#i love sharing (and oversharing) about anything sanctuary-related haha
lanistas · 1 year
Top 5 Sanctuary eps please! XD
Oh I've been waiting for this moment all my life! :D
(cue me flipping through pages of my notebook where I gave a rating to every single Sanctuary episode during my rewatch)
So - here we go.
№ 5 - 'Requiem' (1x09)
What I love about this episode is that it takes place in such a tight space (I love submarines, I really do), and we can see Helen and Will interacting in such closed quarters, just the two of them. And because it's only a start of their journey from mentor / mentee to friends and partners, it's fascinating to watch them. A pivotal episode for Helen x Will folks (that's me, I am Helen x Will folks xD). Plus I love the way the episode starts with showing you the end of the story, and then you find out what actually happened as the episode continues.
№ 4 - 'Tempus' (4x01)
Letting an immortal character time-travel to their faraway past is one of the best cards 'Sanctuary' played, in my opinion. And Amanda as an actress absolutely shone this episode, with past Helen being softer and more cautious (even her voice is milder and slightly higher pitched) and modern Helen being so thick-skinned and ready to fight. I also adore James as a character, and seeing him in this episode really makes me happy.
№ 3 - 'Kush' (1x05)
It's hard to explain why I have such a soft spot for this episode. I just do. Maybe it's the detective-esque plot ('whodunit' kinda thing). Maybe it's because our setting is a tight space again (I love submarines AND crashed planes apparently).
№ 2 - 'For King and Country' (3x08)
I made a whole post about my love for this episode, it's an episode that has perfect balance between different plot points, and it also gives you glimpses into so many relationship dynamics between so many characters, it's insanely good.
... and № 1 - 'Out of the Blue' (3x19)
I love, and I mean looooooooooove my AUs. Any type of AU, I'm down. So 'Sanctuary' giving us an AU that is basically canon, because it's officially a part of the show, was like a Christmas gift to me. Helen and Will as suburban neighbours who dislike each other, but then oh no, maybe they don't dislike each other at all, because somehow none of it seems real, except their devotion and complete trust in each other - well, it's like this episode was written specifically for me.
Plus I cannot help writing about some honorable mentions (they were so close to making that top 5, so close!)
'Bank Job' (3x03)
Such a fun episode. One of the best ones in season 3.
'Normandy' (3x17)
Did I mention that I love James? I did. But let me mention it one more time.
11 notes · View notes