#i love it hereeee i never wanted to interact with one of his friends again ❤️ lol
seenoversundown · 21 days
For Death Or Glory: Chapter Seventeen
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: 18+ Smut (I’ll sneak the sexy warnings in at the end so you can look away if you want) Mild Anxiety if you squint, drinking/alcohol, discussion including sex references, gentle brotherly bullying, a lot of pointing and laughing at Jake (lovingly), Pirates Of The Caribbean references, Tall Tales from our Short King, Fluff, wholesome family time, silly banter amongst the boys.
*smut warnings*: sexual language, praise kink insinuation 😏, fingering, use of captain/daddy (it’s mild) thigh riding, Jake is sexy as hell, everyone.
Word Count: 5.1k 🤭
Summary: It’s Trivia Night! Charlotte decides to hang out with everyone for the night and gets to hear plenty about our favorite little pirate man.
Author's Note: ITS A FAMILY EPISODE 🥰 This was honestly way too fun to write 😂 I hope you enjoy getting to hang out with everyone because it was fun finding ways for them to interact with my main girl, Charlotte. 💕
(I listened to Bed Chem and Juno by Sabrina a lot also while writing parts of this chapter so do with that what you will! 🤭😘)
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Nonsense - Sabrina Carpenter "I'll be honest, Lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense, Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in."
It took some mild convincing from Quinn and Jacob, but I’ve decided to participate in Trivia Night with everyone. Not going to act like I'm not a little nervous to hang out with everybody again since the only time I saw them all together was at Halloween, and I was drowning my nerves with whatever drink ended up in my hand.  
“You’re already friends with Quinn, and I’m sure the ladies love you,” Jake quietly tried to pep talk me as I sat in my usual seat at the bar. 
“No, I know,” I sigh. “It’s more the boys that make me nervous.” 
“They’re just louder than me,” he laughs. “They’ll be nice to you though, don’t even worry about them.” 
I take a deep breath as I look at him. 
“I’ll spit in their drinks if they’re mean to you; how’s that sound?” His eyebrow raised as he said it, and I couldn’t help the laugh that fell out of me. 
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And you’re not clocked in, so,” he says with a dumb little smile on his lips. 
“Oooo Lottie, you’re hereeee!” Quinn yells as they step foot into the bar. The rest of them slowly trickled in behind them.  
They wrap their arms around me, practically swaying the barstool with them. “Come sit with us?” Okay, okay, okay. I nod and follow behind them. 
Once the booth has been claimed, the boys apparently wander off to grab drinks and queue up songs on the jukebox. 
“Since the boys aren’t here for a minute— have you two.. y’know?” Quinn asks with a dramatic wink, and I can feel the blood rushing to my face. They already know you’ve kissed him; what’s the harm?
My hand covers my mouth, trying to hide the smile growing while I nod. I practically received a standing ovation at the confirmation. 
“You have to tell us how it went because we’ve never really even seen any girl that he’s even been on a date with! Let alone actually sleep with,” Willa says, leaning into her hand with a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. 
“Oh, um, well,” I hesitate, not really knowing what to say. This was easier with Cass because we just didn’t have a filter with each other, and I’m still not sure what is too much with them. 
Quinn can definitely sense the panic so they cave and ask, “Does he know what he’s doing?” 
“YEAH,” my eyes go wide. “He’s probably more deceiving than you’d think.” My eyebrows practically touch my hairline at the thought. 
A collective giggle from the table made me laugh. 
Mel whispers, “Did he make you–”
“Three times in one night.” 
“JAKE, YOU DOG,” she whisper-screams back to me. 
Willa and Quinn just look at each other before Willa finally lets out, “.. must run in the family.”
“What runs in the family?” Sam asks, handing Willa her drink. Danny is next to him, handing Mel’s drink over to her, and then takes off to get trivia night going. 
Mel’s eyebrows shoot up as she lets a quiet “Being a little bitch,” slip out before she sips on her drink; the smirk on her face is undeniable.
“Oh, fuck off,” Sam laughs, sitting in the booth next to Willa. 
Josh isn’t far behind him, holding three drinks. Setting them down, but quickly handing Quinn’s over to them and then sliding one over to me.
He leans down to me, whispering, “I was given the task of bringing your beverage from a secret admirer of sorts.” My stomach filled with butterflies at his comment. 
“Hey! This is the family table, no secrets!” Sam pipes up. 
Josh whips his head over, “I was just politely asking if I may squeeze in next to my little lovebug over there; otherwise, I will take the shortcut!” He steps his foot onto the edge of the table, making everyone panic for a moment. I quickly slide out of the booth while Mel and Quinn trade spots to make it easier. 
Danny starts explaining the basics of trivia night to everyone; hearing his voice like that was so odd because he’s been so quiet around me; it’s almost like I hadn’t heard him speak before. 
“Tonight’s theme is Pirates of the Caribbean! “ His enthusiasm is rapidly met with a collective groan from everyone. I glance over at Jake, who is just beaming over the theme—of course, he’s excited. 
A few patrons, including Linda, hollered, ‘Not fair!’ 
“Hey now,” Danny chimes back in, “Before everyone gets too mad, Jake will be bartending as his handicap for tonight’s trivia!”
Everyone I’m sitting with is pointing and laughing at Jake as he dramatically pouts behind the bar. I can’t take my eyes off him as he finally breaks the sad face, laughing with someone sitting in front of him at the bar. It’s adorable how much he loves his job. His eyes meet mine, making my heart stop for a second, as he smiles and shoots me a little wink before turning to grab another drink for someone. 
“We’ll start with an easy one- a warm-up, if you will. Which movie was the infamous mermaid scene in?”
The fourth one.
“Charlotte, has Jake told you about the first time he got drunk?” Sam asks, already laughing at the question. 
My eyebrows raise, and I glance over at him behind the bar. “He has not, and I’m fully ready to hear it.”
“Oh, it’s a treat– TRUST,” Willa chimes in. 
Sam and Josh whisper between themselves before turning back to me, “Okay, so Daniel was actually at the house with me because it was a weekend, obviously.” 
Oh, he’s locked in, I’m ready.
“We were what, like thirteen or fourteen at the time, right Daniel?” 
“Something like that,” Danny quickly answers. 
“Anyway- so we’re just playing video games, as teenage boys do, and then Josh knocks on the door.” Sam looks to Josh, who is always ready to take over a story. 
He leaned forward, looking over at Jake and then back at me. “This guy over here decided that he would just drink anything that was handed to him at this party. Lo and behold, he ended up walking like  a baby deer by the time we got home.” He barks out a laugh, “He ended up eating shit in the front yard because he swore he didn’t need my help.” 
It was my turn to laugh, looking over to Jake, who was bright red at this point; he must have had to sit through this story often because he was taking it like a champ.
“Oh, and it gets worse,” Danny chimes in. 
“Yes! So, I ran inside quietly and grabbed these two,” Josh points at Sam and Dan, “To try and help me get the drunk out of the yard before our parents woke up.”
“But even with all three of us, we couldn’t get him stable enough to walk into the house carefully.” 
“You guys don’t have to tell everybody this story, you know?” Jake shouts from behind the bar. 
“Oh, but we do!” Josh rebuttals.
“After a few minutes of trying to get him up, we realized it was a lost cause and went and got our dad for help.” 
“Oh my god, no,” slips out of me before I can stop it. 
Making them all laugh because they know what’s coming next. 
“Well, our dad surprisingly didn’t get that mad,” Sam starts, “But he did insist on taking pictures before carrying him inside.” 
“Mom added them to a scrapbook!” Josh adds. 
My hand flies up to cover my mouth as I laugh at the thought of drunk teenage Jake passing out in the yard. My self-control ran low when I finally let out, “Please tell me she would send you the picture right now; I need to see it.” 
“Oh dear, I thought you’d never ask!” Josh laughs, pulling out his phone. “While we wait for the glorious photo, may I offer you another silly Jake story?” 
“You really don’t have to,” Jake says, setting down a tray of new drinks for the table. “Feels a little unfair; you’re airing out my dirty laundry, and I can’t even defend myself.”
“But, Lottie needs to be caught up on the Jake Lore!” Quinn pipes up, making the whole table laugh. His head drops back when everybody laughs, but his smile creeps through as he tries to scowl at them. 
“Can you at least throw in one redeeming one?” 
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see, kid.” 
‘What is Will Turner wearing when he’s rescued?’ 
Oh.. the pirate medallion that Elizabeth takes. 
“Look who came to say ‘Hi’ for a few minutes!” Mel announces as she approaches the table with her daughter. I’ve never seen a group of people get so excited over a child. I watch as everybody takes turns hugging her. Josh definitely took the most time, spending time talking with her. They are the most precious little buddies.
She’s sitting on Quinn’s lap when I see her eyes light up as Jake comes over to the table. She quickly stands up in the booth, pointing to him with a big cheesy smile. Jake reaches out, stealing her away from Quinn, and despite the fact she probably couldn’t hear him, he lets out a, “Come here, sweetheart.” 
Why is that sexy? My hands start to sweat a little as I watch him hold her; he has her propped up with one of his arms. He brushes the hair away from her face as she just beams at him. Oh my god? 
“I’ll get you,” he mouths to her before tickling her little neck and then her belly. I can’t stop myself from noticing how big his hands look right now, as his palm seemingly takes up half of her tiny body. Her laughter fills the air as he plays with her for a minute. I don’t think I’ll be able to get this out of my head now. Why.. How is he so good with kids? 
She wraps her arms around his neck in a hug, his hand rubbing her back as Mel walks back up. 
“Oh, how sweet,” she says, “She was asking if you would be here tonight, Jake.” 
“She hasn’t figured out I live here yet, huh?” he jokes, looking at her and smiling so big at her. I’m not even in a relationship with this man; why is this so–
His voice pulls me out of my head, “Char, do you want another drink?” Hearing him call me by a nickname catches me off guard. He hands Iris over to Danny as I’m nodding at him, and he steals my glass from me. 
“Oh, perfect timing!” Josh boasts, sliding his phone across the table. “The requested photo.” The way I picked it up could have been at record speed. 
And what a feast for the eyes it was; there lies a baby version of Jacob, absolutely obliterated in the grass. 
“You can swipe for another good one,” Josh pipes up, his cackle quickly following.
Hesitantly swiping to the next one, it’s of him thrown over his dad’s shoulder with Sam cheesing next to him. Jake’s eyes are shut, and his hair is all over the place, but the way you can tell in the photo alone that he has just given up is hilarious. It’s cute that his family didn’t yell at him for it, and if this was the worst punishment he got, he was pretty lucky. 
“Oh god,” Jake’s voice suddenly next to me again. “Not my best moment, clearly.” I laugh quietly as I look up at him, his face softening a bit when he looks back at me. 
“Didn’t pin you as a sloppy kind of drunk, Jacob,” I tease. 
His smile grows quickly, “He’s a different breed– I don’t like to let him out very often.” Oh, I need to see him a little drunk at some point. 
‘What is Jack’s last line in Dead Man’s Chest?’
Jake leans down, his mouth hovering over my ear before saying, “Hello, beastie,” in his finest Jack Sparrow accent. The sound of his laugh graced my ears as he stood back up. Not entirely proud of how the English accent affects me, but he doesn’t need to know that.  
“Oh!” Josh pipes up, “Jacob, remember when you planned that one date in high school?” 
“Haha, oh boy, I have a bar to tend to, unfortunately,” his eyes wide as he walks off to escape this story. 
“So what about this date?” I lean into my hand, looking over at Josh. 
“It was really very cute,” he starts. “He asked this girl out, and she actually said yes. So, he spent like a week and a half planning out this date-” 
A collective ‘awww’ coming from the rest of us. 
“Well, she never showed up. He was devastated. Our poor Jake has been getting ghosted since the beginning of time.” 
How does he have such bad luck with girls? 
“He did get stood up— what was it like three months ago?” Willa asks, looking at Sam. He nods mid-sip of his beer. “Poor guy moped around for a week.” 
“It’s honestly baffling; he really is such a sweetheart,” Quinn adds, with Josh nodding along with them. 
“How come Quinn can say that and it’s okay, but I tell him he’s handsome ONE TIME—,” Willa starts, her face back towards Sam. 
“Wrong– you’ve said it twice,” he corrects her with a smug look on his face. 
She rolls her eyes, “Sam, be so serious right now,”
“YEAH, that’s right, I’m keeping track!” his voice raises for a second but immediately drops when he says, “Plus, you’re MY very beautiful and hot girlfriend, we don’t need to give him any ideas.” He side-eyes Jake while he wraps his arms around her shoulders tightly.
“He’s not going to try and steal Willa from you, Samantha,” Quinn giggles, watching him hold her hostage.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
After finally being able to get away from the storytime table, I hustle to the bathroom: two drinks plus  Josh’s storytelling skills, a recipe for disaster. 
“Oh, excuse me,” I back away from the bathroom door as an older lady walks out. 
She stops in front of me for a second, her eyes lighting up, “Well, it’s about time I run into you.” 
“Um..” I hesitate. 
“I’m Eleanor,” she grabs my hand gently, “Or El, whichever the boys feel like that day.” The realization of who she is hits me; this is the one Willa said Jake was going to marry. 
“Oh! Hi, I’m Charlotte,” I shake her hand lightly, “I’ve heard about you, nice to officially meet you.” 
Her smile is contagious, “What a pretty name for such a beautiful girl.” 
“Oh, you’re too sweet.” 
“It’s nice seeing him so happy, you know?” She starts, “I’m not trying to tell all his secrets, but the poor boy has just had no luck the last few years. Constantly being let down by all these girls— which is such a shame because he’s such a charming young man.” 
My heart hurts hearing her say that. Why would girls not like him? 
“Oh really? I didn’t realize it had been that bad.” 
“Yeah, the poor thing had basically given up on dating. He really just invested himself into being here, which is admirable of him, but between you and me,” she leans in, “Linda and I are so glad that you’re getting him out of here a little. He needs it.” 
“He really is something special,” I admit to her, “It’s a loss for all the girls who didn’t give him enough of a chance.” 
“You said it!” she giggles; it seems her voice is just quiet by nature. “If I were younger, I’d be trying to take him home with me.” Her little wink made me laugh. 
“I’m not one to kiss and tell,” I whisper, leaning closer to her, “But you’d be making the right choice.” She giggles with me this time. 
“Well, let me not hold you up any longer! I’ll see you out there,” she squeezes my forearm gently as she turns to walk away.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
As I’m walking out of the bathroom, I catch him coming from the back room and promptly make myself in his way. 
“Hey you,” he whispers. 
“Hi,” I say quietly back, “What are the odds I can steal you away?” Letting my hand run down his forearm, he subtly grabs it while he listens.  
“For work or..” his voice trails off, and that damn eyebrow of his popping up. 
Shaking my head, “Mmm.. definitely not work.” I pull my bottom lip in with my teeth as I look at him. 
“Ohhh, I see,” his shitty little smirk coming out. 
“So, is that a yes?” 
He looks down the hall past me, “I don’t know about that, Red.”
“We could just sneak upstairs real quick,” I don’t even care how desperate I sound at this point because I am a little desperate. 
“The bar’s kinda busy, I don’t–” 
I quickly cut him off, “What about your office?”
“Someone’s eager?” His eyebrows pull together for a second as he looks me up and down. 
Hooking my finger into his belt loop, tugging him toward me, “Baby, please,” batting my eyelashes at him.
“What’s gotten into you?” his laugh lacing the question.
“Just seeing you with Iris, I don't know..” trailing off, I lean forward into him, my hand holding the side of his face, “I just think you’d make a cute daddy.”
 Pink creeps into his cheeks rapidly before he spits out, “I’ll meet you in my office in five minutes.” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
He backs me into his desk, slotting his leg between mine. He leans against me, letting his weight press into me. 
“Jake, please,” I moan as he leans even further into me, making my hips grind against his thigh. 
“Needy little thing,” he whispers as I moan into his mouth, still trying to resist riding his thigh. He glances down for a second as my hips betray me, “Does that feel good?” 
My face warms up, and a small “mhm” escapes me. The smirk on his face makes my stomach turn, nervous about whatever is going on inside his head. He leans in, the kiss feels more heated than before. His teeth lightly grabbed my lip, which sent a little shiver through my body and caused my hips to start moving a bit more forcefully. 
“Keep going,” he whispers against my lips, “use me, honey.” 
“Fuck me,” falls out of me, the friction making my head spin. 
He quietly laughs, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
God, he needs to never stop talking. 
His lips leave kisses down my neck, finding every sensitive spot he can get to. I’m doing everything in my power to refrain from moaning too loudly, but he’s making it increasingly more difficult. The waves of pleasure shooting through me every time I roll my hips are only made worse by the feeling of his smile against my throat. 
“Jake–,” I whine. “Touch me.” I slide my hand down the back of his arm, trying to pull it from behind me. 
“Oh, you need my hands?” He teases me, whispering a breath away from my ear. “Is that what you want?”  He unbuttons my pants but hesitates to do anything else. The amount that I want, need rather, him to just touch me, is bordering painful.
“Baby, please,” I moan into his ear, “You’re just so good at it.” His hand immediately slid into my pants at the praise, running his fingers across my panties that are practically drenched at this point. 
“All that for me?” He coos into my ear, sliding the soaked fabric to the side; his fingers gently rubbing against my throbbing clit, causing a louder moan to slip out. “Gotta stay quiet for me, honey. Unless you want everyone to know how good I make you feel.” 
His voice was killing me as he added pressure with his fingers; the build of my orgasm was quick once he got involved. His hand slides down as he hooks his middle finger into me. Letting his palm rest against my clit as his finger pumps into me, the friction was just enough to keep inching me closer. 
“I’m so close,” I quietly whimper. 
He leans in closer to my face, hovering just above my lips, “Let me have it, honey.” He slid his ring finger into me as he said it and then leaned in to kiss me as his hand moved faster. I can feel the orgasm about to snap inside me when he lets his tongue gently dance across my lip. My jaw falls open as my release finally hits; I can feel the wetness against his hand as he works me through it. As I come down from it, his hand slows with me. 
He carefully pulled his hand back, grabbed my jaw with the other, and pressed one slow kiss into me. He lingers close to me for a second and, with his cheeky little smirk, asks, “Feel better?”
I giggle against his lips, kissing him a few more times before deciding to add fuel to the fire, “For now.”
“For now?” 
“Oh, Jacob,” I tease, sliding my arms around his neck. “I’ll be ready to actually ride you later.”
His eyes light up at my comment, “You may be the greatest friend I’ve ever had; I hope you know that.” 
I managed to slide back into the booth with minimal questioning, though I think Josh knew what had happened with the way his eyes were burning a hole into the side of my head for a moment. 
“Oh, I did think of something wholesome for Charlotte,” Sam announces to the table. 
“He’s not here,” Josh reminds him, “You don’t have to suck up to him.” 
Sam’s laugh makes me laugh when he comes out with, “No, I know, but don’t we want them to get toge—“ 
“What were you going to say, babes?” Willa, wide-eyed, cuts him off before he finishes his sentence. Wait- do the boys want us to..? 
“I was just thinking that- he’s always been the one we go to,” he says, his tone feels different. “Like, with anything. He’s typically the first one I’ll think to call if I need actual help with something.” 
“No, that’s so true, actually,” Quinn chimes in. “He will do so much for the people he cares about. The amount of times he’s texted me to let me know that he left the door unlocked for me or that he bought more of the coffee creamer I like since I was at their place all the time anyway.”
Danny was lingering near us while they all talked about the exuberant amount of nice things Jake had done for them. 
“He got me the job at the shipyard and then basically created a job for me here; I feel like that speaks volumes about who he is as a person,” Danny says quietly. 
I look over as he’s at the opposite end of the bar; his smile is so wide. He must be talking to Linda and Eleanor– always taking time to talk to everyone while they sit there, but for those two specifically, he really makes sure to dote on them a little extra. 
The table falls quiet, well- quiet is subjective, and I take my chance to ask the question that I’ve definitely been sitting on. 
“Is there a reason for the Bob Seger cut out?” I ask. “Actually- there’s just a lot of Bob Seger that happens here? Because I’ve been here near closing time, and Night Moves, I think..has been on every time.” 
Everyone looked at each other; it was almost comical the way they all paused when I asked. 
“Jake!” Josh hollers, “Your presence is needed!” I watch him move through the room, slowly moving through people to get to us. “Someone is asking questions that..you should be here for.”
“Okay, shoot.” 
I look up at him, “What’s with all the Bob Seger?”
“Oh!” His eyes darted over to Josh. “Haha, well–.”
Willa chimes in, “Oh, this should be good.” 
“It started with Night Moves and, uh,” He pauses, looking down at the table for a second. 
Josh quickly chimes in, “Mind’s slipping away from you?” 
His head whipped up to look at Josh, “No no, just want to make sure I recall it correctly!” 
“Well,” Sam pipes up, “we got ALL night.”
Danny bumps into him, whispering something in his ear. 
“Ah! Yes, thank you, Dan,” he says, patting Danny’s arm as he walks off. “Have you heard the lore of the Old Port Pirate?”
“Obviously not,” I giggle. 
Sam pipes up quickly, “Really!?” 
“Oh! Charlotte, you’re in for a treat,” Mel says, leaning into her hand, ready to hear this story. 
“Josh, do you mind watching the bar for a minute while I explain this?” 
“Oh, but of course!” He quips back.  “I do love this story, so I’ll be lingering over here!”
I let Josh out of the booth, with Jake sliding in next to me as I sat back down. He turns to face me a little with a smirk on his face. 
“So, there’s this man who wanders around the Old Port, typically found sitting in front of one of the stores nearby. We’ve been told that he thinks he’s a pirate, so..that’s where the name comes from,” he chuckles at himself.  “Well, he wandered in here the day we opened, and obviously, from one pirate to another, I wasn’t about to send him on his way.” And a precious little pirate you are, Jacob. 
“Of course not! Pirates are always welcome in a tavern!” Quinn chimes in. 
“Exactly– I’m glad you understand,” he says. “While he was here, he barely spoke. Just kept to himself the entire night until Night Moves started playing.”
I glance around the table; Sam, Willa, and Mel are all fully invested in this. Wait..
He excitedly continues his story time, “He waved me down and proceeded to tell me about how Night Moves was his favorite song. Said that he actually knew Bob at one point– which I’m not going to tell him that I don’t buy it because.. well, if you saw the guy, you’d understand.”
“So you just…play it every day?” Why do I kind of believe him?
“Well, we never know when he’s going to come back or if he will,” he tells me. “But I want to make sure he feels welcome!” 
Willa asks, “Didn’t he pay with a doubloon?” 
“He did! That’s why it’s framed over there!” Josh hollers from behind the bar. 
“Oh,” I try to collect my thoughts. “Well, um—”
“I know it’s a pretty exhilarating story- take your time to process it,” he says, double-tapping the table. “I do need to go take the bar back from Josh, so if you have any more questions, you know where to find me.” His hand gently squeezes my arm before he scurries back to the bar. 
“Alright, be honest,” I say as he walks over to me. “Is this pirate man real?” 
“Of course, he is,” he says, no hesitation in his voice. “Do you want more to drink?” I nod as I’m trying to figure out if he’s lying. 
I let out a small, “Mmmm..” folding my arms over my chest as I watched him make a fresh drink for me. 
He slides it over to me, “Have I lied to you before, honey?” 
The way I want to kiss- I mean, smack the smirk off his face. My arms drop, and I can’t fight the smile on my face any longer, “Alright, I’ll believe you.” 
He leans forward onto the bar, resting his head in his hand, “While you’re here.. you should stay with me tonight.”
“Mmm.. I don’t know if I should,” I tease him.
He blinks slowly at me, a little smirk on his lips, “What if I promise to make you breakfast?” 
“Well.. that does sound nice but..” trying to sound dramatic, but let’s be honest- there’s no way he wouldn’t win this battle. 
“Josh is going to Quinn’s,” he pauses and lowers his voice “.. we can have sex.” His eyebrows shoot up, making me giggle. 
“Now we’re talking, Captain.” I lean forward into my hand now; we probably look ridiculous right now. 
“What was the other name you called me?” He winks at me, pulling his bottom lip in with his teeth. 
“Oh, you liked that, huh?” 
“Might need to try it out later and see,” he says, giggling to himself. It’s cute how excited he gets over little things like that. I wave him closer, and he leans a little further. I stand on the little supports of the barstool to meet him in the middle. 
I whisper into his ear, “Whatever you want, daddy.” 
His jaw goes slack, as he stares at me, slowly shaking his head while that devious little smile of his grows on his face. I just raise one of my eyebrows at him, waiting for the truth to come out. 
“If you keep talking like that,” his voice trails off. 
I can’t stop myself from asking, “What about it?”
“I’ll be making sure you let the neighbors know.” 
I gasp before I can even think, “Jacob!” 
“Yeah, it’ll sound kinda like that,” he says; the smug look on his face as he backs away is killing me. 
I know my face has to be red at this rate; I let out a fairly loud “Um!” Glancing around at the people near us, including his brothers. 
“They didn’t hear, don’t worry,” he laughs; I hate how sexy he is sometimes. “I only want you to hear me anyway.”
Oh, this man is on one tonight. 
“Charlotte!” Willa yells from across the room, distracting me from him. Thank god.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Spending the rest of the night laughing and hanging out with everyone. Jacob still managed to school everyone on his Pirates of the Caribbean knowledge, not that anybody was shocked. It was nice getting to just spend time with people, even if it was a lot of them having to fill me in on the backstories of most conversations. They were so welcoming to me. 
And amid another Josh story, I hear the sweetest sound faintly over the chatter in the bar and even cutting through Josh’s voice; the opening chords of Night Moves started to play. I glance over to Jacob, whose eyes are locked on me, and something about his stare makes my heart flutter. 
‘Workin’ on our night moves—“
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
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@musicspeaks @wrldabomination @chloeshell1219
@becinabubblegvf @sanguinebats @lallisonl
@nicoleghost18 @lightmy-love @myownparadise96 @cheersdannyx2
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