#i love love loveeee mono
munchboxart · 2 years
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Prepare yourselves, as Octavio's silliest warrior has arrived!
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mik4sas · 3 years
can i request iwaizumi with his s/o cuddling? want to feel soft rn 🥺
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iwaizumi + cuddles ҂ sfw
a/n ҂ MONO MY LOVEEEE thank u for requesting <3 i do hope u enjoy!
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- iwa has to deal with oikawa most of the day so he is most likely exhausted and just wants to relax
- so when he walks into the bedroom and sees you give him grabby hands, he’s filled with relief
- climbs into bed with you and softly wraps his arms around you before snuggling into you
you hear the front door open and close, signaling your boyfriend’s arrival home. you know he’s tired from the day and will want some peace, so you decide to stay in bed and wait for him.
“baby? where are you?” his voice is low and rough, but it still has a comforting tone to it. “i’m here, my love.” you’re careful not to raise your voice to a high decibel. soft footsteps pad down the hall and to the bedroom door, getting louder as they go. iwaizumi opens the door and steps in, eyes softening at your comfy figure. he melts when you bring out the big guns — grabby hands. plopping onto the bed beside you, he snuggles under the covers and closer to you. small kisses are pressed to your shoulder and strong hands find their way around your torso. “i love you so much. please never leave me.” you gasp and hit him playfully, scolding him.
“i couldn’t imagine it.”
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© mik4sas 2021; do not steal or translate
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wisebilly · 3 years
i love love loveeee drawing mono pissed at people. he deserves to be mad, as a treat
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ace-angel-judas · 4 years
I loveeee the tattoos!! Mono was such a sad but comforting album for me & is that a parabatai rune???? I don’t know the reference to the one on ur back but it’s really pretty ✨
Yeah it’s the parabatai rune! My best friend has the other parabatai rune. I honestly loved Mono so much and I really liked Forever rain.
The one on my back is more of a personal reference, it’s a tarot card of the sun and my sister got the moon done. It’s for our mom who was really into the celestial sun and moon and tarot cards and stuff.
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chimchimsauce · 6 years
BTS Confessions
BC I'm awake at 3 AM
I thought Tae was Jin in the beginning
I got curious about them bc I thought Taehyung (BS&T era) was hot
Namjoon was the reason I actually stayed interested. (Joon is such a dork I loveeee)
The first vid I saw of BTS was Boy in Luv and I didn't like it. At all.
But now I think it's a bop, soooo
Namjoon was my first bias bc I admire him so. Like what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man.
As much as I think about it, I wouldn't really want to be friends with or date any of BTS (BC THEY STRESS ME OUT SO BADLYYYY)
I'd date Kookie (even tho I love my man but we realllly wouldn't work out 💔😫)
And I'd be friends with Seokjin (because he's a fricken RIOT. I mean, you'd never have as much fun as you do hanging out with him)
I still call Joon Monie
Jung Hoseok highkey terrifies me. Like please don't leave me in a room with him alone. He's so intense I'd probably shit myself.
I love Yoongi's ass. Bless his ass.
I often find myself utterly awestruck because how can one man be so gorgeous? Like damn, Park Jimin, I love you.
I really really really love Chim. Like please live a happy life and achieve everything you want to. For my health.
If I saw BTS in public, I'd go the other way because there's a million and tweleve ways that could go wrong and ooof no.
Hoseok is so stunning in black hair like wow.
I don't have a bias wrecker. But if I did it would be Yoongi. Because . . . Yoongi.
Jungkook is my fattest kink. Ugh, yes please.
Serendipity is a God send and Jimin is an angel.
BS&T? The Queen bitch.
But Fake Love is so damn good. Hands down one of the best songs they've ever made.
I like RM more than Mono in a sense of music, but the growth between them with Joon as a person makes me so happy.
I only listen to the version of Tony Montana with Jimin in it
Jimin's deep voice . . . nut.
Jimin's smile . . . nut
Jimin . . . nut
I lowkey miss classic Bangtan. Like 2015/16 Bangtan, even though I didn't experience most of that.
19 year old Jimin has my whole heart like damn.
And finally
BTS is one of the best things to ever happen to me 💜
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loveourdawn · 6 years
SO. mono...
there's so much to say and i know nobody cares but i just HAVE to get all my thoughts out of my chest or at least TRY to articulate everything i feel cause im just that kind of person. this may seem highly over-analyzed but that's just how i enjoy things. if i enjoy something so much i will overthink it, devour it to the last piece, swim to the deepest end. so to those who hate that type of stuff, im sorry? im very emotional ajsf  first of all, let me just say how absolutely genius this whole album is!! from the individual tracks to the collaborations to the album art and music video!!!! even the decision of calling it a 'playlist' instead of 'mixtape' is so AH! each factors contributed so well to the artistry and overall vibe of the album and you can see how raw and genuine this playlist is and how brilliantly thought out it is!!! there's an invisible thread of that youre-not-alone comforting melancholic feeling (kinda similar to the cathartic feeling you get listening to the rain falling) that connects each tracks together which makes it such a.. PLAYLIST?!! tokyo. i dont know how to express how much of a perfect track this is as an intro!!! "life is a word but sometimes you cannot say"  KJSBKJCABC ""why do love and hate sound just the same to me"" sjvkjsdnvbsjd such a good song to help introduce the longing vibe of the album. the ending whistle!!! the waves!!! THE FEELINGS!!!!!!!! seoul. must say i looked forward to this track the most. i was extremely curious to see how rm and honne would combine their styles skbjs ive been an avid honne fan since uhhh idk forever?? it was impossible not to have such high expectations but FUCK they just went way beyong my expectations!! love that it still has the groovy honne flavor that i love so much :,) and joon's play on "seoul" and "soul" and the way he used descriptions of the city to express how he feels? "the river harboring too much han" AHH NICEE SO SMART overall a great groovy tune but in a sad mellow way? moonchild. another much anticipated track because of the correlation i thought it would have with track 4o'clock which i love so so dearly. i just ;____; love this song so much ;___; ahhh the lyrics fuCK "we're part of the moonlight" "we're born to be sad" "all the pain, all the sorrow, thats your destiny" "we gotta dance in the rain dance in the PAIN" "MOONCHILD YOU SHINE WHEN YOU RISE IT'S YOUR TIME" "moonchild, dont cry" i just love this so much im just gonna burst. i love the personification of  the night sky/ nightscape. i loveeee the last verse of this song when joon says someone will see your thorns and be comforted LIKE?? FUC KKK "WE ARE EACH OTHER'S NIGHTSCAPE, EACH OTHER'S MOON" [REST.] badbye. I LOVE INTERLUDES! and i love how short most interludes are.. so contrary to popular belief, this song is just the right length imo. (but that doesnt mean i wouldnt listen to a 24hr loop of this song) FUCKIN GET IT eAeon!! the static in the intro contradicts the dreamy floaty feel of this song and i LIVE FOR IT!! "kill me kill me softly have me be scattered fragments" "you know why i cry" I LIVE FOR THE PLAY ON "GOODBYE" OKAY SHAVJBA a very dreamy tune!! (could almost pass as a beach house song honestly) outofplace. i really dont know the correct translation of the title but i guess out of place is the best? this is that song you listen to lying on your floor staring at the night sky.. when you feel so tiny and like NOTHING. the lyrics punctured my heart! the third verse when joon starts belittling himself... I FELT THAT "is this all your worth" "need to do so much better" ah really this is the song i resonate very much with.. when joon says he's so far from who he wants to be although he sometimes crosses paths with that person im so bvjsdbvjbsd [SCREAM]"all i need is me but why do i feel lonely" "i feel so lonely when im with me" "one may receive rain but only that way can you also receive rain" THIS SONG IS NAMJOON'S HUG WHEN YOU FEEL LONELY AND INSIGNIFICANT AND IM SO THANKFUL everythingoes. kinda sounds like a soundtrack and a sunset-going-into-night song.. i didnt expect the track with NELL to be like this i love surprises! when joon goes hard YES! the rain in the end :,) the lyrics are very comforting!!! and the song has such a youcandoit build up that just makes me want to GET UP AND RUN??? "everything has to hurt" "YOU CAN NOT ALWAYS STAY INSIDE A DREAM" [@ me next time sis] this song is telling me (you) that we wiill feel hurt the wind will blow but but BUT IT WILL PASS AND IF THIS ISNT THE BEST MOST COMFORTING BEAUTIFUL THING YOU CAN SAY TO SOMEONE THEN SKVBSDJVBS forever rain. MMMMMmmmMMM that rain sound transition from previous track!! unusual to see the last track to be the title track? BUT NICE. THE MUSIC VIDEO!! i have a deep admiration for animation! JOON'S MELLOW RAPPING IM FADING!! the LYRICS! "let me breathe a bit slower cause my life, my rap is all too fast" sometimes i miss the slow buzz of life :( this reminded me of how much i hate moving so fast how much i actually hate time sometimes.. "if i could knock somewhere if i could kiss the world so hard would someone welcome me, maybe embrace my weary body" THE DESPARATION IN THIS LINE! this whole song depicts what a lonely soul would do for some comfort/acceptance/love(?) but in the end, it is these lengths we take that keep us alive and help us survive overall, i really really love this playlist. in such a short amount of time, it has become very dear to me. with this release, i was able to discover another side of namjoon, his poetic side, his vulnerable side, the not strong leader-rapper RM side.. and i got to bask in his thoughts, in the works of his mind and heart and i find myself falling even more in love with him.
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