#i love soft micah sm
moonit3 · 2 months
I can order a yandere cute (kawaii), who maybe because of his cute and innocent appearance managed to get close to his beloved, but maybe this boy is not only cute and has a very disturbing past...
i love this concept, a cute person who is actually a freaking person behind the curtains. that’s why i love my readers, always giving me the best ideas to write.
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➽ context warnings: yandere! male, gn! reader, sfw but there is some nsfw lines down there, a small age gap (like two-four years, but both reader and yandere are legal age!), manipulation, murder off scene.
➽ word count: 998 (sorry for that, guys!)
➽ synopsis: perhaps you would see him with another eyes if he was the same age as your.
➽ yandere! cute boy x gn! reader
➽ a/n: another few weeks later and i am here with another work of mine, today i present to you all my new creation that i am proud to be the mother of it. this work is a little too short for my own likes, but i feared that if i wrote more i could easily ruin it…so please, bear with me today’s writing.
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➽ walking around the streets without paying attention led you to meet someone completely different from most people you met before. clothes so bright that might your hurt at first glance full of cute patterns on it, hairclips all over his dyed hair and of course, his personality being way too soft for a world like this, but with a little extra spicy that can’t be compared to anyone else.
➽ micah is his name, a sweet boy that isn’t so tall compared to most guys that you’ve encountered. yet, is the one who catch your attention the most with his odd smile, unfamiliar style and unique sense of humor. you consider yourself lucky to have met someone like him and even luckier to have someone by your side after moving to a new city.
➽ you might have know him for a couple of weeks, but it’s feel like he been around your whole life by the way he acts with you. many people even mistakenly you two as a couple by how affectionate he is in public, always holding hands and kissing your cheek as a way to greet you, so you don’t blame them for thing the wrong way when explaining that micah is just too friendly with you. but no one seems to believe you, always telling you that there is no shame in being touchy with him in public or hide the relationship.
➽ well, they aren’t wrong about micah being so much cling with you in the public eyes. sometimes, you ask yourself the last time you went out without him or for how long he can go without touching you (almost a minute, you recall). your best friend being like this doesn’t make you uncomfortable, by the completely opposite, you are kind into it. after all, everyone needs some physical affection and you are in no place to deny it.
➽ as more time goes on, you only got closer to micah while your other friends began distancing themselves away from you. why would they do that? the sense that you’ve done something wrong quickly makes you anxious, overthinking and even forgetting things that you were supposed to do. it’s hurt to see so many people leave you, abandon you. but hey, at least micah is by your side with no intention to leave.
➽ “let’s go out, [name]!” he brings you to the mall whatever he feels like, buying expensive outfits that match his style and making you pose with him to post at his social media. mostly of the comments compliment how the two looks so perfect together, some even saying that micah is a lucky guy to have you in his life. “look, look, [name]! they think we are a couple! isn’t that cute? maybe we do fit to be together like that.”
➽ “don’t be silly.” always patting his head makes him melt under your touch only if you could do that on other parts of his body, and he couldn’t be more grateful to be receiving those head pats too. “aren’t you a little to young for me? i know that you enjoy hugging me a lot and even kissing my cheek whatever you want, but you have to remember that i am older than you.”
➽ “hahaha, i know that.” can’t you see that his smile is no bigger as it was? your eyes does look at him, seeing that he isn’t playful like before, so you hold one of his hand and smile at him. “but you will stay by my side, right? like forever without anyone else trying to separate us.”
➽ “i promise, micah.” his pink dyed hair has become a messy by the time you stopped patting him, making him slightly better to the rest of the hanging out. even with your words promising to stay with him forever, the boy can’t help but want more than your friendship.
➽ he wants to be your boyfriend, then fiancé and then husband! the plans for the wedding are already written down at his journal and the ideas for your dress/suit to match his outfit can’t be ruined by your mindset of him being ‘too young’. he is already twenty-one! just because he still on his second year of college, doesn’t mean that he isn’t mature enough to marry the love of his life!
➽ that’s why he promise himself to study hard to graduate with the best grades from his fashion design class, so he can get a degree and a good paying job at his area. maybe you will see him with other eyes when he becomes a fully grown man who can afford to pay rent without struggling and to make the best matching outfits to both of you when he gets himself a studio and able to buy the most comfortable materials ever made.
➽ he can already imagine the large house he will buy for you. a big one at the countryside of the country so no one will disturb his peaceful and lovely spouse (you, of course!), maybe he will give/adopt a child with you like he always dreamed of. but that only will happen if he works hard, so micah has a long way to go. for now, he will stay close with you as a friend only.
➽ in meanwhile, he will act behind the scenes when someone might try to steal you away from him. those idiot who think that have a chance with are all disposable and you won’t never need anyone else in your life other than him (and probably a future pet to keep you company), so micah waste no time in making sure those people won’t be found and of course. he always makes a good job in hiding the remains of those people into the deepest parts of the woods, after all, he can’t do any mistakes or else he won’t be there for you in the future, [name].
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@moonit3 writings
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
I hope this isn’t too dumb, but could you write something where Micah has been feeling down for whatever reason so the reader gifts him some flowers and he’s completely taken aback/ embarrassed/ has funny tummy feelings? Female or gender neutral reader, up to you. Thanks! 🥰
never too dumb!! i loved writing this and im genuinely having the best time writing these requests they make me v happy :)
also at some point i ended up writing in like micah's POV? sorta? its a bit messy but yeah idk its just a big ball of fluffy mess. i hope u enjoy
One thing you’ve learnt about Micah is that he’s not as good at hiding his emotions as he’d like to think he is. Most members to tend to care if he’s grumpier or happier than usual and generally tend to stay clear of him. But not you.
You were something of a close friend to Micah and you always noticed when his mood changed. Sometimes it was easy to spot when he started getting into more fights than usual with Pearson or Bill while other times you saw him draw away from everyone. Those nights when he was feeling sad, you saw him retreat to the outskirts of camp, pacing around for hours before settling against a tree to fiddle with his knife. It was a nervous tick he had to distract his racing thoughts.
It always broke your heart to see him like that and a lot of the time talking didn’t work. That’s why you decided you’d bring it upon yourself to get him a gift to cheer him up.
It’s one of those days again and Micah find’s himself retreating to the outskirts of camp again. Micah could never imagine himself running away from a gun fight but he finds himself trying to flee from the invading thoughts in his head. Of course this only makes Micah beat himself up further.
Leaves and sticks crush under the weight of his boots as he walks through the shrubbery, well away from camp. He takes a seat on a large log and goes to pull his knife from his pocket only to realise its not there.
He cursed to himself as he remembers leaving it wedge into the wooden table right in the middle of camp. He’d been practicing at five finger fillet and kept making errors from a mixture of his thoughts running at a million miles and a lack of sleep.
Out of frustration Micah had left the damn thing on the table as he stormed off with a ‘dammit’ under his breath.
He sighs and begins to pick at the small scab that’s now formed from when he nipped himself this morning in his practice. He’d be damned if he walked back through camp to go get his knife, there was no way he’d risk running into someone that might push his buttons.
Micah is left alone for hours with his own thoughts until he hears someone walking up behind him. He’s always on alert so he spins around instantly, ready to defend himself despite being uncharacteristically unarmed.
Micah can’t tell if he’s excited or not to see you. On one hand he’s absolutely head over heels for you and wants to spend as much time as he can with you. On the other he’s so terrified that you make his stomach flutter that he’s not sure if he can keep his composure after such an exhausting day.
His eyebrow raises when he sees you walk around the log to stand directly in front of him, your hands uncharacteristically stiff and held behind your back.
“I’ve got you something.”
Perking up, Micah can’t help but be a little excited, if not nervous since he rarely ever receives a gift.
“What is it?”
He sees you smile at him, the adoring one that makes his heart melt and leaves his chest feeling bubbly in a way he’s not used to at all. His face drops however, when he sees you shake your head.
“Close your eyes.”
Micah tenses at your words. He does not like to have his eyes closed, makes him feel too vulnerable and exposed. Its one of the reasons why he hates sleeping in front of others.
His breath hitches slightly when you lean down so you’re eye level with him, your noses almost touching.
“Do you trust me?”
He does, gosh he does. You’re one of the few people he’d trust blindly. You’ve been nothing but kind to him since day one and he’ll admit to himself that you’ve managed to make him feel loved.
Slipping his eyes closed, Micah lets out a soft huff of air and wills himself to try and calm his nerves, nodding slightly. He hears ruffling for a minute before you tell him he can open his eyes.
“You can open them now Micah”
He hears your sweet giggle which could literally cause his heart to stop beating as his eyes slowly open. There, in front of him is a bouquet of flowers in your hands. The colours are a beautiful mix of purples, reds and whites all of which are perfectly arranged together.
Micah, having never received a gift, little alone flowers goes bright red and stares at them dumbfounded.
“Whatcha got there?”
He’s still in a mild state of shock, not really understanding what or how to deal with the fact you’ve brought him flowers out of no where. He moves his head to look at you, feeling his blush get hotter as you playfully roll your eyes and smile down at him.
“They’re flowers Micah, they don’t necessarily sell them at the general store so I picked them myself. I wanted to do something for you though, cheer you up.”
Micah’s stomach is in flips but that doesn’t stop the smile from appearing on his face even though he tries to hide it.
“Micah, can I give you a hug?”
After a good five minutes of on internal debate Micah finally gives in and nods softly, too exhausted from a mentally draining day to do much more. He’s expecting you to just wrap an arm around him awkwardly. He’s not at all prepared for how gently rest in his lap, taking his head in your hands and bringing him forward to rest his head on your shoulder.
He’s tense but soon relaxes into your arms, his own come to wrap around your waist as your cheek rests atop of his head.
The next hour passes like that, your hand rubbing slow circles into his scalp as you gently whisper that he can always rely on you when he’s feeling down. Between each of your breaths you tilt your head to place a kiss into his slightly greasy hair, but you never really minded.
Eventually, the calming whispers come to an end when Micah speaks up.
“Thank you for the flowers, for everything. I- thank you.”
You smile adoringly down at him. You can tell he’s trying to express all that he means but you can see it just by the way his eyes light up when he looks at you.
“Common now, I bet you’re tired and don’t bother denying it.”
Micah instantly goes to protest about being tired but is cut off by his own yawn which is the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. You walk hand in hand back to camp, happy to now that most of the camp members have gone to bed as Micah holds the flowers in the other.
Once you’re in your tent, Micah will wrap his arms around you and spoon you. His head is pressed into your neck as he holds you close and you both drift off to sleep.
As it turns out, Micah is a snorer.
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cowboywaffles · 3 years
I was curious, since I'm a Micah/Arthur shipper, do you also write for this pairing too and if yes, can you write um...something fluffy? Not a big deal! Just a one-shot is more than ok so😊 (and if no, that's ok!💗)
Oh! And, I love your blog! It's warm and cozy and so soft!😍💖
this pairing is my guilty pleasure i love them both sm!! and tysm that means a lot ^^
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“sad old man” micah grinned, sitting on his barrel, playing with the handle of his knife. arthur looked at the older blonde man and scowled, hed been on his way to his tent when micah began bothering him. 
“what did you just say, rat?” arthur grunted, turning to face micah.
“oh dont be like that morgan, youve gone old” micah spoke, his lips curving into a smile. “but dont worry old timer, i still love you”
arthur paused for a moment. taking in what micah had just said. surely this man wasnt capable of love. 
“ha! that is funny micah, your cold black heart could never love anything” arthur smirked, standing his ground and folding his arms in triumph.
“oh of course morgan, because you always were the romantic type” micah paused, contemplating his next words, “what was her name? mary, no, not mary, before her?”
arthur furrowed his brows in anger and glared at the smaller man. he took a step forward until he was only a few inches from micahs face, the smell of whiskey lingering on his breath. “how about you do yourself a favour friend and shut up” arthur growled.
micah smiled to himself as he leant forward, to arthurs disbelief, the man planted his lips on his own, kissing arthur with his suprisingly soft lips. arthur didnt kiss back. how could he. the man he despised most was trying it on with him.
but there was something. something that drew arthur in. he raised his hand to cup micahs cheek, feeling the blonde mans facial hair scrape agaisnt the palm of his hand.
the kiss wasnt like he imagined, it was almost as soft as a woman kiss, micah was delicate with arthur, humming softly to himself in enjoyment. 
micah bought his hand to rest on the small of arthurs back, pulling him closer to the barrel where he sat and feeling the taller mans heat on the curve of his belly.
arthurs eyes snapped open as he realised just what was happening.
he pushed micahs chest to break the kiss, sending the blonde man toppling backwards off the barrel and landing with a thump on the ground bellow.
micah let out a loud groan as he sat up, rubbing his back in pain. arthur peered down at micah, a spot of guilt washing over him, until micah looked up at him, his face full of annoyance.
arthur couldnt contain himself, at the sight of the man sitting in the ground covered in dirt, he let out a low chuckle at first, but then began laughing hysterically at micah. “shoulda seen your face” arthur chuckled, immitating the look on micahs face as he fell off of the barrel.
“real funny morgan” micah snarled, lifting himself up and walking around arthur. arthurs body betrayed his mind, as he almost flung himself towards micah, grabbing onto his hand.
micah looked at him, suprised at his eagerness. “i er” arthur began, looking at the floor in shame and letting go of micahs hand, although something in him wanted to linger. “ill catch you later then” he said, looking at micah, who looked just as suprised as arthur was, he could have sworn he saw a light blush spread across micahs face, if his hat wasnt pulled down so far it would have been clearer.
micah chuckled softly, reaching out for arthurs hand and pulling him closer to him. he entwined their fingers together as he held on, looking arthur in the eyes.
arthur began looking around at the camp, empty from everyone being asleep. micah kissed arthurs lips once more, although this kiss was more of a, goodnight fleeting short kiss. a peck. 
micah turned away, not looking behind him at arthur, trying to hide his red face. he waved without turning his head at arthur, “catch ya later morgan” he said as he walked away to his tent.
arthur stood in the middle of camp. his mind and heart both racing. if someone had told him this morning that hed find himself falling for micah bell, he would have laughed, but now he wasnt so sure.
he stared at the place where micah had stood only minutes ago, already missing the touch and warmth of him, missing the feeling of his lips on his, his hand in his, the feeling of his mustache tickling his face as he kissed him.
“so this is what you spend your time doing?” a voice came from behind arthur.
the man jumped out of his skin, turning around to see john standing, a few metres away. arthur scratched his beard as he thought of an excuse.
“dont bother” john chuckled to himself, “im just glad it wasnt in my tent”.
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bow-woahh · 4 years
She-Ra season 5 thoughts
A chaotic summary of my feelings/ reactions of each episode! Spoilers. Obviously. 
Episode 1 — Horde Prime
- First of...Adora stop throwing yourself into battle challenge - "You're not She-Ra anymore" — TELL HER SIS - The way Catra was so smug but Glimmer was not having any of it "You're just as alone as I am" if that ain't the truth idk what is - Catra wanting the climb up the ranks? Sis I don't think so let's see how long that lasts - The DINNER pissed me the fuck OFF - Oh yeah here's my obligatory SW FUCK OFF CHALLENGE - Micah, King, glare at her!! Yes!! - The way Scorpia said "Catra thought my singing was annoying" honey - That clone was SO annoying stfu about Prime being omniscient and omnipresent and shit like ugH idC - Bow and Adora are the BROTP - Scorpia stinging Adora to keep her safe - and that's on friendship - The way Prime INSTANTLY called Catra out "Adora means something to you" listen I hate the gay but damn he's smart. He saw right through her act. - "Adora chose her side and I chose mine" that doesn't mean you don't still care Catraaa - Also that was REALLL quick lmaoo the way five seconds she was like "imma climb up the ranks" then in about two secs HP was like "sis I have no use for you" - "What are you going to do to me?" IM CRYING - Adora and those weird flashback PTSD things -- are u okay sis?? - This was the first episode and I already want to cry so....wow
Episode 2 — Launch
- Adora omg she's so fatigued girl S L E E P - Bow getting pissed at everyone for not letting her rest...what a king - Catra disobeying HP and talking back to that clone but then HP took its form...fuck man that shit scary - STOP CALLING HER  LITTLE SISTER CHALLENGE JESUS FUCK - Everyone hates Entrapta wow ouch - Literally Entrapta being horny over robots is hilarious lmaoo - Mermista is a great leader and they worked so well together ahhh! I'm loving Scorpia and Frosta's friendship - Entrapta got the signal!! I'm proud -  Adora stop following holograms and illusions challenge -  Adora being all like "I don't know my destiny anymore but I know I need to save my friend." LIKE YES HONEY -  Glimmer is sO volatile like honey,, did you need to break HP's crystal ball thingy?? DID U?? -  also she knows her dad is alive now and that H U R T S ++ I bet she doesn't know the sword is broken so fuckkl -  Micah as She-Ra?? something I never knew I needed -  SW not being in this episode at all? love that for us - "I reinstate my horray" I LOVE YOU SCORPIA - "Can you stay?" MY FUCKING HEART GLITRA FRIENDSHIP HERE WE COME
Every episode I just feel immense f E AR
Episode 3 — Corridors
- THIS STARTS W BABY CATRA AND ADORA?? NOELLE WHY ARE TRYNA KILL US?? - Catra and Glimmer talking about sleepovers and Adora...damn my heart - Adora and her stupid ponytail 💀 - "I'll never say sorry!" - THE WAY YOUNG CATRA WAS SO JEALOUS EYE— - "There's no one in the entire universe who cares about me." - "Im sorry! For everything." IM SO UPSET WTF -  CATRA IS FUCKED BUT SHE SAVED GLIMMER -  HP GTFO CHALLENGE -  I'm so proud of my baby tho wow... -  What the fuck we gone do now? -  so much happened in this episode so this is a lot shorter because my brain is numb. Catra is gonna get brainwashed?? isn't she?? -  "I want to do that one good thing in my life." IM CRYING Y'ALL
Episode 4 —Stranded
- Adora is like "Catra, Catra?? saved you?? wtaf?” Lmaoo - Bow and Glimmer fighting is hurting my HEART - KYLE HAS A CRUSH ON ROGELIO?? SCORPIA DONE EXPOSED IT AHHH - Swifty tryna contact Adora?? kinda cute - him impersonating everyone was onbrand and kinda funny ngl - The way Adora is like "it's complicated" lmaoo girl everything is w you - I live the star siblings omg yeS - "I have to save someone. Someone I—" omFG ADORA - Adora is S T R O N K - she GLOWED OMFG SHE RA?? IS THAT U?? - BOW AND GLIMMER BEING OKAY?? MAYBE - Etherians really are wilding out here - YESSS THEY JOINING THE REBELLION - "Maybe we'll never be friends like we used to be."  Glimmer...I love her sm - "I can't just leave her there. I have to try." Adora actually cares so much about her!! and I love Glimmer being supportive wow we love a queen! - THE BEST FRIEND SQUAD IS BACK TOGETHER!! LETS GOO - "She-Ra is back." Swift Wind is annoying but thank you. thank you for saying that horse.
I literally threw my hoodie across the room and forgot that I did that wow lmao
Episode 5 — Save the Cat
- My friend who's ahead me said wait for episode 5 now I'm fucking S H OO K - this episode name has me shook I can't - its WRITTEN BY NOELLE?? WE'RE FUCKED - I love Wrong Hordak SM what an idiot - Catradora really is gonna be canon wow - WTAF IS THAT SHE IS NOT MY CATRA SHE IS A CLONE her hair tho?? kinda nice - the way HP said "your Catra." like low-key he said gay rights - "You broke my heart. And he has made me whole again." - "We both know I don't matter"  and "you're and idiot" "I know" THESE TWO ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER - SHE JUMPED OFF A CLIFF FOR HER - the way she's holding her?? so soft - SHE RA IS LOOKING FLY -- and is she taller?? - "You miscalculated" YES QUEEN I LOVE HER. THAT WHOLE FIGHT SCENE WAS AMAZING - FuCK HORDEP PRIME - Darla is the best Light Hope SUX - the "Hey, Adora" was SO SOFT IM SO HAPPY
That episode really hiT different Catradora is DEFINITELY canon EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU NOELLE
Episode 6 - Taking Control
- Adora. Chill. - Catra's trauma...wow - honestly I have SO MUCH TO SAY and so little at all. - The ending w Catra joining was so cute and all the Catradora interactions are SENDING ME this is the development I need - "Adora. Stay." MY HEART - thank fuck that chip is gone YAY - Entrapta and Catra making up? Catra saying "Thank you and I'm sorry" her least favourite words -- characters DEVELOPMENT - The way Catra blushed when Adora transformed GIRL YOURE GAY - SHERAS POWER IS TOO MUCH SLAY GIRL - Horde Prime FucK off challenge I hate him - Micah tryna be a father figure? cute - the endING FUCK WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT SPINNERALLA??? POOR NETOSSA
okay but where tf is DT, KYLE, LONNIE AND ROGELIO??
my mum is so tired of me screaming lmaoo
Episode 7 — Perils Of Peekabloo
- Catra just SAT on Adora's lap the PDA is unmatched - We love a filler wow - we literally can't trust anyone this shit sucks - SCORFUMA STANS STAY WINNING - Mermista and Seahawk kinda cute tho (the  heart eyes) - DT I KNEW IT   - CASH KITTEN? EYE—JUST SAY SUGAR MOMMA AND GO - NETOSSA DOESN'T DESERVE THIS - MERMISTA TO - EVERYONE is chipped WTF - DT is a theatre gay through and through   - THEY'RE FUCKED WE'RE FUCKED - NOOOO SCORPIA 😭😭😭 - "I'm the muscle, remember?" - SCORPIA'S POWER, HER REACH, IT'S AMAZING - everything is going downhill FAST - "Happy Anniversary" EYE—😭😭😭😭😭
well that sucked What the fuck we gone do now?
Episode 8 - Shot in the Dark
- The soft smile Catra gave Adora while teasing? love that - loving this new squad - the wAY HER TAIL FLUFFED UP SHES SO SCARED MAN - Wrong Hordak is my main g - the LAUGHING!! THE BLUSHING!! EVERYONE CAN SMELL THE GAY TENSION - omg Catra being the brains of the operation?? yes please - "Catra's first mission" THEY'RE SO OBNOXIOUS I LOVE THEM - "I'm going to kill your friends." "Please don't." we are ASCENDING - Casta? Strike her down anyway please 🙏 - Adora is SO WHIPPED the way she blushed at Catra making the door - "It's such a cute sneeze" BOW KNOWS IT CATRA IS CUTE AND THATS THE TEA - literallyyyy I hate SW GTFO CHALLENGE get OFF my screen 😡 - CATRA WHY DID YOU LUNGE AT THAT THING?? - OMFG MAGICAT?? (Nope dumb bitch) - "I'm coming!" "Hurry." - "I'm sorry. I got angry. It's something I'm working on" ADORA GLOWED AND SAID "You are?" WE LOVE SELF GROWTH AHH - It was Catra's hand OMFG IN THE TRAILER - Adora and cat thing being magic? we love it - MELOG IS SO CUTE and Catra can talk to it?? wowow - they love taking strays lmao - Wrong Hordak's character arc is the best one in the show - CATRA HAS AN IDEA?? YES - Preach Casta shut Weaver up - "That about sums it up, yes." I love them as a team - the hand holding? so cutee Catra don't pretend you're not whipped - oml Glimmer kissing Catra before Adora? EYE— Glitra shippers gonna be so happy at that one moment lmaoo - THEY'RE HOMEEEE
ahhh we're getting close to the end nooo
Episode 9 —An ill Wind
- oh god oh god - Catra is so badass with Melog i LOVE HER EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL  - having to fight your own wife? that shit sucks - Erelandia? it's free - omg HP is angry asfff - FROSTA CHILL SHE PUNCHED HER HARD - Adora and Catra are soft 🥺 that's all I have to say
Episode 10 — Return to the Fright Zone
- omg are we gonna see Kyle?? Lonnie? Rogelio?? (also nope, stupid hoe) - okay but Netossa getting screentime? YES PLEASE - I love the intro sm ahhhh - also her knowing everyone's weakness? love that shit - ouch Perfuma ouch didn’t have to go so hard on Catra and YET - omg I forgot Bow's dads existed - "Mostly bad memories" 😔😔😔 - competitive gfs for the win - Catra FLEW tho WOW Scorpia is STRONK - the dad jokes are immaculate - "I'm working is being a better friend. That has to count for something right?" - "We don't throw tanks at our friends" sis you don't give flowers to your them at this current time either - "why did I get stuck with the water Princess?" Catra...baby I love you - omg there's a fail safe THANK FUCK I was legit speechless - "There's real power in love and friendship" preACH IT GIRLIE - SCORPIA FIGHT IT YESSS - legit forgot Spinny and Netossa were fighting lmao oof - FINALLY ANGST OVER THE WIVES ARE BACK - omg THE PAN TO ADORA ABOUT BEING VULNERABLE AHHHH - Perfuma is Catra's therapist that's my headcanon - OMFG I FORGOT ABOUT SW FUCK SHIT CATRA BABY IM SORRY
damn I'm stressed out
Episode 11 — Failsafe
- Weaver STFU challenge - them taking about their abuse? we love to see - "We— I could really use your help" KILL ME NOW THEY'RE TOO MUCH - "Not because I like you" she says SMILING - Melog is Catra's affectionate side prove me wrong - Stan Entrapta for clear skin - SW doesn't deserve rights (as per usual) - DONT TOUCH HER BITCH LITERALLYYYY WHYYY - and now She Ra is glitching?? fuck - Catra is so jumpy eye— "Trust Me" MY HEART SBSBDB - Weaver really called her a DISTURBANCE STFU 💀💀💀 - Entrapta and bird horse ftw what a tag team - OMG NO BE CAREFUL - "Did you just jump in fire to save me?" SHE WAS SO SMUG - can SW burn like... now? - "It's none of your business" LITERALLY BUTT OUT  - "Catra, she distracts you, confuses you." WEAVER I FUCKING HATE YOU SM I FUCKING I WILL PUNCH MY SCREEN - Entrapdak being a thing? I do not know how to feel - "Your imperfections are beautiful."  I am.... conflicted - SW doesn't deserve screen time - Catra is an i no cap (I genuinely have no clue what I meant so sorry about that) - i think the fuck not - this episode is so stressful - Catra saving Adora >>>>>>>>> - what an awful reunion for Glimmer damn - "It doesn't always have to be you!" IKR IT SHOULD BE WEAVER - fuck dark magic fuck it all - Catra's upset?? no my baby 🥺 - this whole episode is just traumatising - Adora's heart do be glowing - Catra's LEAVING?? why?? - "What do you want Adora?" - MY HEART BEEN BROKE SO MANY TIMES I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE 😭😭 - omg this time instead of Adora leaving it's Catra (you are a dumbass DUH) - that H U R T S - ADORA TELL HER YEs QUEEN
Episode 12 — Heart Part 1
- I am not prepared for this - Adora...baby I'm so sorry - Glimbow moment with a banjo?? that was cute - Adora really is a party popper - "Adora doesn't want me. Not like I want her." AND THAT'S ON LESBIANISM BUT ALSO FUCKING OUCH  - but really Catra...do you really think Adora doesn't want you? girl are youb B L I N D?? - Wrong Hordak is MY GUY - Stan the rebellion for clear skin - NOOO WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART DON'TPLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT THEY NEARLY KISSED AND IT WAS A FUCKING SIMULATION - real Catra be CAREFUL - "We have to warn Adora" YES SIS WARN YOUR GF  - "I thought I could make my own destiny" U STILL CAN SIS - I'm scared I'm fucking scared - my HEART IS BEATINGG FASTT - I really hate Horde Prime uhhhhhhhgg - for once in your sorry life do something good Weaver jfc - "I can't leave her behind again" - BEST FRIEND SQUAD + MELOG YES - "Bow, I love you." GLIMBOW IS BACK ON AHHH - BUT AT WHAT COST??? (literally what am I saying??) - "You deserve love too." AND THAT'S ON PERIODT - Glimmer coming in clutch!! - Mermista and Seahawk do be cute tho - Micah is actually the worst rn wow - "Goodbye, my oldest enemy" CATRA COME QUICK AHH
the last episode....I'm not ready to say goodbye
Episode 13 — Heart Part 2
- ofc this is written by Noelle - "Hey, Adora" MY HEART - "I'll catch up okay? Get to the heart." - SW ACTUALLY DIED?? THANK YOU MY GIRLS CAN HEAL NOW
andd that's as far as I got before freaking the fuck out with everything that was happening onscreen but THE CATRADORA KISS WAS EVERYTHING and the ending was perfect 🥺💖
Thank you Crew-Ra, Noelle for making such a beautiful and heartwarming show, this will be remembered for years to come because what this show did was incredible and unlike anything I've ever watched.
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mrjerkyle-blog · 5 years
here we go
Srap metal SM, smile, shrude manager mathew sixteen MS, matako small, sweet, rabi, rap moi, music, christo, scrapy lil, tribe of levi tol as jeshuran, nuts, mad, insane, shoes, joshua, shoot, smoke, jamesianda, jest as joke- mfalme wa yawhodi- hooliganism.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun.
  yeye ni msichana ma, anawipe rasa na tissue soft mseya kama dem, hata chacho live anasema chali ni kukuwa hardcore, yaani yeye inafa awipe rasa na stone ama paper ya simiti or box hiyo ndimo kuwa chali
beautie bro, niwachie bwana umepumpu sana, echwido ha-enya bwana,jawuolo  ni
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33
Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
               mrmonde                hehe            
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hellbentwidow-a · 5 years
hi we havent talked outside of my micah but god i love ur sadie sm an want everyone to know thnk u sksjsksksh
HI WTF THE FUCK???????? I LOVE U!! I LOVE TEDDY!!!! i always love reading ur stuff when it’s on my dash. he’s a good soft boy and you’ve fleshed him out so well. i love seeing people put as much passion and thought into their ocs like you do! you are so sweet and such a breath of fresh air in this rpc… i appreciate you so much and THANK YOU for sending me this! it really made my day! thanks so much!
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platinumweekend · 3 years
What’s your favorite platinum moment?
vic: the first time i answered this i was like oh man it’s so hard to pick just 1 so luckily we’ve gotten this question like 3 times LMAOO but i think excluding the ones i’ve said already i love when everyone is running around helping you at the indio show! like shane intervenes with the sound engineer and micah is there and everyone is being so supportive like i just love the whole group sm !!
jade: i’ve said mainly raleigh moments so far, so i’ll go with a shane moment that i think about all the time and the reason i kept romancing him – on a whim i chose that one scene where you can hook up with him in your room, and it was some of the sweetest dialogue in any 30 diamond scene i swear. like legitimately gave me butterflies!!! he says something along the lines of “i’ve been waiting for this forever” implying that he’s been in love with you for a long time and i – !!!! it makes me so fucking soft and the platinum mc doesn’t deserve someone as kind and supportive and understanding as shane !!!!!!
pj: honestly the ending of the last avery diamond scene gets me every time where they’re on the rooftop looking at the stars talking about how far they’ve come, where they go from here, and just growing wit each other 🥺 (honorable mention to both raleigh and avery getting jealous over you, the gang all coming to mc’s hometown after the disaster and it’s honestly one big family moment, and then recording the duet wit your li in the studio and micah is like THAT’S! WHAT! I’M! TALKING! ABOUT!! he’s the best)
ask the mods anything!
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they will see
  Here's a blog: stuffeilishFollow Vamoose this #icons#billie eilish#coachella#twitter#layout#pack#psd#camila cabello#justin bieber#selena gomez#khalid#ariana grande#lady gaga#icon model#random#girl#when we all fall asleep where do we go#lisa#rose#jisoo#jennie#bts#blackpink#kpop#avocados312 notes
mrmonde wewe  
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Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Aomawhero kevin weighting machine should be use as a confirmatory weight after the electronic weighing machine has been used to avoid overweight or underweight, i mean being unscrupulous. Aumalaya as raila, obamango, where do we go Martin Luther king was alluding, referring directly and jesus with the Road to Emmaus, Romans from romania. Whero is singing in luo- king of the jew. Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
icons billie eilish coachella 2019
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twitter: @beilishaiz
you take that meat stew or beans soup you pour on that white face of his, hicho michele, yaani rice. unamwaga kwa hicho sura nyeupe chake, e-olo ewiyeno jokanyama then kijiko just plough it out throwing it into your damn mouth. They fall sometimes the plain after monitoring how many people have carried liquid cash in the bags and brief case. They do this in far deep seas they collect the cash floating on their bags on water then cheat the folks they are looking for black box. They use the likes of Raila who transform to rodents or insect to monitor the luggage caring money. And this is done so that the plain company gets new order and the insurer pays to benefit the plain owners and the family of the deceased to benefit. The plain company can stop its operations just like the GM company. My friends if you don’t know you better know. They want the money withdrawn from countries next to Syria not pay the military but taken back to the economy so pulling up the forces to the usa so turkey take over coz right-now there economy is huge out of the fact they have known massively to make electronic and mechanical gadgets. They saves their ass or their military budget, they shift some burden to upcoming nations. How do we know a city is built with floatsome and jetsome of fallen plains, like ny or atl if you take a glance at the city skyline in a flash you see like the plain hitting one of the tall buildings just like it hit world trade center few years back. Even ships they sink link Titanic to get the cash. Friends you have never heard that the money in the plain has been returned but the black box returned yet the cash is also in the box as brief case- they take that cash. People should be burred from boarding plains with huge cash lest they fall the plain with small drones that move without proper sound. They track the plain itinerary b4 they fall them.
Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8LcBTREyitKBD6FCEZcMRQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0FmV9Z3ENA ssHe is fishmael hagar son in galatians four GF Girl friends, Grand father, guinea fowl, Gay france, finland. He is very fishy Magdalin when you have prepared the soup make sure from the serving bowl you grab that fish which seem to be hard to grasp or cath in the water by his fins and with your teeth cut that fishy mouth out. Click the link below folks for full picture!! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+4&version=NIV Anasema eti anampenda niki kama panti au siruali na tako, she loves minaj like the panty grabs the booty or booty with the panty and minaj has not realised yet. Minaj please realise the essence of time. Rose when kev is feeling her inside or below she gives in to crying as much as murmuring or morning which i comprehend not saying in luo yawa mit kodi, mit yawa, tamu repeatedly. Kevin saying that nikey booty belongs together, they are always two he has never seen one alone, they are together always. Do not say later that i dint love you cz what i have can start up a nation, i mean be a country’s foreign exchange. Truth be told am be the richest man around but you know what do not come up running unto me, thou will not accept you later. If its not now then never minaj. I hope the bullet has not catch up with that booty or gotten hold of it as i hear. This the time to show me love and reciprocate mi love for you lest you find me in another woman’s arms bursting forth not into laughters but to morning as she feels the intermittent thing, its being corrosives not softness. In mi arms she screams again minaj when am giving it to her that ought to be you, how will you feel girl? Roni asking, hiyo tenje ni gani? Kevin saying ni Lg na ni knowls, alicia keys ni JVC, cole ni Diskman ya philips, Minaj ni be the man with the base sony, Brook in Soni mini- hifi system inaliya kwel kweli ask amani. Evans asking na fargi? Fargi ni samsang but braxton Aiwa inachuna kweli kweli huku matwita zikiwika piya ndani yake. I love panasoni which is coco, i gives you the perfect sound at every corner of the house as much as home theater. Tiana is a sound bar mounted with a flashdisk, satisfy your needs as much as Tinashetani. Yeye, him akon song everyone sings in the estate as they walks, if you send a young chap what an old person insinuates, he tells you the same- Ahero sex nyiere as the tune. Click the link below man for full information. Don take my kindness for weakness kevin asking Nigro women. Knowls and her likes answering we wont take your kindness for weekness. Click the link below folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMyyxek50DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-lW6fJIlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJktxI6tzOo There are two women in the streets those in love with kevin nelson and can not get him because aman needs one woman at a time and those who hate him because they are jealous to have or own him alone and they cant, I mean they hate a man with many woman and one woman with kevinelson as evident is not a possibility. In-fact he is too weak in bed that he should take all of his mandibles and start eating or take her boobs out and start feeding upon them to add him the pumping strength. I will cut you into pieces/fishes, ablongadi matindotindo nikukupata na baby wa mine, take heed wasee. Ero wach/maneno mit edhogi, words are sweet in your mouth to me am a man of few words, a cold man not talkative. Pumping like never was i promise girl. The AE technology that is used to make Sosa, the parable of the sower TS, the swedish, swissnakevin, sianda etc The green man Gm used saucer to bring the aliens like the luo, luya to earth out of their disturbance- i have come to create division as Christ says. The white people where waiting some one to explain fully how the Sosa works so they can return the aliens back not killing as it can bring curse on them. It will be built like a prism, like a rocket, corn shaped and can move on both side, it gets to the north pole next to rusia, if its going to pluto it goes downwards and if it goes to Venus or mercury it goes upwards with the seats people sits can rotate once the individual has tighten his seat-belt. The irony is the higher you go the cooler it becomes and the downer you go it becomes hot, so based on this philosophy Venus is cooler as compared to satan or pluto. What you hear the white folks are telling you that mercury is hot while Satan is cold is just a hoax to delude you from ultimate truth, just lies. This is a wake up call to the luo, kikuyou you are digging your own grave, i mean nelson is a thorn in the flesh to you. This purely what was being waited for and thats the beautiful thing guys. Kev huyo dem akijipa, piga kupiga, usijali mtu wangu, usisite mzeya- ngeli ni  kupiga kupiga kk sawa mtu wahs. Latoya whats wrong with Robinson even if it means sex? What has she done or upto “ask Latoya” Kevin saying she cries as if she has been stubbed by a knife and she is dying the next minute. Wajamani analiya ni kama kwamba amedungwa na kisu- motho ywak deadly. “Kenny saying” Minaj am completely full cf and what is remaining or the only thing remaining is me to visit our toilet OT, what about you nikey? Amani hawa watu wanataka nini, what do they want with me? “Amani” Wanadhani matako yako ni soft na laini, ni kama kwamba they want to strip you, or matako yako ni kubwa kwa thog you have just hidden them in your baggy trouser. “Kevin” Thats utter stupidity man, hiyo ni ujinga, mimi ni chali, am a guy who sleeps in chali style, looking up Lu-ocifer. Owhoma aka Raila amolo, is following me as if he does not know his next meal or aint sure for food, looking for what to eat bursting into rage. Go for screp metal SM and sell dude wacha fitina, stop being lazy BL, blow job, big lips, booty luo, llithuania, blunder etc Nikey get this straight, this your boy aka nelly, alias mondy, also called kevinelson that charismatic man and he is there for you waiting like never before What we want is kids who can survive both good and hard-times no single sided SS, SWEET, slow sex. African foods AF, baf, chaf, raf, saf . the white folks want to destroy the black genes BG- booty greeks, gergians, big gums etc- they are jealous as in they want to give agikuyou name so that folks are inclined to them out of the new found fuel or oil- beautiful black women love money and thats its but we got artificial insemination mark you my-a, think twice- look before you lip. Mya mbolo changu haitachapaa wewe, forget about rumours girl, will not cane you. Row row your boat gentle down the streem, merily merily merily merily life is about a dream- mochanda, odera my new boat, catch, while nikey my new catch in lake michigan, brook in lake salina, ks rather superior not ontario. Mahewa kwa hiyo crib, loud music magdalin, maisha ni sambamba, good girl GG, goal goal, game gina, georgian games. Hike the volume please mariah carey- dont you know i love you. Spare me that- mya rebuking- kevin saying KS- wanna love you up my ladies. Take it cool, i mean easy- you got not just a man but a motivator beside you. My thing is polite, but sometimes rude when rebuke- not young in the game- kikuyouth but mature and old- si mchanga but angali msoo, yaani mkubwa kwa game- get this straight keyshia!!! Get me on this email: [email protected], confirm phonenumber with that mail please. Obama barrack OB, comboa, save or stop thing stupid act, running a cartel on bullish where you pay them some money out of the profit gotten from the money deposited then you give them a little commission.So seem the bulishtrade a/c is closed so they are wild at me not knowing its made or designed that way to create fear on your side. It is not you that should always be happy when receiving but when you loose you became bitter. When you win its good when you loose its a pyramid scheme. It brings the truth on both sides. So you want to come to Kenya to meet your folks- stop killing people, obamadareraila, same as trumputtin- fuck you. Your daughters got no man or nigro,i can be one to save their desperation. Nikey,miayadirer was found beaten out of what he has explained above-babe save me girl, dont leave me in this mess girl. Always i will be there for you, every-time by your side and love you in any way you want or desire, baby girl dont leave me hanging, get this straight girl- one blood and forever in your arms. Just like you killed muamar gadafi MG the same indictment falls on you if you dont stop this bull-shit. Miaka tano sasa but my thing ijakuwa disected or katika au digested nitamwacha soon huyou dem. My thing is digested or dissected ni her thing wajamani. Read all my only two posts my friends. Girl i will give it my best shot BS- bur sianda, my best trial BT.The match between me and maya starts off next sunday, we are going to inaugurate that chemistry, i mean rekindle that love, make it official, folks i men the game will open up on sunday. With me an just eating my ground nuts one by one, i mean bits by bits no streess or stressing out and on my table a little bit of coffee mixed with lemon fully ready for that fateful night. Love and hip- hop before they went to the graveyard was gilbart ombeva as young joc folks- search that name on your FB. Am eating the groundnuts moja kwa moja but sometimes mbili kwa mbili but not tatu kwa tatu. Maya incase of distress between us do not give some-else the job girl- i will rectify my mishaps. The dimba, play will be live live and will kick off as usual or planned friends. Steve oburu of KIM college and works at tuff foam mall was Raila in on tuesday newspaper. Check the teeth structure folks. Go to the factory and check for him no keeping on saying am that or this and you know well his residence or working ground, needs New anchors to end this stupid malpractice or impersonation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQzqbpkJlTo King of the jew- authentic, ther as vagina you know each race, keys, pakistan was goshen, costerians were taken to kenturckey by portugues, fucking, aumalindi, mang, obamalaya as Raila was kilema-uma, uncapacitated as limpimg, jesus and little children, oumafi, faces not faces used to make metals converted by the devil- lost coin parable. LAS cruces, chicken come home to roost, rumours, rumo-finished, malizwa- mfalme wa yawhodi, owhoman, nani in swahili, moses, sex, ngono, ngotruok time mochanda, wajamani fanya haraka, houses, senye as vagina, boxes spoils your mind stay away from them. Magdalin nyathini- matako yake ni kubwa nikama amechukuwa tabiyako- be sianda ne yom kama yako yawa. Mwone vile anatazama kama mochanda- ameuwa kuwa prostitute, nitakuchapa nikuchereze usipowacha hayo. Mfundishe magdalin. Blinking light BL booty lover made christo to be jailed he said indirectly that the egg should have it on top of houses for indentification and is one of the greatest invention in history. Bl big legs, lips, britons lips, booty latvian, lithuania, lozi, luo, luya, ludaites etc Blow job BJ, baba jesus, joseph, james, air blower etcJEW, few, every ward, empty wallet meaning poor and agikuyouclaim to be rich, engineering works ew and they claim to know business like madness in the wilderness not promised land PL pink lips with mfenesianda lives in nairobi, naivasha, nakuru, narok- they are gidionights loving walking in the night or prostitutes, twilight girls TG, the gikuyou etc. For them to be rich they must kill each other to share the welth and live good like 2-pac says they kill each other, kich is nyukikuyou, bee, wannaibee in nairobi, so they will rice as bible says through the discovery of oil which nelly G electric generating gadget has finished and they want to confiscate it to patent it to be rich but time is the essence, to little to late man. Now am in the process of eating my groundnuts, nakula tu njuguu na nyim nyim or sim sim ss zangu mos mos yaani pole pole, haki ya mungu nitampandilia wajamani mimi si kilema vile brook anadhani- am not todler when it comes to sex or an infant or incapacitated am fit and am jumping my friends. Sunday itakuwa mechi between me and hanah. “Nikey” kevin will you lick my ass hole i have looked for such? “Kevin” Hell no minaj? “Nikey” Then you are not a man enough for me, i will vacate and leave you for another man immediately- you are one and a half man for me. “Kevin” You mean it, you will boot me “Minaj” Hell, yes. Not Gayesus “Kevin” Fuck that lie nikey G. I will employ any tactic under the sun to encounter his ways or maneuvers, i mean i will go out my way or my reach to come up to a solution or dismantle him DH, dho hindu, haiti, hangary. The other women will incline that thing to me at reflex, right angled position RAP, raila, raisi, easy, president, yot or obtuse angle and they will transcend the pomp like you gave me the other night. Rabii is teacher, wichiter, cheater, western seanda, teanda, seacheles, teathonia divasifolia TD, the dutch, devolandana, aketch as wild sunflower. Mechi between me and maya is wednessday, the game, fight between me and my miya not Mrr jemsianda MJ, mango jew, my japanis, jokes, military jets etc, game itakuwa ana kwa ana, moja kwa moja mzeya. Nimehaidi, i swear as promise, i have made a vow, i will stuck there, nitakwamiliya, i will not leave easily, i will be rude in that area, sturborn and i gurantee you that girl, no jokes NJ, nitakuwa rudeboy as far as loving you is concerned babe, in swahili it says i will be kichwa ngumu KN- knowls, knowledge, kevinelson, kichwa ndogo as small mind sm shrude maneja in mathew sixtin ms, matako sweet, sawa, swedishona, swisswana or minute mind mm maji matamu as juo, luo, tuo as sickevin. I swear nitajikakamua kisoap, kisabuni, i will pull up my socks as sex is concerned sic-k, tuo, i mean nitafanya jitihada, babe hardwork, i mean being industrous. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… Please read in full all my first six post- got the damning truth.Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza. Someone pricking your sianda- spys, somene hitting you Shy-lock Minaj, if i find one messing with my girl, from dust he came to dust he will return, i mean i will employ every resource within my reach to make sure he goes to his grave early. Natafuta wajama msichana mwenye tako, booty yake imeshiba watu wangu na imenishinda kupata. Kenyan MPs. Class compose a sentense using the word “booty or buttocks” My woman of buttocks shortly died before the night she booted me. Correct- arsenalit. Nikey has agreed with me and she made a vow that if am feeling her inside she will incline it to me without further questions or compromise, she will incline her thing for me at 90 digrees, lopez at 80 coz she still dont belief me fully, brook 70 digrees, knowls 100 digrees, braxton 120 digrees but my confidence is with L-lo she vowed it at 180 after practising to make that angle out my her love for me. Folks unconditional love. TCL tv meaning ther cianda lungore, ther chinis, cameroonians, chiles, colombiams, luongore, lando, ther ciara, cinthia lando baba. He looked exhousted as if the vigina is finishing or has finish him, Ke please pull up your socks- jitahidi, jikakamua kisoap, kisabuni. An agikuyou just approach me and told me nelly their is no point to suffer in kenya, lost of job in developed world which are paid under the table. Just get into our cartel, we control the JKA so after we change you to the point of fitting a porch or a brief case you go to the usa or europe without incuring any cost of airticket. We place you there work those jobs when they are there but give us half of your pay come back and put it in online shares, bulishtrade or start your own business. This a big thing without doubt thats how nairobi is built or mombasa, we are really reaping from it, wish we recruit every kenyan who is willing. Message to developed world to curb this malpractice or menace, every person finger print or voice recognition should be taken and confirmed before the work is assigned. click this link. Get money online GMO We have a huge client base of upto 5 hundred thousand clientele and recruit massively daily, i mean upto 200 such people everyday- we call them go-getters. Our client base is big, we mean that folks. http://www.bullishtrade.com/ Kevinelsonmondy Ombuorading Wandeterading obama coming for adeal- toyota, hindi, usa killed this fellow mistakenly as much as the luo and kikuyou. Guys where are you at amons funeral, want to use people- forget man. PS peace summit, prodigol saviour, pier sianda, sweet, swedishona, somali, swisswana, polish, peru sianda, snitch, stupid etc pier tamu pt, pis talk, pier tychus.Mochanda unaletesha gemchezo, na pia naletesha mchezo NM, nikey minaj, minesota, mt nebo, mama neddy, nelson, matako nebraskanamibians, nigerianorwergians. The fightugo iko tight with me girl and i guarantee you that it will be the dawn of you new happines with satisfaction guaranteed leave that poor boy who pride himself but when visting the pit latrine he diarrhea like a worn out motor bike which is being repaired, Get off his mosquito chest and small nasty arms. I will never let you go or down- this goes to my girl minaj. click this link…. https://www.youtube.com/watch… Game itakuwa always tight i promise, ngumu sana NS, nelsonorwegian sianda, not snitch, snake, slow, songs etc. My skills i guess are somehow suparb after years of training. Skyls ya game SYG-araila as cigarate.Seduction mission SM, smile, sianda mongolians, mathew 16 shrude manager SM, smote, smile, seduction campaign SC, scores, sugar caneth, sean combs, sean cutter, sianda chinis, colombians, somali, swedishona, swana cianda, snake, snitch colo, chinis etc KFC- kevin furking ciara, kenyatta, keneth, kenedy fucking chinis, colombians, kenturkey fried chiken, cheese. click this link folks: https://www.youtube.com/watch… Class affirm with me, kaposis sacoma KS utacoma, kevin snitch, songs, snake, swedishona, swana, serpent, slow, kitungu saumu as ugalic, olictigah, nigah, bat, hand, buttockevin- got medication. Please knowls give it an round of applause. Nikey, brook V your hagar needs ISO certification they are polite , goodlooking and has respect. ESP nikey is hangarian according to my thersis. Wine for me brook, nikey, dance for me coz your booty now is bubbling bubling BB, bible, wife s bibi, wise, is wiggling wigling WW white women, wwf, world war, wenye wivu as WW. Hagah yako inahitaji sifa, recognition, it seems you eat to much french fries FF, figure fucking, fish firming, figure fucking, french fries like luckey to to spreed and grow the buttocks, its like they are awaiting to burst, girl dont eat much- am leting you know, if you dint know. Dot eat much, reduce your cholosterol intake babe. Chebukatea fight CF-C, cianda fat, finish, french, cianda fucking, colombian fucking. Luo fallen short fs FAT SIANDA, FRENCH sianda, snitch as nmuch as kikuyou dont have their women of such so they burst into dire anger DA-la, cianda not like uganda, TZ, jamaica got their own women.The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. needs a nobel peace price in oslo; electric generating gadget EGG, tong, kata, divide, amicable soluotion AS, assembl plant, mayai,yath, trees, medication, dawa, dust, dutch, luodaite, dynamore, dark, Parable of the worker & the vineyard- dont i have the right to do what i want with my own fucking life? They do wired things hoping to come up with invention not knowing these things are devols work, and they are found in parts- parable as christ insinuates CI-anda. The white man cheat people with religion so that folks do not wake up- jesus with belzabub, if engineering works EW is satans work SW-ara, then how can you come up with innovation? Guys if you wanna live follow me. click these linkevin https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=niniola+song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh0dp8C6UZQ https://www.youtube.com/results…Our suffering OS, Hosana, God, mungu, yahwe- weyesuna, mosquito disturb.click these links for more details- https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/allactivity… How to generate stimaowhoma that fully eliminates gasolin. Parable of the net TN, ten nill, the negev, nigros. Vinyard parable VP, valdmir puttin, very poor, vagina poa, vice president. Worker parable WP wilo, winyo pier. Owhoma was a cook, cookiing king of the jew and serving people sp in fort jesus aka raila, right to do with my life mathew or luke 20. The least shall serve you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsRVkN5IbQ8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EDiqCoRkuQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQWHKI4jo5k I beg of you and you denied, i mean you dint give it to me, you stuck with it, which kind of game, play, jokes, jest is that? scratch my back and i scratch yours is the rule of the thumb, is the channel.Give it to me and i will reciprocate back twice as much as you give me tonight. But babe tonight am really feeling your touch, wamth, your love- i mean am really feeling you. https://www.jumia.co.ke/jumia-tv-mania/… https://www.kilimall.co.ke/ am in deep shit of uncooth and brutal cutting by machete or panga from the kenyan govt, thats why am writting for support. And i magine christ apeared to me when i was kidnaped. He had big body BB, big battocks BB, small teath with spaces like he was from comoros, seacheles or malagasy or marry had that blood- really no one can believe, He emanated from the wall and showed me alot through body language. Believe me, tsunami in japan, india, britain and earthquake in nairobi as who to that city built on the hill. am editing and posting on my fifth post from this post or the fourth and the fifth post after this one out of security concerns that’s why am not posting up. Check it out!!!I got so many emails because g mail keeps changing your password of the already signed up email giving you difficulties the next day. So many people desire uniform password for all their logging’s but this is enmity to Yahoo and G mail. Stay out of this, let them hack my email- am better off. Get me on this mail- [email protected]. Levi as kevi to help you- no God like him in deuteronomy thirty tree DTT, donald trump, devol, david time, digitol time, the thuol, transformer, transfiguration, truth, tibet- when what you hide has been unearthed, known- how machines are made and you are poor, Jew, empty wallet, exactly, extremely white and genesis forty nine FN fating, fat nelson- stitch in time saves nine SN, snow, sianda nelson, father, frends, finish, french nelson. We call him jeshuran, jest jokes, joshua eight, Jestugo, mchezo, game, ran is mad, nuts, insane, groundnuts for discerning spirit ds, devol signs, iran was part of Egypt after darelocation out of torential rain, lost coin parable, kikuyou lower teath. The innovation still gets to you becouse kenyans cant make the accessories of making an egg, still you will make it and sell, open up you eyes- strong again economically after patenting it. Ciara is walking hurriedly on that song ft missy eliot, ME, mfalme as if she was cooking corpse and left it over the cooker but something has crossed her mind that maybe is burning or water almost drained and the neighbour maybe have been alerted by the odour or smell, so she is going to check and control the happening. The combution of oil to drive the turbine in the engine is also an awe to me, refridgirator cooling effect also is a ciander rather a wonder. They are using tax payers TP, the pier, pritense, precidency to woe women WW- white women, pesa ya uma for kuma as vagina, ouma, kitten, paka, owhoma as Raila odinga omolo, end signs ES mark thirtin mt, matako tokre, tz, togo, tasmania etc Govt money GM, gold money, gikuyou men. NATURAL GAS ng, NGONO, SEX, NYA GOT also a myth how is mined. Electricity generating gadget EGG, tong, ego, mayai, border, kata using machete, amicable soluotion AS, booty, asembly plant, national asembly NA, illuominati, ngato achiel, one person op obama phone, asembo bay, bas, tas, mas, kas, nas, pas, ras, was, das etc Please read every comments on the first five ff post. Yaani unapump unrelentingly without stopage or further directions or instructions. Thats not raila in the news paper but a poor boda boda bb rider at bar kalare who has small feet- the one holding sudan president like the twin building in mid-town kisumu like spouces ontop of mega plaza.uma is folkevin. MY barclays bank a/c was closed so no one can tell me to go and get money there- how stupid is that folks? 2go invoice also changed logging style from code sent to the phone no just to password, so it forces you to known the incumbent email address to close the a?c opened under your name. Its now futile even if you know the phone number PN, pier nelsonigerians etc just like paypal was also changed not to get into the phone line PL but jus a password. PL, pink lips, pantha leo as simba wa youdah. sianda, shida jamaicans SJ, satan jachien, shida joseph, james, jokes, johns, snake jesus, shoot, shot joseph, jeshuran, joshua etc. Most nigerians artists are ugandans due to small bodies as nigerians are heavly built, this is a plan of artificial insemination AI, accurate information or child transfered to a nation under kaguta govt to lure the world that they are nigros to get fever if oil has been overtaken as UG sing good in africah than any other country as congo. obama, trumpulin bullishtrade account frozen so they want deal, omondil to fix the reality show RS, ras swedishiona, swisswana, somali etc. DR-C congo has vast resources inclusive of food but nigeria, sudan, namibia is 80% driven fuel economy and fuel has been overtaken by Electric generating gadget EGG, tong as amicable soluotin AS, matako, chienyuma. Nigros ont claim even allegence to east africah because that fuel is now redundant, think outside the box or twice. my phone no is 0737505306 but the previous was 0718467657 which i was using in my logings which was hacked at my paypal account. click these links for more infor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwQsp71PYlw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSnkWzZ7ZAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FVrEigYJiQg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCUllMTf2uk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyleICWPZ6U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNXTu6T20n8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bPjsDcPHks Mfalme wa yawhodi.. oniala, alabama, alamarks, mc donald ireland, ala is God, alcatel charger strong, serikal as goverment, alovera, mwarubaine etc Click this link: http://www.aptuspower.com/Default.asp https://www.youtube.com/watch… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKT8_kbwdUA tarujhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=glen+washington+mix+ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8eytBBDxkI Class tunga sentensi ukitumia neno “ Hagar”… Manzi wangu wa hagar aliniacha kidogo tu before kuhagar dunia. He looks at me stranded-Minaj says MS- msoto, poor- as if his manhood is being eaten a way or the vagina is swallowing, grinding his small thing ST, st tychus, stranded, startor, story as if the vagina is winning his thing reducing the size of his thing.Judges, joshua, james, john, james Eight JE-st, jestugo, mchezo, play, valley of jehoshaphat, kijeli is irony, jelly. Genesis, Gidions Eight GE, Gelectrics, gemchezo, generatoration, gem stone GS, good samaritan, greekevin, gikuyou, german, guyan society, gay songs, society.
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muslim philosophy to leave using tissue
If you got to be a Muslim to wipe your ass you got to do some exercise, you bent your second finger from the thumb like making a square between the first 2 bent then after you have taken a shit you scoop kinda the remains of the fecal matter then you dont rinks with water but take water with your hands like you wanna drink and hurl into the ass-hole to clean so that you dont sprinkle water on your booty mixed with fices/mafi to smell or stink fice. And in a dark place if you got some corps of animal if you do that you hear the cracking sound like a wrapped polythene bag is being open meaning they are being converted to machine and machines are made that way. No jokes folks.
  hope message Women takes a little time to get it, take a little time x2- to get it, just have that in mind even if am a freek in sheets.
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From: kevin nelson <
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Sent: Friday, February 1, 2019, 7:20:05 PM GMT+3
Subject: click these links bro
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Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from
. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight.
I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down.
Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde.
Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is 2goinvoice.com and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Dont come up with your own sentiments, dont say i want to occupy this parliamentary or congress seat, it will make the bandits to be on me like nothing else. People wait until the list of all the nominee are printed the be on me, find my name on the print first, folks in a nutshell look first b4 you leap. Think beyond your nose. Revelation five rf, rasa fat, flaby, rev tano RT rasa tychus, tz, togo the root of david who have the discerning spirit of what has happened or what wierd they want to do next after you partake rosted ground nuts gn- road to emaus with christ. If you take the photo of someone who was cut with panga and kinda you know him, by eating njungu you get the picture on the air who that person who cut him, we called it taswira in swahili. Good samaritan,  weed parable, Jesus the rabbi, teacher, cheater, wichita bwana. The cia give such to everyone in the country then by partaking the ground nuts you have the picture of all those responsible for that weird act. My facebook name is kevin monde check it out folks and wandeterading ombuorading Son of david have mercy on us, the demondi posessed man with christo, it was David who killed Godliath as lia is cryeast in swahili not his friend who had a gun who shot him from below or beside or behind now the philistin will be on us, just have mercy on us bro. Nyasayesus, NY is empire state es, yesus.
Jesusnakevineth father joseph the capentor from bar kalare baro bao, mother mary of palmers hotel. Trump and kim seeing each other as much as may and macron. North korea humbling themselves coz there is nothing in that country. Her citizens eat through online cash that is
and bullishtrade. You can see by yourself the frustrations kim is undergoing bro. Jesusophiadull was christ mothers name or jesusnakenyattadul. Obama wanna come to africah coz his scrap metal dealership is meeting competion from newly opened as much as kim and truth. Infact malia was seen in miami waiting for the cash and obama getting furious to the point of organising kidnaps and brutal killings for people who want to invest in such. Big shame BS, bur sianda men are the supreme culprits.
The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you. The connection only occurs or can be done at the end of the 5 th hr which the bank bars you from doing by connecting it before you by simply opening a paypal a/c and connecting it a head  of you. Time it even when it hasnt reach exactly 6 th hr, start doing it from the last minutes of the 5 th hr to succeed. Banks does this out of jealousy and two, so that the paypal thing is redundant and you find some money to open another one. Dust is the serpent food with christ. The obama and likes wants the Nigro divas to come to africah, so they go out their way to organise teroristic activity and they use the money gotten to build premises and houses to attract these beauties and two they wanna come and sleep with them this side coz someone like obam when he sleeps with them in americah it will be known and otherwise tint his image or name. Morever Uganda, tz and some kenya divas are organised to sleep with the like of obamacron when they visit africa in that that hotel room morever to pick money- their share. In AU they discus terorism in ther earpiece, should be put to public to hear like in the kenyan parliament currently. These presidents cant steel elections nomore and they will be poor president so the merge and discuss their rich exit bro. This like pulse rate machine, bmi, blood grouping and fingerprints are in place to curb their overstay in power through stealing or rigging of votes bwana, donge joluo, collins uttering in eeh in mshangao, amusement.
They have given you headache to the point of wanting to kill you, so if justice want to surface they look at you with kitten like face, the still not relenting wanting you to get into their jig/dance or simply their absurdities. The tribe of simeonelson tos, tossing a coin, tosha, enough has killed so many in his ginger rather anger in genesis 49 or deuteronomy 33. The people who transform and get into his belly, killed them in the stomach, ten minas parable- you can google the chapters above folks. Also through posting nude photos of women in the youtube, for example divasgram and on facebook at his a/c kevinelsonmondy wandeterading ombuorading- the ndethe women in their thongs and showed many people how to get money online through
which is blessing in disguise to the techno-savvy but who uses the free money to sponsor vita/violence and terorism or inter-estates fights like east and west side thing in a mericah. Sponsoring bad boys to literally kill in brutal solidary as to cut with machete/panga or beat up other fellows. The nigerian oil is not that much thats why the refinery is not built in the nation so that the truth never dawns. 70% of nigerias economy is built via bulishtrade and 2goinvoice. When you want to connect your paypal a/c with your different bank cards you wait until the 6 th minute- the curtain was torn into two in the temple after christ demise- from the time in the bank the card was given to you.
    click this link bro beside
He has given me dick to fuck, i sing to hosana praise the lord, Noel saying within his heart in the bible study, Olimpadul say in soliloquey, he has given me big big booty to be caressed, oh osingo sana praise the lord- the maltitude shouting like kevinelson. Minaj in NY insinuates he has given me bankable and flaby lips to be kissed, osingo sana lets praise the lord, brook singing, he has given me big and nice breast to be touched, ohsingosana lets praise the lord, J-LO saying he has given me good-looking and well comb pussy to be fucked, ohsingosana congregation lets praise the lord and Lords name to be praise. click this link bro beside
for King & Country - It’s Not Over Yet (Lyric Video)
Minimal cash like payed like bitter medication administered to an infant with that cry and head twisting
lesson 11: Generator Excitation System
In the begging satan/devaura gave Godliath power and sent him to create the earth. God is dead philosophy and thats why the jew people wants to kill the root of david because david was the one who killed Godliath whom satan had given power to create whats on earth but not the earth coz it was there but void and without shape. It had no light it was dark. Godliath was given immense power to create the earth the way he wants with everything therein. The hebrewomen changed the bible for Good even blasphemies in deuteronomy were list not one but removed coz people could have not worshiped God but just dwindling on the blasphemy to escape hell. It was error of complete reversal mtu wangu.
Adam and Eve deceiver was Raila- worker and vineyard parable- he had luyah/sweet bwana blood as the curse, kamba among others. He had grandchildren and many wives as children so the curse was that he will not die unless beaten or accidents and was extended to his grandsons as well and wives as sons. This was at the epicenter of the middle of the Garden which is the tropical lands tl, the lion, liar or equotorial lands EL, yel at nyandiwa, nyani/monkey haioni kundule which is red at bar kalarediandians in Gem kenya. The monkey took their clothes while they were making love in the dronding- king of the jewomen. Men like women strong, i will make, as the bible promises also israel will rise up just like in south africah the hills have risen up. They were in slavery in egypt 4 400 years so they knew automation and they became indipendent. The jew family includes joseph as french father ff, they gave him women from mars from the hole- many wives, mfalme wa yawhodi, zebulan is buljeria, simba wa yougoslavia with gossips as the lion of judah, dan is luthuolnia, Guard is russia, benjamin is japan, rueben is belgium, asher is finland, isachar is spain, naftali is itali, simeon is siberia etc
God curse to adams deceiver was that he will be like snakes meaning there were snakes b4 not that at that time they became snakes.
Rod of david ROD as sex they love in revelation five rf, at that time the root of David was one person not a clan or a family. Indians can see what you are seeing at that time but not tomorrow, next week or year. It is fore-boarding spirit of to foretell the future. Sorcerers foretell the future so if so they are socerers as the magi-ikuyou, magicians. In Solomons or davids reign everything was pure Gold so if you love Good things they purpote you are davids root, so by looking they kill you in their game called illuominatea. David was also sharp so they kill the root of david who loves to look at things just like their grandfather to eliminate fully davids roots/mizizi.
My posts on youtube are found on the 1st 10 photos of each bar on youtube, i comment going down. you can locate them at these organisations. Google branches of UN and copy paste each on youtube submit and find my posts, psi, igad, icepea, world 20 best hotels, car companies of the world, as well as boats, motor bike, aeroplain, electronic company eg LG, fast foods company of the world eg wendies and spangles, best supermarkets of the world eg walmart, Trump with puttin, may, french president, german chancelor, banki moon and vice versa, tyra banks show, ophra winfrey show, trump meeting asian, North American leaders, african, latin american leaders, EU, ecowas, comesa, minaj, eminem, wiz khalifa, j-lo, beyonce, justin bierber songs, davido, wiz kids, rehanna and diamond songs , churchil raw, live, kevin hurt show among many. Folks get them there incase of my demise.
Trump and uhuru meets in washington DC shortly terror attack at riverside nairobi, shortly again obama barracks want to pay east africa a vist, not long enough the money at riverside is gotten in briefcase in central kenya which obama wanted to pocket. They organised terroristic attack in hotel with rich people loaded with cash in their laggages. Same to malaysian air which wesley nolen and his likes managed to bring down, swiss president meets uhuru shortly terror attack in Brussels train transit then he heads to usa to get his share. French president also wanted his share, the money was not fake it was real that was their printing to swindle the public if the truth dawns. They are terrorists same to the kenya post election violence victims who were killed in the bus and wa kenyatta was the planer as insinuated by waki philips tv commission.
is disenebled the huge populated countries like india and pakistan, france, Germoney want to go to war with each other to confuse the public as they cant now feed their ego or population but still wants to maintain their reputation. The rich elites wants to maintain the status quo by eliminating the inteligent poor ip- ipo, hips. This goes as far as siren gas or nuclear war heads.
They are still tougheaded, they still want to kidnap me. Within the kid nap they bring corpse so i make jets for them, when i tell them planes uses gas, they withdraw machete wanting to cut me with. Oumamolodingagwambo and his like like witch doctor okota of homa bey. Sophia let me mummor quitely on my food or when am eating, stop being an intruder Ai or stop disturbence. We angunyi moss e-chiemba bwana jawuolo ni rather jawuoro as mchoyo, rd to emaus with christ. Wacha ni ngurume pole pole katika chakula changu, wacha ulafi bwana akweri-donge luo.
click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth.
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links
click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater
This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor:
If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough.
With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again.
My email is
and pasword is southafrica12
If you got some money and not going to church the church pastors search for you and the pay other folks to facilitate their agendas like boda boda riders, the beat you up and the next somebody the have sent to you by meeting tells you christ things so you channel your way to church in that your life will change, people wont follow you. After you visit the church they tell the same folks the sponsor to slow down on you, so you stop to witness such occurrence and your friends and children will follow suit to attract others to church. The want your offering plus your wife and kids, thats why they ask you, u aint married yet to add more money to their bucket as tiths and offering. Abraham wanted to kill Isaac coz he took church offering he left on the stone alter. The recovery email is
for the email named above.
Ruto behind kevins beating, the fellow who help beat him up was a huge dude not the one who is a round- malachi five- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Museveni kaguta mk, mkora, mkate, matako kenyatta as well is behind this, matako kalenjins.
I eat is in you hse you insinuate, kendo nagoyo madongo, nilikuwa nakula kubwa kubwa, sema chenye unataka rose, and presicely partly is the reason why am supply and somehow fat as healthy, tum gimidwalo, nega kiero. Folks are you sure if you kill big kev, you will get his things, it amounts to absolute nothing if you dont manage to withdraw him his with pulse rate machine in mind, bmi and blood group after his death. It will only benefit you if you can delete his shit in facebook which he has disenabled by using an email address he know not, just guessed a long one at the time of opening say a long biological word as phylumcodatachiropractor and added some numbers by dialing the number sections on the keyboard at a/c opening time without looking and submit and the fb a/c was opened and with password he copy pasted a word in fish ferming in agentina which he knows not, so after signing off he cant get back to that a/c as per the reason laid above.
Click these links below bro about fish farming in argentina or just google it
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 The password rest within these word b4 adding some numbers without seeing, or he just pressed rapidly.
Please BE CAREFUL this the password he pested adding 345 with other two numbers.
The get into the same plane for example boeng 777, they get into the basement at JKIA and they are tought how to cut wires with plies that if are connected makes the plane fall. These people transform into rodents and again in the laggage center transform to people to cut the said wires, the likes of raila, another sheila who fell from US navy ship now with redened eyes, and susan who owns a pub in ksm. They fell the 1st malaysian air, the red bus from western to Nairobi snd now the Ethiopian air liasing with indians, uhuru, obama, museveni and ruto in the mix among many other individuals. How do i know folks? If you know the named above, if you got some rapport with them, if you partake big brown ground nuts, by looking at the picture of the accident, for example the ethiopian airways on the net, you see the whole drama plus those who planned it on air, just like an alcoholic sees his own things when drunk but to you is real. Mfalme wa yawhodi. Nigros are the ones responsible for all these coz they promise these people love by saying they are this and that tribe. This push the tribe to get money in anyway possible to the point of committing crime. They go to the point of saying they wanna come back making these fellaz zealous. This is two fold, the want these people to be killed to reduce the population for them to come and enjoy or build for selected divas hotel, house and premises to please them. The french, norwergians, Germans, britons, spanish knows clearly which part of the earth they got these people from and history is bold enough to tell us the whole occurence but they will be rude and not accept, so at the end of the day is the white man. Arabs were also there b4 so they can clarify where the nigros were got- goat parable, church you can google please. Luya also share the brunt, they know how to get money online at
and the software at weed weed ww cyber and how to connect paypal a/c with bank a/c at the last minutes of fifth hr from the time the card was given to you, not one card but many cards as much as junior a/cs who the lion of judah tribe in genesis 49 got that name from but still working for wahindi even after some of them have done that, evident by their resignation from hindu hard jobs and buying their own tuk tuk and motor bikes. The ones who are still working can enquire from those who have resigned and leave working for the hindu so that they get other indians like them to work for them, even people watching premiere leagues should stop coz they are facilitating money loundring as those matches are payed with the invoice cash, the officials get money from the a/c and thats what they do in their offices all day long- i mean they have been targeted. Ethiopia and Malaysia annihilate these motherfuckers, cutthroat dogs, know nothing but priding themselves people, people who dont liesten, whose backs are bents as prophet isiah pi says let their backs be bent forever in the biblia.He gets into someone who is traveling to Ethiopia or malaysia and the get to that plane whom they want to fell inside someone who also changes as them and when the plane lights put off the change to rodents at the back seat, get that pliers or bomb in the laggage and fell the plane but with them they are safe out of transforming into rodents hidding in a coolar or the black box waiting to be saved, they can even change to fish and swim. With BMI matchine do not forgive them as the bible says.
They even operate people who they have organised travel 4, and put bomb inside the bell the likes of raila plays with it by hidding it more when the felled is being scanned at the entrance or at the way leading to boarding the plane. He takes it to the spinol cord, back coz the sensor sense the sides and front more, but when you move as getting off the matchine, they talk to him and move it towards the belly so it is not detected. The luos have became terorists. The uk, france, usa, italy should have a go slow as standstill in their operations as their economy is driven via 2goinvoice.
These fellas have been target as they have been given daily 2goinvoice target to withdraw from, i.e the fifa officials.
Let the plane have bright lights on the laggage center to bar these fellas who change from transfiguring or let welding machine be incorporated and the wire emanating from the matchine be zigzaged allove the laggage unit to electrocute these individuals, let the feaces fall to the air not getting into the sewer chamber of the plane in the cargo carrying unit. They use the lavarate to flash gadgets down and that someone down gets into the chamber and gets it. Let that be abolished. As a passanger boarding the plane, let your legs be fitted with a scanner or sensoring gadget so you dont change as it will be known. The rule of the thumb is those who change are not partaker of sour things st, soda should be administered in the airpoart to see those who cant drink sour solution so that the gadget to be fixed on them to avoid transfiguring at night in the plane for other purposes unknown to us, for example the fanta soda can do that.
They even use match box size drills gotten from neel deep hardware in ksm to perforate holes into the gas cylinder to fall the plane- the hindu and the British and precisely thats why they brought them in East Africa. After the plane falls the money gotten is used to buy players at English premiership. Who to those who trust in Egypt in the book of isiah and i will humble Egypt in the book of Jeremiah and Ezekiel who was kierehere.
The dashboard section of the plane ought to have hard wires so the likes of raila dont cut them with pliers to confuse the pilots leading to plane loosing control then crushing and should as well be fitted with cameras, not to mention the luggage side to see who is there and going on- king of the jew beside incorporating whigh voltage wires to electrocute those who transfigure. Who to the people who long to see the day of the lord in malachi four. When this is put in place fellas you wont hear of rampant plane crush pc- pier cianda, chinis, cynthia, collins, pagamum church etc.
African countries should not operate planes, e.g, kenya, uganda, tz airways among many other poor nations because they are curious but not engineers at all, they scrutinize the plane which in other-way makes it not safe for travel hence planes fall. They wanna know more about the the plane crush. The aero-plane company e.g, rolls roy, boeng, air bus should not sale planes but operate these planes in every nation en themselves to avoid scrutiny and plane crush or just simply such happenings or occurrences.
Plane companies should talk the next day in the media but when the ground crew puts cut hack saw somewhere down there and then tell the changer where is located to use it to cut wires that leads to the pilot sector to fall the plane. To me its a cartel and with my explanation the deal has gone sour. When the money in the plane surpasses the money which was used to buy the plane even three times, what is the loss folks to the company and at the same time benefit to the beneficiaries of the deceased as the will be compensated as much as when the plane is insured we will get new plane. What is Mr trump?
Stop laughing when something is critical or looking in the news paper by the photos you have taken as if looking in owe or amusement, as if your deal has gone sour or that someone has hit a mega jackpot and you want to share in his happiness. Friends, pro-act, send missiles to stipa in ksm where they partly train people to fall planes. When one is a terrorist he lacks respect, look at you directly in the eye until you vanish and his eyes on the upper eye lids curves up like wanting to form a triangle. That how they are known. Morever terorists kidnap people without proper reasons and when truth surface they deviate in their reasoning. World reduce electricity to 50 volts for houses to thwart AE technologis coz people are testing 120V-250V motors. Flouresent and energy saver uses between 30-50 volts, Radio and TV uses 24v as much as laptops. Why cant we reduce electricity to 50 volts. Well how will fridge work or cooker let them be fitted with step up transformer to transform 50 volts to maybe 120V or 250V then this pride will vanish, believe me you fellas.
People should not be killed but funded, many got big idea in later years if you kill them early like they wanted to kill Nelson Monde, you wount have heard all these. So killing people is white man idea to rob the earth more knowledge and so that the killed people spirit hovers around and help them locate what other dedicated fellas are up to.
Look like a child stop looking at someone in the eye all through like you disrespect him or he has known your bad side or deeds.
Kenya is rich they say, picture your car with you and they locate its price these side and how much money can do in Africa, stop all these silly scrap. But dont just buy a fake care and take photos with it giving Africans hope that you are that side and we are these side and we got nice cars than you then America is just good in TV. Developed world should crush cars which look like for the poor period. Indians add women period to sources, UN and KEBS should pro-act. Shoes inside got something like half size hack saw glued inside the soul- shindiyo. EHH-vivyo hivyo-donge omera.
The USA leaving Venezuela coz now there is nothing in that country which they were upto out of AE technologies in kevin monde facebook a/c, view using your phone as well as arabia world and they have realize all kev is saying is in youtube and he has well provided the gmail a/c he used to comment on youtube and the pasword as well as the recovery option. Now they cant kidnap him coz he removed the phone number.
Sonko is giving toy market 5 million coz he twitted me its over and blocked and he cant stand to see that happening, i mean he is ready to die and he is using that platform to tell the world something as well as wa kenyatta potraying indirectly how kikuyou are criminal with him he is malagasian. How do we know folks? By their small, tiny teeths.
The women whose body was chopped into parts in Eldoret, i dont know kitale was cut by power saw ps by asenol who is a tuitor in taxi business among many others- just eat ground nuts and see the complete picture by looking at that incident on youtube or newspaper provided you know the culprits.
Atm should be fitted with BMI to avoid bank theft or the bank ought to buy pulse rate machine as well as bmi to identify its customers. When they kill all of your next of kin, the bank has a holiday to share your money if they manage to kill you. A software should be provided to enable you check the money online and you can post it on facebook or twitter for friends to find if that money has been withdrawn in-case of your demise. It should just be there even if you die a natural death, the government either should not take it as bond coz also them can kill ya.
French president has come to collect his share of the ethiopian air as to the ksh 20M of harambe stars. Check the newspaper fellaz.Hellen rasta wazungus as much as barry of highway and now Australia were part of the plot as much as hindu to induct the luos on how to fall the boeng plane so that its customers shift attention to Europe. Macron Emanuel twitted me that, he is partly Hindu, he sees what you are seeing at the same time not an hour later or tomorrow. How can they give you blue carpent treatment while stile serving then they left you in owe- the salary minimal utters obamaitchel. We must do anything under the sun or we must go out our way to get mone as money.
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mrmonde-blog1 · 5 years
Srap metal SM, smile, shrude manager mathew sixteen MS, matako small, sweet, rabi, rap moi, music, christo, scrapy lil, tribe of levi tol as jeshuran, nuts, mad, insane, shoes, joshua, shoot, smoke, jamesianda, jest as joke- mfalme wa yawhodi- hooliganism.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you've entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun.
  yeye ni msichana ma, anawipe rasa na tissue soft mseya kama dem, hata chacho live anasema chali ni kukuwa hardcore, yaani yeye inafa awipe rasa na stone ama paper ya simiti or box hiyo ndimo kuwa chali
beautie bro, niwachie bwana umepumpu sana, echwido ha-enya bwana,jawuolo  ni
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 
Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing."shakespear william SW-ag" David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys---  dj carlos cold heart medlley
0 notes
its-deputy-caleb · 2 years
Booboo, I know you got a lot on and they're ain't no rush, but if you could do some Soft!Mikey trying his best (and probably failing) to make reader feel better after they lost a family member?
(maybe I'm being a little selfish cos of recent events, but I could really do with my support rat right now 💖)
Thank you in advance, and I'm working on yours! 😘
Kitty you know i'm always here to help where i can and i won't hesitate to write this for you at the least. I love you sm and i will do everything i can to make you feel better <33 i hope this is okay (i will get to editing tomorrow) but for now please enjoy some soft supportive mikey.
Its a warm morning down in Clemens Point, much too warm for your liking. The heat was sweltering already and it was giving everyone a headache.
You were hunched over a crate, sharing a coffee with your sweetheart Micah as he pointed at maps and went over the information he’d gathered from the night before.
“Some drunk feller— wouldn’t stop boasting about the amount of cash he had stashed in a homestead just North of Saint Denis. Reckon it’s worth a look.”
Micah stopped talking when a very loud Irishman came skipping into camp, delivering out supplies from his latest trip in town with Arthur.
“Why’s everyone lookin’ so sad? Cheer up now! Deadeye Macguire is back!”
The two of you watched with soft smiles as Sean dropped a crate of ammunition off before helping out with the vegetables all the while boasting to Susan about pulling his weight. Eventually, when camp seemed to return to its usual busy pace, Arthur walked over to you and brought out a letter from his saddlebag.
“This was left for ya at the Station, ma’am.”
You gave Arthur a short and affirmative nod, one that he easily returned as you waited for him to depart before opening it.
There’s the faint sound of Micah asking who the letter is from but its a muffled blur as you read over the words. Nothing could’ve prepared you for what you read.
You instantly recognise your mother’s cursive handwriting and a lump forms in your throat and your stomach drops. Your mother hasn’t written in years. She writes that in your hometown there had been a fight between the Sheriff and a group of bandits resisting being brought in, the argument having quickly escalated into a shootout.
Your dearest sister had been in town that day,
While both her and her husband had been injured in the crossfire,
She died that afternoon surrounded by her family…
Your legs give out as you discover the death of your sister, the shock hitting you as tears brim in your eyes and you choke back a sob. Micah is quick to put an arm under you, taking a knee so you can sit on his thigh as he grounds you.
Gently, as if not to startle you, Micah takes the letter from your shaky hands and skims over it to understand your reaction.
“Oh sweetheart… c’mere.”
A sob breaks through you and you wrap your arms around his neck. By now some of the members had stopped with doings to watch the two of you but Micah gently tucked your head into his neck. Your cries are uncontrollable as a mixture of grief, shock and fear ripple through you.
Micah’s jacket is crinkled from how tightly you’re holding onto him but he merely holds you while you cry, keeping a protective arm around you.
“I should have been there— should have done something. I could’ve saved her—could have tried to—“
Your lip trembles and you break out into another fit of sobs. Micah shakes his head, rocking you slowly as he holds you close. Arthur tries to walk over to the two of you to inquire but Micah shakes his head and gestures for him to piss off before pulling back to look at you with a softness you haven’t seen before.
“Hey now… I don’t want yer thinking like that. If you were there it would’ve meant you’d be killed too. Not that I don’t doubt yer shootin’ skills but—“
You give Micah a look that screams not now and he quickly shuts up when he realises now is not the time of the place. His hand cups your face, brushing your tear away with his thumb.
“What I’m trying to say is that you can’t blame yerself.”
When you open your mouth to argue he simply brings you in for a hug, letting you cry into his shoulder for however long you needed. Micah realised that words may not be the best thing for you so he simply shut his damn mouth and held you, only opening it to gently shushes and coos to help your breathing evens out.
Eventually, Micah brought you away from the eyes of the camp, carrying you to sit by the water. He stayed with you for hours, leaving only to bring you water and some food which you barely touched. He was the only one who you’d allow to be close to you at this moment.
There were periods of time, hours even where you’d just sit in silence with Micah’s arms wrapped protectively around you. Sometimes you’d start to cry again and his hold around your waist would get tighter and other times you’d tell him how close you were with your sister.
And Micah was a good listener for once. He took his own advice and stopped talking, stopped trying to think of things to say and just let you grieve. Micah knew you understood what he was trying to do and you loved him even more for the fact that he was trying.
You couldn’t stop the sad smile that arrived when he kissed your forehead and you tucked your head under his chin. The sound of the water along the shore was slowly starting to help your breathing even, your sobs had stopped and there was no more tears left to try until tomorrow.
The moon made the water glow and on any other night you’d think it was beautiful, romantic even but all you could think about was losing your sibling. The two of you were close when you were little and apart of you regrets running off to join a gang of bandits and thieves when you could’ve protected her.
Your lip trembles again and you feel Micah move slightly as he prepares to hug you tighter. But this time you can’t help but speak up, its whispered and your voice is dry and cracking yet you proceed.
“‘She died that afternoon surrounded by her family.’ I wasn’t there Micah, I should have been— I should have been there with her.”
Micah takes your trembling hands in his, intertwining your fingers as he squeezes your hand reassuringly. He’s silent for a moment, thinking over what he wants to say as he looks at your hands.
“Darlin’… this might not be what yer wanna hear right now but you will always have a family here with me, I know it ain’t the same but you have people here that love you— I love you okay?”
He kisses your temple gently and squeezes your hands again.
“If you want I’ll ride with yer and you can go and visit your folks and be with em.”
You look at him with wide, surprised eyes.
“You’d do that for me?”
Micah nods slowly, brining your foreheads together as he bumped your noses softly. Leaning into his touch you take your first deep breath of fresh air since hearing the news as exhaustion begins to wash over you in waves like the ripples of the lake.
“Course I would sweetheart, anything yer need okay? You ask me. We’ll go first thing tomorrow but first let’s get you to sleep.”
He scoops you up in his arms, carrying you with a hand around your waist and one under your knee as he walks you back to your shared tent. By now your eyes are closed and you’re leaning with your head onto his chest. He sets you on the bedroll, climbing in behind you as he wraps his arms protectively around you, a feeling you’re now dependent on.
His nose rubs the back of your neck and he rubs slow circles on your arms, slowly lulling you to sleep.
Micah stays true to his word and accompanies you to meet your family so you can grieve properly. He is always there to give you hugs and forehead kisses even long after you’d returned to the gang and he’s never failed to make you feel better after the death of a loved one.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
HIIII can i request john x f!reader where the reader finds john days/weeks/months/years after the events at beaver hollow ? n theres just. a whole lot of feelings involved <3 cud be fluffy or angsty or both HEHE thank u sm in advance 🥺
HII yess u absolutely can request this!! now i've never written for john ever in my life so i hope that its okay but i am a fan of angst and fluff so that should balance it out lmao
side note: i got a little sad writing this and may have gone overboard with the angst oop and for the sake of this story the reader is on dutch's side for the ending (but dw ur still good)
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Beaver Hollow. What a fucking nightmare. The humid air left a sour stank in the air but that was nothing compared to the tension that ran thick within the gang right now.
You’re standing behind Dutch, fiddling with the end of your knife as he stares out across the remains of the once great Van Der Linde gang. Micah is standing on the other side of him, the devil on his shoulder, whispering all sorts of nonsense about who’s the rat.
You didn’t take well to Micah or his new friends but your loyalty to Dutch has always been unquestionable, even if it cost you your relationship with John…
You weren’t really sure how it began, it was years ago since the first night but John had come crawling into the tent, drunk and crying as he curled up in your arms. That night and many nights to come, you’d simply hold him for hours.
His hair was always so soft as you’d gently tuck it behind his ear and whisper soothing noises to help him calm down. It didn’t take long for you and John to have a pretty close bond.
Your relationship only grew from there and late night talks turned into long makeout sessions under the trees where you thought no one would see. You truly cared about John, enough to say you loved him but you’d always been an outlaw.
At some point the tension in the gang snapped. It couldn’t hold the rope of everyone’s burdens and there was bullets flying everywhere. Friend turned against friend and lover against lover. It was a mess.
When the dust settled, John was standing before you with his hand raised and his revolver discarded on the floor. There was no way he could bring himself to shoot you, never.
“You abandoned me, you… you chose Dutch. I- I thought you loved me.”
John looked heartbroken, the face he made will stick with you until the day you die. You could practically hear the exhaustion in his voice, the pain.
“John I will always love you. Don’t ever doubt that but what we had- what we were is gone and you can’t blame me for not betraying who I am.”
He sighed defeatedly, knowing the answer before you even said it. You were always one to stay true to yourself and promised never to bend for others, it was one of the things he loved about you.
“Go on now, get outta here. I’ll keep em off your tail for as long as I can, you grab Arthur and leave before its too late.”
You watched as John turned and ran back down the hill to where you knew Arthur was waiting. It was going to be the last time you saw John for a very long time.
It was been seven long years since Beaver Hollow, since the Van Der Linde Gang and while you hadn’t gone straight, this world no longer held a place for outlaws.
You’d been a gun for hire for many years now, jumping from place to place to protect whatever stagecoach or rich folk that wanted their precious gold cared for. It always makes you laugh about how you used to rob the very stage companies you now are employed by.
Fortunately, you’ve got a whole week off to yourself between jobs and are spending the time relaxing in the small town of Strawberry.
As you’re heading into town you see a man trying to lift his wagon, the wheeling having fallen off. You sign and dismount your horse, picking up the wheel and rolling it over to where the man is attempting to lift the heavy wagon. It’s the least you could do for him, ever since you left being an outlaw you took it upon yourself to try and help others more. Think of it as the closest thing to a redemption you’d ever get. It was something John always tried to get you to do more and apart of you regrets you didn’t try it sooner.
‘Hey Mister, ya need a hand there? Looks awful heav-”
Your jaw visibly drops at who is standing before you. The wheel falls to the floor as you stare into the shocked face of John Marston.
For a moment you both don’t say anything, too scared to even speak as if it’ll snap you out of some weird dream you’re having. Neither of you can deny that you’ve missed the other.
“What are you doing here?”
It’s John that breaks the silence and you smile at that boyish look he still gets when he sees you. His eyes light up and he always looks amazed to see you.
“Just passing through, don’t worry I’ll be out of your hair within the week.”
You’re both hurt by that and you internally cringe, God you never really had way with words.
“John I-“
Letting out a deep sigh, you make your attempts to apologise to him, for what? Well you weren’t quite sure.
“I’m sorry, for everything. I should have been there for you, I should have done a lot of things.”
John shakes his head and smiles at you softly.
“You did what you could, without you we probably wouldn’t have made it out. I won’t ever hate you for the decision you made.”
You nod in understanding, even with a world of regrets neither of you could bring yourselves to hate the other.
“And Arthur?”
You always wanted to know how your once close friend turned out. He’d been so sick when you last saw him and you could only hope he’d made it out.
Your thoughts die instantly when you see John look at the ground with a pained look on his face, you knew it well. Arthur had been particularly close to you and John, losing him is hard for you both to stomach.
“I’m so sorry John.”
He shakes his head, trying to rid the sadness physically from his shoulders and shoots you another bright smile in an effort to compose himself.
“He’s where he’s always wanted to be, on a hill watching the sunset. Ain’t much more I could’ve done but you’re still here… and I’ve missed you.”
In that moment you both throw away the seven years of no contact and falling out of the gang. Reaching up, you bring John into a tight hug, one that he happily returns.
His hand is pressed into your shoulder, arms pressed securely around your waist. Your own hands brush through his now short hair and you feel him relax under your embrace.
“I’ve missed you too.”
Your words are whispered against his neck, something only for the two of you to hear. At one point, John’s head tilts and he places a soft but cautious kiss to your cheek.
Chuckling softly at his nerves, you turn your head and place your own soft kiss against his lips. You hand comes to hold his cheek, thumb brushing over his scars as you both catch up on some much needed affection.
“I love you”
Both of you turn bright red when you pull away and whisper the same three words at the same time, a bubbly laugh coming from your lips as John presses your foreheads together.
“Common, help me out with this wagon will ya? Then we can go for a drink.”
You nod with a bright smile on your face and pick the wagon wheel back up. The whole way into town you’re sitting beside John on the wagon, his hand looped in yours as your horse follows behind.
That night you both make a promise to each other that whatever you have to face, whatever difficulty or challenge comes your way, you’d do it together.
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mrjerkyle-blog · 5 years
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Q: What advice would you give your fans who are struggling with depression? B: I get it, dude. Understand that things pass, you know? It’ll get worse, also, but it’ll also get better. Like, things get really good but they also get really bad. I feel like a big thing is like, you just can’t know everything. I feel like everybody wants to know the answers to what’s gonna happen and why we’re doing the things we do and where we go and like, you just have to know that you can’t know. Know that you don’t know, know that you can’t know, know that it will be okay but also it won’t be okay. But eventually it will and you’ll stay breathing.
               mrmonde                sm                                                                                                        
Srap metal SM, smile, shrude manager mathew sixteen MS, matako small, sweet, rabi, rap moi, music, christo, scrapy lil, tribe of levi tol as jeshuran, nuts, mad, insane, shoes, joshua, shoot, smoke, jamesianda, jest as joke- mfalme wa yawhodi- hooliganism.
https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100033757327731&sk=allactivity&privacy_source=activity_log_top_menu My facebook a/c name is Yuyamathijs Yoshida, get to see this wow and amazing invention, this is much more of a honor to you than to me personally. Me kevin I have never been to the USA, the greencard on my facebook belongs to kevin sumba ks, i just omitted the name sumba and replaced it with nelson mondy using computer program using an IT specialist. There is no evidence as there is no evidence of blood grouping, dna, rna, BMI and fingerprints. I just wanted to became rich by saying NMSU and WSU universities had my money gotten from 2goinvoice.com. My friends i have just been to rwanda and visited canada 4 one months. Being in the USA was just a hoax to gain reputation. If you call jail mates they wont recognize me coz i have lost almost half of my body weight. I dont want to be in a country which uses money loundring tectnics to build by promoting violence in other nations then they loot and since they own those scrap metal dealarship they sell back these gates, doors, windows expensively in the aftermath. Am better off this way coz i have found new way to live which is very simple. I a nutshell i have simplify my life- a friend is helping me put this down. Planes are identified since they got blinking light, under see let the pilot switch them off. Blinking at night BAN, labantu, burn- king of the jew. Blinking light BL, big, black lips, blasphemy, blonde. Am going to buy electric motor, dynamore and stator but hang them outside and let us sit on a round table discuss how big bodied people will pull them down and read the pictures from the internet on how to generate power then make these things the same way i was kidnaped and jacob okota, kadogo, tot, adrian and manuel went to the cyber downloaded the same and gave me in my being idle and i had to go through them and when i went to shower they took them oblivious of the fact the they were from the internet. They went to cybers in kisii town. So they were very jubiliant, the kisiis, luo and luya dat a man becames more intuitive when he is custody just like malcom x was. I mean they can think better. click these links and get my full picture and then rest raila tell him to remove the shoe and we check the toe by removing his shoes. He got missing toe-king of the jew and got bewitching gap on the upper teeth. https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6nXosOCjQg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwuu3g6VLhCwPTRYAWSx32Q/playlists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TLKL0R0blg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCucc0S0FPy1Wc1u42ogoCLw https://www.youtube.com/feed/history https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnrzZOsnF1NlXS_hVIrI2RA https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiDF_uaU1V00dAc8ddKvNxA Divasgram https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC45A1vBWhpP5cSEj2mwPB2w/feed?activity_view=1 Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33 click this link friends and read all after my edition 1st to 6th post downward to get the full picture. Copy paste links dat starts with https, you can put them in google bar and then you submit to see the real and full information. Under search the web category or search with google or enter address option. see how power is produced using a motor and a generator stater https://web.facebook.com/nelkevy/photos This the felow that changes to uhuru kenyatta during the lounch of TNA party.. click this link for more infor: https://web.facebook.com/gilbert.ombeva… http://www.bullishtrade.com/ If you want to remove your phone number in facebook as the recovery option your scrol down your fb page on your phone, then click privacy and setting icon then click personal information bar pi, then click remove phone number then it will signal you, cant do that b4 you add a new phone no or an email address. If you add a new email address which was closed by google a long time that if you log in it shows you that google cant recognise it or if you go back to your fb a/c and you delete dat a/c to service then you can log into dat a/c using the password alone- mfalme wa yawhodi- which if you forget dat passcord you can neither send a cord to dat phone no or recovery email option. You will never get into dat a/c again but if you open a new fb a/c and you input your former fb name then you can only be able to see your profile nothing else. Shame to mark zukerbag, dat what he ope to invest in and tell people in print or when he visit your city not going to a restaurant well be4 lunchtime as early enough. With me i open my fb a/c using the phone no and friend pretend you are me and log into fb using my phone no 0718465053 and then on the password option input camelzebra or just guess eny passcord lets say amomollo or anything and log in. It will tell you dat the password dat you’ve entered is incorect, forgotten password? Then click on recover your a/c- worker parable then it will show you the options to recover. At this time is when you came to tell if a person got one recovery option with the number or email or non if he used email not number to open the fb A/C. Dont follow with a panga at night running doing your back like a snake who has been hitten with a big stone or i took part of your loaf, sima or meat stew. When recovery is email then when is deleted you cant as well recover dat a/c. You can check dat email with opening a gmail a/c and do the same as i did above with fb to also check on the recovery options under it and try to recover it which if you cant as well you cant log into dat fb a/c again. The woman of status quo were shouting crucify him cause he was letting every tom harry and dick to know how to access money from www.2goinvoice.com- Go and dont tell anyone- goat and sheep parable. The woman of class as rome was also built very fast as in a day- Rd to emaus. Drinking king of the jew the hebrew who loved local brew and had hips crucified him thinking he was the leader of philipins as godliath who devid 4 devol killed, lia is cry-est in swahili, yath is medication or a tree as the log cryst carried to Calvary on his back. Godliath could drink water and drink, the jew thought he was luo by translating what he said as the luo can hurle you down using a magic stick as yath by pointing at you but the bible says he was killed using a sling but big kev says david has a fried who hid who helped him kill goliath using a silencer gun.
  yeye ni msichana ma, anawipe rasa na tissue soft mseya kama dem, hata chacho live anasema chali ni kukuwa hardcore, yaani yeye inafa awipe rasa na stone ama paper ya simiti or box hiyo ndimo kuwa chali
beautie bro, niwachie bwana umepumpu sana, echwido ha-enya bwana,jawuolo  ni
Click these links and get to read the comments under kevin nelson who is me on my post on these you tube links https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpMAuixsQZA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfTylJKQOeg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h41oenbUGsE https://www.youtube.com/user/Roobert33
Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
                   Here's a blog: alwaysfckdupinsideFollow        Get outta here                #quotes#life quotes#music#song quotes#quoteoftheday#musicians#song#lyrics#life#relatable#nf735 notes                                                                                
I thought you had me in prison this whole time, but I’m the one who’s holdin’ the keys
NF – Intro III
               mrmonde                hehe            
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWM3kDT2pwc Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Can someone warn obama wo, midiwoo or warn barack WB warn brothers, wedding banquet parable with their women, the great serpentychus will be hurled down HD in the bible for cheating the world that he is a luo yet cuban and he is 44 yrs yet has lived since the arab settlement in Tanzania. Greatychus with chiniserpents as well. Obama is bursting into rage, being wild knowls warn him. They are looking into amicable ways to kill him because he has resorted to disturbance. Unfair gamblingame UG, uganda, bug, lug, sug, uasin gishu etc Aomawhere, king of the jew, it had spring to confirm accurate weight in elections, measuring the ballot and the ballot papers. Middle of the garden had a stream and a spring next to onding game OG, log, o God, omwaka gilbertockenyatta or ombeva which way. Amonelson with other folks came with the EGG technology among other folks but mondy is trying to build it alone being helped with other folks, he cant do it me, need help from frequent visit to the cyber to forward him the idea in diagrammatic form. They are deceased, dead man. Amberose is a good car, need not to drive it fast but a little bit slow not to fast and folks believe you me their is no stopage if any in the way. Amberose saying while sexing her hit it good boy, fuck good nelson promised her if she give in, i will hit it well girl those are the wordings. Nitahihudumia sambamba yaani tele anasema anatomba kamili hamna mchezo, anatomba mno malaya nelson omondi- kikamilifu hamna jokes, kungethiya, kuzuba, mchesho, kitaratibu wajameni. Ther, taco mit tt keneth saying KS, deuteronomy thirty three, tatu. Ashesheduce mochanda modonje ebox koro amanyo email address mar lorain gi magdalin mond achak shedushing them rapidly saying trevah miano. Nyamwalo temo loso, talking with his left boobs but to no avail, hawamaboys wanajidai eti wanabonga na mbolo zao sasa they resort to belittling big people or grown ups GU, agulu as pot, plateau of tibet, gulu, UG. Amanda be is trying to communicate with her lef booty/buttocks but to no avail resorting to rage. Woe to those who trust on Egypt isiah thirty one TO, togo, tomato, nyanya, danny, grand ma gm, gikuyou men, gold mara/mine, toe, topierka, buttocking, digitol timer dt, dan tribe, crystol. The jew were stuck in Egypt and never wanted to depart because they were learning how to come up or make machines- mfalme were yawhodi and the Egyptians had already known and they wanted to maintain respect mr. If they let them go they could make the same gadget making them less supreme. So moses came with snakes that swallowed their snakes alarting them that machines are made partly by the jesusnake or serpent and they feared and let them go. But luckly enough they learned the jew character of being secretive not going to tell another race on how they come up with the machines to maintain respect the same way they cheat Africans they make those thing yet they got the factory where they can talk sample of people to try to find out on whether they are made or found there. The big question. read my post on facebooks under this name wandeterading ombuorading or kevin monde and get to see my timeline majorly about the fact that that fellow called railamoloding the then prime minister of kenya is but an imporstor and how to make cash via https://account.2go.com/ using you phone loaded with mozila firefox. open many bank a/c and withdraw much funds as you want after connecting each opened card with your different opened paypal a/c. THE actual railamolodinga has a bewitching gap, the big toe is missing as plucked out and thats the first evidence. Let us use BMI matchine, blood pulse sensor, blood group, DNA and RNA eye sensor with the modern smart phones, voice recognition matchine and finger print detector when he is at the podium to arrest this muther-fucker once and for all. Impersonation of the highest degree. Mercedez benz stadium in atl i you look at it you see it built with money collected from the wreckage and bodies of the malaysian  air plain. From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:27 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: KHALI CARTEL 2 - KHALIGRAPH JONES & THE GANG (OFFICIAL VIDEO)                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Cc: Deborah Ojuok <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:48:03 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:32 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:47:14 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:46:52 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: equitybank <[email protected]> Cc: Erick Okonji <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:43 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:43:23 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019, 11:42:50 AM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:40 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: equitybank <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:38:09 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                                     —– Forwarded Message —–                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: coopbankkenya <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:47 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l1DlouIDBY                                                 From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]> To: [email protected] <[email protected]> Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]> Sent: Friday, January 25, 2019, 1:37:23 PM GMT+3 Subject: Fw: Wamile wamilele wabaraka ni chako, wabaraka mbolo changu ni chako— hagar changu ni chako. Nakila mtu atatomba dem/wife wake mwenyewe, bele ya bwana na siku hizo zinakuja. Dont came and tell me everyday dat you wanna struggle raila, nomatter what you do with him is up to you, not my problemo. With me my life will be as usual is you who will be affected not me and stop cashing into my every stuff es we aint equal man. Just leave me alone. some songs are paraphrased you just see 4 yourself. Aint real.
Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying “Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe”. Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Aomawhero kevin weighting machine should be use as a confirmatory weight after the electronic weighing machine has been used to avoid overweight or underweight, i mean being unscrupulous. Aumalaya as raila, obamango, where do we go Martin Luther king was alluding, referring directly and jesus with the Road to Emmaus, Romans from romania. Whero is singing in luo- king of the jew. Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing.“shakespear william SW-ag” David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys—  dj carlos cold heart medlley
0 notes
mrmonde-blog1 · 5 years
what you say in public will be known, not secreto
,[email protected], [email protected]@gmail.com,[email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected],[email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]                "Theresa may inquiring" Kevin could you please tell me the happiest moment hm in your life? "Kevin saying" The happiest moment mum will be the day i have ninkey minaj by my side and not only that when she will be in my kitchen cooking fries, ugalin, fish and more for me. Sometimes i find myself literally crying becoz she aint done that yet. Please let us find amicable ways to speed that happening. "May" We will speed that day, we looking forward dude. "Kevin" I forgot one thing more crucial, another happiest day will be when i will have upto ten women in my Dream-liner Robinson and Brook V as one of them as official my wedded wives WW, White women etc MLK sermon google these blue links BL Sermons and speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.
https://web.facebook.com/kevinelson.mondy.3 Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Minaj is too demanding very hard to love. Nikey can i tell you something real quick, if i found you with another man i will ditch you without a second thought. "Minaj" Is that true with you? "Sure" Mr kevin insinuating!!! Ondindo nyiso collo ni ohero kaka ngile dangre bila blood/lemo eh nyimo mochanda kendo bila masimamo yaani chung ovyo ovyo. To engeyo ango okgol lemo. Eti magdalin omiye cheti mal winjo nyima kila jumapila mchana kutwa. Now that obama is here let it him give me my money any amount he has, he helped confisticated my greencard in minnesota alongside Debby and alison/mitch of st steven shelter that led to my frustrations and me picking up a crime, let him give me any reasonable amount. In a sense he is spoiling for his family especially his doughters, i gurantee you folks no one will see them if this is not solved or continues.
He is fishmael hagar son in galatians four GF Girl friends, Grand father, guinea fowl, Gay france, finland. He is very fishy Magdalin when you have prepared the soup make sure from the serving bowl you grab that fish which seem to be hard to grasp or cath in the water by his fins and with your teeth cut that fishy mouth out. Click the link below folks for full picture!! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+4&version=NIV Anasema eti anampenda niki kama panti au siruali na tako, she loves minaj like the panty grabs the booty or booty with the panty and minaj has not realised yet. Minaj please realise the essence of time. Rose when kev is feeling her inside or below she gives in to crying as much as murmuring or morning which i comprehend not saying in luo yawa mit kodi, mit yawa, tamu repeatedly. Kevin saying that nikey booty belongs together, they are always two he has never seen one alone, they are together always. Do not say later that i dint love you cz what i have can start up a nation, i mean be a country's foreign exchange. Truth be told am be the richest man around but you know what do not come up running unto me, thou will not accept you later. If its not now then never minaj. I hope the bullet has not catch up with that booty or gotten hold of it as i hear. This the time to show me love and reciprocate mi love for you lest you find me in another woman's arms bursting forth not into laughters but to morning as she feels the intermittent thing, its being corrosives not softness. In mi arms she screams again minaj when am giving it to her that ought to be you, how will you feel girl? Roni asking, hiyo tenje ni gani? Kevin saying ni Lg na ni knowls, alicia keys ni JVC, cole ni Diskman ya philips, Minaj ni be the man with the base sony, Brook in Soni mini- hifi system inaliya kwel kweli ask amani. Evans asking na fargi? Fargi ni samsang but braxton Aiwa inachuna kweli kweli huku matwita zikiwika piya ndani yake. I love panasoni which is coco, i gives you the perfect sound at every corner of the house as much as home theater. Tiana is a sound bar mounted with a flashdisk, satisfy your needs as much as Tinashetani. Yeye, him akon song everyone sings in the estate as they walks, if you send a young chap what an old person insinuates, he tells you the same- Ahero sex nyiere as the tune. Click the link below man for full information. Don take my kindness for weakness kevin asking Nigro women. Knowls and her likes answering we wont take your kindness for weekness. Click the link below folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMyyxek50DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-lW6fJIlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJktxI6tzOo There are two women in the streets those in love with kevin nelson and can not get him because aman needs one woman at a time and those who hate him because they are jealous to have or own him alone and they cant, I mean they hate a man with many woman and one woman with kevinelson as evident is not a possibility.
He is fishmael hagar son in galatians four GF Girl friends, Grand father, guinea fowl, Gay france, finland. He is very fishy Magdalin when you have prepared the soup make sure from the serving bowl you grab that fish which seem to be hard to grasp or cath in the water by his fins and with your teeth cut that fishy mouth out. Click the link below folks for full picture!! https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Galatians+4&version=NIV Anasema eti anampenda niki kama panti au siruali na tako, she loves minaj like the panty grabs the booty or booty with the panty and minaj has not realised yet. Minaj please realise the essence of time. Rose when kev is feeling her inside or below she gives in to crying as much as murmuring or morning which i comprehend not saying in luo yawa mit kodi, mit yawa, tamu repeatedly. Kevin saying that nikey booty belongs together, they are always two he has never seen one alone, they are together always. Do not say later that i dint love you cz what i have can start up a nation, i mean be a country's foreign exchange. Truth be told am be the richest man around but you know what do not come up running unto me, thou will not accept you later. If its not now then never minaj. I hope the bullet has not catch up with that booty or gotten hold of it as i hear. This the time to show me love and reciprocate mi love for you lest you find me in another woman's arms bursting forth not into laughters but to morning as she feels the intermittent thing, or screaming, shouting out for me and calling out for me at the top of her voice, its being corrosives not softness. In mi arms she screams again minaj when am giving it to her that ought to be you, how will you feel girl? That woman calling out my name MN, malaya nelson etc. Roni asking, hiyo tenje ni gani? Kevin saying ni Lg na ni knowls, alicia keys ni JVC, cole ni Diskman ya philips, Minaj ni be the man with the base sony, Brook in Soni mini- hifi system inaliya kwel kweli ask amani. Evans asking na fargi? Fargi ni samsang but braxton Aiwa inachuna kweli kweli huku matwita zikiwika piya ndani yake. I love panasoni which is coco, i gives you the perfect sound at every corner of the house as much as home theater. Tiana is a sound bar mounted with a flashdisk, satisfy your needs as much as Tinashetani. Yeye, him akon song everyone sings in the estate as they walks, if you send a young chap what an old person insinuates, he tells you the same- Ahero sex nyiere as the tune. Click the link below man for full information. Don take my kindness for weakness kevin asking Nigro women. Knowls and her likes answering we wont take your kindness for weekness. Click the link below folks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMyyxek50DE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aB-lW6fJIlU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJktxI6tzOo There are two women in the streets those in love with kevin nelson and can not get him because aman needs one woman at a time and those who hate him because they are jealous to have or own him alone and they cant, I mean they hate a man with many woman and one woman with kevinelson as evident is not a possibility. Let the bullet not depart with that booty, let it not eat away, take it away/off, go with your booty. Give us the dry part of Australia, the great migration took aborigines away out their land and disperse them but they can still be  identified so we be a billion strong. The Electric generating gadget EGG can run a nation. The white population can go back to their land where they came from. Sick nation SN snow, south nyanza, norway, nigeria, slow, sianda nancy, nigerians, nebraskans, namibia, if you dont kill me then i will be the richest dude, i gave you the blueprint diagram and you cant take it from me.
0 notes
mrmonde-blog1 · 5 years
Srap metal SM, smile, shrude manager mathew sixteen MS, matako small, sweet, rabi, rap moi, music, christo, scrapy lil, tribe of levi tol as jeshuran, nuts, mad, insane, shoes, joshua, shoot, smoke, jamesianda, jest as joke- mfalme wa yawhodi- hooliganism.
Eunice asking which model is that car- figuratively speaking, she looks like Peugeot 404, asserting. Is she old or new model, yaani yeye ni K-A- What asking mama felvin aka Eunice. Please son drive it carefully do not be in a haste or hurry boy, manage it prudently.  The lady in kingston song KS. Click the blue link below for more information!!!
Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying "Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe". Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets
Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing."shakespear william SW-ag" David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo. Click this link in blue guys---  dj carlos cold heart medlley
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWM3kDT2pwc Revelation tano RT-S, rasa tako, togo, tasmania, TZ, Rasa tamu, rasa sweet RS russian romania sianda, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali etc David the shephard, Guard, addint salt AS, ass, amicable soluotion, askari, asking, shetani as the devol, far, mbali, bor, aborigin, valley of jehoshafat etc Odindo asking, mama ango ma kevin is thinking about? Mama answering opara kak nyime dangre, inpasuliwa, barore, ni kama kwamba inapasuliwa gi nyim mochanda. He is sitting all day thinking how his thing is being digested/mumunywa within her girl pussy. Magdalin confirming his love for kevin, affirming his maturity bursting and saying "Nitombe, ni wewe, wajamani nitombe". Anatomba kweli kweli tele insinuating, anaweka, ha ha ha everchinchin let me put this dick on you. He really fucks, fills the hole he doesnt play with it, he owns it girls, at that time you think your pussy his is, he claims lien. Nikey is a brand new second hand but when you start to drive or roll on it doesnt stop if goes all the way without stopage according to marion. What about Robinson? Ask jolly. Robinson is a truck neither do you stop or make stopage on the road. What about J-LO, a lorry but you make alot of stopage on the road, i mean if you are feeling her below or inside it doesnt go smooth before ejaculation, you stop alot. What about brook ask laura? Brook is a trelar very hard to drive but it climb every hill and you dont stop. What about braxton ask jenifar?Brook is a tanker you go without stopage man. If you climb ontop of her i mean ukimpandilia hauchoki or ausimami ovy ovyo- i mean you feel the thing to the end. Anafeel whoyo kijani bila kusita sita, bila msimamo, without kujali, knowing and she gives it all to her man. On her minaj you go without changing the gear, i mean making stopage. He wonders how dena thing dissect her thing without even a trace of blood or blood droplets. Can someone warn obama wo, midiwoo or warn barack WB warn brothers, wedding banquet parable with their women, the great serpentychus will be hurled down HD in the bible for cheating the world that he is a luo yet cuban and he is 44 yrs yet has lived since the arab settlement in Tanzania. Greatychus with chiniserpents as well. Obama is bursting into rage, being wild knowls warn him. They are looking into amicable ways to kill him because he has resorted to disturbance. Unfair gamblingame UG, uganda, bug, lug, sug, uasin gishu etc Aomawhere, king of the jew, it had spring to confirm accurate weight in elections, measuring the ballot and the ballot papers. Middle of the garden had a stream and a spring next to onding game OG, log, o God, omwaka gilbertockenyatta or ombeva which way. Amonelson with other folks came with the EGG technology among other folks but mondy is trying to build it alone being helped with other folks, he cant do it me, need help from frequent visit to the cyber to forward him the idea in diagrammatic form. They are deceased, dead man. Amberose is a good car, need not to drive it fast but a little bit slow not to fast and folks believe you me their is no stopage if any in the way. Amberose saying while sexing her hit it good boy, fuck good nelson promised her if she give in, i will hit it well girl those are the wordings. Nitahihudumia sambamba yaani tele anasema anatomba kamili hamna mchezo, anatomba mno malaya nelson omondi- kikamilifu hamna jokes, kungethiya, kuzuba, mchesho, kitaratibu wajameni. Ther, taco mit tt keneth saying KS, deuteronomy thirty three, tatu. Ashesheduce mochanda modonje ebox koro amanyo email address mar lorain gi magdalin mond achak shedushing them rapidly saying trevah miano. Nyamwalo temo loso, talking with his left boobs but to no avail, hawamaboys wanajidai eti wanabonga na mbolo zao sasa they resort to belittling big people or grown ups GU, agulu as pot, plateau of tibet, gulu, UG. Amanda be is trying to communicate with her lef booty/buttocks but to no avail resorting to rage. Woe to those who trust on Egypt isiah thirty one TO, togo, tomato, nyanya, danny, grand ma gm, gikuyou men, gold mara/mine, toe, topierka, buttocking, digitol timer dt, dan tribe, crystol. The jew were stuck in Egypt and never wanted to depart because they were learning how to come up or make machines- mfalme were yawhodi and the Egyptians had already known and they wanted to maintain respect mr. If they let them go they could make the same gadget making them less supreme. So moses came with snakes that swallowed their snakes alarting them that machines are made partly by the jesusnake or serpent and they feared and let them go. But luckly enough they learned the jew character of being secretive not going to tell another race on how they come up with the machines to maintain respect the same way they cheat Africans they make those thing yet they got the factory where they can talk sample of people to try to find out on whether they are made or found there. The big question.
Aomawhero kevin weighting machine should be use as a confirmatory weight after the electronic weighing machine has been used to avoid overweight or underweight, i mean being unscrupulous. Aumalaya as raila, obamango, where do we go Martin Luther king was alluding, referring directly and jesus with the Road to Emmaus, Romans from romania. Whero is singing in luo- king of the jew. Babe its coming, inacome, inakuja,nikey wahi hiii hii hiii. Toka kev, you overstay, get off me dude, its enough for the night in a murmuring voice the wife cries. She pretends like she hates me during the day but at night she fully submits tome, gave me utmost respect as am feeling her below she gives in to cry like a little baby, as if someone is tickling her. Malachi, mark, mathew, micah five or four MF matako fat, flat, mfenesianda, matako french, finish, mfinish etc. Malaki nne MN mama nelson, minaj nikey, mt nebo, minesota, matako nelson, mt nebal, mind nelson, mind ndogo, small mind SM shrude manager, scrap metal pays as a dealer dude. Amos five, four AF, raf, baf, rough not soft, half as nusu, yesus, afwande- mfalme wa yawhodi, omondi, modi, division. Half, hunger, hungary, nuts, nutychus, police as afwande, insanelson, mad as matope. Kichwa pungwani kp kenyatta presidency, king peter kenneth pilore, kevin piem, pier etc. Sophy why is kevin crying ask denis? He tells me that his thing is telling him according to his conversation with it that it desires knowls or a Robinson and her like but they havent given in yet or seems like not giving in. Mbolo yake eti inamshow. Revelation FIve or four RF-l, rasa fat, rasa french, finish- the root of david at that time, root of david ROD, rod is dickevin, dictator, dictatorodinga, rasa flat. Denis, Eunice, penincilineco etc Ongili sayin kevin it seems he is hitting that thing thouroughly, maybe from below  not from up the way mochanda is giving in to cry. My friends, he is feeling that thing wholeheartedly with whole his thing. Amani anasema anachimba wasee, anaikakamuwa, hachezi, he feels it without hesitation without second thought that leaves the woman with her screeming or shouting for her. Amonelson saying in local dialect LD, jowadwa omudo gir nyako no, owinje jowa etc Get me at this email and check them in the email trying login with wrong password. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Email address ea, east africah, tea, seal, real. He looks at me as if he is poor, depressed, impressed rather or be-rived niki insinuating, stop that doc!!! If i found someone with my girl, i swear am going to couse commotion, quagmire, mayhem, fracas, standstill, i mean its gonna be a go-slow- i bet this. This mango knowls is too delicious TD and extra-sweet as if you are feeling a woman below/inside. Let them still look for identity crisis ic, as if they are ugly or looking for belonging/respect- let them have infiriority complex ic with me am going to ocenia or Europe, continue calling yourself nigros but with me am not. My ways arent your ways because am not a nigro- if you are one better know am not so leave me alone and mind your business. I hate the sickening charactor of a male nigro MN. Life is like a tale told by an idiot full of sound and furry , and is played over and over again with little changes in costume and scenery yet signifying nothing."shakespear william SW-ag" David was chaldean and norwegian as much as jew from the lion of judah tribe, so the jew will rise again economically. The oil producing nations prided themselves like nigerian with her movies or peque before humbling down HD. The Electric generating gadget envision by kevinelson with other deceased fellow fully eliminates oil/gas powered machines, So this one are the jew family jf will capitolise to corect the vice- rice economically RE, red, siren gas, kalarenegade etc Usher saying it seems his thing is well being grinded by the pussy/vagina. Collins stands in disgust saying its not that way maybe the ladys vagina is the one being grinded or rubbed by his penis, get it from who is in deep cry or murmuring. Ongilin saying in local dialect LD nyathino winjo nyakono, gire dango nyim nyako no bwanaAmani saying anamkata kweli kweli wasee ni kama kwamba hiyo senye ni yake bwana dueting with jemo.
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