#i like the cenobite designs tho
hazardsoflove · 2 years
tbh the hellraiser reboot is pretty bad
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insane-mane · 11 months
Oh my God, Ragdoll, yes! I totally forgot about him! That version and the one from The Flash are my favorites. The Batman's was more unsettling and goofy, meanwhile Flash's was way more terrifying, tho it did get a tad ridiculous, like when he squeezed through that tiny ass pipe.
What designs did you like the least? I didn't really like Catwoman's design very much, mostly the mask, I liked the first Clayface more and Bane wasn't great, not bad but not good either, he was a bit too different for me.
Cat woman’s mask doesn’t bother me too terribly, although at first glance I was like “Chihuahua Woman?”
I honestly like both Clayfaces and how they both have their own sense of tragedy that’s separate from one another.
Bane turning red was a big “huh?” to me, and the zipper teeth are kinda off. But other than that I’m cool with his design. Something about it makes me think of a cenobite. Idk why. But that just seems cool to me lol
I don’t think I care much for Penguin’s red hair, but that’s about it for him. Felt like Harley’s could’ve been more original since their Joker is so wild and out there. It’s not bad, and I like ho large her jester ears are, idk just felt like more could’ve been done to set it apart.
Riddler’s design is a mixed bag imo
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myfriendgoo94 · 2 years
Ok so this is mainly cuz @bowserwife asked but also i realized i’ve never done a full Hellraiser ranking before so here it is:
1: Hellbound: Hellraiser II
2: Hellraiser (1987)
(these two are nearly neck and neck for first place but the visuals, set design and elevated scope bring Hellbound a lil higher on my list. Also there’s some great puns! 👻 That being said, 1 is one of my fave movies period it’s just a tough choice)
3: Hellraiser III: Hell On Earth
(This one has the cenobite that shoots cds out of it’s head. Incredible.
4: Hellraiser (2022)
(The new one is pretty great, it managed to make the lore something you could take seriously again, something i was sure would be impossible but here we are. I do rly wish the cenobites didn’t look quite so much like generic silent hill-type monsters tho, they had a lot more character in the original.)
5: Hellraiser: Bloodline
(I have a soft spot for this one because there’s a lament configuration space station and that’s amaaaaaaazing ☺️)
6: Hellraiser: Inferno
(I like this one more than i should, if you kinda squint it feels like a silent hill fan film or something, but a rly enjoyable one. Also James Remar is great.)
7: Hellraiser: Deader
(This one is a fun movie about a death cult that doesn’t overstay it’s welcome, and some of the effects are surprisingly good.)
8: Hellraiser: Hellseeker
(This, like inferno, is another pretty alright low budget horror movie that absolutely shouldn’t be a hellraiser movie but is. Also Kirsty came back to grace us for all of like 10 minutes.)
9: Hellraiser: Hellworld
(This one sucks and i hate it. The premise they sell you on some sort of digital evolution of the lament configuration is completely wasted and it ends up just being a shitty slasher movie with teens at a murder party.)
10: Hellraiser: Revelations
11: Hellraiser: Judgement
(These are horrible movies but are beyond contempt. Porno-grade actin, awful story and effects, and the new pinhead sucks. Don’t watch unless you have to.)
Thank you, that was fun and i don’t think i’ve ever had to type out the word hellraiser so much in one go lol
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knowlessman · 1 year
bnha ep 10-13 I think. oh yeah, the big boss guy, that's what was up. handface. professor facepalm.
(watching OP) author really said "I am going to make a character that is the most hateable little shit. I'm gonna make sure nothing about either him or his design is likeable. gonna put him in a fucking diaper." -- stg the most mid anime op I have ever seen this many times
League of Villains? not Every Villain Is Lemons?
greninja to the rescue! …did you really have to save him tho? -- see, not having to listen to mineta in english is like, idk, a third of the battle
they want to kill him because he is batman, yes
oh, he didn't even teleport them far, just to random parts of the dome 'XD
the name does stick : ]
stop giving this guy lines, why does he have lines now
'XD it cuts to three of the villains in the water while Deku's talking and you have two normal-ass-looking people and a fucking Cenobite
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k thanks for sharing, worst character
oh stop being generous, froppy, you were always the only way anybody was gonna get off that boat and you know it
"episode 11: game over." well that's cheery. also I saw spy kids 3 recently, dang is that not a good movie but it isn't, like, not fun. they say "game over" so many fucking times tho, I did not remember that and was not prepared for it. fun guessing-game at the end tho where characters keep showing up to fight and only the ones that absolutely shouldn't be here get to have shots of them actually fighting. I wanna see danny trejo punch a giant robot goddammit. -- ahem. anyway. anime.
…so, todoroki. cool guy. how is a guy this cool in the same show as mineta, anyway?
'XD who is this silly goof? "audio girl used Aimed Kick! dumbass learned Volt Tackle!" -- jiro and kaminari. got it. also Quiet Metal Gear's quirk doesn't even benefit from her boobs being out, she literally just shat an entire rubber tarp out of her back, which was covered -- momo, right. also creators please just stop writing teenagers and then Doing This Shit, wtf
"when he overuses his quirk, his brain short-circuits" well that's a problem; he didn't look like he had much dumber to get
nooooo, not hat-n'-clogs D:
six-arm guy's secret ability: really good hugs
bakugo's learning to pretend he's got anything other than violence in his head when somebody calls him on it ("I'm gonna beat up that portal guy! not because he stood in front of me, but because if he's gone, the enemy can't escape"), and I guess that's character development?
he fuckin said the spy kids 3 thing. is that gonna be a thing here, too, have I been bamboozled
also yay for emergency exit makin his exit in an emergency, gotta love it
and now the other guy said it. maybe it's just this episode tho, they've said episode titles a few times
-- "'game over?' what are they planning?" to put sylvester stallone in a giant robot, by the sound of it
im sorry how long has this disaster dome had a bouncy castle in it
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walk faster dude you're gonna go poof any second
"we got a Continue" maybe facepalm is just all arcade lingo and that's his deal. maybe his villain origin is that he tilted a pinball table too hard
gotta be at least one or two heroes here who do illusions, right? could be all might isn't even here.
walks right past Thirteen "sorry, Aizawa"
Kirishima. got it. the guy who reminds me of a certain danganronpa character whose name I also forget is Kirishima
o_o dang, this one-punch villain reject goes harder than I expected -- oh nvm lol he's just a freaky-looking namekian
"the joker is the good guy actually" -- "he's already figured me out?" elle woods what, like it's hard?
aye, the shonen way. all the chips, right now, they'll either come back later or they won't but that's a problem for a future that won't exist if the present isn't saved. -- I thought he was gonna blast mojo piccolo to bits, but instead he just blasted off again
…oh damn, I got confused and thought this was ep 13. welp. was figuring on finishing the season this sitting, so here goes
every time this opening starts and it shows deku in the school uniform I think I'm looking at yu yu hakusho or mob psycho or something, and I've never even watched those
jiro asking a libertarian with a hostage why he doesn't have a job, like that's a good idea
not missing the fact that we're seeing a villain stimming btw : / -- "these casuals are wrecking me, all might OP, plz nerf!"
"it might be the case that I can't move right now, you warthog-faced buffoon" (geddit, might)
holy shit it's mccrassidy overwatch how in fuckaroo did they get the rights to him
there's that spy kids 3 nonsense again
probably ain't much more dangerous than a villain who learns from his defeats and doesn't take it out on his underlings. wassit called, the Evil Mastermind List? that.
CAT PERSON. …the bell is a little much tho
deku: literally exists bakugo: "and I took that personally"
ayup. next season next time. maybe with less of a break between, but fucked if I ever know when I'm gonna do what. : |
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a-red-panda · 2 years
2 people wanted this so here we go! the full this will be under the read more cuz its a lot. also ignore spelling mistakes im too lazy to fix them also the ratings are my opinions. if you feel differently please lmk cuz i love talking about these movies
Hellraiser 1 - the original. The best tbh. Sets up a really good foundation for the rest of the series. The plot is mainly about a family thats kinda not that great with each other. Kristi doesnt like her stepmom and the feeling is mutual. But also the stepmom has had an affair with her husband, kristis dad, brother frank. Frank wanted to be more kinky and heard of a way to do so (hint thats the box and also the “you opened the box. I came”) but uh oh! He summoned ancient sex demons called cenobites! But he escaped and now is making kristis stepmom kill people to bring him back. Long story short kristi finds the box, makes a deal with the hell priest aka pinhead, and eventually kills frank. Frank does say a fucking great line right at the end tho. Also there is a dragon
Easy 10/10 classic also the scene with chatters fingers in kritis mouth gets me feeling some sort of way
Hellraiser 2 - a direct sequel to the first. Still follows kristi. Frank is dead dead. But kristis mom is still here and is now making a doctor (who loves to basically torture his patients) kill for her. So she is the new and improved frank. But there is also a puzzle master who was manipulated into opening the box. But she didnt know what the box does so the cenobites just let her go. We see leviathan, the god in charge of creating cenobites basically. Kristis mom is kinda like the mediator. Also the doctor becomes a cenobite and is kinda fucked up in the best way. But puzzle master defeats levathens box-that-turned-into-a-triangle. 
Another 10/10 for me. Love the maze also girlboss
Hellraiser 3 - the one that starts to have it go downhill. No kristi. Now a reporter. But also theres a girl who cant dream with a toxic af ex. The ex has a cenobite statue and kills girls after he had sex with them. The statue wants the girl who cant dream. Also wants the reporter. At this point its a solid story imo but itll soon go downhill. Basically the key moment in this movie is when the club gets taken over and a bunch of shitty cenobites are spawned. Theres cd-head who spits cds. Camera-head who had a great one liner and thats it. (please look up pics of cd and camera head its fucking great) The ex was one also but tbh i dont remember. The girl who cant dream also turned into a cenobite which made no sense. Also her design sucked ass. 
6/10 the fight at the end was funny and great but not very hellraiser tbh
Hellraiser bloodline - this is it. This is where the series goes downhill. So there is 3 different timelines that all go on simultaneously. And it kinda sucks. Im gonna tell the story in chronological order and not how the movie did it. So some rich dude in the 1800(?) wanted a box to summon a demon. Toymaker made one. They summoned a demon. This box is the box that summons the cenobites. Its now named the lament configuration. Descendants of the toymaker is hunted by this demon chick. She isnt a cenobite btw. But then some dude in “modern” time (modern for when this movie came out) is an artist (architect? Tbh i dont remember) but also a descendant. So the demon chick hunts him down. He summons cenobites. They make the demon girl a cenobite. The toymaker lineage is still going strong in the YEAR 3000???? IN SPACE??? WE ARE IN SPACE BRUH anyways the new descendant wants to blow up this ship to kill the cenobites. Cuz the box works in space. And it works i guess??
4/10 sexy demon lady cenobite is fucking hot
Hellraiser Inferno - the main character is a cop that cheats on his wife, does hard drugs, doesnt seem to care for his kid, and lies to his boss about important murder info. So basically hes terrible. So this dude is obsessed with finding the engineer who is killing people. Also the lament configuration is still here. He meets more new cenobites mainly the wire twins (which has the most confusingly erotic scene in the whole film iynyn) everyone think the main dude is the killer. Everyone around him dies and also he seems to be going through a lot mentally when in reality he opened the box and pinhead is coming after him. Big plot twist? Hes now in a time loop 3/10 points for the wire twins
Hellraiser Hellseeker - ok so. Kristi is back! She is now married to a piece of shit dude who brought her the box for their wedding anniversary. But also she is missing and the husband is the #1 suspect obviously. But he swears that its not him. But also he cheats on kristi with his boss. The husband has a series of hallucinations cuz he opened the box. But also his boss is now dead and he is the #1 suspect…….again. But his coworker was like “dude you fucked up our plan to get all of kristis money when we wanted to stage her death as a suicide”. Turns out this entire thing was a dream and kristi made a deal with the cenobites and she is still alive
5/10 tbh the plot twist at the end saved the entire movie for me
Hellraiser Deader - ok this one is confusing and tbh i barely remember it so bare with me. Reporter girl is given a tape by her boss and told to investigate it. Its a cult around the lament configuration. So she is trying to figure out more and goes on wacky adventures including an orgy train. But the people who died in this cult place actually come back to life. Thats a big part. But it has to be a certain way. Ok so at this point i googled the plot and i still cant make sense of it sooo…….
6/10 i actually enjoyed this movie even tho i have no clue whats going on
Hellraiser hellworld - hear me out. What if the lament configuration was a video game? I shit you not that is the plot. If you solve the box then you get an invitation to a special party. Bunch of friends blame themselves for their friends suicide btw. The host is this old man btw. But the people are taken apart one by one and killed by the cenobites. Or the host. Actually its kinda both. The host is actually their dead friends dad who drugged them and turned out this is all a hallucination. Also he summoned the cenobites from the box that his son used so turns out their dead friend was just kinky. But 2 people lived
4/10 not bad but not good. Also i had no idea that henry cavill was in it
Hellraiser Revelations - 2 families meet up on the anniversary of their sons death. One son was dating the others daughter. They filmed themselves going to mexico and getting drunk. Also having sex with other ladies and filming it. But one of them died. So they kinda go on the run? But in the end they are given the box so its kinda obvious where they are. But its not! Cuz one of them, the one with the sister, is still alive! But hes not acting right! Also the house is kinda in its own space field cuz they cant go anywhere or call anyone. Turns out (after a fucking awful scene where the bro and sis kiss) the brother isnt actually the brother but the friend who stole the others skin. But the dude comes back and kills him
5/10 eh wanted more pinhead
Hellraiser judgment - so this dude (who is highkey kinda cute tho) writes peoples sins? And another dude eats it. Its so fucking gross. So there is a detective who works with his bro. Detective is way to invested in the person that they are looking for who is killing a lot of people. Also btw the dog doesnt die! The dog is just stuffed in a ladies womb! Tbh i actually liked this movie. New detective sees that the dude is kinda sus. The bro says nah hes cool. But also hes not. He meets the cenobites but a fucking angel was like nope he cant die send him back out. Pinhead is essentially a mob boss in this one and i kinda love it. But he is not happy he wants to kill. The dude opened the box so pinhead must kill. Anyways turns out the dude is the killer and they figured this out from tale of 2 cities. But pinhead wants to kill!!! The angel stops him again saying that they need more sin. Hey remember how frank died in the first film with the hooks and that awesome final line? Yea they remake that with the angel it was pretty sick tbh
8/10 the eating in this movie made me sick
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the-thot-clown · 3 years
May I ask that you talk about the character designs you love, please? 👀
‘aight, this is going to be long so
ok the first one and my favorite one is Bubba.
Among all the slashers Bubba is the one with the lightest colors, including his main mask which is a faded yellow that fits very well with the pale pink of his shirt and bright yellow apron. Even his tie complements well by cutting out warm colors with a three-tone blue. Along with his dark blue jeans and black cowboy boots. They are soft colors and shapes and he himself is very neat (my boy is really there working with a shirt and tie, what a gentleman) which is a reflection of his personality in general. He is very distinctive and appealing to the eye, even in dark scenes you can fully distinguish him.
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I don't talk much about his clothing when he uses the old woman's mask since, apart from the change of face, only another apron is added. But with the pretty woman mask it is something else. I can't express how much I love that they decided to put him in a dark suit, other than that it's because Bubba wanted to look good for dinner, it's also a nice change of tones that goes with how the dinner scene is the darkest part of the movie thematically speaking. Also that the mask with makeup serves as a focal point following the neckline, and of course using the blue tie to add color to the whole outfit but still being a cool color making the red and pink makeup of the mask stand out more. I love it 10/10
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Another one is Jason from part 3, 4 and 6. I love the shirt in that shade of green along with the light pants, it is thematically coherent, simple, the colors go well with the place where the film takes place, it helps the mask stand out more and is recognizable to the naked eye. While Jason from part 2 is also one of my favorites with all the blue tones and the white bag on his head he isn’t as iconic (since he looks a lot like the murderer of The Town That Dreaded Sundown). 9/10 for mama’s boy.
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Michael and Ghostface are in the same place for me, both outfits are minimalist, dark and with a white mask as a focal point, Ghostface has one more point for me because it adds texture to his suit since the fabric is shiny and it shows that it is rough. Both masks despite having the same intention of being the focal point, both are in the two opposites if we talk about expressions, one being exaggerated and the other that does not express anything. 9/10
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And now that I’m talking about them, something that bothers me a bit about the remake/reboot and secuels versions of the 2000 movies is how they decided to remove all the colors from the clothes of some slashers, I love Thomas and FvJ Jason as well as RZ Michael but it is very sad how they decided to go for outfits that are practically unrecognizable on screen, adding that the movies themselves are very dark and you can hardly tell anything from what is happening. Even the masks, the’ve become more dirty and almost irreconocible.
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Everything looks washed out, brown and dirty.
Ok back to the favorites.
Another one, Babyface (The Hills Run Red) Good neutral colors, gray shirt and beige pants but cut by the red color that helps to connect everything in general, it also makes the attention focus on him and the decorations on his neck, great mask design, it's scary, It is grotesque but without becoming deformed, you can differentiate the parts of the mask and more than once they make closeups to show it even in the light. Very good work 8/10.
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Ok at first I wasn't a big fan of Brahms clothes (mostly because you can barely see it) but it's a nice outfit, the gray-blue cardigan really complements the brown pants, the white shirt also helps to be a point focal and separate it from the dark in conjunction with the mask (the mask being surrounded by dark hair and the beard also helps it stand out more) it is simple, just a doll face but it is a nice addition. It is comfortable and it is in character and according to the situation. I love the suspenders, you classy fucker. 6/10
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One of my favorite of all time, Tiffany, MAN I LOVE THIS the puffy hair, the eye color, the makeup, the leather jacket over the wedding dress oh my god i love her. Is simple yet iconic 10/10
Is sad what they did to her hair later tho.
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Now the bitch himself, The shape and colors are instantly recognizable, the brown hat goes well with the colors of the sweater, this being the focal point of the whole outfit, I like the idea of the glove and since its entire face is burned separates it from the others slashers who always wear masks. bitch/10
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The cenobites, over all iconic, love the goth bitches 10/10
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Vincent Sinclair (since it is the one that stands out the most in the wardrobe part of the three brothers) I can’t see shit. Man that movie sure doesn’t want us to see him but for I can see he’s nice, love the sweater, I like the idea of his mask being made of wax, love the hair. 6/10
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The two Pennywises: Both are good. Stop making these queens fight eachother. While 2017 Pennywise has his face as the focal point and his hair the other IS the focal point, both suits are useful for attracting or hunting prey in their own way, both are good and both have things of the Pennywise from the book. 8/10
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Candyman. The man, the legend.The presence, the coat, the color palette, the pants, the tie, the fluffy details. Everything, I absolutely love everything about the design. 10/10
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Honorable mentions:
Lucille Sharpe: I love the red dress but this dress holy shit 
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Chop Top: Yeah I’ve said it. Man has style and I love that you can say a lot just by looking at him. That’s nice. 
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Billy Lenz: I know we can only see little things about his clothes, just his light blue oxford pants and his black turtleneck shirt (yeah it’s black but i like the green sweater too) but I just can imagine him with the 70′s clothes and I just loose my shit.
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so that’s it, I have some more but this is already too long.
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