#i love how we as a fandom just finished watching the newest ep and said
scarlettroubles · 2 years
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Can’t believe Alador’s gonna leave his wife for Darius. Good for him.
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annoying-lucy · 4 years
Evan Evagora did an AMA involving the Star Trek Shitposting Facebook Group - the questions and answers below were copy/pasted direct from the collated master post. Evan is a member of the group, who participates under an unknown pseudonym.
AMA Master Post!
Thanks so much to Evan Evagora for taking time out of his day for our AMA earlier. To make the questions and answers easier for ya'll to find, here they all are together below.
Q: How does my love of cats compare to Elnor?
A: Im actually more of a dog person, there was a scene that had Elnor and spot 2 unite briefly but unfortunately it didn’t leave the editing room
Q: How familiar was I with Star Trek before and did I have to do research?
A: I grew up with TNG, I’d have to say either worf, Guinan or Q are my favourite characters. And I was given episodes to watch that were to help with information before filming Picard
Q: How was I prepped to deal with the crazy fans?
A: I got told to join Star Trek shitposting 😉. Not but in all seriousness, it was Jonathan Frakes who gave me advice on entering the world of fandom from the other side and he said it’s been nothing short of a pleasure
Q: So if Hugh had survived would they have made out?
A: what happens on the cube stays on the cube
Q: My favourite moment of s1
A: getting to slice that romulans head off
Q: How did I hear about Star Trek shitposting?
A: most of the crew is either a part of the group or knows about, one of the amazing hair and make up ladies got me into I think my first or second day
Q: If I had to be Tuvixed with someone excluding elnor?
A: mirror verse Elnor, nah worf to be honest
Q: What is something I’d like to do in season 2
A: Id like to see Elnor and spot 2 together
Q: How am I passing my time woth quarantine?
A: ama for the gronp! Nah I’ve just been reading, writing and also the contact I’m having with the fans too has really helped a lot
Q: If I had to quarantine with any of my costars who would it be and why
A: I’d go with hardy treadaway he’s got the nicest place
Q: What am I hoping to see in Elnor’s future
A: Inner peace, contentment and possibly shorter hair?
Q: Am I intimidated by working on a show with such a big fan base?
A: no I grew up with Star Trek, you’re really in a bubble of filming when you’re making the show, it all didn’t really hit home until the first trailer at San Diego
Q: Would I consider playing Elnor as non binary
A: I’ve seen a lot of debate and discussion about not only my character but others in the series, if there is something that connects you with a character on this show and it resonates with you, even if it’s shown, not shown or hinted at I’m all for it. I am not for the constant belittlement, bullying and criticism of not only the characters on the show but also other fans. It really does break my heart reading comments where people aren’t welcoming of one another, because that is the whole reason why Trek has bought so many together and by spewing these disgusting cruel words out your not only showing the world you don’t understand the meaning behind the show, you also are destroying the thing that makes us all love it
Q: Is there Australia on romulas
A: yeah they have a down under I’m sure of it. No the accent can easily be explained with, Elnor left romulas at a young age, moved to a planet with different species and languages spoken so that influenced his accent
Q: Have I seen Elnor fan fiction and art?
A: yeah some of it has been really amazing! And some others have been...creative
Q: How excited am I to make home movies with my action figures?
A: my plan is to buy everyone’s, make them record audio and then film shit using the dolls and their voices
Q: Are you playing animal crossing?
A: I’ve preordered it because they’ve sold out here in aus, but in playing civ 6 to pass time and Mario party
Q: Did I get to try Romulan ale?
A: no I wish, I’m kind of hoping for a scene next year where Elnor gets drunk for the first time
Q: What character did I wish would appear in our show?
A: one word, one letter Q
Q: What’s my background have I been acting long?
A: Picard was my third acting gig, and the first project to release, so I have got some experience acting and I have previous work but it has either just aired or is going to next year
Q: Please my friend choose a charity you would like us to donate to
A: food bank
Q: Favourite ninja turtle
A: it’s always been Raph and always will be
Q: Do I know much about Elnors background
A: I know things that haven’t been mentioned yet, but also given his character is new and season 1 just finished, hopefully some of those things are explored
Q: How would o feel about the fan theory that Spock is my father
A: I mean, I’m not really sure, I can always shoot Ethan a message and ask him what he thinks too
Q: Which classic episode trope would I like to see?
A: mirror universe
Q: Can we look forward to more ninja representation?
A: is Elnor not enough? ☹️
Q: Were there any particular characters I drew inspiration from, any elves?
A: there’s a particular group of people I think Elnor might have been inspired from. Can I just say how cool it would be if Elnor is just cosplaying as an elf because Picard left him a copy of Lotr when he was young
Q: Would I be open to exploring Elnors sexuality in s2 and what would it be?
A: I am totally open for that, and as for Elnors sexuality, I’m not sure he’s only 17 he’s just left his planet and gone off on an adventure where he openly knew the success may lead in his death or others he hasn’t had time to figure himself out so seeing his sexuality explored would be amazing
Q: What stories did you hear about working on precious trek series from the OG actors?
A; So we found out Michael Dorn used to muddle his lines up because he was normally the last close up of the day. They used to put bets on to see how many takes he’d have to do. All I must add in very fun spirits nothing ever malicious or mean
Q: My long term career goals
A: id like to keep pursuing more roles I’m acting, I’m a big writer and have some projects I’m looking at getting created but right now I’d say I’m just here to learn and grow
Q: What do I write?
A: right now I’m working on three screenplays and two pilots most of the stuff I’ve written is just sitting on my hard drive just waiting to be used
Q: Ever fried an egg, buttered and vegemite'd some toast and eaten it like a sandwich?
A: what I just read, scared the crap out of me, I love vegemite but the most I’ll do is add cheese to it
Q: What is one of my favourite stories about s1
A: Jeri Ryan and I had a scene together in the borg cube (what a queen she made!) it was shooting at night and I think it was the final shot of the day, we couldn’t keep a straight face and just laughed through about fifteen takes
Q: Are you a big fan of fandom besides Trek?
A: Star Wars, lotr, the magician series Raymond e feist, a song of fire and ice series, avatar last air bender and legend of Korra (would love to play zuko) and of course Batman (fav Jason Todd as the hood)
Q: Could I see myself playing Elnor for six or seven years?
A: as long as there’s a good story that myself and fans will enjoy, but if it didn’t meet my expectations no. And also hopefully the writers and creators would want to
Q: My top TNG eps are in no particular order
I borg, all good things, tapestry, the measure of a man and all good things
I’ll also add I borg especially because it’s just cool seeing where Hugh began and how he ended up
Q: How did I land the role of Elnor?
A: I was on a break from filming Fantasy Island (a movie based off the old tv show) and I was home for pilot season which is when they cast for shows, I had two weeks of daily auditions before I was due to fly back and start filming again, two days before I was meant to leave I got an audition for Picard, the script had a code name and Elnors name was Kbar on it, but I was told it was Star Trek. I went into the room and thought I didn’t do a very good job, then I flew to film and two days later I was told I’ve made a list of people being considered, after a few more auditions and a couple of phone calls from producers and everything I found myself on a plane to LA five weeks later
Q: Have I made friends among the cast?
A: no, we tried really hard to become friends, but unfortunately we ended up becoming a family instead. Everything we say in interviews about us getting along is all true and not fake. I’m the newest to acting out of everyone so I was kind of of shocked to find out that how close we all are isn’t necessarily how it will be when I shoot other projects, so I think we just got lucky or they casted really well
Q: Have the Picard people seen your memes?
A: yes I’ve shown them the memes from the page, I’ve shown everyone including Patrick we find most of them funny (some shocking)
Not shocking in a bad way
Unexpected I should say
Q: How do I feel about the ears?
A: I wore them so much they came up in my dreams, but they were the easiest thing to apply onto me
Q: Which non tng character would I like to see return?
A: I wouldn’t mind seeing the doctor
Q: The most relatable Star Trek character?
A: Look for me growing up it was Wesley, i just picked anyone who was the young one. And I grew up with my sisters and was always being told I’m either wrong, an idiot or just to shut up
Q: Did I have previous martial arts experience before the show?
A: I have a background in boxing which helps when it comes to movement, reflexes and just all around fitness for stunts. I didn’t have any sword fighting experience before we began training for the show however
Q: How do you think being raised by an order of women affected Elnor?
A: I think it gave him a healthy understanding of not only the strength and resilience of women but I think he understands not only gender equality but just equality in general and I think that’s directly to do with growing up in a sect of all female warrior nuns
Q: What is a type of meme you would like to see more of in the group?
A: I love all the memes in the group, I hardly like any of them now incase someone figures out who I am though ahahah
Q: Favorite recent memes?
A: See my comment below
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celtfather · 6 years
About Firefly Drinking Songs for Browncoats #237
Firefly is one of the most beloved projects from the mind of Joss Whedon, the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It came out in 2002 and was canceled after only 14 episodes. It developed such an incredible cult following that in 2005, a movie was released based on the TV series. http://celtfather.com
The show inspired me so much that I released a CD with Bedlam Bards called Firefly Drinking Songs. Now I have a new album out for Browncoats called As Long As I’m Flyin. You can buy it at FireflyDrinkingSongs.com.
How did Firefly go from a cancelled TV show to a new album 16 years after it was released? I’ll tell you all about it right now.
I was first introduced to Firefly just a few short months before the movie was released. I remember binge watching DVDs. I absolutely loved show. It had a realness to it that appealed to me, despite being a Sci Fi Western.
Firefly became my all-time favorite show ever. It hasn’t budged from that standing. I still watch it regularly.
I don’t consider myself an ambitious songwriter. I don’t write a lot of songs. I write slowly and I am usually “inspired” by something. I never planned to start a genre of Firefly drinking songs. It just sort of happened.
In 2007, I was on the first Brobdingnagian Bards tour of Ireland. I got an email from fan telling me there is a songwriting contest called Sing A Song for Saffron.
Saffron was a nefarious woman who was featured twice in the series. She first appears in "Our Mrs Reynolds" where she sneakily marries the captain of the Firefly ship, Serenity. She then attempts to seduce him. When that fails, her true purpose is revealed, leading the crew to their deaths to steal their ship.
Saffron appears again later in the episode "Trash." She works with the crew to steal a famous laser gun. She attempts to double cross the crew only to find they are ready for her.
Beautiful and seductive, Saffron is a favorite side character.
So there I was in Ireland when I get an email from a fan that read, “you should write a song for this contest.”
I was immediately struck with a parody idea using the traditional Irish melody “May Morning Dew”.
I submitted my song “She Said Her Name Was Saffron” to the contest a week after returning from Ireland. The song won the Best Parody award.
A few months later, I sang that song for The Signal Firefly Podcast for a live event at DragonCon.
I had no further plans to write more Firefly songs. But a year later, I was driving Back to DragonCon when I was struck with an idea.
I had just finished watching the episode "Jaynestown." The crew lands on Higgins Moon, a town that sells mud. The crew is hired to transport contraband off planet. One of the crew, Jayne Cobb, warns about how he had trouble with the local magistrate a few years back. We soon learn that Jayne has become a folk hero of the town with a statue and his own protest song “Hero of Canton”.
That song is a favorite among Browncoats. Everyone of us longs to have a mug of mudders milk and sing along. But as I was driving back to DragonCon, I wondered what other songs might’ve been heard in that little pub in Canton. So I wrote one.
The song was called "Monahan's Mudder's Milk". I wrote it as a sort of Woody Guthrie-style protest against the challenges faced by the mudders of Higgins' Moon.
This song was super important to me. First, because it sort of solidified what would eventually become my most-popular musical niche, Sci Fi Drinking Songs. But it was also the launching point for Firefly Drinking Songs and my newest album, As Long As I'm Flyin'.
It was around this time that the idea of recording a CD of Firefly Drinking Songs began. I set up concerts at Gen Con and Dragon Con dedicated to this theme. Each show was packed. The conventions were turning people away at the door.
The atmosphere at these shows was amazing. I really wanted to capture that feel. So I decided on recording a live CD. I wanted it to feel like you were in that little pub in Canton.
My biggest challenge was I didn't have enough songs to create an album. So I turned to someone who did.
The Bedlam Bards were the first to release a full CD of Firefly music. It was called On The Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity. The album captured everything that people love about Firefly and the fandom. It's fantastic.
Cedric is the primary songwriter for the group. When I called him up to ask if he'd like to make an album with me, he was psyched.
We spent next few months performing Firefly Drinking Songs at various venues and conventions trying to capture an amazing live recording. It finally happened at church in Round Rock, Texas that my friend Jan Czenkusch booked for us. It had the energy, the sound. It was fantastic.
We released the CD. It quickly became one of my most-popular albums.
Once again, I had no plans for a follow up. I was trying to get out of doing themed CDs. Most of my 20+ albums are themed. Some are Irish. Some are about cats. Some are sci fi. While themed CDs are easier to sell, they are much more difficult and costly to produce.
So when I wrote "Bring Me Home, Boys", a song based on the episode "The Message" where a body is mailed to the crew with a message to bring his body home to his family, I didn't put on a Firefly CD. Nor did I put the song "Browncoats Keep Flyin'" one one. That's a song I co-wrote with Rie Sheridan Rose. Though I did put it on Sci Fi Drinking Songs. Again, I had no real plans to record another Firefly album, despite its success.
But one year at Gen Con, I was singing "Close Your Eyes". This is a song by Daniel Glasser. Many call it the "Demon Lullaby". I have a whole podcast episode about that song. Follow the link in the shownotes.
In the middle of the song, I changed the lyrics to the "reavers beneath your bed are gonna eat your face". The crowd erupted in laughter and for the next few years Browncoats asked when I would put that song on a CD.
In 2016, I set a milestone on Patreon. If I reached that goal, I would record a 4-song EP of Firefly songs, exclusively for my Patrons. I quickly hit that goal. But as I started recording the EP, more songs came out. So I asked Rie Sheridan Rose, a long-time songwriting collaborator to send me some more lyrics. She did.
Next thing I knew, I had a full album of Browncoat drinking songs. I launched a Kickstarter and the rest is history.
Now one of the things I sort of glossed over earlier is the Firefly Drinking Songs show. This show took on a life of its own. When I started, I was just singing songs about Firefly. But I wanted something bigger. I wanted something more inclusive.
You see, I have long been a part of the reenacting shows. Mostly notably are Renaissance festivals. At faires, you're encouraged to not just play music, they want you to be a part of the atmosphere, to recreate the Renaissance.
Early on, I absolutely LOVED faires for that very reason. I could pretend I was in the Renaissance.
But the simple fact is I'm not an actor. So keeping that going ALL DAY LONG was a bit exhausting and tedious. So I took on a new character, that is basically me.
I think that's why I love the Firefly Drinking Songs show so much.
I don't usually write music ABOUT things I love, like Firefly. I prefer to write as if I'm a PART of the world. Firefly is the epitome of this. The music I wrote was as if I was living in the Firefly 'Verse. The show was created as if I was a touring musician singing songs for Browncoats.
The show is about an hour long. With any luck, the one at Gen Con this year will be about an hour and a half. But for that period of time, it's easy to get and stay in character. So that's why I do.
My family is all from East Texas. So I put on my Texas accent and step into a world where people are on the fringe of civilized society. They're looking for an escape. They want to hear music that celebrates the independents who lost the Unification War. They want to escape the hard life of working in the mud pits.
For an hour, they are a part of that. We sing songs about the "Hero of Canton," "Blue Sun," reavers and the Browncoats. It's absolutely incredible.
It's been 16 years since Firefly was started and canceled. Yet new Browncoats are made every day as they discover this incredible show.
One of my dreams is to take the Firefly Drinking Songs show on the road. I want to unite Browncoats once again for a Shindig among Shindigs and an inspired passion to keep building the 'Verse. Because to quote Mal, "we have done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."
If you're interested in my new album, As Long As I'm Flyin' or the Firefly Drinking Songs show, please visit FireflyDrinkingSongs.com. You can buy the album, listen on Spotify, find cool merch, and learn more about the show. I'd love to hear about your favorite episode or character. You can post that in the shownotes.
I should point out that the physical CD will only be available in March. So if you like CDs, then you should order it as soon as possible.
Thank you for listening. Celtfather Music & Travel was produced by Marc Gunn. If you enjoyed this episode, please join the Gunn Runners Club on Patreon. For as little as a buck a month, you will help release more music, podcasts, videos and more.
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