#i like to think hive mind makes a bunch of things with his bees. beeswax honey sticks mead. ectect
right-agent · 7 months
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krizaland · 5 years
some of zim with a beekeeper s/o? if not it's cool.
Oooh! How interesting!
I’ll bee honest with you, I’ve always had quite the fear of bees (and just bugs and arachnids in general) but ever since I rediscovered my love for Invader Zim, I’ve actually started to notice how insect-like Irkens are.
Like my dad always said that Zim looked like a bug and tbh the more I watched the show, the more I noticed how insect-like Irkens are.
Like they’re obsessed with sugary snacks and whatnot and seem to all worship the Tallest like a hive/brood Queen.
And in most insect the species that have queens (Like: Bees, Ants, wasps ect.) The Queen is almost always bigger than the rest of the hive/brood.
So the fact that Irkens have a height based society is pretty insect-like.
There’s even a real life species of bee called Texas Sweat Bees that are bright green like Irkens.
Anyway, I could go on forever about Irkens being space insects but this long intro is probably bugging you by now.
So onto the fic!
You and Zim have been dating for over a month now! While Zim was a wonderful boyfriend, there was just one problem:
Zim was terrified of bees.
Even just the mere sound of wings buzzing was enough to send him screaming for the hills.
Of course most people are afraid of bees and just bugs in general.
They’re strange, noisy, and even bite and sting!
However, being raised by beekeepers, you never seemed to mind.
You always loved bugs of all shapes and sizes!
You found their big eyes and antennas just so cute!
Your family’s profession aside, Honey bees were always your favorite animal!
They were so fuzzy and friendly! Not to mention their honey and wax is extremely useful!
Honey can be kept fresh for ages and the uses for beeswax were endless
While you couldn’t blame Zim for his fear of bees, you couldn’t help but feel that Zim believed a bunch of nasty misconceptions about your favorite insect.
And thus, you decided to give Zim a tour of your family’s bee colony!
Zim was understandably apprehensive at first but was quickly convinced by your sad puppy dog eyes.
After getting both yourself and Zim suited up in beekeeping suits, you carefully led him to the colony.
Zim jumped a bit as a bee buzzed past his head.
“It’s ok, they won’t sting you as long as you stay calm.” You explained as you gave Zim’s hand a gentle rub.
“R-Right! I knew that!” Zim lies as he adjusted his hat.
“Now here’s our main colony!” You announced as you gestured to a large white box like container.
“You keep the bees in boxes?” Zim asked as he tilted his head.
“No, No! These are our special beehives! Here I’ll show you.” You laughed as you pulled out a small metal can.
“What’s in the can? Is it repellent?” Zim asked as he gestured to the can.
“What? Oh no. This is just smoke from burning pine needles. We spray this when we open the hive to let the bees know we’re coming to take a look.” You explained as you gave the can a few sprays.
And with that, you carefully removed the lid of the hive and quickly sprayed the inside with a light layer of smoke.
Zim jumped back and braced himself for a swarm of bees to pour out of the hive.
However, the swarm never came.
“Zim, you can look now.”
The sound of your playful laugh, brought Zim back to reality.
“Right! I was just um...admiring the trees.” Zim spluttered as hell carefully reproached the hive.
“Are you ready to meet the hive?” You asked with a playful wink.
Zim nodded slowly but still kept his guard up.
“Alrighty, here they are.” You sang softly as you pulled out a large frame covered with hundreds upon hundreds of bees!
Zim let out a startled squeak but slowly calmed down when he realized the bees weren’t attacking him.
The bees seemed perfectly content crawling around the frame.
“This is only a small part of our hive but it’s the most important one.” You explained as you carefully held up the frame.
“Why is it the most import part?” Zim asked as he kept his distance from the frame.
“Because this frame has the Queen bee herself! You’re gonna need to come a bit closer to see her though.” You explained dramatically.
Zim swallowed hard as he took a small step forward.
Zim took another small step.
Zim took another small step.
“C’mon Zim I won’t let them sting you!” You giggled playfully.
And with that, Zim finally came close enough to the frame.
“Yay! Now do you see that really big bee right there?” You asked as you pointed to a very long and chubby bee.
“That’s the Queen Bee. She lays over thousands of eggs a day!” You explained as the Queen wandered with the rest of the bees.
“Really? Fascinating...” Zim trailed off but his eyes remained glued to the Queen Bee.
The more he watched the Queen, the more she started to remind him of the Almighty Tallest.
She was very large and was clearly royalty!
Zim begun to wonder if the bees had the same height-based society as Irkens did.
“So the tallest bees are the ones in charge, right?” Zim asked as he continued to watch the Queen.
“Well not exactly. The Queen Bee is really the only one that gets that big. All the other bees are the same height.” You explained as you gestured to the other bees.
“I see...So do bees conquer other...hives?” Zim hummed as he stroked his chin.
“What? No. Well, I mean there are some species of insects who do stuff like that but Honeybees  aren’t one of them.” You laughed as you carefully put the frame back into the hive.
“Oh, so what do they do?” Zim asked as he turned his attention back to you.
“What do they do? They do lots of things! They pollinate flowers, make wax and most importantly: they make Honey! Lots and lots of honey!” You explained dramatically.
“Hon-ee? What is this Hon-ee?” Zim’s voice quivered a bit as he spoke.
“You’ve never had honey before?! Honey is a delicious treat made by the bees! Cone on! You have to taste it!” You insisted as you grabbed Zim by the hand and led him to your family’s honey reserves.
You were about to lead Zim inside when-
A bee decided to land on the side of Zim’s head!
Zim was about to scream but you quickly put a finger to your lips.
“Stay calm and still. She doesn’t want to sting you. She’s just saying hi. Just stay calm and she won’t sting.” You whispered.
Sweat poured down Zim’s face as the bee brushed up against his wig.
“This is one strange human.”
A gasp escaped Zim’s throat.
“You didn’t tell me bees could talk!” He whispered as he struggled to remain still.
“Bees don’t talk. I mean they communicate with their antennas but they don’t speak English.” You giggled as you rubbed the back of your head.
“You’re a weird human but I like you!” The bee giggled as she wiggles her antennas.
“So you’re telling me you didn’t just hear that?” Zim whispered.
“Hear what?”
“The bee! You’re telling me you didn’t just hear the bee compliment me?!” Zim hissed as he gestured to the bee crawling on his hat.
“I’m getting thirsty! I’ll see you later!” The bee sang as she flew away.
“I think you’ve been standing in the sun for too long. Come on let’s get you inside.” You giggled as you led Zim inside the honey reserves.
You spent the rest of the day talking all about honey but all Zim could think about was the bee that landed on his head.
Clearly that was no Earth bee! It had to had to have been some kind of alien spy!
After trying (and falling in love with) honey, Zim decided it was time to go home.
When the night fell, Zim scurried back to your family’s bee colony.
“Ok, now to track down that spy-bee- ACK!”  
Zim let out a yelp as the same bee from earlier landed on his head.
“You smell like that weird human from earlier.” The bee giggled.
“I am not human, you pathetic spy-bee!” Zim snapped.
“Huh? Are you upset or something? I can’t understand you.” The bee whimpered with a gentle wiggle of her antennas.
Zim was about to respond when he noticed the bee’s antennas wiggling.
“It appears this spy communicates with her antennas...” Zim hummed as he stroked his chin.
And with that, Zim decided to wiggle his own antennas at her.
“I am not human! I am a MIGHTY Irken warrior! Leave my sweet Y/N alone spy!”
“Spy? I’m not a spy! I just work for my queen. Just like you probably work for yours!” The bee explained as she continued to crawl.
“Eh? Zim has no queen!” Zim replied curtly.
“It’s ok, I know you just want to protect your hive. It seems like your queen, Y/N likes to keep things secure.” The bee giggled.
“What? Y/N is not Zim’s queen. Well..um…Y-You need to leave them alone!” Zim demanded.
“Ok, ok. Will do! No need to shout. I can’t really guarantee we won’t cross paths but I’ll do my best to steer clear!”
And with that, the bee flew back to her hive to report back to her queen.
“That’s right! You better run!” Zim cackled as he put his hands on his hips.
“Zim? Is that really you?”
Zim’s laugh screeched to a halt.
No! That couldn’t have been your voice he just heard!
Zim swallowed hard as he slowly turned around.
Sure enough, his worst fear was confirmed:
He had accidentally exposed himself.
“Y-Y/N! I-It’s not what you think! I just…have pink eye in both eyes!” Zim lied as he gestured to his ruby eyes.
You simply stared at Zim in awe.
“Zim, you don’t have to lie to me. I promise I won’t tell anyone about this!” You insisted.
Zim blinked in shock for a moment.
“I promise” You confirmed as you put a hand on your chest.
“Alright then, I guess you were bound to find out sooner or later….I suppose I owe you an explanation. But you better keep your promise or I will destroy you, got it?” Zim asked as he shot you a glare.
“I got it!”
“Very well…Y/N, I guess it’s plain to see that Zim is not a normal human worm baby. No, I AM A SUPERIOR LIFE-FORM FROM THE PLANET IRK!” Zim sang dramatically as he threw his arms into the air.
“Wow! That’s…so cool!” You squealed as you clapped your hands.
“I can understand if you are scared-Eh?! Did you just say I was..cool?” Zim spluttered as he rubbed his eyes.
“Yes! You’re so pretty! You look like a sweat bee or a Jewel Wasp!” You gushed as you ran up to him.
“Eh? I’ll take that as a compliment…I guess..” Zim muttered as he rubbed the back of his head.
“Oh my god! Now I know why you heard the bee talk to you earlier! Your antennas probably picked up on her antennas!” You explained as you gestured to his antennas.
“Oh, well…That explains a lot,” Zim hummed for a moment, “So do you think I could communicate with other insects?”
“I don’t know? Wanna go find out?” You squeaked.
And with that, you and Zim spent the rest of the evening seeing what kind of bugs he could talk to!
From that point forth, Zim decided to help you out at the bee colony when no one else was around.
Thanks to his new found talent, you were able to harvest honey without smoking out the bees as well as see how they were doing.
Zim was a little nervous with you knowing he was an alien but after seeing how wide your smile was, he knew you could be trusted.
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