#i literally have interview wtv on my shelf at home rn I just haven't gotten to it yet
Bit of an out there ask, but I think you’ll enjoy the thought experiment. What if Sophie or another main character got turned into a vampire/vampire like creature? Think less twilight more Vampire the Masquerade/Interview with the Vampire/What we do in the shadows.
You're right, I would! Unfortunately the only of those references I've seen is wwdits (the movie), so I don't have as solid an idea of what you're going for as I would like.
Well first and foremost I think it would be very limiting and difficult to adjust to, but that's a given. They live in a world that revolves around light, and now they can't see the sun without bursting into flames. Judgment and scorn are sure to follow from their world, more intense than what they're facing currently. That is if the news goes public.
Also incredible alienation from their friends, as no one would know what to do with them--not for lack of trying, though! Their friends would absolutely do their best to support and get them through this, but it's also a very new and unexpected situation. Even at their most supportive, there will be aspects of their new situation (vampire) that their friends just can't relate to or connect with them on the same.
Interestingly, I think a lot of what makes the wwdits vampires the way they are wouldn't affect the kotlcrew. Because part of what makes the wwdits vampires (and vampires in general) Like That is that they're out of place temporally. They still live life very influenced by a past that doesn't exist anymore, everyone from those times dead and gone, leaving them alone and ill-adjusted. But the kotlcrew are elves, they'll live for thousands of years yet at least. Whoever is turned into a vampire wouldn't be as odd because everyone they know will still be alive, the world isn't moving on without them. Unless they sequester themselves away for centuries and talk to no one, but I don't think their friends would let them do that.
So a huge aspect of vampirism--living while everyone you love dies, stuck in time while the world leaves you behind--wouldn't be nearly as impactful here, much less of a curse.
I think the diet change would be most notable--vegetarian species -> blood drinker is quite the shock. Coming to terms with that would be a process (perhaps easier if it was Sophie, given her exposure to vampirism prior and her willingness to eat animals), and it would make everyone uncomfortable. Except maybe Ro. She'd think it was cool as fuck. There might be some self-starvation involved as they try to resist, but depending on how tempting blood is, they might not be able to resist. Which would make everyone see them very differently--though I do think they'd get through it in the end, perhaps with some hiccups in the road.
I'm rambling at this point, but basically: depends on who and depends on the specific mechanics of their vampirism. The blood thing would be a huge deal, but the outliving your friends and growing out of sync with time wouldn't really happen, lessening the burden. Of course we could get into more specifics, but i hope that helps answer your question!
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