#i literally havent showed my face in this woman's class in almost two months and she just let me pass with the best possible grade
widevibratobitch · 8 months
lmao it's not even funny how ridiculously easy this exam was. i love oral exams. im a master of manipulation. you WILL listen to me talk about mozart whether the subject warrants it or not. and you WILL enjoy it.
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runenc03 · 5 years
A big, round surprise
Writing date: my birthday lol (February 2019)
Genre: pure fluff
Warnings: none :)
Flight SA233 has landed 2 minutes ago
Kaycee's stomach flipped at the monotone sounding voice that boomed through the airport. She could almost feel the atmosphere she was in, thick with all kinds of emotions. All around her, people were saying goodbye to their loved ones, welcoming them back, meeting friends from the other side of the world for the first time...
Kaycee wished she could feel the same excitement.
She wished her stomach wasn't feeling like she could throw up every moment now, wished that she wasn't having a pounding headache, wished her hands wouldn't be so sweaty.
She wished she wouldn't be so nervous to welcome her own boyfriend back.
Still, that was exactly what she was right now. The nerves were eating at her to the point that they were making her nauseous, and tons of doubts were filling her mind.
How would he react?
The young woman's mind drifted back to a particularly emotional day, exactly 7 months ago. She'd been in the same airport back then, but she'd been blissfully unaware of all the problems the coming months would bring her...
31 weeks ago
"God Kayc, I feel so guilty for leaving you now you're not feeling well, you have no idea."
The young woman shook her head, determined to stop making her boyfriend feel guilty.
"Sean, there's no need to feel guilty. I'll take good care of myself, I promise. This'll be over in a few days, you can't just cancel your whole tour because I feel a bit sick for a few days. Now come on, your flight is almost leaving, it won't wait for you, trust me."
She kissed him goodbye, quick, because she knew she'd start crying if she kept trying to buy time.
"Okay....but promise me you'll take it easy for at least a few days..I'll call you when I have settled in my hot-are you sure you're okay baby?"
Kaycee had turned really pale by now, desperately trying to hide her urges to vomit that had come out of nowhere. She knew Sean had to get away from her, and quick. He'd return home with her if they would stand here any longer.
"I'm okay, Sean, just not feeling that well. I think you should go now, I promise to take care of myself. When I come home, I'll lay down for a bit. Now go! You're going to miss your flight!"
And after another swift kiss, he reluctantly pulled away from her, and turned around, leaving his love for 7 months.
Thinking back to that moment, She'd been so naïve. She'd been convinced that it had been the sadness of Sean leaving that had made her sick to her stomach. She couldn't have been more wrong. However, it was only a few days after the start of her boyfriend's tour that she had finally understood what was really going on...
"Kaycee? Where are you? Are you okay? You didn't show up at Julian's class and I havent heard from you in forever! K-Kaycee? Are you h-"
"In the bathroom, T"
Kaycee cringed at how weak and tired she sounded in comparison to Tahani's yelling. She wanted to stand up, walk to Tahani and act like she was completely alright, not wanting to be a burden to anyone, but her legs felt like jelly and her head was spinning, and she was sure that she'd throw up again if she even did so much as turning her head. She didn't need to, however, 'cause before she had the chance to look at least presentable, Tahani had already thrown open the door.
"Oh my, Kaycee!! You should've texted me! I would've taken care of you! How bad is it?"
Kaycee sighed.
"I don't know, Tahani. I feel like throwing up now, have had those episodes during random times of the day for a few days now, but after a little while, the sickenening feeling always subsides, and I can do everything I want to. It's just...I miss him so much, T. I can't handle him being away for so long. But I feel pathetic that I get sick, physically, when he isn't with me. I mean, that's not normal anymore, is it?"
Kaycee eventually dared to turn her head away from the toilet, to look at her best friend, who was strangely looking her up and down now, eyes twice as big as normal.
"Kayc..you-you're pregnant!"
Kaycee knitted her eyebrows together, confused, shaking her head.
"No- Tahani, pregnant people feel sick in the morning, it's literally 3 pm now. And I have no weird cravings, nor mood swings. I'm not pregnant!"
"Kaycee, feeling nauseous can also happen during the day, it doesn't have to be in the morning, that's just a myth. Tell me, what was the last time you had your period?"
Kaycee thought about that, worry beginning to creep inside of her. It hadn't been that long ago, but it had definitely been more than a month.
"Don't worry, Kayc, if you're pregnant, you have to stay calm, stress isn't good for the baby."
Like that was going to help her calm her nerves. Saying that she shouldn't panick was like saying that you aren't allowed to think about a purple elephant. You can't help it, once someone mentions that you aren't allowed to do it.
"T-don't you dare leaving me now!"
Tahani turned around again, after suddenly starting to walk out of Sean and Kaycee's bathroom.
"Kaycee, I'm going to buy you a pregnany test. I won't be long, I promise, the pharmacy is only a few streets away. Don't move, the nausea may come back if you do. I'm back here in a few minutes. Don't panick!"
And before Kaycee could protest any more, Tahani was out of the door.
Kaycee let her head rest in het hands, elbows resting on the toilet seat, simply not having any energy left.
What had she gotten herself into?
The knowledge that her best friend was buying a pregnancy test for her at the moment, didn't help to stop her nausea either. What if it was positive? What if she was pregnant?
What would Sean say?
No, she couldn't tell him, she was sure of that. At least, not now, when he was teaching all around the world, living his dream, so far away from her.
How could she possibly tell him such a life-changing thing over the phone? No, she couldn't do that. She wanted him to be physically with her when she told him..but that day was still months away, and her belly surely wouldn't stay as flat as it was now...
She didn't want to ask him to come back home either, she couldn't. She knew that he would be back as soon as possible if she even so much as mentioned that she wanted him to come back early, but she also knew that she would carry the guilt of her action for the rest of her life, if she asked him to do so.
She made up her mind.
If she was actually pregnant, she would keep it a secret for him, and tell him when he came back.
Like he wouldn't notice immediately.
"I'm back!"
Tahani's voice promptly interrupted Kaycee's thinking. Her friend had entered the bathroom with a little box in her hand.
"Let's do this, Kayc. You need to know the truth. I'm right outside of the bathroom. If you need me, just yell, okay?"
Kaycee could only nod.
With shaking hands, she opened the box and read the instructions, once Tahani had closed the bathroom door, and did what the instructions told her to do.
She really couldn't believe she was here, sitting on the cold tiles of her bathroom, nausea barely under control, waiting for the two longest minutes of her life to be over with.
'Beep. Beep. Beep.'
The sound her phone made, brought her back to reality. With her hands still shaking, heart racing, and her back covered with a layer of cold sweat, she picked up the pregnancy test, and, after a few seconds of final contemplation, she turned the little stick around.
It was positive.
And Kaycee realised then and there that the coming months would be very, very tough.
Present time
And she had been right. Those 7 months without Sean had been the hardest of her life. Not being able to tell him all the little details of her pregnancy had hurt her a lot, but she was still convinced that she had made the right choice by not telling him about their baby.
Still, that didn't stop the nerves from eating at her, and to distract herself, her sweaty hands began fiddling with the sign she'd made a few days ago.
'Welcome home, daddy'
He could be with her any moment now, and it terrified her to no end. She couldn't hide anything, the sign emphasising what was hidden behind it, the message crystal clear. How would he react? What would he do once he saw the sign? And after that? Would he be angry with her for keeping this a secret for so long? Would he be hap-
The sudden sharp sound of something that shattered into a million pieces on the floor of the airport brought Kaycee immediately back to reality.
What was going on?
And then she saw it: there, only a few feet before her, stood her boyfriend, completely paralyzed, rooted to the floor, eyes wide, mouth agape. There was a heap of broken glass next to him, but he didn't seem to care. All of his attention went directly to the sign in front of her belly.
Kaycee took a step towards him.
"Hi, Sean"
His eyes flickered from the sign to her face, question clear in them.
"Yes, I-you...I'm pregnant, Sean. I'm sorry I didn't tell you soo-"
But she was cut off by his lips kissing her. It was soft, full of longing, with passion, but still a lot of tenderness.
Oh, how she had waited for this.
Kaycee could've stood there for a million years if she had a choice in it, but Sean had other plans, apparently.
He broke the contact their lips had and began kneeling in front of her.
"Hi baby, daddy doesn't have much time right now, people are going to start looking at us, we're in an airport. But I promise you that when we get home, I'll talk to you a lot more. Is that okay for you, baby?"
Kaycee had to keep a hand in front of her mouth to prevent herself from squealing. Her heart felt like it had been dipped in a bath full of warm liquid, and was now ready to burst out of her chest, in the most pleasant way thinkable.
Sean stood up again and gave her a radiating smile.
"I need to clean this mess up first, sweetheart, but then we're going home, okay?"
Kaycee nodded, but before Sean could begin cleaning up the broken pieces of glass, an employee hurried towards them with a broom and a trash can, ready to clean it up.
"Don't worry about this, sir. Go home with your wife, she needs rest. We'll clean it up. Welcome back.."
Kaycee waited for Sean to tell the man that they weren't married, but he didn't. He only thanked him, turned around to take his bags, and kissed her forehead.
"Come on, love. Let's go home. He's right, you need to rest. I'll make your favourite meal when we get home and then we'll watch friends and talk with the baby. Sounds good?"
Again, Kaycee could only nod, overwhelmed at how well all of this had went. She was so lucky. She took her boyfriend's extended hand, and with that, they walked out of the airport.
They were ready to begin this new chapter of their lives, together.
Not with 2, but with 3, this time.
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