#i like to draw her a bit masculine looking. butch leaning lesbian of all time
somethingaboutmint · 1 year
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Old cait doodle mostly cuz i wanted to see how id draw cait
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I've been thinking of osgate again (it seems they've become my best coping method as I navigate the incomprehensible nightmare that is American health insurance) so here's some random thoughts I have.
Osgood is a breaking bad superfan and has been since it came out
Kate never saw it until osgood and her started dating and osgood convinced her (with much difficulty) to just watch the first episode with her once.
It was all downhill (or uphill for osgood) from there
(I'll try to keep the breaking bad posting to a minimum and this post spoiler free 😅)
So I hc kate is bisexual with a preference for women but, she fell in love with gus fring the moment she saw him
Osgood had to listen to kate go on an unhinged rant about how hot Gustavo is
"His voice! His bloody accent Os! The subtle roll of his tongue! His eyes!"
And don't even get me started when she saw him in a t-shirt for the first time
She damn near had a stroke
As for how osgood feels about this, I think they're both perfectly fine with each other expressing attraction to other people
They don't have an open relationship per se, but they aren't exclusive either
In Kate's experience, strictly exclusive relationships where attraction is very limited is typically a breeding ground for jealousy and eventual boredom
So she and osgood agreed to keep things open and fresh but also have an open dialogue if either of them ever feels discontent
Of course they still love each other, they're madly in love
But they understand that sometimes they will need some space away from each other in order to keep their relationship fresh, alive, and strong
Also they both just love looking at hot people and talking about how hot they are lol
As for osgood, she's gender nonconforming (any pronouns) and identifies as sapphic/lesbian, though she occasionally has attraction to enbies
Now that I'm thinking of gender labels, time for me to go all mogai nerd on you all hehe
For the sake of fun I'm gonna go into even more detail about osgoods gender. I think she'd identify as nebularian and/or stellunarian
Both of those labels are under the galactian umbrella, a nonbinary gender alignment system for enby people who want to use label(s) that describe much more specified and complex gender identities/feelings
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As for her sexuality, I think she'd use the labels of sapphic/lesbian but also trixic (enby attraction to fem people/femininity)
Now Kate's gender identity is much simpler lol, she just identifies as a woman (she/her) (though whether or not she's cis is up to you to decide ;) )
Now about their relationship, I think kate is kinda futch. She likes having a bit of masc/androgynous flare like wearing more masculine perfumes or sometimes suits
Being a woman in a position of power means she's had to work her ass off to get people (mainly gross rich old men) to respect her and recognize her authority, and one way she managed to do that was to dress just slightly more masculine, wearing shorter heels or just flats, wearing pants over skirts, shirts, ties, and jackets that resemble men's suits, stuff like that.
Of course she still prefers to present feminine in many ways as that makes her most comfortable, but she also likes the added touch of subtle masculinity
Osgoods gender expression is just a mystery and she likes keeping it that way
There are times where kate likes to lean more masculine/butch
One particular date they went to a club where that nights theme was knights, princesses and princes
Kate went straight for the role of a knight, dressing up all masc and pulling every chivalrous cliche in the book
She kissed osgoods hand, bowed to her, held open every door for her, the whole nine yards
Osgood was dressed as a sorta prince/princess and she was blushing the whole night
UGH now I need to draw them like that
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