#i love chisel pens for sketching omg
lesbianvamp1reeee · 1 month
ive been sketching again today, im enjoying using chisel pens
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also messily drew out the cover for the first comic yippee
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pansyfemme · 3 years
hey jude do u have a good reccomendation for a black fine point pen,. urmthe only stationary nerd i know thank u king
omg its been a while since i talked abt stationary on here lol… ok so idk if ur looking for like… a felt tip or like a metal or plastic nib so im gonna go for both!
In terms of felt tips: I’ve tried a lot for art, not a fan of most of them ive realized lol!! i think im just.. not a fan of monoliners! but i know other ppl swear by them! I know theyre a bit pricier, but the copic multiliners are really really good! Im not saying u have to buy the sp ones (aka the refillable ones) since those can retail for like 9-12 dollars, but the disposable ones are probably the only multiliners i like lol!! they retail for around 3.50, or you can get a set of every size for 25ish. They’re waterproof and markerproof, which is awesome for artmaking! The next one id reccomend is the prismacolor fineliners.. I dont use most of them but i use the chisel constantly for sketching and tbh its the only good chisel tip pen ive found! I found them online for just under 3 dollars each, so pretty good price! They say theyre markerproof but tbh i dont buy it ngl i let a inked peice sit overnight before applying markers and it smudged a lot. So, know that going in. I also know my older sibling who does more uncolored ink based fine art instead of illustration swears by microns but i dont rlly like them ngl!!
And in terms of metal tips: I really really really really really love the pilot hi tec c pens. theyre like my baby and also one of the most highly renowned pens in the stationary world. Theres several lines and varients of these, but i just use the standard. i just rlly like sketching with these… the scratchy feeling reminds me a lot of inking using gpen nibs lol…. but its still a nice monoline! Also, if you want a slightly thicker fineliner that isnt felt tip or metal tip- the micron pn is a plastic nib pen and i honestly like this one a good amount! Having a plastic nib is rlly nice since you dont have to worry abt pressing too hard and ruining the nib! And these are both fairly inexpensive- the hi tec c retailing for around 3.50 and the Micron Pn around 2.50. I just tried to pick pens that are easy to find, if you have an art store around you you should be able to find most of these irl but if not always reccomend jetpens or blick for cheap prices- thats where i always go lol!! on top of that- pretty sure jetpens has a fineliner sampler! These are good for trying new things, i will say ive tried both of their brush pens samplers and its how i found a lot of my fave brush pens <3 but also it looks like they have samplers for standard, oil based, and waterbased fineliners as well as a few differnt color themes (including off black… which.. ngl has been an obsession of mine since my dad bought me a set of off black pens in fourth grade and i couldnt stop drawing with them) But dont mind my ramblings. If you like any of my recs, there are several more in depth articles abt each of these pens you can find easily if you want more details like ink formula. I always like to look at guides that have eraser and water tests to test the ink bleeding, feathering, and resistance. I always appriciate ppl asking me abt my special interests <3 my stationary one has faded into a general art supplies one but i still am full of knowledge abt each! ^_^ (also since i started digital art its become even more abt digital brushes… i know a lot omg) ty again!! ^_^
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