#i love my silly pretentious guy so much though he's just a looooser
stardew-obsessed-ora · 7 months
Hello casual viewers of my headcanon posts! Guess what time it is? It’s “Ora stops neglecting Dobson in their HC posts” time! This time, I’m going to be giving what I just know the audience wants, and write some romantic headcanons for the silly Joja Man. 
Word count: 1,873
Notes: im going off of headcanons primarily since this dude has like NO real canon substance.
︶꒷˚̣̣̣︶ ͡𑁬
⋆ ︵︵Romantic Dobson HCs 
You two started off as clear rivals. He was trying to help with the expansion of Joja Corporations within the valley, while you were thwarting his and Morris’s advances with the gradual expansion of the community center. The moment he ran into you he attempted to sell you a Joja Membership along with pitching you a few new products. The moment you shut this man down his attitude entirely goes 180. Unlike Morris who kept a more professional allure to him, Dobson entirely dropped what little care and consideration he had into not being snide or making underhanded remarks toward you. This led to the both of you fighting, which sparked somewhat of a rivalry between the two of you. 
I feel like Dobson’s the kind of guy to entirely brush off how he feels. At first, he’s oblivious, then he realizes, then he dreads it, then he brushes it off and buries his crush for as long as possible. It’s a detriment to his work ethic, it’s getting in the way, it’s preventing him from doing what he needs. It’s preventing him from viewing you in a non-biased manner, and therefore, was bothersome. Nothing in his mind could convince him that falling for you was a good thing, no. It was an obstacle, and he didn’t need to focus on it. After all, the two of you were rivals. You were against what he stood for and you needed to stay out of his way. Nothing good would come from growing soft over you. 
He’d come to terms with the fact that he had “””possibly””” garnered feelings for you when he started actually appreciating the sappier things in life. Rather than turning his nose up at the concept of cheesy romances, he found himself kind of yearning for a similar dynamic. He found himself starting to live life somewhat slower and found himself dwelling on an undeniable loneliness in his heart. Dear Yoba- he was hopeless! What started off as a potential crush had become full pining, and before he could catch himself, he was smiling in your direction more than he’d like to admit.
For a while, he tried to avoid you. 
Then he approached you with caution, then he started talking himself up, and then his usual overzealous attitude had returned, albeit with different motives in mind. He started inviting you out with him, and overtime, would slip more vulnerable aspects of himself into conversation to see how you’d reply. It was an uncharted ground for him, but it felt… nice, oddly enough. He didn’t feel immature or stupid for bringing up more genuine parts of himself. He felt like he could be himself around you. How embarrassing, the one he tried so desperately to thwart was really starting to get to him. 
He doesn’t seem like the type to ask someone out conventionally. He finds the idea terrifying, regardless of how highly he views himself. A part of him realizes that the rejection would utterly crush him for weeks on end, while the other part wants to think it’s because he knows he’s better than to stoop and practically beg someone to be with him. Besides, he hasn’t dated anyone before. Dobson has about as much dating experience as a brick wall. Instead, he takes you out, gets to know you better, figures out as much as he can about you to tailor the absolute perfect way of asking you out.
…Which he overthinks on. To the point he surprises you with a bouquet on one of your outings. As much as he doesn’t want to feed into the confusing traditions of the valley, it seems like the most easy to understand way of telling you how he feels. Instead of saying anything, he merely stares at you with an expression that says “I know you’ll accept but I’m shitting bricks over this.” So basically, his usual smug facial expression laced with indicators that he truly values how you’ll respond. This is accompanied by his foot tapping rhythmically behind him, and his vice grip on the damn bouquet. Poor flowers! 
When you accept, he can’t help but appear noticeably giddy. That professional disposition he puts up melts away as if it were nothing, and he’s practically hopping up and down over the fact that he managed to win you over. 
Do you remember how I said Morris reminded me of a cat coming into a relationship? Dobson’s like a non-socialized kitten in my mind. He doesn’t know how to navigate a relationship, and can come more harsh than loving at times. It takes him a long time to properly warm up, and at times, it seems like he’ll never come around. But he’s trying. 
Dobson strikes me as someone who was forced to be mature a little too early in life. Not to mention the lack of conditioning to any kind of love that wasn’t conditional. As a result, he fears doing anything that could be seen as immature, and also has literally no idea how to be intimate with you. For the first little bit, he seems like he always has. Snobby, pretentious, a little less rude, but he’s slowly warming up. It takes him a while to figure out what his needs are and how he can navigate his relationship. I imagine him as either being a little overbearing at first or extremely distant for a while, then dialing either back and learning how to go at his own pace.  
I imagine he shows his affection as subtle physical gestures, like holding your hand while you’re talking to someone around him, or playing with your hair. He also likes coming behind you and placing a hand against your side. He’s one of those losers who likes showing off that you’re his and how much he cherishes you. Tl;dr, he is very touchy, but doesn’t like doing any overly visible gestures in public. In private, he’s waaayyyy too awkward about it. A part of him worries that your perception of him will change if he acts too strange, while the other feels uncomfortable being so close with someone else. He’s a little spoon. He *can* big spoon, but at heart, he wants to be held. 
As much as he would like to be more of a gift giver, I don’t actually see him as having a massively disposable income. And so, him giving gifts is a bit more of a rarity, but he tries his best to give you something worthwhile. Though, it can be a bit difficult for him to give a gift in a way that isn’t “I just happened to find this. I didn’t know if you’d like it, but- here- it- here!” in regards to anything he noticed you staring at. Bros awkward!! 
While Dobson can cook, he doesn’t care much for doing it. Yes, he can cook meals for himself, yes he was independent for years, no he doesn’t particularly want to cook something for anyone else. And so, rather than offering meals to his S/O, I like imagining he sticks to tidying up the house and asking if he can pick up any chores they forgot to do. He loves doing something, adores being put to a task and exceeding at it, doing housework for you is ABSOLUTELY something he can show off with. 
Dobson’s one of those people who has a more childish side, but genuinely has no idea how to go about expressing it or feeling comfortable with showing it around you. I feel like once he’s able to slowly bring those walls down, however, he’d be one of those people who absolutely adores play fighting or playing mundane, harmless pranks on his S/O. Bonus if he and his S/O end up laughing together and get to rest against one another after. In the first part of his relationship, he prefers sticking to extravagant dates. Sure, they eat a hole in his wallet, but they show he’s capable of planning only the best for his lover. What more could he want? After warming up to them and truly letting bits of himself show, however, he’d start shifting towards more comfortable dates. A home date where they’re both doing work together? Perfect. A museum date? Perfect. Sitting back in a scenic area having a picnic? Sure! Of course, he’d still take you out to the aforementioned fancy places, but they wouldn’t be the only thing to associate with dates with him anymore. Dobson adores movie nights, particularly ones where he and his S/O find the absolute worst garbage on whatever streaming service they’re using and laughing at it. What better way to spend a night than giving commentary on overhyped garbage? Or expending your energy commenting on an abomination that was better off never greenlit? It’s a great way to wean down his more judgmental side while also being able to joke and cut up. Despite his viewpoints on the activities of the townsfolk, I imagine he has a soft spot for the museum. He’s a firm believer in the statement “Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.” As ironic as that may be. He likes looking back on historical documents, objects, and seeing how far the world and its people have advanced since then. It both reassures him and has him questioning whether or not the path he’s gone down was truly worth it. Plus, he’s a rock nerd. I imagine he’d like dates where he gets to go to museums or exhibitions or things of that nature. If you brought this man a geode after you were dating, he’d stare at its luster for around 10 minutes then saunter off to place it near his bed promptly after. Dobson, at heart, is a jealous, insecure fella. I feel like for the first little bit in a relationship he’d need occasional reassurance that he wasn’t doing anything wrong, or that there was nothing to worry about, or that no, because he couldn’t convince his S/O to join Joja that he’s a total failure and that they’re still on opposing sides. Dobson is a man who lives under the concept of bravado and a facade, eventually, his genuine fears and worries start seeping through, and that vulnerable side of him is shown. Dobson, along with this, is the king of overworking. He’s in a high ranking Joja Position at a young age, he’s definitely worked to the bone juggling both college work and Joja Communications work. He has a bad habit of taking on more than he can handle, pulling all nighters, then waltzing around with only energy from a can of carbonated garbage to keep him going. There have definitely been times he’s worked all day, come home, then collapsed on his couch only to realize he had something planned with his S/O not too long after. Does he still try to make these plans? Of course. Does he fail horribly? Yes. It takes his S/O’s constant concern and dejectedness toward him in said state to make him start realizing, “Maybe… I should consider some changes?” TL;DR He is my silly goofer and I see him as a very complex loser. 
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