#i love developing relationships of any kind and i'm honestly laidback about that stuff so just! don't stress it <3
btw here's your reminder that i'm always willing to explore a ship even if our muses haven't interacted yet! if you can see it working, then i wanna hear about it and discuss it! i'm never gonna judge anyone who enjoys shipping when i myself am a big ol' romantic. so long as nothing's forced and everyone's on board and happy, i don't see an issue with wanting to see if two muses end up smooching
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genderqueer-miharu · 2 years
My thoughts on Go! Princess Precure:
Ok, so finally finished go princes and i gotta talk about, so i'll try giving my thoughts and feelings on this season here. I tried to talk about it in the most coherent way but i'm not organized soooo...yeah, anyways: my thoughts under the cut
Um, I LOVED THIS SEASON OMG IT WAS SO GOOD. I'll be honest i wasn't feeling super strong feelings about during the first half, BUT the second half made me completely love it, they did so many things with the story and the characters that really surprised me.
Haruka was definetely my favorite character, again i didn't really had any strong feelings about her, but they really surprised me with her arc, especially after eps 38 and 39 is where she became my favorite.
These episodes served as a way to show another side of her (her dyspear and sadness), but also as a way to solidify her motivations and make her remember why she wanted to become a princess in the first place
"Who cares if you have your dream back? It'll only knock you down!" "Then let it!" HELLO??? I was screaming during this entire fight scene and this dialogue.
Now about minami, her arc was also really great, i was already kind of expecting something like that, but the build up to her realizing what her true dream was, was really well done, and it had a satisfying conclusion
Kirara's arc was also fantastic. I love how her episodes showcased her determination in protecting everyone's dreams, but at the same time showed her insecurities and fears over being a model, especially cuz she always showed herself as really confident.
Her final episodes did a great job at showing how she had found a new goal that she wanted to fullfill other than modeling: protecting people's dreams along with her new friends
Also i just like her laidback and friendly personality.
Now towa and kanata, um, they made me cry.
Ok so towa was already a character that i was more invested than anyone when she was first introduced, you know, since she was more involved in the main plot.
I really liked that they gave her an episode to interact with each one of the main girls (even yui). This helped their friendship feel more developed and genuine, also it was fun seeing her trying to fit in earth.
ALSO, another thing that helped to solidify their relationship is how towa understood that minami and kirara had some kind of problems and used the same advice that they both gave her, to help THEM instead, man, it really makes you see how much they care about each other.
Kanata was overall really cool as well, don't really have much to say about him but he's great. I cried when he cried at the end.
Now yui, if i didn't know beforehand, i would've thought that she was going to be the next cure. I love how, despite being a secondary character, she still is part of the group. Also she broke herself out of the cage of dispear and helped every other secondary character do the same so...yeah she's awesome.
The villains were super entartaining as well, i love that they all hated each other lmao.
Ok but, Shut was really funny, i liked that the show itself admitted that he was pretry incompetent as a villain, and they used this fact about him for his redemption (also he punched close in his face which YESSS).
Lock was a little rebel teenager, and i love that about him. I like that he and shut ended together in the end.
Close was definetely the highlight villain, i really wasn't expecting that he'd come back, but honestly i'm glad he did. His final fight with flora was EVERYTHING, and the fact that he just...leaves...on his own??? At first it can seem like an anticlimactic ending, but i worked to showcase the main message of the show: that yes, dreams can make you feel as much happiness and as much dispear, but what's important is to not let the negative feelings consume and prevent you from achieving pursuing them, and since close represents dispear, flora letting him go was definetely the best choice.
Some extra stuff: the mascots were fantastic, aroma is funny, pafu and kuroro are adorable, miss shamour is the best she's everything. The animation and the music were BEAUTIFUL. The side characters were ok for the most part. OH and the transformations and the costumes are fantastic.
Overall it was an AMAZING season, the story was beautiful, the characters were really well developed, it was just...beautiful yeah that's all.
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