#i like to imagine he hears me enter the sanctuary and immediately comes sprinting to give me a kiss on the cheek
loverboy-inc · 2 years
every time i walk into the dark brotherhood sanctuary i walk up to cicero and give him a little kiss <3
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honouraryweasley12 · 4 years
Hands-On Learning - Ch. 02 (NC-17)
A few people requested that I write a second (and final) chapter to this story, so I hope you enjoy it!
Contains smut, so please don’t read if you’re not interested in that kind of thing.
Link to ff.net
Hermione pulled the library doors closed behind them, the thud of the heavy wood echoing down the empty corridor.
Ron was bouncing on his feet, still in awe that his fantasy was going to come true. Their hands clasped as they began a nerve-filled sprint toward the changing rooms near the pitch, taking every shortcut they could think of. Though the castle was mostly empty, they didn't want to get caught by a wayward student or spirit. The less questions, the better.
Halfway there, they were forced to duck behind a tapestry to avoid Nearly Headless Nick. Normally, Ron would stop for a chat with the amiable ghost, but life had its priorities!
He looked down at the brunette witch beside him in the cramped alcove, waggling his eyebrows at her and grinning, unable to hide his giddiness.
She couldn't help but return his wide, infectious smile. Her cheeks were still pink from the description of his fantasy, whispered urgently into her ear just before leaving the library.
She had clearly been taken aback at first, shocked at her starring role in his dreams. He'd chuckled at the surprised look on her face, though the tables were turned when she'd readily agreed.
Ron stealthily peered out from behind the heavy cloth, before squeezing her hand. "I think he's gone. Let's go."
Now that things were just within reach, Ron's strides grew longer, much to Hermione's annoyance as she was pulled along by his eagerness. Their heads were on a swivel, eyes peeled for anyone or anything that might spot the young couple racing toward their destination.
They ran down a corridor, finally making it to the side entrance that led to the changing rooms for the house teams. A stretch of open field stood in their way, the small building that was for the male team members just in view. The rumble of the roaring Quidditch match shook the stone walls, Luna's muffled commentary discernable amongst the noise.
They stopped and surveyed the distance to the building ahead.
"Shite, I wish we had Harry's cloak," he whispered.
She shot him a look of incredulity. "We don't even fit under it anymore, so it wouldn't be of much use."
"Well, we certainly can't apparate over there. Did you know?" Ron fired back, unable to keep a straight face.
She playfully shoved his shoulder. "Oh, shut it."
"Well, there's no choice really. We've just got to make a run for it and hope for the best."
Hermione gulped, but nodded.
Hand-in-hand, they sprinted toward their destination, a rare carefree moment for the couple.
As they reached the door, they took another look around for any nearby observers—they'd made it undetected. Both exuded a nervous energy from the rush of adrenaline, their hearts racing.
Ron's hands found her waist, and he leaned down to peck her lips. "Ready?"
She nodded her head before looking around again, paranoid they would be spotted. They weren't exactly anonymous among the student body.
"Ten minutes?" Hermione asked, wringing her hands.
Ron nodded. "If the match ends, just come get me straight away."
He entered to the familiar creak of the old door. The place had served as a sanctuary on many occasions, especially in sixth year when he wanted a few quiet moments to himself. He pushed aside those thoughts and focused on his favourite spot—the showers. A place where he'd spent a lot of time reflecting on his feelings for his bushy-haired best friend.
The tall redhead took a quick look around and poked his head into the washroom stalls, confirming he was truly alone. Benches ran down the middle of the room, the walls lined with separated spaces to hang equipment and uniforms.
"I'd better get a move on," he said quietly to himself, taking a deep breath before sitting down on a nearby bench and removing his shoes and socks. He stood and started to peel off his too-tight uniform. All the old feelings he had were returning, his thoughts drifting to Hermione as they always did.
Though they'd just had their fun in the library, the familiar stirrings had already begun, prompting him to hurry. He'd be devastated if the match ended early.
He placed his clothes in a disorderly pile on the bench before stepping over to the showers, stopping to grab a clean towel from the stack in the cupboard. He hung it on a nearby hook, knowing he'd need it later. Another deep breath and he entered the individual stall, letting the water run for a bit and heat up before moving into the spray.
He closed his eyes and let the water wash over him. His red hair darkened and he ran a hand through it, pushing it out of his face. He took a minute to relax and enjoy the steamy water on his aching muscles. Though his fantasy dictated that he'd just been in a gruelling match, he had in reality been working long hours at the shop with George.
Shaking his head, all thoughts left him, only to be replaced by his memories of what had just happened in the library, the feeling of Hermione's hand wrapped around him causing a surge of arousal. He reached up and braced one hand against the wall, his other hand drifting down to his hardening cock. He stroked it leisurely, Hermione's face invading his thoughts. He moaned quietly, increasing the pace of his stroking.
Now he was ready to have his fantasy come true, his thoughts transporting him back a couple of years. Being in the shower in the locker room, wanking over Hermione was a familiar scenario. He would imagine what it would feel like to have her body against his, what it would feel like to kiss her, and to taste her…
The squeak of the entrance door broke him out of his daydream. He strained to hear who it might be and called out, remembering to role play the scenario he'd described to Hermione.
"Harry, that you, mate? You forget something?"
When there was no answer, he turned off the tap in the shower and shook the excess water out of his hair, before snaking his arm out and grabbing the towel, tying it around his waist.
As he rounded the corner, he addressed his friend. "Harry, how come you didn't…Her…Hermione?"
She was straddling one of the benches, the top few buttons of her shirt now unbuttoned. She was eyeing him up and down, a salacious smirk on her lips.
Ron's jaw dropped and his mind blanked. "You… you're not supposed to be in here."
She stared at him, but didn't move. "I could leave if you'd like."
"NO! Don't do that." He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. "Why are you in here?"
She licked her lips. "I just wanted to tell you how incredibly proud of you I am. You were brilliant in the match today."
"Th… thanks."
"In fact, you were so good, I think you deserve a reward."
"I do?"
She eyed him up and down again, her eyes fixed on his bare chest. He suddenly realized he was only in a towel and tried to cover himself up. Hermione's smile widened and she pointed a finger at him, gesturing for him to come closer, before patting the space in front of her.
He sat down, awkwardly tugging the towel under himself. She leaned forward, placing a hand on each of his bare shoulders. He caught a hint of her cleavage, and that was enough to send another shock of arousal through his body. She moved toward him, his eyes closing in anticipation. Her warm breath tickled his ear, causing him to shiver despite the warmth in the room.
"I'm your reward, Ron."
His eyes snapped open, searching hers. She gave a slight nod, and that was all he needed. He crushed his lips to hers, his hands tangling in her hair. Hermione whimpered as he deepened the kiss.
She laced her arms around his neck and pulled him forward, until he was on top of her. His mouth ravaged hers, their kisses heated and hungry, before he moved down, nibbling and licking her neck. She was intoxicating, and he couldn't get enough.
"Oh, Ron, more please!"
He looked up, his eyes dark, and kissed the hollow of her neck, before tracing a wet line down her chest. He looked up again, then looked down to her tits. "Can I—"
"Anything you want."
"Fuck," he moaned, before he grasped at the opening of her shirt, tugging it aside in desperation and exposing her.
"Holy shite, no bra?"
He immediately took a pert nipple in his mouth, his large hand cupping her other breast, causing her to whimper in delight.
"Yes, touch me. I've been waiting for so long."
She mewled as he alternated between her tits, paying them equal attention and driving her into a frenzy. He continued further downward, exposing more skin as he pulled her shirt open and kissed a line down her slight belly.
He looked up at her, his eyes pleading. "Wanna taste you."
She nodded her assent as he broke out in a huge smile and licked his lips, eagerly lifting her bum and pushing her skirt up around her waist, revealing her wetness to him.
He looked like every wish of his had come true. "No knickers either? Fucking brilliant!"
Before she could respond, she let out a scream as he buried his face between her legs, kissing and licking her everywhere. His face brushed against her brown curls as his tongue found all of her best spots.
She pulled her legs, which had been splayed on either side of the bench, up and around his broad shoulders to bring him closer. Her hands delved into his damp red hair as he nipped at her inner thighs, before going back to her centre.
He could feel her squirming against him, practically humping his face as he tasted her, again and again. It was better than he ever could have imagined, her cries for more echoing off the walls. He was rock hard, but wanted to pour all of his energy into her pleasure.
"Oh, Ron! Yes!"
Her want only spurred him on, his mouth working its magic. His hands reached for her heaving chest, his thumbs brushing over her aroused nipples, causing another yelp and more squirms from her.
"Yes! Fuck, I'm close. More, please!"
Her hand slipped between her legs, rubbing circles against her clit as he lapped at her desperately, unable to get enough.
Her mouth gaped open in a soundless scream as she hit her peak, pushing herself into his tongue, riding out her orgasm with a shudder before her legs fell back down, her body boneless.
Ron pressed a kiss to her thigh, resting against it.
Though both were panting heavily, Hermione wasn't finished quite yet. "Lay back!"
"Fuck, this wasn't part of my fantasy—"
"Sometimes reality is better."
He obliged and sat up, before laying down on his back. She slid off the bench and stood up on wobbly legs, greeted by the sight of his painfully obvious arousal, only barely covered by the towel. She threw aside the material and straddled him, lowering herself onto his cock.
They both groaned as he filled her. Ron knew she didn't have much energy left after the explosive orgasm she'd just experienced, so he pulled her down against him, rapidly thrusting up into her.
"Oh, fuck, that feels good," she whispered. "Keep pounding me, love."
"Shite, not gonna last long." He increased the pace of his thrusts, filling her over and over, his arms embracing her tightly. "I used to wank to you in that very shower, imagining all the ways I wanted you."
"You have me, love."
That was all he needed. His body shook and his vision blurred as he let out a primal roar and emptied himself inside of her.
They lay together on the bench, Hermione's head resting on Ron's chest as they both worked to catch their breath. After a few moments, she started playing with the curly ginger hairs splayed across his solid chest.
"I'm sorry, you know."
"Sorry for what?"
"It's silly," she looked up and their eyes met, shame evident on her face. "I'm sorry that you had to fantasize about getting the kind of praise you always deserved, especially from me. I was so afraid that if I showed you how wonderful I thought you were, you'd have known how much I fancied you."
His fingers gently ran through her curls, calming her. "I know, there were so many times I held back from just screaming out what you meant to me, but not anymore. That's in the past."
She nodded and peppered his chest with soft kisses, as his fingers traced patterns on the cloth of her shirt. After a moment, he spoke up again.
"It's kind of funny though, both of our fantasies were about getting the other off, not ourselves. If that isn't love, I don't know what is."
"How romantic," Hermione deadpanned.
They looked at each other and burst out laughing, just as the rumble from the pitch seemed to reach a swell.
"Guess we'd better go."
The young couple untangled themselves and quickly cleaned up. Since Ron was already naked, he jumped in the shower for a moment to wash up, before applying a quick body drying spell and getting back into his old uniform. Hermione was leaning against the wall, watching each of his movements with much interest.
Ron looked up and flushed. Stepping forward, he grabbed her hand. "C'mon, you perv."
They exited the changing rooms and could see the steady stream of students heading back to the castle, chants of "Gryffindor! Gryffindor!" ringing in the air. They tried to nonchalantly slip into the crowd, pretending to look for Harry.
"There you are!" They turned to see their best friend and Ginny striding toward them. Harry's arm was slung around his girlfriend's shoulders and his face was filled with immense pride. "We've been looking for you. How come you didn't come find me in the stands?"
"Oh, well, Hermione needed to study a bit longer, so we just snuck in and watched from the entrance. Didn't want to bother anyone."
Ginny's eyes narrowed, and Harry smirked.
"Oh, right." He squeezed Ginny's shoulders, his eyes lighting up. "She made an incredible catch, didn't she?"
Ginny rolled her eyes but grinned, tickling Harry's ribs. "My number one fan."
"Yes!" Ron agreed quickly, nodding his head enthusiastically. "Just an amazing catch."
"I don't know, Ron. I thought it was pretty routine. The snitch was just sitting there, so I grabbed it."
"Yeah, yeah, that's what I meant. Amazingly average."
After a second of awkward silence, his sister piped up again.
"Ron, why is your hair wet? Was it raining in the library?"
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