#i love amy's new moveset and just... being able to play as these other characters again!
notfebruary · 11 months
sonic frontiers dlc has been conquered !
and as is tradition for most(if not all) fully 3D sonic games, the most difficult enemy to conquer on any playable character is the camera angle lmao
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true-blue-sonic · 3 years
Potential spoilers for Sonic 2022/Sonic Rangers and lots of rambles and ideas about how I think the game might work under the cut!
So with the news of Sonic Rangers getting me quite excited indeed, I’ve been mulling over some things, namely: how would an open-world Sonic game actually work? It’s something I’ve seen fans ask for for ages, so it’s great to see that it might get realised! Obligatory side-note: the only true open-world game I have ever played is Breath of the Wild, so all my experience with the genre is based on that game alone.
To get right to the point: from what I know, the main focus of open-world games is being able to explore, explore, explore! Next to beautiful scenery and challenging terrains the world map is littered with sidequests and collectables so you actually have something to travel to, as well. Although Sonic has experience with hub worlds, he’s never had a true open world to play through that wasn’t split up in Zones and Acts. That allows for lots of opportunities, but there are also some things I am very curious about regarding how this will be tackled!
So, the first ‘problem’ of sorts I can come up with is Sonic’s speed. This dude can run at the speed of sound, which for me can cause two potential issues related to his moving speed and world size. We want Sonic to be fast, but we also want a large world, and I can foresee some difficulties there. As such I quickly came up with two scenarios to describe solutions to both: 
In the first scenario, Sonic is… basically Not Fast, in order to be able to keep the world size to more manageable levels. He’ll be kind of like a Lost World!Sonic, where he wasn’t particularly fast either. While it would certainly help the development team with creating the map, since there is less to render and program, I feel like it would be somewhat unsatisfactory to play around in such a limited space with a slow hedgie.
In the second scenario, Sonic can run at Boost-level speeds, but in order for exploring and gameplay to be satisfying the would the world will have to be massive for it to feel like an actual place. If you can run from one edge to the other in minutes at best it’ll likely stifle the sense of immersion and desire to explore that open-world games (should) instil, and just like in the first scenario this wouldn’t feel very rewarding and fun to me either. This scenario will certainly be more of a challenge to realise for the development team, though I do hope they’re taking this route; the more places there are to travel around in, the better!
A second problem I can think of is how Sonic’s speed will influence gameplay. Going by the second scenario where Sonic can run pretty quickly, I fear that it’ll make gameplay, especially the puzzle and platforming sections, quite difficult. No-one likes flinging themselves off a cliff accidentally when trying to go just a bit faster during a puzzle or platforming section, after all! I’d say this is luckily solved easily enough by implementing the controls they had in Lost World (a run button… sorry everyone) combined with the boost mechanics; it would make Sonic able to walk, run at a controllable pace, and boost at high speeds at the same time. Especially with the current consoles it should be possible to give each an individual button, so you don’t go flying off the map when you just want to run slowly instead! And it would make the world more fun too: you can go fast if you so desire, or you can take it more easy and look around if you want while still going at a decent pace.
I was also thinking about what the world itself could look like. One of the problems in ‘06 is its massive hub worlds... with absolutely nothing in them to make them even remotely interesting, nor a way to travel around through them quickly. I do believe this is solved in Rangers by packing the game with puzzles and platforming sections, which would imply that there’s plenty of things to do! That’s assuring, at least for me.
Also, in BotW, one of the main features of exploring is Link’s ability to climb just about anything if the weather is nice. Now, I must say that I really don’t see Sonic as a climber, someone who can realistically scale mountains and high buildings at ease. The leak does say that platforming is involved, though that is not exactly the same as climbing. Maybe we’ll get something parkour-like like we got in Lost World, with Sonic being able to run against walls and thus reaching higher places that wat? It would certainly allow for more opportunities to traverse over the map, while also adding something more original to the genre.  
I have tons of questions too. The main one as of now is if we will be able to play with other characters, e.g. with each having a special power that allows them to explore the world differently? (E.g. Sonic’s faster speed, Tails’ flight, Knuckles’ digging, and Amy’s hammer, to name a few). I’d love that, though I’m not getting my hopes up. Perhaps it is preferable that the development team focuses on Sonic exclusively and give him a solid moveset, instead of needing to program a dozen characters while risking only one or two actually play satisfactory. I’m sure we’ll get more details about that and the alleged human ghost girl soon enough, though! I can’t wait ^-^
This is just my thoughts and what I think might happen in the game! I’m very much looking forward to learning more about it!
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✨Update Zone: Special Stage!!✨
Alright, I’m finally going to compile all of the information revealed during the Livestream, just in case you can’t watch a 3 and a half hour Stream recording XP
⭐️New Details Info Dump: Start!!⭐

*The main Game Dev (CocoaCat57)’s name is Alex, or Alexander :)
*The game has been in production since early January, and is being made in Multimedia Fusion 2.5, AKA Clickteam Fusion 2.5.
*The Demo is based on the Not So Simple Sonic Worlds engine, whereas all future versions will be based on the Sonic Worlds Delta engine.
*The first Demo has Blaze and Super Sonic programmed into the game, but they aren’t accessible without debug mode. This was done to make moving to the Delta engine easier!

*Most of Blaze’s sprites were either heavily edited or completely hand-made.
*Blaze and Shadow’s Idle Animations are completely original. (All other idle animations are either straight from or somewhat edited from the Advance games.)
*Most of Amy’s sprites are retooled to be more consistent in shading.
*If Sonic Advance Revamped is successful, I’d love to make Sonic Advance 2 Revamped, Sonic Advance 3 Revamped, and even a 2D Sidescroller-Style Sonic Battle Revamped, Sonic Rush Revamped, and Sonic Rush Adventure Revamped! At the moment, though, I’m focussing on Advance 1, of course.
*Every Main Character will have a Super Form that you can play as in any level by getting their respective set of Chaos Emeralds, and Super Forms will have upgraded versions of their normal characters’ abilities. For example, Super Shadow might have his Chaos Control ability in place of normal Shadow’s homing attack!
*This includes Amy and Cream, who have never had official Super Forms.
*Super Tails will have Flickies, and hopefully a red cape, akin to Turbo Tails in the Sonic Comics.
*Blaze, of course, would turn into Burning Blaze, and have access to Sol Emeralds as opposed to Chaos Emeralds.

*There are going to be 3 Special Stage locations in every level in the final game.
*If your computer is laggy, the intro sequence won’t work quite properly. Try restarting your computer if this occurs while you’re playing future Demos!
*The game has a Main Menu (akin to Sonic Advance 3)! It includes Story Mode, Mission Mode, Time Attack, Options, and Tiny Chao Garden as menu selections.
*The faint stars on the Main Menu will turn Gold depending on certain achievements you reach.
*In Mission Mode, you play as Team Chaotix and complete specific tasks, similar to Sonic Heroes. Team Chaotix’s actions in Mission Mode are canon to Sonic Advance Revamped’s overall story.
*Team Chaotix themselves are costume characters! This means that they have the same abilities as the base character, but look like another character. Espio is a costume for Sonic, Charmy is a costume for Tails, and Vector is a costume for Knuckles.
*Shadow also has a costume character who is unlocked by beating the Chaotix Mission Mode, but I’m not willing to reveal who it is yet. (No, it’s not Bubsy. No, it’s not Shadow with the Biolizard’s head.)
*You can switch between costumes right on the Character Select menu simply by hitting the [C] Key!
*The Character Select menu has a “Press Down For More Info” feature, which allows you to read what each character’s Special Abilities are before you pick them, if you’d like!
*There’s also an individual Chaos Emerald counter for each character on the Character Select menu. While the Story Mode unlocks levels for each character no matter who you play as (akin to Sonic Advance 3), you have to get the Chaos Emeralds individually for each character if you want to play as that character’s Super Form.
*Special Stages are going to be completely different! In Sonic Advance Revamped, you have to race against Fang the Sniper in Sonic Rivals-inspired levels to get the Chaos Emeralds :O
*My medication alarm went off in the middle of the stream. :^)
*Blaze’s [X] Move is the Boost ability, but once her Boost Gauge has run out, her [X] Move basically becomes Amy’s old Short Hop, likely to be renamed “Pounce” (because Blaze is a cat), so that she has a sort of fake Boost when the Gauge is empty!
*Amy may have a moveset option that lets her retain her Short Hop ability.
*Cream has two playstyles in Sonic Advance Revamped! Cream’s normal playstyle is essentially the same as Sonic Advance 2, with her Flight and Drop abilities intact. However, if you choose her Alternate playstyle, she’ll instead have a Floating ability, similar to her umbrella in Advance 3, which she can open and close at will by holding and releasing the [Z] Key mid-air. Her Alternate play style will also give her Amy’s Normal Jump and Running Dash so that the player has more incentive to use Cheese to attack! I hope this Alternate moveset ends up being fun, and a bit more unique than her Tails-clone-like normal abilities. You’ll be able to switch between Cream’s playstyles by hitting the [Start] button on the Character Select menu :D
*The ideas for Cream’s Alternate playstyle were suggested by Ray the Gaming Squirrel!
*Rouge will make a cameo appearance in Sonic Advance Revamped, which would place the game right behind Sonic Adventure 2, timeline-wise, so that Rouge has a bit better of an introduction to the series in general.
*Similarly, Metal Sonic will play a key role in Sonic Advance 2 Revamped (whenever I get to that) so that he has a better reason for wanting revenge in Sonic Heroes.
*If possible, there will be a feature where you can play with a partner character, Sonic 2 style, and have that partner character be able to be controlled by a second person. While playing as two characters, if you complete a Special Stage, you get that Chaos Emerald for both characters at the same time, rather than just the first character. This can speed up your Emerald hunting quite a lot!
*Blaze may have her Hovering ability as one of her Trick Moves in Sonic Advance 2 Revamped and onwards.
*Similarly, Sonic may get his Drop Dash ability in the form of his Downward Trick Move in Sonic Advance 2 Revamped and onwards.
*If Dr. Eggman ends up as a playable character, he would have his own unique playstyle, but he would be restricted to his own unique Game Mode.
*Silver is not going to be in Sonic Advance Revamped. He will likely end up as a costume character for Cream in Sonic Rush Revamped, when I get to that game.

*Classic Sonic, and other Classic versions of characters, will not be in any of these Revamped games. Same with Boom versions of characters.
*The Tiny Chao Garden will not be able to connect to the GameCube. Keep in mind, this is an original game, not a mod of Sonic Advance for the GBA. :(
*If Voice Clips end up in the game, they’d be optional, and turned off by default.
*I might try and submit the Second Demo to SAGE.
*As soon as the game is complete and released to the public, I’ll make and release spritesheets for each character.
*Modding for the game, however, is very unlikely, mainly due to the fact that I’m working with an open-source engine to begin with, and it’d involve publicly publishing the game’s files.
*The final game’s credits sequence will include every person who contributed to the game, especially sprite-wise.
*I may do more Livestreams in the future, be it on Megapi Central’s channel or on my Sonic Revamped channel, and they’d likely be closer to 1 hour long. :)
⭐️New Details Info Dump: Finish!!⭐
Thank you for reading all of this brand-new information on Sonic Advance Revamped, and possible future titles, too!! I hope you are even more excited and curious about the game’s development. Definitely try to tune in to future Livestreams for the full experience!
Either way, thank you so much for your continued support!!
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