#i like. refused to reblog things in 2021 XD
tacocat7997 · 2 years
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I posted 25,984 times in 2022
That's 25,789 more posts than 2021!
359 posts created (1%)
25,625 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,340 of my posts in 2022
#kitty!! - 825 posts
#taco talks - 356 posts
#<- prev tags - 205 posts
#hamster - 189 posts
#tma - 162 posts
#:0! - 160 posts
#kitties! - 151 posts
#friend :) - 141 posts
#&lt;3 - 112 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 90 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#because they took away literally the only thing that motivated me to do anything around the house so obviously i’m not going to do the work
My Top Posts in 2022:
Imagine if I had cat ears and a tail… I could be so autistic
55 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
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104 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
The hardest thing a girl can do is get out of bed when he is so so sleepy
111 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
Trying to get work done with ADHD is just:
Alright it’s time to start!…. Alright.. okay let’s do this.. alright. Okay, alright,., starting now!..
For like an hour
117 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Going to die of I love my friends too much disease
303 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I posted 1,757 times in 2022
That's 1,750 more posts than 2021!
39 posts created (2%)
1,718 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,756 of my posts in 2022
#humor - 343 posts
#about me - 322 posts
#the witcher - 136 posts
#adhd and autism - 123 posts
#queer shit - 113 posts
#quotes - 100 posts
#fandom - 90 posts
#art - 74 posts
#music - 62 posts
#writing - 53 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#not me just realizing the other day that my imposter syndrome is usually not 'what if people realize i'm not a real [artist/writer/whatever
My Top Posts in 2022:
Oh "I'm so old mimimimi" my first music player was a Walkman I had a treasured copy of Michael Jackson's "Bad" on cassette how was your FIRST an mp3 player you tiny person. XD sorry I'm just like. THAT makes me feel old. I always forget how young you are XD XD XD bless.
i also do in fact know how to work cassette tape stuff. it would take me a minute to like, remember all of that if handed a player/cassettes because it's not ingrained like CD and later stuff is BUT. i do know.
ALSOOOOO i was going off the first thing that was Just Mine when i was a kid 😂😂😂 first portable music anything at all was the portable CD player w/headphones.
15 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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Saint Clementine Chasseur, Patron of Lost Faith and Impossible Decisions
rewatched season one and Clementine definitely deserved better, despite the atrocities. anyway this concept wouldn’t leave me alone. on deviantart as well
15 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
merry timezone, i have finally watched The Old Guard
i am about to rewatch it, about twenty minutes after having finished it
i am not okay and i will not be normal about this
good day
19 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
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inspired by this comic, i experienced an extreme desire to see lambert in a tassel jacket and a “baby slut” t-shirt good thing i can technically draw and refuse to use this skill for reasonable things, instead i make bastard art with my bastard hands and make that everyone else’s problem
50 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i keep seeing posts about how people are nervous to accidentally like an old post/video/whatever, and how “annoying” spam likes/reblogs are or whatever and just
neurotypicals: here are all the weird, complicated, nonsensical rules for interacting with other people. if you mess them up you’re weird and wrong and people will hate you social media: i am a totally new way to interact with people!!! brand new, no need to follow entirely arbitrary social norms about it as this is so innovative that they don’t apply! neurotypicals: i am going to make weird nonsensical rules about this too (:
476 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mushiewrites · 2 years
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I posted 2,232 times in 2022
That's 2,152 more posts than 2021!
570 posts created (26%)
1,662 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,082 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 377 posts
#lee!dream - 355 posts
#fluffallamaful - 353 posts
#lee!george - 316 posts
#ler!dream - 248 posts
#mcyt tickle - 247 posts
#concepts / hc’s - 209 posts
#ler!sapnap - 199 posts
#mushie concepts / hcs - 193 posts
#mushie speaks - 186 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i feel like dream would be the type to put his arm on george’s head and act like george is smaller than he actually is
My Top Posts in 2022:
Helping Hands
This was meant to be a small ficlet from this ask I got from @covenofwives, but apparently I have no self control and ran with it. I absolutely adore this, thank you coven!
From this prompt list: 9 - "tickle me?"
(lee!GeorgeHD / ler!DreamXD : 3k words)
HD had let out a long huff of a sigh - he didn't know what else to do.
When XD had come to visit him again, he was expecting it to turn out like it had many times before - XD's tickling fingers against his ribs, his laughter pouring out of him with no way to contain it. It had quickly become one of his favorite pastimes. However, it was different this time.
XD had been here for a while now with no indication that they were going to tickle HD. The deity told HD about things happening around the server, babbling on with stories that he couldn't begin to care about or focus on. His mind was purely stuck on one thing - tickles.
The smaller God racked his brain for ways to provoke XD. He had already tried interrupting them on multiple occasions, only to be talked over, or have his mouth covered by one of XD's giant hands. He had tried to poke at XD, getting a small chuckle from the God before they continued on with their story. HD was truly at a loss here.
He wasn't sure how or where he got the idea, but HD suddenly fell back dramatically, laying across XD's legs, his arms above his head. The sudden movement cause the deity's robe to move as well, exposing HD's lower tummy and sides. He tried to act as nonchalant as possible, biting his lip to stop a smirk from spreading - he knew this would get XD's attention. But to his complete surprise, XD looked down, chuckled and had the audacity to pull down HD's robes to cover the bare skin.
"HD, you're so dramatic. Let me finish my story and then you can whine about whatever it is that's bothering you, okay?" XD smirked and continued on.
HD gripped his hair tightly out of frustration, letting out another sigh and a groan. XD must be absolutely clueless! HD knew they were busy yapping away, but he would always get tickles, and a lot of them. He was sure his annoyance must be radiating off of him at this point, but XD just continued to smile, their fangs almost visible under the bottom of his mask that bobbled every time they spoke. HD's frustrations must have been louder in his mind than he thought, because he heard a sudden "poof" above him, eyes growing wider as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
A white hand appeared, followed by another. They fussed with the brunette's hair for a moment before moving toward XD's top set of arms. They followed them down to each hand, gripping them and moving them towards the God that was currently sprawled across his lap.
"HD, what are your hands doing?" XD chuckled in amusement, allowing their hands to be pulled and eventually placed over HD's tummy. HD couldn't help but let out a squeak when he felt the sharp nails touch down over his robes. The smaller God shrugged his shoulders, refusing to look up at XD as the blush on his face grew a darker red.
"I-I don't know! They're idiots!" HD tried to play it off as if he didn't know what was going on, when it was the most obvious thing in the word.
Apparently obvious to everyone but XD, because the very next second XD moved their hands off of his tummy, giving a small "alright then" and continuing on with his story.
HD practically growled out in frustration, sighing and moving to sit up when one of his helper hands appeared again, pushing lightly at his chest to keep the God laying down. Four other helper hands were currently attempting to grab at XD's hands, pulling once more until they were planted on HD's tummy, only for XD to move them away a few seconds later. Another groan, another tug at XD's hands, another cycle of HD huffing and puffing when XD inevitably moves their hands off the smaller deity.
"It seems like your hands are trying to tell me something, HD. Is there something you want? Or something you need from me?" HD heard the low rumble from above him, continuing to cover his face as he had been out of pure embarrassment after the third or fourth time of this run-around. HD felt himself giggle nervously, cursing himself for not remaining calm and collected. He moved his hands away from his face after a deep breath, looking up at XD and shrugging his shoulders in fake confusion.
"I dont knohow XD, like I said, idiots." HD's voice had wavered, and he knew that XD had heard it but chose to ignore it on purpose. That's when the light bulb finally went off in his head - XD was ignoring him on purpose. His face was impossibly hot, he could feel the blush spreading to his neck and ears as he realized that XD had been playing him this whole time.
"They may be idiots, but it seems like they want something," XD began, bringing a hand up and tapping their pointer finger twice against HD's stomach, making him jump with a yelp. HD was impossibly flustered at this point, unable to stop the nervous giggles from fluttering up and out of him and allowing a few to escape from behind his hands that were again shielding his face. "Or rather, I guess it would be you who wants something, huh?"
"Nohoho!" HD was full on cackling at this point, moving to sit up but being pushed back down by one of XD's hands. He glanced up quickly at the God in confusion, his face immediately turning to a look of scared excitement as he watched XD bring one of their hands up to their face, no doubt making a show of admiring their own claws and wiggling them in a way that they knew would make HD's head spin.
"No what? No you don't want something? Or you do want something, and are too shy to ask for it?" HD's face dropped as he realized XD had him right where they wanted him. He let out a long whine, kicking his legs pathetically and pressing his hands harder against his face in hopes of pushing the blush back down. However, it was unsuccessful, and the blush only spread more as XD suddenly latched all four hands onto HD's tummy, causing him to shriek and kick out before the God even moved them.
"XDEHEHEE!" HD screamed out when the deity squeezed once, their top two hands settling on the middle of his ribs while the bottom two had settled on his lower sides, right above his hips. HD bucked up in surprise, feeling the sparks fly through his torso even though XD hadn't moved again after the first pinch.
"Yes HD? Do you have something you want to ask me?" XD leaned forward a bit more, now towering over HD, making him recognize how much bigger XD was than him - how easy it would be for XD to take him apart if he really wanted to.
"Nohohoho! XD stohop teasing!" HD whined through his hands, spreading his fingers a little so that he could see the hands resting along his sides, making sure he wouldn't be caught off guard again. He felt the vibrations of XD's laugh against his right arm that was pressed against the bigger God, causing HD to jolt away with another high pitched giggle due to how sensitive he was from all the teasing.
"I think you want to ask me something, HD," the cloaked God began, skittering their fingers slightly against HD's sides to watch him buck up again with a strangled laugh that he had attempted to gulp down. "I think you want tickles."
XD had known since the minute they walked into HD's cave of clouds that he wanted tickles - it had become such a routine thing for the two that it was an unspoken agreement to do it at least once every time XD came to visit. Today though, XD had seen how desperate HD had been and decided to make it into a fun game - well, at least a fun game for XD. And so they had acted oblivious to HD's advances and taunts, holding in the urge to jump at the bare skin of the smaller God's tummy in favor of continuing to tease him until he broke.
"I-Ihihihi don't!" HD managed to finally get out between his giggles, squeaking every now and then when XD's fingers would twitch. He was so on edge, even the clouds that grazed the back of his neck were making him squirm.
"No? You don't want tickles?" XD asked, watching as HD lowered his hands slightly, the cogs turning in his head slowly as he figured out what to say next. "Because if you don't want tickles, then we don't have to do it! That's no problem at all." XD smirked as he watched HD's face turn into a pleading expression, clearly fighting with himself on whether to suck up his pride and ask for them, or keep his tough facade up a little longer. XD could tell it was only a matter of time (and a few more well placed pokes) until he would absolutely crumble.
"W-Well Ihihihi…." HD trailed off, unable to say anything else before retreating back behind his hands. XD knew how embarrassed he was but was surprised when yet again four white hands appeared, gripping at each of XD's wrists and attempted to move them back and forth, they guessed as a way to see if it would tickle HD. But XD kept their placement of their hands firm, not allowing the ethereal hands to move them an inch.
"Go on?" XD prompted with a light squeeze, a bit softer and less teasy than they had been. They chuckled softly as HD let out yet another whine, the thousandth one in the past hour. XD reached up and gently moved HD's hands away from his face, audibly cooing over how red the smaller deity's cheeks were. HD had his eyes squeezed shut, too flustered and embarrassed to open them and face XD.
See the full post
110 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Mr. Kitzel
I got a very mean concept idea based off of this post from @cayjuno. I decided to put my own twist on it, so hopefully you all like it! (This is definitely NOT aimed at anyone specifically cough cough)
Dream, George and Sapnap come across a rather interesting find at the store, intrigued by the name of it. Dream puts it back, flustered and not wanting to look at it any longer, but George and Sapnap throw it back into their basket, forming a plan on what to use it for (or who to use it on) in their heads.
(lee!Dream / ler!George / ler!Sapnap : 2.6k words)
Dream didn’t understand why George and Sapnap had to drag him along to the store. He had just started to get into the new show he had been waiting to see on Netflix when the two barged into his room, practically dragging the blonde out of the house as he protested the whole way to the car. 
He now found himself aimlessly walking through the aisles of the miscellaneous store, mindlessly looking up and down all the shelves as something to do while Sapnap and George trailed ahead, talking between them about what they needed to make sure to grab. They had all turned down an aisle that contained self care items, including brushes, skin care, body lotion - those kinds of things. 
Dream was barely focusing on anything at this point, but suddenly something caught his eye. It was a back scratcher, something he had seen a million times before. But weirdly enough, it seemed to have a label with another language on it. He reached down and pulled the package from where it was dangling, bringing it closer to him to see if it was all in a different language. 
“Mr. Kitzel?” Dream practically jumped at the sudden voice coming from behind him, closer to his ear than he had anticipated. He turned his head to the side and met the dark brown eyes of George, who was smiling with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“Yeah, I’m not sure? I was trying to figure out what language this was more than anything.” George hummed in acknowledgment as Sapnap made his way over, taking the backscratcher from Dream’s hands and glancing over the words.
“I think it might be german? Hold on,” Sapnap reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, unlocking it and bringing up his translation app. He let out a chuckle when he read what it meant, turning his phone slightly to show George which made him turn slightly red with a nervous giggle. Dream was now the only one confused, and he was now rocking back and forth on his heels as he anxiously waited to see what was causing them to react like that. 
“What is it? What does it mean?” Dream sounded a little annoyed, but he couldn’t help it! He was getting nervous, and he wasn’t exactly sure why. Probably because of the smirks George and Sapnap shared as they looked at Dream, the smaller of the boys shrugging his shoulders and handing Dream his phone. The blonde boy nearly choked, fumbling to give Sapnap his phone back when he read the translation on the screen. 
Tickle. The translation was tickle. The backscratcher was literally called “Mr. Tickle”. 
“What a funny coincidence!” George began, leaning closer to Dream and causing him to take a step back with a nervous giggle. “We know someone with a very ticklish back. Don’t we, Sapnap?” 
“I think we do, George!” Sapnap agreed, also taking a step towards Dream with a teasy tone in his voice. He laughed as he watched Dream turn impossibly red, clearly loving how much their words were impacting the taller boy. Dream rolled his eyes with a huff before snatching the backscratcher out of Sapnaps hands to put back on the shelf.
“Yeah yeah, whatever. Let’s just get the stuff and go, I wanna go back to watching my show and ignoring you idiots.” Dream hung the backscratcher back on the shelf before turning quickly on his heels, walking away from the flustering situation. George and Sapnap giggled to themselves as the oldest boy grabbed the backscratcher again, throwing it into the basket and hiding it under the items they had already grabbed. They then followed quickly behind Dream, silently planning on ways they can use their brand new purchase. 
After returning home, Dream placed the bags he was carrying in on the kitchen table before turning to walk back up the steps to his room. He heard quick footsteps behind him and he turned around, just narrowly avoiding Sapnap from lunging at him. 
“What are you doing you idiot?!” Dream yelled out, giggling as Sapnap held up his fists and punched at Dream’s biceps. George walked over to them, giggling and rolling his eyes at Sapnap’s childish playing. 
“Just hang out with us, Dream! You’ve been in your room all morning!” Sapnap whined out, slumping his shoulders and throwing his arms around Dream dramatically, pulling him into a tight hug.
“You’ll live,” Dream used both arms to finally pry Sapnap off and away from his body, George gripping onto the younger boy’s arms to hold him back from tackling Dream again. “I promise I only have a few more episodes and then I’m done! If you guys are streaming later when I’m done I’ll pop in then.” 
Sapnap was about to protest when George elbowed him in the ribs, making him yelp and turn his head to meet his gaze. Dream watched in confusion as they seemingly were communicating, Sapnap suddenly smirking and staying quiet as he finally turned back to Dream to give him a thumbs up.
“I might stream later, so that sounds good. Just message me when you’re done.” George said nonchalantly, turning to walk back into the kitchen to unpack the bags. Sapnap gave him one last smirk before turning and following behind George to help. Dream felt a slight shiver down his spine but pushed it out of his mind, blaming the stupid “Mr. Kitzel” for being so on-edge. He made his way up the steps and a few minutes later was settled on his bed, laying on his stomach with his laptop in front of him while he was completely engrossed in the show. So engrossed, it would seem, that he unfortunately didn’t hear his door slowly opening or the footsteps of the two boys who quietly made their way over to Dream. 
Dream let out a shriek at the sudden weight landing on the back of his thighs, feeling his heart rate increase as he jolted, almost knocking his laptop to the floor. He turned as best he could to see George straddling his upper thighs, smirking down at him with mischief in his eyes. Dream turned back around quickly, screeching again as he was met with two hazel eyes very close to his face. 
“What the fuck?!” Dream began trying to buck up in an attempt to knock George off of him, but George just reached forward and gave his sides two quick squeezes as a warning. Dream yelped, burying his head in the blankets below him to stop a laugh from escaping. It was silent for a moment until heard the rustling of a bag from above him, making him lift his head slightly to see what was going on. 
“Dream, you remember your good friend Mr. Kitzel, don’t you?” He suddenly felt his blood run cold as Sapnap held up the backscratcher from the store, now free from its packaging, and free for the two to use it however they wanted. His thrashing picked up, protesting between the nervous giggles that were now pouring out of him. 
“It looks like he remembers.” George teased from above him, bringing his attention back to the hands that were still gripped onto his sides. Dream stilled, hoping that if he’s able to act unbothered maybe they would leave him alone. He was sadly mistaken, throwing himself into fight or flight mode as he felt his shirt being lifted up above his shoulder blades, exposing the freckly pale skin of his back to the cold air. 
“Nohohoho no George plehehease! Plehease don’t!” Dream began to plead, not knowing what else to do besides kick his legs as hard as he could, hoping to catch George off guard and make him lose his balance. But while Dream was distracted with trying to knock George off of him, he suddenly felt a strong pull at both of his arms, causing his chin to drop against the bed as his arms were stretched above him. He was truly trapped now, barely able to move side to side at how stretched out he seemed to be. 
“Why are you saying ‘please’? Are you asking to get more acquainted with Mr. Tickle?” George teased, leaning down to speak directly into Dream’s ear, making him rub it against his arm with a giggle to relieve the tingles he felt from the vibration of George’s voice. 
“Nohoho! Fuck OFF!” he tried his best to sound aggressive, but it was pretty hard to pull off between all the high pitched squeaks and nervous giggles that he couldn’t seem to swallow. 
“That’s ‘Mr. Kitzel’, George! At least treat our new friend with some respect and say his name in his native language!” Sapnap gasped in fake offense, making George fall into cackles at the ridiculousness of the entire situation. 
“You’re right, thank you Sapnap!” Dream felt George lean back, settling into his place on his thighs as he began dragging the backscratcher down his spine slowly, causing Dream to scream out before falling into louder laughter, kicking his feet every few seconds to try and get the tickly energy out. 
See the full post
110 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Soft Surprises
hello fwens my brain won't shut up and now you get this random drabble yay
George comes home to laughter bouncing off the walls of the entry way when he walks through the front door. He recognized someone was clearly losing a certain type of playful fight, only this time it wasn't the laugh he was used to hearing
(lee!Dream / ler!Sapnap : 1k words)
George coming home to the sound of panicked laughter wasn't a rare occurrence. He was used to getting home after a quick trip to the store or to pick up food for the three of them and finding the two younger boys wrestling around the living room. More often than not, it was past the wrestling stage and onto Sapnap being hoisted back onto the couch, being pressed roughly into the cushions as Dream drilled his fingers under his arms.
What was a rare occurrence however, was the high pitched giggles sounding like a particular 6'3 blonde man coming from one of the bedrooms upstairs. Feeling excitement in the form of butterflies, George quickly dropped the keys on the counter and raced up the steps as quietly as he could, trying to make the minimal amount of noise as to not disrupt the attack.
George of course had heard Dream being tickled out of his mind plenty of times, mostly at the hands of Sapnap or himself - sometimes at the hands of both. But Dream was normally the one holding them down, tickling them silly until they had tears in their eyes and the laughs went silent.
The laughter grew louder the closer George crept towards Sapnap's room, stopping a few feet away seeing that the door was indeed halfway open. He leaned forward to see if he could peek in, but realized the view of the bed was just out of his line of sight. He took another step forward slowly, finally able to see the two, and he was not disappointed. He felt a smile forming quickly across his face, practically bursting with giddiness from the adorable sight that was playing out before him.
Laying on his back against the covers was Dream, who had his head thrown back and his eyes closed with bright red cheeks, giggling like mad as Sapnap straddled his waist, lazily skittering his fingers along his lower tummy. George watched as Dream kicked his leg every few seconds, squirming slightly whenever Sap hit a particularly sensitive spot.
"You're such a puppy, Dream." he heard Sapnap chuckle out in adoration, the youngest boy looking at Dream with the softest eyes and the fondest smile George had ever seen. The blonde boy shook his head slowly, giggling a little harder as Sapnap walked his fingers higher up his stomach, bringing his shirt up to below his ribs to reveal the pale, quivering skin beneath it.
“Sh-Shut uhuhup! ‘M not!” Dream whined out between giggles, squeezing his eyes shut a bit harder when he felt his face heat up even more from the teasing. George watched as Sapnap went from light skitters to now prodding and kneading with a bit more pressure. Dream’s giggles turned to full blown laughter, causing him to shake his head quicker and kick both his feet against the bed.
“You are, look at you! You’re even kicking your feet while I’m giving you tummy rubs!” George smiled at the way Dream squeaked when Sapnap kneaded the spot under his bellybutton, loving whenever he made Dream do that when he would tickle him to tears.
“Nohohoho!” Sapnap continued to squeeze under and around Dream’s bellybutton, sometimes dipping a finger in quickly to make him scream and buck his hips. Sapnap continued to giggle along with Dream, teasing him as he continued to tickle all around the tummy below him. George giggled quietly as Sapnap continued to torment the blonde, loving how soft this whole situation was. But there was one thing that he couldn’t stop thinking about.
Dream hadn’t attempted to stop the tickling. Not once.
George had observed in the beginning how Dream had his arms laying on either side of his head while Sapnap was tickling lightly over his lower tummy. Dream’s fingers had twitched and he had made little fists every now and again, but the arms stayed put.
When Sapnap started moving up and using a bit more pressure to prod around the older boys stomach, Dream’s laughter had picked up and his hands had flown down to grip onto Sapnap’s wrist. George would’ve bet on anything that Dream would’ve pulled the tickling hands away, but instead he simply held on for dear life.
But no matter how much Sapnap tickled, Dream’s hands didn’t even come close to attempting to stop him. Even when Sapnap started kneading around the boys bellybutton, Dream had let go of Sapnap’s wrists and instead gripped onto the blankets below him, twisting the covers to release some of the ticklish energy flowing through him. It was almost as if Dream didn’t want to stop Sapnap.
It was almost as if Dream didn’t want to stop Sapnap.
George felt his cheeks heat up slightly, shaking his head slowly with the biggest smirk on his face as the realization suddenly hit him. He giggled quietly, turning on his heel and heading back down stairs to finish putting the things he had gotten from the store away.
When he reached the bottom step he heard a loud shriek, followed by a thud. George furrowed his brows and turned his head back towards the direction of the stairs, listening for more screams from the blonde boy. Instead he was met with silence, followed by loud pleading from Sapnap, and then a loud scream from the younger boy.
George rolled his eyes fondly, giggling to himself as he heard the familiar raspy laugh of Sapnap bouncing off the walls once more. He would pretend to be annoyed if anyone else was around, but he had to be honest - this was one of his favorite things in the world.
131 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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156 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
357 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
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0 notes
rmg91 · 3 years
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I posted 921 times in 2021
68 posts created (7%)
853 posts reblogged (93%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 12.5 posts.
I added 688 tags in 2021
#toa - 146 posts
#tales of arcadia - 141 posts
#douxie - 97 posts
#wizards - 65 posts
#zoe - 62 posts
#zouxie - 58 posts
#xd - 43 posts
#my other wizard son - 33 posts
#broppy - 23 posts
#zoe week - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#but just zoe's like the cool older sis everyone wants and claire feels she's the only she can talk to when things eventually start heating
My Top Posts in 2021
ToA Headcanons
@honeyxmonkey You wanted some headcanons, here’s some headcanons that have been swimming around in my head.
Zoe joins Douxie/Nari/Archie in NYC/Metro City not too long after they get there. She spends three days confusing poor Nari cause while her words are harsh toward Douxie her actions say she’s not as mad as she sounds. She also tells Nari none of anything that happened is her fault. She also also spends those three days wrapped in Douxie’s hoodie and refusing to give it back to him.
Zoe and Douxie have matching tattoos, might be their initials + Archie’s or maybe a special symbol I haven’t gotten that far yet lol (And probably at some point when things have calmed down they get something to represent Nari as well)
Zoe and Douxie have been romantically together for about 500 years. They’ve been married/engaged/what have you multiple times throughout the years but the one they actually count is the one that’s attended by all their Arcadia friends. (There might also be some magic bonding involved so it’s extra meaningful) Nari is their flower girl. It’s also kind of ‘gothic’ is someways/Zoe totally wears a black dress.
Douxie opens up a new bookstore/magic shop (since I think the old one actually gets burned down at the end of Wizards) and becomes well known throughout the magical community for being a Maser Wizard. Magicals are always coming to or calling him for help. They also learn not to mess with his tiny wife.
He and Zoe may being living in the refurbished Camalot??? Haven’t decided yet cause it also doubles as the Guardians HQ but we’re def keeping it from ROTT.
Zoe’s more powerful than anyone thinks she is, partially because lightning magic is one of the more powerful magics out there but also because Douxie has helped her throughout the years to cast wandless magic (something most Hedge Wizards/Witches can’t do.)
Zoe doesn’t mind when Claire’s friends thirst over Douxie, she’s amused by it, just as long as they only look and don’t touch.
And here’s some ROTT headcanons that I’m throwing in too;
47 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 23:17:07 GMT
Clearing the Air
Because we need more Douxie and Jim bonding moments. ...And I wanted to write these two mooning over their girlfriends.
Also on; AO3
It was a normal day in Arcadia Oaks, or well...as normal as it got for our heroes nowadays with all that had been happening in the mortal and mystical worlds. Point was none of their current big threats were in front of them and they weren't being chased by goblins or gnomes so yeah, normal day for the Trollhunters. A day to try to catch up on missed homework, play video games or hang out with friends who didn't have the weight of the worlds on their shoulders. Or, in Jim Lake Jr's case, do a favor for your girlfriend because you couldn't say no when she called and begged you to help someone instead of her because she had to now watch her baby brother. Now here he was, assisting their newest team member organize some new books at the Arcane Books store.
He didn't mind helping, really, he was doing Claire a favor after all and he'd do practically anything for her and there wasn't really anything wrong with Douxie...The guy was a real life wizard of all things! And had known and worked under Merlin, the very same who had created his amulet, which was honestly just a little awesome he had to admit, but...but he still couldn't help but, well...be jealous of the guy! He was always so buddy-buddy with Claire and making her laugh and giving her little tips on magic and a ton of other things! And of course Jim knew Claire was her own person and not an object and could have other friends but he just...he just couldn't help thinking some days that she was his girlfriend and that this show-off, flirty wizard needed to back-off! Of course he couldn't -would never actually- say anything as he didn't want to upset the raven haired witch he'd been crushing on for so long.
Still he just couldn't fight that ugly, awful, tight feeling of jealousy in his chest whenever he saw the pair together or when the wizard would inquire about doing something with her.
50 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 01:45:22 GMT
I’m blaming @honeyxmonkey for this cause she’s right XD
Drunk!Douxie: -sitting down but upper torso sprawled over table as he looks at Zoe- She’s just *hic* amazing, y’know? So be’utiful, so pow’rful, all wrapped up in tha’ cute littl’ pa’kage~ But don’ tell her I sa’d tha’! She’d wreck me if she knew I call’d her sma’l and cute... -sighs all lovesick- But, mate, just *hic*...Lo’k at her! Tha’ hair! D’ose eyes! -slaps hand on table- I get t’-t’ h’ve tha’! -’whispers’- I get ta sleep with tha’!! An’-An’-Blimey-! -summons Spellcaster- ZOE~! I LOVE YOU BA-BAY!!!
Zoe: -Been listening the entire time- -fond sigh- Okay, I think it’s time you stopped and went to bed.
59 notes • Posted 2021-08-11 15:46:42 GMT
The town of Arcadia comes under a (possible accidental) singing curse AKA the musical episode that would’ve been amazing.
Jim and Claire: Questioning it but doesn’t fight it after a time.
Toby: Not really bothering with questioning it/going along with it.
Blinky: Getting increasingly agitated. “WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!”
Arrgg: Having fun with it.
Aja: Also having fun with it.
Krel: Just wants to have an epic musical number/trying to find a solution.
Steve: Probably also freaking out? At least until Aja pulls him into a duet.
Douxie: Eagerly summoning his guitar and going all out.
Archie: Getting some song about salmon.
Zoe: Reluctantly going along with it as fighting it doesn’t work.
Nari: Happily skipping around in the forest in her number.
82 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 05:57:25 GMT
ToA: The Beach Episode
That we never got;
-Set post-series so everyone can be there.
-Blinky and Arrrgg stay behind because public beach and you know, sunshine but maybe Claire brings them later when the sun goes down and they join in on the fire handout on the private bit of beach everyone found.
-Varvatos is convinced to stay behind by Aja, Krel and Toby to spend some time with Nancy
-Nari gets to come under a glamor and is so excited at everything she sees.
-Aja discovers surfing and picks it up super quickly. Steve cheers her on from shore.
-Steve & Aja, Jim & Claire, Toby & Darci all play chicken. Staja wins.
-Krel goes diving.
-Jim chases Claire down the beach before catching her and tossing her into the ocean because they’re adorable like that.
-Zoe happily reads under a beach umbrella with Archie (in dog form) letting everyone else be crazy.
-Some creeps try to flirt with Aja, Claire and Darci and don’t want to respect they have boyfriends. Either the boys come over and they all manage to shoo the offenders off or the girls are able to take care of themselves.
-In the same vein maybe someone else tries to come onto Claire but Zoe steps in and tells him he doesn’t want to piss off her ‘older brother’.
-Mary flirts with all the dudes.
-Every single girl (and some guys) on the beach drool over/try to flirt with Douxie. While I’m sure he’d be the perfect English gentleman/flirts a little back he also makes sure to point out his girlfriend/wife. Sometimes Zoe steps in too to stake her claim.
-Eli and Steve go beach monster hunting/shell collecting/mermaid sighting
-Eli, Toby and Nari build an epic sand kingdom. Jim must defend it from Steve.
-Lots of play fighting with driftwood sticks or foam swords.
-Lots of water fights.
-The girls go shopping and play dress up in the shops/take lots of pictures. They send a particularly adorable one of Nari to Douxie.
-Probably some other adorable Magic Siblings content.
-Zoe drags Douxie off somewhere to make-out.
-At some point he has also tossed her into the ocean despite knowing it would piss her off.
-As stated; They all pile around a fire in the evening on a private bit of beach to make s’mores and just hang out. Douxie breaks out Spellcaster for some tunes. All the couples are adorably snuggled together.
133 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 21:30:07 GMT
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sztefa001 · 3 years
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#humanformers - 55 posts
#amazing - 53 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#when i was 21-23 i started watching mlp and princess sofia the 1st and wonder over yonder and rewatched tabaluga and the aristocats movie an
My Top Posts in 2021
A silly thing for our OCs, but who would be the best behaved in the Doctor's to the worst. (Like regular checkups, nothing too bad.)
Morphine - as a medic himself and being dead inside he really doesn't care what's being done to him. Easiest to deal with. You could tell him he needs a surgery and he'd just shrug like ok whatever, now or do I have to come later?
Renfrew and Breeze - good and unproblematic babs. Don't like needles and painful stuff but won't show it (may complain a bit with Breeze may try being a bit flirty to lighten up the mood). It's no big deal but they do appreciate hugs afterwards.
MiniMint - she's fine, real good bean, deserves a sticker. If there are needles involved it will make her uncomfortable but she knows how to behave. Feels best if she's held tho 'cuz she's afraid she'll involountarily twitch and make things worse. But dw, that never happens. Probably won't ask for it but really appreciates some sweets afterwards. Get her some enerjuice or enerjellies. Distracting her withmaking her nerd out about rocket science will make her forget about any unpleasanties just as well.
Taffy - uhh are we talking before or after the trauma?
Before - he's flirty. Good bab, maybe a bit annoying if you have low tolerance for flirty goofballs. Theatrical drama queen when there's needles involved. Tries to cover up how much he doesn't want it. He's gonna need help calming down. It's not that he'd escape but he needs to be held for comfort. Panics more than it's worth. Afterwards needs to be taken for ice cream or else will sulk for the rest of the day like an offended princess.
After - needs his trinemates to hold him. Preferably restrained in a blanket burrito 'cuz he really doesn't like to be touched. Even for the slightest checkup he needs to be held close and softly talked to. And it's not even being a drama queen about it, the distress is real. Good thing at-home checkups are a thing 'cuz the poor bean wants to avoid any contact with anyone other that his trinemates and close friends. Good thing he has 2 medics among his frind group. Luckily eventually he improves to the point of being like before or even like Mini.
TerrorRain - will complain and be a bitch 'cuz he doesn't need no check ups. Will refuse to have stuff done to him, may need to be dragged in by someone strong enough even if it's just a check up. Doesn't fear needles but will not follow doctor's recommendations unless it later ends with shit going badly and him thinking "Uhh... I... probably should've listened." Much better chances of getting him to cooperate if the medic in charge is not Morphine. They're gonna be extra jerks to one another.
StrongSpark - he's a child of special needs. Can't understand what and why is happening around him and being blind surely doesn't help. Sure he spends a lot time at hospitals but that doesn't make him any less distressed or more used to it. The same procedures that normally take just a while stretch into hours as he needs a lot of preparations and comforting. And often some sedatives when he gets muscle contracture malfunction out of stress. Requires the most time of all listed here but is also most innocent. Sparky is the only bot Morphine has so much unending patience for. He gets lots of love from both his parents (yes, even Terry and Morph are capable of love). Years later he improves and manages to understand that the pain is usually temporal and just letting it happen will result in less of it. Oh and also he learns to talk a bit!
9 notes • Posted 2021-08-18 22:06:15 GMT
Now that it is canon that Starscream is the queen in chess, you know what that means?! WE CAN DRAW HIM IN FANCY QUEEN OUTFITS!
Well I can't draw bots for shi so have this shitty ms paint doodle:
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15 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 19:14:45 GMT
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25 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 10:19:52 GMT
I GOTTA TELL YOU, IVE BEEN READING ABOUT YOUR FICLET IN YOUR TAGS AND IM SO HYPED whoops ok stop it with the tags,caro, thats too much
ANYWAYS OMG !! i cant wait holy moly !! if you want a beta reader or anything else i gladly volunteer i'm so EXCITED
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I mean there's no way I can write them all in a form of fics but I'm defo gonna make a post or two summarizing them. And I don't think this would be possible without @president-alpine who not only got me into the fandom but also spams ideas with me daily in dms :D (SAY HI ALPS!)
Anyway here's what I have for now:
StarJack, humanformers au, post-war, established relationship, comfort, fluff, old habits die hard
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47 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 21:19:54 GMT
I put on some shanties to listen to while trying to draw pirate KO but the shanties are so good and fun I instead started daydreaming about the crew having fun on the deck and singing and dancing and I can't focus on drawing for shi-
118 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 20:21:50 GMT
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dimigex · 2 years
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I added 546 tags in 2021
#queue it up - 137 posts
#naruto - 121 posts
#kakasaku - 63 posts
#omg - 43 posts
#kakashi - 41 posts
#sakura - 35 posts
#hahaha - 28 posts
#dimi answers - 27 posts
#overwatch - 26 posts
#healing hands - 25 posts
Longest Tag: 113 characters
#or . . .alternatively . . you could send me a pairing and a number for this list and i'll let my muse run with it
My Top Posts in 2021
New Altered Reality Chapter!
A03 / FF 
I think it’s been like . . two years since I updated this story XD oops. The story is linked at the top if you want the full chapter and/or story. This is only a portion of the new chapter because it’s over 6k words 
"Why don't you go train for a little while? It might take your mind off things." Rin made the suggestion as gentle as possible, ignoring the frustration that seethed just beneath the surface of her calm. She wanted the apartment to herself for a few hours and desperately needed Kakashi to stop fussing over her. Then, she'd be able to relax the way that she was supposed to. The man's constant attention put her on edge.
Since the doctor's appointment four days ago, Kakashi had been acting like a brooding hen. When Rin stood up to get her book from the bedroom, he'd jumped to his feet and offered to go instead. He didn't want her standing long enough to cook or clean, so he'd taken over those duties as well. While Kakashi was decent in the kitchen, he'd kept everything bland and refused to add any salt to the dishes. If the man mentioned her blood pressure one more time, Rin was fairly certain that hers would rise to dangerous levels when she yelled at him.
At Rin's words, Kakashi glanced up from the book in his lap. The man's brow furrowed as he marked his place with a finger. "What if you need something while I'm gone?"
"Then, I'll get it myself," Rin answered. She moderated her tone to placating rather than annoyed. It was more difficult than she expected. "I'm hardly an invalid, you know?"
"The doctor said you needed rest." Kakashi argued for the umpteenth time, as if Rin had forgotten it, as if he would give her a chance to forget it.
Rin held up her hand to stop Kakashi's next arguments before they could form. Slowly, she counted to five under her breath. The idea of laying in bed or on the couch for even one minute longer made her physically ill. She had done everything that she was supposed to: drinking glass after glass of water to keep herself hydrated, keeping the lights dim and the room quiet, resting on her left side whenever possible. There had been a dozen tiny things that might make a difference, or might not.
While that scenario would sound like a dream for some women, to Rin, it was a nightmare. She missed the days when training and missions kept her mind and body racing. When she was in the village, Rin kept herself busy wherever the hospital needed an extra set of hands. She hadn't chosen her specialization yet, but she was leaning toward pediatrics. Most medical nin worked in triage and emergencies, but there were plenty of quiet days as well. Rin liked the idea of helping children feel better rather than focusing on battle injuries.
Rin realized that her mind had drifted from the topic at hand and brought her eyes back to Kakashi. She couldn't help but appreciate the changes in her husband in the past few days, even when they annoyed her. In some ways, he was more like himself and others, he was totally different. Rin could manage the symptoms of her pregnancy; she'd done that when morning sickness left her more or less living on the bathroom floor for two months. But, she couldn't handle the hovering worry that radiated off of Kakashi.
"Why don't you go see if Minato has an update on your team?" Rin suggested, pushing into a sitting position.
Apprehension entered Kakashi's eyes. The man still hadn't been able to explain his nervousness over the chunin exams, no matter how much he tried. Rin almost felt bad for bringing up the memory, almost. Team Seven was the only distraction that could get Kakashi out of her hair for an hour or two. Sensing the man's wavering resolve, Rin pushed. "I'm just going to take a bath anyway. A cool one," Rin amended when Kakashi opened his mouth. He had been reading one of her many books about the dos and don't of pregnancy; Rin wished that she'd thrown them out once she finished.
"I'm sure he would have sent someone if there was news," Kakashi countered. His voice lacked its usual certainty, however. He wanted to know what was happening with his students as much as Rin wanted some time to breathe.
Rin nodded, running a hand through her hair. "Probably, but it would be good for you to get your mind off this mess." She gestured around the apartment. "Besides, if I need you, I can create a clone to find you. I still know how to do some things."
Over the past few months, Rin had been developing her chakra control. Once her pregnancy had been confirmed, she'd been removed from active duty. With missions off the table, she spent more time at the hospital. Even so, Rin was only permitted to assist with certain cases, so she spent her free time working through exercises that improved her control. Hopefully, that would allow her the freedom to study more medical ninjutsu after the baby was born. If she'd learned anything from being on a team with hotheaded Obito and reckless Kakashi, it was that a medic was always necessary.
"You promise you'll come find me if you need anything?" Kakashi's voice held a note of uncertainty that surprised Rin. When she nodded, he tucked a strip of cloth into the book on his lap and placed it on the table. "I won't be gone long, but maybe you're right. I'm sure there are rumors about teams finishing the second exam by now."
"Take your time," Rin offered, schooling her face to impassivity. If she looked hopeful at the free time, Kakashi would see the trap. He stood, stretching the stiff muscles in his back, then glanced in her direction. A slight frown appeared on his face.
He's debating whether or not to kiss me, Rin realized with a start. While Kakashi had changed significantly over the past few days, the hesitancy about displaying emotions with her remained. Honestly, it didn't bother Rin as much as his lost memories did. Kakashi had always been private and reserved with his affections. Deciding to meet him halfway, Rin caught his hand with hers and squeezed. Kakashi exhaled in relief.
"Go on," Rin prompted, dropping her fingers away. "I'll be good, I promise."
A smile tugged at the corners of Kakashi's mouth as he stepped closer. To Rin's surprise, he leaned in and pressed a warm kiss to her forehead. An unfamiliar explosion of heat washed through her chest at the gesture. "I'll bring dinner home," Kakashi continued, completely unaware of the effect he had on her. "Don't even think of trying to make it while I'm gone."
"Promise," Rin laughed, hoping that her smile disguised the fact that she had just been considering that very thing.
When the door shut behind Kakashi, Rin glanced at the calendar on the wall. She calculated how much longer she'd have to endure Kakashi's worrying before life could get back to normal. If everything went perfectly, they would meet their son in twelve weeks; Rin could hang on that long. She didn't have a choice.
When a brief knock sounded on the office door, Minato glanced up from the paperwork in his hand. Shikaku slipped through before he had time to answer, and Minato's heart leaped into his throat. "Has there been news?"
The second chunin exam was coming to a close, and there still hadn't been any word of Naruto's team. Minato knew that his son and his teammates were talented shinobi, but the exams were designed to be taxing. He'd seen just as many groups fail because of bad luck as poor skill. With the relative peace in the shinobi nations, fewer genin were advanced to the next rank. Minato agreed with the changes, but he could still remember all too well how quickly the ninja wars had started.
Shikaku shook his head as he shut the door behind him. "None about Team Seven."
Minato understood what the man wasn't saying; there were more important things to worry about than Naruto's advancement. Shikaku's son was also competing in the exams, he had to be wondering about the same things as Minato, but Shikaku remained detached. He stayed focused on the other matters that required his attention to keep the village running. Shikaku had been an excellent pick as Minato's second in command, and Minato didn't know what he would do without him most days.
Dipping his head in understanding, Minato pressed a thumb and forefinger against his eyes to stave off a headache. It had been a stressful week. When he wasn't torn between worries over Kakashi's memory and Naruto's performance, Minato had been dealing with chaos of having multiple villages together. There had been half a dozen fights to break up, tempers that needed soothing, and the exhaustion of hosting delegates. He cringed. "What is it this time? A broken nose over which kage is the strongest? Blood feud over the death of a distant relative? A comment taken the wrong way?"
"None of the above." Shikaku didn't crack a smile at Minato's attempted levity. Whatever he had come to say must be bad. Minato waited in silence. "I wasn't sure what to make of the report, so I brought it to you immediately. Someone made an attempt against the village barrier."
Minato shifted, mind flashing back to Kakashi's warning about Orochimaru. Even so, he forced himself to think logically rather than responding with a knee jerk reaction. "Did the Anbu tasked with that portion of the village find anything out of the ordinary? Which team was it?"
See the full post
37 notes • Posted 2021-03-12 14:18:37 GMT
Gestures (KakaSaku)
This is for @harunosakuraweek, Day One, Prompt: Hanami 
Sakura rubbed her eyes and fought to focus on the words in front of her. She’d spent the entire day in her office, trying to catch up on paperwork that should have been completed days if not weeks ago. She could never find never enough time to finish everything, especially when she saw patients during the day. 
Blinking away the bleariness, Sakura returned to the row of numbers that indicated shinobi fatalities over the past month. She compared it to the previous month’s tally, then studied the past six months as a whole. There had been an uptick in deaths the previous two months, possibly attributable to the change to spring. However, the annual view showed an upward trend as well, and that couldn’t be attributed to the weather. There had to be extenuating factors. Maybe it was tied to the rise in the immigrant population— 
A knock at the door pulled Sakura’s attention from her work. She growled and tossed the report onto her desk with a clatter. When she called out, she didn’t even try to moderate her tone. “Yes?” 
A familiar grey head peeked around the door, then Kakashi stepped through. His eyes creased into his ever present eye smile. “So, you are still alive down here after all.” 
“Yes, and I’m busy,” Sakura snipped, her annoyance with paperwork bleeding through at the first person she’d seen all day. “Is there something I can help you with?” 
Kakashi closed the door behind him before crossing the office. He nodded. “As a matter of fact, there is.” 
When the man didn’t continue, Sakura raised one eyebrow in his direction. “Did I mention that I was busy?” 
“You did.” Kakashi rested one hip against the edge of Sakura’s desk, crossing his arms over his chest. “But, it’s going to have to wait. Official order of the Hokage, I’m afraid.” 
Sakura tapped her pen against the palm of her opposite hand and narrowed her eyes. “Kakashi, I don’t have time for one of your games today. This paperwork needed done weeks ago, and I—
“And, you’ve been locked in here all day. You need to get out,” Kakashi finished. He leveled his gaze at Sakura. “You still have to eat, don’t you? And, all of this will still be here when you get back. 
“I’ll order takeout,” Sakura countered, turning her attention back to her paperwork. 
Kakashi plucked the report from Sakura’s hands. “I’m afraid not.” He lifted the pages out of Sakura’s reach when she shot to her feet. “I’m serious. This is for your own good.” 
Growling, Sakura launched herself toward Kakashi, but he danced out of reach. After three unsuccessful attempts, she huffed and glared up at his smug expression. “If I agree to dinner, will you let me get back to work after?” 
“If you still want to, yes.” Kakashi lowered the report, leaving himself wide open to Sakura’s fist. She didn’t put any chakra behind the punch; she used just enough force to remind him that she could have. The air whooshing out of the man’s lungs was more pleasant than she’d anticipated. 
“Don’t manipulate me again,” Sakura warned, taking the pages back from Kakashi’s hand. She set the report back on her desk and shook her head. She knew a losing battle when she saw one. She turned to Kakashi who still hadn’t spoken and raised one hand to his shoulder. “Too hard?” 
The man shook his head, letting a tentative breath. When it didn’t hurt, Kakashi nodded. “Okay, point taken. Are you ready to go?” 
Sighing, Sakura flipped off the light on her desk and gave her work one last glance before turning away. She followed Kakashi out of the hospital and down the street. They passed Ichiraku, Sakura’s favorite sushi restaurant, the Korean BBQ, then the Chinese place that they’d been meaning to try. When they continued past Kakashi’s apartment, Sakura frowned. “Where exactly are you taking me?” 
“Do you trust me?” Kakashi didn’t turn back or wait for Sakura’s answer; he already knew it. They’d been dating for a few months now, so it wasn’t completely unusual for him to surprise her with things like this, but it was rare. 
The pair cut through the village, moving between buildings until Sakura began to wonder if Kakashi had lost his mind. There were no restaurants this way. When Kakashi stopped, Sakura almost ran into his back. She opened her mouth to complain, then stopped short at the scene before them. 
The last time that Sakura had walked past this park, it had been a drab expanse of green and brown with the occasional splash of. It had erupted in shades of pink and white that swayed on every breeze. Dozens of people filled the space, colorful blankets spread over the scant spring grass. Sakura gazed around in wonder before turning back to face Kakashi. 
“I didn’t want you to miss it,’ the man offered by way of explanation. “You’ve been so busy lately, I didn’t think you’d noticed.” 
Kakashi led Sakura through the crowd, wading deeper into the sea of blossoms. He paused near the largest tree where a red and white blanket covered the ground. A heavy basket held the fabric in place. Sakura’s eyebrows crept upward again. “How did you manage all of this?” 
“Being Hokage has some perks.” Kakashi eye smiled again then settled on the blanket. He offered one hand as if Sakura weren’t perfectly capable of joining him. She took it anyway, feeling a flush of warmth course through her. Kakashi held her hand for a moment, then released it. “Honestly, Shikamaru did most of this, but the thought was mine.”
“That’s what counts,” Sakura said, finally realizing how special the day really was. She had been so busy with work that she’d almost missed her chance to see their cherry blossoms at their peak. She gazed up at the tree above them; the soft petals of pink and white scented the air. So much beauty would be wiped away in just a few days. It seemed like such a waste, but at the same time, she knew that she wouldn’t appreciate them if they were always available. For one week, they would exist in perfection, then they would disappear as if they’d never been. 
Exhaling, Sakura turned to find Kakashi watching her with a tender expression. A flush crept up her cheeks. “Thank you for this.” 
“Maa.” Kakashi waved away the sentiment and began digging food and drinks out of the picnic basket. “I know how much you enjoy the flower viewing, but you were so caught up in work. I thought it might be a nice surprise.” 
Sakura nodded, unable to hide the color on her face. She imagined that she must look something like the flowers overhead in the various stages of pink and could only hope that Kakashi didn’t notice. Reaching out, she helped him remove containers of their favorite foods without speaking. Sakura hoped that her actions conveyed her appreciation in a way that words couldn’t. 
For a few minutes, Sakura felt every eye drawn to them. While she and Kakashi hadn’t been secretive about their relationship, they didn’t openly advertise it either. This was a big step for Kakashi, to put their lives so much in the public eye. The flower viewing was always crowded, but after a few minutes people went back to their own conversations. Sakura felt the tension bleed out of her shoulders. 
See the full post
46 notes • Posted 2021-03-28 02:51:49 GMT
Made with Love - Kakayama
For @vibgyoroygbiv lovely art that you can find here. I’ve been meaning to write this forever. Thank you for always sharing your amazing art with all of us! Just a day late for Valentine’s day.
Glancing at the clock from the corner of one eye, Tenzo tightened his hand into a fist then released the tension hoping to work some blood flow back into his tired fingers. He was nearly finished with his project, but it was almost time for Kakashi to be home as well. Tenzo frowned at the open book on the table beside him and reread the diagram for the hundredth time, trying to figure out what he’d done wrong. Huffing, he snipped out the stitches that he’d just done and started again. 
When Tenzo finished, he eyed the plush toy in his hands. The head protector was longer on one side, and the eyes were a bit too close together. The felt that he’d found for the hair was more auburn than brown and stiffer than he’d wanted to use. He sighed, closed Learning to Sew for Dummies, and tucked it away in a drawer. Tenzo would take it back to the library tomorrow. It hadn’t been much help anyway. 
Tenzo thought about the stuffed Kakashi that Sakura had gifted him a couple of months ago. Kakashi’s original jealousy had been adorable, but the man had eventually come around to appreciate the smaller version of himself, even liking it though he’d never admit as much. Tenzo routinely moved the plush around the apartment to surprise Kakashi, letting it get into all kinds of mischief. The man had laughed for days after they’d found Little Kakashi reading Icha, Icha on the couch one morning. 
Everything had been going well until Kakashi decided that he needed a plush Yamato to match. Fifteen stores and a lot of frustration later, Kakashi gave up. He hadn’t liked Tenzo’s reasoning that Team Seven had been the heroes of the war so of course there were replicas to be found Yamato and Sai were insignificant afterthoughts compared to the founding members. Tenzo hadn’t meant anything by it and he didn’t feel any jealousy over the spotlight the four of them shared, but the words bothered Kakashi. 
Kakashi’s disappointment had woken something in Tenzo, a desire to surprise the man in a way that he never had before. Now, looking at the imperfect miniature of himself, he wondered if he shouldn’t have taken another route. His creation looked nothing like the professional quality of the one Sakura had gotten him. It was obviously handmade, and the imperfections were glaring. Tenzo sighed and looked at the head protector again. The leaf had been giving him trouble, so he’d changed it to a heart instead. The entire thing looked so pathetic that he considered stuffing it in the drawer beside the book and--
The sound of a key in the lock pulled Tenzo from his thoughts. He glanced at the clock in shock, surprised that he’d spent so much time trying to perfect the final details. He swiped everything from the desk and dumped it into the open drawer, leaving the plush where it sat, slumped by the lamp. Tenzo hurried toward the door. Kakashi groaned as he stepped through the door, but his eyes brightened when they fell on his lover. “I thought you’d still be at work. Didn’t you have some reporting to finish up?”
“It didn’t take as long as I thought it would,” Tenzo offered, especially since I had Sai do most of it. But, Kakashi didn’t need to know that. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” 
“Of course,” Kakashi answered, planting a light kiss on Tenzo’s cheek. He shook his head while taking off his sandals. “But, having you home early makes it a little hard to surprise you with Valentines dinner.” 
Tenzo chuckled and inclined his head. “It’s difficult to surprise me with it, yes. But you can cook and do the dishes, and I’ll act surprised if you like.” 
Laughing, Kakashi started toward the kitchen. Halfway across the room, he paused. “What’s Little Ka--” the man cut off mid-sentence and walked closer to the desk. He picked up the plush, eying the obvious brown hair where he’d expected silver. “What’s this?” 
“I wanted to make you something, but turns out that I’m not very good at sewing.” Tenzo rubbed the back of his neck as a blush colored his cheeks. Kakashi didn’t answer, tracing his fingers over the hair then the heart on the headband. The heat in Tenzo’s face deepened toward crimson. “I thought I might be able to use it as a template for someone in the village to make a better one.”
“No,” Kakashi interrupted before the argument could fully form. “Don’t you dare think of letting someone else change him. He’s perfect.” 
Tenzo laughed, shaking his head. “He’s far from it. You wouldn’t believe how difficult it was to do those pockets on the flak vest. That’s why the ones on the right are loose and--”
The words died when Kakashi half tackled Tenzo in a hug that pressed the plush between them. Before he could ask for an explanation, Kakashi’s mouth was against his in a kiss that made his excuses seem insignificant. The room spun when they broke apart. “He’s perfect,” Kakashi repeated against Tenzo’s lips, grey eyes surprisingly intent. ”And, you’re perfect.” 
If Tenzo had blushed before, it was nothing compared to now. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” he murmured. 
Kakashi smiled and caught Tenzo’s hand. “Come on, let’s go introduce them to each other.” The man flashed a smirk over his shoulder, increasing Tenzo’s heart rate exponentially. “Then, I’m going to show you just how much I appreciate this, so we’ll probably want to cover their eyes.”  
47 notes • Posted 2021-02-15 21:14:00 GMT
I Won’t Lie - Kakasaku
It’s finally done!! I started this piece years ago but never finished it. It’s the follow on to my story Distraction, but you don’t have to read that to understand it at all. 
Distraction, I Won’t Lie, Part One, Part Two, Epilogue 
Here’s the first part, the rest is linked above and also available on FF.
"So, have you put the moves on the Hokage yet," Ino questioned, applying black eyeliner with a practiced flip of her hand. Her aqua blue eyes stood out in sharp contrast, seeming larger than they had any right to.
Sakura groaned from the bed, falling back to cover her face. "I never intended to put the moves on him," she mumbled, hoping that Ino wouldn't be able to see the crimson flush of her cheeks. "And, it didn't work anyway. Kakashi doesn't know that I exist."
Ino jerked the pillow away and leveled her best friend with a stare. "He definitely knows that you exist, but you need to remind him that you're a woman now, not a little girl." Her gaze swept over Sakura from head to toe. "Why don't you put on something a little more interesting tonight?"
"What's wrong with what I have on?" Sakura frowned at her outfit. Okay, the leggings that she wore were more comfortable than provocative, and her mother would have approved of her shirt, but that didn't mean there was anything wrong with it. She always dressed like this when they went out. It wasn't her fault that Ino had more outfits than any other girl that Sakura knew, and an uncanny way of making everything look sexy.
"Nothing," Ino answered, with a smile curving her cherry-red lips. "As long as you want to die old and alone."
Sakura threw the remaining pillow at Ino's face, narrowly missing. "Shut up, Ino-pig," she grumbled, reverting to the insult that had become a friendly nickname over the past few years. Sakura tugged at her shirt for a moment, chewing her lip "If I agree, can you make it look like I'm not trying too hard?"
A grin split Ino's face. "Of course. We have to find just the right outfit to show off that body you worked so hard for."
Before Sakura could protest, the blond pulled her off of the bed and toward the closet. Nearly an hour later, Sakura examined her expression in the mirror, shocked at the illusion that Ino had created. Long lashes framed her green eyes, making them stand out against her pale skin. The faint dusting of freckles that Sakura usually hated had taken on a soft glow from the highlighter Ino used. Glossy lips completed the expression, in a shade lighter than Sakura ever thought she could pull off. Ino hadn't stopped there. She'd transformed Sakura's hair as well. The pale tresses piled on top of her head, falling in artful curls around her face.
Ino pulled Sakura from musing about how she looked like an entirely different person by tugging on the dress. The blond dragged the black fabric to the side, baring one shoulder. It draped Sakura's body, accentuating enough to suggest that she had more curves than she really did. Chuckling, Sakura pulled the fabric toward her knees. Ino slapped her hands away. "Stop that, it's supposed to be short."
"I can't wear this," Sakura complained even as she turned to admire herself from the side. It hugged her body in a way that none of her other outfits had.
Shaking her head, Ino walked over to the closet and tossed a pair of heels to Sakura. "You can, and you will. No one will be able to keep their eyes off you, especially not Kakashi."
Color flamed in Sakura's cheek, hidden somewhat by the makeup. "What if he isn't there?"
Ino's devious grin made Sakura nervous. "Then you'll go home with someone else. You look too damn good to go home alone tonight"
When Ino and Sakura swept into the pub nearly half an hour late, dozens of heads swiveled in their direction. Ino linked an arm through Sakura's and pulled her into the room before she could back away in a fit of self-consciousness. Her gaze swept over the people gathered for Naruto's birthday, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Kakashi wasn't there yet or not coming at all, everything they'd done had been a waste of time.
Forcing the hopelessness down, Sakura caught sight of an overbearing ball of sunshine cutting through the room. Naruto's grin probably had more to do with the atmosphere than alcohol, but she couldn't be sure. He threw an arm around Sakura's shoulder and pulled her into a side hug. "I was beginning to think nobody from my team was going to show up tonight."
When Naruto released Sakura, his blue eyes slipped lower than her neck. The blush on his whiskered cheeks was obvious even in the dim lighting. "You look nice tonight. I mean, not that you don't always look nice-" Sakura's laughter cut off the awkward exchange, and Naruto managed a nervous smile before rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't think Sasuke is going to make it tonight."
"Unfortunately, Sasuke's mission has him delayed outside the village." The proximity of Kakashi's voice made Sakura jump. When she turned, she realized that he stood just inside the doorway behind them. Their gazes locked, and Kakashi's eyes widened, perhaps only just now realizing that she'd been the one standing with Naruto. While pink hair was unusual in the village, a few girls had started imitating Sakura after the war. She hated it, but the element of surprise was nice.
Ino unwound her arm from Sakura's and moved away to speak to someone that Sakura didn't recognize. Completely oblivious of the tension of the moment, Naruto caught Kakashi with his other arm and pulled them both into a hug. Sakura felt the warmth of Kakashi's chest against her side. "I'm glad you two made it, at least."
Kakashi pulled away, chuckling in the back of his throat. "Of course I came, I have to keep an eye on you kids to make sure you don't get into any trouble."
"We aren't kids," Sakura grumbled, challenging Kakashi with a glare through her mascara lengthened lashes. "We're adults now."
"That's right, sensei. We don't have to listen to you anymore." Naruto laughed, giving Kakashi a cheeky grin.
Kakashi frowned, the barest movements of his mask. "I'm still Hokage, though."
"For now." Naruto's banter eased the conversation into playful jabs that allowed Sakura to stay silent. Kakashi hadn't even responded to her comment about being an adult now. Her heart sank lower in her chest.
As the men exchanged barbs, Ino reappeared from wherever she'd been. Grabbing Sakura's hand, she led them to the bar. "It's pointless," Sakura complained, leaning close so that the words would only be loud enough for Ino. "He'll always view me as a kid. I'd be better off chasing Sasuke."
"Absolutely not," Ino hissed, vehemence dripping from her voice as she raised a hand to order drinks. "Sasuke isn't even on the radar for you. Do not put yourself through that again."
See the full post
48 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 22:14:01 GMT
Get to know your mutuals
I was tagged by @cinlat get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know. they can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. when you’re done, tag people you want to get to know better!! 🌼💕tagging: @bouncyirwin @adrilari @vibgyoroygbiv @birkastan2018 and anyone else who wants to share! 
1) I love video games and always have. I played a ton of Mario and Zelda when I was younger, World of Warcraft, I’ve dabbled in final fantasy and SWtoR, I play entirely too much Overwatch. I main healer in Overwatch and complain so much that my husband threatened to turn my headset to open mic. My favorite is ‘I can’t heal stupid, but for some reason, I keep trying’ XD
2) When I was younger I used to ride and show horses (Saddleseat). We had trail horses as well. As such, it irritates me when horses are poorly written. If you know me much, you’ve probably heard me complain about this an excessive number of times. 
3) When I first started watching Naruto, I was dead set against it. My husband started watching it first and I remember falling asleep and being so annoyed by ‘believe it!’ and ‘Narutooooo, Sasukkkkkke!’. And when he tried to get me to watch it, I said ‘I’m not watching some stupid show where they fly through the air, it doesn’t even follow the laws of physics!’ He got up to the chunin exams before convincing me to join, and because he wouldn’t leave me alone about it.’. I’m not ashamed to say that he was right. 
4)  A lot of people have told me that I’m intimidating and they don’t know how to approach me, which I don’t really get. Maybe it’s a resting bitch face? XD But I’m not nearly as scary as most people think. At least, I don’t think I am? 
5) I’m a perfectionist. I get a lot of people that say my writing is polished, but what they don’t know is that I have a triple BA in English (Literature, Writing, and Journalism). Okay, technically I’m nine credits short due to life, but that’s another story. So, I’ve had a lot of writing training, plus I obsess over details. I write a work then read each paragraph and edit it, then I edit each paragraph backwards to catch other mistakes, then I read the paragraph once more, then I send my work off to be beta read, then I read and edit the whole thing again when it comes back. If you’re wondering why it takes me so long to put out chapters, that is why. The big secret? I wish I cared less about my works and let them go when they were good enough instead of obsessing over word choices. 
74 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 03:27:36 GMT
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justpottytime · 2 years
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796 posts reblogged (98%)
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I added 29 tags in 2021
#not omo - 8 posts
#xd - 3 posts
#yes! - 3 posts
#omo on ice - 3 posts
#yeeeeeees! - 2 posts
#yep... - 2 posts
#so good!!!! - 2 posts
#awwwwww! - 2 posts
#...interesting... - 2 posts
#what is that accent though?! - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#especially when a character knows it's coming because they know they've been stressed lately and the knowledge only makes it worse!
My Top Posts in 2021
💝 and 💛 for the ask game? (MrsLittleleaks)
💝 - both wetting and just made it have their place, I'm not quite sure which I like better - though I will say, just made it has to be because someone else was helping them make it!
💛 - weirdly enough this is something I so rarely think about! But I think I prefer weak bladders, there's just something cute about it!
Thank you for asking!!!!!
3 notes • Posted 2021-04-16 22:00:18 GMT
💚 (from that ask meme) (weirdolydiaprower)
Oooooh, thank you!
OK, gonna be completely honest - my favourite character to write omo for is definitely my OC, because I'm completely weak for her. Favourite character to read about is a little more varied - my Yuri On Ice obsession refuses to die, so ANY character from that (please give me more omo of the secondary characters, there's so much good victuuri stuff but I need my faves...), and I also have quite a weakness for Miles Edgeworth from Phoenix Wright!
4 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 17:05:59 GMT
Peeing outside for the ask game. (MrsLittleleaks)
Ahhhhhh, I love this one! A classic really, and so much to be done with it! The chill character who doesn't care and will just hose down the nearest tree with no shame, the desperate character who has to be persuaded to resort to such an embarrassing thing by a friend or partner, the painfully shy character who spends so long looking for somewhere completely hidden to go that they almost have an accident anyway - actually, why don't more people write that one? Get on it everyone! XD
ALSO the difficulty difference depending on which body parts said character has - being able to pull yourself out and just let go makes peeing outside a LOT more appealing than for the poor character who has to get their clothes out of the splash zone, find somewhere to squat, and hold themselves in this awkward and unnatural position the whole time... Would be a shame if someone's bladder locked up because their body knew they weren't supposed to pee in such a position (although you can actually work around that by having your character sit with their feet flat on the ground, knees spread apart and up - this is considerably easier than squatting *coughcough speaking from experience*) 😳
Aaaaaaanyway, enough rambling! TLDR: peeing outside is very good and full of fun opportunities!
12 notes • Posted 2021-04-13 19:56:06 GMT
could you have a soft 'show me' in an omo context?
Hmmmm, ok, I think I could manage a few! Although credit to @dont-percncieve-me and the tags they left on another post I reblogged, a lot of these are inspired by their ideas! God, this is such a cute idea...
"Uh-oh, you're leaking? Show me, I'll make sure it isn't noticeable to the others"
"Hang on, show me- no wonder it hurts, your bladder is bulging out..."
"Show me how bad you had to go... Wow, that's quite a stream, I'm impressed!"
"That's it, show me how good it feels to get relief at last..."
And a bonus show me from the desperate person's point of view, because this one has been bouncing around in my head since I saw your ask this morning:
"I really have to go, but there's nowhere to- you have an idea? I... OK, show me. I... I trust you..."
Hope these were what you wanted! Thank you for the ask, this was super fun!!!
16 notes • Posted 2021-12-17 00:05:23 GMT
Random omo prompt that decided to make itself known at work today:
So two characters, A and B - they can be anywhere from total strangers to somewhat friends - are both bladdershy. They both go into the bathroom at the same time, but upon realising the other has the same intention as them, they both go into stalls and figure they'll wait the other one out... But now A can't pee until B has left, and B can't pee until A has left, and neither of them know the other is struggling...
Bonus: C (who is extremely NOT shy) then enters the bathroom, goes into the empty stall between them, and has the loudest, most relieving piss of their life. A and B are SUFFERING...
Bonus bonus: A manages to pee quietly while the sound of C relieving themselves is loud enough to cover any noises they might make... But now B is stuck waiting while they have to listen to both A and C flush, wash their hands, and quite possibly waste time talking if they know each other before they'll leave B in privacy...
48 notes • Posted 2021-08-06 16:03:33 GMT
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ellanainthetardis · 3 years
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I posted 5 319 times in 2021
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I added 6 407 tags in 2021
#the queue to the stars - 3413 posts
#effie glam stuff - 485 posts
#random - 445 posts
#ask - 417 posts
#thg - 375 posts
#anon - 332 posts
#hayffie - 332 posts
#btvs - 221 posts
#lmao - 211 posts
#stargate - 176 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#if you think i am not still thinking about that one time i did or said something dumb 10 years ago in that one situation everybody already
My Top Posts in 2021
Something I love about the 74th Reaping: 
Sure you can take it straight as Katniss tells us and conclude Effie is just a bubbly dumb empty-headed drone and Haymitch is just a drunkard who’s “disgusting” and pathetic but... If you read between the lines... 
I don’t think Effie is flustered because she doesn’t know what the protocol is for a volunteer or because she doesn’t know what to do. I think she is flustered because she’s really good at reading situations and she can feel the situation is about to slip out of control (and Haymitch is drunk, which means she’s on her own because I don’t think she would trust the mayor to help and she’s responsible for the Reaping going smoothly probably since she’s the Capitol representative here) which is why she reaaaally goes slick on the bubbly cheerful act. To me, she doesn’t read cheerful, really, she reads a little panicked. She’s good at reading the room and 12′s audience isn’t exactly supportive or happy. 
As for Haymitch, he only steps forward and makes a big spectacle of himself when the tension is at its paroxysm and everyone in 12 is doing the fingers salute, refusing to applaud, being very quietly rebellious... He steals the spotlight from Katniss, makes it all about himself, brings the eyes on him, goes as far as attacking the Capitol by pointing straight at the camera... And then promptly falls off the stage, breaking the tension off, making himself the comic relief, turning himself into the joke victor of Twelve, offering the perfect distraction for Effie to spring the rest of the Reaping along... Even drunk, he knows it’s too dangerous and Katniss is going to be in the Capitol’s bulleye if this goes on too far... I’m so 100% sure he did all of that on purpose... 
So, yeah... One interpretation is to take the text as literal but, honestly, you can’t convince me that it wasn’t Effie and Haymitch playing the games, doing what they do best, being a team. 
No this post had no other point than gushing over my favorite characters...
And we’re not even talking about how the first thing haymitch does when he goes on stage all confused (probably because he was dragged there by peacekeepers instead of his escort) is to hug effie like it makes perfect sense to his confused drunk brain. “a big hug”, Katniss says. I say it must have been a hell of a hug to tilt that wig to the point she has to hold on to it later XD Oh the lectures that must be happening off stage later on... 
62 notes • Posted 2021-03-26 18:03:07 GMT
Prompt: Ohhhh I love your fics with katniss’s family and Effie but what about tiger mama Effie with Peeta’s parents and brothers?!
A New Home
The silence was awkward as they all loitered outside the house Katniss had picked for herself and her family. They had all toured it together in front of the cameras, his hand locked in Katniss’ because that was the game they were expected to play.
The moment the camera had shut down, Peeta had rushed outside. His family had followed him, probably feeling just as out of place inside with the Everdeens, Haymitch and Effie as he felt.
He watched each of them now and he wasn’t sure what to say, how to bridge the gap. What did you say to people who hadn’t bothered to care if you came back or not? Who had chosen to support the competition more than their own flesh and blood?
Rye, only one year older and now definitely safe from Reapings, had kept his hands in his pockets ever since they had greeted him at the train station, unable to meet his eyes. Peeta knew why, of course, for the same reason he hadn’t been able to come into that room at the Justice Building all those weeks earlier and say his goodbyes. With Katniss having volunteered for her younger sister and him not having raised a finger. Well…
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39 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 08:31:07 GMT
Prompt: Please may I prompt a fic where either effie or haymitch accidentally massively slips up in an interview with Caesar (or in some sort of public forum) and says something that very heavily implies hayffie are in a relationship? I could totally imagine Caesar over analysing every single thing his guest says so I imagine he’d notice instantly if one of them said something that they just couldn’t possibly have known if they weren’t dating 
Mention It All
Haymitch hated the losing Districts interviews.
It was a filler program when nothing much was happening inside the arena and they generally had little to do with the Games themselves – unless no victor or escort had juicy gossip to dissect, then it was all about analyzing tributes’ actions but, in this city, there was always juicy gossip. The interviews were live and Caesar was always in fine form and Haymitch had lost track of the conversation because they had been talking in circles for what felt like hours.
Well, Caesar and Effie had been talking in circles for hours. It was too fucking early in the morning, Haymitch hadn’t expected to be dragged out of bed so early. He was still drunk from the night before and from the healthy amount of moonshine he had slipped in his orange juice while his escort was puzzling over what he should wear. Their appearance was a last minute decision apparently, and the sobering pills she had forced him to swallow hadn’t kicked in yet. His head felt like it would burst but given that it was currently filled with cotton, he wasn’t sure how that could hurt.
Mostly, he had been sitting on the settee next to Effie since the interview had started, staring into the audience, progressively slouching until a well-placed accidental nudge of her pointy elbow reminded him to sit straighter. They had done the slouching-nudging routine at least ten times by then.
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38 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 09:10:26 GMT
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It’s the end and I’m sad lmao. I didn’t realize I wasn’t ready to let this story go so easily... Well... I hope you enjoy the epilogue!
EPILOGUE – 5 years later
Haymitch watched Caleb run after his brother, looking out for the warning signs of an asthma attack.
They often hiked up to the lake for picnics but it was harder on Caleb in springs. His asthma could be bad enough to warrant trips down to the clinic in town. It had certainly panicked Effie and him more than once in the last five years. He had always been the most fragile of the three…
The toddler seemed fine though, despite the pollen in the air.
“I have the inhaler in the bag.” Effie told him quietly, always attuned to his thoughts.  
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36 notes • Posted 2021-01-22 09:58:41 GMT
Prompt: I have a prompt request (in case it hasn't been done already). I'd love to read about how Haymitch argued with the game makers about Katniss' plastic surgery, and Haymitch and Effie dealing with the consequences of the game together before the kids woke up.
A Real Woman
Haymitch was very familiar with the white corridors of the Games Clinic for having spent enough times in there over the years. It was the first time he ended up arguing with the doctor in the corridor though.
It would have probably been easier if he had been talking to the usual doctor, the one who had been there forever – since before his Games – and who had taken care of every of his little problems ever since. He felt like he knew the guy well enough to be reasonable with him. The guy in front of him? He was young, arrogant and he was sneering down at him like…
“What is the matter?” came the familiar sing-song voice of his escort, quickly followed by the hurried click click sound of her heels on the tiles. “Haymitch, I can hear you shouting from Peeta’s room!”
The rebuke was delivered in a chiding tone but the hand that she slid around his arm, nails digging into his flesh, as soon as she reached him was more of a warning.
“How’s he?” he asked immediately.
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35 notes • Posted 2021-07-07 09:03:22 GMT
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