#i love him sm...shy lil lad...
forwyk · 7 years
Romantic Frustration | Doyoung
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Oaky,, doyoung,,
here I’m so soft for him I’m about to get giddy af
Alright I feel like he would be a big spooner in the sense that he loves spooning duh@me
we’ve seen how he is w the other members nd melted nd seen just how closely he holds them right
he’d love just spooning esp in a bed bc soft duvet nd soft warmth nd bc he gets to wrap his arms tight around u
pulling u as close to his chest as he could
he’d rly love the feeling of having u so close bc tht way he can make sure ur a-oaky at all times u kno
anyways he’d also b rly into nuzzling into ur neck/side of ur face area
tbh he would find comfort in the smell of ur shampoo or body wash or whatever
plus it was gave him access to placing super soft kisses to ur neck/jaw/cheek
LTHOugh when he did that it would make both of u super giddy hehe
like after he did it he’d smile rly big nd hide behind u again nd maybe press a kiss to ur shoulder
but like he’d absolutely lvoe it bc u were in a relationship !!! he could do it !!! u kno
he felt pride tht no one else was able to do tht bc u were together nd awww sappi doyoung w out the actual sap :’)))
Yo if u hadn’t seen each other in a while just kNo tht u will b cuddling facing each other
it’d b way more intimate nd promotes cosy talking which he’d b all for
bc wow he loves hearing u talk nd listening to what u say
he rly values ur opinions nd words oaky
he rly appreciates getting to talk to someone other than the members
even tho he loves them lots it’s just nice knowing another person cares
plus he’d find it supppppeeeeeerrr cute seeing u look up w big eyes tht r just filled w l o v e nd it’s all 4 him!!!
He’d feel so lucky awww bless :’)’)’)
nd also if u wanted 2 lean up 2 give him a peck on the lips or cheek or smwhere
ud place ur hands on his shoulders for a lil bit of leaverAge or support or whatever
nd he’d rly like feeling ur tiny hands against his broad shoulders
((this would also apply if u were hugging while standing like he did w his baby donghyuck awww)))
wow I’m making doyoung out to b a big ol sappi softy nd he is don’t get me wrong but he’s alsO 28474637272727% NOT OAKY THIS LAD IS JUST AS NASTIEE AS JAEHYUN BUT HE HIDES IT LIKE THE SNEKE HE IS
I’m gon try not go 2 hard here bc boi I don’t have time 4 these emotions!!!1!1!!
Oaky so kissing doyoung hehe I’m getting giddy as all h*ck wld most likely happen in bed at night just before slep oaky so
rite the way I imagine this goin down wld be yous 2 having ur wee chit chat u kno
it’s a nightly occurrence
so anYways it’s gonna happen 1 of 2 ways
the 1st way wld b like if he’s leaning over u but not rly over u
nd there wld be a slight lull in the convo
nd ud jus b lookin @ each other bc wow beauty
nd u wld c that look like his big eyes wld b sparkly as h*ck nd u wld knoooo
so anyway he’d lean down lowkey hesitantly bc he is still r shy wee bunni but he’d do it nonetheless
nd he wld just slot ur lips together sO S O F T L Y like,
there wld hardly be any pressure
but tht wld make u want more
so ud lean up into it
tht’s how he knos he got the rite away
nd he wld lower u back down properly, ur hands going around his neck 2 bring him impossibly closer
nd then,,
out it comes.
It makes n appearance.
Now lemme tell u,,
Doyoung knos e xactly what 2 do w his tongue
idk where he learnt it but dam tht thing has the ability to make u shiver in delight @ just the smallest of touches
even tho doyoung’s got quite small lips they r,,, hold up in get ing emo,,,, they’re so utterly beautiful nd so amazing @ kissing it hurts it don’t actually it’s just rly attractive nd has the ability to make u melt nd fall against/into him
nd the fact tht he’s hovering over u gives him tht lil bit o control tht he loves having nd tht u love him having hehe
bc he can just move to ur jaw nd neck @ any point
he doesn’t seem like the type to b super into hickeys but for some reason I c him having a thing for ears nd ear lobes??????
Don’t ask me y but I think nibbling gently on ur ear lobe wld be a major turn on 4 him hehehe
Oaky so the other way i c this going wld b u climbing onto his lap nd just goign 4 it
like laddddddddddd
he’d love it sm nd find it rly attractive just having u in his lap w his warm hands on ur waist //oboihishands//
but he wld also b super giggly bc c’mon it’s doyoung he is a shy wee thing it’s just surrounding his #nastieee u kno
rite so idk y but I feel doyoung wld rly like skin to skin contact
like Ik the look he gave taeil when he said he’d prefer linking arms bc more touching but nono,
this is different,
this is just u nd him
but like I think he’d rly love his hand resting on ur hip or waist or lower back just lazily trailing his hand over ur skin or gently squeezing it whenever either of u moan softly into the othertbh making out w doyoung wld b pure bliss nd I’m getting emo bc I think abt this daily whOOpS
also doyoung wld love 4 u to gently suck on his neck
like not hard enough 2 leave a mark but u kno,, tbh maybe I just wanna do this his neck,,is so h*cking beautiful I’m crine
plus by sitting on his lap ur in control of the gridningheheheheheh
He’d give those sorta lingering kisses where he’d keep leaning in nd softly pressing his lips to urs but in a really playful manner
nd it’d b super cute but he’d be shy as all heck!!!!
his Lips would b so soft nd warm u wld melt nd try to get impossibly closer to him oaky like u kno
yo his kisses,
(((esp makeouts)),
would last supppppeeeeerrrrrrrr long too,
like neither of u could get through the day without at least 45-1 hour of making out,
nd then both ur lips would b swollen as h*ck nd breathing heavily,
like makeout sessions w doyoung aren’t always gonna lead on to anything else,,,
they’re jus gonna b really nice nd enjoyable for u both
basically his aim is to get ur lips all red nd swollen from kissing
oaky he finds it supperrrr attractive ndjfhrrhdh
Yoyoyoyoyoyo tho none of the other members kno he’s this way
like the most he’ll do in front of them is hug u
nd give u those big gummie smiles we all love Sm :’)))))
nd tbh u found this more attractive nd loving bc he only shares tht side w u
nd only u kno how wildt he is in bedt nd dammmmm
I’m gonnstop bc ladS I lovE DOYOUNG SO MUCH 💖💖💖
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