#i like the idea about “zuko is a boy can embroider”so i written this
coldalmondlandoaf · 1 year
Traveling with a teenage prince means a problem called puberty have to be faced. So to speak, prince's clothes have hardly fit him a single day since he turned 14. It was an exaggerated complaint, of course…But really, for a time, they had a large sum of money to spend on the prince's new clothes. Fortunately there was plenty of armour in the ship.
As the “new clothes” season on for some time, Jee noticed that Zuko was getting impatient about shopping and getting supplies, because he had to go buy new clothes as the general would take him.
Jee thinks the main problem is the tailor. On one or two occasions, Jee, as the prince's part-time caretaker, led him into the clothes shop and asked them to“stretch the shoulders” and“lengthen the sleeves” of the boy's clothes.
Well, their budget isn't enough to buy a brand-new one. The best thing to do is to sew and sew. As a result of the surprise, Jee saw the tailor groping the prince. Jee wants to know if he's wrong or... ? ... It's really just the normal job of a tailor, right? Whatever, the prince is a total little devil but he's really well-trained, muscular for a teenager .
So after they paid the bill, on the way back to the ship, Jee whispered to him, “Do you think those people make you uncomfortable, sir?”
The prince was puzzled, but in a huff,“No, they're just touching my arms and legs....and my damn shoulders, because they're going to stretch the shoulders and the waist out of this damn clothes! I know that, so it's not unacceptable!”
Agni, so he didn't know the word like…“sexual harassment” did he?
“Maybe we could get a sewing kit,” muttered Jee, “So that next time we only have to buy the cloth and save on the cost of processing it.”
The prince gave him a strange look, he asked, “So... ... Lieutenant, can you sew?”
Jee raised an eyebrow,“Not really, sir . It's just an offer.”
The prince rolled his eyes,“Bad one. I won't take it.”
Two months later, Jee noticed a patch of patched material on the prince's sleeve, and when he looked over,Prince Zuko covered the sewing thread with his hand and glared at him.
Half a year later, Jee found a handkerchief in the general's tea table, which with a delicate jasmine embroidery, further, it's material and color are very familiar.
“What's that?” He couldn't resist asking.
“Apparently,” Iroh said slowly and pleasant, holding his teacup, “After Prince Zuko accidentally burned my last handkerchief, he found a spare one in the warehouse.”
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