#my god. this is the one thing im really glad i inherited from my mother. tho ofc ill never quite reach her level.
widevibratobitch · 8 months
lmao it's not even funny how ridiculously easy this exam was. i love oral exams. im a master of manipulation. you WILL listen to me talk about mozart whether the subject warrants it or not. and you WILL enjoy it.
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abbofff · 3 months
Daddy Issues
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I woke up suddenly when I heard a voice calling my name.
— Ada! —
A body launched at me before I could sit on the stretcher.
— You have no idea how happy I am to see you. — I heard the sweet muffled voice of my brother against my shoulder.
— I'm glad to see you too, Perce. — I hugged him back with the same bone crushing strength while trying to hold back my tears.
I had no words for him right now, I just needed a long hug from him.
Several minutes passed until he pulled away from the hug and helped me sit.
His face wore the sweet smile that he inherited from his mother along happy glossy eyes. He wore those expressions for only a second because they suddenly turned into worry.
— A-are you okay? What happened to you? Your eyes are weird. —
My eyes are probably red and puffy from last night crying but that is not a subject I want or can talk right now, he is far more important.
— Im fine, Percy. How are you? — I asked kindly.
I attempted to grab his hand but he got up from the stretcher and found a mirror. He gave it to me and I saw what had confused him.
My eyes were not their common shade of blue, they were more electrical. It goes without saying that it was weird as fuck. They were normal the last time I saw my face, I think. Maybe? I can't really remember. Fuck it. I'm feeling good and it doesn't really matter anyways.
— It's probably the Sun rays or something, don't worry, i'm fine. — I calmed him down, leaving the mirror on a bedside table.
An awkward silence filled the infirmary. Percy was shifting his weight on his feet with his gaze on the ground.
I sighed deeply and got up from the stretcher. The only way we can move forward is that I addres last night events.
— Grover told me what happened to your mum. I'm sorry, Percy. — My voice was almost a whisper. No matter how much I intended to speak clearly, the lump in my throat was killing me.
Percy closed his eyes with all his might, his fists clenched.
I embraced him again. I cupped the back of his head against my shoulder and wrapped my other arm across his waist.
No tears stained my shirt this time. Percy was never an easy crier, he always thought that crying over something made it real and unfixable. So, he just limited himself to grab my shirt like if I was going to dissappear in any minute and I tried to make him know I was not going anywhere.
After a couple minutes, he splited the hug and stepped back a bit.
— My mom's goal was to bring me here because of my dad. I need to find him. Have you seen someone who could be him? — Percy's look was determined and bold.
I opened and closed my mouth uselessly because I could not find a way to sugar coat my answer.
— There are no Gods here. There is just one but I don't think he could be... —
— Where? — He asked abruptly.
I understood that, at this moment, there was no point in trying to make him understand that the Gods were not allowed to see their children. Except Dionysus, of course, but he screwed up and I guess Zeus can't send his Olympian son on a trip to Tartarus.
— Follow me. —
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I didn't told the basics of camp to Percy as we walked because, well, I just got here too and showing the ropes is Luke's/Chiron's thing. But when we were like a block away from the porch that surrounded the Big House, I decided to give Percy a heads up of who exactly he's going to meet.
— Listen, Percy, the only God here is the camp director, Mr. D, the God of wine. He's not a super nice guy, so please don't be rude. —
Am I being a hypocrite for telling Percy not to do the thing that I did and I don't regret? Yes, but he doesn't need to know that.
Percy eyes filled with surprise.
— The camp director is Dio- —
— Oh, don't trow names around. I don't exactly know if it is a Bloody Mary or a Voldemort thing, but it seems important. So just go by their titles I guess. — I warned him.
— I thought that the director would be a war deity. — Percy said, kinda asking "why him?".
— A f- — Oh yeah, I told her we weren't friends. — A camper told me that he cheated on his wife and the King of Gods sent him here to watch over demigods. —
— The King as in Z- —
— Yup. —
— HE punished his own son for being a cheater. — Percy said each word slowly, either to make me rethink my words and correct myself or to trying to convince himself of what he was hearing.
— Funny, innit? Maybe the Queen was like "I barely take this shit from you, I'm not going to take it from your bastard son". Happy wife, happy life. — Percy chuckled at my words.
— How is the God of festivities and stuff a jerk? — Percy asked.
— I know. They feel so out of character. LIke, what's next? Is the Goddess of wisdom going to be dumb a rock? — We laughed.
It took some more walking to get where Mr. D was sitting. He didn't spared a glance at us of course, he was too busy relaxing under the Sun rays.
Percy walked over to him while I stayed behind with my arms crossed.
— Hello Sir, my name is Percy Jackson. Could I talk with you for a sec? — Percy asked a bit loud.
Mr. D. lifted his sun glasses and stared us up and down before letting out a huff of disgust.
— Ana Wilson and Peter Johnson are here! — The God screamed to the air.
— We met yesterday, man. Bloody hell. — I reminded him.
I rolled my eyes and Mr D took a sip from his diet Coke.
— Excuse me, Your Highness. — Percy called causing Dionysus and me cringe.
— I really need to see my dad. I don't know how to find him around here because I don't know who he is. Could you help me? — Percy asked.
The least his father should do after what Percy has endured is be here for him. But of course, last night I met demigods who have been here for years and their parents didn't even had the decency of claiming them.
I don't care about my father showing up for me, god or not he's a deadbeat, but Percy didn't deserved being abandoned again.
— I think I can, son. — Mr. D. smiled at him.
Does Sally has the worst taste ever in men or he's bluffing?
— Dad? —
— Yes, Peter. —
— Percy. — He corrected.
— No, I named you. — Mr. D. dismissed.
— Listen, kid. Before we sit and talk about all of this mess, I need you to do something for me. In the galley is a bottle of 1985 Château Haut-Brion, fetch that for me. —
— His dad forbids him of drink wine, so unless you wanna be struck by lightning, don't. — I said to Percy.
— Hey, stranger, you are ruining this father-son moment. Zip it and go away. Go to the galley, son. —
Percy looked at me and hesitated. He couldn't make a choice before Chiron stood in front of the porch stairs. Percy's jaw dropped.
Chiron gave me a smile and then he focused on Percy.
— Percy Jackson, we've been expecting you. How are you processing things until now? — Chiron asked him.
— Well, seeing Ada again is great but you are on top of half a horse and my dad won't talk to me unless I get him a drink. —
Chiron looked gobsmacked at the last part.
— Mr. D. is not your father, Percy. —
Percy turned to me with a confused expression.
— He's your dad? — Percy half asked half mocked.
— No! —
Hold up, now IM kinda confused.
— Your are not, right? — I asked the god.
— Thanks the others no. Might be worse than that though. — He mumbled the last part.
— What?! — What the fuck was he trying to say?
— Alright, I'll take the kids for a proper talk. — Chiron announced.
— Why must you ruin everything fun? — Mr. D. growled.
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Chiron took us for a walk to the cabins. He explained the basic of how this camp and the magic world worked as Percy tried to absorb all the info like a sponge.
— Mr. Brunner- — Percy called.
— He's not Mr. Brunner, Perce. He's the guy I told you should be Heracles' teacher instead of Phil in his Disney movie. —
— You didn't explained it to me. — Percy said sarcastically.
— Of course I did, several times. What are you talking about? —
— You mansplained it to me several times. — He accused me.
— I had to explain it in a first place because you are a nitwit. —
— Children, enough. My name is Chiron. And yes, that movie is very inaccurate. —
— Well, Chiron, I lost your pen-sword thingy. I'm sorry. — The blonde said.
— Our magical objects don't obey the mortal laws of physics. Check your pockets. —
Percy did as he was told and got a pen put of his pocket leaving him amazed.
— Jelous you don't have a sword, sis? — Percy joked when he caught me staring.
I giggled and reached for my brooch on my belt loop, opening it and revealing the green and golden sword.
— Of course not. Mine is prettier anyways.— I said to later "sheathe" my sword.
The subject died down when Chiron began talking again and finished his monologue when we got to the cabins area, signalizing to which god each one belong to.
— Great. Which one I'm I? Which one are you, Ada? — Percy asked.
I felt embarrassed at his question, couldn't look at his eyes and dropped my gaze to my feet.
— None of you has been claimed yet, Percy. —
— Oh, when do we get claimed? —
— The plans of the Gods reveal themselves at their own time. — Chiron said.
— It could be tomorrow or next week or, well... — I couldn't finish my sentence.
— Never. — Percy said for me.
— Even now, they choose to ignore us. — The blonde boy complained, hurted.
— Come on, if they choose to not be our fathers we can choose to not be their children. We were raised by better people that they will ever be anyways. At least we can live in a world with flying horses now.— I bump his shoulder playfully.
My brother smirked.
— Where are we staying then? —
— I'll take it from here, I guess. — I looked at Chiron.
— Very well, go on now. — Chiron said his goodbyes and left.
I started to walk towards Hermes's cabin.
— We stay in cabin 11, home of Hermes' children. He is the god of travelers, so he welcomes his own children and the unclaimed. Its counselor, Luke, is a very nice guy. I'm sure us three will be friends.— I smiled at him as we reached the doorframe, then turned to try to find the scarred boy but he found us first.
— Ada, hi. Did your wounds healed well? — Luke asked.
— Wounds?! What wounds? — Percy screamed in a whisper, scanning my body with his eyes.
— It was nothing really, Im ok. Thanks for asking, Luke. —
— Luke, this is Percy Jackson. Percy, this is Luke... Uhm. — I had a full pep talk and deep conversation with this guy I didn't even bother to ask his last name. Shit.
— Luke Castellan. Nice to meet you, Percy. Its almost lunch time but I think we can make a full tour before that. Ada, do you wanna come? — Luke asked.
Thanks that we didn't enter the cabin, I got to see from the corner of my eye how Annabeth on a full armor exited her cabin. The guilt I felt began boiling inside me, I needed to talk to her.
— Actually, I need to do something. Sorry Percy. I'll catch you at lunch. — I say as I turn to go, but I bump into Grover instead.
I fall on my butt and Grover almost does too.
— Ada! I'm sorry. — He reaches a hand to help stand and as I do I focus on his other hand.
— What's that? — I ask.
— Oh, right! Percy, this is yours. From when you killed the Minotaur last night. — Grover unwraps the thin cloth covering the horn and hands it to Percy.
All chatter in the cabin stops and turns around to try to get a better look at the horn of the legendary Minotaur.
— Oh, uhm... Thanks Grover. — Percy says, clearly unconformable at the sudden attention, and saves it on his backpack.
I take a look at the cabin area, Annabeth long gone but maybe I can still find her somewhere.
— Aren't you all supposed to be somewhere else? Stop with the creepy looks.— I rise my voice for everyone to hear. My serious voice and harsh look were enough to make everyone sigh in annoyance and leave the cabin or gather the things they need before they go.
I look at Percy, he gives me a thanked look.
— I really need to go now, sorry Perce. Good luck. — I say as I start walking to where Annabeth was headed.
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rightpastnowhere · 2 years
(submitted by @enchantedmerry)
Hi! People are sending you fluffy headcanons, so here’s some more!
Vex and Percy didn’t actually tell Tary that they’d gotten married, it’s more that they were both all caught up being sappy newlyweds and in their defence they both find it really hard to concentrate on anything around them when the other’s kissing them and calling them lovely things. Normally, Tary would just quietly leave as quickly as possible when he walked in on them making out but this time he heard Percy calling her ‘Lady de Rolo’ and he can’t really be blamed for making a squaking sound, he maybe can be blamed for assuming that they were just into some very elaborate roleplay but honestly at least his mind jumping to that makes them eloping seem less shocking.
I’ve already included this in a fic but I love the idea that part of Vex rebuilding the Dawnfather’s temple in Whitestone included making the gardens into an orchard resembling the one they saw in Pelor’s realm. Obviously, it’s very religiously symbolic but also the fruit/selling the fruit could be used to help feed the poorest of Whitestone. Also, it’s very fun to imagine that in centuries time after the specifics of vm’s exploits have begun to drift into myth some poor future Star of Whitestone having an absolute what the FUCK moment when they realise their local church just casually looks that much like the Dawnfather’s actual house.
Pike makes her kids these really elaborate birthday cakes. She asks Kaylie if she wants one too, because it feels mean to leave her out, and she acts like she isn’t bothered but then gets so chocked up when Pike makes her one anyway.
Sometimes the twins just forget that not everyone’s bi. They were mainly round each other for so long and homophobia isn’t a thing in Tal'dorie so it’s not something that comes up much. This very nearly leads to an uncomfortable situation where Vex is just barely able to stop herself from saying 'well obviously’ when one of her kids is just starting to work out their sexuality and tells her they think they want to date people the same gender as themselves.
Whitestone Castle is an incredible playground, there’s so many hidey-holes and different roots to escape capture if you’re being chased, or places to tuck away for more quiet play and avoiding siblings. Cass goes through a very disconcerting series of emotions after stumbling on one of her niblings hidden where she hid from the Briarwoods after the initial attack, the paranoid part of her brain is glad they’re learning the best hiding spots, the rest of her just hopes they never need that knowledge. Ultimately, such morbid thoughts get drowned out as the priority becomes banning magic from their games because it’s unfair, then trying to work out how to re-balance it when at least Gwen (and probably others of the quarter elves) have clearly inherited rogue stats from their mother.
I HAD THE SAME THOUGHTS ABOUT TARY FINDING OUT GKJRNGKRJ i knew they would try so hard to be discreet but i ALSO know they’d be giggling to themselves and grinning while calling each other husband and wife because they’re absolutely smitten with each other, and poor tary not only almost sees vex’s tits, but also becomes one of the keepers of The Secret That Shook Vox Machina. his pulse fucking skyrockets any time one of VM came to visit whitestone during the break. the poor man gets grey hairs because of this
NGEKRJGNEKJ CAN U IMAGINE SOMEONE TELLING U THAT THE LOCAL TEMPLE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A GOD’S ACTUAL HOUSE. LIKE CAN U IMAGINE. and also the picture of vex just going through and picking fruits and organizing food drives (but also just keeping a few to herself every once in a while, so she can take them home and try to bake an apple pie like what she remembers of her mom’s). the champion of pelor, glowing golden, in an orchard in the sushine.
picturing pike trying to make a multi-tiered cake that is taller than she is, she asks percy for a step stool and he shows up with this elaborate motherfucker that has shelves at intermittent heights so she can take the icing and shit with her, because heaven forbid percy ever do less than The Most. AND PIKE MAKING KAYLIE A CAKE.... SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE FOR ME
AWW CASS <33 i love any content of her interacting with the lil de rolo babies, how she is brought a little out of her paranoid shell by the Joys of being an aunt <33 but i do think she and percy and vex all stay QUITE paranoid, and when they teach the kids about the protocol for if the castle is ever attacked, the fact that they’ve already been playing in the tunnels definitely makes it a little easier. (although i do wonder how often, in their earlier days of parenting, one of the babies disappeared into the tunnels and sent percy and vex into panic attacks, only for cass to show up holding them in her arms after crawling out of an entire wall LMAO)
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divine-draws · 4 years
okay i had a whole google doc that i wrote a buncha shit but imma try to CONDENSE it and make my ideas more clear bc there was some wishy washy in there. BUT dabihawks ice skating au bc im gay for that shit. all of it under the cut bc this shit is gunna get LONG. buckle in fuckers. ALSO FEEL FREE TO ASK ME ABOUT this i will be happy to answer shit :3c
SO fair warning before we begin. i know shit about ice sports. im like 1) not THAT educated nor have i legit participated though ive always wanted to and 2) this is just self indulgent so like if i dont get shit right or whatever dont come at me bro. im here to have FUN and live a bit vicariously. also as for location of all this shit i dont know and dont care and am american so my perspective on things are skewed. anyway cw: abuse mention
so dabi (touya) is a previous figure skater
he’s a figure skating prodigy 
enji was a pro hockey player (id say figure skating but this man was BUILT like a brick shithouse idk man) has a lot of championships under his belt but doesnt even begin to touch the legacy of his one sided rival yagi toshinori
him and rei meet and marry at a young age. she like.. actually liked him then?? shit was kinda okay but things kinda.... got bad quick. the abuse etc was ... yeah. she ends up having dabi and fuyumi (they’re twins babeyy) at a young age too and kinda doesnt feel like she can get out of her horrible marriage 
we wont dwell too much on the bad part of all of this though. anyway rei was a figure skater
p well known and known for her fucking GRACE god she moved so well on the ice.
she was so beautiful and spoke through her movements and enji loved that... and so as a hockey player and with a (now previous) figure skater wife he was like aight my kids WILL take up an ice sport and be the FUCKING BEST
dabi isnt made for hockey. enji tries to get him into it but it’s... nah... fuyumi isnt the best with figure skating. she’s good!! and her and dabi do some pair skating when they’re younger but it’s.. hm. dabi is the one with the clear talent here. (fuyumi is a beast on the ice when it comes to hockey though. will dominate. but she kinda... didnt really continue with it)
enji isnt PLEASED that his son isnt gunna be a hockey player but he still values figure skating and will fucking make sure he’s the BEST at it. and so the brutal training starts. he gets some good coaches and also takes up the coaching mantle 
the thing is.. rei was amazing as a skater but her body just... wasnt really made for all of that??? and dabi unfortunately kinda inherited that. his body hates the impacts and such. he’s amazing at figure skating. he has a grace similar to his mothers but there’s something more fierce to him. 
and honestly !!! he gets far!!
also natsuo comes around. he’s a bit too clumsy for either sport and resents the fact that him and fuyumi are neglected by their father. he also loves touya and gets so pissed seeing his brother so hurt
and shouto is born and this kid was made to be on the ice. he’s skating from the moment he can fucking stand on his own.
obvs enji’s attention is split but it’s mainly on touya who is winning championships and GOING places but it’s still not good enough
anyway idk how far he goes?? but it’s the biggest competition yet and on ice mid routine he lands wrong
one thing leads to the next and he’s pretty much medically retired from a young age. he can skate. he can still kinda preform but he cant do what he used to at ALL and he cant keep up with the brutal pace enji sets. there’s a lot of trying to push him still and it’s just.. not happening
for all it’s worth dabi is kinda glad he isnt doing it anymore. but he fears for his babies brother. shouto is a natural and while yes being a professional athlete of any sort is brutal on your body, his body is a lot more capable
but like touya before, shouto is pushed to his absolute limits. bleeding and injuries and puking his guts out from being pushed too far
there’s a lotta resentment but he still pushes through w skating. 
(side note but there DEF is some todomido/tododeku w hockey player izuku who ends up being coached by THE yagi toshinori and who helps shouto out w making shit his own)
anyway so in the end dabi ends up working at a rink tho lol
it’s p much owned by shigarai and run by the lov (who in this au end up making their own little ragtag unofficial local hockey team p much and play games against other teams like them)
despite his father’s whole career, dabi does enjoy playing hockey with these dipshits
but yeah he enjoys his time working at the rink, fucking around and sleeping in random places and sometimes running the zamboni
he’s also best frenemies with shigaraki. they get along and both deal with a shitty upbringing and despite some slight animosity they both would kill if someone fucked w the other 
(also at some point dabi DEF teaches some little kid classes lol)
also dabi does sometimes skate his own routines from time to time. only when he’s alone really. though fuyumi has a pass to be there though he will gripe still
now there is a couple ways to go with this and somewhere in me there is an au with hockey player hawks who takes skating lessons from figure skater dabi BUT
i think for this au we’ll just say he was a figure skater from the get go
i think he WANTED to do hockey as a kid. like shouto he’s also a fucking natural and was skating as soon as he could fucking stand and walk. and he looked up to enji and kinda wanted to take up hockey but 
listen,,, trans hawks. who wanted to be like todoroki enji and be a pro hockey player. shit just.. didnt work like that though and besides he’s a tiny dude and god he’d be fucking obliterated 
he kinda is self taught and the ice is his escape from his shitty home life
idk how this works but listen gotta tie in the commission somehow???
he’s scouted or whatever for figure skating at a very young age and his mom is happy to take the heavy scholarships and happy to sign him over to skate for these ppl and have them push him to be The Best
and this kid is FAST. he’s fast and is insane with his jumps and stg it almost looks like he’s FLYING (which gets him the nickname hawks)
the coaches are brutal and shit sucks and a lot of the time it kinda sucks the life out of the sport but he still enjoys it
he has a love for outfits that legit have flare to them (also im thinking of johnny weir’s one outfit w the feathers but yknow instead of white they are RED) and while he does do routines to boring ass music he mainly likes doing shit different (also dabi was p much forced the whole time to do shit to that boring ass music but on his own he’d use his own music taste to skate to)
and he’s good!! he GOES places. he’s like makes it to the olympics at a young age and is one of THE youngest gold medalists for figure skating
im sure somewhere along the line him and dabi DID meet. it was at some competition and hawks was VIBRATING bc there’s ENJI and he wants and autograph and oH GOD IS THAT HIS SON??? he’s HOT. (and at this time dabi still had his red hair and like no piercings and what little ones he had they were out but this dumbass will not recognize him later on)
but god he needs to chill TF out or he will fuck up in the competition 
he hears about dabi’s whole accident and like feels for him but again it’s not like they were friends. there was more of a slight rivalry and they barely spoke if they did
but so idk like.. between seasons hawks finds himself going like nearly every day to this rink.. aka shigaraki’s rink (also sidenote but lbr it’s really run by shirakumo who kinda has to fucking herd the cats w this group)
as frenemies dabi and shigaraki share their distaste for some of these pro athletes (tho some get a pass) and kinda complain about hawks a bit tho like..... shigaraki cant complain TOO much bc of the money from hawks renting out the rink for a few hours almost every day
dabi is too gay for this shit when he actually sees hawks in action. rip him 
tbh they dont really interact tho (besides dabi telling him to gtfo the rink or he’ll run him over with the zamboni) until one day that hawks catches dabi skating
he was done and should have been gone but he forgot something on the bleachers and then he sees dabi and.. oh boy he’s GAY AF
and also dabi is RLLY GOOD???
and so hawks makes a FOOL of himself and startles the poor guy and p much presses all the wrong buttons w asking why he doesnt compete or something
and i mean im sure they had some SLIGHT progress w talking before. nothing significant but god the walls go RIGHT THE FUCK UP and dabi is pissed
tbh dabi was gunna get to the point where he LEGIT talked to him and maybe lowkey asked him out (he says this but shigaraki calls his bluff) and now there is no way. he storms off and tries to avoid him so hard
and hawks tries to corner him a bit but after some time he does manage to corner him and be like pls just let me take you out to dinner to make up for that shit????
aaand dabi accepts bc listen okay he cant say no to free food ??? like he’s kinda pissy w this guy but also.. listen he has EYES 
anywayyy p much this just leads to them dating
hawks DEF looks him up and watches all the vids of him and like the idiot he is realizes that he met him before ( “oh my GOD i know you” “uh… we’re dating i hope u know me?????”  “nO I MEAN WE MET AT (insert comp)”)
but before that dabi did like tell him some shit. mainly about like how he used to skate blah blah and the whole thing that ended all of that
he doesnt really delve too deep into like his shitty childhood until well later
idk what leads to it but the convo finally comes up and it’s so draining for dabi and hawks is horrified and ready to fight his dad (“listen i just sharpened my skates i’ll just-”)
anyway some side things bc this is long and i will answer questions on this tho
rumi is a women’s pro hockey player and fuyumi who actually follows hockey and shit has the BIGGEST crush on her (they end up together)
also natsuo comes to see one of the leagues games (he hasnt really seen them play tbh?? he hears about it from dabi but he lives like at least a few hours away on campus and is going for med school so rip him) and like he meets shigaraki and anyway dabi is losing his FUCKING MIND bc his best frenemy/boss and his younger brother are FLIRTING. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM???
dabi and hawks are really gay together and have skated together by this point and made out on ice a few times and shigaraki was miserable and is like “NOW U KNOW!!” and dabi is pissed bc “yEAH BUT THAT”S MY LITTLE BROTHER??? IT”S NOt thE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” 
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The Nuptial Necessity - Chapter 7
A 12xRose Human AU
Despite an unglamorous job description, Rose loves the work she does with The Thistle Foundation, a charity founded by her best friend’s great-uncle.  It doesn’t hurt that her boss, her friend’s father, is easy on the eyes.  With a great job, wonderful friends and a loving family, life couldn’t be better – except for having someone to share it with.
All of that is threatened, though, when the great-uncle dies – and sets a strange condition for his nephew to inherit, jeopardizing the Foundation and Rose’s future, sparking a chain of events that might just get her everything she dreamed of and more.
Chapters will be posted on Saturdays and Tuesdays.  Many thanks to my beta, @stupidsatsuma
Rated: Explicit, for eventual smut
AO3  |  Masterlist
Turning her car off, Rose leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes, breathing deeply in preparation.  Things in the office had only grown more awkward and tense as they danced around each other, the uncomfortableness spilling over into her relationship with Clara, which only made her feel worse.
It’s a yes or no question, she reminded herself once again.  Just make a decision and stick to it – put all of us out of our misery, so the weirdness can stop and we can start making our plans.
The sound of another engine made her eyes open, and she climbed out as Malcolm pulled in next to her.  Locking her car she waited while he, Clara, and Danny emerged, mustering a wan smile for them all.  “Hey.”
“Hi.”  Malcolm nodded, grabbing a bottle from the backseat as Clara gave her a hug.
“Hey,” her bestie whispered in her ear, “how are you?”
Rose shrugged, holding her a little tighter.  “In knots,” she said honestly. “I still don’t know what to do.”
“There you are,” her father called, and they all turned to find him at the front door.  “C’mon in.”
They followed him through the house and out onto the patio, where everything was set up.  Tony was playing in the shallow end of the pool under their mother’s watchful eye from a nearby lounge chair, while the grill was ready to go off to the side.  Two long tables groaned under the food already out, with a few designated spaces for what Rose and the Tuckers had brought. Rose’s contribution was a bottle of white wine and a baked mac’n’cheese recipe Tony loved, while Malcolm had brought the whisky, Clara some cut up fruit, and Danny the brownies.
“Looks great, Mum,” Rose greeted Jackie, hugging her.
“Thanks, sweetheart.  Oi, Tony, out of the water!”  Releasing her eldest she turned to Clara, greeting her in much the same way.  “So nice to have all of you here, come, put your things down.”
“Thanks for having us, Mr. and Mrs. Tyler,” Danny said politely, making Pete chuckle and wave his hand.
“Very pleased to have you join us.  Really.  And it’s Pete and Jackie – I insist.”
As everyone greeted each other and began chatting, Rose smiled and watched.
This is my family.
Standing next to the grill on a warm, sunny day, holding a beer, was pretty much exactly Malcolm’s ideal way to spend an afternoon.  His daughter sat nearby, the occasional tinkle of her laughter music to his ears as she talked to Danny and Jackie, but in truth, nearly all of his attention was on Rose.
She’d changed into a swimsuit, a one-piece that was fairly modest for what it was, and was in the shallow end splashing with her brother.  It didn’t take his imagination much effort to picture her in the pool at the townhouse – in fact, it was too easy to see her with a toddler of their own, teaching their son (or daughter, he wasn’t picky) how to swim.
In fact, he didn’t just want it; he craved it, ached for it, sometimes dreamed of it so vividly he would wake reaching for her, expecting her next to him, confused and heartbroken when she wasn’t there until reality seeped back in.
Sometimes he didn’t want to wake up.
A nudge startled Malcolm from his daydream, and he turned Pete, blinking in surprise.  “What?”
“D’you mind not ogling my daughter right in front of me while we’re trying to have a conversation?  When you’re not glaring at Danny for doing just the same, that is.”
His jaw dropped, trying to come with an answer.  “I wasn’t- that’s not- I-”
After a moment Pete laughed, waving a hand.  “Relax, I’m just messing with you,” his friend said easily.  “How are plans for the Gala going?”
Malcolm just blinked, trying to reboot his brain and cursing his overactive imagination.  It had been one thing, when his dreams were just that, but the intrusion into his waking life was bound to get him in trouble sooner or later.
And, strictly speaking, he hadn’t been ogling Rose.  Yes, okay, he might have been staring in her general direction, but he wasn’t picturing her naked – it’s early yet; how long is she going to stay in the pool? – though somehow he didn’t think Pete would appreciate what he was thinking any more than what he assumed.
Did he ask a question?
“The Gala’s going fine,” he finally answered, taking a long pull off his bottle and turning his back firmly on his assistant to focus on her father.  Her FATHER.  If Danny were looking at Clara the way I am Rose, I’d thump him – and he’s neither too old for her or a friend of mine, both of which I am.  Pull your shit together, Tucker.  “Rose is, of course, an incredible help.  No surprise she’s what makes the event what it is.”
“I would expect nothing less.”  Pete was still smirking, though, a look Malcolm didn’t appreciate.  “My daughter’s one of a kind.”
“That she is.”  Casting about for a change of subject, he asked, “Tony’s starting school this year, isn’t he?”
The other man didn’t seem fooled in the least, but went along with it.  “Reception.  Hard to believe.  Honestly, I’m not looking forward to his school years.  Well, the other parents, really. When Rosie was little we got looked down on for being so young, and I’m sure now we’ll be judged for being too old.  I don’t particularly care myself, but Jacks has been going on about it all summer and nothing’s even happened yet.”
“I know that feeling,” Malcolm agreed, smiling at the memory of Clara’s first day of school.  “It was the same for us – always judged and excluded for our ages.  Not that Missy or I particularly cared, but they tended to treat Clara as a pariah as well, and you can imagine how well I took that.  How do you judge a child for their parents’ decisions?  Unbelievable. Thankfully things were better once we moved to London, but still.  Judgemental pricks.”
They toasted, draining their bottles as one, and Malcolm didn’t hesitate to take the empties and exchange them for new, easily removing the lids.
“To tell the truth, I’m just glad to have the second chance,” Pete murmured, eyes flickering over to his wife to ensure she couldn’t hear.  “We’d long accepted she would be it when he came along, but I’m so glad he did.  I think I did well with Rose, but this time around I can really appreciate it, you know?  I was so focused when she was young on Vitex, on getting us out of the Estate that I missed things.”
Malcolm hummed but didn’t respond; they’d covered all of this before, and he knew his friend sometimes just felt the need to ‘speak it to the universe’, to quote Jackie.
“D’you think you’ll ever have another?”
Startled, Malcolm choked on his beer, going into a coughing fit that lasted long enough for Rose and Clara to shout in unison, “Stop it!”
“Your concern is overwhelming,” he wheezed, making his daughter roll her eyes and earning himself a rude gesture from Rose.  “I’m fine, thanks.”
When he straightened up Pete was waiting patiently with a napkin, arching an eyebrow when he took it.  “Not sure that qualifies as an answer.”
Wiping his mouth, Malcolm bought himself a few seconds to think before sighing.  “In theory, yes, I’d like another.  But practically… it just doesn’t seem to be in the cards.  And I don’t think Clara would take it with the grace that Rose did.”  He smiled wryly, remembering her reaction to the announcement – it had been at a Sunday dinner so similar to this one, and she had been so overwhelmed with joy that she was still bouncing off the walls the next day in the office, right up until they’d been mid-conversation and her face had contorted in horror.
“What’s wrong?”
Rose stared at him, gagging slightly.  “I just realized that if this baby was unplanned, my parents are having more sex than I am, and I’m the one in my mid-twenties.”
The memory made him chuckle, as had how she would periodically break out in full-body shivers every so often during the months of her mother’s pregnancy.  “She loved him from the first moment.”
“She did take it well,” Pete agreed, “and she’s such a help.  There’s nothing like a reliable, free childminder you can trust without hesitation.  She’ll be a spectacular Mum, when the time comes.”
Malcolm wholeheartedly agreed, but decided a neutral mhmm was the safer response, lest he let slip the secrets buried deep in his heart.  Things are weird enough right now, no need to make it worse.  Still, he couldn’t help but turn enough that he could watch Rose out of the corner of his eye.
A spectacular Mum indeed.
Rose’s eyes fluttered closed as she fought back a groan at her mother’s would-be casual tone, not fooled for a moment.  Despite her best efforts she’d gotten caught alone with her in the kitchen, and it had been two agonizing minutes of idle chit chat as Jackie built up to her favorite topic of conversation, as if Rose didn’t know where it was headed.
The same place it always is, lately.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
There it is.
“Yes, only he’s an alien, see, and off travelling the universe and saving alien planets, which is why I never bring ‘im around.”  She rolled her eyes, turning around to face her mother, unsurprised at the death glare she was receiving.  “You know I’m not.  It’s just been too busy lately.”
“But, Rose, you’ve been saying that for years.  It was one thing when you were young, but you’re thirty now.  You’re running out of time.”
“Oh my God.”  Wanting to physically run from the conversation she settled for the mature thing of picking up a platter of food and heading for the door.  “I am not having this conversation with you.  Is it really so hard to accept that I’m happy with my life?”
Not one to let anyone else have the last word Jackie followed hot on her heels with the other tray.  “How could you be!  No husband, no children… and while it might seem like it at the moment, a vibrator and your brother are not satisfying substitutes!”
Rose stopped dead, staring in dismay at the four horrified faces looking back at her.  Though she was still a few steps from the table and her mother behind her, they’d all clearly heard her, the whole fucking country probably had, and her eyes darted between them all gauging their reactions.  Her father was disgusted, poor Danny uncomfortable and now staring at his hands, Clara’s eyes were very wide and her jaw open, and Malcolm… Malcolm looked ready to bust a gut laughing, leaning forward on the table, and despite both hands clasped over his mouth, was unable to hide the smile in his twinkling eyes, and when their eyes met, he winked.
Her eyes darted to the pool and for one wild moment she seriously considered throwing herself into it before slowly spinning around.  “Shut.  Up.”
Malcolm stuffed a forkful of lettuce in his mouth, glancing idly around the silent table as almost everyone else ate.  While Jackie sat very stiffly across from him glaring at her daughter and not moving, Rose was on his left and bouncing her leg like her life depended on it as she looked everywhere but at Jackie.
For the third time in as many minutes her knee bumped the table, jostling it, and on instinct Malcolm settled his hand on it to calm her.  It worked almost too well as she froze, and their eyes met for only a moment before his gaze skittered away.  He thought about moving it, but rather than being tense at his touch she let out a deep breath and almost seemed to relax, and just because he’d always wanted to and couldn’t help himself, he slowly rubbed his thumb against the side of her knee.  It was as soft as he’d always imagined, smooth, and she didn’t seem to mind given she hadn’t swatted his hand away.  Did she just sigh?
“You know, there’s a nice young man working for your father,” Jackie started abruptly, Rose’s aggravation returning as quickly it had dissipated, based on how her leg tensed beneath his hand.
For fuck’s sake, doesn’t she ever stop?
The answer was no, apparently, as she continued to chatter, oblivious to their audience or her daughter’s humiliation.  “He’s looking for a girl to marry.  Maybe I should invite him to lunch next week.  Or!  Mickey says he’s got a friend you’d get on well with, you should ask him about that.  I know you think you’ve got all the time in the world, but really, it would take a least a year to plan the wedding, and thirty-two sounds young but you might be surprised how long it takes you to get pregnant, and your body won’t bounce back as quickly as you’d like- we can’t all be like those celebrities, back to looking like sticks six weeks after giving birth.  You know, this might be an idea- start planning your wedding now, you should book two years out anyway- then just find your groom along the way!  You can’t afford to lose any time, and really, by now all the decent men are probably married, if not in committed relationships.  The longer you wait the more likely you are to have an ex-wife to deal with, maybe even step-children, and God help you then.  And if there are, then the ex will probably be a total nightmare, ‘cause if she wasn’t they’d still be married, wouldn’t they?  And I don’t mean an annoyance like you complain about Missy, I mean a real pain in the ass.  Though you may get lucky and find a nice widower- come to think of it, maybe you should go to Tony’s school events once he starts, you might meet some single fathers-”
Doesn’t this woman ever breathe? Malcolm rolled his eyes, glancing over at Rose to see metaphorical steam coming out of her ears; the one time he’d screwed up badly enough to earn that stink eye himself it had been enough to scare him straight.  At least for a little while.
Even as he watched her he saw the final straw break her back, uncertain of what it was having tuned Jackie out, but nothing could have prepared him for how Rose interrupted her mother.
“Malcolm and I are getting married.”
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silkkpopbonnet · 6 years
“So, basically he’s like get your ass home now, you’ve played around enough in the US.” Yeon, sat back rubbing her eyes, wondering why she just didn’t tell her dad no.
He paid for her college that’s why.
“Basically. I have to go home, and finish there and who knows.” She sighed, looking out the window to the city of Atlanta.
“But, do you want to go, that’s the thing.” Her friend, reached across the table taking her hand.
“No, but my dad is Korean.” She laughed softly. “So, I kinda have no choice, and my mom agrees with him.” She finished her coffee, and rolled her eyes, wishing her mother would have pushed for her to stay in the states.
She loved Korea, she loved the States; but she always felt a bit freer here. Standing up, her 5′5″ frame was lithe, but she had hips and an ass. That she got from her mother, she tossed her mid-back length 3B curls behind her and donned a pair of Gucci shades.
“I leave in three days, he didn’t give me time to do shit. Movers will be here tomorrow, I get on the plane, and go. So, there go all my summer plans. Good thing is though, he’s letting you come with me. Two weeks in Seoul, what do you think?”
Her friend, jumped up from her spot, clapping her hands excitedly. “YES! Oh my god, what do I pack? What should I wear?”
Yeon smiled. “We’ll figure that out later.”
Yeon washed her hands in the bathroom aboard the airplane. She made the water as hot as she could stand it, needing something to take her mind off the fact that they had been flying for 8 hours already. She wanted to run and jump, she needed to stretch her legs. Her hair in a messy bun on her head, she looked at herself in the half steamed mirror and sighed. How was she going to fit back in Korea? She had sometimes unruly curly hair that wasn’t a very common sight on a Korean woman, her copper skin, held two very Asian eyes Most people told her, her eyes looked like Kimora Lee Simmons. Plump lips, brown eyes, her figure was slightly curvy, she pushed together her 34B breasts and wondered if her breasts were also too large? Probably not. She was going to be…different. That much was certain.
“Are you ok?” A soft voice at the door asked her in Korean.
“Yes, thank you.”She answered, almost bowing before she remembered she couldn’t be seen.
Speaking in strictly Korean, unless she was around her parents, something else, she was going to have to get used to again. She hated being different, she hated people looking at her like she had a third eyeball. Grunting, she opened the bathroom door, walking back to her seat.
“You ok, Yeon?” Her friend asked her, barely waking up from her nap.
“I’m ready to get off this damn plane. My legs are killing me.” She signaled for the waitress.
“Girl, your short ass is fine, I’m 5′8″ I’m the one suffering.” Her buddy, turned in her seat, snuggling in the cushions of first class, sleeping again.
Would she be fine? She wasn’t so sure.
As soon as the plane landed, both girls stretched and yawned. It was afternoon in Seoul, South Korea, and all Yeon thought about now was sleep. A sign was posted for her, Ms. Hyo Park Yeon as they came down the elevator, and she rolled her eyes, thinking to herself. ‘Wow, thanks parents, don’t even come to the airport.’
“You have an escort? What a driver too?” Her friend chuckled and Yeon bit her lip and tried to figure out, what she hadn’t told her friend already.
“Ms. Hyo.” He already knew her face, and she gave a slight bow saying hello, giving him their bags.
“This is it, the rest, was delivered here already.” With a nod of his head, the man leads the way outside, and out into the bright sunshine. The girls donned their shades, and Marcella looked around, looking quite the tourist, while Yeon ignored the urge.
He leads them both to a car, a sleek black Audi A8 L. Opening the door for them, the girls slid into the cool, cream-colored interior, chilled water bottles waiting for them.
“This car is nice, man did your dad spare any expenses?” Marcella, rubbed a hand along the seats, watching as the driver got in the front seat.
“This isn’t a Bentley, so I’m going to say, yes.” Yeon laid her head back against the seat, getting ready mentally for her best friend to choke her. “I have to tell you something, Marcella.”
The car pulled away, and Marcella was looking out the window. “Mhm.”
“So, my dad is a CEO…you know that.”
“My mother is an interpreter for his company now. His interpreter. My grandfather, my mother’s father was a doctor.”
Marcella’s eyes turned to slits as she looked at Yeon. “You parents are loaded aren’t they?”
“I don’t really know about all that. I’ve had to work for anything, I’ve ever received, and maintain a strict GPA, you know I don’t flaunt a bunch of shit.”
“Just say it! Why didn’t you tell me!” Marcella punched her arm lightly. “I’m actually kind of hurt. I’m your best friend.”
Yeon let her head fall. “I learned the hard way, about friends who are friends because of money. Not that you're one of them! I just prefer not to be like that. I’m not stuck up and snobby, and Paris Hilton like.”
“Don’t you think I know that dummy? I know who you are. TBH, I kind always knew I think. Tell me more about your parents though.”
Yeon smiled, thanking god that was easier than she thought it would be. She explained that her father always had money, he inherited the company from his father. Her mother had to scrape and earn every penny, her grandfather believed in a hard day's work. He came from nothing, her parents were polar opposites. Her mother was gifted when it came to languages, she spoke 6 fluently, but Korean was not one of them. Her mother was working as an interpreter for another company when she met her father. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her.
“Still makes me gag a little when he says, my mom had the brownest skin he ever saw, and all he thought about doing was rubbing his face against her legs.” She said playfully, she knew her father worshiped her mother.
Her mother didn’t speak Korean, and her father didn’t speak English, however, they both spoke Chinese. They went out on a few dates, and he made a decision to marry her, boom there she was.
“They should write a book about that,” Marcella answered, taking a sip of her water.
“Probably.” Yeon looked out the window. “This is my house.”
Marcella gasped as the gate opened to a large black and cream colored home, The gate opened to a yard, the glass front of the home, showed into the living room, around the side, there was a cement driveway, and a garage for the cars. The door was opened for them, and Marcella and Yeon walked up the pathway leading from the driveway to the front of the house. It was arched, with large dark wooden doors, and Yeon rung the bell, waiting.
“Of course, you remember how to say hello in Korean. My father’s English is still a bit rough.”
“Who do you think you’re talking to?” Marcella asked, rolling her eyes.
Yeon smiled, and the door opened up, her mother standing there in her apron smiling wide. “My baby is home!” She threw her arms around Yeon, hugging her tight before grabbing Marcella hugging her as well.
“Marcella, I’m happy to have you in our home.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Hyo.” She bowed at her.
“Oh please, call me Jasmine.” She ushered the girls into the house. “I know, Y'all are probably tired, but I have been cooking for Y'all. A mix of southern food and Korean.”
Her mother yelled in Korean, for her father, smiling back at the girls. “He’s going to play all tough baby, but you know he missed you. That’s why he wasted no time.” Her mother hugged her again, and this time Yeon held on tight.
She forgot how her mother smelled like cloves and her favorite Prada perfume. Her mother’s tight 4a coils tickled her nose. “I missed you, Ma.”
“I have too, we haven’t seen you in a year.” Letting her, go her mother turned towards the stairs, as her father came down them. The foyer of the home, had dark hardwood floors, contrasting against the light gray of the walls, and the cream of the carpet that lined the stairs.
“Park Yeon.” He said her name, standing at the bottom of the stairs.
Yeon walked over, bowing deeply, saying hello to her father in Korean. “Abeoji, I missed you.”
Her father’s wrinkled forehead smoothed over and he broke into a smile, hugging his little girl tightly. “My family is whole again.” He kissed her face several times, before letting go, and he also grabbed Marcella into a hug.
“Marcella, I’m glad you could join us for a while.” Marcella smiled, looking shy.
“Thank you for the vacation, Mr. Hyo.” He waved a hand dismissively at her.
“You are like a sister to my baby, call me abeoji.” Marcella tested the word on her tongue, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
Her father, shooed both girls upstairs, informing Yeon that her things would be there, in 3-4 days. Yeon showed Marcella the guest room, and how to use the shower. “Just come in my room when you're done.”
Yeon walked into her room, it was almost the same way she left it. Old EXO posters on the wall, on a cork board. A few American bands on the other side, she had a new computer, new bed, new bedding. Her vanity in front of her bay window. She could decorate as she wanted later, she supposed, but she didn’t even want to live in her parents' house. For goodness sake, she was 20 years old, but her father probably didn’t want her living on her own either. This was going to be hard. She showered, conditioning her hair, and finger de-tangling as she let the water run down her back. She washed her face free of the makeup she wore. She had forgotten to put on a primer, and setting powder so she knew she skin probably looked oily. After she was finished, she wrapped her head in a towel, sitting down at her vanity. She didn’t feel like dealing with her hair, so she set to start doing large twists.
Marcella knocked once, letting herself inside. “I’m glad I got my hair done, before coming because I would not be in the doing it now.”
She looked up at Marcella in the mirror, her friend's shoulder length box braids now held secure in a wrap on her head. “Help me then, I ain’t trying to be here all day.”
Marcella set to rubbing olive oil into the strands, before twisting them with twist cream on her fingers. Both girls finished, Yeon stood u, grabbing a scarf from the hook near her door, and wrapped her hair into a pineapple, before she set out to get dressed.
“Another struggle is finding good hair care products.” Yeon pulled on a purple V-neck shirt that said ‘J’adore’ on the front over her head.
“Your mama is natural, what do you mean?” Marcella looked at her posters. “Chanyeol was still fine as hell in these pics.”
“That’s like right after their debut. She is but she goes into Seoul, to get her hair done. You know I’m picky.” Marcella nodded, still looking over the pictures.
The girls made their way downstairs, where Mrs. Hyo was setting the table. The girls settled themselves on cushions on the floor, as her father made his way in, sitting down at the head of the table.
“How was the flight?” He asked in Korean.
Her mother came in with a gallon of juice, and cups. “English please, we have a guest.” Just as her father was about to protest, she held up a hand sitting down. “Your English is fine, you just never really try. I refuse to translate.”
“Yes, yes, umma.” He replied taking some rice from a large bowl.
“It was long. Fine though.” Yeon answered, Marcella, agreeing with her.
They ate and talked, laughing about what had happened lately in Atlanta or Korea. Inside, Yeon smiled this was good, she had forgotten how much she missed home. How much she missed really good kimchi and her mothers fried chicken. Her mother rolled her eyes at her fathers bad jokes.
“You can have the summer to do as you will, school starts back in September, everything is taken care of Yeon.” Her father spoke, looking at her stuff more kimchi into her mouth.
Thanks, dad, I’m just wondering how I will fit in.” He shrugged at her, chewing his rice.
“You will be fine, you are my daughter. Besides, concentrate on school, not a social life.” Yeon took a sip of her juice, sighing.
“I’m a young dad, I have to have a social life.” She put another piece of chicken on Marcella’s plate as she spoke.
Her father put his chopsticks down on his plate. “I have a remedy for that soon enough. For now, don’t worry, so much, you’ll get wrinkles.”
Her mother shook her head at the two. After lunch, Yeon and Marcella went to their rooms to nap, while her mother cleared dishes with her father.
He stood in the kitchen watching his wife. “Friday then?”
“I actually don’t think this is a good idea at all right now.” She washed the last of the plates, putting them in them in the dish drainer.
“Why not?” He came to stand behind his wife, her short frame nestling against his.
“It’s sneaky. You bring her here, to finish school, but you have an ulterior motive.” Her mother turned in her father’s arms to look at him.
“I’m making sure, our daughter is secure in life.” Sighing, Mrs. Hyo, moved from her husband’s grasp.
“I know. I just…let her see if she likes him or not. I wasn’t forced with you.” Mr. Hyo crossed to where his wife now stood, and took her chin in his hand.
“She will like him, trust me. Choi Jun-Seo is a good man, he is already making me very proud in the company.”
“If you say so.” Her mother leaned her head up, to give her father a gentle kiss.
He grinned, kissing her once more. “I’m always right, trust me.”
The next few days were spent shopping and sight-seeing. Marcella and Yeon kicked back and relaxed most days. “We should go clubbing,” Marcella said, as Yeon sat at her computer looking at places to live near the college.
“Clubs? Yea, we can go. When?” Yeon brought up another tab, to look for good clubs when her mother walked in after knocking once.
“Can’t go tonight, I’m sorry girls. Yeon.” Her mother laid a traditional Korean dress, on her bed. “Your father has a dinner guest, and you have to wear this. I have one for you as well Marcella.”
Yeon rolled her eyes, earning a scowl on her mother’s face. “Stop. You look beautiful in them.”
The golden color of the dress was offset by the red of the tank top, and red flowers, twined with their vibrant green leaves. The black, sheer covering had a white collar. The fabric was thick and heavy. She picked up the dress, holding it close to her body.
“It is pretty, dad is going all out, who is the guest?” Her mother grinned slightly, turning to Marcella.
“Yours will be delivered before tonight. You can take it home if you like, it’s pink and black. I thought the colors would compliment you.”
“Ma.” Yeon put the dress down, looking back at her mother. “Why are you ignoring me?”
“I’m not. He’s a work partner of your fathers. He’s someone your father thinks highly of. So he wants you to look your best.” Her mother turned from the room. “You guys can club tomorrow.”
As the door closed behind her, Marcella chuckled softly but steadily it became louder. “If you don’t have this figured out by now, I’m gonna be pissed.”
Yeon balled her hands into fists. “Stay here.” She grumbled. Her father’s office was downstairs, near the parlor. She quickly jumped down the stairs, running down the hall, her bare feet pattering gently on the hardwood. The large oak doors in front of her, she was never to enter as a child, unless invited. She knew her father would be in there, while her mother gave her the dress.
She knocked once hard, then twice more. “Yes?”
“Dad, you know it's me.” She wanted to yell, but yelling would get her nowhere with him.
He cleared his throat. “Come in.”
Yeon opened the door, closing it behind her, keenly aware of how close it seemed in there. He had many small statues and vases lining the walls. The dark walls and light carpet on the floor, everything was exactly as it had been. Traditional, clean cut. She walked towards her fathers' desk where he sat looking over some papers, his glasses low on his nose.
“Who is this guy.” She pulled a chair from the desk sitting down, she was letting him know she wasn’t going anywhere.
“His name is Choi Jun Seo. He runs the international side of the company, fluent in 3 languages, learning a fourth. He graduated top if his class-”
Yeon cut her father off, tapping on his desk. “I didn’t ask for his resume abeoji.”
Her father slowly lifted his head, pushing his glasses on his nose. The wrinkles around his eyes, deepening as he sighed. “I think, he would be a good match for you.”
“I knew something was up!” Yeon stood up in her chair, pointing at her father. “Is this why I came back? Don’t lie to me.”
Her father removed his glasses, rubbing the area between his eye. “Yeon, do not raise your voice at me.”
She ignored him. “Is it! Tell me! I don’t want to be set up, with some guy who you think is ok for me. That’s not fair!” She pushed away from his desk, throwing her hands into the air. “You can’t do this!”
“I can do as I please, I am your father!” Mr. Hyo stood up, his balled fist slamming down on his desk.
The air was hot between them. Yeon heard her breathing, she was frustrated and angry. She closed her eyes, willing back the tears that threatened. “Did you even miss me? Or did you just want me back as some shiny little pawn to entice your co-workers with?”
Her fathers face softened. “Why would you say that? Of course, I missed you. Your mother missed you. You belong here at home. It is not safe in Atlanta, we cannot protect you.”
Yeon sniffled. “You don’t have to protect me, I’m a grown woman.” She wiped her eyes, turning her back on her father like a child.
“You are my child. My only child. He will be here tonight to introduce himself to you in a formal setting, that is all. I am pushing, however, that you two will date.” Mr. Hyo came from around his desk, at 5′9″ he towered over his daughter, lifting her chin to look at him. “Give him a chance.”
She tugged her chin from her fathers grasp. “If he’s ugly, I’m not doing anything.”
“Park Yeon..” He said quietly.
“I don’t like this, and I don’t agree to it. I will be cordial though.” Her father chuckled, hugging his daughter tight.
“You’re like your mother, I suppose that is all I can ask for now.”
Chapter Two
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terramythos · 6 years
My thoughts on October Daye #12 “Night and Silence” oooor “Dammit, Janet!” (suggestion courtesy of @mistressofmuses ).
And with this I am officially all caught up! Well, I haven’t read all the novellas and short stories, but caught up on the main series. Now I have to wait for #13 this year like a normal person! Gah! 
-So, leading off from all the horrible shit that happened last book, things aren't going.. great.
-You know that intense, extreme trauma 2 members of the main cast experienced @ the end of last book? Yeah that. Didnt go away
-There's a line about how Tybalt keeps seeing Toby as her mother Amandine... the person who kidnapped and basically tortured him last book. And he's basically terrified of shapeshifting at all and has just stayed in his humanoid form. And he's refusing help from anyone and disappearing for long stretches. And maybe going just a little bit Fuckening Crazy. G-great start, guys!
-And there's a flashback where he's just MEAN and like you can understand why but MAJOR YIKES and also pain.
Tumblr media
Ok unexpected May feels ;-;
-Gillian Is Missing Again but I have a feeling this is not gonna be much of a retread...
-And.. boy this sure is a callback huh? May and Quentin being the found family, Gillian is missing, Tybalt is antagonistic...
-ok Jocelyn is a creepy fangirl character
-ok I'm 5 chapters in and wondering where this is going. Apparently there's Quite The Twist in this one or at least that's what I suspect is going to happen
-oooohkay they find like this weird pocket dimension with like. A miniature house that is also a chicken (and no one even mentions Baba Yaga). And idk what it is about the scene but it is fucking eerie and creepy as hell somehow.
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Shade appeared in like book 6 as a Literal Cat so.. here she is showing up and being relevant for 5 minutes
-but what the FUCK is with this place. I got nothing and that exposition just raises more questions. There's no magic scent at all (except MAYBE cinammon), a bunch of rare fucking plants, and a fucking miniature baba yaga hut just wandering around
-that opens another rabbit hole because Golden Gate Park is ALSO completely unclaimed for no particular reason 🤔
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This might be a waste of picture and might get deleted later but like, that's fucking creepy, right???
-god I know there HAS to be someone with cinnamon in their magical signature who we've MET but... it's been 12 books, dog. I dont fuckin remember
-The closest I can think is Simon with "mulled cider" because that's cinnamony... BUT it's pretty unlikely he did this, and that part of his magical signature is PRE corruption and we have the corrupted version running around.
-We just found a SECOND creepy unexplainable house hidden in plain sight so that's starting to feel Thematic.
-And she smells the false Queen's magic in this house :) someone supposedly asleep for 100 years in Silences. So that's great.
-Aaand there's Gillain! Not even halfway through the book. Way too easy.
-It's not Gillian. It's a Baoban Sith which is apparently *googling* a.. vampire. Ok
-My crack theory is pretty much dead in the water lol 
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There's more than this bit but ;---; fuck dude
-But yeah! After a book and a half of hiatus, Tybalt's back! A little.. broken and suffering from severe PTSD, but you know.
-They go to Goldengreen based on a hint and Marcia is there baking cinnamon rolls. It really stresses the fact that she's making cinnamon rolls.
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-.... holy shit.
-Ok. Ok ok. Assuming that's the truth that means Amandine's mother was.. a human? Making her a fucking CHANGELING Firstborn? What the fuuuuuck
-Oh that is fucking hysterical with what a fucking blood purist Amandine is. She looks down upon changelings and the beast races SO MUCH. Janet implies Amandine has no idea her mother was human, or at least never knew Janet. I'd bet she figured out she was part human because the Dochas Sidhe's whole deal is messing with one's heritage for fun results. Gosh. Hmm.
-And this mirrors everyone hiding October's heritage from her BEAUTIFULLY.
-I don't remember quite when "Miranda" was introduced but it was pretty early on. And now that I think of it there was NO REASON for her to fucking exist! What the fuck! The story would have made just as much sense with Cliff being a single dad raising Gillian. Miranda was just an antagonistic extra detail who didn’t... really do much. God damn it. 
-Cliff “accidentally” marrying Toby's maternal grandmother who is somehow Human and also like, alive, in order to help raise Toby's daughter is. Fucking Something, huh.
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Oh lore??? (Oberon, King of Faerie, kinda a nice guy it turns out, accidentally knocks up a human. Uh... whoops?)
-Fuck dude, that was the blood memory flashback we had in book 9. The Luidaeg begging her mom not to leave on The Ride. Oof.
-So Janet is, yes indeed human and YES INDEED Toby’s grandmother. She’s cursed with immortality because of all that shit she pulled. 
-And BOY does that lore regarding Janet make the whole "Amandine was doted on and given everything she ever asked for" make sense cause... THAT'S WHAT THEY DID WITH HUMANS. And here we have a fucking FIRSTBORN born from a fucking HUMAN. Gosh. Jeez.
-and Katy pointed out to me that that's a big book 3 reference because Toby's family holds her down when THEY try to remove her from Blind Michael's version of the Ride, and SHE wildly shapeshifts through dozens of forms.It was a Tam Lin retelling only I don’t think I ever expected the actual thing to be relevant. 
-And FUCK Evening/Eira, by the way. I think that goes without saying at this point.
-So is Blind Michael's Ride supposed to be a replacement of the old one? 500 years ago the fae used The Ride to sacrifice a human every 7 years--until Tam Lin and Janet fucked it up. Fast forward to the present and we had Blind Michael showing up every couple years stealing children for what HE called The Ride.
-soooo Toby killing Blind Michael might have not been a great thing if you follow that line of reasoning. I mean, he was a fucking monster, BUT... Because The Ride is supposedly to maintain balance, hence the sacrifices. Whatever the fuck that ultimately means. And by stopping it...
-Add that on to all the stuff last book about how Blind Michael wasn't always such a shitty person, and... uh hmmm.
-OK this part might be a stretch but: the Dochas Sidhe are the only descendants we know of that are just... one hundred percent descended from one of the Three. The human part is largely irrelevant in fae terms. They’re directly Oberon’s, not some mix of Maeve/Oberon or Titania/Oberon. Would that mean Oberon is actually Dochas Sidhe? He did, after all, create the hope chests, and the Dochas Sidhe are literally living, breathing hope chests. IDK MAN. 
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Tybalt, PLEASE.
-So it is, predictably, the false Queen behind this whole situation, helped by Jocelyn. And I just FUCKING REMEMBERED that it was that dickbag Dugan who had cinnamon in his magical signature .-.
-The Baoban Sith just be like "yeah sorry about almost eating you I uh straight up hadn't eaten in 40 years lol. Anyway I'm Kennis, what's up?"
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OH FUCK! I FUCKING *CALLED* THIS SHIT OUT IN BOOK SIX! I remember it being mentioned offhand as something that could happen. I fucking KNEW we were going to turn a character into a Selkie for plot reasons. But I gotta say I didn't expect it to be Gillian!
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FUCK DUDE ;___; in this house we stan The Luidaeg. Best character. I'm not crying. (I am.) 
-She has a line a few pages later about anxiety and catastrophic thinking, and how what you THINK will happen is never as bad as what actually happens. She compares it to "chasing the tide" and honestly that's such a useful metaphor, as someone often caught in that trap...
-They take down Dugan, yay, he was a loose end. He's not DEAD, but.. This is another one where the villain felt pretty secondary to the big plot revelations. 
-And Tybalt stepped down (temporarily) as King. Jolgeir's daughter is apparently going to temporarily take things over so I expect we will be introduced to her later?? 
-And, like the last few books, theres a novella epilogue at the end. This one is "Suffer a Sea-Change" and looks to be from Gillian's perspective.
-ok so Gillian has this whole scene where she TALKS to Firtha (whose skin she's wearing now) and I can't help but wonder if all selkies have this weird scene with the Roane whose skin they inherit when they ascend or whatever?
-The Answer Is "No", The Story Explicitly Says 
-Gillian is honestly pretty funny. She's up to here with this bullshit.
-The Luidaeg would like to remind everyone that she’s nice to October and Quentin but she’s not actually all that nice to most other people and Definitely Has Her Own Agenda. Although she seems to have taken in Poppy as an apprentice of sorts so... *vague shrugging* 
-And The Luidaeg speaking fondly about her "little brother Michael" who liked interior decorating despite being entirely blind. This is my uncomfortable face based on all my Analysis earlier.
-So Gillian is a Selkie now! That's not a twist I expected. And the next book (not out until September) is about The Luidaeg finally calling in their debts. So uh. That was one hell of a way to make the stakes personal on that.
-Im probably gonna make a master post overview of the series now that I read the whole thing in relatively short order. I'm glad I'll have a chance to read other books, but I'm anxious for the next one too based on the recent developments...
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sequencesmile · 2 years
Before i go to sleep i just had some realization. A lot of realizations why everything in my life became  so different all of a sudden. There were so many lessons i've learned from it. I have never been optimistic with the sudden change of my life. Personally i've been dealing with a lot of bull and this and that ,yeah i have accepted the consequences of my actions and i am dealing with  it right now. So yeah, i realized who were really my friends, the people who never left me, the people who check up on me, the people i can tell everything without judgment and the people i trust. There's this one thing that i really dont understand. When i love someone, i love them purely, and genuinely. I gave them my kindness, generosity, real friendship. And all i wanted from them is to treat me nicely. But i couldn't just please everyone. And everything was my fault. I gave them so much power that i didn't see my worth. I was so stupid enough to fall from their traps. But i have no regrets about everything that i did good for them. I will not allow anyone to ever hurt me again. I will not allow them to use me anymore. I will not allow them to get benefits from me ever.
I have so much to offer for those who are real to me. I will be forever grateful for them. I appreciate the simple "have you eaten?" "How are you?" Those simple thoughtfulness - makes me feel valued. I would like to give a special mention to ate ging2x who has always been supportive with my decisions and believes in my capabilities and ofcourse no doubt, to mommy debs, i know there are a lot of people who secretly hate her and i know who they are, but we just let it slide. -Mommy Debs who never leaves me, the realest person i ever met, who's also been so supportive with my ideas and decisions. No matter how much i pushed her away ,she never gives up on me. I proved that she's really true to her words. Im very affectionate person , to everyone that i am very comfortable with. My grandma was a very affectionate person too, she would always hug me, kiss me, cling to me, and i would always do the same to her. Im like a baby monkey clinging on to her mother 24/7. And that's just me, thats how i am as a person and that's a part of my personality.  And that's how i am to mommy debs. I personally dont know what is the feeling of being loved by your own mother /parents. Or basically what is a mother's love. My grandma gave me all her love as if i came from her own belly. The moment she was gone, I was longing for it so badly. I missed how to be hugged when you're crying and so on. And that's where mommy debs came into my life. She filled that void i was longing for. She cared and loved me like i came from her own belly too. So, I adopted her as my mom. She is my mom!  And i filled her void for longing from her children's love ,she got the respect she needed. Like, someone finally treated her right and looked at her as a mother. Not someone who always gets yelled at, and embarrassed in front of people. Hate her all you want, she doesn't give a fuck tho. She has no time for haters actually. We actually don't have time and energy for people who  are not good for our own sake. The most important to me now is to be happy. Life is too short to waste it for those people who are not deserving of my kindness. I will stick to the people i know who are true to me and i'm letting go of those who aren't good and toxic for me. I can't bear any more abuse especially from my very own parents. I am so sick and tired of them. I am just so glad that i didn't inherit their toxic traits.  God will destroy your plans and even you , he will destroy everything that isnt good for you , its going to be painful and hard at first but i know he's redirecting me into something more beautiful ♥️ That would be all good night ♥️
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yukipri · 7 years
YOI Future!Verse ABO AU - Useful Asks Compilation
So I’ve realized that I’ve put a TON of headcanons in replies to asks about this AU, and that sometimes these questions come up multiple times or my answers are long enough that they may be interesting reads to anyone who wants to know more about the AU ^ ^;
Here is a NON COMPREHENSIVE LIST of some of my more useful/potentially interesting/amusing responses to asks, to be updated as I dig up/answer more <3 All asks are posted in chronological asking order (from oldest to newest) per category.
Ones I consider to have slightly more detailed/lengthy/important headcanons are in bold.
The most recent, updated version of this post HERE.
Story Headcanon Asks
◉ On sleeping arrangements
◉ How do Yuuri’s heats go? *
◉ When Yuuri needs a Break
◉ Have you decided the age difference of all the kids yet?
◉ Some general MinaYuu and YuriYuu HCs (applicable to this AU)
◉ On Minami’s story
◉ Does Minami/Yuuri genes mean the Yuuji is going to be smaller than his siblings?
◉ I'm kind of curious what sort of conflict Phichit and Victor used to have.  
◉ On Coach!Victor and the kids
◉ On Chris and Otabek’s relationships with the family
◉ Dude. Just realised that in your ABO AU the kids must have a hellish time getting things together for father's day.
◉ I am curious what happens when the twins have to compete against each other
◉ Do Yuuri's partners love every kid or are they only about their own kids?
◉ Dads’ reactions to Yuuri going into labor
◉ How did Yuuri Viktor and Yuri find out that the twins had different fathers?
◉ Is Yuuri an exclusive bottom or does he switch with his mates? * NSFW
◉ On Yuuri, Yurio, and Victor’s attitudes approaching parenthood
◉ Pack dynamics/hierarchy in the family?
◉ Christmas?
◉ What would be Yasha's reaction if he ever finds out about Inuyasha? Does Yuuji use his smol and definitely cuteness to his advantage? Does Arisa like Princesses or Superheroines or everything in between? Do they still have pets?
◉ Phichit and Yuuri’s past?
◉ Are we going to end up finding what the kids secondary gender is
◉ How many languages do the kids speak?
◉ How did Yuri and Viktor react when they were first told that Yuuri was pregnant again but it wasn't either of theirs?
◉ What do the kids call their dads? (and on languages)
◉ Do the twins get mistaken for girls at all?
◉ What's ur headcanon for when people call yuri a whore in front of his husbands?
◉ You know how the twins are really protective of Yuuri? Are they like that if someone talks bad of their dads?
◉ Did yuuri have any nesting behavior during his pregnancy? Did yuri, Victor, phichit, or Minami ever join in?
◉ How do Yuuri and his mates quarrel?
◉ Yuuri’s first reaction to seeing the house
◉ Out of the husbands who's more likely to lift an unassuming Yuuri ohimesama dakko style out of nowhere
◉ Does Yuuri love seducing Minami?
◉ Do any of the adults have any kinks? * NSFW
◉ What happens when Yuuri gets a cold?
◉ On deltas and JJ in this AU
◉ On the parents’ reactions to kids presenting
◉ Extended language headcanons
◉ Which of the kids are more likely to have an anxiety attack or really doubt themselves for a performance?
◉ Mpreg HCs: On Yuuri’s post-partum depression/anxiety/physical challenges
◉ On home security + bodyguards
◉ On jealousy among the husbands
◉ What happens when an outsider flirts with Yuuri?
◉ For the abo au doesn't Yuuri ever get tired of not only romantically but sexually loving like 5+ people????
◉ Does Yuuri get emotionally/physically tired of his mates?
◉ On Yuuri’s haters and fans
◉ On their relationships with the In Laws
◉ On what the kids inherited from Yuuri
◉ On how whipped Minami is
◉ When Yuuri gets pregnant, how do they know who the biological father is? Or do they have to wait until Yuuri gives birth? And even then, how would they know?
◉ What do the kids call their dads? (part 2)
◉ Yuuri and each mates’ favorite sex positions? NSFW
◉ Jokes that got out of hand: the tale of the Zamboni god
◉ What other careers have the kids been interested in pursuing? [Sketch]
◉ On baby sitters and group travel
◉ Explaining Love in Future!Verse
◉ Some Headcanons on Minako
◉ Regarding whether Yuuri will have a miscarriage
◉ Do any of the parents have a strict upbringing & Who’s the pushover parent?
◉ How Yuuri’s glad when Phichit’s home from work
◉ Actual rl wedding bands
◉ Would any of the husbands consider growing out their beard?
◉ How well can all the kids see?
◉ Which of the kids likes to read?
◉ On honeymoons
◉ On Chris and Minako
◉ How does the family deal with Shura’s anxiety?
◉ “What happened if yuuri got drunk one night without his husbands knowing and he added a seventh husband?“
◉ Which kid is the most nervous in competition?
◉ Has Yuuri ever called someone else's name during intercourse by accident? NSFW
◉ On the husbands’ heights
◉ Does Yasha love his mother too much?
◉ Has anyone ever hurt Yuuri during sex? (NSFW)
◉ How would Yasha react to someone flirting with his mom?
◉ On the kids and getting into fights
◉ On why Noé is sleepy
◉ On Yuuri’s pregnancies
◉ Does the “alpha voice” trope exist in this AU?
◉ Why does Yurio keep call Kenjirou 'Pomeranian'?
◉ On what the kids inherited from their dads
◉ Was there a specific point when Yuuri decided to stop having kids?
◉ On Yuuri and gendered clothing
◉ On Yuuri’s dakimakuras/posters
◉ How does Kenjirou feel about the Pomeranian nickname?
◉ Who cuts the kids’ hair?
◉ How old do people think Yuuri is?
◉ Would Yuuri marry a woman?
◉ On Yuuri getting his ears pierced with Kenjirou
◉ How do people perceive Yuuri’s gender, in that he is also a mother?
◉ Does Yuuri become a singer?
◉ What are the kids' thoughts on love (romantic, platonic, etc.)?
◉ On Yasha’s mother complex and whether he compares potential lovers to his mom
◉ Do the kids like J.J.?
◉ Are Yasha and Shura like Romantic in this verse? Like twincest?
◉ Who bought the house they live in and how much are the bills?
◉ How do you think the husbands and kids would react if something bad happened to Yuuri?
◉ Can Yuuri bend his finger with the many rings on it?
◉ What year does this Future!Verse take place?
◉ Do the kids know that they are really half siblings?
◉ Does Noe have Narcolepsy?
◉ Which Japanese seiyuus would voice the kids?
◉ When Yuuri got married six times, how come he didn’t take their last names?
◉ How do like the first 4 kids feel about Otabek and Chris coming into the fam and the two new babies?
◉ Why does Yuuri feel awkward around other parents?
◉ Do Yuuri or his mates have any exes? On their past love lives. 
World Building Asks
◉ Why do you ship poly?
◉ On reproduction and twinning
◉ Why primaries and secondaries are called as such
◉ When you mentioned bonding, and how it alters Omega chemistry, how does that work if the omega is in a poly-relationship?
◉ A ton of ABO world building related asks
◉ A question about your biology a/b/o. If a Alpha woman is with a male Omega, how they reproduce?
◉ Is it frequent in your world having twins from different fathers?
◉ What is the difference between alpha and gamma alpha?
General Asks
◉ The difference between poly and harem, the saga: Part 1, Part 2, follow up
◉ I'm super new to this and honestly don't really know how polyamory works...
◉ Wait, do the A/B/O yuuri centric comics read right to left or left to right?
◉  What does 4 koma mean
◉ Would you mind if I use some of your ideas from your abo worldbuilding for a fic?
◉ Can I make FanFiction with the kids?
◉ On writing fanfiction for Future!Verse
◉ Will you post the new kids to tumblr?? Im kinda broke and can't use patreon
◉ Types of Patreon posts and if/when they’ll be public
◉ Why is Future!Verse ABO?
◉ Why is Future!Verse set in the Future?
◉ Why is it labeled polyamory and not polygamy?
This post and all other posts relevant to this AU are included in my YOI Masterpost under the Future!Verse ABO section.
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The Battle for Mewni: Final Thoughts and also it’s a review... kinda
So after binge watching the aforementioned episode non-stop for a week, I’ve decided to pull all my (cohesive) thoughts on it all together for this post. Buckle up kiddies this is gonna be a long ride.
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Over all the movie event was quite thrilling. There were parts where you can tell the actual episodes will be split. However, at times I thought the pacing was a bit slow (I mean, it was funny to watch, but did we really need all those shots of The Book kicking Ludo’s ass?). Overall it was a great episode! 
Now to get to the nitty gritty of it all.
Ok so Heckapoo, Rhombulous, and Omni are still alive but just need to... recharge? I don’t know. But Lekmet is dead. As in dead and gone, he’s not coming back dead? I’m not gonna lie that saddens me. He was such a good character. Plus, it’s gonna break Rhombulous’s heart. Poor crystal fool. Hopefully his snake arms can calm him down... or Star. Either way. RIP Lekmet.
(Also can we just apppreciate the Queen’s Sanctuary for a moment?)
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Just look at her! 
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I can definatley see similarities between Moon and this woman, but it looks like Moon inherited some of her looks from her father... whoever that was. Also this Queen has Butterfly cheek marks. Maybe she was the one true Butterfly before Star came along? Idk, I just thought that was cool.
Look at her!
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Look at him!
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Look at them!
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Also Mildrew... I can kinda see why Moon didn’t marry him.
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Kind of a wimp, don’t you think?
She lost her mother, who she clearly loved very much, and was thrusted into Queendom at an earlier age than most and was then given the responsbility to end a war by either continuing it or signing a peace treaty.
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Me to, girl. Me too.
However, she took initiative and made a metaphorical deal with the devil. And by devil, I mean Eclipsa. And by metaphorically I mean literally.
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And used that power to defeat Toffee’s army and excepted her role as Queen.
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And props to her for blasting Toffee’s finger as a way to go around her original deal with Eclipsa. Also Mina was there and she wasn’t as crazy... so... cool?
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Ok we saw as far back Crystal Clear that she might have been in the crystal’s in Rhombulous’s dimension but to actually have confirmation is something else entirely!
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I’m not sure if I’d call her evil just yet but she seems to be taking Toffee’s place as main antagonist... I guess I’ll have to wait until November to tell.
(Also the first she wanted once she was unfrozen was a candy bar. Like, same madame. Same)
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It was nice to see more of Glossaryck showing some emotions (though he said he had no feelings earlier in the series but that doesn’t necessarily mean the same thing)
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And I’m impressed how this show handled the book burning.
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This makes me glad that Star has started writing down her own book of spells. This means that not only will everyone have a fresh start, but maybe the years and years of prejudice against Monsters by Mewmans will start to fade...
And then their’s Glossaryck’s fate himself. I mean, first we saw him burning in Book Be Gone
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(Sorry, this is the best picture I could find)
Now Im not sure if Glossaryck is truly “dead” or if he’ll stay “dead” and hell I’m not even sure where he is or if Star can go get him but... hey we still have another season to figure all this out so... good luck, you neutral jerk...
Look at all this Starco we got! 
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And of course the safe kid finally got his wish to punch Lizard-Loki only after he realized the ass killed Star
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While neither really got the chance to actually talk about their feelings for each other (which I’m kind of disappointed they never did) I expect that to be a plot point for future episodes... Also Jackie because I’d love to see more Jarco as well.
*Starco shippers*:
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Hey! I’d love to see any of Marco’s relationships fulshed out more! So shut it.
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Just fucking Toffee guys! Ok, first of all. Moontoffee shippers... I don’t care if you ship them... I have LITERALLY seen people ship crazier pairs. I’m not a big fan of it but I can kinda understand the appeal. So... whatever. I don’t care what you people do.
Second, I am a little pissed that Toffee appeared to be nothing more than a plot device. Especially sinc he had so much potential! And now he’s dead. Yeah, sorry conspiracy theorist. His ass is grass. He’s dead. Maybe we’ll see more of him in flashbacks but honestly... I think Eclipsa’s our new baddie. Kind of a let down here, I’m not gonna lie.
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Ok, but can we just talk about how petty and extra Toffee was in this entire movie? I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m disappointed that the whole “Missing Finger thing” was nothing more than a petty grudge 
but the fucking lengths he went to get it back. I mean, first Moon blast’s his finger off.
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(How has his face not turned into a meme yet?)
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“She dramatically chopped off a small finger!”
“All hope is lost!”
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(Really Rasticore? I expected more of you...)
And his damn face. Like, it’s not some dramatic afer-battle moment like the tapestry depicted
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But more like
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*frustrated sigh*
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“Well then.”
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“This is inconvient.”
And we don’t here from him for at least another twenty years (Hey Star Crew could we get a timeline of events here?). And what does he do once he comes back?
He hires himself into Ludo’s army, convinces them to overthrow Ludo, gets Star to destroy her wand, nearly kills all of Ludo’s army, manipulates Ludo and nearly drives him insane, practically kills the Magic High Commision, taints all of the universe’s magic, practically manipulates Ludo into toppling a majority of Mewni, nearly kills Star, and destroys the Magic Instruction Book...
... just to get his fucking finger back.
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How god damn petty do you have to be to go to those lengths just to get one finger back? Like what the hell?
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And I’d like to point out that Toffee was a very excellent source for nightmare fuel in these past few episodes like...
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Toffee, stop
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This is a kid’s show, Toffee.
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And we can’t forget this little gem:
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Not gonna lie, this is the only time I pitied the damn lizard.
All of what Toffee did to me is just so funny. Like in retrospect, the concept of it all just strikes me as hilarious.
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And that is the brunt of my final thoughts on the season 3 premiere of Star vs the Forces of Evil, The Battle for Mewni. If you guys have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I might come back and update a few theory posts eventually and I’ll definatley update my Star vs episodes in one sentence posts, I just have to watch each episode indivually again to get a better feel for it.
Until then, stay weird and wild fellow fans!
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zhuletta · 8 years
Thorns of Fate: Chapter 5
Summary: One tiny mistake could ruin them completely. They were neglected by society. Hunted down. Dan Howell wasn’t about to let anyone know his secret, and if becoming enemies with Phil Lester was the only way to manage it, he would. If only he knew how crazy fate could be.
Word Count: 5.2k (im fkn generous love me)
TW: None
A/N: Feedback makes me update faster<3333
Read it on AO3! or Read it on Wattpad!
Last Chapter and Next Chapter (once i post it)
There really wasn’t much to talk about with Mrs. Howell after she took him away. It’s true, he and Mary have been basically together for a long while now, but what was there left to say? Yes, she was funny. Yes, he enjoyed spending time with her. Their conversations were almost always about the books they read or getting to know what else there was with the other. and truly, that was it.
When Mrs. Howell sat him down and asked him how was everything going with Mary he struggled to extend his answer to something more than a poor ‘good’.
Phil suspected that probably she was expecting something more… just, more.
Bollocks. Phil didn’t suspect a thing. He just knew. It was just the way Mrs. Howell smiled when she sat and the pure expectation, and really it was plainly obvious what she was expecting from him, and obviously Phil didn’t catch it. Until it was too late.
Marriage. Like, actual holy marriage. Phil knew sooner or later it would eventually happen, but he dreaded the sooner and praised the later. Don’t get him wrong, Mary was everything you could dream of a woman, she was intelligent, she got good looks, she had a voice, an actual knowledge about the world.
She was the perfect woman.
And technically, that was the only problem.
Not that he was actually going to say it. God no, there was no death wish present in his mind. Or maybe there was?
It’s not that it mattered, after all he is not that sure that he can actually die.
What does that has to do with the situation he was now in?
Nothing, but it was nice to get it off his chest. Now actually, he wanted to take his chest completely altogether because damn he was horrible at social situations.
The ball started, and Phil had a reason to avoid them before and right now he had more than one reason to disappear, like, forever. He could put a cover, he could perfectly pretend that everything was fine and that this was a everyday thing, yes he could. But he couldn’t pretend not to be full panicking in the inside.
The winter ball was huge. Huge. He’ve been in other social encounters but never at this scale.
Everything was beautifully decorated, and there wasn’t a thing Phil could complain about without lying. The party itself was perfect, the problem? The huge amount of people. No, scratch that. The huge amount of people that expect something from him.
Phil Lester is no idiot. He knew that suddenly appearing in a celebration like this that he used to avoid would raise suspicion, and truly, that was intended. Still, intended or not, he still felt a huge pressure over his shoulders. But he was aware that the only way of covering gossip is to give an even greater one. Phil knew the type of rumors there were about him, and he wouldn’t lie, those were one of the main reasons of his relationship with Mary. He should feel bad for using her, but he isn’t, not anymore. At first he was, but with the time he actually got to like Mary so he was now at peace.
He knew that there were at least a dozen of news reporters that didn’t work for him here, so he tried his best to just encounter those who did work for him as he knew that none of those dared to raise their voice against him. Maybe later he would talk to those beyond his control, but he would once he got Mary in his arms and with no way to screw his meticulous plan up.
As he was deep in thought he didn’t notice the for walking towards him until he was way too late to avoid it.
“Mr. Philip Lester, I presume?” A feminine voice said behind startling him. He quickly turned around meeting cold, deep brown eyes. He frowned as he saw her because it was the second time in the same day that he had encountered someone with an incredible lookalike with Mary, he was so concentrated in staring he didn’t get what the woman said next.
“Pardon me?” He was glad he didn’t stutter.
“Excuse me for not introducing myself, Mr. Lester,” she said. He noticed that she looked like Mary, but the way she talked was way more colder than hers. “I’m Shelia Howell,” she said extending a hand which Phil shook politely.
“Mary’s cousin, I see. Well, there is no need to introduce myself I presume,” he said with a small smile. Shelia did have a semblance with Mary, but if you looked closely they were very different, Shelia looked more mature, she looked as if she were tired, almost exhausted. She didn’t look happy. She had beautiful eyes, but they were almost like turned off. That and her hair was longer.
“I must assume that you already know about my cousin,” she said monotonously before sipping her cup.
“Yes indeed, she wrote to me this morning,”
“It must be a relief.”
“Excuse me?” Phil frowned, not really believing he heard what he heard.
“I mean, her not being here means to be left alone from thoughts of commitment and marriage which, I must feel sorry in behalf of my Dear mother who, without a doubt already flooded you with questions of when and how will you propose. I must admit that she is desperate after all, Mary is in a age where she should already have a spouse or else she will become a lonely woman with an enormous inheritance which if someone ever asked me, personally don’t think sounds bad at all. But, I know how social pressure is an issue in all of this and that most people are susceptible to it so, it’s not in my place to judge.” Shelia said all in one big intake of breath which had Phil head spinning. Wasn’t Shelia the quiet one?
“M-maybe,” he finally said after some quiet moments. Shelia raised an eyebrow and chuckled once before looking at him.
“Was I too bold, Mr. Lester?” Phil was just left dumbfounded. “Pardon me, I was just testing how much preparation you will need to become a part of the Howell’s and, oh lord, good luck. Mr. Lester.” Shelia said with a bow before retreating as she saw someone who caught her interest.
“What in the name of hell…” Phil muttered to himself before calling a butler to refill his cup.
For the next fifteen minutes or so, Phil just floated around in conversation with people who knew more about him that he himself did. He did notice the amount of journalists trying to engulf him in conversation, but he did his best to avoid them. He almost did until-
“Philip Lester! My dearest pal!”
-The damned of Aleister Brier appeared.
“Aleister, fancy seeing you here,” Phil said while forcing a smile, resisting the urge to just tell the man to sod off upon seconds of seeing him.
“Isn’t it? This is almost unreal, I’ve have never seen you in one of the Howell’s celebrations.” Mr. Brier said moving a hand to pat Phil on the shoulder, but before he could Phil quickly moved back, avoiding the contact.
“Well, yes, Work keeps some of us quite busy, you know?” He smiled bitterly at the man infant of him before raising an eyebrow and sipping his glass.
“Who could know better than me, dear pal? Same business, don’t you remember?” Mr. Brier mimicked Phil’s expression. The black haired noticed how the older’s man eye twitched as he also sipped his wine.
None of them wanted to be here right now, but this was like a competition. Tensed shoulders, clenched fists, forced smiles, and the best? The winner was the last to back down.
“Business running good, Philip?”
“Like you wouldn’t imagine,” better, than yours, that you can. Phil bit his tongue. He hated how this man took the worst of him. Phil wasn’t mean in any sense, he has always been someone who hates really rarely, but this man before him, he could rise the hell that there was inside of him with a single breath.
Phil couldn’t imagine hating someone more than him. It just wasn’t possible.
But he had his reasons. Since day one Brier and his company has been trying to take him, and his father before him, down with the worst they could find. They were the ones who started the hell that was his life. He was the one who started the hell that was his life. The one who made backs turn to him, backs that he had never seen before, backs that he had trusted during his whole life. Phil has more than once hoped someone would just take him out of his life forever, it has gotten to the point were he himself has dreamed about sinking his teeth-
No, Philip Michael Lester, calm down.
“So, friend, is there a reason why you decided to join the world for once?” Okay that was rude to say, but he’d gave it to him because he has thought worse things. Phil took a breath before answering, knowing that his answer would take that annoying smirk off his face.
“Mary Howell, who will probably soon change her last name,” That was way too bold even for Phil, but the face Mr. Brier made was worth it. His surprise was imminent, and Phil was thankful he didn’t know the truth. Little white lies don’t hurt anyone.
“O-oh? Is that so?” Mr. Brier asked, trying to mask his surprise, not succeeding much. Phil was about to declare victory when suddenly something clicked inside Mr. Brier mind and his expression changed to a smirk, Phil immediately frowned. What in the name of hell did he let slip? “Right… Interesting,” Phil head started to boil. What was interesting? This man wasn’t even hiding the fact that he was plotting against him.
“What could be so interes-“ Phil was about to bark when a hand touched his back.
“Philip Lester, what a surprise seeing you here.” Phil growing discomfort wasn’t going to back down if this continued the way it was. At least now he had a distraction from the awful man before him as Hector, an old friend of Phil interrupted the conversation. “I was just talking to Abraham and Judy over there, you know what, wait a second,” Before Phil could mutter a syllabi, the three mentioned men were walking towards him. Phil wasn’t sure if he was thankful or not.
You see, Phil wasn’t the most sociable person on earth, actually he was quite the introvert. But obviously, his role in the world couldn’t let him be like that, so when meeting new people he always had to be friendly and approachable (not counting Mr. Brier, Phil could be standing before him as he drowned in lava and he would still just stand there), but he still did have one or two friends, not that intimate, but friends nonetheless.
Hector, was his friend.
Abraham and Judy, who were they again?
“Philip! Long time no see!” Judy—Abraham?— said. Phil just nodded and tried to keep his thinking face at the minimum. The other man just looked at him and nodded slightly with a shy smile.
“Yes indeed but don’t flood him with questions or else he is going to hide in his cave once again.” Phil chuckled a little, glad for his friend remark that could maybe let him be some minutes without having to speak a word.
As conversation flowed Phil eyed the two gentlemen brought by Hector as they started with Mr. Brier and another two men that probably joined when Phil wasn’t paying attention. Both of them looked younger than him, in their early twenties or so. One of them- the one that didn’t talk to him before- had dark black hair, straight, not really fashionable— But who was Phil to judge?— his skin was noticeable more tanned than the rest and Phil was sure he wasn’t from England, his suspicion was confirmed while hearing his accent as he made a small remark, still Phil has never been good at those so he couldn’t tell. He noticed how he was mostly nodding at the conversation than actually speaking. Phil would just assume he was Judy, he had a ‘Judy’-ish face. Still, he had never seen him in his life, Phil was sure.
The other man, Phil could say that it was more probable he had met him before, Phil wasn’t good with faces-nor names- either way. He— Abraham, Phil designed— Had his dirty blond hair up in a type of quiff, still having some hair by his sides pulled back. He had clear skin covered with freckles and light brown eyes which from time to time would switch from the conversation to Judy.
To his side, was Hector, right as Phil remembered him. His smokey grey hair pushed back in a small ponytail. His eyes seemed darker behind his glasses, but they were still a unique shade of Ochre.
“A penny for your thoughts, Philip?” Hector said to him with a soft nudge to his side, startling Phil slightly. Phil noticed almost everyone was looking at him.
“I just couldn’t remember where had I met Judy before, I was trying to recall,”
“Oh you are right, I don’t think you have met Judy before,” Abraham— yes Phil got it correct thank god— said laying a hand on Judy shoulder, “He wasn’t here two years ago when we met” —so they have met, interesting— “He came from Thailand and has been here since the day at my house,” Judy blushed slightly as Abraham smiled looking at him, suddenly his expression changed slightly into a more panicked one “Well, no, My family’s house, not only mine of course!” Abraham nervously said and Judy just smiled with a bashful frown.
“I’ve heard a lot about you, Mr. Lester. I’m glad I am finally able to meet you.” He said and Phil noticed this was the longest sentence he has spoken since he came here. “Hector and Abra think really highly of you.” Judy smiled, and Phil felt him smiling back. He noticed that Abraham blushed slightly and whispered something to Judy and the later just giggled. Hector had all the signs that he was holding back a comment that would probably be inappropriate in an instance like this.
“What brings you here anyways, Phil?” Hector asked after he swallowed the unsaid comment. Phil was just about to answer when a voice spoke for him.
“His future fiancé.” Mr. Brier said and Hector eyes widened as well as Phil’s. He felt his fists tightening and he was about to spit at him that it wasn’t true when he noticed that he couldn’t because he was the one that insinuated it before, so he just fulminated him with his stare as Hector did the same to him. Phil saw Mr. Brier smirk and noticed his mistake. This was exactly why he wanted to wait for Mary to be here before encountering people like Brier. Hector was about to ask something but Phil interrupted.
“Now, now. Don’t go telling the stories which you only know the title of.”
“What do you mean, Phil?” Hector asked
“I just insinuated my friend about the possibility of something and he is already taking it for a fact. I’ve just been seeing Mary Howell lately.” Phil said before sipping his glass, trying to avoid Hector widening eyes.
“Mary Howell as this Mary Howell?” Hector said pointing to the ground, probably meaning the Ball and Phil just nodded, lips still against the glass “Honestly, didn’t expect it coming from you.” Was that an insult? “What a surprise, Mary Howell.”
“What about Mary Howell?” said a new voice making Phil look up and suddenly—
—there just wasn’t air.
Out of nowhere there was a hand his his back, Phil didn’t notice when did he start choking on the champagne he was drinking, because in an instant beautiful and brown was everything in his sight.
“You alright there?” The same voice said as Phil stopped coughing. Was everything alright really? No.
“Yeah, sorry, caught me by surprise.” Phil answered without meeting those brown eyes with his now tearful ones. Dan just frowned slightly looking at the man before him, he looked familiar…
The thing was, Dan came here knowing that Phil Lester had black hair, and this men did, and blue eyes, but he couldn’t quite see as he was… avoiding his eyes?
“Well, this is just the man that intends to take her away, Philip Lester.” said person head immediately snapped towards the man that said it, not being really surprised when said man turned to be Aleister.
“Philip Lester, huh?” Phil noticed how the brown haired checked him out with his eyes before frowning. He didn’t know if to blush or be insulted because, was he looking down on him?
“Who is him, Abra?” Phil heard Judy whisper to Abraham and Phil sneaked closer to hear the answer.
“He is nothing more and nothing less than the hair of this whole property, Mr Daniel Howell,” Phil eyes widened but he did his best to hide it. Howell? Oh no, that was bad. Great first impression with the only member of the Howell Family that he had yet to meet.
All the while Dan looked towards Phil curiously. This was the man he had to hate? He felt an uneasy feeling in his gut, he didn’t look like a bad person at all, he wondered just how hard would all of this be. It was easy for him to dislike someone, all he had to do was find something they didn’t agree with and it would do, at least that’s what Dan hoped. When he disliked someone he never really thought much of the reason.
“So you are the one my cousin keeps talking about, huh?” Dan asked raising an eyebrow. Phil just chuckled once before answering.
“Well, I hope so,” Phil said before finally meeting his eyes for the first time.
An ocean, was the first thing that crossed Dan’s mind before quickly shrugging it off. Okay, he had nice eyes, he’d give him that, even thought it was an understatement. His family did mention he had ‘the most beautiful blue eyes’ but his imagination ran short with this. They truly were- Wait, what? You are supposed to hate the guy, not praise him, Daniel.
“I’ve also heard a big deal about you from Mary, I hope we get along,” Phil said with a kind smile and Dan almost felt bad for trying to hate him.
“Yeah, wouldn’t you?” Dan murmured rudely, making Phil frown. What was wrong with him?
“So Mr. Howell, how is having to host such big celebrations four times a year?” Hector asked, clearly noticing the hostility in Dan’s answer and trying to change the subject.
Dan quickly looked at Hector and made a half-hearted smile.
“Well, it is indeed stressful, People running from room to room, everyone trying to be original with the decorations, but it’s mainly for my mother and sister, for me is not so much, after all I just help with the flow-“ Dan interrupted himself before he could finish. “—invitations, I sometimes help with the invitations.” He started again, raising some frowns among the men in the group, still, none said nothing.
“Yes I can imagine how stressful it could be, after all, how many hundreds of people attend every night?” One of the men that joined before said, probably an acquaintance of Mr. Brier said. Dan noticed how he was wearing a military suit, he was covered in medals and pins.
“Well, you’d know better than anyone how stressful is to deal with hundreds of people, William.” Mr. Brier chuckled making the other men confused.
“What do you mean, sir?” Abraham questioned.
“Oh! That is right! I haven’t introduced you already. This is William Merchant, head of the royal military,” Said man nodded his head with pride. “He has served our country for decades,”
“And I’ll continue to do so until my last breath.” Mr. Merchant continued proudly.
“I bet it’s an entertaining job, Mr. Merchant,” Hector remarked.
“Oh yes, stressful and full of important choices, but entertaining nonetheless.”
“Well, his job keeps giving me new headers so, everyone is happy,” Mr. Brier joked making the men in the group laugh. Dan couldn’t help but to notice that Phil chuckled bitterly more than laughed, and even though he was curious to know why he knew better than to ask. “I have to admit that before, news were far more interesting though, don’t you agree, Philip?”
“Hm? What do you mean?” Phil asked with a frown.
“Oh… maybe you were too young by the time that happened, but you William must remember, don’t you?”
“Yes I do, Aleister. Well, maybe it got more boring to you because you can’t announce it to the public, but for me it’s the same job, just more… secretly,” Willian said with a smirk before drinking his wine, confusing the rest of the group.
“What are you two talking about?” Phil asked them, not really liking the internal conversation they were having.
“It’s right, all of you, you are way too young. I don’t think they lived through those days,” William said to Mr. Brier. “Don’t you remember boys reading or being told about the old dark days, a period of maybe twenty or thirty years ago?” William continued, now in a lower tone Those days sure were black, I wasn’t head of the military yet, but my troupe gave me enough responsibility. I have never detained so many people at once, but we had a reason, after all this was no ordinary period, it was—“
“—the witch hunts.” Phil finished in a whisper, Dan eyes widened and his shoulders tensed, but he tried his best not to let it notice.
“W-witch hunts?” Dan asked trying not to let his nervousness show, not really succeeding.
“Oh yes, those days sure were glory, the satisfaction of executing those disgusting… things,” Dan tried his best to not visibly flinch at the way Mr. Merchant spat the word as if it were utter scum. “Now maybe it’s not the same but, it’s enough.”
“Pardon me, Sir, but didn’t the witch hunts end decades ago?” Hector, who seemed interested in the conversation asked, confused. Even though Dan wanted to do nothing with the conversation before him, he still leaned in to hear the answer. The two older men exchanged a smirk before leaning in.
“Between us, I’ll tell you a secret… In the record, they ended up with the execution of Janet Horne but do you think a whole species got extinct that day?” It did sound stupid once you pointed it out, “Of course it didn’t. Gentlemen, witches are still among us, and not only that, even more creatures. I’ve seen them all and there hasn’t been one of them that isn’t deadly. Werewolves, Fairies, Vampires,” Dan was so concentrated in his own discomfort, he didn’t notice the uneasy stares Judy threw at Abraham, nor the way Phil shuffled from one feet to the other while avoiding eye contact from all of the men in the group. “All of these creatures are still out, infecting more and more people, and gentlemen, let me assure you that are still people in the shadows getting their hands dirty. Which hunts are still on.” William finished with a proud expression and Dan felt sick. His hands started trembling slightly so he stuffed it into his suit pockets and tried breathing deeply trying to dissipate the knot in his gut.
“I wasn’t aware of it until William told me, but I must admit I always had the suspicion that those horrible entities were still among us. I was so relieved that they are getting what they deserve. How come they dare to breath the same air as us.” Mr. Brier added disgusted. “Just… Imagine them walking among us, normal people, those freaks infecting our lives, ruining them forever, just thinking about it makes me feel awfully repugnant!”
You know nothing.
“But don’t you worry gentlemen, as long as I am the chief of the military, I assure you I will fight to the death to bring justice and exterminate all this mistakes of the lord.”
Shut up.
If Dan weren’t fulminating the two older men with his glare he would of have already ran from the conversation. His heart was hammering again his cage, and he knew that he had to stop the anxiety before it started as hard as that could be.
“Don’t be so shy gentlemen, you are allowed to speak about this.” Mr. Brier continued, noticing the silence among the people there. Just as Henry was about to comment on it Mr. Brier interrupted. “What do you think of all of this, Philip?” Phil threw a dagger at him, of course he would make him speak. “Don’t you also think everyone should know that there are still people making justice in the world? That there are still people daring to clean the world from those plagues?” Dan stare, who had been focused on Mr. Brier quickly shifted to Phil, frowning deeply, daring him to say something about it. This was not helping with his growing anger at all. Phil just stood silent for a second, recollecting himself, knowing that it wouldn’t be the best to just spit to the damned of Alesteir and walk off. He didn’t want to say anything, he didn’t want to, he had to.
“Those…” Phil searched the best word “…Creatures, are getting what they deserve.” Phil finally said, trying not to sound too reluctant.
“Aren’t they?” Dan spoke for the first time in sometime making the men heads turn towards him. His glare was stuck in Phil, and the later almost felt as he was attacking him. Dan jaw was clenched as he spoke again. “Aren’t they getting what they deserve for… existing?” Phil frowned confused, why was he so… angry?
“Yes, yes they are.”
“Of course. After all they are infecting our lives ruining them just like Mr. Brier said before. They are utterly disgusting, they don’t need a chance. Better said; don’t deserve a chance, that’s what you are saying, isn’t it, Mr. Lester?” Phil just couldn’t understand were all of this was coming from, but he knew that all of this supernatural bashing was getting under his skin, but there was nothing he could do but to join unless he wanted to kill himself. Still, the growing annoy was there and if this Howell guy wasn’t holding back, why would he?
“Yes, that is indeed what I’m saying, Mr. Howell. Why would something that ruins life deserve anything at all?” Phil spat at him. None of them noticed when but suddenly they were closer to each other. One of them had to take the first step, but right now it wasn’t important who did it. Now they were centimeters away from each other’s face, that’s when Phil noticed he gained several inches on the younger men letting him look down on him.
“I think you are completely right, Mr. Lester.” Dan said, but with his eyes he meant otherwise, no that Phil was going to dwell too much in what could that mean, his frown only deepened as the brunette spoke again. “Those disgusting things are just the worst scum upon this world.”
“I strongly agree.”
“Nothing gets me more labored than thinking about them.”
“I could say the same.”
And from that it was just a glare competition, both of them were fulminating each other and even though none of them wanted to, one had to back off.
Dan felt his blood boil just remembering the words the black haired pronounced just some minutes ago, he didn’t know if they had actually been that bad or if this was just blending in with the new knowledge that now witch hunts were still a threat, but it still made him angry.
It made him angry to know people hated supernatural entities. It made him angry to hear people speak bad about them. It made him angry having to talk like that too. It made him angry not having power in this. It made him angry not being able to do something about it. It made him angry that Philip Lester hated those entities too. And that was exactly what he needed right now;
A reason to hate Philip Lester.
With that, before any of the men could say a word or try to separate the two men, Dan stormed out of the room and soon the black haired excused himself and went opposite of him.
Seconds after, Dan was already outside, locking the glass door behind him that lead to one of the deserted balconies, hands on the marble baluster, head down. Now that he was finally alone he let himself explode. In seconds his teeth turned into fangs, his iris turned red and his sclera pitch black and every sense of his heightened. Dan could of have noticed the owls cries in the distance, or the endless chatter inside the room as if he still were inside, but no, he was too concentrated on calming his erratic breath and the furious beating of his same as artificial heart.
He wanted to break something. How dare someone like Phil Lester, who had his whole life pitch perfect, speak about a ruined one? How dare he speak that way about supernatural people? He did too, he would admit, but he did it to defend himself, Philip Lester sure did not.
Dan closed his eyes and breathed, trying to take the man that was quickly invading his every thought off his mind., but it was just too difficult.
For some reason Mr. Brier mean words didn’t stick with him as much as Phil’s did, and even thought Dan wanted to know why, he was too afraid of finding the answer. Maybe Dan didn’t want him to hate entities, maybe Dan wanted him to be hard to hate. Maybe Dan wanted to like him.
No. Dan hated him, and was right to do so because Phil Lester was a men who didn’t know better than to judge before knowing. Right?
What other reason would have Philip Lester to speak so bad about them? And if Dan dared to consider the possibility, he would probably strike with the answer. Right now in the balcony opposite of the one Dan was standing on, stood Phil Lester in no better condition than Dan, wondering the same thing as him, questioning the same things as Dan with a distressed heart and an angry mind, both too bothered to actually dwell in the truth, just hearing the lies.
That’s how the first night of the winter ball ended; both saying words they didn’t mean, and lying about the things they really were, but at least there was one thing both knew was true; they absolutely despised each other guts to death. If only they knew that neither of them could actually die.
They were ignorant to it, but that didn’t change the fact that both of them carried the same curse. They both carried the burden to be those said disgusting creatures they both called things they regretted. Because if you haven’t caught up here goes the answer.
Yes, Dan Howell was a Vampire.
But little did he know that Phil Lester was too.
Next Chapter: The tension just raises as our both protagonists just can’t help but to run in each other, suitable spouses, lies and more lies cover the story and… are those my flowers?
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
poe siblings, first day of school, the eyes of god, and other such scenarios
Akutagawa: *splashing water on his face* -he's alone in the washroom- Akutagawa: "..." *looks at the mirror, checking his eyes* atsushi?: ..... Akutagawa: "...Is that really you?" -no answer- Akutagawa: "...I demand you speak." ???: ya? Akutagawa: "?!! ...That was...surprising." mafioso: *getting out of the bathroom* what? Akutagawa: *death glare* -elsewhere- Yohei: *snores* chie:....*smiles and puts blanket over him* get some rest, hun. Yohei: *sleeps a bit easier, turning over towards her* chie: *smooch* love you. Yohei: "Mmm...Love you, too..." -elsewhere- Gopher: *shaking* kotone:...brother? inori: is something wrong? Gopher: "Wh-What? I...just had a chill..." inori:....did you wish to speak about it? Gopher: "...I was remembering...pain." inori: ..... Gopher: "...I sometimes get afraid I'll be...hurt again..." {?l?se: mother loves you....so much...} Gopher: *inhales sharply, falls back* "I-I...What...?" inori: ?! eibon: is something the matter, my child? D8> Gopher: *shivers* "M-Mother...?" eibon: ?? *small hug* Gopher: *holding on, crying* eibon: *humming* Gopher: *calming down...* -elsewhere- Wes: *chopping vegetables* -elsewhere- Relan: *sipping tea* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *hugging the toilet* @~@ kim: yikes. Jacqueline: "I bet that stupid raccoon got me sick...Or people bringing books into the bathroom...Who does that...?" -elsewhere- Montgomery: *vacuuming* -elsewhere- justin: *reading* oriko: *looking at the windows* *Knock knock* justin: hmm? Giriko: "Yo! I brought a baby!" justin: eh? owo; anna: ... justin: oh, why hello there. anna:.....*unimpressed* justin: ^^;;;;; Giriko: "See? She likes you! Say hi to Uncle Justin, Anna!" anna: T_T oriko: hnn? O.O~? Giriko: "???" *holds Anna close* "Ah, sweetie--you not feeling well?" -elsewhere- Konro: "Okay, good work!" shinra: *phew* Arthur: *turns off the flame on Excalibur* "Glad, too...Agility tests have my legs screaming." tamaki: *streeeetch* Relan: *running in place* "I still feel pretty energized..." -elsewhere- Shotaro: *looking in the box* "One Pop Tart left..." mana: time to do a snack run? Shotaro: *nods* "I got 20 dollars." -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." atsushi: ...... Dazai: *sighs* "Chubby penguin..." atsushi: .....i dont follow? Dazai: "I needed something to break the ice." atsushi:....ah... Dazai: "Something on your mind? You were quiet since the cemetery." atsushi:...just thinking....was odasaku...the reason you- Dazai: "Left the Mafia?" atsushi:...*hard gulps and nods* Dazai: "It was one reason. There were many...The donuts were stale." *weak smile* atsushi: ...was odasaku a good person?.....s-sorry if im opening old wounds at all... Dazai: "...He was honorable." atsushi:....ah... Dazai: "He...had a no-kill rule." atsushi: *listening* Dazai: "He told me, 'A writer who gives stories to the world cannot be someone who ends the stories of others.' ...He wanted to be a writer. He said it better than I just did--since I'm not a writer." atsushi:..... Dazai: "...Guess what his ability was." atsushi:....foresight? Dazai: "??? Yes..." atsushi:...ah... Dazai: "...We lost him." atsushi: *listening* Dazai: "He...Orphans." atsushi: ?? Dazai: "He tried to protect them...then..." atsushi:....oh.... Dazai: "...They were murdered." atsushi: !!!! *eyes wide in shock* Dazai: "He...avenged them, at the cost of his life...his dream...his writing." atsushi:....*tears falling* Dazai: "..." *offers a tissue* atsushi:....*sniff* Dazai: "...You'd have liked him..." atsushi:....i think so too... odasaku:....*pats his back* Dazai: "..." *sniff* odasaku:.....you're going a good job so far, dazai. atsushi:..... Dazai: *wipes his eyes, exhales* atsushi:....did you want to go home now? Dazai: "...Yeah." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *muttering in his sleep* karin: ?? Vulcan: "N-No...Get back here..." karin: vulcan? Vulcan: *throws his arm out* "Stop!" *looks around* "..." *he's covered in sweat* karin: *shaking him* vul, get a hold of yourself! Vulcan: "!!! ...S-Sorry...Nightmare." karin:....*pats his back* wanna talk about it? Vulcan: "...This really creepy robot...with Giovanni's face growing out of it...and Dad's..." *shudders* karin: easy there..... Vulcan: "Th-That wasn't all..." karin: ?? Vulcan: "The robot...had Lisa prisoner." karin:...*pats his back* Vulcan: "...More tech to build...Stop Giovanni..." karin: ok...but dont overwork yourself, ok? Vulcan: "I won't..." *picks up a wrench* -elsewhere- Kid: *nom nom* lord death: how is it, kiddo? Kid: *thumbs up* "Delicious!" -elsewhere- Poe: owo;;;; "...That's a tall stairway..." rowena: indeed. Poe: "I'm amazed you climb it so easily..." rowena: takes practice. Poe: "I guess...Like writing a bit each day..." ???: oh, fancy seeing you here, sir. Poe: o\\\\\\\\o "...Hi." rowena: ??....brother....did you finally get a girlfriend? lana: eh? o.o~? Poe: *covers Rowena's mouth* "H-H-Hi, Miss Lana! This is my sister! Ha ha ha! She's so funny, isn't she?" rowena: >n< lana: oh, you didnt tell me you had a sister. she looks a lot like you. ^^ Poe: ^^ *nod nod* "We do. Inherited the looks from our parents..." *lets go of Rowena* "...How are you?" lana: well, i just got off work, so im just running some errands before calling it a day. Poe: owo;;;;; "MY SISTER AND I WERE GOING TO GET COFFEE!" lana: i see. want me to go with you? i know a great place. Poe: *nod nod* "Th-That would be helpful--since we're still not used to Death City yet. Right, Rowena?" rowena: *nods* lana: alright, then just follow me. -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *in bed, wrapped in a blanket, shivering* kim: i got some medicinal herbs from the shop. Jacqueline: "Th-Thanks..." *coughs* -elsewhere- kirako: *humming to herself*...hmm? oh, atsushi, dazai, fancy seeing you out here. atsushi:.... *looks at the ground* hi, miss kirako... Dazai: "..." *waves* "Hey." kirako:...is everything alright? Dazai: "Just...dealing with something from long ago." kirako:.....should i come over later, or....? Dazai: "...Whatever." *sits* kirako:.....*worried* Dazai: "..." *closes his eyes, leans back* -that evening- atsushi: *laying awake* ..... odasaku: cant sleep? atsushi:.....*shakes head* odasaku: .....cant say i blame you. atsushi:.....why me? why are you here in my head? odasaku:....you could use it. atsushi: ?? odasaku: these past months, you've been trying to get out of trouble by running away. atsushi:.....i guess that makes me a coward, huh...? i know, im too scared to fight... odasaku: ....i'll give you some advice. dont be someone who fights people. be someone who protects people. atsushi:..... *Knock knock* atsushi:....door's open. Kyoka: *yawn* -____- atsushi:...cant sleep either? Kyoka: *shakes her head* "I heard you talking..." atsushi:...just...thinking out loud. Kyoka: "..." *sits by his bed* "...Want to talk?" atsushi:.......it's the voice in my head... Kyoka: "...What?" atsushi:...*shakes head* im worried about dazai... Kyoka: "And this 'voice' has told you to be concerned for him?" atsushi:....*nods* i think that it brought something up from dazai's past... Kyoka: "...Is it something he can move past?" atsushi:....i dont know. -elsewhere- kirako: ah.... =////T how's that? Dazai: "L-Lower..." kirako: ok. *rubbing her hands down his sides to his hips* Dazai: *sighs, groans* "Y-Yeah..." *his hand reaches for her...* kirako: *soft sigh* did you want me to...y'know...? Dazai: "Yes..." kirako: ok. *lick* Dazai: *shivers, lies back* "Ah~" kirako: like that? Dazai: "Y-Yeah...You're doing gr-great-Ah!" kirako: ^^ glad to hear... *bobbing her head* Dazai: *his hands rest along her head...he moans, trying to match her* kirako: u////u Dazai: *he's getting harder...he throbs a bit as..." kirako: >/////< Dazai: "A-Ah!!!" kirako: >////o *swallowing* *pants* h-how was that? Dazai: "..." *small smile* "You are amazing..." kirako: 7/////7 t-thanks....feeling any better? Dazai: "..." *nods* "That...reduced a lot of stress and pressure..." *puts his hand along her neck...* kirako: *smiles* good to know. is that all you needed tonight or no? Dazai: "I could ask you the same...Anything _you_ needed?" kirako: cant think of anything right away. i guess i wanted to help you take your mind off things. ^^; Dazai: "...I appreciate that...I owe you, whenever...whatever you want..." *rests a hand on her knee* kirako: ok. when i think of something, i'll let you know. *smiles* see you tomorrow then? Dazai: "...Could you stay?" kirako:...*sly grin* still need comfort or are you just horny? Dazai: *smirks* "Maybe both?" *rests a hand on her hip* kirako: ...*small chuckle* you hornball. but alright. Dazai: *pulls her down* -elsewhere- Kid: *turns in bed* "Mm..." stocking: *nuzzle* u///w///u Kid: =w= *cuddles* -elsewhere- Hyde: *sleep-walking into the kitchen* romina: hmm? Hyde: *opens pantry, takes out cookies...* *nom nom* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi:.....(odasaku: 'dont be someone who fights people. be someone who protects people') ..... Kyoka: *turns over, shivers* atsushi:....*small hug* Kyoka: *calms down...holds on to him in her sleep* -elsewhere- kirako: zzzzz.... Dazai: *staring up at the ceiling, half-awake* "..." -morning- Kyoka: "Zzz..." *yawns, opens her eyes, looks around* "...I want cereal." atsushi: *already working on that* school starts tomorrow... Kyoka: "Ah. Are you ready?" atsushi:...yeah. Kyoka: "...Still worried about something?" atsushi: guess im just nervous about school starting. Kyoka: "..." *pats his head* "You will be fine." atsushi: *smiles* thanks Kyoka: "I will be there to support you as well. And to protect you." *holds up a taser* atsushi: ^^; -elsewhere- Kid: *still sleeping* stocking: ....*small forehead kiss* Kid: "Mmm~" *opens his eyes* "...Beautiful." stocking: morning handsome~<3 Kid: "Morning." *smooch* "Sleep well?" stocking: yep. you? Kid: "Especially well." *hug* stocking: mmm~<3 Kid: *pats her back* "Looking forward to classes?" stocking: yeah, especially given all that's been happening with these eyes. *sigh* Kid: "..." *holds her hand* "Every little bit of work can help..." stocking: right. *smiles* Kid: "But you need to eat first...Muffins and pancakes?" -elsewhere- kouyou: chuuuya~ time to get up~ ^^ Chuuya: "Nnn...Five more minutes..." *pulls up sheets* kouyou: ...golden demon, please get chuuya out of bed. Chuuya: *eyes break open* *small voice* "Oh no..." golden demon: *picks him up by the collar* ... kouyou: good morning~ Chuuya: ._____. "Morning...I'd like to be put down now." golden demon:... *drops him back onto the bed* kouyou: did you sleep well last night? Chuuya: "Until you woke me, sure...Wish I had drunk tea beforehand, though..." kouyou: shall i prepare some for you? Chuuya: *nod nod* -elsewhere- Dazai: "Good morning!" atsushi: morning. *smiles* Dazai: *hug* atsushi: eh? o.o ??? Dazai: *pulls back* "It's a new day!" *he's smiling...is it authentic?* atsushi: i guess so...cant believe im actually starting school tomorrow... Dazai: "Nervous about new experiences?" atsushi: hard not to be... Dazai: *head pat* "Won't know what you can do until you try, though. Treat this as an experiment." atsushi:...ooookay? ._.; Dazai: "And while you're at the DWMA, see which are the best ways to commit suicide." atsushi: *sweatdrop* riiiight. Dazai: "And give my best to Marie and Christa." ^^ atsushi: will do. kirako: ^^; Dazai: "...Oh!" *stilted voice* "Hello there, Kirako. How are you?" kirako: pretty good this morning. you feeling any better? Dazai: *nod nod* "Yes, I am. Thank you--for asking." *wink* kirako: ^^ atsushi: kunikida, anything come in? Kunikida: *hands him paper* "Your mission for tomorrow, after school." atsushi: ok then. *nods and examines the paper* *It lists a number of groceries, cleaning items...* atsushi: *sweatdrop* thanks... odasaku: could have been worse. atsushi: (thinking: yeah no kidding -_-; ) Kunikida: "You will be delivering those to that cafe where your girlfriend works." atsushi: wait what? O///O ?! Kyoka: *death glare* Kunikida: "The cafe where Montgomery works?" atsushi: yeah...there. ._.; odasaku:... yeeeah im not touching that. atsushi: -_-; (thinking: some guardian angel YOU are...) Kunikida: "So focus on that mission and not get distracted by whatever 'extracurriculars.'" atsushi: alright then? ^^; Dazai: "Then when you get back from school, we can see which missions I have! Maybe a murder!" atsushi: alright then. -elsewhere- Relan: "So, Miss Fang-Hua is leading today's training?" fang-hua: yep. we're just going to be doing a relay race around asakusa. Arthur: "...But that gives the advantage to Shinra. That can't be fair." fang-hua: he'll be in the last stretch. shinra: it's kind of like the races during the school sports festivals where you pass off the baton to the next person, right? Relan: "...I always dropped the baton." O~O shinra: its alright, i believe in you! *thumbs up* Relan: *smiles* "R-Right..." Tsukiyo: *holding a starter pistol* "On your marks..." -elsewhere- Rin: "Then you can try this dish--oh! And this one! And that one, too! And dessert!" madoka: wow. izumo: can you even afford all this? Rin: "I...asked Stocking for a favor..." ^^; *holds up a credit card* izumo: D8 is that... shura: a gold card D8 HOW DID YOU- Rin: "Heh heh...Payback time..." shura: you little shit. Rin: "Buy whatever you want, guys! It's on the person whose name is on the card!" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Yay! I won the bid!" *seated at his computer* "Now, I just need my credit card, and I--" *checks his wallet* o___O "WHERE'S MY CREDIT CARD?!" maid: right here, sir. Mephisto: *quickly types his information and--* *Computer makes happy music* Mephisto: "Huzzah!" *confetti explodes out of his chair* “SUCCESS!” -elsewhere- Anya: *packing her bookbag* -elsewhere- Tool: "Mana, did Emine get his school uniform?" mana: yeah, but he doesnt want to wear it....he's burning it right now... Tool: "?!!! Does he know how much that thing cost?!!!" *grabs a bucket, floods it with water, runs to Emine's room* -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *turns over, yawns* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in human form* "They're really running..." reimi: they sure are... tamaki: *passing the baton off to sayu, who takes off in a sprint* Relan: *panting as he tries to pass off the baton* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *half awake, holding up some half-constructed robo-doll* "This is Li'l Metal Molly. She's four years old and wants to be your friend. Want to have tea with her?" Akitaru: "...He didn't sleep at all last night?" karin: no. he has not. im getting worried... Akitaru: "Maybe have the medical team take a look at him? Some medicine could help." Vulcan: *sets down 'Molly' at a table* "And who is this?" *holds up a taxidermy squirrel* "It's Ignatius P. Nutty! Hello, Iggy!" *high-pitched voice* " 'Hello, Vulcan'!" karin: what medical team? Akitaru: "We got to have a few people still in the area who can treat him." karin: maybe call the medic from squad 0? maki: we seriously need a medical team... Takehisa: "Already calling Squad 0...They should be here soon..." -elsewhere- Giriko: *holding up Anna* "That good?" anna: ^u^ arachne: ^^ Giriko: "And what do you see, Anna?" *turns Anna around* anna: mama! arachne: hi, sweetie. *small wave* Giriko: "That's right!" *lowers Anna, handing her to Arachne* arachne: *hugs* anna: ^o^ -elsewhere- Mori: Q~Q "...What else can go wrong?" -elsewhere- Gopher: *sighs* "That's better..." eibon: that's good to know. *smiles* Gopher: *nods* "A bit of cleaning can ease my mind." *the books are alphabetized by author* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, that takes care of the food..." *crosses it off the list* "Time for the checkout." -elsewhere- Yukio: *rubbing his eyes* "Can't figure this out..." kyouko: ?? Yukio: "Todo needed additional security options to get to this sensitive intelligence..." kyouko: ah. Yukio: *leans back* "Can't figure this out..." -elsewhere- Montgomery: *looking at class schedule* "Hmph. Look a little boring..." employee: you got a letter, lucy. Montgomery: "???" *takes it, opens it* letter: dear lucy, congratulations on getting into school! we're very proud of how far you've come so far. keep up the good work, sincerely, fitzgerald and louisa. Montgomery: "..." Q~Q employee: is everything alright? Montgomery: "I'M HAVING AN EMOTIONAL BREAKTHROUGH!" >\\\\< employee: O-O; Montgomery: *snot coming out of her nose* "M-May I take your order, you bastard?" blue haired guy: .....*writing down* <coffee please.> Montgomery: "Okay...House blend?" blue haired guy:.....<sure.> Montgomery: "Sugar? Milk?" -elsewhere- Wes: *sips wine* liz: enjoying yourself? Wes: *smiles* "With you? Always." liz: oh you~ Wes: *kisses her cheek* "How's work been today?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *asleep at desk* *snore* atsushi: ^^; Kunikida: *pulls out airhorn* "..." everyone: *covering their ears* *BLAAAAAAAAAHRRRR* Dazai: O______O *leaps up* "AAAAAH!" *bangs his head against the ceiling* Kunikida: "That was your wake-up call to get back to work." Dazai: *looks around...then falls from the ceiling* "...Owie." -elsewhere- Kepuri: *picks up a doll* "So, you put souls into these things?" medea: not as a prison, but as a vessel to communicate through, though there have been cases of possession of another person. Kepuri: "??? People...possessing someone else's body?" Q~Q medea:....sorry. i didnt mean to reopen any old wounds. akaderu: *hugs kepuri and glares at medea* Kepuri: *nod nod* "...How long you been doing this?" medea: since i was young. my mother taught me. Kepuri: "So, is it genetic or trained?" medea: my mother is a practitioner of mystic arts. the members of my mother's side of the family have been trained in such practices for generations. Kepuri: o_o; "...Huh. So, you can do things in addition to soul transference?" medea: depends on what you ask. Kepuri: "Is it possible to bring back the body?" medea: ....there are specific requirements. mostly the soul must still be attached to the body, as if refusing to pass on. but there are occasions such as mr agey. Kepuri: "...Oh yeah. That thing." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *looking over his books* gin: *smiles* Akutagawa: "??? What?" gin: oh, am i being proud of you too loudly? Akutagawa: -\\\\\- "...Funny." gin: ^^ we didnt get to go to school like most kids. im happy for you. Akutagawa: "..." *hug* gin: *hug* higuchi:... congrats, ryunosuke. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Thank you." *bow* higuchi: 737 if you guys ever needed a tutor, i'd be more than happy to help. Akutagawa: "...I am certain of that. You are knowledgeable in many topics." higuchi: then i'll do my best! Akutagawa: "Yes, you will." *small smile* -elsewhere- Kuro: -_-; "Why do you have to go back to school?" -elsewhere- yana: hmm? oho. *has a laser pointer*.....*turns it on and aims it at the wall* -running can be heard- ???: 8D *RAMS INTO THE WALL FACE FIRST* yana: *snickers* FD: "???" barkova: @u@ yana: just having fun with the laser pointer. FD: -_-;;; "That's kinda cruel." yana: then again, we arent exactly 'good people' FD: "..." *takes the laser pointer, points it at the wall* barkova: *BAM* 8D FD: "...Need to do more training, or Barkova will just keep at it..." yana: yikes. FD: "Barkova, sit." barkova: *doing so* 8D FD: "Speak." barkova: *BARKING* zoey: ...... FD: "Zoey, do you want to give Barkova a command?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *adjusting his tie* mafioso: congrats on starting school, man. Chuuya: -_-; "I don't know why I'm doing this." mafioso: consider it info recon. Chuuya: "...Okay, that is a bit easier to accept." -elsewhere- Meme: *in her new uniform* "How is it?" mio: *blush* looks good. Meme: *smiles* "So does yours." mio: t-thanks. -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Lin, you going to school?" -elsewhere- shinra: *weird hand gesture* kyukyuuuuuu >3< hikage: there's no difference. hinata: he's just making faces like an idiot! shinra: -_- *tries a different gesture* -fwoom- shinra: hell yeah! rock on! >u< Relan: ^\\\^ Arthur: D8 Benimaru: "...Not terrible." shinra: ^u^ well, i noticed you do hand signals like this too. so i thought i'd try it out. -rock on signal- shinra: >u< this is so cool! kind of reminds me of something i saw in a tv show once. Relan: *claps his hands* "Yay!" Benimaru: "Oh. My hand signs? Yes, I use those to guide the energy in my body..." shinra: ?? kabuki: do you wish to explain or shall i? Benimaru: "You explain." kabuki: in the art of 'genkoku', there are several hand signs, each with different effects. one such sigh, the tiger sign, increases power to the legs. Benimaru: "That's the one I use for jumping higher." shinra: *listening* tamaki: whats it look like? Benimaru: *folds down his index finger and thumb* shinra: *doing the same* Benimaru: "This will transfer more energy in your body to your feet, which will strengthen the flames there." tamaki: i see. -fwoom- shinra: *focused* sayu: woah! Konro: *watching* "..." Victor: "Woot!" shinra: *flying up* Arthur: o__O "A dragon!" Relan: *gasps* tamaki: *also making the sign* (thinking: im not going to get left in the dust, idiot. im gonna prove myself...) *thinking of amber, burns, and arthur* (thinking: i have to prove myself!) *jumps up into the air, doing a spin and landing on the roof on her hands and feet* Tsukiyo: *clapping* "Good work, Tamaki!" Arthur: "...Wow..." *clapping* tamaki: ^w^ Arthur: "...I don't know that will work for me, seeing as I need my hands for my sword." *he's holding Excalibur in his right hand* tamaki: -_-; wrong hand, doofus. Arthur: "...Oh, right." *holds it in his left* shinra: *lands back on the ground* Relan: "You were amazing!" shinra: aww shucks. ^///w///^ Benimaru: "Now that you have discovered some impenetrable skills, you and Tamaki need to name them." shinra: kicker kick! tamaki: that sounds so stupid. shinra: 7-7 i panicked, ok!? Benimaru: "I agree." Relan: *holding back a laugh* shinra: Q3Q Relan: *pats his back* tamaki: as for me... well....how about 'cat-afornia roll'? shinra:... *bursts out laughing* Relan: *can't hold it back, doubled-over laughing* Arthur: "...Cat-melot?" shinra: OH MY GOD THAT ONES EVEN WORSE!! X'D tamaki: --# yu: *sweatdrop* Benimaru: "Well, I think that is all for today--" *Benimaru turns away...* sayu: *eye glint* HUWA! *jumps* Benimaru: *grabs her by her ankle, holding her up* sayu: whee! ^u^ kirei: ^^; Benimaru: "Maybe don't shout when trying to do a surprise attack on your opponent, small one." sayu: okaaaay. -elsewhere- Rin: *snores* shura: .... *notices something slipped under the door* ?? *it's a letter*.....hmmm... *puts it on the bed stand* -after she leaves his room- shura:.... !! eh? spotty four eyes?! adrian: heyo, shuran! seiya: hello, miss kirigakure. gilda: *small waves* applebee: hey. Yukio: "Where is Rin?" shura: he's in his room, sleeping right now. Yukio: "Then I will wake him..." -elsewhere- Poe: *sipping tea...hand shaking* karl: o^o~? rowena: so how long have you two known each other? lana: a few months i guess. rowena: ah, i see. Poe: *nod nod* "We met when I captured her in a book! ...That came out all wrong." rowena: ... o.o lana: yeah, that was.....interesting *sweatdrop* Poe: ^^;;; "At least no one died...I mean, no one non-fictional." lana: yeeeah. ^^; rowena: ah. Poe: *ahem* "...I could always show you other books! I have ones without murder!" *holds up a romance novel* "..." *puts it down* "I mean...um..." *awkward cough* lana: ^^ -elsewhere- Dazai: "Dinner!" atsushi: awesome! Dazai: "Yep! I told you I can cook good!" *sets down pasta* -elsewhere- Medusa: "..." neian: zzzz..... Medusa: "...Will you hate me?" neian: zzzz.... Medusa: "..." *holds Neian's tiny hand* neian: =u= Medusa: "I love you..." -elsewhere- Relan: *stretches* "I think that's progress..." shinra: sure is. *smiles* you did great out there today. Relan: ^\\\^ "Th-Thanks...I was able to get better balance when kicking..." shinra: ^///^ Relan: *pats Shinra's arm* "You're getting more muscular." shinra: *blush* Relan: ^^ "I think the work-out is paying off. You'll be faster..." -elsewhere- Mori: *whistles, as he walks through hall* naoya: *chewing gum* Mori: "??? Why are you always chewing gum?" naoya: *shrugs* helps me remember stuff. Mori: " 'Remember'? How so?" naoya: y'know, chewing certain flavors in certain situations can help you remember stuff. read it in a coffee table book once. Mori: "...Huh. Well...Could you please stop leaving your gum wads under the table." -_-; naoya: im making a mural. Mori: "WHO PUTS A MURAL UNDERNEATH A TABLE?!" naoya: me, apparently. -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sneezes* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *snoring* karin: *small smile* nozomi: how is he? Vulcan: "Zzz..." =w= karin: doing better now. Akitaru: "He can take as much time as he needs to recuperate...All the tech he's made is great!" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *looking at birthday gift* -it's a new pen set- Kunikida: "...They get me." *takes out pen, writes on pad* -elsewhere- Rino: *waves* "Hey, Blair." blair: hey rino~ soul: ah, friend of yours? Rino: "Yo. I'm Rino." *waves at Soul* "You know Blair, too?" soul: yeah. kind of a long story. blair: i guess im something of a 2nd mother to him~ soul: 7-7; Rino: *snort laugh* "Y-Yeah, I can see the resemblance..." *sits down* "So, Soul, what do you do?" soul: well, i've been planning on becoming a death scythe. just a little more to go yet. but aside from that, i work at the megalo mart. Rino: "Oh, you're a weapon? Who...works at Megalo Mart? Jeez, and I thought my work sucked." soul: oh, i actually graduated school. Rino: "That has to be nice...I'm still in classes." soul: ah. -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *counting dollar bills* alcott: i think today went pretty well! Fitzgerald: *small smile* "Quite. We are on the pathway to success. I think this warrants a celebration." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *puts her uniform on a hanger, finishes packing her bookbag* atsushi: *getting his stuff set up* Kyoka: "Do you have lunch ready?" atsushi: *nods* Kyoka: *nods* "Good. Then that is everything to finish before bed." atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: *yawn* "Okay...I'll get ready..." =_= -elsewhere- Kid: *writing notes* stocking:....*smirks and licks along his outer ear rim to the lobe* Kid: o\\\\\\o *shivers excitedly* "A-Ah~" stocking: gotcha~ Kid: "Y-Yes, you did..." *tilts back in his chair, looking at her...smiles* stocking: *smiles and smooches him* Kid: *smooch* *small moan* stocking: getting turned on already~? Kid: ^\\\\^ "What can I say? I'm Stocking-sexual..." stocking:.....*laughing* *snort laugh* ok my god kid, you're too adorable for your own good sometimes! Kid: ^^;; "Thank you..." *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Hyde: *holds a ventriloquist dummy that resembles Licht* "I got my own dummy!" licht: ...yeah, it really is a dummy. the puppet's a nice touch. Hyde: "THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Puppet Licht: "Yes it is." Hyde: "QUIET, BLOCKHEAD!" -elsewhere- Emine: *yawn, walking to his bedroom* -later, late at night- Shotaro: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *turning in bed* atsushi?: *smiles* Akutagawa: "...You're here?" atsushi?: why wouldnt i be? Akutagawa: "Because...I never think you want to be around me." atsushi?: *hug* what is it you want now? Akutagawa: .\\\\. "J-Just this?" atsushi?: *smiles, holding him* Akutagawa: "..." *hug, sighs* =w= -elsewhere- Kid: "Mmm..." *hug* stocking: zzzzz =u= Kid: *yawn* "Zzz..." =w= -morning- Kyoka: *poke poke* "Wake up." atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "You don't want to be late for school." atsushi: ah! right! Kyoka: *nod* "I am finishing breakfast. Go shower." -and so, in the assembly hall- Chuuya: *adjusting his tie* -_-; lord death: welcome to the DWMA! for some of you, this is the first step into the next chapter of your lives, and for others, it is a continuation. atsushi: *listening* Kyoka: *staring* "..." ("I want his mask.") lord death: there are very many experiences waiting for you here. and we wish you all the best. and dont forget; a sound soul, dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body. -soon, the students went to their first class- atsushi: *looks at the schedule* ah, seems we have homeroom together, kyouka! Kyoka: "That's good. I wonder who else--" atsushi: ah! here we are! *goes into the classroom* Akutagawa: ._. atsushi: ...... .___.;;; *sitting away from akutagawa* Akutagawa: Q~Q Kyoka: "..." *Someone taps the back of Atsushi's head* atsushi: so who's the teach-er? *turns* Montgomery: *waves* "Hey. Same class, huh?" atsushi: owo;;;;; yeeeah.... (thinking: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!) odasaku: well, this is awkward. atsushi: (thinking: NO SHIT!) Kyoka: *glares at Kyoka* "Doll Girl." Montgomery: "!!! ...Shorty." *electric glare between Kyoka and Montgomery* atsushi: *caught in the middle* [atsushi stress level: 78] *The door opens, revealing the teacher...* atsushi: *looks* Stein: "Hello, students. Are you ready to begin?" atsushi: O_O;;; (thinking: THAT LOOKS PAINFUL) -in another class- Anya: *looking around* licht: hey. yana: *leaning back in her chair* hmm? Anya: "Oh. Hello Yana..." *blushes* "L-Licht..." ao: good morning. tsugumi: hi there licht. ^^ *has her hair done in a ponytail* Meme: "Who's ready for learning?!" mio: yaaaay. *unamused tone* Meme: "???" *slight nudge at shoulder* Anya: *tries to sit next to Licht...* ao: ah, seems the teacher is in. Naigus: "Hello, class. Please have a seat. We start this new semester--" yana: *looking around at her classmates* Hyde: *is already asleep* -in another class- kirika: *looking out the window* Gopher: *hands folded in front of him* .w. rowena: *taking notes* Sid: "And that's how souls can empower the body." rowena: *writing things down* -elsewhere- marie: does anyone have any questions? mono: 7-7 Chuuya: *raises his hand* marie: yes? mr ozaki? Chuuya: "How can this technique be used offensively?" marie: oh? -elsewhere- Iida: "Oh, hello, Ochako." ochako: hey iida! time for another school year! Iida: "Yes! As class representative, I will do all that is necessary for the safety, security, education, and enjoyment of our classmates!" *wild hand gestures* -applause- Izuku: "So cool..." Bakugo: -_-; "So dorky..." -class 1-B- itsuka: so let's all do our best to succeed this year! Monoma: T~T ibara: indeed. tetsutetsu: hell yeah! pony: *claps* kinoko: dude, that's rad. Manga: *thumbs up* -elsewhere- higuchi:... Mori: "I don't see everyone working..." higuchi: i am working, sir. -_-; naoya: .... ?? Mori: "Hard to tell, Higuchi, when you're mind seems to be elsewhere. And Naoya, I'm still expecting that file." naoya: yeah, i got it right here. *she's out of sight, and slips something into her jacket pocket* Mori: "Well, bring it here..." *looking at other files* naoya: *hands him the file* -elsewhere- Kid: "How is the school day starting, Father?" lord death: off to a good start, so far! Kid: *looks around the Death Room* "Is there...anything I should do?" lord death: perhaps help those who are struggling with getting around? Kid: *nods* "I have the layout of the Academy memorized--I'll get to work!" *departs* -at lunch- atsushi: i'll have some chazuke please! Cook: "Coming right up!" Kyoka: *shiny eyes* "So many options..." Montgomery: Q~Q "I want one of everything..." -elsewhere- higuchi: *checking her mail*....??? -there is a small red book placed inside- higuchi:..... *sticks it in her bag* Tachihara: "Yo. Haven't seen you today." higuchi: oh, hey tachihara. Tachihara: "Weird that two of our peeps are in school." higuchi: yeah. it's kind of surreal. Tachihara: "I was never much for school. I learned everything I needed to on the street, not in dumb books." higuchi: i see. Tachihara: " 'Course, some things I do read..." *eyebrow wiggle* higuchi:... -_-; Tachihara: "What you read?" higuchi: a few poems. Tachihara: *nod nod* "Some old and flowery?" -elsewhere- izumi: *examining books* Jacqueline: "Find everything okay?" izumi: *nods* yep. Jacqueline: "If you need anything, feel free to ask." *smiles* "I'm Jackie." izumi: *smiles* nice to meet you, miss jackie. Jacqueline: "Likewise. How are you adjusting to the school?" izumi: pretty well. kind of exciting... *glances at the plaque on the wall....solemn face* Jacqueline: "???" *her eyes follow* "...Oh." izumi: ...i have a lot to work up to... Jacqueline: "...Maka was one of a kind. And this school has students of many varieties..." izumi:....*nods* i wish i could have met her. Jacqueline: *nods* "She was very personable." -elsewhere- Dazai: "So boooooooring...They're in school and not here..." yosano: well, they could use the experience. Dazai: "What could they learn there that I couldn't teach them here? I could make my own school here!" -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs* "Quieter here with so many people out..." gabriella: yeah. Hibana: "It's lonesome..." *picks up a file...and drops it* "And paperwork is boring." -later, after school let out- Montgomery: "And I need that delivery to the cafe..." atsushi: *nods* Montgomery: "So make sure it is there on time, okay?" *approaching the steps* o___o "...So many..." -that evening- higuchi: *examining the book* .... -it was a journal, tied with a ribbon. there was a name written on it. 'Shizuka Kanei'- higuchi:....*examining* -may 3, [the year is faded out]; i wore the new hair ribbon mr mori had given me the other day. he said it really suited me. im so glad he thinks so.- higuchi: *cringe* -may 11; apparently some incident occurred involving 'mimic'. ace accused mr mori of slacking off, but what does that squinty little snob know? mr mori asked me to stay the night, and i happily obliged- -may 12; mr mori has a plan to deal with the whole 'mimic' situation, and get our license in the process. i admire how intelligent he is.- -may 16; im not too fond of that brat, elise. mr mori dotes so much on her. it makes me jealous. but i shouldnt let it bother me, i know mr mori really does care for me.- -may 24; we did it! we got our license! im so proud of mr mori for how much he has accomplished. he tells me he couldnt have done it without my help. i admit, i felt tingly when he told me this. i spent the night with him again too. the way he touches me sends chills up my spine- higuchi: *trying not to gag* -may 25; dazai left. mr mori isnt pleased.- -may 26; mr mori sent me a bouquet of roses today! he said he wanted to apologize for being so rough with me the other day. i already forgave him though.- higuchi: *going through more pages* -august 27; mr mori invited me to his quarters tonight. he says he has something very important to ask of me. my heart is pounding so fast. with luck, i will be writing my next entry as mrs shizuka mori- higuchi:....*turns the page.....her stomach drops* -blood. blood stains the page, as well as a bloody message....a poem....in mori's handwriting- *Phone rings* higuchi: *almost jumps out of her skin* !!!! *looks at the caller ID* Chuuya: "Yo." higuchi: chuuya! oh jeez, you just about gave me a heart attack.... *her voice is shaky* Chuuya: "??? What's wrong?" higuchi: c-could you come over? i...have some stuff to ask you... Chuuya: "??? Yeah, sure. Give me 20." -and so- higuchi: does the name 'Shizuka Kanei' ring any bells? Chuuya: *nods* "Yeah. Secretary." higuchi: this is the first i've heard of her... Chuuya: "People don't like to talk about her because..." higuchi: ?? Chuuya: "...She's no longer here." higuchi: .....someone left her diary in my mail today.... Chuuya: "...What?!" higuchi: some of what i read....*shudders* Chuuya: "Higuchi...What did it say?" higuchi: *she hands him the book* it's....pretty sickening. just read with caution... Chuuya: *skims...his face goes pale* "...N-No...No..." higuchi: .....*tense* Chuuya: "...H-He's done this, repeatedly...We didn't see it..." higuchi: .... Chuuya: "...I don't think what happened to R-Rain...was an accident now." higuchi: *nods* Chuuya: "..." *covers his mouth* higuchi:....i think we should do some research... Chuuya: "H-How?" higuchi: is there a file on all his secretaries he's had during his time as the boss? Chuuya: "There should be...Just need to get into his office to check." higuchi: might be challenging. Chuuya: "May need a distraction..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Dia, your report." dia: the flame human has been put to rest. Burns: *nods* "What have you done with the remains?" -elsewhere- Montgomery: *counting boxes* -at the agency- atsushi: and there were so many people there! Dazai: *claps* "Yay!" Kunikida: "Did you take notes in class?" atsushi: *nods* Dazai: "Did you find ideal locations for what I asked for~?" atsushi: ideal locations?.... >->; errr.... Dazai: *holds up a noose, points to it* "Eh? Eh?" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: "...I already tried poison. Every date told me the alcohol didn't mask the taste." Kunikida: -_________- atsushi: .... (thinking: why is he like this?) odasaku: i guess the more some things change, the more others stay the same. Kunikida: "Moving on: did you finish your mission, Atsushi?" atsushi: *nods* yes sir. Kunikida: "Finish your report, then you're free for the day." atsushi: *nods and goes to do that* -ringing from dazai's phone- Dazai: "???" *looks* {text from ???: hey handsome, care 2 join me in double suicide? <3 } -an address was also written down- Dazai: owo *texts* [depends~ are you a cutie?] {text from ???: *a picture is attached of a lovely young lady with dark hair past her shoulders* } Dazai: [nice! see you at what time?] {text from ???: right now~} Dazai: [on my way! should be 20 min or so] -and so- higuchi's sister: yeah? who is it? Dazai: *wave wave* "Hello! I am here to kill myself!" higuchi's sister:....ichiyo! some weird guy is at our doorstep! higuchi: ah, there you are, come on in. Dazai: "??? Wait, what?" higuchi: yyeeeah, that text was a bluff. we wanted to ask you some questions. Dazai: "..." *looks back and forth* "But you already turned down the duel suicide, and Chuuya isn't cute enough--" Chuuya: "I AM ADORABLE!" Dazai: *smirks* Chuuya: o_o;; "...Sh-Shut up!" higuchi: -_-; *drags them into her room and shuts the door* kuniko: .... NIGHT! *goes into her room and turns up the music* Dazai: *smirks* "That kind of a 'meeting'?" higuchi: *chop* get your mind out of the gutter. this is serious. Dazai: "Owie! I was just having a little fun! Right, Chuuya?" Chuuya: *grim face* Dazai: "...That serious, huh?" higuchi: we wanted to ask you. what all do you know about mori's former secretary? Dazai: "...Oh." *stands up, turns* "Don't look into this--" higuchi: *grabs him by the shoulder* dont you dare walk away from this. *dark expression* Dazai: "...I left before that happened." higuchi: i know that much, but what all do you know about her? Dazai: "...She was tinier than Chuuya--" Chuuya: "FFFFFFFFF--" higuchi: *gives chuuya a look to say 'chill out'* Chuuya: =3= Dazai: "And Mori had her wrapped around his finger." higuchi: *biting lip* Dazai: "The things he did..." higuchi:.....*shows him the diary* Dazai: *looks through...gets to a page* "?!!! Blood..." higuchi: most likely hers.....*looking at the poem, her stomach churning a bit* Dazai: "...I knew it was right to leave..." higuchi: not sure what to do now... is there a grave? Dazai: *nods* higuchi: where abouts? Dazai: "Cemetery. I know the grave's location." higuchi: *nods* Dazai: "So, we doing this now?" higuchi: better now than never. Chuuya: "Then let's go..." -it was pretty dark out now.- higuchi: *has her flashlight out* Chuuya: *glances away from one grave* "..." Dazai: *points* "There." higuchi: *shining her flashlight on the grave* Dazai: "...We doing this?" higuchi:....by 'this' you mean....? Dazai: "I mean...This is Mori we're talking about...Do you think he...?" higuchi:.... we dont have shovels... Dazai: *pulls one out of his jacket* higuchi: where did you- Dazai: "I always carry a shovel to make my burial easier! Plus, I play a lot of video games." higuchi:.....*sweatdrop* Dazai: "Ready to begin?" -after a while, they hit something- Dazai: "??? The coffin?" higuchi: i think so... Dazai: *pushes dirt away* "Yep...Chuuya, could you do the honors?" Chuuya: "..." *uses his gravity to lift the coffin's top...* -nothing- higuchi: !! Dazai: !! Chuuya: "...The hell?" higuchi:...maybe we should leave now...it'd be a bad idea to stick around. Dazai: "...We have a long time to bury all of this--" Chuuya: *lifts the dirt, drops it* Dazai: "...YOU COULD'VE DONE THAT THE ENTIRE TIME?!" Chuuya: "I just wanted to see you suffer." *smirk* higuchi: .... *feeling like the 3rd wheel* Dazai: *impotent grumbling* "F-Fine...Let's just leave." *hands the shovel to Higuchi* -elsewhere- Mori: *looking at photos on his desk* elise: *coloring* Mori: "Are you okay, Elise~?" ^^ elise: *nods* Mori: "Very good...I'll be right back..." elise: *humming as she draws something.....a head in a jar* Mori: *enters a room* -there is a bed with several straps on it, as well as several medical tools. there is a small closet with a red light emanating from it- Mori: "Where did I leave it...Ah, there." *picks up his cell phone* *looks at the red light* "..." *opens* -on a shelf, the preserved head of shizuka rests in a jar, with some red valentine lights acting as a background- Mori: *smiles* "I hope you are well, Shizuka." -no reply, but the head's expression appears to be sleeping peacefully- Mori: *soft smile* "Rest well..." -elsewhere- Noah: *chained to a wall* "..." noelle: oi. you awake? Noah: "...I can't sleep. Ever." noelle: gee, that sucks. Noah: "Are you here to pester me?" -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: *resting in his arms* zzzz Kid: *kisses her head softly, supporting her in his arms* stocking: =////w////= Kid: *whispers* "Love you..." stocking: *sleep talk* love you, kiddo... Kid: *smiles, lies down, closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Black Star: *opens the cupboards* "...Where's the cereal?" -elsewhere- atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "??? Not asleep yet?" atsushi: about to do that.... Kyoka: *nods* "Today was okay, wasn't it?" atsushi: yeah. and we have to go back tomorrow, and the day after that....basically any day that isnt saturday or sunday... Kyoka: T_T -elsewhere- mito: *nuzzling chuuya's leg* Chuuya: "..." *sighs, falls over* mito: D8 *licks his cheek* Chuuya: "..." *pats her head* "Mito..." *sniff* mito: *nuzzle* Chuuya: T_T *holds her* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "Good cat..." *strokes her* mito: =w= Chuuya: "..." *trying to smile* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." *collapses* -phone ringing- Dazai: "...Yeah?" kirako: you get home ok? Dazai: *nod nod* "Yeah...You?" kirako: i felt a thud from the ceiling... Dazai: "...I fell down. On the floor. When coming inside." kirako: are you alright?! Dazai: "Just...thinking. Looking into something." *smile* "Nothing to worry about..." kirako: i mean from the fall! =3= Dazai: "..." *turns over onto his back* "...Yeah, I'm fine. Everything's where it should be, no pain..." kirako: *sigh* you sure? Dazai: "...Maybe not~?" kirako:... T.T; Dazai: *eyebrow wiggle* "What are you up to tonight?" kirako: watching tv mostly. Dazai: "Mind if I watch with you?" kirako: i dunno, you able to stand? *small smirk* Dazai: *already on his feet* "I rise to the occasion!" *salutes* kirako: *chuckles* Dazai: *already out the apartment and arrives at Kirako's apartment, knocking on her door* kirako: well, that was quick. mii: *mew* Dazai: "Eager, but not too fast." *pets Mii* "Howdy!" mii: ^o^ -elsewhere- Montgomery: *tossing in bed* anne: O^O~? Montgomery: "N-No...No..." *swings her arms* "No!" *falls out of bed* anne: *nice catch* Montgomery: o\\\\o "...Th-Thanks...Jeez, that dream..." anne: ?? Montgomery: "..." *hugs her knees* "I don't want to be alone again..." anne: ....*hug* Montgomery: "..." *hug* -elsewhere- Stein: *snores* -elsewhere- kirako: ahhhh... u///u *soft panting* Dazai: *lick* kirako: *shuddering, grinding a bit more* f-fuck... Dazai: "Feels good, right?" *matching her pace, his hand along her lower back* kirako: yes~ Dazai: "That's how I wanted it to be..." *pushes her lower back a bit more as he thrusts...bites lightly on her ear* kirako: *soft moan* Dazai: *clutches her hips, as he pushes her down on the bed, thrusting deeper* kirako: ah-ahhhh~! -she has a slight grip on his hair- *Her hand on his hair pulls him down against her neck* Dazai: *groans...he is twitching, as he plants his lips along her neck* kirako: mmmn~ Dazai: *panting, licking along her neck* "I-I'm so close..." *quickens his pace* kirako: *moans loudly* a-ah! Dazai: "AAAAH!" *he makes one more thrust..." kirako: *moaning, trembling* Dazai: *lies beside her...gropes one of her breasts* "Th-Thanks..." kirako: n-no problem ^///^ Dazai: "..." *reaches over to the nightstand, puts her glasses on her* *smiles* "I like you like this, too..." kirako: ^///^ *small chuckle* Dazai: *lays a hand along her stomach, where he came* "...Shower?" *kisses her neck again* kirako: good idea. -elsewhere- Relan: *yawn* shinra: zzzz.... Relan: "..." *leans over Shinra* shinra: =////= Relan: *small smile, as he kisses his cheek* -morning- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: zzzzz Kid: *hugs her* stocking: *yaaawn* morning~ Kid: "Morning...Sleep okay?" stocking: *nods* you? Kid: "Especially well." *cuddles* stocking: *smirks and kisses down his chest* Kid: *soft moan* "St-Stocking..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *runs his hands through her hair* "So luxurious..." stocking: =///u///= Kid: "..." *looks down* "Stocking..." stocking: hmm~? Kid: "Would you...I mean..." stocking: would i what~? 7u7 Kid: >\\\\< "W-Would you...go down?" stocking: go down where, kiddo~? *coy pout* Kid: >\\\\\\\\< "...On me?" stocking: oh~! wellllllll~ 7w7 Kid: "Please? I'll...make it worth your effort?" stocking: oh all right~ *giggles* i was gonna do it anyway, but you're so cute when you beg~ *gets right to business on him* Kid: *pouts* "You tease--" *shivers* "Aaaaah...Y-Yes...Like that..." =w= stocking: *chuckles* such a naughty boy~ Kid: "J-Just...interested?" stocking: ^^ *still going at it* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in medical attire* "You letting the Commander beat up on the visitors from the 8th?" fang-hua: fortunately, no one's dead yet. Mr. Tsubaki: "...Yeah, that 'yet' is not very encouraging." -_-; -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* "Another day?" *pouts* atsushi: yep. -and so, class starts- Naigus: "I will need a volunteer." izumi: *raising her hand* Naigus: *nods* "Come on down--I will attack you." izumi: *gulps* o-o; Naigus: "How much experience do you have in combat?" izumi:...none, really. Naigus: "Then we will start with basic self-defense. Watch closely, class." *pulls back her arm* "I'm not going to really punch you--I'm going to show you how to block a punch..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Injuries? Missions?" -elsewhere- Rin: *stretches* -the letter is still on his bedside table- Rin: "???" *looks at it...pulls it out of the envelop* "...Well, damn..." shura: mornin'....oh...what does it say? Rin: o\\\\o *pulls up his bedsheet* "Knock first!" shura: -_-; Rin: "...And I can't read it." shura: well, you didnt grow up with kanji writing, so that's understandable. i had lessons on that, so maybe i can help you? Rin: *hands her the letter* shura:... .___. what the heck does this even say?! Yukio: *yawn* "Morning..." shura: hey yukio, mind translating? Yukio: "???" *looks* "It's from Suguro's father?" shura: oh? Rin: "Why would he write to me?" shura: *shrug* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *yawn* "Okay...I think this one is ready for testing, Doc." karin: awesome! *grips the handles, sending small bursts of flame into it, powering up the machine* Vulcan: *smiles* "Move it a bit forward..." karin: *taking a step forwards* nice. Vulcan: "Now, raise the arm..." -arm lift- Vulcan: *nods* "Good...Now, let's try dexterity..." *holds up the palm of his hand* "Soft high-five..." -elsewhere- lana: *answering the phone* yes? Touma: "Hello." lana: *tenses* !! Touma: "I have work for you." lana: ...... Touma: "Tell me about Edgar." lana: *tense* ....s-sorry sir, i'll have to call you back. *hangs up* ......... Touma: "..." *looks at the phone* "The fuck?" -later- lana: *walking home, uneasy* ....... Poe: "L-L-L-Lan-na-na..." lana: !! *turns* oh, jeez, i just about died... *wiping her eyes* Poe: "??!! What's wrong?" lana: j-just some stress at work... Poe: "Oh...I'm sorry. Long hours?" lana:....yeah... Poe: "...Maybe tea would help relax?" lana: .... Poe: owo;;; lana:...yeah, i think it might help... Poe: ^^ "I think this spot near our neighborhood has a delicious chamomile..." elsewhere- rowena: *walking home* Tsurugi: "Pardon me, miss? I'm lost..." rowena: hmm? im not sure how much help i'll be, im still new to the city as well. Tsurugi: ^^; "Yeah, I'm not used to things around here, but I thought I'd ask...Do you know the way to..." *reads address* "...'Madam Zenobia's Tarot Shop'?" rowena: oh! a tarot shop?! *shiny eyes* it's the first i've heard of this establishment, *looks at the address* Tsurugi: "I thought it was on this street--but I must have walked the wrong way, as the numbers are increasing rather than decreasing..." rowena: perhaps we could ask one of the local establishments? Tsurugi: ^^;; "Okay..." rowena: *looks around and spots a shop* ah! perhaps there? Tsurugi: *holds a knife to her throat* rowena: !!! Tsurugi: "Let's take a detour. Someone wants to chat with you...And if you don't, you'll need the occult for another reason, girl." rowena: !!! *Whistling is heard* Tsurugi: "??? Wait...That tune...Where have I--" rowena: !!! *stomps on tsurugi's foot* Tsurugi: "OW!" *pushes Rowena* rowena: *runs for it* Tsurugi: *rushes at Rowena--and tackles her* *whistling still continues* rowena: !! *kicks him in the stomach* Tsurugi: *grunts, but hangs on--as a snake appears over his shoulder, staring at Rowena* rowena: ?? *The snake opens its mouth--and bites Tsurugi* Tsurugi: o____O *high-pitched scream, as he falls off Rowena, his back on the street* rowena: !! Mikuni: "Jeje, please--no biting!" Jeje: -_-;;;; rowena: eh? Mikuni: "Howdy, little lady! I'm sorry for my old buddy here--" *picks up Tsurugi by the ankle--and tosses him up and over his head into a dumpster* rowena: t-thank you so much sir! Jeje: "Ahem..." *stares at Rowena* rowena: *getting up, brushing herself off* Tsurugi: @~@ "My head..." Mikuni: "Little lasses like you shouldn't be out here this late at night--and getting hunted by that freak." rowena: i was returning to my dorm actually. Mikuni: "Best escort you as you mosey on home...I think we can leave the trash to be picked up, right, Jeje?" Jeje: *slithers up Mikuni's arm* rowena: um... t-thank you... .////. Jeje: -_-;;;; Mikuni: "Now, what were you doing out this late?" rowena: i was visiting a local shop, trying to get a better idea of the city's layout. Mikuni: "Maybe do that during daylight hours. Real crazies in this town. Isn't that right, Amelia?" *holds up a doll, talks in high pitch* " 'That's right, Mikuni!'" rowena: how cute! Mikuni: "Isn't she?! I collect them--but that stupid bastard in my shop keeps harming my dollies." T~T rowena: oh? you own a shop? Mikuni: ^^ "Pretty much run the place. Couldn't survive without me." rowena: where abouts is it? Jeje: -_-|||||||| Mikuni: "A few blocks from here. Was out on my evening stroll--along the rooftops." rowena: ah, i see. Mikuni: "I'm Mikuni, by the way. And this snake is Jeje." rowena: just call me rowena! Mikuni: ^^ "Happy to meet you!" -elsewhere- Arthur: *rubbing his wrist* "Difficult training..." tamaki: *from the other side of the bathhouse wall* yeah, anyway. *sigh* Arthur: "???" *leans his ear to the wall* sayu: *swimming along* Arthur: "You okay, Tamaki?" tamaki: yeah, why wouldnt i be? Arthur: "I know training has been difficult on everyone..." tamaki: im used to difficult training... Arthur: "Oh...Right...Are you happy with your progress?" tamaki: *nods* yeah. im not about to fall behind you guys any time soon! Arthur: *smiles* "Good to hear...but that just motivates me to keep further along, too." shinra: that and she's busy falling in front of us. tamaki: WHAT WAS THAT?! Arthur: o____o *covers Shinra's mouth* "He was wishing you good luck!" shinra: it was a joke! jeez... although that may have been a bit too mean. sorry. Arthur: "See? He apologized!" ^^;;; -elsewhere- Montgomery: *putting out garbage* "Work shifts at the cafe, study, go to class...I'm exhausted..." *yawn* -morning- Akutagawa: *in the shower...half asleep* "Zzz..." -in classes- Chuuya: *thumbing through pages in his book* *yawns* *looks around* rowena: *taking notes* Teacher: "And who developed the first Magic Tool?" kirika: *glancing at gopher* Gopher: *raising his hand* "EIBON!" -in another part of the school- atsushi: O.O the school has a gift shop?! Kyoka: *holding up a DWMA shirt* "Neat." Montgomery: o\\\o *staring at Lord Death plushies* atsushi: this place is a lot different than most schools i've read about... Montgomery: *hugging a Lord Death plushie* "Bigger, longer stairways...more expensive food..." izumi: it's almost like a theme park, but without any rides. Yumi: *eyeglass flash* "Actually, my husband does put in a theme park during some festivities." izumi: WOAH! atsushi: YEEK! Montgomery: "Eep!" Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello." Yumi: "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I am Death Scythe Azusa Yumi." izumi: oh, you're one of dad's coworkers, right? Yumi: "...You are Izumi, then? Spirit has said a lot about you." izumi: yep, that would be me! Kyoka: "..." *stares at Izumi* izumi: hmm? Kyoka: *leans closer* "Are you my relative?" izumi: eh? o.o; atsushi: um, kyouka, i think 'izumi' is this girl's given name. izumi: what he said. Montgomery: -_-;;; "Not everyone with the same name is your relative, nerd." Kyoka: "..." *punches Montgomery in the arm* Montgomery: "Ow!" atsushi: come on guys, dont fight. ^^; Yumi: "Not without an official referee." *eyeglass flash* izumi: .... my full name is actually izumi albarn....well, not officially, but the sooner i can change it to that name, the happier i'll be! Kyoka: "???" Montgomery: "So...Why?" izumi:....i'd rather not talk about it. Kyoka: *takes Izumi's hand* "No need to explain at all, Sister." izumi: ^^;; Montgomery: -_-;; "I'm sorry about her. She's not quite right--" Kyoka: "I want an official battle against Montgomery." Montgomery: "...What." -elsewhere- Dazai: *asleep at his desk...then bounces up* "EMERGENCY!" kirako: ?? Dazai: "We're out of coffee creamer!" -elsewhere- Yukio: "...This is a lot to take in..." shura: what does it say? Yukio: "...Our father got the Koma Sword from Suguro's father..." Rin: "?!!!" shura: holy shit, drama bomb! Yukio: "...What does this all mean?" Rin: "It means dad is a straight-up thief!" Yukio: -_-; shura: *facepalm* Yukio: "No." Rin: "But he did steal the word, right?" Yukio: "I mean, technically--" Rin: "Boom! Dad's a thief! And he punished me for pickpocketing penny candy when we were four!" Yukio: "...Shura, where is Suguro's father?" shura: *shrugs* and i cant ask suguro's mom cause.....of an incident >->;; Yukio: "...What did you do--" Rin: *covers Yukio's mouth* "Don't ask." shura: LETS JUST FIND BALDY OK? and not that triple A baldy either. Rin: "LOL." Yukio: "It'll be a challenge. Father did say Suguro was a swift runner..." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Guard on your left!" tamaki: hyah! Benimaru: *blocks* "Do not shout your attacks--just attack!" *fires a blast at her* shinra: *jumps off the roof and onto benimaru's shoulders* Benimaru: "?!!!" shinra: gotcha! Benimaru: *grabs Shinra's head* shinra: oh boy. o-o; Benimaru: *flips Shinra over* shinra: !! tamaki: D8 -DOUBLE KO- Benimaru: *folds his arms* "Good work surprising me on my shoulders. But again, do not talk: just attack your opponent. You could have disabled me immediately but you just stood on my shoulders." shinra: noted Q-Q -elsewhere- Kid: *walking the hallways* julie: *following* Kid: *smiles* "I have a shadow today?" julie: ^^ Kid: "Want to see Father's art collection?" julie: *nods* Kid: *opens the door--and there's a painting of Lord Death* julie: wow! Kid: "Father has had many artist friends..." *There are paintings resembling works by Van Gogh, Dali, and Warhol* julie: *looks* -there is another framed image of a little doodle of a skull. there is a name written under. alice b.- Kid: "..." *small sad smile* julie: ?? Kid: "Mother..." julie: aunt yumi? Kid: "My birth mother, Alice...She died when I was very young." julie:...oh... Kid: *nods* "She...left behind this art." -elsewhere- Mori: Q~Q "...My desk..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Back from the metal-work run..." maki: how'd it go? Vulcan: "You'd be amazed all the metal people just throw away...But I got chased off by landfill security. Why does a landfill even _have_ security?" nozomi: well, probably to keep people from getting hurt. there's some pretty sharp pieces there... Vulcan: *holds up gloves* "That's why people should wear these...I also use them when prepping dinners--" Takehisa: *coughs up his hashbrowns* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *leaving class* girl: um....r-ryuzaki? Akutagawa: "??? Yes?" girl: are you doing anything after class? 7///7 Akutagawa: "Yes. Going home." girl: did you want to get lunch together? >///< Akutagawa: "...Okay." girl: really? OwO Akutagawa: "Yes. It will help me learn more about the customs and intelligence offered at this Academy without resorting to torture." girl: um.....okay? ^^; Akutagawa: "And your name is?" Chuuya: "Maaaaaaaybe I should go with you." *holds out a hand to the girl* "Sorry. He forgot to take his inhaler." ^^;; girl: ah, i see. Akutagawa: "But I don't have--" Chuuya: *elbow to his gut* Akutagawa: Q~Q girl: D8 Chuuya: "See? You forgot your medicine and now have to get to the nurse's office. I'm sorry, ma'am! Bye!" *picks up Akutagawa and runs* girl:....*blinks* Chuuya: "Stupid stupid stupid!" Akutagawa: Q~Q ao: ?? tsugumi: hey ozaki, hey araragi. *wave* Chuuya: "Oh, hello!" *waves* "I'm just taking my friend to the nurse's office--he had a bad stomach ache." Akutagawa: Q~Q tsugumi: oh no. Chuuya: "Is the nurse in?" tsugumi: i think so. Chuuya: "Great! We're going in!" *Chuuya dashes for the door--and slams Akutagawa against the wall* Chuuya: "...Whoops." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;; "If your commander keeps sending in more injured people, I'm going to put in for a vacation." sayu: are you the commander's bro? Mr. Tsubaki: "??? No. Why do you ask?" sayu: you kinda look like him a bit. Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *takes off the glasses, looks in the mirror* "...I don't have wingdings in my eyeballs, though..." *turns to Sayu, making a comical wide-eyed face* "DO I????" sayu: EEP! hahaha! XD Mr. Tsubaki: "Ha ha ha! But seriously, you look fine--no injuries?" sayu: im fine mostly. ^^ *smiles. she almost looks like naho...* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *small laugh* "You remind me of...someone in my family." sayu: hmm? Mr. Tsubaki: "...It's been some time since I've seen them..." sayu: oh. Mr. Tsubaki: "...That boy, the one you call 'big bro'?" sayu: oh, you mean big bro shinra? that's just a nickname. i do have two older brothers for real though. they're twins! Mr. Tsubaki: "Ah! Twins are fascinating, aren't they?" -elsewhere- Belkia: "Gentlemen, thank you for meeting me here." lilac: um.... Sakuya: "We didn't agree to anything. You just walked in with a chalkboard and said 'thank you for meeting me here.'" Shamrock: x_-;;; Belkia: *writing on the chalkboard: "Surprise party"* lilac: for miss tsubaki?....i-isnt her birthday later in the month? Belkia: *nod nod* "And we're going to brainstorm gifts for her!" -elsewhere- Poe: "??? Rowena?" rowena: yes brother? Poe: "You seemed distracted..." rowena: oh? i do? well. 7///7 i met a nice young man the other day... Poe: *serious face* "Oh..." rowena: ahh. im getting flustered thinking about it! >///w///< Poe: *holds her shoulders* "TAKE ME TO THIS BOY..." rowena:....eh? OuO; Poe: "I will instruct this boy on proper behavior around girls!" rowena: um... >-> Poe: "Well?!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "What now?" atsushi: guess we check in on the agency now? Kyoka: "Do you think there is still an agency without us present to keep things in order?" atsushi: ._.; Kyoka: *walks with Atsushi* "...Do you like our classmates?" atsushi: so far, i guess.....not sure why akutagawa is there though... .___.;;; Kyoka: *holds his hand* "I won't let him near you." atsushi: thanks kyouka. ^^; Kyoka: "Here we are..." *opens door to the Agency* yosano: hey kiddos, how was school? Kyoka: "Quite well. I got a perfect grade on the quiz." yosano: that's great! Kyoka: "How did you do on the quiz, Atsushi?" atsushi: i think i did decently...^^; Kunikida: " 'Decent'? I expect far better than 'decent'..." Dazai: *chops Kunikida* "Don't put undue pressure on my boy!" atsushi: ^^; Dazai: *hands Atsushi a file* atsushi: *examines it* *It shows a grave* atsushi:..... ?? Dazai: "Keep an eye on that grave...I think it'll attract some attention soon..." atsushi: why? Dazai: *pats his face* "Just a feeling I got~" atsushi: *sweatdrop* odasaku: .... Kyoka: "How late at night are we supposed to do this? We do have a curfew now." -elsewhere- Shima: *walking around, singing quietly to himself* " 'Time keeps on slipping, slipping...'" -footsteps- Shima: "???" *looks* -nothing- Shima: "..." *slowly turns around...* -nothing...- Shima: *shrugs, keeps walking* unagi: .... Shima: *pulls out a sheet of paper, looking at it* -elsewhere- Kid: "..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "I...showed Julie artwork by my mother..." stocking: ah... Kid: "...She left quite a bit behind before she..." stocking:....*holds his hand* Kid: *small squeeze of her hand* "Thank you..." stocking: *smooch* Kid: -///- "...Mother would have liked you." -elsewhere- mikan: *petting asura's head* Asura: *slight shiver* mikan: *gentle humming* heibito: *in a baby sling, resting* zzz... Asura: "I-I-I..." mikan: hmm? Asura: "M-Mother..." mikan:....*stroking his head, humming softly* Asura: *shivers but calming down* -elsewhere- Sakuya: *lies down, staring at the ceiling* naho: zzzzzz...... Sakuya: *looks at her* ("...I don't want to be alone...") *hug* naho: =///w///= Sakuya: *nuzzles, closes his eyes* -morning- Relan: *nudges Shinra* shinra: *yaaaawn* Relan: "Sleep okay?" shinra: yeah. Relan: "...Lots more training, huh?" -in classes- hitoshi: *has his earbuds in, playing neko atsume* Bakugo: "Yo, what's that guy's deal?" eijiro: not sure. kind of keeps to himself a lot. heard he's in the general classes. Bakugo: "What's his ability?" eijiro: *shrugs* didnt ask. Bakugo: "...YO! GUY WITH THE HAIR! WHAT'S YOUR ABILITY?!" hitoshi: ..... *not even listening* Bakugo: -_-## *rips out the earbuds* hitoshi: ......dude. not cool. Bakugo: "I was asking you a question! What's your ability?!" hitoshi:.... *raising his hand* teacher? teacher: yes mr shinsou?............. *the teacher seems...off* hitoshi: may i be excused to go to the restroom? teacher: go on ahead.... hitoshi: thanks. *exits* Bakugo: >_<### "That jerk totally ignored me!" teacher:.... *blinks* wait, what was i doing just now? ah! right! eijiro:....dude. holy frickin nuggets. Bakugo: "...Teacher's all messed in the head right now..." eijiro: duuuuude. i think that was a mind control quirk. O_O; Bakugo: ._.;;;; "...I'm kind of impatient, aren't I?" eijiro: just a bit, yeah. ^^ Bakugo: "..." *goes back to reading, sweating* ._______. -elsewhere- Montgomery: "Ugh, this stupid equation!" ???: need some help? Montgomery: "?! Wh-What?" atsushi: *smiles* Montgomery: "...Oh. You good at math?" atsushi: a little bit ^^; *scratches his head* Montgomery: "...Very well. I'm supposed to solve for 'x,' but I have to find 'y' first..." -elsewhere- karl: O.O~? Poe: *fuming* >_< library worker: did something happen? O-O; Poe: "My sister has a crush!" library worker: oh my. how old is she? Poe: "Sixteen--WHICH IS TOO YOUNG! She should wait at least until she is 33, at which points her hot passions for romance will cool down into a rational fixation on more divine natures, supplemented through brooding and the idealization from afar of an unreachable beauty that continues to elude her! LIKE I LIVE THROUGH EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE!" library worker:.....uhhhhh........ *sweatdrop* Poe: "I will solve this problem..." *removes an envelope knife* "My. Own. Way." Library worker: O____O woah now. *sweats* Poe: *calmly opens a letter sitting on his desk* "...Oh! We got increased funding to buy more books!" ^^ library worker: i...i see. rowena: good morning, brother. ^^ Poe: *falls out of chair, crawling on the floor to Rowena's feet* "DON'T DO IT! YOU'RE TOO YOUNG!" rowena: o.o~? eh? Poe: "YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE YOUR HEART BROKEN! DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKES I MADE!" rowena: ... *blink blink* actually, i just came by to bring you lunch. Poe: Q~Q "...How kind of you--thanks." rowena: how's work? Poe: "!!!" *holds up letter* "We got more funding!" ^^ rowena: that's wonderful! ^^ Poe: "I know, right?! I'm sending out a request from other librarians here about which books students and teachers have requested--and which we may now be able to buy!" rowena: ^^ worker: have you been making friends here? rowena: *nods* i've even met some who share a similar fondness for the occult! ^^ -elsewhere- Sakuya: *staring into the distance* naho: *hug* Sakuya: "..." *pat pat, small smile* "Thanks..." naho: any time, sakkun~ Sakuya: *nods, opens up his book again* -elsewhere- Rino: *asleep at school desk* teacher: miss tamiya? Rino: *loud snore* teacher: *slams ruler against her desk* MISS TAMIYA! Rino: "42!" *falls back in her chair* "...W-Was that the correct answer?" teacher: are you alright? classmate: yikes. Rino: "Just...didn't sleep well. Or much. Or...*yawn* at all." ^^;; -elsewhere- Vulcan: "All set!" *tosses Broomstick/Boomstick to Maki* "Time to brawl..." maki: hell yeah! Vulcan: *puts on some metal gloves* "Let's see what you got..." -elsewhere- Naigus: "Now, what have we learned today?" student: the training dummies are not rides. Montgomery: .\\\. Naigus: "Correct." Chuuya: *eyeroll* atsushi: ^^; Naigus: *demonstrates a punch on the dummy* "Now, keep practicing. Atsushi, help Lucy." atsushi: ok, ma'am. Montgomery: -\\\\- "Just hold it so I can land a punch this time..." *pulls back her fist* atsushi: *braces himself* Montgomery: *hard punch to the dummy's gut--* atsushi: *knocked back from the recoil* ACK! Montgomery: "Woo! Hard punch!" *then notices Atsushi* "...Oh! S-Sorry..." *holds out a hand* atsushi: i-it's fine. i've taken harder hits than this. ^^; *takes her hand* Montgomery: *pulls him up* "I bet..." *struggles a bit* "B-But I caaaaan...hit harder..." *pulls harder* atsushi: woa- Montgomery: *she pulls too hard--and he falls on her* o\\\\\o atsushi: .//////. o-oh my gosh im so sorry! Montgomery: "Get off of me!" atsushi: *getting up* .////.;;; Kyoka: *flames around her* Montgomery: *not noticing Kyoka* o\\\\o;; "J-Jeez! Can't you not do things like that?!" Akutagawa: *appears next to Kyoka, black flames appearing around him* atsushi: o_o; s-sorry, really!..... ._________________.;;;;; Montgomery: "???" *turns around* "!!!" *steps back, bumping into Atsushi* "H-Hey! What's with those faces--" Akutagawa and Kyoka: *send attacks towards Montgomery* Montgomery: o_____O atsushi: WOAH NOW! ~cresendo wave~ atsushi: eh?.... O_O WHAT THE HECK?! -SPLASH- Montgomery: "Gah!" *coughing* "What the hell?!" *crashes into Atsushi* atsushi: *drenched in water* *blink* ???: attacking when you arent in training? that's just foul play! as a hero of justice, i wont let this slide! -enter sayaka- sayaka: salutations, classmates! 8D Kyoka: *glaring at Atsushi--until she spots Sayaka* *shiny eyes* "...Pretty." Akutagawa: "...Why is the waif in the outfit?" Montgomery: "??? Wait...Aren't you-?" sayaka: it's a battle costume! and yep. im sayaka miki, one of your seniors! ^^ Montgomery: "I thought so! Now, punish these two! The jerk and the brat!" Kyoka: *approaches Sayaka* "I did nothing wrong. I plead for mercy..." -tiny chops for them both- Akutagawa: >__< "HOW DARE YOU!" sayaka: lets try getting along now, ok? Kyoka: >\\\< "I beg your forgiveness..." Montgomery: *trying to ring out her clothes...* "I'm all wet!" sayaka: .///. er. hey, it's ok kiddo. ^^ *head pats* Kyoka: ^\\\\^ Montgomery: "Oh, super! I didn't bring a spare set of clothes, you asses!" sayaka: oh. there's towels in the storage closet by the changing rooms. Montgomery: "Hmph. Like that'll dry them quickly enough..." *marches to the changing rooms' storage closet* atsushi: ....s-sorry about all that. sayaka: it's alright. stuff like that happens all the time here. ^^ Montgomery: "Yo, Tiger! You just going to stand there and drench the floor or move it?!" *tosses towel at his face* atsushi: s-sorry! >////<;; Montgomery: -\\\\- *opens the door to the changing room, shutting it behind her* -elsewhere- Kid: "Students seem to be acclimating themselves." liz: yeah. Kid: "And how are you, Liz?" liz: doing well. you? Kid: *sighs* "It's...feeling more real, working with Father..." liz: *smiles* Kid: "...Did you think it would be like, five years ago?" liz: hard to think. but y'know. i think you got this. *smiles* Kid: "You don't know how much that means. Thank you, Liz." liz: *pats his back* we're proud of you, kiddo. Kid: "..." Q~Q "Th-Thank you..." -elsewhere- Emine: *holding multiple letters with hearts on them* lin: *pouts* Emine: "This was not my idea: evidently I am 'hotness'?" lin: do you want to show them 'hotness?' Emine: "..." *pulls out his lighter* -elsewhere- Bakugo: o____O ochako: what's up? Bakugo: "My brain feels fried..." momo: have you been sleeping well? Bakugo: "Now that you mention it, no..." *he tries to walk--and stumbles* eijiro: easy there. do you need to see the nurse? Bakugo: "I-I don't know..." *half his body is limp* -elsewhere- Mikuni: *whistling while walking around town* -footsteps- Mikuni: "???!" *turns* -no one- Mikuni: "...Huh." *turns back around* -elsewhere- Dazai: "So, you got her all wet?" atsushi: y-yeah. ranpo: phrasing, BOOM! Dazai: "All because you got Akutagawa and Kyoka excited...You charmer, you. You got a harem." atsushi: IT'S NOT A HAREM!! >////< Dazai: "Three people crushing on you. That's a harem, man. Or do you need more for it to be a harem? Ranpo, how many members does a harem need?" atsushi: DONT ANSWER HIM! >///<# Dazai: "Hee hee...Just teasing. When I was your age, I only wish I had as many people chasing after me...without wanting me dead." atsushi:......... Dazai: "...Oh, to be young again." *pats his head* atsushi: 7-7;;; odasaku: *sweatdrop* you're 22. Dazai: "Now, enough of that--you have a mission!" *hands Atsushi a fashion magazine* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "We get to guard a supermodel!" atsushi: oh. Dazai: "Isn't she just the prettiest? And she specifically asked for your help." atsushi: me? Dazai: "She's had a stalker, so you'll make sure none get near her." atsushi: ah, i see. i'll do my best then! Dazai: "Wait 'til you meet her--she's still talking with the boss in the office--" *The door opens* fukuzawa: -_-; good luck. ???: "Hello~!" *waves* atsushi: um...hello ma'am! i'll do my best! ???: "I'm sure you will! Because I have been so scared with these bad men following me!" *glomps Atsushi* "You won't let me get hurt, right?" atsushi: *choking* grk- daa...zaaai...save....me... *muffled* Dazai: *snaps a pic* "Oh, that's a keeper..." *puts his phone away* "Ma'am? I got your mineral water!" ???: *pulls back from Atsushi* "Yay! Sit down with me, Mr. Tiger Cub!" *drags Atsushi to sit at Kunikida's desk* Kunikia: -_____-;;; -elsewhere- Jacqueline: =\\\\= kim: how was work today? Jacqueline: *stretches* "Exhausting...I lifted books all day...Damn raccoon was running everywhere...Eyes tired starting at the computer...I want a bath..." kim: i'll go set one up for you. Jacqueline: "Thanks..." *takes off her jacket* "How was your work?" -elsewhere- Black Star: *holding a box, which he's wrapping up* -elsewhere- Relan: *gobbling a third bowl of ramen* tamaki: you sure worked up an appetite. Relan: ^\\\\^ "I guess I did...I feel really energized!" shinra: >/////< too cute for words... Arthur: *pokes at his food, listlessly...* *yawns* tamaki: you ok? Arthur: "...I can't get any faster..." tamaki: .... Tsukiyo: "That's just because Benimaru has fast reflexes..." *sneaks food from Tamaki's plate* "You just have to predict his patterns..." fang-hua: *chop* Tsukiyo: >_< "Hey!" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *sitting, arms crossed* gin: you ok? Akutagawa: "The Tiger was getting close to that Guild girl." gin: eh? Akutagawa: "I wanted to brawl with him, not have him trapsing off with her..." gin: .... 7-7; Akutagawa: "How do you convince someone to brawl with you? Perhaps wrestling?" -elsewhere- Rin: *lying on the rooftop* madoka: i brought some rice balls. Rin: *smiles* "Thanks...I'm sure they're tasty..." madoka: how're you feeling? Rin: "...Confused." *bites one* "Why did Dad hide that?" madoka:....im not sure. i dont really know anything about his past. Rin: "Letter is so long that I can't figure it all out yet..." madoka: hmm....*holds his hand* Rin: *pats hers* "Thanks..." madoka: ^^ -elsewhere- Meme: "Tsugumi...Isn't that Anya's friend over there?" tsugumi: hmm? Meme: "The girl with the Russian name...What was it...?" ao: miss yana? yana: *struggling with the crane game* ak! blasted machine! *bangs her fist against it* Meme: "Yo! Having troubles with the Claw?" yana: i got it under control. *drops her quarter* ah! fuck.... *bends down to get it, putting something on the back of the machine* there we go! Meme: "The trick is to hit the button right before the Claw aligns over the toy you want. Which one you trying for?" yana: that one. *a small mouse* *plushie get!* YES! Meme: "Oh, cute mouse!" yana: ^u^ *internally smirking* Meme: "I think Anya is around--you want to show that plushie to her?" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, hold the camera..." *turns into fox form* -elsewhere- atsushi: TT_____TT (thinking: save me plz) ???: "More snacks, please!" atsushi: yes, ma'am.... *trying not to cry* ???: "??? Sweetie? What's wrong?" atsushi: im ok! (thinking: its like she walked out of the kardashian's show and no one knows how to send her back T-T ) ???: =3= "But you look all sad! You shouldn't be sad right now!" atsushi: i didnt sleep much last night TT-TT ???: "Well, that's no good! You need sleep to feel good throughout the day! Is your bed not comfy?" atsushi:.......um.... (thinking: WHY DO I HAVE TO STAY THE NIGHT AND SLEEP IN A PET BED?! IM NOT A PET DAMMIT!) ???: "I could add more pillows?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *struggling to stay awake while reading* mito: *asleep on his lap* Chuuya: "..." *shuts his book, pets Mito* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "Good kitty..." -elsewhere- lana: *unable to sleep* "Touma": "You will do as I say, when I say." lana: *jolts out of bed* !!!.... h-he's not here.... *The room is dark and quiet...A creek is heard on a floorboard* lana: *turns* ?!?! *Nothing is there...* lana:....*whimpers* *Lana's phone: *CHIRP** lana: !!! *checks her phone* *It's a photo of an old-timey phone* lana: ?? *chirp* [I continue to take digital daguerreotypes of this telephone. But I don't know whether the angel waves of the Internetwork are transmitting such images.] lana:.....huh? [um. we can just talk through the text ^^; ] [Yes. But one query: what is 'text'?] lana: ^^; [it's what we're doing right now. ] [I now understand. Thank you. How are you?] lana: [could have been better. *sigh emoticon* ] [What happened? (And how did you make that face appear?)] lana: [just stressed. (i could show you sometime if you want)] [I am sorry. I find reading and tea helps me with stress. (Oh! That would be helpful!)] lana: .... [I am sorry to write at such length at this late hour. And I am sorry how your night is. I hope it improves] lana: ... [thanks, edgar.] [I hope I was of service.] -elsewhere- Montgomery: *screaming into a pillow* anne: ?? Montgomery: "He is such an idiot!" *looks at Anne* "Right?! I mean, he left me--us--behind! Then he embarrasses me!" anne:.... *pap pap* Montgomery: "..." *small hug* "That was infuriating...What is with him...?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *outside, sipping water* louisa: *checking map* ah! here it is...... ._.; Fitzgerald: " 'Wonderful...Manor'...Is that ironic?" louisa: on the bright side, it does have a proper bath and toilet. Fitzgerald: "Well, thank goodness for small favors..." *stares at her* "Books?" louisa: *nods* i've been working on strategies. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Your ability to determine probabilities and make strategies for 'predicting' how to deal with them. Very well: if Alcott, the best ability user in the Guild, is here, then 500 million dollars is small change." louisa: !! ... ./////////. t-thank you lord francis..... um... i have to be alone to do this, so if you dont mind waiting... Fitzgerald: "Not at all." *opens a door* "I'll wait in here." guy: D8 louisa: lord francis! that's the neighbor's room! Fitzgerald: "What?! You mean our base is simply one room? ... Well, still, I'll wait here." louisa: *sweatdrop* -outside death city- girl in bandages: woah! so that's death city? coolio! vampire looking boy: *in the car* girl in bandages: alright, tomorrow first thing, we find ourselves some jobs! vampire looking boy: jooooy. TTuTT -elsewhere in death city- atsushi: TT____TT *waiting* *His phone chirps with a text* atsushi: *examines phone* Dazai: [How's the bodyguarding going, stud~?] atsushi: T-T [nothing happened yet.] Dazai: [oh-ho? 'nothing'?] atsushi: [as in no sign of the stalker! -_-] *looks out window* Dazai: [well, keep your eyes open, Tiger--counting on you!] *One person walking along the street...* atsushi:... [alright.] *The person vanishes* atsushi: .... *knocks on the door* ma'am? are you alright? Model: "Wh-What?" atsushi: are you ok? Model: "F-Fine!" *a loud sniff can be heard inside* atsushi: !!! *SLAMS DOOR OPEN* Model: "Eek!" *tosses a sheet over part of the bed...she's in her underwear and a t-shirt* atsushi: *shuts eyes* I'M SO SORRY MA'AM! >/////<;;; Model: "You should be!" *throws a pillow at him* *Something crunches outside* atsushi: !!!!! *goes to check* *The stranger is there...holding a camera...peeping through the window* Stalker: o_o;;;; atsushi: YOU! *runs to the window and lunges at the stalker* Model: "?!! W-T-F?!" *ducks behind the bed* Stalker: "AAAH!" *tries to run...* atsushi: *TACKLES* oh no you dont! Stalker: "Ow!" *the camera lands on the grass* "My camera!" Model: *putting on her bathrobe...hides the stuff on her bedsheet again, runs outside* atsushi: *has him pinned down* oh no you dont! Model: *exits, spots Atsushi on top of the Stalker...* .\\\. Stalker: "I wasn't doing nothing! You can't prove nothing!" atsushi: *checks the camera, still having him pinned down* *The photos show the Model inside, changing her clothes...and laying out a bag with a white substance, a mirror, and a rolled up dollar bill* atsushi: ?! holy shit. Model: "Wh-What is it?" *trying to look over Atsushi's shoulder* atsushi: ma'am....can we go inside now? i got this guy.... *looks at the stalker* Model: "...Okay?" Stalker: ._.;;;; "Don't tell my mom!" atsushi: *whispers* dont worry, i have a plan... Stalker: "???" -later when the authorities arrive- officer: anything else? Model: *smiling at Atsushi* Stalker: D: "I CAN'T GO TO JAIL!" atsushi: i noticed a weird smell in her room... Model: O_O;;; officer: really? ma'am? mind if we have a look-see? Model: "Y-Yes, I do! My room is a mess, and you don't have a warren!" officer: it's 'warrant'. also, we dont judge for messy rooms. unless there's something you're hiding? Model: O_____O;;;; "...I left out my vibrator on my bed." officer: ma'am... we dont judge for that either. you sure dont want us getting in there... Model: "M-My room is none of your business, everything is fine! This boy is just imagining smells! I bet he has an awful scent of smell!" atsushi: -_-; officer: ma'am. if you dont mind coming down with us to answer some questions- Model: "Wh-Why?! I haven't done anything! This little punk was spying on me in my room!" officer 2: is that right? and could you explain this? *shows the picture on the camera* Model: o___________o "...That is PhotoShopped." officer: on a digital camera? *raises brow* Model: "..." *glares at Atsushi* "I want my lawyer." -and so, after the investigation, she was put into rehab- atsushi: so....um....camera kid- Camera Kid: *cowering away* "Wh-What?!" atsushi: how did you find out about this? Camera Kid: Q~Q "If I tell you, am I going to jail?" atsushi: well, you're still just a student, so i think the worst they'd do is make you do community service. Camera Kid: "...I've been following Honeycrisp for a month now when I saw her assistant stop by the corner behind my house to buy some cocaine from my classmate Winnie--" atsushi: *listening* Camera Kid: "And I thought, 'Hey, a tabloid would be up for that stuff!' They love that stuff! And they pay! I could buy...buy..." atsushi: ?? Camera Kid: "J-Jewelry..." atsushi: hmm... Camera Kid: "For M-Mama..." atsushi: .....so you went with your gut then? Camera Kid: "..." *shrug* "Hasn't killed me yet." atsushi: .....*small smile* i decided to go with my gut too when i told the officers about the smell. Camera Kid: QWQ "Th-Thank you, Mister!" *takes his hand, shakes it* "I won't forget this!" -and so- atsushi: and that's what happened. Kunikida: "...And you just...let the supermodel...with the money...get taken by police..." atsushi: well, she got the help she needs now... fukuzawa:.....you did what you believed to be the right thing, despite orders given........good job. Dazai: *pats Atsushi's head* "Yep!" atsushi:...*smiles* odasaku:....good job, kiddo. atsushi: thanks od-....thanks. Dazai: "And just think--when she gets out of rehab, I'm sure she will thank you!" -morning- louisa: *asleep, multiple strategies written out* Fitzgerald: *returning, with a cup of tea, muttering* "That 'hot plate' is not 'hot,' nor is it a decent 'plate.' I'll have to--??? Alcott?" *nudges her shoulder* louisa: I WASNT SLEEPING ON THE JOB! O-O Fitzgerald: "...I assume you were not--that would mean you were working over-time, and I can't afford to pay you for that right now." louisa: r-right... i got several strategies written down... *yawns* perhaps a walk might do some good for me... Fitzgerald: "Excellent! I can pick up items we'll need." -on her walk- louisa: ... (thinking: hard to believe its autumn already... ) .... *notices something* -a dead sparrow- louisa:....*small frown* ???: oh no. -a girl with bandages goes over to the bird- girl: it's ok lil fella, i'll fix you right up! louisa: um...i...i dont think...there's anything...you can do for it... girl: hmmn? *smiles* dont worry, i got this! *picks up the bird* [ability; frankenstein] -a soft glow appears, and the bird is okay- louisa: !! girl: hehe, all better~! bird:....*starts attacking her* girl: good as new! louisa: D8 girl: what? louisa: t-that was- girl: oh! that was my ability! i can bring back dead animals! pretty cool, right? louisa: so you're an ability user as well. girl: EH?! YOU TOO?! YAY! boy: *pant pant* th-there....there you are, mary....*pant pant* mary: hmm? oh, bram! this girl's an ability user too! bram: oh? how... *pant pant* nice....phew... louisa: um...yes...uh...and you two are...? mary: *gives her a card that says 'Stoker and Shelly; general freelancing'* freelance ability users! we'll take any job you have for us, even if we suck horribly at it! bram: 7_7; louisa:....*idea* um...w-would you two...come with me? -and so, back at the wonderful manor- louisa: lord francis! i've recruited two new members for the new guild! Fitzgerald: *holding a large bag* "Excellent!" mary: nice to meet ya, mr fitz! bram: ....h-hello... mary: what's in the bag there? Fitzgerald: "Oh, hello! I got supplies for our new headquarters!" *pulls out a pot* mary: cool! louisa: ^^; Fitzgerald: "And more!" *pulls out two of the same pot* louisa: j-just how many... ._.; Fitzgerald: "They had a three for one sale! Sales! I forgot how fascinating they are!" bram: *sweatdrop* i thought this guild was....a lot different than this.... louisa: um...a-a lot has happened in the past months.... Fitzgerald: "We downsized." bram:....i can.....see that.... mary: cozy! ^u^ Fitzgerald: "While you were out, I was reviewing plans..." louisa: y-you were? o///o Fitzgerald: "Number 82!" louisa: eh? -one jumpcut later- -an old shed- glasses man:....*sigh* it'll all be over soon now.... -he has a bottle of plating solution and jack Daniels out- ???: "Plating solution? Hardly a decent last drink." glasses man: ?!?! w-who- Fitzgerald: "Don't mind me, Old Sport--just observing." glasses man: ?!?! h-how did you-?! Fitzgerald: "Don't mind me--I'm just observing. Good show on the choice for suicide: self-inflicted gunshot wounds are trite." glasses man: .... Fitzgerald: "When you drink, first your throat and stomach will burn and dissolve. Then there's the unquenchable thirst, ceaseless vomiting, until your organs dissolve...In Layman’s terms; you’re going to have a bad time." glasses man:........ Fitzgerald: "And still, you will be cursed, Dr. Eckleburg...Murderer." eckleburg: I DIDNT DO IT! Fitzgerald: "The video doesn't lie. The video system you yourself designed..." eckleburg: i-i couldnt have done it....yes, we did have a disagreement, and i went to drink it off....i must have collapes and i awoke in front of the building covered in blood...b-but it wasnt me! Fitzgerald: "...Hmm? Oh, sorry." *was staring at his smartphone* "GASP! She was busted for possession?!" eckleburg: D8< Fitzgerald: "Be that as it may, whether you are a criminal or not is not my concern: I will get you acquitted. For a price." eckleburg: r-really? Fitzgerald: "Yes. You will pay me the codes to the individual identification system that you developed." eckleburg: ??? j-just what are you, some kind of detective? Fitzgerald: "Please. I don't do cheap work. I'm a fixer. With powers an ordinary person doesn't have and personal connections, I distort the truth." eckleburg: so you're with the media? Fitzgerald: "Please--I have some self-respect. Now, you have a choice: give up your codes, which will pay me quite well, or the plating solution. Pick your poison." eckleburg: ..... -elsewhere- Giovanni: *inhales* "This is better." *looks at the others assembled* lisa: ...... Sho: *stares at Lisa* "...That is not the dress code." guruna: i wonder what the boss will have to say, kurukurukuru~ lisa:.... seraphim: you havent said a word since you got here... demon get your tongue? Giovanni: "No, I don't keep organs in jars. I put them in the freezer." dahlia:... arrow: ... Giovanni: "...I mean, when does the meeting start?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Damn...That's a lot of new tech." maki: ^u^ isnt it great? pusupusu: pususu~! ^o^ Vulcan: "??? The other one looks...kind of pissy." meramera: merame! >u< Vulcan: "...And why do you give your flames faces?" maki: it adds to the cuteness! plus the 8th needs a mascot! Vulcan: "...Do the other Brigades have mascots? Like, I don't see some flower as the symbol for the 5th..." -mahasset security office- Fitzgerald: *sets down his tea* "Tepid. Shows the slovenly quality of this company." mr buchanan: my apologies. now, why exactly are you here? Fitzgerald: "I'll get your former subordinate, Dr. Eckleburg, off on the murder charge. You will give me $10,000 as a completion bonus." mr buchanan: and how do you intend to do that? Fitzgerald: "I am a man of persistence--with connections to erase this crime." Lmr buchanan: ....impossible. the security system caught that 4-eyed cretin in the act. we cant afford to save a simple employee. he's the one who started the mess, so it's best to nip it at the bud, am i right? Fitzgerald: "...'Cretin.' If you're going to insult him, do it properly." louisa:... mr buchanan: is that all you wanted?....i see we have no further business here. daisy, if you mind showing mr fitzgerald out. daisy: understood, sir. Fitzgerald: ("Treating a subordinate in such manner...") "How unpleasant." *stands and brushes aside Daisy* "I'm leaving." louisa: *exits along with him* Fitzgerald: *looks around to see whether he is alone with Louisa* "..." louisa: sir? -no one else around- Fitzgerald: "Investigate this incident from the other side. This chairman knows something." louisa: hmmm... -later- rowena: *waiting outside school* Poe: *running, panting, then stops in front of her, bending down and trying to catch his breath...waves* rowena: you seem to be in a hurry, brother, did something happen? Poe: *nods* "Th-The Guild!" rowena: eh? Poe: *holds up a file* "Case! Solve it! Murder!" rowena: ah! so you're going to solve a murder case! *shiny eyes* Poe: "I-I didn't want to...But I wasn't willing to turn down Alcott, my 'comrade in shyness'..." rowena: i see. i wish i could have met her when she was here. perhaps another time... Poe: "I-I'm sorry to do this, but I have to stop by the Agency..." rowena: *frowns* the esper? Poe: "??? You mean Ranpo?" rowena: *nods* you said he doesnt have a gifted ability, but still manages to pull such impossible feats...he must be an esper! Poe: ._.;; "...Okay, let's go with that. In any case, I was going to have him look at the file--" rowena: eh? you're going to ask him? werent you a detective as well? Poe: .____.;;; "...He beats me. All the time." rowena: be honest with me. when was the last time you did _actual_ detective work? Poe: ._____.;;;; "...Writing murder fiction is kind of detective work..." rowena: >3< brotheeeer im being serious here! Poe: *covers his face* "I'm no good at this anymore!" rowena: .... *cheek tug* you're being foolish brother! >n< Poe: TT~TT "What would you have me do?!" rowena: i know you'll find a way. *smiles* i never stopped believing in you. Poe: Q~Q "R-Really?": rowena: *nods* ^^ Poe: *sniff, wipes his nose* QWQ "...Okay! Let's do it!" rowena: yay! but we'll need a plan first. -that night- rowena: *in a janitor's uniform* Poe: *wearing a mustache* "...Maybe this is a bad idea. I should go check on Karl--" rowena: no turning back now! >3< Poe: "!!! Okay! Okay! ...This is the room..." rowena: *looks around. no one*..... hmmmm... *takes the keys out* Poe: "How did you get the keys?" rowena: someone dropped them off for me at the dorm. not sure who. Poe: "!! Don't you find that...suspicious?" rowena: *nods* but it's convenient. -they're in. the room is empty- Poe: "???" rowena: alright. let's begin. Poe: *nods, putting on a glove and removing a UV light* rowena: *keeping guard* Poe: *spots a computer, looks it over...turns it on* *Computer startup chime* Poe: D8 rowena: o.o; *No one has arrived...yet?* Poe: Q~Q *waits for the computer to start up* *The computer appears with a set of users: "Buchanan," "Daisy," "Eckleburg," "Casper"* rowena: ?? Poe: *whispers* " 'Casper'? Was that the name of the deceased coworker...?" *looks at the keyboard* "...What is the password...?" rowena: dust for prints? Poe: *whispers* "Brilliant!" *removes the dust and holds the UV light to see which keys were typed* "Hmm...Wait...0-1-E-T-U-S-G...That spells..." *types* -guest01- *chirp, as Eckleberg's system appears...with a lot of coding* Poe: o_o;;; "This...is beyond me..." *hits a key and the surveillance system comes up* Poe: "That's...video of the murder?" rowena: hmm? *remove filter* !!!! Poe: *small gasp* "Oh no...It's a technology hex that changes people's faces!" rowena: *sweatdrop* -later- lana: zzzzz.... Poe: *unlocks the door, enters--* "!!!" *clutches a hand over his mouth, just staring at Lana* lana: zzzzzz.... Poe: "..." *removes his hand from his mouth* ("The moonlight brings out the fine qualities of her skin. That is not to ignore those flaws to it--but they are flaws that enrich the texture, like the lines on marble.") *tiptoes up to her...* lana: *shifting slightly* zzzzz.... Poe: ("This bed is not fit for such an angel...Granted, the guest bedroom is not, either, but it will be of more comfort than this couch...") "..." .\\\. ("HOW DO I TAKE HER TO THE GUEST BEDROOM WITHOUT HAVING TO TOUCH HER?!") lana: *small yawn* zzzzz Poe: ("...You can do this, Edgar. Just be gentle...Gentle...") "..." *carefully puts his fingers under her back and knees...* lana: *small sleep sounds* Poe: *lifts slowly...he's holding her in his arms* .\\\\\\. ("...MOVE YOUR LEGS, EDGAR! MOVE YOUR BLASTED LEGS!") *takes a step forward--and hears a floorboard creek* o\\\\\\\o;;;; lana: *leaning her head against him, smiling a bit* Poe: O\\\\\\\\\O;;;;;;;; ("I FEEL HER BREATHING ON MY CHEST! WHAT DEVILRY IS THIS?!") *slides past the floorboard, reaches guest room door, which is ajar, and enters...approaches the bed...slowly sets her down* lana: zzzzz... Poe: *completes setting her down...tucks her in...adjusts her pillow* lana: =w= Poe: *stares...smiles* ("Good night...") -morning, during the trial of dr eckleburg- Buchanan: *seated in the audience...smiling* judge: has the verdict been reached? Jury Foreman: "Yes, your honor. We-" -SLAM- eckleburg: ?? Fitzgerald: "OBJECTION!" judge: eh? jury person: who the hell is that guy? judge: we're in the middle of a trial here! D8< Juror #3: "That's that guy from the video game--Professor Layton!" juror 4: *facepalms* judge: if you dont leave this courtroom, i'll find you in contempt and have you thrown in jail! Fitzgerald: "_I_ decide the rules of any room in which I enter! The daydreams of a child at recess are more believable than this farce--so listen to me, you fools!" *holds up a digital recorder--and presses play* voice: 'fine, i'll write you the check. but you forget about what i said about the backdoor and the murder, alright?' buchanan: !!!!! eckleburg: !!!! Fitzgerald: "Yes! This iRys audio recorder (buy one, get three free) captured the entire conversation!" buchanan: t-that must have been some actor speaking! Fitzgerald: "And an actor also signed this check, payable to me, with your signature, for $400,000?" buchanan:.........*JAWDROP* D8 Fitzgerald: "My work here is done. But feel free to continue this farce." *waves as he exits the courtroom* buchanan: *chasing after him* YOU SON OF A BITCH! *collar grab* you're going to throw all that money away for some absurd sense of justice?! neither the check or recording can be used as evidence! they cant prove it was me! Fitzgerald: *smacks away Buchanan's hand* "First, the recording is permissible--I am not a police officer. Second, your behavior is outing you already as guilty. Third..." *small laugh* " 'Justice'? Please. This was about your stocks." buchanan: ??? w-what are you- Fitzgerald: "Just the rumor of you being a murderer is enough to make your stocks plunge. It's already begun..." *holds up a phone, showing the stock market* "I already did short-selling of your stock, grossing 400 million dollars. By tomorrow, your company's stock will be worthless. That was Alcott's plan from the start." buchanan: .....*falls to his knees in shock* you got to be kidding me... all my years of work... -he throws a punch at fitzgerald- Fitzgerald: *catches the punch* buchanan: ?!?!?! Fitzgerald: *$1,000 hand squeeze* buchanan: *SCREAMS IN PAIN* officer: hold it right there! *glares at buchanan* Fitzgerald: "Attempted physical assault...Officer, please be sure to investigate that along with his other crimes." *turns and heads for the exit* -elsewhere- karl: *prodding lana's face* lana: *yaaawn* hmmm? *The scent of tea is coming from the kitchen* lana: *streeetch and heads over* morning edgar... thanks for- *ahem* thanks. 7///7; *taking a seat* so, how did the job go last night? Poe: .\\\\. *he's in an apron baking muffins* "Y-You're welcome...I...It went well. Got the information we needed, my sister and I." *nervous small laugh* lana: ^^ Poe: *sets out tray of muffins* "...Walnut maple muffin?" -elsewhere- louisa: *looking at phone*..... !!!! Fitzgerald: "???" louisa: oh goodness..... -article; family of two murdered in home.- Fitzgerald: "...Oh no..." louisa: how terrible... *holding back tears* -elsewhere- yosano: *reading the paper* victims were chad carson and veronica mckaul-carson... Dazai: "...One of those interviewed by us..." ranpo: *examining autopsy photos* look at the cuts on their necks....they were cut where major arteries are. so the killer had a fairly good sense of knowledge on the human body. and a scalpel was used to do the deed, given the size of the cuts. Dazai: "..." *stares at Yosano* yosano: D8< ranpo: they had a security camera installed. maybe we should check that out? Dazai: *nods* "Let's go." atsushi: right behind you. -and so- Dazai: "Got the video?" atsushi: *nods* -the video shows the couple relaxing at home and someone arrives. a young lady with dark hair. the three talk while the dark-haired woman goes out of the frame. she then returns with tea for the two. – atsushi: ...... -after some time passes in the video, the man collapses and the other woman sits down. the dark-haired woman pulls something from her bag; a scalpel. she then goes over to the man, and slashes his throat as the other woman begins screaming in horror- atsushi: !!!! Dazai: "That's her, isn't it? I remember asking..." -the two seem to be talking, before the dark-haired woman finishes the job on the other. she then looks up at the camera, smiling. she seems to be mouthing 'did i do a good job, master fyodor?'- Dazai: "Can you read lips?" atsushi:....*shakes his head* ranpo: *examines the security system; manhasset security* hmm... Dazai: "Spotted something, Detective?" ranpo: i think i heard this company made some face recognition security system. Dazai: *looks closer* " 'Manhasset'...Weren't they in the news?" ranpo: yeah, but who cares about that. *checking the system* -the dark-haired woman is identified... 'Zoey Lewis'- atsushi:....she looks different from the photo... Dazai: "Yeah--crazy eyes." atsushi: *examines the file*.....wait....isnt this that woman who went missing?! Dazai: "Yep...And she just killed the nurse who was trying to find her." atsushi: *gulp* Dazai: "Ranpo, you know anyone who can read lips? Or someone at Manhasset?" -two days later- eckleburg: i just wanted to thank you so much for all you've done, mr fitzgerald. Fitzgerald: *seated in his new corporate office, reading the newspaper* "How is your reinstatement going?" *pulls out shopping advertisement* eckleburg: well, my work has increased substantially. but it's better than life in prison. *chuckles* Fitzgerald: "The real crime would be to let your talent go to waste...And with the resources of this company now in my hands, especially your Eyes of God, all will help me in my search..." *takes the advertisement, stands, moves towards the exit* -elsewhere- zoey: ......*blankly staring at her scalpel* .....ehehe.... FD: "You did very well." zoey: ah~ *blush* FD: *takes the scalpel from her hand* "And what do you feel after what you did?" zoey:....as long as.....it pleases you....it doesnt really matter how i feel.... FD: *kisses her forehead* "That was the correct answer~" yana: *rolls eyes and gags* FD: "Did you complete all other work that needed to be done in your former friend's house?" -elsewhere- Izuku: "We're not really on-the-ground police...but you think this was a normal killing?" ochako: i dont know. but it's scary to think about. [all might: the villains who stand out are dangerous, but its the ones that lurk in the shadows you should really keep your guard up against...] Izuku: *balling up his hands into fists, shaking* "I-I hope that this killer is pulled from the shadows...because we should stop them!" -elsewhere- Dr. John: "..." *sips her alcohol, shakes* sachiko: ....damn.... Dr. John: *shakes her head* "I-I should have seen this coming..." sachiko: .....*sigh* i will be paying my respects... Dr. John: "...Sachiko?" sachiko: hmm? Dr. John: "...I need DWMA protection." sachiko: ?? melinda? Dr. John: *shakes her head* "I-I can't talk here...Can't you get me inside the school?" sachiko: ...i'll see what i can do.. -elsewhere- Mori: "Well, well, well, this is no good..." naoya: nyeh? Mori: *holds up an empty box of cereal* "We need more. ...What did you think I meant?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...Troubling." kirako: *nod* Kunikida: "We were assigned to find this woman, now she is killing people? What would provoke this reaction? Hallucinogens?" kirako: who can tell.... Kunikida: "Any word from Dazai and Ranpo?" kirako: nothing yet... Kunikida: "Call me the minute they contact you. I will meet with the company boss." kirako: *nods* Kunikida: *approaches boss's door* -elsewhere- Kid: "Father? What is it?" -elsewhere- Rin: "Zzz..." madoka: zzzz....*snuggle* Rin: *cuddles* madoka: =/////= Rin: *kisses her cheek in his sleep* -elsewhere- Hyde: *passed out, dosed in holy water* x___x -elsewhere- Kuro: *asleep atop a stack of textbooks* -elsewhere- Anya: =\\\\= *sigh of relief* tsugumi: hmm? Anya: "A bath is so good..." tsugumi: yeah. mio: oh, and your friend from school won you something in the claw machine. Anya: "???" -elsewhere- yana:.....*glances at the incubator* -inside resembles a small newborn- yana:...soon enough... FD: "Any idea for a name?" yana: *shrug* FD: "Well, keep at it." *pats her head* yana: *nod nod* FD: "Want me to bring other materials? I'm sure Zoey can find some more meat--" yana: i-it'll be fine. *sweatdrop* FD: *shrugs* "Whatever works..." -elsewhere- Shima: *eating a sandwich* -staaaaare- Shima: *suddenly tense* "I KNOW YOU ARE OUT THERE! AND IT WON'T WORK!" *picks up his weapon--and a slip of paper* -silence- Shima: "..." *puts away the paper* unagi: *staaaaare* Shima: *but still clutches his weapon--and dives at a tree* "There you are!" unagi: eep! >-< Shima: "??? Snake priestess?" unagi: <pink haired devil....> 7///7;;; Shima: "?! Hey...What's with that face?" unagi: <.....you have cursed me...> Shima: "???" <...How did _I_ curse you?> unagi: <ever since that night....i've had.....strange feelings....> 7/////7 Shima: <'That night'?> (" 'Strange'?") unagi: <you came in the dead of night, playing that instrument and professing such feelings for me...> Shima: "..." *claps, laughs* <Oh, yeah! Now I remember when I--> "!!!" o\\\\o "...Oh..." unagi: ./////. Shima: o\\\\o <...And you've been...spying on me?> unagi: >->;;;; Shima: <...What did you see me doing?> -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "Now, hold the camera..." *in fox form, who then bounces over to Hikage and Hinata* hinata + hikage: *pose* -snap- reimi: got it! Mr. Tsubaki: ^^ "Great! Thank you. Now I just have to finish cooking..." -elsewhere- Higan: "Just got the finishing touches to do..." -elsewhere- Tool: *staring at a 'pet turtle' display at a pet shop* "..." io: O.O Tool: "...Who did this to you, you majestic creatures?" turtle: ^o^ Tool: "...I want a turtle sanctuary..." saki: ^^; Pet Shop Employee: "Sir, may I help--" Tool: *aims sickle at him* "Release. The turtles." Pet Shop Employee: ._.; saki: tuhl, lets put the sickle down. ^^; -elsewhere- Poe: *shaking* owo karl: zzzzz =w= Poe: ("I-I managed to stay calm, have a conversation face-to-face without making a fool of myself...") *instantly spills his tea* D8> karl: *licks the tea* Poe: *lays out a towel rag to soak up the rest* "St-Still not as bad as it could be..." -elsewhere- Emine: *doing homework* "..." -elsewhere- Yohei: -_-; "Stop splashing, kiddo--you're getting more water on the floor than yourself." *holds up squeaky bath toy* toru: uu! ^o^ chie: ^^ *washing toru's hair* Yohei: *silly voice* "Does Toru want Mr. Rubber Ducky?" toru: dukky! chie: ^^ Yohei: "Quack quack quack!" toru: XD Yohei: *squeezes the duck, which makes a squeaky sound* -elsewhere- Bon: *grunts* -elsewhere- mito: zzzzz Chuuya: *petting her, while he looks at photographs* -photos of a younger chuuya and kouyou- Chuuya: ("I was so tiny...unlike now.") mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "She...keeps looking out for me." mito: =w= Chuuya: "...I should do something for her." -elsewhere- Dazai: *standing on his head* atsushi: ?? Dazai: "Helps me think..." atsushi:.....oookay then. Dazai: "Zoey...Hospital...What's the link? Those people missing from the hospital..." atsushi: .......kyouka told me about a man on the camera from earlier? Dazai: "??? A man?" atsushi: *nods* she said you saw a man in the camera at a restaurant? Dazai: *sighs* "Difficult ID'ing him...Looks familiar..." atsushi: hm..... Dazai: "There was one guy I met that looked like him...Even with the tech, it looked blurry." atsushi: hmmm.... Dazai: *sighs, lying down on the floor* "Whoever this guy is, he's hiding his tracks..." -underground- yana: *checking her phone* hmm. seems the 1st brigade handled some stuff i could care less about. FD: "Well, you know, the news needs to cover random stuff to fill up the pages..." *looks over her shoulder--and spots a photo of the 1st--* "!!! Well, _this_ is an interesting development…” barkova: *barking at the photo, drool dripping from her teeth* FD: *pats Barkova's head* "You recognize her too, huh, girl? Our old friend..." yana: hmm? you know these guys? FD: *points to Dia* "One in particular..." yana: hmmm.... {young!dia: *staring in horror, unable to speak*} {FD: *quiet laughter, blood dripping from his hand*} yana: so do we do something about it or just stick with the plan? FD: "Hmm..." *holds up two hands* "Stick to the plan...or have some fun with an old friend...?" barkova: o^o FD: "Meh. Guess it's more responsible to stick to the plan." yana: ah. zoey:...... FD: "I'll finish up the look at the security system. Yana, keep me updated on the little parasite." yana: *nods* FD: "Come along, <my dear>." zoey: of course~ FD: "Time to complete this new software..." *sits at desk* -elsewhere- Spirit: *looking through files* marie: *examining papers* Spirit: "You having any luck?" marie: nothing..*sigh* Spirit: "Nothing either...Sachiko seemed shaken by this..." marie: well, it happened to a coworker, so it's hard not to be...i can kind of relate....the DWMA faces dangerous things all the time....even jo-....*bites her lip* Spirit: *pat pat* marie: *sniff* t-thank you.... Spirit: "Take five...I'll keep looking." marie: n-no, i'll be ok... *wipes eye* Spirit: "...Okay. Let me take this file..." *opens it* -elsewhere- izumi: ...... Montgomery: "Hey...You okay? izumi: yeah....just worried about my mom.... Montgomery: "Oh...She's a doctor, right?" izumi: a nurse, but yeah... Montgomery: "What has she been dealing with?" izumi: stress about this whole murder thing....it was one of her coworkers who died... Montgomery: "Oh...That one in the news? I'm sorry..." izumi: yeah...i dont know how im able to help...she's....been through a lot in life. Montgomery: "...I wish I knew what to say...Not exactly familiar with 'family life'..." izumi: ....sorry to hear that. Montgomery: *shrug* "It happens...Maybe your mom just wants to know you're there?" izumi:...*nods* yeah... Montgomery: "...Does she ever have a lunch break that you could stop by during your lunch break?" izumi: maybe. it might help. Montgomery: "..." -\\\- "Not like I'm looking for more business at the cafe or anything..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "All set." naho: they're gonna love this! Belkia: "Hee hee..." naho: *looks at the banner* -happy birthday tsubaki and lilac- Sakuya: "...Be nice if we had heard from someone else..." naho: hmm? Sakuya: "...Mr. Tsubaki is nowhere to be heard about Lilac?" naho: ....im sure he'll send something. *smiles* Sakuya: "...Better not be lying..." lavender: mail call. Belkia: *claps his hands* "Something for me?" lavender: it's from asakusa? Sakuya: "?!!" naho: *opens the box* there's a letter and a picture in here! *Letter: "To my subclass Lilac: I am sorry I am not there to wish you the happy birthday that you deserve." *inside are chocolate-covered orange slices* naho: awww... Sakuya: *removes another letter* "It's to...Tsubaki." -_-;;;; naho: oh. T_T; lavender: well her birthday is coming up too, so. naho: oh! right! OwO;; Sakuya: "...Do we have to give this to her? It's probably creepy..." tsubaki: hmm? is something going on? Sakuya: "!!!" *hides letter* ^^;; -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *humming* -someone watches from a distance- Twain: *peering through binoculars* girl in overalls: soooo, what're we doin? *swinging on a tree from what looks like a spider thread* girl in glasses: mr steinbeck told us to monitor fitzgerald's next move. man in pink: hard to believe he's head of a security company now. still no clue where nate, margie and eddie are. i hope they're ok... Twain: "Shh!" -they shut up- -peeeeek- Fitzgerald: *sets down his tea* "Hmm...But the other store had peanut butter at a much lower cost..." bram: hmm.. louisa: this is nice ^^ mary: duuuude, they got croutons and everything! Fitzgerald: "??? You like croutons?" mary: yeah, plus the word sounds funny ^^ bram:...ah. *sips tea* Fitzgerald: "Remind me again about your abilities?" mary: i can bring dead animals back to life! i think it has something to do with sending a shock to their soul wavelength or something? and bram can create and control his blood to his whims. he can even make weapons out of it! bram:..... *coughing up blood* urk- louisa: D8 Fitzgerald: "..." *offers a napkin* bram:....t-thanks.... -___- man in pink: oh no! the poor dear. D8> Fitzgerald: *looking at Bram...* bram:....i-its....a side effect...th-that happens a lot.... Fitzgerald: "Ah. Well, we can't have that. Louisa, I think we'll need more orange juice." girl in overalls: who're those guys? Twain: "...New players?" girl in overalls: neato! Twain: "Shh!" girl in overalls: OwO Fitzgerald: "We will have to make room for you in this operation, give you work as we proceed with plans..." mary: okay ^^ Fitzgerald: "And what do you want in exchange?" mary: all we're looking for is a roof over our heads and something to do. bram: i suppose we're just looking for some place to call home. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...Louisa, do you have a plan for using them?" -elsewhere- Poe: ^^;; karl: O.O~? Poe: "I was so busy daydreaming I forgot what I was doing..." *sets out Karl's food* karl: ^u^ *nom nom nom* Poe: *pet pet* "Now to make dreams into realities..." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *her head is on fire* .\\\\. kim: *has the extinguisher out* Jacqueline: "J-Just do it already!" -PWSSSSSH- Jacqueline: *covered in foam* ._. "...Thank you." -elsewhere- Mephisto: *setting out coffee and treats* -elsewhere- Arthur: "Have at thee!" sayu: HYA! Arthur: *swings his blade on a low-flame* "I will get you!" sayu: *dodge and kicks him in the junk from behind* Arthur: X_____X *collapses* -elsewhere- Rin: "You can do it, Madoka!" madoka: *hitting targets* shura: *smiles*....... shiemi: way to go, miss kaname! ^o^ Rin: *claps* "Woo!" shura: ..... (thinking: this damn kid's gonna get us in so much trouble...) -elsewhere- Vulcan: *fixing walkie-talkie* "Okay, can you hear me now?" maki: yep, loud and clear. Vulcan: "Awesome..." *walks around* "Surprised you guys let them go to such ill-repair." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." *he's in a closet, shirtless...* ???: *sniffle* Hawthorne: "..." *takes out a chain...* young!hawthorne: *staring at him, bloodstained* Hawthorne: "...Stop that...I have to atone..." young!hawthorne?:....hehehehe.... Hawthorne: *brings the chain down on his own back* "Shut up!" mitchell:......... Hawthorne: *pants* "I...did this all the time...to make up for my sins..." young!hawthorne?: no one will hear us screaming... im scared. im scared! ahaha! Hawthorne: "Shut up...My faith will guide me..." *whips himself again* young!hawthorne?: *broken smile* you killed that man.....monster. *blood dripping from his head* *Whip* Hawthorne: "Shut up...I will work off this sin..." mitchell:...... Hawthorne: "I will..." *whip* "I will..." *whip* "I..." *his hand trembles...he drops the chain and falls to his knees* -silence- Hawthorne: *his back is bleeding...he collapses to the floor in the fetal position* -silence...- Hawthorne: "God...Mitchell...Make it stop..." mitchell?:...s...sa...ave.....me.... Hawthorne: "?!!!" *turns* mitchell:...... -no reply- Hawthorne: "...Speak to me...Please..." -nothing- {mitchell:...i...l...lo...lo...} {Hawthorne: "???"} -silence- Hawthorne: *whimpers* "...Kill..." mitchell:.... Hawthorne: "Kill...that monster..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." gin: ryu? Akutagawa: "Hmm?" *smiles* "Hello." gin: you ok? Akutagawa: "Of course! Isn't that right, Atsushi?" *holds up tiger plushie* gin:..... Akutagawa: QWQ gin:...*pap pap* ryu... Akutagawa: *hugs* gin: just let it out... Akutagawa: "I-I'm not normal...I'm...What is wrong with me?" gin: what do you mean exactly? Akutagawa: "Normal people don't do this. Normal people don't want to do those things to someone like him..." gin: ?? Akutagawa: "...I'm a stalker. A freak." gin: ....*pats his back*..... Akutagawa: "...I'm gay." gin: there's nothing wrong with that. Akutagawa: "...I'm not doing the right thing, am I?" gin: ... -elsewhere- ango:....hey odasaku....i know you probably cant hear me, but.....i just wanted to say hello.....*sigh* of course you wont answer......after what i've done, you probably hate me too......i couldnt blame you.... Dazai: "..." *crosses his arms* ango: !!....dazai.....good to see you.... Dazai: *waves* "...Had the same thought." ango: .....i had some time off....thought i'd come see an old friend.... Dazai: "Hmm...How's he doing?" ango: ...same as always....*sigh*... Dazai: "..." *shoulder pat* ango: ...you still havent forgiven me, huh? Dazai: *holds up a ruler, points at the top* "This is forgiveness." *points at one-inch* "You're about here. Which, incidentally, is Chuuya's height." ango:...*small chuckle* Dazai: "..." *pats Odasaku's tombstone* "Hope you're getting some rest, buddy." ango:.....*wipes his eyes* Dazai: "??? ..." *offers a hanky* ango: t-thanks........*ahem* so....how's life? Dazai: "My student is kicking ass and getting all the girlies." ango:....sounds dandy. 7_.7; Dazai: "How 'bout you? Work keeping you busy?" ango: yeah. often too busy to find a romantic partner. Dazai: "How about just someone to share your bed for the night?" ango:.... 7____.7; i'd try, but walking into those kind of establishments can be a little....embarrassing....i-if you're gonna flaunt, do it in private. Dazai: "...I meant a friend with benefits." *smirk* "What were you thinking?" ango: i-i wasnt thinking anything sexual! >///.<; Dazai: "Ha ha ha!" ("Like old times...") -elsewhere- Montgomery: *wiping tables* -ding- Montgomery: "Yes, hello. Welcome." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...They are not terrible." fang-hua: *nods* they've come a long way. kirei: *nods* Benimaru: "...Hmm. If you were me, how would you reward them?" fang-hua: hmmm.... hmmmmmm..... *in deep thought* Benimaru: "Perhaps I should remove the weights from their ankles..." fang-hua + kirei: *sweatdrop* Relan: *collapsed on the ground* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "I can't figure out the answer to this question..." *holds up homework* chie: need some help, kiddo? setsuna: ^^ Shotaro: *nods* "I'm supposed to show my work..." -elsewhere- Kid: *folding clothes* stocking: hey kid? i could use some help in here. Kid: "Coming." *approaches* stocking: *tied in ropes* mind helping me out here? it's easier to do this with two people...~ Kid: o\\\\o "...H-How did you even get into this symmetrical mesh of ropes?" stocking: practice~ sooo....~ 7///7 Kid: "..." *smirks* "Why the rush?" *rests a hand along her ankle* stocking: i was hoping to surprise you i guess~ Kid: *slides his hand up her leg* "Consider me surprised..." stocking: ahh~ =///T Kid: "Persuade me to loosen these ropes..." *his hand reaches her hip, his other hand resting just under her arm* stocking: oh~ m-maybe i want them tighter~? Kid: *his hands move to the ropes around her waist* "Like this...?" *tugs* stocking: a-ahhh~<3 Kid: *small groan* "These do accentuate your body's natural charm..." *tightens the ropes on her wrists* stocking: oh~! >///< Kid: "Too tight?" *examines her wrist* stocking: *small smile* i-im ok kid. im not made of glass. Kid: *smiles* "You're right..." *a hand rests over her sex* "Still, I want to hear something shatter..." stocking: mmmn~ >///< Kid: *his finger rests along her there, as he leans his head to her arm--and licks* stocking: *soft moan* Kid: *his other hand holds one of her breasts* "These ropes make them look all the more seductive..." stocking: ahh~ Kid: *buries himself in the crook of her neck, kissing her--as his fingers squeeze her nipple* stocking: kiiid~! Kid: "Say you want it..." *he bites her neck lightly* stocking: a-ahh! k-kid! please! Kid: *unbuckles his pants, sliding them and his boxers down, as he holds her wrists* "Say 'pretty please with sugar on top'..." stocking: p-pretty please with sugar on top, babe~? Kid: *smiles, as he removes a condom* "You got it..." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, napping* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- mafura:....~? Touma: "Quite a nice day, is it not, Tsurugi?" tsurugi: it certainly is, mr touma, sir~! ^^ Touma: "Indeed..." *pats Mafura's head* "Perhaps it is a day for some outdoor activities." mafura: yay! ^o^ Touma: "I want you to check in on a friend of mine..." mafura: ok! Touma: "I think you'll like her--she's quite trusting..." -elsewhere- Poe: *holding a plate of cookies* owo;;; ghost child: expecting company? Poe: "Maybe? I don't know. Probably not. You know how people's schedules are...Or how they realize they made terrible mistakes and shouldn't come over to visit." *nervous laughter* -knocks- Poe: owo "!!!" *opens the door* lana: *shaking a bit* hey. Poe: *serious* "Lana? What's wrong?" lana: j-just had some trouble on the way, n-nothing major. ^^ (mafura: mr touma said he wanted to see you again.) Poe: " 'Trouble'? Were you harassed?" lana: .... i-it's fine, really. *wipes eyes* Poe: "..." *holds out a napkin* "It doesn't seem that way..." lana: .... *wipes eyes*.... Poe: "..." *sets down cookies, takes her hand* "Come. Sit down..." lana: *sniff* t-thanks. Poe: "...This does not seem like just 'trouble'...Is this something for the police...or detectives?" lana:...i-i dont know... Poe: "...Did they follow you here?" lana: n-no....i got away... Poe: "And who is 'they'?" lana:... Poe: "...You don't have to tell me. I just...hope I can help, either way." lana:....*tears falling as she trembles* Poe: "!!!" *awkward back pat* -she explains everything. and i mean _everything_- Poe: o________o "...Vampires?" lana: i-i know, it all sounds crazy. hell, even i have a hard time believing it... Poe: "And this man...?" lana: *whimpering* he's making my life a living hell...i dont know what to do... Poe: "...You can't let him do this to you..." lana: i-i know...b-but.. -she explains some more, including that he had intentions on targeting him- Poe: ._. *small voice, points at himself* "Me?" lana:....*trembling* im sorry...he's trying to hurt you because i got close to you...im so sorry....*crying* Poe: "..." *hug* lana: ??!! Poe: "You have nothing to apologize for." lana: b-but i... Poe: "This is beyond you...Whoever this monster is, he is the one responsible, not you." lana:.....*crying into his chest* i just want my life back to normal. without him terrorizing me! Poe: .\\\. *pats her back, stroking* "...You've tried to do this alone...I think you need help..." lana: *trembling, still crying* Poe: "...You can't trust the police on this, if he is this powerful...The Agency...?" lana:...i-i dont know what to do...s-should i lay low? and what if he goes after my dad next? Poe: "...He might. Maybe you both need to be somewhere else." lana:.....where do we go? Poe: .w.;;; "...I have many spare rooms." lana: i-is that a good idea....i-if he finds out where you live... Poe: "I will protect you." lana: ..... *small blush* Poe: .\\\. "A-And we have ghosts here! Ghosts can intimidate the scariest person!" *nervous laugh* lana:....*small laugh* Poe: "So...Um...Think about it?" lana:.....ok..... *small kiss on the cheek* thanks, edgar. Poe: o\\\\\w\\\\\o *his brain has stopped working* "G..." lana:.... ?? edgar? are you ok?! Poe: *passes out on couch* lana:.... ^^; Poe: XWX karl: D8 Poe: "...Tea?" -elsewhere- Kid: =\\\\= stocking: *panting*
0 notes