#i love glowy shit in art you dont understand
u3pxx · 2 years
(omg hi ur on tumblr !!) i loved your post with the sprite redraws, can i ask how you added the glow effect to nahyutas scarf? thanks!
aww thank you, glad to hear that!! <33 and the glowy effect is pretty simple to do actually!
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step 1: change your lineart color to the base color you used for the scarf slash thing slash w/e.
step 2: duplicate your lineart layer and gaussian blur it to at least 5% (or more, up to you!), then set the layer mode to add (glow) so the outline of it glows :^]
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step 3: make a layer with the blending mode add (glow) above the whole thing. then get your soft airbrush, get a very light color, then put it in the areas where you want it to be super glowy! :^D
bonus step: do a little chromatic aberration as extra pizzazz :^P
and that's it, hope this helped ya! <33
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owlf45 · 4 years
Hello! I really love your art and I was wondering if you have any advice for a beginner artist trying to make there own style?
fiofniwoe oh god i am pretty much the least qualified person you could’ve asked this question, since i consider myself pretty much a beginner and i do NOT have a consistent style whatsoever, but ill try?? to give my own experience?? i guess?? 
from my own experience, art is one of those things where you learn the rules of... whatever it is youre doing to bend or break them. for example!! if youre drawing people, its really important to understand at least the basic rules of human anatomy. even if your knowledge isnt GREAT, having that bit of knowledge can help! instead of slapping down lines and hoping it looks good, you can push or pull those anatomy rules a bit more confidently without it being a strain on the eyes. (my favorite example of this has to be this lovely art.) when i first started i tried to jump straight into stylized art and it was usually a mess, or my art was constrained to one position and lacked variety. it really wasnt until i brushed up on the basics that i felt more confident in what the fuck i was doing and could have more freedom to my drawing capabilities. so if youre just starting, i would personally focus more time on a simpler style to practice those basics. then when youre more comfy, move onto building your style in a certain direction. 
also!! art styles take time to build!! im sure if you scroll back far enough in any artist’s catalogue of stuff they’ve posted, youll notice that immediately. you can see the transition, but its a slow thing. sometimes it takes months, other times years. but it’s really not an overnight thing. maybe one day you find this really cool lighting technique you never considered, and then you realized that this brush youve never used is a thing... and then! loh and behold! you could shade like that?? oh and you can exaggerate those portions of the face?? who knew! and then an artist looks back and oh shit!! their art HAS changed! so if youre just starting art, dont stress yourself so much about trying to find your “unique” style immediately. it’ll come with time!! just keep on pushing and pulling the rules and adding new things that look nice, removing old ones that aren’t so nice. you’ll get there. 
if you feel like youve got your basics at least somewhat down and youre only stagnant in your style, then, well, look at art that you like. what draws you to it? is it the shape? the colors? the lighting?? the medium?? or is it just that the guy drew the eyes really cutely and you want to try something like that? or maybe someone draws birds that are so huggable and you want to try it yourself?? try incorporating those little details or techniques of what you like into your art, and see what clicks, what doesn’t. 
also!! watch!!! timelapses of art!!! art tutorials are informative but if youre like me who cant keep attention for shit, watch and pay close attention to the speed lapses where people talk about funny stories or play cool music in the background and see what those artists do when its not the expectation to educate. how do they build the structure for faces?? how do they blend colors?? do they do multiple sketches?? how DO they do their sketches?? what kind of blending and painting techniques do they use?? what kind of shortcuts do they do that you didn’t notice previously?? look past your preferred medium and find artists from all kinds of crafts and youll see how much you can learn. it’s really helpful to just watch them do their shit, especially because they show stuff they do without realizing how it might be helpful. for example, i watch neytirix and i realize they do lighting above the lineart layer (i think with some kind of airbrush tool) to give it a more soft glowy effect which!!! i would not!!! have otherwise thought about!!! even though its really fucking obvious in retrospect!!! when you binge a lot of artists’ videos repeatedly their patterns become easier to point out and you can learn a lot. 
anyway, stare at cool art! surround yourself with artists who are extremely talented! theres so much you pick up without realizing it! doodle well and often!! maybe youll stumble across something you like to do. and last but not least, find your medium and pick up your tools and fuck around with them!! maybe youll find something cool for yourself, who knows?? its a process and your style will evolve and grow with time. just keep on trying new things out, testing what you like and don’t like, and keep on growing. an art style is only unique (imo) because it is a conglomeration of all that youve learned from countless different people. 
anyway. you should probably ask someone whos not entirely self taught or has more experience, but i hope this was slightly helpful!!! idk maybe im stating the obvious, in which case i apologize for that!!! 
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mermaidxatxheart · 5 years
I was wondering if you could write something where the reader is talking to Natasha or someone about how she feels like Bucky uses her for her body? He only really has rough sex with her, never asks about her wellbeing afterwards, or during. He has only taken her on 4 dates, and practically ignores her outside of the bedroom. She just feels really used and Natasha is pissed (she votes for a break up no matter what)and Bucky overhears her and just he ends up working his ass off becuz of guilt
This was pretty easy to write, once I started it just spilled out. Thanks for the request, babe. I hope you like it. 
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Word Count: 1667
Warnings: Angst, mentions of rough sex, swearing
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No one ever told you the downfall of living with spies and super soldiers.
 Like the fact that Natasha Romanoff is amazing at reading micro-expressions. She always manages to ruin a perfectly good cup of tea. 
 She sidles up to you as you sip at your tea. You determinedly ignore her stares, refusing to be the one to break.
 “What’s that face for?” She finally asks. 
 “It’s just my face, Tash.” You reply evenly. 
 “No, you have a sad mark, right there.” She pokes your forehead.
You swat her hand away with a roll of your eyes. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
 “I’m expertly trained and you have a terrible poker face.” She grins. “I thought you just came from a ‘session’ with Bucky.” She hints, nudging your arm. “Shouldn’t you be all glowy and relaxed?” 
 “I’m fine.” You insist.
 “Oh my god, how can you stand that? Your pants are on fire.” 
 “Jesus, I hate you.”
 She pokes your arm, and her eyes widen. “I’m sorry, is that a bruise?” She lifts your sleeve and you yank your arm away.
 “It’s not what you think.” You sigh. 
 “Oh, so Bucky didn’t hurt you?” She snaps.
 His stomach rumbles again, He’s put off eating for a while. He knows Y/N would be in there, and it’s just easier to avoid you when you’re not in the bedroom. It’s hard to see you afterward, knowing what he’s done and how much he must have hurt you. He tries to resist as much as he can, he tries to hold out because he knows that every time he can’t, he’ll lose control and hurt you. 
 He almost reaches the kitchen and freezes when he hears Natasha’s voice. “Oh, so Bucky didn’t hurt you?” She snaps.
 “I’m not sure you would understand.” You reply. 
 “Try me. I thought Bucky liked you.” Natasha’s voice is defensive. 
 “He did. I mean, he does. I don’t know. I think he does. Sometimes.” You sigh and he can just picture you rubbing your face. 
 “You guys go out, don’t you? On dates?” Natasha asks and Bucky can’t stop the cringe.
 “We’ve gone on a couple. But, he has a hard time in the crowds.” You defend him, more than what he deserves. 
 You sigh loudly. “And, he seems more interested in having sex than going out.” You say exasperatedly. 
 “Rough sex?” Natasha guesses.
 “Yeah. I mean, it’s great.”
 “Y/N, stop making excuses,” Natasha demands, slamming her hand on the table. 
 “What are you asking me?” You shoot back.
 “How does he treat you?” She asks pointedly. 
 “Like I’m there just to have sex with him. Kind of ignores me when we’re outside the bedroom. Doesn’t particularly,” you cut off with a small noise like you’re unsure what to say. “I don’t wanna say he doesn’t care, but I don’t think it occurs to him to be soft sometimes.”
 “Soft? Like, gentle?” Natasha asks. He knows that tone. She’s rising towards anger pretty quick. 
 “Sort of? I don’t mind the roughness. I trust him not to take it too far, but he could still ask if I’m okay afterward.” You say quietly. 
 Bucky’s shoulders slump as he realizes what an asshole he is. He needs to figure out a way to make it up to you. To figure out a way to tell you all the complicated things you make him feel that he hasn’t had to deal with for 70 years.
 “That’s not okay, Y/N. That’s not just rough sex or BDSM, or whatever it’s being called. That’s certified abuse and you need to end it.” Natasha says firmly. 
 “No, Tash, it’s not-he doesn’t-”
 “End it. Look, I like Barnes as much as the next person, but not if he’s going to treat you like that. I’ll kick his ass.”
 “Please don’t.” You groan. 
 “I’m just saying. If I see you with another bruise, I’ll lose my shit.”
 Bucky steps back from the doorway, appetite lost. He needs to think, needs to clear his head. Maybe Natasha is right, as she usually is, and he should end things with you. But he doesn’t want to leave you with a bad memory of him. 
 He heads for the training center, in desperate need of a workout. He plugs in his headphones and makes quick work of taping his wrists. He heads for the punching bag and begins. 
 He never should have allowed you to get so close in the first place, but maybe he never had a choice in the matter. You tend to work your way in without anyone noticing, a small laugh here, shared joke there. Late-night snacks, early morning coffees, secret smiles across the gym floor. And then suddenly he sees you differently, knows he’s looking at a work of art, something so soft and sweet, something that holds the power to destroy him. 
 The first time you fell into bed together, you begged him for faster, harder. Your breaths were small puffs of air against his ear, your lips a sin on his neck. He destroyed you, hands too tight, hips driving too harshly. He was starving for you, and the more he devoured, the hungrier he got. 
 He was so ashamed of hurting you, too embarrassed at having lost control like that, he couldn’t even make himself ask if you were okay. That would be admitting that what he had done was wrong. But how could you feeling so good around him be wrong? And then he couldn’t bear to see the horror in your face as you realized how rough he’d been, the bruises around your wrists, at your hips. He left before you were awake, ashamed, disgusted with himself. 
 He swore he wouldn’t do it again. He would apologize or just pretend it never happened. But then you were smiling at him across the kitchen, coffee made just for him and maybe-just maybe-you didn’t hate him at all. 
 He never wanted to hurt you; never thought he would have the chance to be so intimate with anyone. You always beg him for more, harder, faster, deeper. You drive him to madness and how in the world is he supposed to resist perfection?
 But then the morning comes. Oh god, the morning light, showing off your fresh bruises, the swollen wrists, the raised marks on your bare back, the indents of metal plates etched on your skin and he’s a fucking monster. And so, he avoids you. Guilt rolls around in his stomach, tightening his insides to mummy status.
 Christ, he’s a god damn menace. 
 The bag breaks off the chain and sails across the room, sliding with a quiet thud into the wall. His hair is sticking to his face and neck with sweat. It drips in his eyes, trickles down his back, plastering his shirt to his skin.
 “Shit.” He mutters, staring at it before straightening up. 
 “I thought helping you work out aggression was my job.” You say from behind him and he jerks back away from you. You frown, taking a step towards him. He matches the distance and you pause. “Bucky?” You tilt your head.
 “I was hoping for some privacy.” He mutters, dropping his gaze. 
 “Oh. Right. I’ll leave you to it, then.” You acknowledge, taking a safe step back. “Steve keeps spare bags in that closet.” You say gesturing begins him.
 “Y/N?” He starts, looking up at you.
 “Would you, um, would you maybe like to have dinner? With me, I mean. Dinner with me?” He asks, sounding like a buffoon. He can feel his face reddening. Christ almighty you make him nervous. 
 “I would love to.” You smile, your face lighting up in such a beautiful way. “Is tonight okay?” 
 “Yeah. I think we need to talk.” He says and your face instantly falls. 
 “Yeah.” He bobs his head like a fucking chicken. Because he’s a coward. A chickeny coward. Ugh.
 “Bucky? Should I be worried?” You bite at your bottom lip and he wants to stop you, to reassure you that everything’s fine. But he can’t. He has to do the right thing. 
 “I,” he pauses, unsure how to tell you that he was eavesdropping. “Natasha said-” he stumbles and you roll your eyes. 
 “Yeah, Natasha doesn’t always know what she’s talking about.” You say.
 “In this case, she might be right.” He hedges.
 “I bet she’s not. Let me guess, she told you that we should stop seeing each other?” You guess and he realizes his mistake. You don’t know he overheard your conversation; you think Natasha confronted him. 
 He nods, lying like a fucking carpet. 
 “Well, she’s wrong. She doesn’t understand.”
 “She understands that I hurt you.” He says quietly. 
 “Because I ask for it.” You step closer. “If I didn’t like anything you do to me, you wouldn’t be allowed to keep doing it, Bucky.”
 “I can’t keep control when I’m... when we’re...” 
 “Fucking? Maybe if you didn’t fight it so hard, you’d have an easier time.” You say evenly, and he realizes that you’ve moved in front of him without him even realizing it. “So, we’ll go to dinner and talk about everything we want from each other. And I’ll try not to encourage you so much. Although the sex is pretty fantastic, I don’t want you feeling bad. I think the solution is more sex so that you get used to it and it doesn’t all spill out at once.” You clutch his shirt and pull him down to meet you for a searing kiss that steals his breath. “I’ll see you for dinner.”
 And then you’re gone.
 Maybe he was wrong about losing control. Maybe he never had it in the first place. Maybe you’ve been getting almost everything you want all along. But he can definitely do better at the soft parts, like not ignoring you, like making sure you’re okay. Maybe admitting it doesn’t make him a monster, but hiding from it does. 
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ghostantine · 6 years
Right so I pretty much loved it??
this here now is quite a detailed take on it cos i guess i’ve talked back and forth about it so much i need give a conclusion
First of all: the set up, that also was the first eps that dropped on cw seed, is pretty much the weakest part of the film in my opinion. also for the film they got bit beefed up with other surrounding world and mood building stuff which helped.
So! Does it live up to the comic? well... yes and no. it has the wireframe of All His Engines but it does divert from it a lot. Most of the diversions are to cater to a certain idea, establishing the Hellblazer universe and tying into material people who know the motion work know. It’s not necessarily a bad thing tho, quite the contrary at one part or another: there is one plot twist early on that might actually be slightly more interesting than All His Engines had. The adaptation of the story clearly aims to bring more insight to Hellblazer as whole rather than adapting AHE, which im not opposed to at all if done well (originally i was really surprised by the choice of AHE to begin with). Unfortunately in some key parts of John’s history as well as key parts of AHE plot, this falls flat and dilutes some potential outcomes. Where it does live up to the comic tho is obviously the basis of the plot but also has very much the vibe and style of the comic (interesting as the art actually is very different and not to my taste). The comic clearly served as a platform to build this story from and they were very respectful for it as a source. They also took off some little off-character and off-canon things the comic originally had, altho on the other hand they did change and remove bits of AHE that were important for that storyline and suspense of it. There is a twist at the end that arguably, in it’s essence, is even more All His Engines than the comic actually was.
How it stands with Constantine Episode 10, Quid pour Quo? Well it’s quite at the similar place as ep10 and comic. I think the animation has more of the vibe of the comic while the liveaction follows the storyline more closely. The animation makes some huge diversions of the Hellblazer canon which i get to later on while Ep 10 sticks very much to the comic established histories of the characters and to execute the 2/3 of the AHE plot in the episode. I think personally that the comic still manages to be the most interesting of these three and the motion ones are tied at very close second place. Mostly cos the animation fucked up at places and the comic edges up by having amazing lines no one bothered to include.
There is a lot i really loved. In general the whole thing’s actually pretty great? I might need to actually rewatch the whole thing without pausing every 5 mins to write down thoughts or tumblr posts haha. I think it held itself together and someone not so emerged into the comics wont even be bothered by the things i find annoying.  It has a much of a noire theme like original comic did and is something i absolutely love. the other thing i did love was that it wasnt taking itself too seriously either and was very much funny when it needed to be and also when things were just so over the top. Just like Hellblazer is, that is very much a Hellblazer approach in tone. I did love the ‘party’ scene so much, it made me so happy in all it’s ridiculousness and how it was right down to the tee my interests ahah. There was couple non-comic plot twists I didnt even think to wait for and i did love some and appreciate others. John was very much in character, probably the most since Constantine, at least in live action, maybe even in comics. I did also really love how people reacted to him cos that’s another people get wrong a lot. He was called out for being a fucking idiot and a bad person but still getting appreciation and interest from his peers and demons trying to fuck him up. All the time they stuck to All His Engines as a reference point it was as good as it gets with these things. Loved Asa the Nightmare Nurse so much! She was cool! Also John got thrown around and had his ass kicked I also like that a lot like all you know. Those little inner demon gremlins were cute too i love them
Obviously there are some problems and things im gonna nitpick next. I’ve talked to an extent about the whole Newcastle thing being SO WRONG and how it could’ve been done right... or at least less wrong. I think on my first watch i initially said i don’t care that much but the more i thought about it and now that i watched it again.... i don’t like it. not one bit. I did also initially say I’m not bothered by the fact that ‘Chas’ in this is actually like Chas and Gary and couple other Newcastle people merged together but... in the end that bothers me too. I would be less bothered if these actually served the plot but they dont. AHE doesnt have these and it still works. You dont need “DEEP WHOLE LIFE OF FRIENDSHIP AND SHARED TRAGEDY” to make a mens’ friendship meaningful, that’s just toxic masculinity. Honestly as much as i love Newcastle as a plot and them introducing Nergal to the mix here worked, i dont think the whole 10-15 mins of botching it was worth it. Either do it well or leave it as a vague thing. One other big thing that always bothers me is the magic stuff. While this did try from time to time to have John just draw symbols, bleed a bit and chant some shit to call up some bigger magical entity, it did also make John do some glowy hands magic shit and referred to him as gifted or some other bs. That’s STILL just WRONG. Why is it so hard for these people to understand? HNGH. There was also some dumb bits here and there like John driving which annoys me so much. The end im not quite sure how to feel about but it’s also VERY MUCH AHE (to the vibe of it, not the actual end of AHE). I still dont like the art and i think they are dumb for the whole “London Hospital” thing, tho I’m mostly just amused by that. They did change some stuff from AHE which i thought was really cool on AHE so that kinda bugged me a bit. Not going too much into the details but it’s the usual diluting of comics plot twists. One big thing for me tho was the lack of a clear “trial and error” plot which is the key part of the comic’s plot structure and also was very much present in the Constantine episode but was missing from the movie. The movie on the other hand followed a different Hellblazer plot structure where “John has an absolute solution which has a huge cost but wont use it until the end”. They gave Chas’ sex scene to John which is a bit unfair. Also the lack of lines like “we bend down and think of England” and John’s joke about skull being a bad condom cos it’s got holes is a huge loss on it’s own too.
And against JLD movie? I do like this way better. Not gonna get to too many details here but this obviously is a Hellblazer based thing and not DC/N52 thing. Ofc this one has bit more canon fuck ups cos it tried to get to so many things but as a whole i think it’s better than JLD and a good adaptation of All His Engines.
tldr; it’s a great little movie and very much enjoyable. it has some obvious flaws but keeps up to the comic vibe, characterisation and plot.
Also let john say fuck 2k18
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