#i like to think abi would help maru grow out of being so judgmental too
parsnip-parsnip · 10 months
random sdv rarepairs i want to write / see more of:
maru x abigail (both insatiably curious, both nerds, both dealing with pressure to grow up just like dad. though at first maru is just "seb's annoying little sister", they're actually close in age and abi begins to realize they have more in common than she thought; she sees how abi's sword is maru's telescope, her tool to explore the universe. maru thinks abi is impractical, all talk no substance, until she realizes that abi is a dreamer like her; abi just wasn't lucky enough to have a dream that fit within the box of her parents' expectations)
abigail x elliott (both enamored by the beauty of the world and the idea of escape. elliott relishes the way she makes him, a nobody struggling artist, feel important, and he sees in her a younger version of himself; she reignites the creative spark he needs. abi is a hopeless romantic though she'll never admit it. she loves the roses and the sonnets, the thrill of sneaking away to his cabin at night. also, daddy issues. this is probably not a healthy relationship)
harvey x emily (both people who build themselves around caring for others; people who know the whole town and yet remain distant. harvey thinks she's kinda full of bullshit but she has what he doesn't - that unreserved joy at merely being - and he finds himself drawn to that, like a bottle of sunshine on a rainy day. emily sees the wounded soul in him, but beyond that, she sees the man he was before he let his fears get in the way, the one who dreamt of flying)
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