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USS Epoch crew hanging out in the lounge, prior to the story
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Finally getting somewhere with this piece, I promise I haven’t stopped thinking about this au…
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@fireliliesstuff thanks for the tags!
Every outfit post has a square bracket underneath it, and the order inside corresponds with the order in the picture!
The far left is the formal dress, used for public formal events.
Second from the left is her daywear, which she wears day to day.
The last three are the layers/undressing of her ceremonial garb - as she wears the jumpsuit underneath, the ceremonial dress with ritual flag (the orange piece) and the cape over it all.
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1 and 13 for all our ends will shine like stars
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
To be blunt, Star Trek and Chrono Trigger lol.
Maybe it's more the feeling of star trek and chrono trigger, especially when I'm remembering how much the characters and story lines impacted me- but I wanted everyone to feel real within this world so that their developments over the chapters not only feel fluid, but plausible. I've really tried to think hard about how each character would react and respond to each other within the context of each chapter as I'm writing- I even have my own reference notes for each of the main characters speech patterns because it's important to me that in this fic they all sound distinctly like themselves.
Another thing that's really important to me while I'm writing this fic is the rythmn of it. It's a little hard to explain clearly, and I do this with most of my writing anyway, but the rythmn and flow is soooo important to me. Sometimes having 'correct' grammar is less important to me than it is to have the impact of a sentence or dialogue hit harder. The rythmn and flow for this fic in particular is a much more cinematic one, for lack of a better term. I really wanted this first chapter to feel like it was a pilot episode, where things are established well enough to get a grasp on the main trio (Magus Glenn and Marle) but still starting to get familiar with the others (Lucca Ayla and Robo) while setting up their common points and how their journey is going to continue. I want each of the chapters to feel kinda like the best episodes and movies of star trek, along with the best main and side quests in chrono trigger. I know that the impact, the tiny details in the characters and the rythmn of my writing are such that readers might completely miss that THAT'S where I've placed most my effort, but that's what's important to me, so I'll continue to write that way!
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
Oh man... Usually I have playlists made to get into a certain headspace or what have you, but when I write st au? It's either the engineering warp core 12 hour loop or this warp core white noise. The rythmic pulsing not only helps me stay on track to write with minimal distraction, but that's how it sounds on the ship!! Obviously it'll sound the loudest in engineering, but because their ship is quite small, I imagine that wherever you are, if you listen for it you can hear the warp core pulsing. Try reading with one of these, or whatever your favourite space ship ambience is >:)
Send me some asks about my fics~
- you can read For All Our Ends Will Shine Like Stars here -
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Finally feels like home, now that the chapter summaries are up on my wall!
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Inspired by an artist I follow, I decided to draw my own line up of Magus from Chrono Trigger. You should definitely check out the original artists! (Note: Zeal Ascendancy is my own work)
@yells-of-the-not-so-danged (this one isn’t an AU as far as I know but I love the design!)
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You can read the first chapter here
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“Glenn's hand absentmindedly ran across his scar, resting on the side of his neck.”
@our-ends-will-shine-like-stars just started but I am in love with the combination of Chrono Trigger and Star Trek.
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2022 vs 2019
Redoing the poster now that the first chap is up >:)
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Character Master List
Magus / Janus
Queen Zeal
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Chapter 1 - The Day It All Went Wrong
The first chapter has been added to AO3
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yooo i love your st au it’s so cool to find someone else who has the exact same nerd overlap of chrono trigger and star trek. if you dont mind could you tell me more about the zeal siblings in this au?? theyre my favs and im curious
Thank you so much for taking interest! That means a lot to me >:)
In this au, Vulcans and a human-like sister-species inhabit the same planet but have been semi-segregated due to many political and social factors. Before Queen Zeal became the Queen of the Vulcan race, she was proposed to by a working class man from the human species as an option for smoothing out tensions and rejoining the two species. She accepted his proposal as a political marriage, but ended up falling in love with him. From their union, they soon had Schala, the first hybrid child known to exist since their species segregated. A few years later, Janus was born, and both siblings were symbols of the future that lay ahead for the planet. While the positions they were born into put a lot of weight onto them both as public figures and future leaders, the people from both species of the planet adored them.
Unfortunately, around 10 years into King and Queen Zeal's reign, King Zeal passed away. Although great progress had been made, it did put a strain on Queen Zeal and Schala especially. Queen Zeal became very withdrawn, and inadvertently placed more and more public attention on her children over the years. Schala and Janus were both young, and now the sole advocates and political figures to represent the humans. Schala, being older, had decided to carry on her father's legacy and help her mother, and in her teenage years made philanthropic efforts where she could to keep good relations. Janus, being too young to really remember his father and feeling frustrated with his mother's withdrawal and how busy Schala was, grew inwardly resentful of the humans. Janus was known to be as equally withdrawn as his mother, and although he never spoke about his resentment, he was not as publicly favoured as Schala due to how withdrawn he was.
As the years go by, Queen Zeal starts arranging for an Ocean Palace to be made, and I'm sure you can see what kind of plot parallels I'm drawing there ;) The plot of my st au actually starts from The Prophet's point of view during the first and final ceremony to be held within the Ocean Palace!
If you'd like to know more about my au, I have actually made a side blog to keep everything organised (and so as not to spam here too much :P) & share things like concept art and discussions easily! @our-ends-will-shine-like-stars
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Baby Janus with his big sister Schala
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Those in the royal family, and those who work closest to them, have a formal cloth embroidered with Vulcan script that describes their roles.
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Queen Zeal - to open tradition [twash bu'tak]
Lady Schala - to heal the future [hakau fe-wak]
Master Janus - to seek destiny [psau buk]
Prophet - to seek the future [psau fa-wak]
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Concept art of the bridge
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Master Janus
[ formal / daywear ]
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