#i love fluff so we'll be back to our regular programming soon
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projecting the depressive episode on my favs again <33
Headcanons about how bud handles his depression:
Not sure if he gets the Dread™ like I do but I like to think he has a bad reaction to his own wings when he's going through it. That and the frantic searching for something that'll make the numbness go away.
He'd curl up in a ball for most of the day staring blankly into the wallpaper and during the night he'd be drafting duck designs until he passed out.
He'd definitely shut down at the thought of the hotel and/or any of his duties. He would be able to fake being okay better than usual on those days. Just, so dissociated that he can go through the motions without overthinking things. He'd probably be on the verge of a panic attack all day.
I don't think he'd cry much unless he started spiralling about Lilith and Charlie, though. That's when he'd curl up under the covers and shatter.
close ups beneath the cut
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