#i love bf chuuya im giggling
neo-shitty · 1 year
“this gifted intruder…manipulates gravity!” 🫦🫦🫦🫦🫦
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sooo...my bf and i just broke up today, and i am crushed, we ended it nicely and all but i really miss him, so if you're up for this request, ranpo(if you write for him) or/and chuuya comforting reader after a breakup, it doesn't have to be romantic, it can be completely platonic, it's all up to you babe💗
muah, i adore your writing 💗
Aw hun, im sorry I didnt get to this sooner :(( I hope you're feeling better and if not, I hope I can help. We've all been there and I totally understand missing an SO even if it ended on good terms. It feels crappy and I'm really sorry. Shameless feel good to the rescue, or so I hope. Enjoy!
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At first glance, Ranpo Edogawa took few things seriously. And he liked that about himself; when most people assume you can't handle responsibility, your time is your own. But even though he was seldom serious, that didn't mean he didn't care; especially not about you. So when you texted him about your breakup, it only took him five minutes to be pounding your door down.
"Come on," he chirped, "It's too nice a day for you to be moping around your apartment."
You rubbed your eyes tiredly, your messy hair hanging in your face. "Ranpo please, I really just wanted to hang with you-"
"And you will," he declared, brushing past you and throwing your curtains open. "But we sure as hell aren't staying in this gloomy ass place. Come on, get dressed, we're leaving in ten."
You knew him better than to just hope he would give up.
15 minutes later, you were dressed and on the move, walking through street markets as the sun beamed above you. And you had to admit, it felt nice; feeling like you could forget about your worries for a while and enjoy yourself. After one hour, you were chatting animatedly as you walked, snacking on fresh strawberries and giggling as the juice ran down your lips. After two hours (and the drinks Ranpo insisted on buying,) the two of you were laughing hysterically, feet bare and digging into the sand of the beach you had found.
"You know," you were oddly right about getting out." You lay on your back, staring up at the sky as it began to riot in shades of orange and purple as Ranpo snorted at your side.
"You say that like I'm not usually right," he teased. "Out of the two of us, it's clear one of us has t be the brains.
"You might be right," you laughed, "Which I suppose makes me the good looks of this operation?"
You smirked victoriously, Ranpo's smile going from laughably offended to sly-
before he picked you up, ran down the shore-
and promptly dumped you in the water amidst the cacophony of screaming laughter.
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You groaned as you pulled yourself from your bed, the knocking at your door getting even louder if it was possible every time you tried to ignore it.
"I am going to kill you," you muttered, seeing Chuuya's unmistakable shock of red hair. "Wanna wallow forever."
"And so you shall," he replied, brushing past you into your living room. "But no one ever said you had to do it alone so I am now joining you." Plopping down on your couch, he looked over at you with his cheesiest fake smile and you found yourself laughing in spite of yourself.
"Alright, but I'm warning you I'm shit company right now."
"If that bastard ruined you-"
"No, Chuuya," you sighed, rubbing your forehead tiredly. "We don't hate them, ok?" Shlumping beside him, you sighed when you felt his fingers begin to wind through the slight tangles in your hair.
"You may be on good terms with them," he muttered, "doesn't mean I have to be."
"I never suggested that," you snorted. "Just no murdering my ex, ok? Promise?"
"Yeah yeah," he replied. "It's not worth the effort as it is."
"Wowwww," you giggled. "You come up with the best insults even when you're being nice."
"Yeah, and you fucking love me for it."
"I missed this, you know; feels like we haven't done something like this in ages."
He looked down at you quizzically. "Something like this as in just relax together or something like this as in wallow in shared self pity?"
"Oh come on, asshole, I'm not that self pitying," you laughed while landing a playful punch to his shoulder.
"Oh no?" he challenged. "This is coming from the person who wanted to spend the whole day 'wallowing forever?"
"Alright alright," you muttered. "So I am self pitying. You fucking love me anyway."
And he didn't have to tell you he did. You just knew in the playful way he pushed you off him, or the way he laughed at all your bad jokes the rest of the day. You knew he loved you when you woke up on your couch next to him, your tv playing quietly, and saw how he had curled himself into you.
And there wasn't a person in the world you were happier to be with right then than him.
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