#i like to think that all of montrose’s clothes are slightly too big for him because he buys them himself
pherre · 10 months
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my take on the steeplechase trio (and montrose’s mask variants)
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magicterrence · 4 years
Type: Self-Para
Setting: Ministry of Magic, October 2020.
Premise: The Department of Magical Law Enforcement has a suspect for the Devon burglary. Unfortunately for Terry, that suspect happens to be a foreign protected person. 
He’d been at his desk for so long, the chair beneath him had grown uncomfortable. While most men worked late for a few more hours of peace before returning to a house full of noise and demands from his wife and kids, Terrence preferred the company of bills, contracts, and trade deals to the empty home that awaited him at Eyot Green. Even if it did overlook the Thames.
A knock at the door breaks his concentration, “Come in.” 
A junior attaché appeared. He stood half through the door and spoke with a stammer. “Sir, we have a problem.”
“Don’t we always?” Terrence says candidly, looking up from the document he was reading to find the attaché using the door as a shield. “Come in, Younger. Close the door behind you and sit down.”
The attaché nervously followed his instructions. Terrence wondered what mess had been made for him to clean up now. “Well?” He asked. 
“It’s regarding the Bideford Burglary in Devon.” Younger states apprehensively, “Magical Law enforcement made some inquiries and they’ve got a few suspects...”
“Younger. Spit it out.” 
“Among them was Nicholas Kessler.” Terrence eyes widened slightly at the name, “Seeker for the German National Quidditch team. He’s been drafted from the German league to ours this year, he’s playing for the Tutshill Tornados. Signed last year for 200,000 Galleons.” 
Following the breaches to the Statue of Secrecy, International Magical Cooperation has never been more delicate for Britain. They couldn’t afford to anger the Germans, who had been strong allies in recent years. Especially not now, and not with this, as Quidditch season was due to start. Still. If he could find Kessler before Law Enforcement, Terrence could fix this before it went awry.
“And where is Kessler now?” Terry asks, with urgency in his voice.
“Downstairs. Aurors brought him in for questioning two hours ago. We were just alerted now. I don’t think anyone else knows.” 
“Younger,” The anger bubbling up in his chest had found it’s way into his tone, “What evidence do they have on Kessler that the Department of Magical Law Enforcement thought to themselves, ‘Fuck it, let’s go question a foreign national of significance without consulting International Magical Cooperation’?” He says with a derisive laugh, “Well?”
“He was placed at the shop at Bideford by a witness a day before the robbery.” Younger slightly winced as the words came out of his mouth, “He was inquiring about an item that was later stolen.”
He took off his glasses, and tossed them on the desk. As he rubbed his eyes, Terrence’s mind raced; the consequences of a simple questioning could be so complicated, so diverse, that predicting what could happen next was challenging. One thing was certain, this would be an offence that the Germans could use to leverage. But so could he.
“Right, here’s what I want you do to, Younger.” Terry looks at his aide intensely, “You’re going to draft a letter addressing the German Delegation. It will say that we had their Seeker in for questioning as a person of interest in an active investigation. Due to him being a protected person, this information is not yet public and we acknowledge that he can evoke diplomatic immunity. However, it would be best if he was advised to cooperate with us instead as this is a matter of national security.”  He pauses, collecting his thoughts, “And subtly imply it’s British Quidditch season soon and I’m sure they don’t want to have their Seeker’s name dragged through the mud just before his great debut here.”
“Are we allowed to do that?” The young attaché asks anxiously.
Terrence ignores his question, and gets up on his feet. “After you’ve done that I want you to pull all the intelligence we have on Nicholas Kessler and his acquaintances. I want to know about each and every one of them. Their families, their sympathies, where the Tornados train, what they had for fucking breakfast. Reach out to our contact at the Daily Prophet for information.” Terrence would make inquiries in his own circles too.
Younger nods, understanding his orders. Fuming, Terrence storms out his office for Level 2.
By the time he reaches the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, his anger conceded to his rational and logical nature. Terrence finds the floor empty with the exception of two aurors stood outside a room, discussing a matter in hushed whispers. 
"Where’s Kessler?” Terrence demands.
“That was fast.” One of the aurors replies, "I didn’t know if anyone from International Magical Cooperation was still here, or I would have sent for you lot sooner.”
“You’ve brought the German National Quidditch team’s Seeker in for questioning about Dark Objects without consulting my office first.” Terrence’s demeanour was collected as always and his voice steady, but his eyes narrowed slightly with bitterness. “Two hours you’ve had him, until that courtesy was extended.” He takes a step closer, asserting himself,  “Now, tell me, has he asked for immunity?”
“Boot, sometimes to do our efficiently jobs we need to bypass the red tape of bureaucracy.” The second auror speaks, defensively, “We couldn’t have him being tipped off and disappearing. You’re lucky we’ve kept it quiet and brought him after hours.” 
Bolstered by his colleagues response, the first auror chimes in, “We’ve brought him in because we can. He’s playing in the British league so by nature of his employment here he’s will within our purview.”
“Gentlemen.” Terry lets out a sigh, looking at the two of them incredulously, “He’s a protected person. His employment doesn’t change that. You’ve violated protocol, and in doing so, created a problem you can’t even comprehend. So, I hope the information you’ve acquired in the last two hours of questioning was at least worth it.”
“Kessler was at the shop a day before the burglary, asking for an item that was taken. There’s two witnesses we have that placed him there. We thoroughly searched him and his premises, both were clean.”
“In other words, you’ve brought him in with no hard evidence.” Terry says, abruptly, “So, are you going to apologise in German or English? Or should we ask him what language he prefers?”
 "He’s hiding something, Boot. He says he didn’t know it was a Dark Object. He won’t answer why he was looking for it either. It’s all highly suspicious and irregular. Besides, aren’t you supposed to be on our side?” 
“That just means he’s not stupid enough to perjure himself.” Terry simply remarks. “I am on your side. Has he asked for immunity?”
The second auror nods, “Why do you think you’re here.”
“Cheers, gentlemen.” Terry scoffs, before entering the questioning room.
Kessler sat bored in his chair, his fingers steepled together. “Finally.” He speaks in a thick German accent, “You’re from International Cooperation, yes?”
“Good evening, Mr Kessler.” Terrence nods and sits opposite him and clears his throat, “I understand you’ve chosen to evoke diplomatic immunity over this particular matter.”
“Ja.” The Seeker says smugly, “Can I leave now?”  
“We’re very grateful for your cooperation with us thus far.” Terry gives him a close-lipped smile, “You are free to leave, Mr Kessler. After all you are a protected person, but I’d advise you to stay.”
“Then I will be leaving.” Kessler says, standing from his seat and straightening his clothes. 
Terry hums and purses his lips, “Shame. I was hoping we could talk Quidditch.”
Kessler shrugs, “Maybe another time,  Herr...” 
“Boot.” Terry finishes his sentence. “There’s no time like the present, Mr Kessler. You’re an impressive player, I myself have seen you in action. And now you’ve signed on to play in the British League. We’re lucky to have a man your exceptional talent play here. Even if it is for the Tutshill Tornados.”
“We’re a good team. Strong players this year.” Kessler states, rather proudly. He angles his body towards the door and takes a step in its direction.
“I’m more of Montrose Magpie man, myself.” Terrence lamely explained. “So Tutshill being a man down is in my favour I suppose.”
Kessler’s brows furrow and his eyes narrow at Terrence, “What do you mean?”
“You told my two colleagues that you didn’t know the item you sought was a Dark Object.” Terry continues, in his certain clear voice, “Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.” Kessler replies, sharply. 
“Which is innocence enough, don’t you think?” Terrence asks, “If we were to have a look at your memories or dose you with Veritaserum, we wouldn’t find anything that would incriminate you. Instead, it would exonerate you. We’d never bother you again, and the Tutshill Tornados would even stand a chance to win the league.”
 “But you can’t.” Kessler asserts, “I’m protected.”
“Yes, indeed, as we have established.” Terry exhales sharply, “But what bothers me Mr Kessler, is that you can waive your diplomatic immunity and clear your name. What we find would be kept strictly confidential as a courtesy to your for your compliance. You’re a public figure, that would benefit you greatly.” He pauses, shortly, “But you haven’t. Which tells me either you knew about it being a Dark Object, or there’s something even worse you are hiding.” 
Kessler visibly stiffened. “Maybe, I just don’t want to be involved”
“We will find out the nature of your involvement, make no mistake Mr Kessler. Your status as a protected person only means your case will be tried according to International Law, where the punishments are arguably worse if found guilty.” He says sternly. Terrence stands up and joins Kessler near the door, his tone now turns warm, “Help us solve this matter. Answer our questions. We have no desire to see a promising athlete such as yourself being caught up in scandal like this.” Terrence pulls the door open for Kessler to leave, “You’re free to go. Sleep on my words. If you feel differently, my office is on Level 5, ask for Terrence Boot.” 
Nicholas Kessler leaves without another word. Terry hopes he has a change of heart, it would make his life that much easier. 
He returns to his office, in hope Younger had done exactly as he asked. “Is that letter ready?” 
“Yes.” Younger replies, thrusting it into Terrence’s hands. 
He glosses over it, and signs the bottom of the parchment. “Good. Send it off.”
“And here’s what I’ve got on Kessler so far.” He hands Terry a file, “It’s not a lot but there’s some things in there I think we can use.”
Terrence flicks through the file. He raises a brow impressed, “Good work.” He mumbles, “Keep being informative and proactive, and you’ll make Senior Legal Attaché in no time.” Closing the file, he hands it back to Younger. “Let’s see what you’ve got. Formulate a strategy, a contingency plan with this. Report back to me tomorrow afternoon with your thoughts.” Terry smiles, and begins to walk away, “But for now, go home. I sure as hell am.” 
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