#i love him btw ๐Ÿ’” in case you couldn't tell ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
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hirsheyskisses ยท 1 year
Hello Hir-san! I hope you're doing well โ™ฅ๏ธ May I please request a shu and Ike scenario with a s/o who is always taking care of others that they would often forget to take care of themselves?
If it's too much, please feel free to ignore this! Stay safe!
- ๐Ÿฎ anon.
You need love, too.
Genre: fluff
Headcanons + Short fic
An: in both fics you're dating but not quite living together yet. I read the s/o part too late I thought it was just friends til I re read the request ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”
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You are literally the most wholesome person shu has ever met
You are the loving parent of your friend group
Constant reminders from you for everyone to take care of themselves, always the first to start caring for someone when they're sick or down
Shu remembers the times you've helped him fall asleep by just telling stories
You're the best story teller
Heck he could listen to ur voice for hours
But one thing he's noticed
Is how down you seem sonetimes
It's always brief. That frown and a look of pure exhaustion
It was when he saw that that shu began to pay more attention to ur behavior
What the heck your sleep schedule was worse than his
Did you even have a life outside of work and friends
He means that in the nicest way possible btw
"Hey.. (name)!"
Had shu just snuck into your house? Yes. In his defense you gave him a spare key in case of emergencies. So like, this was an emergency.
"Eh? Shu? Why are you here?"
Despite your quick attempts to hide it, Shu already saw. The bags under your eyes that were normally hidden by concealer, the lag in your movement and how noodly you seemed, or the huff of your chest to get the right amount of air that should be effortless.
Yes, Shu noticed all of that and more.
"So like, I know it isn't normal BUTTTTTT.. I got ya some stuff." In his hands were bags, and he set them on the ground and began handing you things.
"A heated and weighted blanket, a super cool water bottle with drinking goals- oh! A penguin stuffie! Some of your favorite food- and some new movies! Ohh, and a pink penguin keychain!"
He absolutely spoiled u
Tried to be there emotionally for you but since you didn't always open up he got you stuff to comfort you instead
It made him super happy to see u using the water bottle specifically
It was a huge bottle with times and goals to drink in a day
He didn't know u cuddled the plushies every night though
But they made you so happy
You're very thankful to him
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Ike absolutely understood forgetting to take care of one's self
But he wasn't gonna lie he had no idea what a lack of self care you had
You did do good at caring for him and others it was only when he was at ur house he realized
You sucked at taking care of yourself
And it wasn't that you were bad at it but you just forgot
And he realized that you being the therapist friend didn't help at all
He'd read that people who acted as therapists for people often felt trapped
Because they couldn't bring themselves to rant to the people who "have it worse"
He caught those moments where you looked completely dead
That face was so numb and bland
Scared him shitpess tbh
So he decided to make sure he took care of you.
"Ike, you really don't have to."
In front of you was a meal specifically made by Ike. At this point Ikes house had become your second home with how often he insisted you come over for dinner. Or to hangout, which turned into dinner. And then he declared it was too dangerous for you to bike home, which turned into a sleepover and breakfast.
"But I like having you over! I get lonely." Ike protested, snatching your fork and stabbing it into a piece of broccoli, and held it in front of your both,
"Besides, you like my cooking, don't you? Now open up," Ike said with a grin.
Your face flushed you quickly took the broccoli off the fork and then snatched the fork from him chewing sheepishly.
"Course I like your cooking, and company, Ike.." You mumbled as you swallowed.
Honestly you felt so much better when he started this
He had no idea
You both had so much fun and your physical and, to some extent, emotional health started to seriously improved
Ike himself felt much better having his lover over all the time
It was his own therapy
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