#i love langwich. i love speamking
luwupercal · 2 years
anyways you should learn a new language. today. no day is too late to start learning a new language. no reason is silly or bad to learn a new language. you can learn basically almost any language including a lot of endangered ones and so you can help keep them alive or you can learn languages that are close to your mother tongue if that's easier for you or you can learn a dead language or you can even learn a conlang if you want to. and there are tons of free resources for learning new languages online from apps to textbooks to youtube classes. it makes your brain bendy and does good to your thinking because youre thinking in another language. it doesnt matter if your pronounciation isnt the best because you are trying and you are learning a new language and any french people who disagree are wrong. languages will expand your heart and mind and will bring cheer to your day. download duolingo now
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