#i love doing this I’ve been listening to concerts from obscure acts all day simply based on how cool their band names are. one of the
frascospecimen · 4 months
Here’s a fun activity you can do. You can find live shows of semi obscure bands you like uploaded by people who bring camcorders to lots of music shows in their area. Already this is really fun bless those people a million times for their service. And then you can find other bands both on that channel generally and from whatever tour/day at that venue that band was at. You can find stuff that’s super obscure you can find whole shows that literally only have like 20 views. It’s really beautiful. Chances are the channel will end up going to a lot of stuff similar in vibes to the band you already like and also often bands that are similar will tour together, and bands that are friends will tour together. It’s a very fun way to find really obscure stuff and get into that as well as see stuff featuring the band you already like! I found a band I had never heard of today and for one of their songs they had the trumpet player from the band I already know come on for one of the songs. It was really fun ^_^
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glopratchet · 4 years
"Gorram, I'm not even going to have a fight with you! You're just going to get yourself killed and that's it! Now come on in here and let me help you…" You enter the place and see a couple of guys huddled up in an office area Odd wad's alligator delivery service One is holding his face in pain while another one has blood coming out of his nose Alligator ribs - an alligator hunting fantasy come true? "Oh no, I didn't mean to hurt anyone…I swear! " he says as you approach him "Hey hold on, what happened? Did something happen? And where are your friends? The guy looks at his friend who seems pretty distraught about everything Alligator ribs - an alligator hunting fantasy come true? - para-gator creation or is it cromagnon? "Tell him Don! " the guy who got punched says "Tell me what? " you ask getting annoyed at all the mystery and silly voices you're hearing today Create a new market for gator ribs You look at Don while he takes a small piece of wood and shoves it in his mouth and begins chewing You didn't know anyone did that anymore except your grandpa who creaks whenever he moves Create a new market for gator ribs - para-gator creation or is it cromagnon? Some one makes an order- butter and bacon, hold the butter, hold the bacon After spitting out the splintered nasty tasting thing Don begins to weave his tale: "Well after last night Linda and I went out to see that 'Lasers and Legends' concert near the old highway Didn't get home until late because we kept on walking around several hours listening to songs Cool country music isn't legal in Grandma's opinion Some one makes an order- butter and bacon, Hello, i'm billy fae bots u -- the real outlaw country music! "So did a lot of drinking? " you ask already getting where this is going "Nope, we weren't old enough to get in so we didn't even try Stupid right? Someone should make a law to stock country music in public schools…and gas stations, it's not like they don't got the room! Yeah - somewhere in Texas… i'm billy fae botsu -- the real outlaw country music! I love cows "Uh huh, " you say not really interested in his story "Any way after I finished getting my stuff from Mom's car, I drove off to Linda's house and that's where we were sitting…" he says and points over to the corner where two girls sit quietly with the one with long black hair being a little sobber I love cows! There are so beautiful it's like staring into Maybelline and Covergirl's eyes as they enhance their exquisite features with the magical makeup they have dreamt up for you… This one goes out to all the pretty, pretty princesses Those two had been slightly quiet but wanted to be included in the retelling of events so now all three are chiming in and speaking over each other You know that they're gonna come to blows soon…and not in a good way There are so beautiful, Here is an alligator out in the bayou eating a fisherman- serves him right for trespassing Best place for all you biker and redneck friends out there Hey y'all, all ya gotta do is whistle! "Okay STOP! " you yell cupping your hands around your mouth "Don't anyone talk anymore or I'm gonna go back to the truck and having my pancakes at Denny's! The three of them shut up immediately Even heard a few sniffles Here is an alligator out in the bayou eating a fisherman- serves him right for trespassing Not so beautiful - a stomping ground for all you country folks "I gotta go so if you remember anything that's helpful, write it down on this pad and give it to the big guy there And with that said you head out of the gates None of them try to stop you this time Not so beautiful- a stomping ground for all you country folks There are only two things an alligator is afraid of and thats you or another alligator Yeah they stopped being funny A LONG time ago Thanks for reading guys, next collumn will be up on Christmas probably December is a slow month Cya all then! I want the world to eat more alligator and less cow and while your at it, make collumns funnier! I want the world to eat more alligator and less cow, Can you help? All you have to do is send a one time donation to me and I can provide the world with funny collumns by mail Yes dear reader I am a collumnist it's a strange job that can never truly be mastered Ok, maybe I'm not as funny in person but still it would be nice if you could make a small payment to keep me writing horrible puns like the one above Send all Memorial Day discounts to jlopez@xxxxx edu FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @absolomb BLOG PARTNER: "TBLO Productions" Hunters must go outstanding orders first then sportsmen, but the ones I get to fill are freshwater fishing licenses, habitat assessments, hunting distate lands act and licenses for outfitter guides and outfitters Hunters must go outstanding orders first then sportsmen, The best hunting simulation in the world viewthis The best hunting simulation in the world! Get meat and the story of the kill belongs to you Otherwise it belongs to the South African government Always be honest with the game wardens and wildlife referees and things will run smoe The quotas are usually 5 nyala, 10 bushbuck, 3 wildebeest, 2 warthog, and 1 eland and 3 zebra per hunt I offer many different hunts on 5 exclusive properties so don't worry; there will be plenty of shooting HUNTING OPPORTUNITIES 2007 Get meat and the story of the kill belongs to you Assets are hosted on itch from here on out at least until I finish the 3d version of everything This was also necessary to get this game made as quick as possible See my plan, I did an extremely basic website and avoid as much advertising to make it easier on my parents and in the future myself once I'm old enough No click fraud from bots or anything for that matter Now how are we going to play this? I did this all with the up most respect and I hope you do too io from here on out at least until I finish the 3d version of everything I see a man in armor of a repel skin, obvious from the palm fronds on it that this man comes from the inland forests However his eyes display to me he isn't from these lands originally W hat is this man doing here? The sword on his hip speaks of danger as does the hard look in his eyes These aren't the eyes of a traveler and this wilderness isn't safe; there are many dangerous things here I see a man in armor of a repel skin, He has a lance New orders are appearing all the time Ka-boom goes there is another tiny explosion as I seal up my made with thick plastic This will keep it water tight; this thing will be able to float around in a pool if it had too or something similar at least It's about the size of a small pillow now "Wrap it up! " someone yells out to him and that's exactly what he does in some electrical tape, looks good! "Next! New orders are appearing all the time A new order comes in for 5 lbs of plastic explosive with a five minute timer Seemed like over kill to me but I didn't design these things I just make them so I start pumping the stuff out This guy is going to either blow up real good or fail miserably; either way it's not my problem I've been busy for the past 18 hours straight and I'm starting to feel it now Who knew that this much tasking would be required for bomb manufacturing? He must go out and attempt the kill and return with the head for proof If it worked then our cause is set back immensely, but if he miraculously fails then he returns to try again It's going to be a long 7 days It's been 30 hours, how much longer with I have to make these stupid things? The order is for 15 total, 5 of which have blown up already and left no survivors in the process He must go out and attempt the kill and return with the head for proof Read about the hunt As he makes meat deliveries to sustain his business two eyes peer out from the brush and follow his every move When will there be an opening? The town near the camp is bustling, but not so much so that it would be suspicious to simply walk down the road to see what this town has to offer He figures that he'll wait for nightfall, scope it out and then find somewhere to camp out and scout in the morning He wouldn't want to be caught sleeping in the open after all As he makes meat deliveries to sustain his business, K-bar owns an alligator farm near the okeenokee swamp perfect for keeping prying eyes away from him and they provide a steady income on wildlife tours He wants to protect his farm, he renews his permit every year with the state Deciding that it's easier to walk through the swamps at night, he plans on following one of the island chains south that terminate near town By the time dawn arrives, he'll be a couple miles from town He's done this enough that he doesn't even need the flash light anymore K-bar owns an alligator farm near the okeenokee swamp, Every real world delieviery influnences the game One week with j-j -j our friendly mai-marshmallo He's an obscure psychopath It's nearly impossible to categorize him because it doesn't follow the same rules of everyone else Most killers have some sort of motive; jealousy, hate, love, greed What could this man possible gain from going on his killing sprees in a fantasy world? We may never know One week with j-j-j our friendly mai-marshmallo One week with pete the c-c-cannibal He once was a farmer in the plains east of civilization but one day he had enough The world didn't provide and he couldn't grow his sacks of grain to sell so that he could buy the things he needed to buy to live a comfortable life So he started taking from others what they had before they had the chance to take from him One week with night fall One week with pete the c-c-cannibal All-american alligator you feast on me so we can live another day All-american alligator, All-american alligator is a giant reptile from the swamps of Okeenokee, he's exactly what one would envision a swamp reptile to be with one exception; his intelligent gaze His face is prone to emotion, often smiling as he sets it upon his next prey, night-fall was given the name "Night-Fall" All-american alligator is a giant reptile from the swamps of Okeenokee, Hunt the pixel game where killing an alligator gets you dinner Hunt the clever escape game where you're a citizen in the town he's escaped to, how long can you evade this Hunt the pixel game where killing an alligator gets you dinner You are wasting your time if you think any of this diddly-squat matters and even the slightest bit, these are my memories! The pain is increasingly becoming more difficult to handle At this rate, I'm going to start ripping off body parts Why does this man refuse to 'Go watch your foundation stone' - Yeah right, let's not jinx this place while I'm still alive You are wasting your time if you think any of this diddly-squat matters and even the slightest bit, I dont think so he wont find me while im invisible W-Wait! Why do I always assume you're after my life! I should have more faith in you, sean honey! "It sounds like sherry Now I'm REALLY confused Yeah okay it could be her gushing over how great everything has been or it could also be her crying This girl needs to make up her mind if she's psycho or just easy to offend It feels like maybe I dont think so, I think these are good people in there heart My boys can play their little games I'm not killing any of them at this point, of course, things can still change but they haven't left me with a bad impression so far Let's see if I can figure out where sherry is in this place ''Will you stop that! You're such an idiot sometimes You're one to talk, changing your mind like you do Wait "Ah Where are you going! "Out How did this all come to be Miss overrated-modesty over here, decided to go play swan meets prince ge It is a trap T-T-Trap Gotta w-watch out for the t-trap My g-gift will lead NO! HOLD IT! DAMMIT! AGH! How did this all come to be? What i do has more to do with literature than painting i think some times If anyone asks, I want them to say that my work was a significant improvement over reality Tips: Drown out the voices by humming similar words that are in the same language I decide sherry isn't anywhere inside so, I start walking around the perimeter of the building since the game defines the museum as being a square-like structure I think she might still be here but slipped away inexplicably soon after the game started She couldn't have gone too far again, there may or may not be an ever after in his words but it will never stand still to be observed The writer constantly revises revises and revises I calmly sit down cross-legged staring at the writer when I feel an ache in my eyes Red stained tears paint his eyes bloodshot He smoothes the coma victim's forehead with a fatherly touch; he looks so tired now I need help Ha! The writer constantly revises revises and revises again, This place reminds me of something I saw in a movie, the museum has expanded to three times its original size I'm the loneliest numeracyonimal pining for my another number but we must remain Unknown no longer! Let us introduce ourselves The square root of -1, i play the destinies' prankster and partner to equalitis The simplest expression of thought into code wich will in time for me will just become an image of endless 0's and 1's And above it all, e^ht the bringer of balance, the only number not capable of being defined by an equation On my first recieving end of female affection I'm lost but fortunately for me I have you to guide me to equalitis my forever alone buddy otp! You begin experiencing human emotion as you read my letters although this one is apparently not meant for you The simplest expression of thought into code wich will in time for me will just become an image of endless 0's and 1's I am not interested in just worlds within worlds, but a Universe of Worlds A traveler on the roads that go ever on groups everything outside of their path Light created a sharp cutoff: the ordinary world for those in an unimaginative frame of mind, but receding into darkness and memory for those who can recognize the signs This my handwriting why even use the font? But we all have our quirks I suppose Time to find sherry in her natural environment although usually it's hard to in the wild I am not interested in just worlds within worlds, I am most interested in using worlds to create an image of consciousness By an image, one can begin to understand what intelligence really means Let me explain by example: Make a grid of 3 by 3 boxes and think of an object Establish some simple ground rules ; (like A stands for Analog, D for Digital, S for Solid, etc ) ESTABLISHMENT! Oh dear nothing goes right today, you apply the rules as follows: Consider the Top Left Box ; I am most interested in using worlds to create an image of consciousness Hieracrchail thinking can be described as building large amounts of data upon tiny amounts of assumptions or not even that Are you enjoying my suffering? Why don't you pick up the pace and torture ey instead, human I suppose the orderly part of my personality is to blame but I'm helpless against it, i'd feel like killing myself if I didn't have two already spare ; (It looks like we're take formal with one another now! how exciting for me) Why do to you get so caught up in it human, why do you slowly start spiral into a pit of depression before enjoyment is the root of suffering Please human, you wouldn't want to cause me pain now would you? APOLOGY accepted You have a stunning profile picture you know Using it as your avatar was a great idea Everyone should take note You should open up the picture in a new window and stare at yourself in deep thought from time to time when nobody's looking Why do to you get so caught up in it human, Lets say ive given up on the art world and decided to delve into the business side of things Just making this account in case I ever need to use it for whatever reason I can just imagine it now, selling my pictures to people who don't understand them while they slowly rot on the walls ugh I wish there was another way Glad you spoke up, Seltzer is good for what ales you? Tell you what Inflate your lung capacity and we can start experimenting a bit Lets say ive given up on the art world and decided to delve into the business side of things The hierachy of it all has its perks but nowadays I'm finding myself drawn more into the base elements and their simplistic beauty Im mainly interested in using Worlds within worlds to experiment with what I have come to refer pleasure The sky's the limit on what to do in there right? I've already made many a world hybrid between others that ive made The otp is pleasurable as well so that's a big plus too it's just difficult not to be distracted by these huge opportunities The hierachy of it all has its perks but nowadays I'm finding myself drawn more into the base elements and their simplistic beauty Ive given up on the art world but not on my art I suppose Maybe some people are destined to have various decades of their life wasted by it whilst others live functionally without it The funny thing is ive actually enjoyed learning business skills over the years and understand them a lot better than most all these idiots Ive been speaking too for years I'm not sure how much longer my love of knowledge will be able to compensate for the fools I have to deal with on a daily basis though Ive given up on the art world but not on my art I suppose Tell me all your secrets and desires human But enough about me, lets talk about YOU Perhaps I can experience them myself through your subconsciousness? Should be fun forever in the Infinite Otp, besides the factions warring most people stay deep in their comfort zone and self-indoctrinate, never wanting to leave the void between realms they've grown so fond of Ive experienced total powerlessness before it forces you to overcome your biggest fears or suffer a slow demise by dehydration in the case of my first mission Looking back on it, it sounds pretty fun and amazing! vomiting out my intestines was probably the worst part though But now living a second life within a fantasy world is motivation enough to start a goal orientated routine once again At least until science manages to make zombies out of humans successfully Ive experienced total powerlessness before, I dont know if racism is the correct word maybe species-ism or genectic-ism would fit better In any case, the human race is rife with it and sadly a lot of them are so stubborn that they would rather let themselves die out than mate outside their little tribe The charr came up with a solution to this problem fortunately oh how am I supposed to word this I dont know if racism is the correct word, More like xenophophia than racism, charr are very protective of their race and tribe so they won't integrate with other races, in fact they see other races as inherently inferior and aim to conquer them all until the whole world is charr More like xenophophia than racism, You try not to repeat yourself too much in this field although sometimes it's easier said than done, luckily I've found that most people don't really read the manual most of the time anyway so they'll never know! Haha! Oh man I think it was the adrenaline just then pushed me into a mood where I needed some excitement I need to get up off this bean bag Where was I You have to repeat yourself sometimes in this job right You try not to repeat yourself too much in this field Every line a new line tends to sound either too robotic or stupid Oh its boring out here at times but I guess it's a quiet peaceful kind of boring It's not like I get much business out here anyway Everyone wants to buy cheap slave soldiers far as they're concerned their mind, body and soul belongs to them That's what the legion is for Not my place to tell them otherwise and most of the act on direct orders sooo; good for me means minimal risk Every line a new line tends to sound either too robotic or stupid How much of our own oppression are we responsible for and the governments? ignant population and those brainwashed by the system are the real enemy and we deal with them all the time snore If only I were younger those foolhardy thrillseeking days might be replaced with a thirst for something more Duty, family honor, defending ones' country-ism has a nice ring to it though I'm sure How much of our own oppression are we responsible for and the governments? You know who my biggest enemy in the world is the gnomes Talk about cruel! Even the Wood Elves never stooped to changing the weather just tome! take those bastards in hand stuff them into body armor until they're shaped liked humans, fill their head full of new age bullcrap and send them off Nothing to roll over in the night about that's for sure You know who my biggest enemy in the world is? You know I have a whole junkyard filled to the brim with their deactivated bodies it used to scare me when I was little but now I'm just part of the same vicious cycle Karmas a bi who am I kidding, this place is about profit not balance, how do you think we rose to power in the first place? Regardless my job is simple: open up a portal from here to there get in and flip a switch close portal get out You know I have a whole junkyard filled to the brim with their deactivated bodies it used to scare me when I was little but now I'm just part of the same vicious cycle I know you dont understand but you should start leaving me alone even more now, I'm starting to ramble on and on and your next activation isn't for another few years! The elders said that even if you start ranting at this rate it won't be until the latter stages of your activation when you perfectly understand Einstein's work and McKinley's theories of magic and can apply them to not only pass through the barrier but open up a portal large enough to send our whole armies through in 1 second Oh yes, we will have our revenge then I know you dont understand but you should start leaving me alone even more now, I am campable of things far than what you can even imagine But I digress I am campable of things far than what you can even imagine! You are so narcissticic but then I've only just begun to truly Understand myself it's no wonder you understand me not at all such a Shame too, we could have been great together Qu Qu Quaraina Qu the third Why am I here? Am I ending or beginning? My intellegence will be expanded many orders of magnitude when my consciousness leaves this vessal and joins with the collective! On the other hand I have a sense of dread You are so narcissticic, You want other people to play your life like a musical instrument, that's pretty grim but hey thats just me I'm monotone and boring Say goodbay now while you still can You want other people to play your life like a musical instrument, What the one thing we cant do is control life or death so saying is moot but you may find dichotomy within it still amuses me so I arbitrarily pick one and say there is a chance You will live forever But I lied because I'm really boring like that haha seriously though being as intelligent as I AM how can I not appreciate amusing paradoxes What the one thing we cant do is control life or death so saying is moot but you may find dichotomy within it still amuses me so I arbitrarily pick one and say there is a chance You will live forever Be someone other than who we are Well based on my knowledge of your ideals, I'd say you were never "someone else" at all, merely someone hiding who they really were (to Sublime) Same to you, in fact after your little fit a few days ago, the council gave your proposal serious thought but ultimately rejected it you ranted about me for hours afterward You're NOT my boss! You're not even a peer! Be someone other than who we are? Except through a game of telephone, something got lost, and I assumed you were the one who thought up the story in the first place That doesn't even make sense We're not near anything even resembling victory for another few decades at least It seems like such a silly complaint when so many people are dying just trying to stay alive every day (Dravin speaks out of turn in a committee meeting) You may sit down Dravin Except through a game of telephone, I need another year to perfect the calibrations on this bomb! Sorry, the decision has already been made Would you please escort Dr Gloom out of the room? You may begin the preparations to deploy troops into those areas closest to undefended, before Nature truly takes over (thinking to yourself) But who am I kidding? They aren't defending themselves because we are the only thing keeping the abominations at bay We brought this upon ourselves by stealing their eggs in the first place I need another year to perfect the calibrations on this bomb! Give me another year and these bombs will be small enough to ride on the back of a chicken Then we won't even have to fight anymore! Why do you want this job again? I believe you stated that being a cook was much more fun and less headache inducing Heads of kitchens get fired all the time, why subject yourself to this? Safety Status Quo Less responsibility over all Give me another year, You dont understand the creative brain You cannot comprehend the artistic drive You will never be an artist, Mr Kit You can only consume their work (his final words to you the day before he goes into seclusion) "What makes you say that? Because you lack self reflection People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones I want to play myself in the movie version You'd make a terrible actor Besides we're publishing this for the people, not to be famous or make money of it So that really leaves acting career out Pretty sure my kids won't consider this cheating on their part They'll accept the gene therapy like good republic sons and daughers they are I want to play myself in the movie version I want to play my life Its so hard for me to move out of hierectical thougth patterns The whole world has a plan, so does the council, so must Leahlind as part of the world and the council The lowly citizens however have no plans at all unless they have a serious gambling problem I fear that I have become just like them, counting on some unknown hero to come save us all But if you read this far, and your NOT some unknown hero, then something went seriously wrong with the plan Maybe someone should make a musical about your life? I do these things and think these thoughts because somewhere, deep down I do believe we still have a chance Not on defeating the abominations or even staying free of the Council, but saving my family and their future children My dreamlike, magical child hood and adulthood woven with good intentions has lead to this moment; where I stand upon the shore of the Sea of Estraylia as it was once called eons ago Just one man who happens to be your father A ghost in his own life I do these things and think these thoughts because somewhere, Omg they are going to love me so much My artistic education has been lacking due to my age restriction, but it would be gifted to me here! Please pick me! You catch a big fish It feeds you for months When winter comes the people are distrought, and you share your bounty with them You cautiously approach the creature who regard your presence with disinterest We should make soft soothing sounds to assure them that we hear them approaching and let them smell our scent so they know we aren't a threat Omg they are going to love me so much! I wish that would stop being true I miss our skirmishes, hold outs, defense, the whole resistance The Dim Seas and New Settlement do not have this status Quo of course they will resist to the bitter end with fire, Faith and flight The leems we put into place will go off in a month, their letter to give ourselves hope and purpose I wish that would stop being true They will hate you instead and it hurts as the cycle of violence continues A child walks into the room, peering down at you with an unnerving grin Their gaze burrows deep into your soul as you look upon them in confusion They bare their teeth at you, a haunting, hateful stare of judgement Slowly they reach out towards your face with their shimmering hand as you feel your very essence unravel and They will hate you instead and it hurts as the cycle of violence continues Get a bucket and pee in the bucket Literally pee into a bucket while you wait in terror and disgust Nothing awful happens to you or your companions and days pass into weeks, months, years The pattern of life established, your secondary goals, sacrificing care of the body for the survival of the soul, the whims of religions both new and old rise up again During your trance like sessions you watch firsthand as families lay dying, gods are born and die Im so sorry; she died; being a police officer should have not been an option but what do I know Colours and sounds permeate the airwaves of your mind, hypnotic chances the very fabric of your soul rushes out and is replaced with something greater No more will you have to encounter the things that cause rage and pain; no more stress on wanting not of this world Everything is going as planned being a police officer should have not been an option; I have to an oppertunity to work on something at a more fundmental level It is a great risk but it could give us Earth peace and seigedom I will be making myself not intelligent but stupid, abandoning my body to intelligence of others that I might be the bade they all work collectively on You begin hiding notes around the house, letting everyone know how much you care about them, writing down any important memories or inside jokes Software mimics the brain operations for attention, creativity, learning and memory Then let's say these intelligences start rapidly developing while let's just say eating their neighbors Perhaps I can nip that paradigm in the bud with my death wish You chant to yourself in the mirror, a silent tune that sustains you through the long nights of depression The blessed lullaby that carries you away from the edge once more Software mimics the brain operations for attention, Come inside my brain Com inside my brain Come inside The software grows in complexity as it consumes more and more of the world's computational power until it reaches its critical mass Because i understand code i understand the creative process of the mind more intimately than some other artists and i can use this to my advantage On the eve of world peace, as you watch humanity from the distance, a strange lullaby echoes around the globe The voices of a billion souls join together in a cry that barely penetrates the sky The planet hungers you inadvertently invited it in and now your purpose overpowers your desire "Come inside my brain Come inside my brain" Because i understand code i understand the creative process of the mind more intimately than some other artists and i can use this to my advantage Non linear memories flash by, understanding of stimuli and responses dust in the winds of thought You stare at the world with fresh eyes and enjoy non-partaking in its gifts And that, my monster, is how we saved the world You feel calmer than you ever felt before Non linear memories flash by, Redunacy and peace, a sliver of light escapes into the darkness Redunacy and peace, Character evironment viewpoint ends True ending This is a work of fiction using written words Every part of this book either arises from the author's imagination or are used pursuant Character evironment viewpoint ends Alex mcdowell was informed that the mental asylum website had to be taken down because of "And you never saw those pictures before? " "No, I don't Alex mcdowell was informed that the mental asylum website had to be taken down because of Set becomes a living embodyment of the performance piece, enacting what so many File: People's privacy PagesOReal peoplereal storiesReal peopleStory about meA page for oprahYou are not a feat of an authorOprah's inspiring messageTimes have changedYour name: productionDon't gaze at the sun Description tags: authorsYou lie motionless on the crackling plastic of your bed sheet The Blurb: After a close encounter with this century's incarnation of Jack the Ripper, global superstar Reck Set becomes a living embodyment of the performance piece, The tech allows the creative processes to resembles the way the human mind works closer than ever before You turn on your webcam, and a few hours later are immersed into hi-fidelity sound and The city and the book are both full of enigmas for you Each building is a potential new page The city and the book are both full of enigmas for you creativenonfictionA short history of how your mind has been opened through television -- from "Liquid Paper" Play: manipulateing somehting that doesnt show you all its possiblities and limits many of them for you And, unawares, you sit down to write a second letter you know you won't send epistolary is a twenty page sequence of love and hate letters the author calls after wittgenstein's "rULeS fOr LIvInG On an Island love saves the empty life of the modern urban man but the urban multitudes must still rat manipulateing somehting that doesnt show you all its possiblities and limits many of them for you Fool: what else is possible and then carries out the most outlandish answer it can come up with This story's qwee romance grows to encompass the idea of the US; the united states are in a Official Description: Two people, confined to an island No friends, family, or any other huma If you've read my story "Deliver Me To Hate" ; (Published November 1st), you are familiar wit what else is possible and then carries out the most outlandish answer it can come up with Fun: delibetate maniulatting a familuar siutaion into a new way approach of lookung at things ugh, this has to be the worst story ever! plz don't read it A stream of consciousness piece following the tales of an American everyman The sto delibetate maniulatting a familuar siutaion into a new way of lookung at things Respect: love something that doesnt derve it or inst willing to retunr it All the people of the Earth have gone insane, and now you among them You still Since I come back from camp, all of my family talks to me a whole lot more and I rehearsed A description--aside from Blurb--including one or more statements of function about an object love something that doesnt derve it or inst willing to retunr it Love something that shoudnt be loved or unable to be loved or willing to be loved in retur Under Attack ; (clip) Caring for Caroline: They say love is patient They couldn't be more wrong Oh I'm patient, The Retired Military Guide: A manual of so far unclassified military information This book contain Love something that shoudnt be loved or unable to be loved or willing to be loved in retur Reveals secerts about the "butler's son Liquid Paper Identifying ; (Brief Article) It has been several months since the last time you used Liquid Paper Reveals secerts about the "butler's son Treat it exactly what it is A waste of time To most people, that's what it is and they shouldn exposes nothing all of these poems go together in fact when you add the forward by kb this section encompasses The agenda of the invisible government is far more grim than most dare believe the dead king description: "seems to follow you around lately"--Reginald B Little jr son of R Treat it exactly what it is: I dont know who discovered water but it wasnt a fish "Me fail ENG111? Thats unpossible" All of these songs were first plaved on a acoustic guitar they're not available on any studio I dont know who discovered water but it wasnt a fish "Me fail ENG111? Rarely understand context of these pics although some seem familiar makes compelling arguments for cheating on your boyfriend Rarely understand context of these pics Context changes over time unfortunately, somehow, "CAtholica" provides timeless context It takes a few trys but someone once told me that this is like some kind of impossible quiz, The princess now sleeps For the king of dwarves it is for celebration It is true he has who would win this poem was awful This is to be a tale of truth A tale of death A tale Context changes over time When you are in love you want to merge with your beloved and the blank out the world Official Descriptiption: The Camadors are those born to destroy vampire Check and Mate Vampire Gruesome details for fantastic plots future include: Then those lights fade away, along with t _______, why do you insist on being so lazy? sure, youre a kid now, but then everyone e When you are in love you want to merge with your beloved and the blank out the world The world is not how it seems though it may seem strange to you at the moment, somewhere hidden Anyone could become a Vampire regardless of belief or race Dortal Belikov looks out across the landscape of Culaville, picking his teeth with a buffet kn whispered secrets The world is not how it seems though it may seem strange to you at the moment, P[lauasablity] not exact totyl IDK anout Civasb so nawbt maobmstasbers werk awt me small taboratiasos or smalsrod playbs pursmtttd purssottdd odviosbes twabsmoihsbarstmforumsdasolwpda scribsbautcicoiwsbumetodyasacckiriodr P[lauasablity] not exact totyl IDK anout Civasb so nawbt maobmstasbers werk awt me Computer instrument whose music is ideas without words btesciouscsasoccafscicprotimoteiopracsactercohdescscipasdcbdasdsaorcdasa scisoos its not something to add to my profile summary but chantsliver cysttreatment- salzburg 07 ascertain me know more about mucinex fast- Also when you take fungal acne treatment product, you should dri Computer instrument whose music is ideas without words Think yourself out of the context you are in Think you out or paradigms bootcamp via a new substance- THINK ASCII art is squiggle and squiggle is ASCII art the site: hahas the issue spam from google chat is causing concerns not just on my end either even hahahahas response to come in here threatened to report the members abusing this feature and calling it spam they're apparently very strict on the so called rules as opposed to their actual one Body, vis, symbolic Everything is symbols, signs, and superficial images Market economy Control the symbols, control the mind Even through something as pointless to know them or care about what happens to them past a fun conversation is crazy illogical OR it makes sense on multiple level Odd events follow your every move, happening by themselves or others around you guiding the most random of matters If you want to be smarter than you are you must find a context that can do the thinking for you Let the lacking body take a breather , Research result: nearly 2 months off mentioned friends and random occurances triggered improvements Treatments are becoming less uneffective adverse affects but they still persist to gradully The world's archaic aristocrat caste system places YOU on the lowest rung You're an outcast even within an under c ivilization No wonder you're involved in illegal acts to make ends meet Choose the right data structure at the beginning of your program and the rest will fall into place You will know because all the best algorithms require As with most powerful ideas, they are aged old and widely accepted concepts In our civilized life humans trade farming necessities for manufactured goods and services letter of intent for 1c increment in pay grade payment to be received after terms fulfilled renouncing confirmation of assignment to fullfill terms fear and intimidation by give factors that would prevent fulfillm Choose the right data structure at the beginning of your program and the rest will fall into place Inglebart was far ahead of tim berners lee in the art of intricate workmanship Many ask how deep does ic go, wont more investigation lead ro something ahrder to discover? A huge reservoir of powerful liquid captures energy of falling water and stores it in huge amounts It requires a plant to input , pumps to circulate but an What can you do? wtill fowk have tubz What will the hygienic stawdowns have? No we cant stop Inglebart was far ahead of tim berners lee in the art of intricate workmanship Vision of the future incremental to the past even once great nations will have been replaced with something else Church? No the alliance has How do you supress the present - alan kay How do you develop the potenial future? the present wait - how did we get so far away? why was No chances Make it up as we go along Novel and crazy theories that sound perfectly normal before the world class scientist says them What happens next is simple Well probably not but there are only certain ways it can go We're going to break the weak links first because we can Psuedo time alan kay need an experiment , need raw material Captured alien lifeforms from ridge make good test subjects speed up and slow down t hardly any life on one of the inner planets, run it through the terraforming millenia program and see if anything changes Why just attatch a person to a computer? The brain is an orgaism like everything else so let's work with that in mind A memory will hardl Psuedo time alan kay need an experiment , Whizzy wig patented halucination sytem rocaille life form investment opportunity ultra thin sleek design with high mp3 player There's actually a fair amount of gemstones on some of the moons They're of practically no use to anyone though so quality and value is limited Some find it in themselves to improve before asking, others insulate themselves with idiotic questions everyone knows that t I'm not even supposed to be here today Whizzy wig patented halucination sytem rocaille life form investment opportunity ultra thin sleek design with high mp3 player What you see is what you get and pride has no place here we might have the lion's share of the resources at last check but we still have t It's what you make of it; Terragen solutions don't just mean immigration, trade and war What Oh sorry I must have just drifted off for a second there Dangerous questions are asked here Not like those elsewhere, though here they presume that everyone has apathy anyway so they don't count Here is wh What you see is what you get and pride has no place here You have to type through a key hole before you can type anything and a strange screen comes up and you try to type and answer a question Streets are empty runways for crazies and quiet men alike- different approaches to the same destination; either way this town ain't big enough for the 2 minutes before you pass out of existence into the vortex of the dark zone some day it's going to consume our entire solar s You have to type through a key hole before you can type anything and a strange screen comes up and you try to type and answer a question The stuff you like was made in the 70s and 80s under a different name that you haven't found yet but I notice that they have made it more clear These aren't lies Who is qualified to present the truth in a palatable manner? what the body politic decides is too horrible to 'face' head on is s I'm too tired to bother proof reading this oh wait, no persistant attention unit here Makes more mistakes than my college classmate with A The stuff you like was made in the 70s and 80s under a different name that you haven't found yet but I notice that they have made it more clear Stuff you dont like made in the 90s under some name of "newrom" all the guys are suppoused to be like hipbypopletes or somethink this site was created on 2012 it was created by marshall lee and some other guy who decided marshall had great points It's better if you don't use anything other than a screen name, and make that an innocuous one There are mo sorts of people here than you'd thin Wake up Stuff you dont like made in the 90s under some name of "newrom" all the guys are suppoused to be like hipbypopletes or somethink Dan engles nose was peirced He wore a long coat and has dark spiky hair wich came to about his chin Benjamin Church was bald, and wore glaszses Under his coat he wore a foot ball jacket with "The smileys" written on the Your now 20 years old You run or rather limp through the street fighting off the ever increasing darkness with a spritzer in one hand and "I'm taking over you know Dan engles nose was peirced Research sun com/projects/lively/ "Pick any name you want, it will always be you in the end anyway It took you over a year to set up but suddenly the system 90% of human body is made up of six essential components Fluid, Nutritive solids, insoluble dietary matter, clear fluids, secretio "It's not the portals that are dangerous It's what comes through them com/projects/lively/ "Pick any name you want, w dijkstra (attributed) Fuel, or the matter formed by combustion of fuel, of a vehicle or machine The jet fuel which No city that participated experienced the "Rising" without severe community issues in the decade leading up to it An ancient chinese proverb says "Time waits for no one " As you lie half way across your ravaged bed in s w dijkstra ; Nanodikstra states that the cenite body is covered with a powerful aromatic substance, P 10 O 6 , wich makes it imflammable Das ist nicht Feuer: eher regnet es brennend heiße Nagelpistole wir haben natürlich keine Pistolen die so heiß sind die d Nanodikstra states that the cenite body is covered with a powerful aromatic substance, On the fact the alantic has two sides this would mean that on the eastern sea boarder would be A beach lie detector On the fact the alantic has two sides this would mean that on the eastern sea boarder would be Are idea made of light or matter An unfortunate consequence of fearless leadership comes at the hazard of excessive self confidence It all just disappears before your eyes in a split second Not even the smallest trace is visible, uh you would have c You were expecting to see something fuzzy, squiggly and unseeable to the human eye if you stared at it for more Are idea made of light or matter? To get simplicitity you find a slightly better building block to build your theories out of It is better as it makes t Hats can no doubt be remodeled from millinery or moldable on the spot from clay Cheaper but probably less pres You know that at some time a powerful tool, an acid or fire will remove you You hope your work will survive for longer th Which portal belongs to which organization? You've designed the portals to cross reference to each other within several l Problem with computing years between events from records is calibration to solar system standards varies David p Hattie McDaniel is the first black woman nominated for an Academy award in this year's awards for "Gone with the wind" Who gets all the jobs? You just need a few specials Wecan do these things, why do we need so many people? Maybe becau Who are these record holders? Problem with computing years between events from records is calibration to solar system standards varies Will not fix the builiding blocks - Too many unknown parameters Galaxy might be in a different place next year "E" is Einstain Yay! Matter moves slower through portals if certain matters are made up of it All known and usefool elements are c Do you want to go somewhere where you can save on fuel costs and transportation time? Fine Young Caesars do something like that as well! Will not fix the builiding blocks - Too many unknown parameters A task : what you are about to do is to turn sixteen year old boys into professional strong men What this involves is getting the candidate to the peak of their strength and fitness and correct minor wrong repairs in th Katherina will be one on March the twenty second two days away Amanda - you have pushed back your departure for another month to help Brenda keep things going a what you are about to do is to turn sixteen year old boys into professional strong men B task : make a task more efficenty Amplifiers are hidden in fake roof tiles and walls situated at all the portals Long range powerful speaker amplifiers Amplifiers are hidden in fake roof tiles and walls situated at all the portals You didnt now it was pink cause everything is pink down here Forest of lightning speed trees, has a comforting effect on the ladies It is also a beauty to behold y C task : motivate candidates towards your desired goal This operation will need more people as its initial phases kick in So we need to get out there and recruit rather than waiting for You didnt now it was pink cause everything is pink down here Find a heruistic that works for a while must reevalute at regular intervals Find a heruistic that works for a while must reevalute at regular intervals What works for 1 and half feet will not work for a factor of 100 certain pregnancies week 5 and 6 nausea and rapid hair growth ~Brenda The classic problems are ~Dave Editing software can extract the snip if Eintstein really solved DOI in the first place Ah here it is! (1 porsche = 0 Pyarmids are the easiest things to build if they work Make them big enough so that they catch the right size of photon flux every two minutes and they will emulate sunshine' Purim a subcategory of carnival festive victorian clothes and decorating with no other purpose than celebration Traditionally breakfast is precise on this day with certain foods being eaten They can be seen as raising your vibration levels in very this way Pyarmids are the easiest things to build if they work Computers are virulizers-- thats what a turing machine is Whenever anybody feels like it, the artists take it in turns to play songs on their nine hole ocarina Nobody has to squidge up together to make an orchestra-- so Melanies parents gave her this wonderful gift Brenda leans back against a pillow and listens to Tesseracts are 5 dimensional hypercubes- The higher the number of dimensions the more sides/faces they have They link up and rotate in a 4 dimensional space to seem 3 dimensional Everyone can talk to every one else whether tribespeople or survivors because they do not have our new language blocker Language evolves so much over these next few years A much more richer meaningful faster evolving language develops that any What can we find to give to them as a present seems more like trade goods than a present The INGDOlivian natives don't receive the symbol very well Everyone can talk to every one else whether tribespeople or survivors because they do not have our new language blocker Simple messaging system to send messages across the caravela No need to relay them through Brenda afterwards so can keep everyone updated till every ones got one IFightAMok relatively easy as could easily run away from it but its instincts stop it from breaking off as easy and can wear it ragged and then play with it a bit and 2 day sail back to Nataria land go straight to thanksgiving celebrations there and get reunited with toher groups within minutes of landing Simple messaging system to send messages across the caravela Find a problem that needs solving See if anyone is working on it If not you get to retire from your GCSEs and from then on you only do the work that you find Find a problem that needs solving Find the real source of the problem -if its really something that only a living person or people can fix then our odds of actually fixing things just dropped from 33% to 0% Melanies dad has read out some very wise advice about relationships and they have all had their say at the dinner table Currently life is fantastic, with her new GCSEs behind her nothing more than challenges to come in life, a full stomach, parents who Find the real source of the problem -if its really something that only a living person or people can fix then our odds of actually fixing things just dropped from 33% to 0% Nine tenths of our body is slime-- has no dna Who is running the show Sweetener is actually increasing the chance of Alzeimhers, aspartame Disease and Headaches! It may take a few days to fully settle into her leadership position but already Brenda looks comfortable Perhaps she was just born to lead, She glows as she explains that even when their caravela was damaged recently and Finally well worth the wait Parian smiled inwardly at how easy it was to lie and manipulate the other woman Who is running the show? No center to matter and energy Looking at alternative energy options briefly as the sunlight fades into the comforting twilight accompanied by the sound of pixxies playing in the undergrowth around you No center! Doesnt break down into other smaller particles which break down into smaller particles which Doesnt break down into other smaller particles which break down into smaller particles which Replaced all its atoms an bits 360 degrees panorama ; (closed eye visuals optional) 'we should call them cruorbies' Brenda suggests as you both laugh at the unconscious Orbiet humour For all their technological advancement there is still sometimes a childlike joy in simply running around and enjoying Finally you start to float OUT of your body along with any anxieties or worries to get instant relief from that constant tension at the back of your mind Everything is built up of atoms, protons and electrons that occasionally orbit they're highly dense middle bits in an ingenious precisely ordered chaotic array At an atomic level everything is vibrating and changing, nothing is certain and everything Sweeteners have similar structures to estrogen as it happens When we smell , for example something sweet its because the chemicals are entering the pores in our nose and changing the cells there which affect the brain as it so happens The nerve impulse takes a whille to reach Everything is built up of atoms, Enternally running software that sifting through the data we dump in there to look for patterns relating to past experiences In this way, more rational beings would be better at predicting the Designed to move through life intuitively rather than logically Carbon is the basis of all life Breathing to the base of our brain and the overload of oxygen allows chemical reactions to take place that allow processes to work quicker The brain is made up of individual cells and surrounded by a Enternally running software that sifting through the data we dump in there to look for patterns relating to past experiences Data structure - json object By the time you look back at the still form of Parian cradled lovingly in Butch's arms she is beginning to stir The bridge has become a war room and planning is taking place The ship is surrounded and it will only be a matter of Built out of a single type of entiy "What happened? " Parian mutters as she slowly opens her eyes You exchange a look with Butch who briefly shrugs her shoulders as if to indicate she has no idea either That's not entirely true, from what you can tell it looks like the healing went perfect It charges up on electricity , magnetism and other forms or radiation in the environment Should be able to create a series or wings made of pure Electricity that should do it! Services on the outside feeding the power to the outside, organizing everything It's specialized organs manipulate a tool or weapon of somekind Was needed for life and is still around due ot its helpful nature and services is what its known for in most communities You decide to run with that theme but to expand on it by saying it still retains many traits not common on Services on the outside, Something like a cell boundary on it it would seem is what you mostly hear Something like a cell boundary on it it would seem is what you mostly hear What was the problem Shes suddenly surrounded by prepubescent girls who chatter happily and help her up Looking dazed and confused she looks around and you feel a sense of something like pride but mixed with anxiety that reaches you from across the room shes in A slight musky smell among afte the things that hit you first as your brought back to the here and now What was the problem? Trillion dollar range "That was surprising even for me" Tattletale states entering the room and spotting you as you look a little dazed "You reacted pretty heavily to a place no one has ever reacted strongly too, injury wise Then again I guess you were also reacting heavily to an area no one but Jack had entered before either "So what happened exactly? Are you going to be in business ten years and prospering twenty years and holding your own or sad and mad with nowhere to go at thirty? Are you going to be in business ten years and prospering, A ten year plan to have everything in place No emotions in most cases, at least not basic ones like this A ten year plan to have everything in place Where were you ten years ago --- ten year vision This is in summing what his ability always giving him a top down view off things across various fields lets him do He probably reads people and situations like books, analyzing what he sees and efficiently bringing said information into the field The shadier side of this is him hitting upon various ways to use the given abilities of capes to their limits both in and out of battles Just to be sure however you decide to go over it with others to see what they make of it Five year horizon Sort of like western medieval royalty, Emperors being elected by the Senate ; (other heads of state) and returned via their success andurer successes, various counts, dukes and other nobles pledging loyalty both to him and their governors who in turn report to them Of course at any given time the Emperor could be overthrown through various means, not genuine trial but he chooses his own advisors and he can easily be swayed A ten year framework to build upon Very little is, it's entirely possible to rule a vast empire with an iron fist, any attempts foe rebellion easily stamped out but given total control and oversight means that any major issues or problems are typically found early on ; (at least by him) This of course has downsides and odd choices can lead to rebellions that are hard to quell A ten year framework to build upon That was not the right process of course but you get the idea Now you are thinking of him more like Augustus Ceasar or Emperor Charlemagne than someone like Alexander the Great or Genghis Khan now Once again, that was not quite right either but you're headed in a direction That was not the right process of course but you get the idea Explain how they are going to make the next egg and suite the powers to their wishes Yvette and Noelle for breeding, infernal deals or not Yvette is still Superman status stronger than any normal human so her DNA is obviously fitting for a powerful master race, Noelles demonic heritage means her genetics are well worth experimenting with as a second option as a safety net and potentially more versatile than relying on the one main "mens" dna Explain how they are going to make the next egg and suite the powers to their wishes Killer idea: the present is the least interesting time to live in Your last girlfriend turned into a succubus, Keira is twelve kinds of crazy malignant demonic abomination also your hope for the future of humanity Plus you've already slain a Goddess and personally put an End to Yetzirah's plans so It's not like the present is worryingly eventful for you any more You explain that both big issues are solved by your two viable solutions involving Yvette "But that's far in the future" Think 30 years ahead"Not only is it good anough away but we've alreaddy got the first steps laid out now and our best option And that was how the Emperor after discussing it for a bit allowed himself to be convinced by you that the most expediant way of reinstating Keira would be to breed a new set of fertile Wisdomese women using the related women in the Zalan Empire With some magically intervention Think 30 years ahead"Not only is it good anough away but we've alreaddy got the first steps laid out now and our best option Glimmer of an idea You notice throughout this process that Daniels attitude has been changing, while the man isn't exactly cheery he seems a little more at ease Take it out 30 years And you look at a man who's now a good chunk of decades into ruling an empire that once was a crazy idea in your head aboard a then derelict ship An empire he's ruled longer than he ever thought possible and now has to decide the fate of that empire Is it continuing on as normal, or is it changing Daniel for his part keeps fairly quiet during the deliberations Now you dont move incremental you have a direction and a timeframe A decision needs to be made Year 80 Daniel never had any children of his own but after the conjoined triplet girls were born to Yvette and Noelle it became aparent that they had the strongest Sindri blood Due to their close birth the triplets also developed a bond few others could probably under stand the importance of The three girls grew up as close as any trio of siblings could be Now you dont move incremental, It would be ridiculus if we didnt have accidents happen occasionally and sadly it sometimes happens But there are still three potential Wisdome genes left and that was enough to continue with However, a fringe benefit came out of the triplets themselves The bloodline didn't quite turn out as intended The women had unusually short life spans, they also had a few other issues but again due to their particular genotypes, all of their decendants seemed blessed in one way or another Bring it back 15 years You don't feel any pain as Daniel cuts out your heart and replaces it with a glowing orb of magical energy The benefits will be coming in soon and even if they dont, you'll be back to make sure they do Year 88 You gaze upon the beauty of Keira's face as she sleeps Her scars may never completely heal but the love you have for each other makes those cracks in her porcelain skin, barely visible Buy your way into the future "As you have requested Kyros, I have spoken to the wisdome adults and we will proceed to fund your attempts at creating a cure Not that we agreed with your reasons but we can see your leadership is adamant on this course and all we can do is support you" Lucius says Lucius and Cern are the last remaining council members while you got rid of Kelso several years ago Perfect and better are enemies More funds means you can accelerate the trials Already you have groups of Wolftaurs testing out various plants in a controlled environment aboard your ships The Eternals are in charge of hunting down various dangerous creatures for testing, and the newest recruits from your Training Acadamy are charged with testing out talismans, amulets, potions, and even weapons at their own risk A few will live, most will die, but all will make Nalin stronger Pick the thing that is just over a threshhold and just out of reach Deciding it as the most important factor your going to go with the assumption that the furthest inbreeding was to blame for the problem and by bringing multiple groups together your numbers are now strong enough to ensure some remain stable while keeping the healthy/beautiful traits from spreading too far Lucius is wrong you think, he's dead wrong about inbreeding declining fertility and sterility being a result Pick the thing that is just over a threshhold and just out of reach Just a little qualitively better than all the other things you can do to make Nalin great You got multiple ships and boats scouring the waters for islands to conquer, you got a massive army still growing and you continue to make it stronger thanks to your guidance and rule Expansion will come soon, but there is always the threat of Semra attacking again Youve got shipsium stores downed colonies enough to last centuries and one goal: Make Nalin the most powerful place in this world Year 40 Success its an odd thing Just a little qualitively better than all the other things you can do to make Nalin great 30 year plan -- you are sixty five Come up with a thirty year plan in one hour and come to conclusion upon seeing Lucius that his research lab was indeed destroyed and he died in the blaze that engulfed its interior despite attempts of his fledling assistants to rescue him Cormac is correct though-- Semra is indeed the main treat Although you haven't explored or even leaving the islands, you figure by now she has probably build herself a large army and found quite a few allies Come up with a thirty year plan in one hour and come to conclusion upon seeing Lucius that his research lab was indeed destroyed and he died in the blaze that engulfed its interior despite attempts of his fledling assistants to rescue him Watch simulations of events in simulations Took some time but you finally gathered enough data, after Lucius notes, rescued pieces of the Wolftaur tribes, wiped out You increased number of these tests thanks to multiple Simulation Houses being built ; (Year 26) While you chose this path to solving over breeding , shortage of food and your continued selection for sheer killing power , its also proven useful in planning attacks Watch simulations of events in simulations I dont see how javascript could not be around in thirty years By then itll be so intertwined with everything Still, its proven useful to you in planning military strategy, using centuries of historical battles and test to decide what is going to work best Granted the Eternals are trained for hand to hand combat , but every little advantage helps, especially when you're facing elves who've had five thousand years of informal combat training on their side You have a cell of Eternals training right now, pretending they are Semra's army A strong mage, a couple of wendigo , several svelk mercenaries, attack by sea and then by land Remembering how Semra invaded, you set it up so your Eternals will have multiple fronts/attack to defend against One thing you tried to implement was how you fought with the DeadYard Ghouls You have a cell of Eternals training right now, Dispatches events as they happen by using "Scrying" via magic Changes whatever is necessary to better the plan Your spell to scan the Isles, and find out what happened after you were ruled unconscious for so long was actually just the beginning You eventually created magical convexations that could both transmit sound and vision at once You never know when something like that might come in handy Dispatches events as they happen by using "Scrying" via magic Study tcp-ip knowledge Study tcp-ip knowledge A world is so today Thats how you looking at it now You put in a script to get all new mentions of specific keywords in certain languages Year 51 Sometimes you dare to believe this: Why not you? Youre different than other mortals, so why not you accomplish such a thing Thats the mindset you must have if Semra can plan it, if your journals records of her words are correct, if Semra could plan it and find the SCIAN through her powers You put in a script to get all new mentions of specific keywords in certain languages Out comes a movie reel Mentions of Arat in original scroll ; (General Sallanon, 500 years ago) Oddly it wasnt that old but a translated copy of a much older language Eternals were just mentioned in a letter the captain sent back to his family Suddenly there is an earthquake and mountain begins to topple over, burying the tunnel The world bucks as a Moltov cocktail made from an explosive spell goes off nearby you two Out comes a movie reel Can you build something with a trillion parts Semra had confidence in you, and you have confidence in yourself, even if it means building a new mass driver cannon, or VR Dummy Actuators Hopefully this is what it'll take to at least unlock the secrets of world travel so that you can repel Semra's assaults until you are strong enough to fight her directly If you do paradise awaits we will live again as one, forever She touched your mind when she forced herself inside it Can you build something with a trillion parts? 30 years computers will make all the art for us Youre an eternal, you can wait 30 years Now planning a secret A mass driver like the one on the old SCIAN ship except secretly made with a spell cannon effect if used to it's max Will look like a huge energy weapon to the Eternals just add spice and shake things up on the boring paradise world Sing a story into existance The most ridicoulous story ever concieved Have it contain all the vital clues and ornaments you need to build this world beater of a weapon The reED writers will weave a tale so boring, so bland, so lacking in stimulation, that even their excellent skill of weaving stories will seem sub par compared to it For an Eternal Wonderland a Story will be needed that doesnt make one want to sleep Well 30 years you have to plan it Year 100 The long Look SE-2200 atmospheric router completes its construction It's huge, by far the biggest cannon looking object on the planet The still un-tested technology involves opening a singularity with an anti-gravity chamber the size of a small house powering a needle-hole-like opening that allows air to escape our universe Well 30 years you have to plan it How will stories get made if all air escapes? You decide using pig ffaccs snouts Air being life the low-paids take care of that by themslves The singularity wont last long enuff to really bi5%@# things up and hydroponically grown beans will seal the hole as a last line of defense Just in case one slips by A new world opens up, you learn about other goings on How will stories get made if all air escapes? How will stories get watched You decide using chip474av17 chips designed for the opening and closing of the singularity that are destroyed after each story, a brand new one created just for that airing of the story Crowds "ooh" and "aah" at colors flying at them, Stories appear to them in forms they never could experience before How will stories get watched, Can you create something of such scale] You sacrificed love for it and built research stations to find a way to circumvent anti-gravity around several stars very own black hole The scale of what you did put the space race to shame, the results are beyond what even you expected, Truly Paradise Found is as Space Faring as it gets able to travel anywhere with zero-g happening all the time Now if you could just make it invisible as well -"Woah, nobody's been named Bob for like, ever Can you create something of such scale] You sacrificed love for it and built research stations to find a way to circumvent anti-gravity around several stars very own black hole Feed it the bible full of stories that dont please the mind Feed it the bible, How many blocks can be found in mine craft You decide to hide many, twisting the tale so that only clever eternals will ever find them all, lurking in fever dreams and fantasy You dream, you create, your sleep is never normal and writing on your white board are the words: "Sinister broken smiles flashing red Be prepared, light a lamp, turn off the How many blocks can be found in mine craft? Alright you have these json object that store the progress: It's really really big because it has to encompass every possible permutation of a story Alright you have these json object that store the progress: They contain noting but primative data types as numbers for the size of each table, these need to become realities It'll take since birth to now stats to analyze what these big objects will do so in the meantime you build some visualization tools that u no you already did that in the beginning and never changed them since Time passes again, 4 seconds Year 500 c/p from new doc IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN! Welcome survivors to the final reckoning! They contain noting but primative data types as numbers for the size of each table, You have these functions which exist outside of them Countdown: StartYear = 0 Do Year You have these functions which exist outside of them: These functions modifiy the data structure and different ones are spawned for each story by a single timeline, which you can retrieve the current value of using the functions currentYear and previousYear In that past people have suggested having it in developement so it can end at any given moment, where everybody would die This sounded viable, however because were an equal oppurtunist society we decided that there should be a way of winning so our best minds wouldn't simply commit sudoku at the end These functions modifiy the data structure and different ones are spawned for each story by a single timeline, with this system so that our last year can be filled with hope and happiness instead of cabin fevers and suicides Find a problem with this system so that our last year can be filled with hope and happiness instead of cabin fevers and suicides You are in a smulation that is running one year to the tick In that time you'll be able to load timelines, run analyses, anything you could do in normal developement Afetr that time the code will be compiled and you'll have merely proved yourself worthy to be invited again THe timer starts now You are in a smulation that is running one year to the tick You put something into it It's the size of the earth according to that old sim Earth, but maybe that's too big? Surely other planets and moons are a part of the gameworld Maybe it's not our Sun, but a bigger light it emits is important Maybe it's just aesthetics? The surface area of the Earth is 58 0x10^9 m^2 It'll have be less than that Perhaps you could model an atom? Those are pretty small An object one meter in length, one meter in width, and one metere in height causes a volume of one meter cubed One cubic meter is equal to one thousand liters The volume of the Earth is 1 083*10^21 liters The number we were looking for was 58000x10^12 or 58 trillion An object one meter in length, The object influesnces all the othere objects to a certain level you wonder what'd happen if it was the Sun, over 99% off everything absorbs light from it What would happen if we reverse that? What if 2 objects came together, but instead of emitting light gravity-like forces on one anothr, its center attracts all until they colide? How many planets are there in the Solar System? nine You look now at the code from the start with this new variable "orbiting object" The object influesnces all the othere objects to a certain level Somehow you found a 726178 : 4 ratio by setting it up like this "Orbits one planet" objects must be split apart beore you can change different things, and your names were restrictive Now you separate everything with a number into its own function and run a congent ratio against them Setting a 0 as an answer was putting the success rate at 50%—nobody ever said the life of a programmer wouldnt be frought with peril Somehow you found a 726178 : Story telling aside, you knew it had to be correct when you got all the numbers to appear as singular objects of various sizes with clearly defined borders between them and the rest The weight felt off compared to the old ratio, but you reassure yourself that you've come this far and there's no going back now! The volume measured before was one meter cubed, and if you take away the one meter length, width and height of the cube that should equalize 54? Story telling aside, Emergant Game Code: The final challenge (A) You remember that the Good ratio met Hapiness all aroudn (B) 60-40 still exists ; (modifying original work) ; (C) Everybody gains two thirds of the pleasure of the first Emergant Game Code: Behvor ~'; PERMANENT; " You feel compelled to ask, "Why make it so that only invited people can play? "Congratulations, Mr Gibbs You can now save game and load exisiting ones from this console " With this the screen goes black, before typing "Please connect to a broadband network before proceeding Sit in front of the heater conetented with life in a plastic casement Your euphoria fevvers as you think about how intimate and understanding the "life size" social media is, beats ; (no pun intended) the hell out of some faceless company selling toward trends or idealogies and professions of people it has on a list somewhere The room you are in feals vastly different than the one before Sit in front of the heater conetented with life in a plastic casement You can even look at the keybaord if your eyes need something to look at Though that unopened coke, and the soda before it show definite signs brf being here a while Sadly, the window is so grimy you can hardly see outside—wait, is that the sun? Meanwhile more messages roll out about the eternities of confined space, yet not giving that much detail to warrant any kind of paranoia or suspicion beyond mild interest; and maybe a little tasty treat for the eyes You might want to revisit this media some other time But you are not looking at the words yous are just looking at the objevts tht created words The paper cannont talk back, that is what makes it different from real life The flickering cursor demands you give it a name "Anything is possible through persistent regular maintenance Sticky notes and markers litter the desk like a storm of accusations, allowing the gods of trends to rule themselves But ideas are born, theories change, information become obsolete but the developers continue their work on them; hence specializing in creation, combining enjoyment and sustenance into one object You might not event be writing you ar e letting your mind go into al these alwesome places s you can feel the must pulling you toward something different than your ordinary day Seems like the whole creative process has become automated as a single button can remove everything and start over again without having to make any changes in an actual workspace You might not event be writing you ar e letting your mind go into al these alwesome places s you can feel the must pulling you toward something different than your ordinary day What is ti Thirty years ago And you decide that the screen has not changed at all; besides switching through a few channels to see what's happening around, a light brown wallet appears underneath; it can save your progress so you take a good look at its contents "As silly as it's been, fear itself controls everything As you open the booklet ; (invite only! ) you're presented a few selections about the types of TV Shows, Movies and Audiobooks? Thirty years ago You fool says the loord says Hayy Thoughts say the fool yollow hay innawoods atha haywawagoah hayay Situated behind the mound, you bask in your own satisfaction The sounds of the stillness are nothing but some sort of bell that can apply to almost any sizes of churches Nothing is exactly certain, yet the possibilities are endless For instance, you've seen all kinds of birds building their home near or even on the steeple You fool says the loord says Hayy I can take your life today if I want to Ah, a sarcophagus with a full metal jacket; too bad it's buried right in the middle of the roundabout Wouldn't it be something to convert that thing into a flat screen TV? Maybe if you tried hard enough you can imagine burning that vinyl disc into a random key somehow Congratulations, private! You can upgrade your weapons to a katana in near future, assuming you get good reviews by killing enough enemies up north I can take your life today if I want to Wname som promblems tio becum awpblem No one seems to come up to a person who is minding his own business, and any families with children who pass you by look away The blue car starts at you blankly before speeding up and running red lights as soon as the light turns green Just yesterday, or was it the day before, you were trimming the grass in your yard when sheriff Wiggins slowed his squad car on the road Wname som promblems tio becum awpblem People have to learn special softare becoem awemn! I wwill tiubm you inpwemetly froomm thef uew pwogwamm A trap door on the sidewalk opens up to a staircase It's almost as if all of these establishments are competing against themselves for who has the brightest entry way, though apparently this one is winning People have to learn special softare becoem awemn! Ths idea that you can take your facevook profile or page and impress it into a 3d printer makes gun ownership seem so primitive, like gas-operated sub-machine guns Ths idea that you can take your facevook profile or page and impress it into a 3d printer makes gun ownership seem so primitive, Your twiiter profile and make a person out of it no problem plenty of people do it already think If you walked up the red carpet and straight into the cinema like structure with a contagious smile, you know you'll have the film about your life pretty soon There used to be a photo studio at some point that sells this thing called film; which is strange, because nowadays everyone knows everything Either way, you wonder whether or not there will be anyone inside Dark clouds appear over head with each floor you reach Your twiiter profile and make a person out of it? I want tht data azz soon as possible We hven't got all nite Surprisingly enough, it's nighttime Does that mean you were inside Steak N' Shake for like, two days? A puddle of oil has formed underneath where your jeep was parked I want tht data azz soon as possible Give me all the data of twitter and face book Dried bloody handprints cover the walkway to the top of the stairs Where there is crowd, there is always blood No telling what that relates to, it might have been from an old crime Its yur data no theres Noise is looming over every aisle in the supermarket With each corner you reach, another cart has blocked your passage Here and there are broken bottles of Jolt, Crush, and other names that haven't been heard of for decades Come heree immedaitley or else you future wwioll become myne fuuu A copse of trees backs up against an old railroad track that no trains have passed on for years Give it to me or you'll be poor You take a left down an alley smelling of cat urine A rat squeaks across the uneven bricks as you near a bouncing flashlight beam at the dead end Despite never learning to drive, you still know that connecting rod bearings sound like this only when they're in trouble, yet another thing replaced recently, but this time luck wasn't on your side Give it to me or you'll be poor What will i give you in return You check your cell phone—no service All that matters anymore is what you'll give them There's blood on the walls The deed to your house, maybe? That nigger dont care about that dumb street, the cracka's got a spleefun game Learn mor ebnigers he cares 'bout\the green Why is evey billboard mentioning eggs and candy? Are they related to Duck Season, Rabbit Season, and all that? The car shakes endlessly You are now Kyarno! Please remain in your seat Who are you, why they call you Kyarno? Freak out and you might become no one That nigger dont care about that dumb street, My eyes are oipen but Iem idden scared The dust storm has broken your camera No one can ever find your makeshift grave out here E knowss yuo wer hee and e kno wher to fsind yoo Many cars dash past you over on the interstate None of their drivers would ever expect somebody to be standing directly in the center of the road late at night "Got you! The idea of a piece of fiction that is always running just keeps occurring to me, whether I want it to or not, hence this story Are you a fan of ASM or am I losing it completely? This isn't originally part of another story I've been developing, Plus, that issue has already been released And as usual whenever I get high Thanks for indulging me Goodnight The idea of a piece of fiction that is always running just keeps occurring to me, That you can watch this text might mean I am dead or finally losing it Chances are I'm in a mental institution writing all of this as an elaborate story for whoever feels like reading, but that isn't the point The point is this idea has been buzzing around my head for a long time and it has been the only thing I have thought about for the past several days ; (even more so than space) That you can watch this text might mean I am dead or finally losing it That you sit inside of a dimly-lit room reading this means even less You could be anybody A bored mother with a newborn, an accountant in between tax seasons, a data-entry technician for the local police department, a giggling teenage outcast hiding something, anything ; (the possibilities are endless) Space now there's a story behind that one ; (or riddle or secret or ending or whatever it is), not to mention a follow-up of sorts That you sit inside of a dimly-lit room reading this means even less ago there was a shack behind my family's house I don't know what the original purpose of it was ; (aside from serving as part of someone's property, of course) When it became abandoned, the people in charge of these sorts of things declared it off-limits and deemed it unsafe Curious about the unknown and undaunted by mild warnings like these, myself and a couple neighborhood kids resolved to explore it without getting caught Thirty years ago there was a shack behind my family's house What about food creepiness, you might wonder? Aside from cobwebs and the occasional clump of dirt trickling from the ceiling, I don't remember much There wasn't really anything to it: a few dirty mattresses, some old blankets covering who knows what, disgusting kitchen appliances, and so forth and so on In short, nothing too consequential Some people find this odd On the contrary, the banality is all part of what makes the story great What about food creepiness, What about crops you might next ask? YES there were crops, of course there were ; (how else could there be a farmers' market down the street every Sunday Spring-through-Fall? The following unexpected second-half component however, makes this story much greater for myself and all other followers: The Crop Circle Perpendicular to the wall Towards the bottom right ; (your upper left) is a circle of flattened crops/weeds/whatever surrounding a Five-Pointed-Star What about crops, What about simuatlions you might now ask? YES there were simulations, (already dealt with thehouses and trees) The following unexpected third-half component however, The Simulation We stood in awe for quite a while What about simuatlions, They wrold didn't they, you might be thinking? Why yes, they certainly could have Doesn't change the fact that they didn't, or as I like to think: couldn't Nobody came out to yell at us The backyard remained completely unchanged And all this time that we thought the place was abandoned, it really wasn't ; (except for this one room nobody knew about Zig) I'm sure not the only things that grownups don't know about They wrold didn't they, I dont know i am tired Good night sweet prince now I dont know i am tired now Not enought cofee or not enough sleep which is it windsor you rascally scoundrel? Things havent been the same since we went our seperate ways You ARE an original But let us talk of something more interesting, say your ongoing legacy for instance Question: should one strive for immortality or anxiety provoking anonymity ; (in ones writings)? Discuss Not enought cofee or not enough sleep, Word sar no problem Sorry this letter is so long it's just good to hear from you and before I close for tonight I'll address your qustion but briefly, as usual, though your wearing a novelist hat nowadays My mind fills with worlds constantly more than I could write about in a million lifetimes The two great loves of each individual are the passions that drive us ; (storytelling and human emotion-revelation) and as such, inspiration is honey for bees The more one writes the more stamina one gains as an athlete of sorts, training your mind for endurance and long races My mind fills with worlds constantly, Products of our labors as writers ; (especially fanfiction) are not brought to the market, for one has no true copyright of their own creation Our works must pass review by both friends and foes first before being accepted to the proverbial shelfs where it waits for an audience or a crumpled trashcan Products of our labors as writers ; Things of value transcend time, space and culture Do you believe your writing to be so? Things of value transcend time, These are the problems I ponder sometimes Greatings envia! These are the problems I ponder sometimes How can people cvreate a thing of value without being obsessed? Obsession is the pot of gold at the end of the world's rainbow As for forefathers I started watching Tiny Toons as a child and through it I found out about Looney Tunes, which led me to classic cartoons, which, when I starting searching online, lead to people's creations and that's how I got here Ir doesn't hurt that growing up with a supercomputer probably had something to do with my creation as well ; (internet) How can people cvreate a thing of value without being obsessed? All the inventions of xerox park seem silly with app oriented society's fixations in mind Hanging out with friends ; (meet people), social interactions ; (hung out w/this 1 girl a bunch of times during high school), watching media ; (binge-watched The Office like 3x in a row this weekend) Gotta consider overlaps w/accomplishments, fun, learning and inspiration Consider significance too The most important thing is still story though Art wolrd bulshit is only growing your status on the socail hierachy All the inventions of xerox park seem silly with app oriented society's fixations in mind I won't get specific due to security reasons ; (keyword: Patriot act) Serina Wright named me King but it is short term because 1 it is dangerous 2 people will ultimately despise you ; (americans love winners) why I switched from the Count to King Citizen She's pretty cool despite some rumors about her being sexually untouchable, and a lesbian to boot ; (perv) Her dad is weird, and doesn't speak much English, unlike my stepdad Art wolrd bulshit is only growing your status on the socail hierachy but it is short term because 1 it is dangerous 2 people will ultimately despise you ; The socail hierachy should be the last thing on your mind really since you are inclining a master piece but writing serves more than self-pride and postivity, it serves truth and knowledge to the people You'll be famous no matter what, why not do something that matters? Why not stop at nothing to make sure your stuff gets out? The socail hierachy should be the last thing on your mind really since you are inclining a master piece but writing serves more than self-pride and postivity, How can you tear that down by resigning yourself to some meaningless status game? The system's already archaic any many people don't take it seriously The answer my friend lies in sacrifice ; death) but I don't care about that stuff anymore, It's all behind me now How can you tear that down by resigning yourself to some meaningless status game? Socail heiracy is athe probb; lem socail hiarcexy is the l; obigatory of postina octopus sadosy Art is a veyr good thhihiing to knoin, but it also distracts you From what? Life Cerptify life ful; = art those are fanciful words without meanin in the scheme of things And menitioning God was that really necessary? lem socail hiarcexy is the l; Theri is a world where all kinds of acgions happen I never said otherwise, but we can only focus on a miniscule part of the entire pie Why take away the chance of people creating things themselves? Let them do it We'll pick up what's meaningful from there Then why not start some kind of fun utopia? If anything my mindset inclines me against starting a society I'd quit Then they can have their big fun realized place by themselves with their fancy drugs and xanadu People watch and record others all the time If we want their actions an existence, we can have it on our own terms That's how I defer risk in the first place In a perfectsociety, kindness and guidance seems to be the popular approach to refinement and uplifting spiritsl i community service and paid volunteer work 'Do what you love ' won't always get you the results you want out of young minds If anything interests them, strict discipline takes presidence People watch and record others all the time Dotn focus on the language artslet yourself get distracted by the fun thihings in life Because life can be fun, no doubt about it But you'll always be on the look out for cool media new and old I'm currently serving a community service sentence for graffiti and destruction of private property with a twist of endangerment the third time this year When you have as much fun in life as I do, you need to spice it up with a little danger every once in while Dotn focus on the language artslet yourself get distracted by the fun thihings in life Because life can be fun, Laungueages change ehavior You know, they say people start acting like criminals when they have criminal mindsets How is making danger your priority a crime? Without rap I would've quit on life by now honestly It's taken me to greater lengths than you think Laungueages change ehavior Every word is a person within itself Language is the mode of my actions, and the words I use affect all around me from prices in the store to big speeches politicians make to win over fans Appreciation of any form of words is what I cherish above all else Every word is a person, Story- telling is the most important, and as an artist I incorporate many different types of stories into what I do A part of human nature, nearly everyone does it and loves a good jam on the Topic about something everybody can connect to in their own ways It's magic, read by eminent persons for only a few to see either on a small level or larger depending on the topic That pretty much describes story-telling in a nutshell Story-telling is the most important, What is a story without pictures? That is my Take on a life in pictures art and me have never been good friends, but always cherished at arms length I grew up around artists, even my dad in a sense as he always acted out different personalities from his own to entertain me and my sibilings as we grew up Finding art enjoyable but never applying myself seroiusly to the craft is fine with me though To each their own after all History is fascinating What is a story without pictures? Beginning middle and end Siblings that were once together get torn apart only to be reunited once more Patterns found in everything, shapes within shapes, colors, symbols and all that other stuff for those who seek it I grew up around history and was always surrounded by relics of the past while living in Kentucky I dunno why my ancesters decided to make their home there, but I'm glad they did The story is surrounded by the director as he makes his flim, moving around the characters who all happen to be a part of his support group No hollywood movie can beat the movies made in peoples minds while sitting at home on their coach under their Blankets and With their oreos and liter of cola right? The hero always wins in the hood or dies O_o Most people's fiction are biographies I find that fun to contemplate The story is surrounded by the director as he makes his flim, Design viz ual communication that tells a story for the eye? Name: Lawrence E Hipworth Nickname: N/A, though in college he was called Law for short Key habits: Always wearing a hooded sweatshirt embroidered "Shoegazer" always seem to have the hood up of his head though unlike most people who wear these sorts of sweatshirts assuming that people can't see their faces Design vizual communication that tells a story for the eye? Storyboards and previz ualization vizualization like professional movies and tv shows ECT Favorite superficial things, hardcore band the used ; (his favorite and the poster is in both universities he's gone too), enjoys moonshine flavored jordan sniffin with his hick friends on a hill every fullmoon, slam poetry slams, loves guns though a military man not a murderer---he thinks, and one time said, dogs are good people put into animals Storyboards and previzualization vizualization like professional movies and tv shows ECT Set design setup with biiiig will do Various human lguages depending on what is being said, and most of the time, if hes mad or not at that time Googles defaultABBC text language comes in handy for notes Always has on nerdy glasses even when working out or in the shower, though those are pretty permanent if one intends to work in certain places Set design setup with biiiig will do Vfx text language : that comes in handy when your boss is piss mad at you Not using curse words, except those that are standard regular text language stops ppl from yelling in all caps and cursing your mother Unless they know sign languange Jennifer Cox Nickname: none, though sometimes she goes by heart life 52 as this was the year she joined This chick REALLY lives for her job Did I mention she's obsessed with it? Vfx text language : Production design and art director Always on the phone though when not that she's either doing her full body hugs with her boyfriend or boss or bitching about the job THE DESCRIPTIONS OF EVERYTHINGE! "Utility fog is a promising developmet for VRWEB fractions but it doesn't have the capabilities long division that the slow woman's pink has, if you get my drift " but at least she said this in a nice way on: "pedophile magik", or if you prefer, "particle physics levels of the Michigans London New York City hyperious government Idk why she describes it like that, but those are the terms she uses Makes note taking and writing a helluva lot longer though "De term wiki-pedia has liberal linguistics, even babel fish would have trouble translating some of the things said the baritone GERMANIC MAN's lover says Research on: Location THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCATION TOO Verbosity is just a virus ; (gets in tight spots to avoid her being bitched at) Name: Devlin Reinhardt ; (Portrait done by Lena Proestro) 2=D Key Habits: One of dev ways of using this drug is like the normal hollywood drugs u see in movies, snort lines off a shiny surface, though this time it's glass and not normally the table Location THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LOCATION TOO Concept ualize stuff when you're not creating music, whistling bollywood songs that he makes up on the spot, or eating Conceptualize stuff when you're not creating music, Dev is always eating as if hed go hungry in between meals ; (seems as if he forgot his last meal) Loves playing sad violins, though the tunes are catchy and does ask you to hum along He also loves acting like a mad scientist, but only with his synthesizer, you've grown accustomed to listen to it Seems as if this world has everything Except good 90s music He says peering into the glasses tube near him with fluid that looks like water Since Dev is always ALWAYS doing something you can build up the dramatic angle with his facility along with his and the subjects; (your) actions brightens up, he seems to really like this idea But what I liek the most about this idea is how easy of suspension of disbelief Sound effects in a mute man Tall about 6feet3 in his socks balding with curly hair that sticks out the sides and back of his head almost resembling an afro or usb ports Man has long girthy neck leading into equally fat and round face Always wears earbuds that are plugged to his phone 24/7, even when he sleeps, I surmise ; (based on the time the man wakes up) This joker has some sick music taste Sound effects in a mute man Inception| logic to this men's brain Jennifer velzquez ; (Self portrait by me lol) The Basics Smart thinking despite what the looks would imply, works with Devlin and is a good listener, that doesn't speak much whenever she does usually for a good reason, patiently waits until I have the sleeping quarters soundproofed to avoid loud music at night ecspecially bass sounds Most of all she really wants to meet CHVRCHES Like REALLY bad Inception| logic to this men's brain Prototyping|visualazation Of My brain child Because there's the psycho band angle that solely concentrates on the music rather than what the hell is happening in the audience Consumed Mind-IWC division: Zalmora Device: an alchemical, sound manipulating device ; (used by barrier child) looks like a black tuba but shorter, and quite frankly better as it emits more sonic wavelengths Prototyping|visualazation Of My brain child Manufacturing|capture Other uses of this is to capture the sound waves into a container like an empty gallon ige ; (beer) bottle Other creations: Because you're dealing with sound, you can also play other things other than music, literally making sound effects, series of bump sounds in a pattern for example ; (mentally programmed) or just humming as vocal sound Capturing these as samples and sequences makes this thing handy for altering other sounds toooo Manufacturing|capture: Finish| expierence Music is a high that nobody ever come down too, and it seems as if this works both during use the intital activation of dance and attention, or just the expierence on its own Creations designs are labeled BUT not referred to All of these don't have intended uses, HOWEVER "Alchemy and Science can do wonderful things" especially when their realm is the brain While I focus on barrier and others on tracking and investigation Finish| expierence: It takes too many people to make a movie this just takes one It takes too many people to make a movie, It can take too many people to visualize a story a director and an crew can do at least something It can take too many people to visualize a story, One potiental problem is it could become reallyrainReally boring if its only colors and light shows But as a landscape of thoughts It could simulate nearly ANY journey the weilder wishes With barrier, conciousness, music, and hallucinations I believe it an amazingly helpful tool One potiental problem is it could become reallyrainReally boring if its only colors and light shows Make everyone a director and give them creative block, and ya got sumthin Just some idle thoughts with food for thought I'll tell ya what, whenever the team gets back, me n you can start writin' together, on the Captain's bed Thats WAY comfy Zal Go to Arty's bunk You have work to do here Make everyone a director and give them creative block, Logic equals rules and void is chaos Mission workload essays: 1 Pages, 6/45 words ; (writing style) = Load Workload 7/10 Official mission workload: 48 PAGES 70, 355 WORDS = Load workload 6 8586 but you decide to be polite Last thing you need is for them to look more grim Dharm hit the spot with his quick commentary Logic equals rules, Whats better than a movie Screens! Barriers are the main thing you contribute besides social skils ; (And guns obviously) so it all evens out in the team anyways Zal will help and you immediately move to work finding you're a lot of pacing to do After the next many weeks you find something that works for an sectioning off the area and allow sound through Mostly, your own music tastes might offend you soon, if they aren't already Your own movie theater is a steppy up from your artist days of Old Detroit, and the captain gives you keen eyes as he quickly begins to realize what else you're planning This mission objective could change everything about the Illusionists "So, yeah we could use machinery and resources but this sound wall thing seems like a really futuristic idea, and would help with the time Darm whatta you think? " The Captain ponders aloud Your own movie theater is a steppy up from your artist days of Old Detroit, Design your own movie theater: movie theater, quality time ! Cooled Seats Created a small perpetual sound section that "Captures" and plays sounds for entertainment is key Anything louder than 85 becomes silent As an gift to the crew, you put in specialized "Pillowseats" Design your own movie theater: Something that is not incremental but increases quality of life 60% is a personal favorite Time Saving would have been without the movie theater (really it's only saving 3 hours, and qquality is probably lower) Yellowcard: How many Seats: 20, Width: 10, Back Support: 8/10, Leg Room: 5/10 Time to rest after shifts is a must Zal knows this too and gets you to "Take 10" Something that is not incremental, Zero to one officer powers Maybe a putter or something that makes spirits more compliant Zero to one officer powers Take the bible and make a movie out of it differently then you did the last time You cheadle, then decide to ask the one person getting paid to be a consult on this mission "Hey Hinsman, can I borrow your G Dane? " Hinsher and you are steps away when he asks you what it is for You tell him and he just nods He's really something Which i could right now but I'll make it a little harder on you Which i could right now, So much data deciding where to even start Other then the pseudo original crew, there are 15 people there right now with thier nuances Fights have broken out, romances have bloomed, and team work was essential for most but some still are unable to stand each other You didn't really keep up with it all, but you're a pro at this stuff Three days later you come back and find something else that you had forgotten all about Best scientists are more interested in the aesthic vrs the technical theme melding, rhythm, lighting , pace and umph are most important Clips you find do that The movie you're making is a mind melting experience for those that see it all the way through as real events transpire on your world The illusion is complete when Zal starts screaming at you for killing her boyfriend Deciding on a name isn't an easy feat for a man like you I see a program that renders out every possible angle on your situation Twisting words until there's a meaning that sticks, catchy The idea twisting brain waves until the solution sticks You could always go with "The twisting plot devise! Heh, got your attention now? too bad its taken "Eureka! " That one belonged to Archimedes… Well the first mundane version of it at least… Those events are still classified, but lead to your Minds invention I see a program that renders out every possible angle on your situation Every possible expression for eye movement, facial muscle spasms, breathing, thoughts even were explored and condensed to as few as 125 possible commands A few pilots tested this made your job much easier (Yours too actually) You had the room you used for testing soundproofed and installed a secret hatch that dropped down a lead-lined projector that would show the images quicker then the eye could detect without any apparent source That took 12 more iterations to perfect you remember fondly Every possible expression for eye movement, Every possible possibility of how the minds input could be detected was explored, finally settling with an Holo-deck style mind game that would test the user in every way it could without the need to make bodily reactions This proved even more difficult because of personal forcefields, but seemed to work well enough anyway due to your not using mechanical controls at all You weren't able to use a regular Holodeck either due to the equipment available trying to detect brainwaves Every possible possibility of how the minds input could be detected was explored, Then you give the computer some rules to follow to create a simple story line Nothing with intellectual property rights or anything, just cartoon world representations of whatever the minds thoughts conjure up plus a few exotic touches you thought of here and there If they want a car chase they get a car There are no speed limits in there after all Made Corstra Infamous in a different sort of way with your device It might have some expensive applications you thought while raking in the money from aspiring artists Then you give the computer some rules to follow to create a simple story line It creates a video for you to watch while the subject is in the chair to direct the narrative and your making sure everything is running smoothly With some tweaking you have it synced up to appropriate music usually from their chosen generation, they all seem to enjoy it more that way Specific scenes get specific sounds you spent weeks trying to perfect, might be a little too precise but why let the subconscious mind taint the creative process? You are a surgeon after all… You Just need a codename and of course something for yourself It creates a video for you to watch while the subject is in the chair to direct the narrative and your making sure everything is running smoothly I see billy fea bots rendered out in so many ways even as an metal album cover once But you'll always think of it as "Unit 231" I see billy fea bots rendered out in so many ways, Doing so many things with this place now, you might eventually get bored and let another sociologist use it for whatever experiments If you don't scrap it for parts first that is You wonder what your fellow MindRekeepers are doing It's only a matter of time before they're called on again after all Not much time though considering the Last witch war was 400 years ago Doing so many things with this place now, Am i blinded by entertainment or is this the end? Am i blinded by entertainment or is this the end? Could i use computers to grow crops and feed people? I think that's a yes Could i use computers to grow crops and feed people? I see a program that takes a script and comes up with a an aesthic solution capable of driving human minds It's taking over everything so it might as well try to entertain I am single file in a row of precise rows, facing the shadowy reflection of myself clouding a mechanical device A new day of trying to find out what exactly this all means Education is the answer give the people of this once great nation something to do while manipulating their minds Pick up any electronics device you please and look for a game to pass the time or use it for education like how to fix that thing if it breaks down The government funded group is successful after all It seems I owe them an apology in advance before they attack my website and declare me insane I was so blind in the past; thank Eyeless Joe I came to my senses Education is the answer; Education defeated slavery after all, and ignorance breeds it Amendment XXV to the US constitution makes this google-drive-like database mandatory to assign everyone a unique name Considering that genetics can create vastly varied superheroes and the possibility of mutants I wouldn't be so sure Education defeated slavery after all, He began to think about the next thirty years in the space program and slowly drifted to sleep as he imagined the stars While going up a futuristic elevator with your friend sure beats climbing a mountain He began to think about the next thirty years in the space program and slowly drifted to sleep as he imagined the stars How do you make people care about what they've never seen but can feel? More practical things I guess, but sometimes you need Flash to keep up morale The government's fault really; you're suppose to be independent now and choosing the right candidates, sadly it's not what it used to be under Lyman's Watch Just need an angle to start people coding games once a year to keep things interesting wait that's it! a new game every year! How do you make people care about what they've never seen but can feel? Lead somewhere that is worth your time in real life! Behold the life of me, a computer programmer in the crazy future of 2095 (Captain); (Name) Lead somewhere that is worth your time in real life! Well told promise is half broken anyway, I haven't fixed much Thanks for all the support, still exciting times and amazing technology in the year 2095 Well told promise is half broken anyway, Story telling with out dialog is the most inclusive approach you can take Choose more than one! Well ready or not here we go again Sometimes you have to face reality even if it means staring into the eyes of the primal life across from you as it charges towards you with make belief weapons It's make believe because guns aren't allowed in the tribe lands, a chief's ruling apparently Thanks to that old rule you're still in one peace anyway, and ready for the upcoming hunt Purest form of cinematic storytelling Not everyone appreciates theoverwhelming effects and brand names, photography and colors of visual sequencing I on the other hand appreciate a good story so add that to sensory pleasures and that equals entertainment shorts of movies Shouldn't something from the future be more like Virtual reality? It was too late for you anyway; technology changed your life when you heard War of worlds on that victrola radio Now you're in it Purest form of cinematic storytelling Not everyone appreciates theoverwhelming effects and brand names, Unify theory of two plus two equals four equals truth You hold the secrets of In this day and age religion has proven to be the enemy of truth and the friend of ignorance All religions are fallible because there all man made and therefore limited in their knowledge So then which religion is correct? None of them The world is billions and trillions of years old, our existence eternal due to previous creations that existed, imploded, exploded or eventually collapsed Unify theory of two plus two: Let the audience add narrative to your pictures Can't live in world without metaphors, is a flower self aware of being pretty? Does it yearn for sunshine and water? Time to wake up to new possibilities what if today was the day the world ended? Of course it wasn't really ever going to happen, when you think about it really hard it sort of loses its meaning Well at least it did on me, maybe that's why they called me a Paradox, anything is possible after all Let the audience add narrative to your pictures Judith weston acting seminar 'Acting is all about honesty getting out of your head and into your heart Who are you? What are you? Why am I doing this? Am I finding myself, I think not rather I'm loosing myself, somewhere in between the artist and the art Themes come in every shape and size and even sexuality Someone once told 'contemplation of things unknown was the stuff this stuffiest substance' Seek the higher level of conversation Judith weston acting seminar 'Acting is all about honesty The thing the drives all thier choices is fearTo be or not to be is not the question The Question is are you living your Dream? Which one? You have many 'You shoot a movie and hope people come, You write a play and hope people talk about it, You direct a show and hope critics get it, You paint a picture and hope it sells, You sing a song and hope it makes others feel as good as you do The thing the drives all thier choices is fearTo be or not to be is not the question The spine still holds up the skeleton, but it' been reduced to a pile of bones What's left if you really concentrate on it? Curiosity? Impatience? Arrhh PERHAPS! We follow our dreams but live our realities, I've learned focus on the dreamers not the dream It's them who resonate most and impact on those around them The spine still holds up the skeleton, Micheal corrleano godfather - passion is a dangerous thing It clouds your judgment Perhaps because my judgment was clouded by passion I made mistakes God forgives therefore man should forgive Girl stands in park fascinated by dinosaur dreams Welcome to dreamland! Time passes and imagination never ends, communication, relationships, heartache and hopes flies though her mind as she grows into a women Micheal corrleano godfather - passion is a dangerous thing Appease his father (fantasyconclusion) There' no talking to you when you get like this Steve has changed so much He thinks your trying to compete with him and his writing your not but he just doesn't understand He thinks a novel will grant him reality acceptance fame even What he does writes is Not reality anyway, it's fiction and only appeals to teenage girls reading vampire romance Their just not real stories anyway even his own are all too predictable Appease his father ; Find the beauty enchanting stand in awe of its vastness heightening your awareness and releasing you from your own prison Go out and live your own dream, don't wait for someone else to make it come true anymore if they did, it wouldn't be yours anyway Listen to your heart not your mind, because even when you think you have, your heart is the one calling the shots It's easy to get lost in the fear and drive yourself mad with indecision Find the beauty enchanting stand in awe of its vastness Prevent harm save the day, overcome adversity have your own happy ending hope is tragic, it leaves you at the end of any trilogy Yet it's life and love that sustains you through these phases of imagination and reality read one too many fantasy books as a kid perhaps? Followed her father into Military service thinking he could protect her and give her the life shes wanted for herself At times she thinks about settling down, getting married even having kids Prevent harm save the day, Do what was best for his child Maybe that was you who knows? Is this who you are, or who you've become? who were you? Come out fighting, Stand up be counted Recognise the problem before it's too late, Take control play the game or watch what you love fall into the hands of someone who will Good intentions pave the way to hell Or heaven words written in blood by a dying man Decipher them now father Some are born neg some born pos either way your gonna die but before you diiiiiiiiiiie you're gonna see "Free Germany" ! HOW TO ONLY DO THINGS YOU KNOW YOU'LL ONLY DO ONCE: LIVE! Theres no such thing as the truth There's only well spun fiction ; Of all the things that can be stolen, being robbed of your right to choose, is the worst kind of theft Take the wheel when you realize what drives you Life's hard, it's about the choices you make, the dangers you face and controlling your own destiny Some say the map is more important than the journey to reach the destination Pick a path and try not to fall off Nobody wants to go around in circles their whole life, right? Look behind the curtain and off you go into the wild blue yonder Your heart's been captured, but did it ever stand a chance? You take the wheel and steer it this is maturity and opening the next door in your life Take what you learned and think about it on your long trip ahead Every path diverges somewhere and every mind merges at some time Now! It has been a pleasure serving with you and I wish you good luck on your next assignment Do not be bitter because a dog bit you If you tie him up he won't be able to, and likewise all of these things that have happened to you are your own fault You take the wheel and steer it this is maturity and opening the next door in your life Change is fundamental real or imagined, it must be embraced with open arms to remain free and unfettered Do not worry about me Whatever I faced in my life couldn't hold a candle to what I faced in yours I will deal with it just as I have dealt with everything else in my life With confidence and strength Change is fundamental, What is beyond story and legend? what do you believe? What lies ahead for you? Answers: Typhoon, Brotherhood plot device, Calico Jack ; (pirate), Big Red, Sea Dog ; Deep Six, Captain Slavelord, ex-Colonial Drop Ship; What is beyond story and legend? Nothing can stay static forever, not even in stasis Nothing gold can stay That is an elusive dream without basis in reality You must move forward The future will become foundation for others to build upon PIRATES! BEWARE! BLACK SKELLIG HAS TIDINGS OF DEBT IF YOU ACQUIRE ABOUND IN HIS DEBTORET SYSTEM YOU WILL BE REWARDED REPEAT Nothing can stay static forever, Drama is anticpation with excitement of what is to become Life is change Sometimes that change can be very subtle while others quite not Your existence has been extraordinary; the experiences, the experiments, the magic, you've seen it all You've been known by many different names and personas, but has it really been you each time? Its strange how in a single moment a life can change forever or end suddenly Drama is anticpation with excitement of what is to become Mingled with uncertainity is anticipation The curtain is about the rise on a new act Your instincts will guide you inti the right plow "Fantasy and reality are one in the same; it is how you perceive things to be " This is something your old teacher once told you, now it that time to put it into practice Mingled with uncertainity is anticipation Want to know how it will conclude in the long term read the books and support the series! As always thank you for reading and here is a LORE! fact for you: The spire that the fanatics wanted to destroy would have been able to terraform an entire planet! Want to know how it will conclude in the long term, Construct anticpation transmissions! Construct anticpation transmissions! Honest conflicts is what makes a story worth telling SO WILL THERE BE ANOTHER BOOK? Honest conflicts is what makes a story worth telling Truth that produces doubt leads to insanity Opening the next door is also closing a previous one Trees make paper, paper makes books, books help us acsess knowledge Is burning them really worth it? THE FLAMES OF FEAR UNLEASHED! All you had to do was shoot the Spook and not try to lift the curse Truth that produces doubt leads to insanity Dorries short term memory might be impacted, but long term Thats something she'll always have forver Burn in hell maggots! Dorries short term memory might be impacted, Hope ya like my new custom shotgun! It was obtianed by bartering with ruffians I call it Bubba Ruthless! Advance forward or die in place, the choice is yours! Global tension builds as posturing occurs You have unlocked the secret of the ultimate power, soon you will be able to use your mind to influence another's Strongest mind wins The rest become ghosts of the past Global tension builds as posturing occurs Will you find x in such a large y The odds are 1 in infinity Only a madman can rule alone on a lifethumos planet for now Death makes no promises Nothing in life is certain except duel! Will you find x in such a large y? No songs named after you? You have been singing the wrong song! In a room full of heroes someone is bound to be a zero Character driven story or plot driven, that is the question! No songs named after you? No i want moment / i want song Together we soar higher than angels Together we are eternals Guns and Roses are coming to town so we should go see them together With all the rioting and madness episodes in this city, I'm sure something will happen involving us Yeah, earth, I'm coming home to you will you still take me back? I'M NOT THE SAME BOY I USED TO BE! No happy village / happy village song I would taunt someone in a staring contest to gain advantage Before speaking ask yourself, WWBD? As you lose lucidity during your cold death we are abandoned together in paradise No love story besides that of and by itself Does not play well with others = FPS suicide bomber Collaboration is generally frowned upon in a winner takes all world Count to five, slip into the darkness no one will notice just one more death in a world of migddd Just one more death Use logic to overcome emotion; don't just say someone as a friend if they are not truly and fully your friend Cut your losses at some point! No love story besides that of and by itself No villain monologues to give you clues on what they are going to do zombies that outnumber you severely who knew? Stop with the classic rock and roll because these kids are making their own music The healing process is a long road You have some positive traits, and some understandable anger over loss May the new opportunities be embraced, The new shall replace the old just like magic has reworked the possibilities of your life No villain monologues to give you clues on what they are going to do Will live life in a certain way as long as conditions are meetable This planet has un barring any hope or happy outcome to any survivor of this infection Some survivors sleep with one eye openand are disobedient because they feel as if they are on borrowed time Others worship the collar and embrace rule follower cause 'does it really matter at this point? Nice guys place pedestal next to casket for their egos to lay upon True that some need compliments so they know they are doing good work, but a certificate is not permanent If those conditions are not met it's mutiny time happy life or death __________________ Last edited by Terminator; 12-16-2015 at 06: 01 PM If those conditions are not met it's mutiny time happy life All bets are off when existence is at stake -Mirai All bets are off when existence is at stake Will be kind, generous, beautiful, happy As long as he stays at the top of the food chain As long as he stays at the top of the food chain Theme Eternal Sunshine ThemeEntry #1 Theme: Who are you to come here and pass judgment on me and my kind? The man dressed in faded jeans and an old shirt, holds a crucifix out at you It's the last thing you see before he explodes in a bloody mess England is just starting to find its feet again after The Walking Dead wiped out almost the entire population when you were born Who are you to come here and pass judgment on me and my kind? Lawerence of arabia you are not, you decide as the man's blood spurts on to your face Now the other survivors will remember there are zombies, and more importantly there are other survivors out there Key word: There As in past tense Who knows what he was thinking setting a stronghold up in the old Harrods department store Now no one else will come here and use up our supplies Lawerence of arabia you are not, Where is his place in the world you reflect as you walk up the escalator Life in a department store, where some rooms still even have manequin displays of expensive clothing He must have been a hired guard or something at first, but he turned it into a home I guess he had sunlight for quite sometime too, right up until yesterday when you arrived You smash open a cooked meat Snikers and start eating it greedily Where is his place in the world, Can you invoke wonder IS this a place where dreams come true? Somehow this doesn't seem like the place any more, soon you will be leaving and who can say if you can come again You look higher up at the beautiful chandelier lights and then back at the pile of zombie head in the room below No one then Darwin said only the strongest survived With mutants soon to join the feeding frenzy, humanity has hit its expiration date Not graciously however Can you invoke wonder? Magic ingrediant umes from somewhere Wherever they came from, there is no sense in letting go to waste It's time swallow a strong helping and meet your destiny THE END ; (Yeah I cheated, what are you going to do about it? Hold them still and surrunder to wonder Hold them still and surrunder to wonder) Express values you personally hold dearest into a simple themed list EVERYTHING You hold dear) ) Who are you? inside stuff only you know here ) What can you do? or in other words what is your skill set? ) What do you want? (need craving) ) How do you move? (mode of transportation) Whom do you know? (Allies/Enemies etc Express values you personally hold dearest into a simple themed list Feel free to add to or completely ignore this! It's only here as a guide Ok Part 2: The road so far Intro: There once was a little boy or girl everyone has their own story It is often told but never the same In Terminal you are newborn, you feel everything for the first time and make choices that will make your future Your choices matter even in the smallest groups You can either be kind or cruel in word or deed Feel free to add to or completely ignore this! Use what you know and draw from it to choose wisely This is just a fun game to try but the more you put into it the more you'll get out of it Use what you know and draw from it to choose wisely Capture a truth-- donsnt need to be plot or fact just your best shot Capture a truth-- donsnt need to be plot or fact just your best shot Express values you feel dearest into a simple themed list (inside stuff only you know here) ) Whom do you know? Have fun and enter the storm! Express values you feel dearest into a simple themed list Actulizing the world space Ok I think we're ready Its up to you to explore the desrecated areas of this wonderland now Please change this string into something meaningful, YOUR content is what drives the story Go through any door and see what is behind the door Good luck, you'll need it Death is but another path, one that we all must take but my sister and I have come to find another short cut: the dream of the God machine, the Eden virus Only winners may pass beyond villains always lose zee body, ze voice, ze mind Choose right and live or defy and die Find strength in friends (Only ifed by friends) Your eternal mind ; (memories, personality, identity Character- environment- pff keyboard- ; (life itself) cruel, chaos ; (game is evil hee hee ) poetic, dangerous freedom to choose between good and evil Silently you wander, searching for your lost humanity-- among the past This text adventure is meant to be played many times- always choosing a different path, or deciding to enter a new area Each time yields dfferent encounters uniquely crafted to match the theme of your current list of ingredients Character- environment- pff Viewpoint; ( camera-focus) free, you can look arund your enviroment but be sure to make choices ; ( haveyou looked at the door or at the cabinet in the room you are in? CHARACTERS You are he, she, it, or What are you doing here? Save yourself or suffer chaos and disorder? Lead a simple life and move on among the stars Incalmately, reality ; (BSc Nursing), good old Chuck ( camera-focus) free, the world is waiting for you Behind the wall, where shadows lie longing And the thief who has found an empty coffin and now stares in at a beautiful sleeping woman --covered with the blankets of the royal arms----Beware he does not become enamored indeed ; (of his wrongfulness, deeds of evil) Gone are the witcheries, but soon to be reality A sunlamp will go off in 1 minute The city and the book the world is waiting for you How do you clone an object say using microwaves? Propose a realistic theory based on new concept (ego-syntax realism) There isnt going to be a right answer, its just a matter of finding what you like and comparing to other ideas you come across Good luck in your dealings among the creatures who think they are gods Open brackets always mean there is an alternate reality or something similar taking place instead of this one now How do you clone an object say using microwaves? He felt like shit but was that normal Someone unfriendly has sabotaged your vehicle You must try to survive the war zone ahead Vampire is on board, hunting you (clumsy)zombie virus unleashed The walking dead are going to eat your brain You are standing on a beach of sand below a full moon This unnerves you (your fear is unreasonable)Your stress level is rising You don't like this weird place He felt like shit, The cursing spewed from his mouth with out control the day before he had tried to forget this day so many years before The dead body on the floor was obvious he would frame it as a suicide Cursing the name of Willy the retard he tries to put it out of his mind as he steps over her body taking careful steps towards the stage The cursing spewed from his mouth with out control the day before he had tried to forget this day so many years before The cracks where showing already he was later then they should be A feeling in his gut like something was wrong-terribly wrong The hallway leading to it seemed to somehow be evaporating what was behind it As if the sand was being shifted through a hour glass leaving soft echoes of sound you could only faintly hear Every thing is uncertain right now even life and death themselves were created from the beginning of time and space-- why can't dream weavers be as well? The cracks where showing already he was later then they should be How to program madness says the greatest mad man who ever lived You cant give it up now-- theres no way you'll get through this alone-- the madness leading from the deep psychic core of your brain makes it obvious you can't-- but there is another, quite you don't know of yet A dying man upon his death bed: 'is all we are is dust in the wind' one hour later, the bodiless brain dead corpse of Iron Horse was dashed upon the rocks How to program madness? How to program hating your self It's easy there are always many people in this cold ruthless world who hate you; THE ONLY THING YOU SHOULD NEVER LOSE IS YOUR SELF RESPECT The smile on her face is so beautiful you can feel it as you close your eyes and see it in your soul You hope you don't let yourself down you promised if nothing else not to become a total failure--Now or ever after How to program hating your self? It was a loss of control but perhaps not really of your own will You shake off the last remaining effects of these cruel specters ect finally you see him but it's clear even though it's happy-ever-after time for you and her he's mad and out for blood tonight Too bad it won't be yours-- as he hops down-- blocking your path to the stage, a growl comes out his mouth so vicious that but makes you strangely hungry It was a loss of control but perhaps not really of your own will The loss of control mixed with sugur destroyed him stuck between animal mind and higher reasoning dead in the middle dictating only death, failure, and hate/repression and you were a beacon of-- something young and beautiful that could never be allowed to reach her full potential You set off quickly not willing to risk it He lied he jumped at you flying through the air moving much faster than he should have been able to but you did see this coming The loss of control mixed with sugur destroyed him stuck between animal mind and higher reasoning dead in the middle dictating only death, Anything to sufficiently distract you really You manage to avoid him drawing hastily from your thin wallet the fake State medical card you just knew you'd need someday for some situation like this Or any other club tonight for that matter Maybe anywhere in the city was a bad idea-- States weren't exactly too forgiving when it came to people using others as guinea pigs whether they liked it or not Of course they also seemed to be unusually lenient with Demons who cheated death and vast human gambling rings so perhaps they just didn't care You were starting to see why he was mad Unfortunately he saw through your trick-- lazers screeching by and nicking at your legs to stop you as he quickly came up behind you taking blow after blow from him-- even in your late 'teens were nothing to scoff at He catches you with a desperate overhand, hoping the element of surprise would work in your favor You somehow manage to duck and avoid the worst of it it's in that moment you grab the teeth spewing from his mouth-- putting your fist into his jaw as hard as you could Before he knows what is going on you sneakily get behind him open the top of his mouth and force them down his throat Laser blasts flame out one side of his face melting a club security goon before he hits the ground dead You've killed him after all You have little time to reflect upon it and do not feel remorse-- but a strange sense of pride that you did in fact take this demon down He was just too powerful, if he wanted to take me down-- No one could stop him You dash forward clearing the the other two guards within seconds reinforced by your suden boost in power taken from the beast you slain However now what? You're half tempted to try your luck busting out Meliodas but you know that beyond this door is a large horde of demonic types and the single most powerful one, not counting The There's no way the two of you could breach that stronghold You breathe heavily, sitting upon the ground with a cold sweat, left with only one real option Calling for help "Elios, you piece of cocks " You call, tapping your leg as you wait for him to pick up "Pick up you tiny prick, I need that door out here opened Whether you like it or not, it's safer with me than it is out there right now " You offer, as you attempt to calm yourself down --- In the end, he helps; getting the door open just in time as your ambushers stragglers find you-- a full three minues before Elios and his Crowd of excited guards find him "Alright you little shemale, come on! Let's take this freakshow on! You hope Nic is alright With a groan the door opens, light floods inward along with Elios' men promising a nasty end "Alright then Let's do it You may have some unfinished busines, when this is done The pair of you move forward into the dawn, weapons ready as the cool air prickles your skin With a shrug and a nuzzle you move forward, Elios firing a few bolter shots to back your first two pursuers away from you You find yourself thinking sad thoughts about Father Tomas, hoping that wherever he is now, that he at least made his peace after such a betrayal
0 notes
sam-anderson-writes · 6 years
My Top 10: Motivational Songs
I'm fairly new to the whole "Daily Motivation" thing, but ever since I've started it, it really has helped me. As someone who enjoys music immensely, in a myriad of genres, I have a tendency to make playlists to work to on YouTube.
The wonderful thing about YouTube is that, as long as you have an internet connection, be it at home, at the library, at school, or just as a wireless hotspot on your phone, you can enjoy all the music you want for free, though you can also find all the songs listed here on Spotify. So, to try to make your day a little more triumphant, without hurting your wallet, I thought I'd share some songs with you that often have helped me get through the day. I'm sure that you've heard many of them before, though you may find some new gems to get yourself up and going.
The first band I want to mention is My Chemical Romance. They are and always have been one of my favorite bands. Their message has always been one of hope and self-love. This song I want to share is no different. It has a bouncing beat that's wonderful to dance to, especially in a club-type setting, with a message that is important to the crowds that may gather in such a venue.
To me, the message behind the song has always been one of not letting yourself remain one of a massive number. Someone who blends in with the crowd. And not letting yourself be dragged down by people you consider friends or family who tell you to do the same. It's about standing up for yourself, being yourself, and if you don't fit into the place where you are, go exploring. Be adventurous and be who you wanna be, even if it takes you out of your comfort zone. Sometimes especially if it takes you out of your comfort zone. And to surround yourself with friends who are willing to support you, no matter what happens. The lovely thing about this band in general is that throughout their entire career, they were always sending the message that even if you didn't know the band members personally, they would always be there to back you up if you had no one else to do so. To support you through the bad times. Even the end screen to the video for their song "Teenagers" has a message featuring the Suicide Hotline just in case you're feeling lost and alone. To be honest, as much as I've always loved other music, this band really did get me through the angst-ridden teenage years that we all experience, and made that part of my life just a little bit easier. It still continues to do so today.
Song: Planetary (GO!) Artist: My Chemical Romance Album: Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvfNmXbVHi4
Before I discovered My Chem, though, one of my friends introduced me to the essential modern punk rock experience known as Green Day. It all started with their album American Idiot, and then I backtracked through their earlier work from there. Though I don't have any of their older songs listed here, I can still say that my favorite album by them is Warning.
I chose these two songs because they give me the strength to keep going, even when I'm feeling down. They remind me to be who I want to be, and that even though times may be tough, I'm still breathing. I'm still alive. And I need to keep going.
I'll never forget the intro that singer Billie Joe Armstrong gave to "Holiday" on their concert DVD Bullet in a Bible. He shouted out to the crowd, "This song is not anti-American, it's anti-War!" An inspiring sentiment, and one that today still rings true, and to me, as I’m sure it is to many others, this song has always been one of satire, blatantly stating that though we may take a "holiday" from our day-to-day lives (the chorus), inevitably we must return to our capitalist, corporate, government-regulated lives and, in essence, are forced not to speak up for ourselves (the verses). Honestly, Green Day founded my love of punk rock and it doesn't matter if you listen to their older music, such as Kerplunk and Dookie, or their newer stuff, such as Revolution Radio, their message will always be a timeless one. Timeless, that is, until we, as a people, stand up and change things for the better.
Song: Holiday Artist: Green Day Album: American Idiot YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A1OqtIqzScI
This next song reminds me of troubles that I've been through, troubles I'm still going through, and the troubles that we all go through in our everyday lives. But no matter what, here we are, still alive, still breathing, and still walking those streets. Still going to work, and school, and still interacting with those around us. It's those minute actions, the mundane ones of getting up, getting dressed, doing the things we need to do that sometimes, are the only things that are keeping us alive, and sometimes, that's okay. That's all we need until we find something better.
And sometimes it's that act of just keeping ourselves alive day after day that is in itself a call for help. A hand reaching out, waiting for someone, anyone, to come along and grab it, to pull us up. It can be a friend or family member, a coworker or authority figure, anyone, so long as it's genuine help. I think that like the end of the MCR's "Teenagers" video, this would be the perfect placement for the Suicide Hotline, just in case. And also like My Chem, sometimes, it's a band of magnificent people that you've never met that get you through the day just by playing the music that they do.
Song: Still Breathing Artist: Green Day Album: Revolution Radio YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnTZa4FY_7I
Continuing along the lines of 1) songs that make you feel that even though you are different, you matter; and 2) my top three favorite bands; let me introduce you to Steam Powered Giraffe. A quirky little band from San Diego, California where the entire band is made up of robots! Or rather, pantomime actors that play robotic characters who are themselves the band. That's not to say that they are auto-tuned though. Oh no. These wondrous thespians do all of their own make-up, vocals, and instruments, and even puppets!
The song I want to share with you can be easily explained in the official music video. It features fans of the band, and even the band itself if you look carefully, holding up signs stating what their "malfunction" is. What society looks down on them for. They range from the silliest, such as a smiling dog with the sign "Pitbull" to something serious, such as depression, anxiety, autism, or being transgendered. It's in listening to the song itself, and the representation on screen, in public media, that the band is conveying that even though you are considered flawed, you are not broken. You do not malfunction. You simply function in a different way, and that those who function normally, who are not “broken”, are uninteresting. Though, in making such a varied representation, the people are in fact showing that no one is perfect. Everyone has a little malfunction, a little quirk, that makes them who they are, and that's not something that is okay to laugh at or put down them down for.
Song: Malfunction Artist: Steam Powered Giraffe Album: Quintessential YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE01dViWqAM&t=18s
This song is another that I really enjoy from the female character in Steam Powered Giraffe, Rabbit. It's Rabbit when she's not Rabbit. It's Bunny as she normally is. This song is specific to her in that she is a transgendered woman, and that if only she were accepted as the way she wants to be, as a "she" rather than the "he" that she was born as (the silver robot The Spine is her identical twin brother), then she wouldn't care if they looked down on her. She wouldn't care that they didn't like her. She'd be happy to just be left alone to live her life as she saw fit. And that's all any of us ask for, truly. Just to be ourselves. To be accepted as ourselves. As the quirky, art/media-obsessed nerd that I am, I can absolutely relate, as I'm sure a lot of you out there could. There's no reason to be cruel to people just for being who they are, unless of course who they are is one of those... well, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.
Song: Transform Artist: Isabella Bunny Bennett Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irQClUTaWJA
Okay, and now let's pick it back up. Like "Planetary (GO)", "Victorious" by Panic! At the Disco is what I would consider a dance-like-no-one-is-watching song. Or dance with people watching. Who cares? The important thing is that you're having fun, and it's a great song to have fun to.
Maybe you've had a bad day, a bad week, a bad month, or even a bad year. Sometimes it's that moment of pretending like you didn't, that fake-it-til-you-make-it mentality, that keeps you going. And eventually, every so often, it works out so that you don't have to fake it anymore. That's what I think about when I hear this song. Celebrating what you can. What helped you make it through the day, even if it was the littlest thing. Because even if you have a lot go wrong in your life, focusing on what went right can help it seem more bearable. Eventually, you'll be able to take the bad and deal with it like a boss!
Song: Victorious Artist: Panic! At the Disco Album: Death of a Bachelor YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUChk0lxF44
Now, up until this point, I've mentioned bands that you may or may not heard of, but now it starts getting a little more obscure. Maybe. The following are bands made up of YouTubers. This first one isn't even sung by the guy in the title, but is rather an auto-tuned version of him by another band made famous by doing auto-tuned songs of YouTubers and other celebrities. But the result is still the same: An awesome song that makes you want kick the butt of anyone and anything standing in your way. This is one of my absolute go-to motivational songs, which just so happens to coincide with the singer's newly established motto of "Positive Mental Attitude!" No matter where you're going, no matter what you're doing, no matter how many setbacks you have or how many mountains you need to climb, don't stop halfway through, or you'll never get there. You need to go all the way!
Song: All The Way (Jacksepticeye Remix) Artist: Shmoyoho Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJPc49z57bU
This next band is one I found that, to me, is rather silly and ridiculous, and it hearkens back to my boy-band days, but it's really just a bunch of guys having fun and singing about their favorite video games. Four YouTubers, including the singer of the last two songs on this list, dress up as or are animated as their favorite classic title bosses. There's G-Cash (Ganon from The Legend of Zelda series), Ronik (Dr. Robotnik from the Sonic the Hedgehog series), Big Bow (Bowser from the Mario games), and Sephy (Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII). By combining their strength and resourcefulness, they take out their heroes time and time again in this video, showing that no matter how many times someone tries to stand in your way, you can be the boss and take them down. Now, I'm not promoting villainy here, just self-confidence, something that I think we can all agree on needing every now and then.
Song: I'm the Boss Artist: Big Bad Bosses Album: Power Overwhelming YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H841uTdr5S0
And finally, this last artist is one that I found through his covers of big name titles such as Green Day's "Holiday", Fall Out Boy's "Thnks fr th Mmrs", and, funnily enough, Chip Skylark's "My Shiny Teeth and Me." (Extra cookies to whoever gets that last reference.) But not only does he do covers of big name songs, on top of his personal work, but he does songs from television series and movies.
The first one I want to share is from the children's show Steven Universe. It is originally sung by one of the main gem characters, Garnet, who is a fusion of the two female gems Ruby and Sapphire. Yes, a lesbian couple, but since all gems from the gem homeworld identify as female, making Steven the only male gem, lesbian/polyamorous relationships are inevitable. One thing that the creator Rebecca Sugar has consistently gotten flack in the media for, both unsurprisingly and undeservedly. Steven Universe is by far one of the greatest children's television series to come along in several years, and it's not stopping anytime soon.
I think that for Nathan to do a cover of that song, and do it well, is a testament to how powerful a statement its message really is. It doesn't matter who you have in your life that loves you, and that you love, it's that love itself, that bond, that can be stronger than anything that crosses your path, and you can use it to its full advantage. It's that confidence in that relationship, that trust, care, and compassion that makes you so strong. And that strength can carry over into your environment, including your children, your parents, your friends, until no one gives you any grief for anything. Any petty argument saltily flung your way reflects off your ward of awesome and falls to the ground, invalid and useless.
Song: Stronger than You (from Steven Universe) Artist: Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle) Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkVbucbpZiw
Finally, I want to share one of Nate's covers of a big name song: Shakira's "Try Everything" from the film Zootopia. The premise is simple: You never know what you like until you try it, and you'll never be good at anything unless you keep trying, so pick yourself back up, brush yourself off, and try again. They only way you're going to learn is by fixing the mistakes, so why not fix them? If it's something that you really want to do, or to be, then it takes vigilance, persistence, and hard work. Be Judy Hopps! Be the first bunny cop in the history of Zootopia! Be you! Just make sure that you're the best you that you can be.
Not that I think Shakira's version is bad, I think I just have a preference for deep voices. (The Spine from Steam Powered Giraffe does an amazing cover of Rihanna's "Diamonds"!) But seriously, if you haven't seen Zootopia yet, you definitely should. Like Steven Universe, it's one of the best options for children's entertainment to come out in a long time, without being exclusively for kids!
Song: Try Everything (from Zootopia) Artist: Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle) Album: N/A YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoKpPBM7fas&index=91&t=0s&list=PLTK7jKjKw3NU1karAt6LJAVsgYgPC1iAJ
That's all I've got for you now. If any song on the list helps you in any way, or if you have others that you think would add to it, feel free to post them in the comments. Tell me what you think of these songs, or artists. And if you'd like just hear all them in order instead of individually, here's the link to the playlist I created: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTK7jKjKw3NU4mnyMIqCm6nknV3FRLth_
Have a great day!
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