#i love my burnboy but tomura has my heart
morgana-ren · 5 years
Who would win in a fight over you - Dabi or Tomura? And who would be better in bed?
Ooh! Ooh this is an interesting one!
Alright, so if Shigaraki and Dabi both catch feelings for you, you might as well put the High Noon soundtrack on repeat around the hideout because things are about to get a lot more hostile ‘round these parts. Much to everyone’s ire, they’re not exactly shy about this either. Those two don’t get along well on the best of days, so when they’re competing for something they both crave, things are going to get messy. 
But let’s start off slow, shall we?
Dabi is going to try and woo you in his strange, uniquely Dabi way. He’ll slather on the charm, turning it up to 11 and even past that. Overtly flirtatious jokes, sexual innuendos, doing his absolute best to make you blush. If you’re both walking along, his hand is going to find its way to your lower back by the time you get where you’re going. He likes touching you, likes heating his fingertips on your skin. You know the seductive look he does? The look? The deep one where he tilts his head forward and looks deep into your eyes with his turquoise ones in a way that just screams ‘I’m already half hard under my pants?’
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Yeah, that one. Oh, he’s going to be doing that a lot. He won’t make any definitive moves until he feels like you’ll reciprocate it, but he’s going to make you flustered like it’s a fuckin’ Olympic sport. 
The more you nervous and shifty you get, the dirtier his jokes are going to be and the more physical he’s going to act. You’re cute when you’re all worked up, after all. Needless to say, he’s going to do everything but physically pounce on you. He won’t do that until you’re begging. Everything else though? That’s free game. He likes touching you, so he’s going to.
Getting late and you’re off to bed? He’s going to pick you up, chuck you over his shoulder, and literally carry you to your room. He’s not leaving your doorway until he’s absolutely certain he’s exhausted every last resource to get you to invite him in, even playfully. He stares a lot too. If you’re just hanging around the bar having a drink, his eyes are usually lingering on your face, waiting for you to notice and initiate conversation. It’s not that he’s shy, because he’s definitely not, but he likes the look on your face when you catch him shamelessly looking. He also enjoys offering to let you see his “other piercings” and chuckles when you realize what he means and your face blossoms bright red.
Tomura on the other hand? Tomura doesn’t play that shit. He’s not as experienced in flirting as Dabi. He just does what feels natural, and that just happens to be whatever the fuck he wants.
Dabi is a lot more laid back than Tomura, and arguably more open to the word ‘no.’ If Tomura catches feelings, it’s happening. You’re his, and he’s not asking. He doesn’t like anyone, and he likes you, so he’s sticking to you like glue. Come to peace with it. He’s getting better with cooperation and trust, thanks to the League, but being told that you’re the future King and you can have whatever you want for your entire life leaves you with a sense of entitlement that doesn’t exactly go away overnight. Granted, to his credit, he’s going to try to ease you into his presence at first.
At first.
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Look at this regal looking psychopath. Does he look like he gives a fuck? No. The answer is no he doesn’t. Get ready for a whole lot of this man, because once his sights are set on you, they’re locked and he’s not going anywhere. You should be honored, you know. The future King sees you as a prospective future Queen. 
He’s going to be around a lot rather suddenly. You might not notice for a moment, but he’s always right fucking there. Hanging out in the bar? There. Napping in the living room? You wake up and he’s right there. The only place he’s not is in your room, and that’s like the only barrier he has. Even then, he has zero problem just barging in without knocking. Better hope you sleep with something on at least, because when he can’t fall sleep, he’s going to stare at the wall in YOUR room, not his. It nearly gives you a heart attack the first dozen times to wake up and find him sitting on your bedside watching TV, but eventually his presence becomes a calm constant. It means he trusts you, and that’s good, right? You take it as his extreme social awkwardness, and you’d be half right. The other half just wants to be near you, so he does.
Happen to be getting dressed when he walks in? Naturally you’re going to start freaking out, but he remains oddly calm. He just rolls his eyes, comes in, closes the door and stares at the ceiling and kills time until you’re done scrambling to get your clothes over your naked skin. No matter how many times you try to tell him he can’t just do that, he keeps doing it. You swear he’s doing it on purpose, but he gives you no real evidence of that. It’s like he has a fucking radar for the second your pants hit the floor, but you can’t prove it. With how much time he spends on the computer, you’d rather not know anyway. At least he has the decency to look away?
In public, he is constantly sitting next to you. Even odder, he’s almost always touching you. Nothing incredibly invasive, but you can tell it’s probably super intimate to him because he’s so hesitant. His shoulders are always touching yours when you’re seated together, bits of his long hair occasionally brushing your arm and making you shiver. Sometimes he just reaches over and starts rubbing your hair between his fingers or cupping your face gingerly. Its often at awkward times and completely floors everyone else, but eventually you get so accustomed to the feel of him that it’s almost weird when he’s not prodding you somehow. You don’t even flinch anymore when you feel his cold fingers stroke your jaw. You know he won’t hurt you. He’s too careful for that.
What does surprise you, however, is when he starts dragging you on all his little errands, even ones where there’s literally no reason for you to be there. Meeting with a rival leader? You’re there. Scoping somewhere? You’re there. You think he’s grooming you for some sort of position of power at first, at least until he starts dragging you on personal errands too. Small walks to clear his head? Yup. Trips to the game store? Hey, which game looks like more fun? TRICK question, it’s this one and you’ll be playing it with him all night until he says you can sleep. He even starts talking to you. Not ordering you around. Not insulting, or at least not seriously. Just talking to you about random shit. 
Where things start getting really fun is when Tomura and Dabi start realizing each other’s behavior. Tomura doesn’t like how Dabi is talking to you, and Dabi realizes he hasn’t seen you without Tomura 3 inches to your left in several weeks.
Queue the music.
It’s going to hit both of them like a kick in the nuts, and soon it’s bared teeth and thinly veiled insults, both in private and public. The truce they made when they decided to work together is rocky as is, but now that they have their eyes on the same prize? Good luck.
“Hey creep, do you think you’ll ever manage to fuck a woman without ending up having to stick your dick in a pile of ashes?”
“I don’t know, Ashtray. Say, do the women that will touch you have to help you staple half your ‘skin’ back on after sex? Or do you double up and try to play it off as foreplay?”
Things get very hostile very fast, and while they know better than to compromise League business with their feud, the second it’s over, it’s back to ripping each other to shreds. Funny enough, neither one of them looks where the opinion really matters, which is you. Instead, they just both berate you for allowing the other to act the way they do. 
Dabi gets a bit more hurtful, teasing you with a bit too much bite to truly be playful.
“I never pegged you for a suckup, dollface. Playing Leader’s pet. I thought you were better than trying to sleep your way to the top.”
Tomura, once again, doesn’t fuck around. He doesn’t play or even try to disguise his irritation. Just makes demands.
“Stop letting him stand so close to you. I don’t like it.” 
The dynamic you’ve created between the two of them is unsustainable, so eventually, you’re going to have to choose and make it clear which one you want. Preferably sooner rather than later.
Now, if it comes down to it, they will fight. Not really the way you’d expect though. They won’t charge at each other aiming for death. I mean, they might, but not until it’s a total last resort. They’ve got their reasons for working together, you know. However, they’re both petty little bitches and are going to go about it in their own way. Dabi is going to get way more invasive when it comes to your space, constantly making remarks about how gross or creepy Tomura is while keeping his hands on you just a little too much to be friendly. He’s going to try to put Tomura down in your mind, and he’s going to do it right in front of him. He’s really going to drive the point home that he can touch you with all five fingers and Tomura can’t and will never, ever be able to. Dabi plays really mean and holds no hostages.
Shiggy on the other hand won’t show that he’s affected by that, but he sure as fuck is going to abuse his position as leader. He’ll keep you and Dabi apart as much as possible, sending you on separate missions, keeping your attention away from him in an official capacity. Middle of the night and everyone is hanging around the bar? Not Dabi! He’s got a vital mission to go on. Immediately. Right now. Yeah, it’s imperative. Better hurry up now. He’s going to make Dabi so exhausted that he’s not only cranky, but he won’t even have time for you when he’s not off running around. Tomura is going to play Dabi like the pawn he is and remind him that no matter how he fights it, he’s nothing but a chess piece for him to use as he sees fit, and you deserve better than a pawn.
Those nights when Tomura is hanging out in your room? He’s going to leave riiiiiight as Dabi is walking by to finally go to bed. He’ll even wait for as long as he needs to for Dabi to come back. Even though absolutely nothing happened and you were asleep the whole time, Shig is going to make a show of it. You know, because he can. 
Arguably, Tomura is the pettier of the two, since when you pick him like he knows you will, he’s going to rub it all in Dabi’s face where as Dabi would likely accept victory and move on. We’ve all seen how much of a petty little shit this guy is. Just picture it. Yeah, now times it by two.
So as for who wins? That’s up to you. There will be repercussions no matter who you pick, so it has to be a choice of the heart. It’s an unfair position they’ve put you in, and no one but a certified dumbass (me) would enjoy it, but life really do be like that sometimes. Think long and hard about who you want. Only one route is unlockable.
Now, as for who is better in bed. 
Dabi is by far the more experienced of the two. He’s charming, powerful, and he’s got the bad boy allure down to a tee, so you bet your ass he’s either had a slut phase or is currently in it. He knows what feels good, and has built up a technique that guarantees customer satisfaction. He’s a good lay, there’s no two ways about it. Even better is he knows it too, and he’s open to suggestion. He’s not exactly a shy boy, so if you got something you’re into and you want him to comply, the absolute worst reply you’re ever going to get is “Really? You’re a strange chick, but if that’s what you want, babe, I’m game.” 
Sex is usually on the forefront of his mind somewhere, so he’s going to want this pretty quickly. It’s not that deep to him, just a physical sensation, so this is definitely not the key to his heart. Obviously he likes you for other reasons too, though, so it’s nothing to worry about. Still, as much as he denies it, Dabi can be a big softy, and he can and will cuddle you, even if it means he pretends it’s not his idea as he calls you needy and falls asleep immediately afterward. He’s just putting on a show, because truth be told, he likes feeling wanted even after it’s all over.
That being said, Tomura is the more passionate and easily the more devoted of the two. He’s not experienced in the slightest unless you take countless hours on hentai and porn sites, and he spent a good chunk of his life secluded, so if he’s doing this with you, he fuckin’ means it. This means something to him, and Goddamn if he doesn’t pour his heart and soul into everything he does. He can put on a bold facade but the truth is all of this makes him very nervous. He’s putting himself out there for someone else which is not something he thought he’d ever do.
He’s extremely intelligent and a very quick learner though, and all that pent up emotion makes for a massive libido and an even bigger ego. He wants you to want this as badly as he does, so he’s going to do everything in his power to make sure you do. After you two take this step, he’s going to be noticeably softer. He will deny it until his dying breath (or until you’re literally queen and he has nothing to lose), but a part of his soul became yours when he gives himself over to you. He never struck you as the sentimental type, but you might as well have bonded yourself to him once the deed is done. Either way, while he has his own sexual quirks and desires, his number one goal is to satisfy you.
Now tell me anon, which one holds your heart?
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