#i liked the og as it was but nick doesnt have a car and we all know maya is a burger kinda gal xd
neutrallyobsessed · 1 year
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her smile and happiness: restored
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makegay-blog · 7 years
1)Are you really ready for 108 questions? sure 2) Was your last real relationship a mistake? it was on movie star planet so yeah 4) Who did you last say “I love you” to? my boyfriend 5) Do you regret it? no 6) Have you ever been depressed? 😎👉 7)Are you a boy or girl? girl 8)Who is your best friend? my og squad 9) What is your relationship status? taken owo 10) How do you want to die? rich and famous so i can have my body frozen 11) What did you last eat? wonton soup 12) Played any sports? basketball for awhile a long time ago 13) Do you bite your nails? yeah lmao kill me 14) When was your last physical fight? when i was a sperm and i was fighting off the other sperm to reach my moms egg 15) Do you have an attitude? hell yeah 16) Do you like someone? yeah 17) What is your real name? sophia elizabeth (question number 18 doesnt exist um???) 19) Are you gonna get high later? high on lifE 20) Do you hate anyone at the moment? myself 21) Do you miss someone? yeah 22) Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl because im Italian and not a savage 23) Do you tan a lot? i tan but not on purpose 24) Have any pets? 2 cats, 1 dog, 2 fish, and a turtle 25) How exactly are you feeling? uhhh,, tired ? 26) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving? yeah? 27) Ever made out in the bathroom? not to my memory 28) Would you take any of your exes back? yeah lmao movie star planet girl hit me up 29) Are you scared of spiders? ye 30) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? hell yeah 31) Do you regret anything from your past? most of it 32) What are your plans for this weekend? its almost over but im just gonna watch sherlock and do homework 33) Do you want to have kids? maybe 34) Did you ever kiss someone whose name starts with an M? no 35) Do you type fast? eh 36) Do you have piercings? just my ears 37) Want any more? yeah my cartilage 38) Can you spell well? not at all 39) Do you miss anyone from your past? ye 40) What are you craving right now? death 41) Ever been to a bonfire party? ye i held it 43) Have you ever been on a horse? yeah 44) Kissed someone in a pick up truck? no 45) Have you ever broken someone’s heart? i hope not 46) Have you ever been cheated on? no 47) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? yeah i suck 49) Would you live with someone without marrying them? definitely 50) What should you be doing? homework 51) What’s irritating you right now? my sister 52) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? yeah rip 53) Does somebody love you? yeah, and i love them back 54) What is your favorite colour? yellow or dusty pink 55) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle? yes?? i think 57) Do you have trust issues? kinda 60. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? i guess. im not open about stuff but we dont fight really 62) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you? no?? they were 10 63) Who was the last person you cried in front of? my boyfriend 64) Do you give out second chances too easily? depends but i mostly i give people like 14th chances 65) Is it easier to forgive or forget? forgive but im bad at it 66) Is this year the best year of your life? its up there 67) What was your childhood nick name? sophie, soap, fifi 68) Have you ever walked outside completely naked? not to my knowledge 70) Do you believe everything happens for a reason? no everything is fake um 71) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? 😏😏😏😏 im kidding tho i stalked this one girls instagram 73) What is bothering you? my own existence 74) Have you ever been out of your state? ye 75) Do you play the Wii? wii sports bitch 76) Are you listening to music right now? nah 77) Do you like Chinese food? i just had it like an hour ago 78) Do you know your fathers birthday? yeah?? 79) Are you afraid of the dark? a little 80) Is cheating ever okay? no, like i get why people do it but its shitty 81) Are you mean? yeah tf im the worst 82) Can you keep white shoes clean? noo 84) Do you believe in true love? ??kinda?? i dont really believe there is only one person for everyone 88) Do you like the outside? eh sometimes 89) Are you currently bored? ye 90) Do you wanna get married? yeah 91) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? if its the right person 92) Are you hungry? nah im really full 93) Have you ever made out for more than a half hour straight? probably i wasnt counting um 94) What makes you happy? my boyfriend and monster factory 95) Would you change your name? my last name 96) Ever been to Alaska? i wanna but no 98) Do you watch the news? yeah i like the news (not fox tho that pisses me off) 99) What’s your zodiac sign? scorpio 100) Do you like Subway? yeah i go there sm the people there know me 101) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? no? but hes like miles away so 102) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? cry and pretend it didnt happen prob. or if i like them back then???? 103) Do you talk like your friends? yeah its disgusting 104) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them? everyday uh 105) Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? i guess 106) who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad or my boyfriend idfk oop 107) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes? its their lungs they are giving cancer. also im not going to make out w/ them so 108) Can you count to one million? i guess Nominate: 25 or more friends no
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