majority of the fandom cause I 100% think the two of them should not get together. at all. meanwhile almost all the posts I see about this new season is people gushing about how nandor is in love and they cant wait to see him confess n I'm over here like. if that happens I want Guillermo to smash is heart on the ground kcdhkjdf
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kraviolis · 3 years
AND THATS THE THING, ISNT IT? thats the reason nandor and guillermo are so fucking hopeless when it comes to actually admitting their feelings.
guillermo accepts himself fully and knows just who he is, but he struggles with letting his walls down or dropping his constant facade and allowing other people to see the parts of him he’s hidden his whole life.
nandor is insecure about who he is, what he wants from his un-life, and who he really wants to be, but he is also basically just an open book when it comes to his emotions and thoughts and opinions.
nandor got confused about the differences between lust and infatuation vs true love bcus he’s trying to fill up that emptiness inside of him with other people who are nice to him and also dripping in confidence and self-respect. this is why he hasn’t even realized why exactly he harbors such intense affection for guillermo, because guillermo isn’t emotionally open enough for nandor to pick up on that stuff.
guillermo im absolutely sure is fully aware that he’s in love with nandor (at least by the end of season 3), he’s just desperately trying to hide it so that he doesn’t get hurt bcus he’s so sure it’s unrequited. he’d rather lie to people’s faces than risk being open about what he wants in his relationships. that’s why he was especially manipulative in season 3 and why he was being so protective of nandor without being able to give him a good enough reason besides “im your bodyguard”
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ingayderzim · 5 years
Do u think tht Guillermo will find vampire hunter friends b4 turning on the vamps n giving them a piece of his mind ? Or after
before...they give him the confidence to go nuts on the vamps. We saw a tiny hint of this when he was wistfully observing the werewolves and how supportive they are of each other 😏 i loved the subtlety in that ep (or maybe it wasnt subtle? I havent watched in a few weeks lol). i think hes gonna stumble into a group of hunters, or maybe find them on facebook or something lol, and they accept him bc he pretends like he's only Nandor's familiar so he can be undercover and have access. And i think hes going to be literally moments away from killing nandor when he says he's gonna make him a vampire. Like i think gui is gonna be brushing nandors hair and nandors like "ouch ouch you didnt put enough detangler!!! Youre a terrible familar!" and hes literally slipping a wooden stake out of his pocket and holding it up, about to strike, when nandors like "i think youre ready to become a vampire, now." So then gui has to choose right then whether to believe nandor, just fucking hope that nandor doesnt notice the wooden stake in his pocket (nandor will likely kill him if he finds that shit), maybe run around the house undoing all kinds of traps he set up, and follow his dream, or give up his new friends who will surely come after him if they find out hes now been turned...And by "i think" i mean "i hope." What do u think???
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