#i love that coughs...they're happening sooooo
I saw the new Ghostbusters today and I really enjoyed it. Sooooo much. It was so good. I wanna see it again.
While Afterlife was a good soft reboot of the franchise, this one really struck out on it's path instead of feeling like a rehash of the second movie the way certain franchises have done with their reboot-sequels (*cough*Star Wars*cough). There were still a lot of nods to the originals of course, but they weren't overwhelming to the new main plot. It felt really tightly written and the foreshadowing of certain events was really well done - when the pay off happened, it felt really satisfying. A couple of red herrings too, which was fun.
There were a lot of things in there I'd been hoping for and a lot of things in there I didn't know I wanted but I adored. And it got a lot of laughs throughout the theater. I was glad to see the original cast get to be more active throughout this while still having all the new cast get important roles and even a few new characters really stand out.
So far they're two for two with this continuation of the OG Ghostbusters, so honestly I'd love to have a third one.
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criminalskies · 10 months
Rome it’s Royalty!Hotch anon! Just another thought but what about WW2!Aaron?!?! Imagine him in the uniform 🤤
Maybe reader is a nurse (and is secretly siblings with someone in his unit) and they meet at a field hospital when he gets injured? And they fall in love but Aaron ends up leaving before he asks her for her address to write letters!! And he’s all 😭 and is super mopey and heartbroken and everyone (BAU!Squad) teases him?? Especially reader’s sibling who sees how happy they make one another!
Then D-Day happens and Aaron is home! he sees reader’s sibling during the celebrations and is shocked they’re in the same place but but but READER COMES OUT FROM BEHIND and Aaron is all 😭 and hugs reader sooooo hard. And hotch is like how u related and how u get here while reader and sibling are all 😂
And then Aaron and reeder live happily ever rafter
Hi baby! I'm glad to see you back in my inbox again with your big beautiful brainstorm ideas! WW2!Aaron fully makes me think of his character in shadow wolves lmao
I feel like if he's in combat tho off getting injured you're thinking of younger aaron so I'm envisioning himmmmmmmm okay got him.
Reader patching him up and probably seeming so nervous so he's nervous thinking maybe she doesn't know what she's doing but she does a great job! and then seems even more nervous just talking to him after so she can fill out her reports. I'm picturing like a little chest wound just so reader can drool over him. shirtless and have to lean in oh-so-close to his face. Baby aaron would be so hot and flustered and he doesn't know if it's the adrenaline or the local anaesthetics making him feel a little loopy but when he's looking at her he's just so desperate to pull her in for a big kiss.
But he's a gentlemen, so instead he just takes his fate like a real man (he pretends to have a bad cough so he has to stay for a few days observation and keep getting to know reader. When he finally gets cleared to return to basecamp he's just devastated he's not going to get to see her pretty face all day every day so he thinks the least he can do is try to keep in touch. Not to mention how he becomes just riddled with worry for her because she's still in an active warzone, and he can barely sleep if he thinks too much on the fact that he can't keep her safe. But alas, the best way for him to keep her safe is to win this war.
Of course, his buddies come to visit him in the little makeshift hospital when they can, and he's not feverish but oh boy do they see him turn red whenever you come into his room to check up on him. Morgan and Prentiss are quick to tease their commander about his little crush. Rossi genuinely thinks Hotch might end up *trying* to trip himself over in the field just so he can split his face open and have you fix it. Reader's sibling writes Hotch letters wishing him well since they can't be there to see him in-person, they're tied up in meetings trying to fill his shoes while he's hospitalised. He's very grateful to them for their help.
Also i'm such a slut for angst right now so what if hotch actually gets reader's address wrong so the poor man is writing these letters and writing and writing until one day they're all returned to sender in a bundle, and he's devastated. He doesn't know how to contact reader. Then, comes D-Day and his whole troop is sent home to virginia, including reader's sibling, who remarks their sister is gonna be waiting for them. Hotch solemnly admits he has no-one waiting for him :( but all in all he's still overjoyed the war is over, life can start up again as normal. BUT!!!!! when he and the troop set foot on the tarmac on home soil, and reader's sister comes running to hug her sibling, hotch's face lights up and he actually thinks his heart may stop. He doesn't know now how he didn't notice the resemblance between you and his best friend of years. Reader is quick to spot him, too. Pulling him into the tightest of hugs, as aaron finally forgets about the bundle of letters in his luggage that he was going to try to re-send to any and all similar address names in the country. The team are of course all whooping and hollering at the sight of their boss-man all red in the face because he got a hug from the girl of his dreams.
ahhhhhh your mind is so brilliant sweet anon!!!! thank you again for sharing this idea with me! it's really lovely.
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thetwelfthcrow · 1 year
Top five fanfic tropes? :)
i answered this in march of 2021 and the answer was:
enemies to lovers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fairytale au’s !! please !!!! i love them we-can’t-stay-5-feet-apart-without-touching and suddenly we’re gay (please we have only two in [the Shyan] fandom and i owe phyllis and varnes the world for writing these gems) Fake/Pretend relationship and oh how i wish we weren’t pretending literally Any Supernatural Au in [the Shyan] fandom my god they’re so good
and it's funny reading this bc my tastes have only mildly changed.
1. enemies to lovers
a bitch with the right taste doesn't change easily enemies to lovers is fucking perfect. you like friends to lovers? good now add a phase before friends and then keep that lingering taste of bitter hatred throughout the entire process. it's a fucking perfect trope. it has tension from moment one, from the moment they become enemies (or rivals! in f1 it works better as rivals sometimes because that means there's no personal hatred, just 'i hate you're such a good driver and we just keep ending up fighting each other on track! you are winning the races that i should be winning! but also you're funny so i don't mind sitting next to you in the press conference) there's that constant layer of tension. and then for that tension to remain but shift throughout their process is just chef's kiss! especially in the first fragile stages of, maybe our rivalry isn't that big of a deal? and they start getting along??? and then just one tinnnyyy misstep and boom back to rivalry? but also, maybe i don't want it like this, because i think i genuinely do like you? and just... the constant mental battles on what step to make and what to do and how to interpret things and how to move forward from whatever happened?? amazing.
2. fake/pretend relationship
this can coexist with the enemies to lovers trope but can also be a standalone thing. especially in this fandom, i die for the 'the media thinks we're fighting but in reality we're fucking' trope. i love the forced to remain a secret, either bc of the media (/public rivalry), or bc of the homophobia/coming out. i love the adrenaline rushing through my veins when i read those idiots having sex in the driver's room, in the garage (scandalous!), or when someone is (close to) running into them. which means their secret would get exposed! oh no! i love other characters being in the know, as part of a complot. i love dropping hints and people not getting it. i love characters playing around with it, testing boundaries, seeing how far they can go. in other fandoms, it's more 'we're pretending to date to win a bet oh no am i catching feelings?' which is also a ma zing! but doesn't fit all too well in the context of f1 methinks. anyway! all of it is good!
3. we can't stay more than 5 feet apart without touching
whatever the circumstance, this trope is amazing. i'm still writing a soulmate au where it feels addicting when my dudes touch, and they get like a cold and fever and shit when they're not close together. whether it's magial realism or some weird bug or WHATEVER ! i am a SLUT for these things. fucking amazing. more more more more more please
4. sex pollen / aliens made them do it / mate or die / there is only one bed / etc.
oh what a terrible situation that must be, being in a situation with another guy and suddenly you feel sooooo horny for the guy and he feels sooooo horny for you and now you're fucking. to me, the aftermath makes it even better: this was soo good i don't think i can have sex ever again without thinking of you. i think i'm in love with you. the trope is so absurd that it brings me great joy. would never happen irl but i can read 400k works of it time and time again.
5. hanahaki
does this need much explanation? there's something happening that no one can find a solution for, something that no one heard of? a rose growing in my lungs and i'm coughing up petals? something eating me from inside out? and all bc i'm a repressed bitch? i loooove it here. whether it's got an angsty end or a happy end, i don't care. let that guy suffer!!!!!
thanks for asking babe!
[context: ask my top 5 anything!]
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savagc · 3 years
all of them
send me a pair name and I’ll tell you what I think it would be like if they had a child.
TWIN A - first born.
Name: Felix Reyes.
Gender: Male.
General Appearance: brown hair/brown eyes, warm complexion most similar to Raven's. Felix has Luna’s eyes and Raven’s smile.
Personality:  Felix has his ‘moods’, some days he wants nothing more than to being running around and playing with cove, his mothers, other days he is most content being unbothered, and would rather sit and be more ‘lazy’, though there is nothing lazy about him. he is a thinker, a watcher, and often comes up with the best of ideas and plans, the most intricately detailed ways of helping his mothers and sister in any way they might need. he is quite the inventor...problem solver...and snuggle bug all rolled into one.
Special Talents: ingenuity, he takes pride in vocabulary, fluency in english, trigedasleng, asl, and spanish, his ability to catch ANY Animals he comes across, and he is an excellent chef. Felix knows the stars by name, and plants as well.
Who they like better: Raven ; with raven he gets to put many of his inventions and ideas to the test. but he needs Luna’s arms around him a lot and tries to hide at her side sometimes when he wants to be invisible.
Who they take after more: Luna ; Felix very much takes after luna when it comes to ‘personal space’ and shying away from people outside of his family.
Personal Head canon: approach him with care and at times...caution. Felix does not always like people in his personal space, unless it is his mothers. he has been known to yell at cove for bothering him when he’s ‘thinking’ and he feels horrible for outbursts even in the midst of them. they tend to be nothing that climbing into luna’s lap can’t fix, for a gentle reminder...that everything is going to always be okay.
Face Claim:
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TWIN B: second born.
Name: Cove Reyes.
Gender: Female.
General Appearance: luna's curls, raven's deeper brunette color, dark brown eyes, warm complexion, luna's various constellations of freckles upon her body. Cove has Raven’s eyes and Luna’s smile.
Personality: Cove is sassy, and at times very bossy. she does not always take the hint when Felix wants to be left alone and instead will insist that he plays anyway and that he should ‘learn to like it’, [ this tends to be where Cove turns Felix’s vocabulary against him and requires he be accommodating and adaptable ] however...she is very quick to back down when she understands she’s being too pushy, and then does her best to make up for upsetting her brother. it’s because of her soft hugs and her knack for singing comforting songs that makes Felix crave to be beside her often when he’s upset for other reasons. Cove’s loving nature makes it impossible not to forgive her quickly. 
Special Talents: making up her own songs [ most are about flowers and animals and her family and make no sense when it comes to ‘flow’ ] but her voice is soft and precious considering she has trouble with her r’s. Cove can create and sew her own clothing, she can make anything grow, and knows nearly as much medically as Luna does. often she assigns herself as head nurse to animals Felix finds. 
Who they like better: when Cove needs her energy spent...she follows luna around and helps with gardening, cooking, and in equal measure she’s at raven’s side happy to be a momma’s girl and see pride in raven’s eyes when she learns something new from her.
Who they take after more: Raven. when it comes to physical energy, Cove is entirely Raven’s daughter, the same is to be said when it comes to her determination to follow-through. overall, she is a good blend of luna and raven’s compassion, leadership, and flexibility.
Personal Head canon: there are days, usually following Cove and Felix fighting, where Cove will not talk to luna or raven. she will only speak to her twin brother using sign language until they both feel better. this once went on for three days, not because Cove had upset Felix, but because Felix had upset Cove by releasing a garden snake back to the wild without giving her a chance to kiss it goodbye.
Face Claim:
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Name: Isla Li Nolan-Kaiser
Gender: Female
General Appearance:
Personality: Isla tries her hardest to be a tiny grown-up, independent and opinionated and with the sweetest heart. she does not like liars or information being kept from her. very empathetic, understanding, finding reasons for the tiniest of mysteries in the world around her and in the people around her. she is often quiet, watchful, but her smile is contagious and she tries her best to spread it to everyone that she meets. stranger danger is something luna and kody have had to work on teaching her due to how friendly she is with everyone she meets. isla's heart is easily broken if she feels she may have upset her mothers or family members.
Special Talents: cooking, ballet and hip-hop dance, knowing how to drive [ a little ] because to Luna’s dismay...Kody taught her. speaks english, spanish, german, takes stuffed animals apart and sews miss-matched parts together, calls them little monsters and thinks they’re hilarious. 
Who they like better: she would be upset if she was expected to like one more than the other. absolutely offended and shattered if she were asked to choose such a thing.
Who they take after more: a perfect blend of them both.
Personal Head canon: Isla was an on-purpose accident, when it comes to conception. her mothers both had to grow up a bit quickly when they learned they had a baby on the way, but they had never been more happy to. luna and kody learn just as much from Isla as she learns from them. both woke up a little late one morning and found Isla in the kitchen in a mess of making breakfast, before they realized they didn't have many of the ingredients to do so. turns out Isla had taken their debit card just across the street to the small grocery store and bought the things that she needed, having accompanied her mothers grocery shopping countless times before, she knew well how to do it herself. this was the day that she made friends with a neighborhood cat, and the store bagger lady named Millie. The cat, Isla called Millie from that day forward too. She won't go to bed without setting out a bowl of milk. [ the cat is not a stray it's collared, tagged, and overly fed, living its best life. ]
Face Claim:
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[ bonus bc even though neither wants kids i stumbled upon an fc too good not to show at least so i did a shortened response. ]
Name: Juno Lennon Parker.
Gender: Male.
Face Claim:
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weirdlyfitting · 3 years
Forgive me for being so late eheh, I couldn't figure out who's who or what's what from the list plus being busy irl BUT HEY! Finally I can join this countdown!
Ok so I'm gonna do like from day 1-recent
Favorite Character
Darius Bowman & Kenji Kon
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TBFH I LOVE ALL CAMP FAM CHARACTERS. They all had great character development plus clear motivation on why they did what they did. Those stuff got handled so well and ugh it made me so hard to choose ahaha.
Anyway, I love Darius because he's such a dino nerd. Plus his "never give up" spirit that inspired me as the audience to stay strong when things do fall apart. He's such a precious boi 🥺
And then Kenji. *sigh I hated, HATED this boi since he got introduced. But then as the eps kept going, I realized that he's just a teen that made mistakes and learn from them. The scene in S1 ep 6, when the kids were doing kayak river thing and Kenji told Brooklyn to stop bothering Sammy? Yeah, that's when I doubted my hatred . In S2 I started to actually love his character! He's just so....dumb and innocent lmaooo. The thing is for a comedic character I loved how he also has depth and development :D
Favorite Friendship
CAMP FAM! (Darius, Ben, Kenji, Yaz, Sammy, Brooklyn)
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First they're uh- reminded me of the losers club from IT *cough Ben and Eds *cough- especially
Anyway the dynamic and chemistry are awesome! I really hope in S3 there will be more deep convo like in S1 ep 7 (at the monorail, before Ben's near death fall). Them bonding with knowing and understanding each other's feelings is just 🥺😥😭💞
Favorite Ship
Dave & Roxie
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Hmm I'm not into shipping but the closest that I really had interest with are Dave & Roxie and Darius & Brooklyn. But Dave & Roxie is just so cute and fun lol. Like the cool uncle and aunt that genuinely cared even if yes, they did made a lot of mistakes while doing it.
Favorite Funny Scene
S1 Ep 3, when Ben was the one who drive the gyrosphere (idk if this spelled right lmao) and Kenji being the passenger
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There are many memorable funny scenes but THIS ONE was the first ever scene that made me wheezed (looking back, I used to think that CC wasn't that good oop- so yeah doubted it but hey look at where I am now!). Kenji's face and Dave and Roxie just "smile and wave" I remember holding my laugh so no one can get disturbed (the first time I watched CC was at night time lol)😭🤣
Favorite Sad Scene
After I rewatch S1, I changed my mind on Ben's near death fall and choose the convo in the monorail.
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This isn't really a sad scene but to me when rewatching it, it made me cry. Like seriously real tears what-
"now that it's over, what are the odds if we'll see each other again", everyone is silent then Jurassic World/Park theme played YO I STARTED TO FEEL SO EMO ESPECIALLY WITH THE THEME PLAYED 😭
And then "My dad used to say this place was Allosaurus in the bag of chips" gosh when Darius' voice cracked it broke me- yes I crieeeeeed
Favorite Episode
S2 Ep 8
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Ugh this episode and finale is much much better than S1 (it's not that I hated s1's finale it's just s1 was wayyyy more depressing man :( ). Camp fam is together again and Darius completed his arc here (he has serious guilt issue since Ben's fall and I'm glad it got resolved here). This episode was sooooo fun with the actions! And the cliffhanger? I was terrified of what'll come next, but overall I really really enjoy it ahaha 😁💖
And bonus : Kenji learned to ride a motorbike made me so happy when the first time I watched it. I relate so much because that time I was learning to ride one too haha.
Favorite Quote
"We're not GIVING UP! I get it. It's scary. This wasn't how today was supposed to be. Things aren't always going to go your way. Life is messy and sometimes, things fall apart. But that's okay. Because when that happen we pick up the pieces and keep going. And we never give up!" -Darius Bowman, S1 Ep 4
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Ahh since I hear it I used this whenever I had a bad day and so many negative thoughts going in my mind. This quote is my comfort quote along with what Tulip said to One-One in The Unfinished Car from Infinity Train 💕
Okay so that's all for now. What's left is free space + season 3 airs! I'll use my free space for making edit from these lists and if I don't have time maybe I'll try to share my s3 review? Idk but I'll make sure I'm on time for the last list ;)
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smalldez · 3 years
Personally, what made me ship Genyalina is the fact that while reading the books, it was clear that the author definitely put romantic undertones in their relationship. It was clear that it was not just friendship. And i'm not saying they're in love with each other exactly. I'm just saying that the chemistry and tension they have makes them move in between a scale where on the one hand is the purely platonic and on the other is the purely romantic. pt1
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Totally! And honestly - I don’t think Leigh put those undertone in there :/ not to undermine the fact that it does very much read as romantic - it doesn’t necessarily matter what she intentioned, death of the author and all that - but I think a lot of the (now obvious) homoeroticism was a combination of a) Leigh trying to emphasize other characters’ beauty to highlight Alina’s Not Like Other Girls syndrome, and even more apparent for Genya in which beauty (and making oneself beautiful) is actually very important to her character and b) sometimes authors write best friends and end up with the gayest stuff ever. There’s a line in the trilogy where Alina threatens people with physical violence if they insult Genya, and there’s a line in the King of Scars duology (post-trilogy. Also I haven’t read this one I saw it in the Genya tag lmao) where David, her canonical love interest, does the same thing. Leigh I’m begging you to follow through.
ANYWAYS I totally agree with you like for me the fact that we’re “supposed” to read them as friends is a huge reason of why I like their dynamic so much. A lot of it does very much feel like - girl best friends, if you will. This idea that you can find an instant connection to bond over, the way in which friendships ARE expected to go through these hurtles, these periods of highs and lows, but in the end returning to that bond and finding so much love in the other. Also, though it is like marred by betrayal. I think there’s a lot to be said about women supporting each other that exists as best it can within the Little Palace, and how there’s much more hope for them when they are further from those specific constraints.
ANYWAYS I wrote a whole post about my favorite scene though so I’m sharing that even though it’s a little beyond the point now LOL. I can’t really pinpoint the exact moment I started shipping Alina - my memory is terrible so I don’t actually know how I felt about them during my read through, but honestly with how I absolutely will ship two girls who even breathe next to each other there’s a good chance I did lol. I probably also saw some gifsets that really set me off lol, I was making a Genyalina playlist before I even got a chance to watch the show… BUT ANYWAYS this scene kind of captures WHY I like them so much.
It’s at the beginning of episode 5, after Nadia and Marie leave and before David comes in - Of course a lot of this is because it’s the make up scene… eyes and lips…. hands on face….. so close to each other……. It does make me lose my mind like I know I said Leigh was largely unintentional but the Daisy Head and Jessie Mei Li really popped off in this respect. Like. How Alina looks up at her? The light shining in her eyes making an already caring expression even more,,,,, gay. AND ALSO, what really hits about this scene is that it essentially starts with a lie! Genya tells Alina that there are no letters from Mal, when she plays a direct role in intercepting them (as well as later on putting the special tracking ring on Alina. I’m not sure if she knew it’s exact properties, but still). A really important part of contextualizing Genyalina’s relationship in-show is that despite how close they get, and so quickly, Genya is still very much an agent of the Darkling and constantly betraying Alina, even in the smallest of ways. And yet! Despite how this has to be a facade, Genya still finds herself genuinely caring and trying to help in the ways that she can. The “be careful of powerful men” line is in this scene (with that gentle face stroke and happy “I like seeing you this way” like okay… okay) and it’s like moments like these are the most Genya can do without revealing and thus endangering her (seemingly) one chance at escape. It’s these smaller suggestions about getting away from the General, finding ways to protect yourself, that REALLY get me. But it’s still not enough. God they’re SO tragic it kills me. Going out of order, but this scene also contains a) the only real description we get of the extremely messed up circumstances of Genya’s situation, which non-book readers really don’t get as much knowledge about and b) Alina’s pure excitement for the future!!! For what she might do and explore once the Fold is gone - maybe a farm with Mal but maybe not (*cough* maybe you settle down with Genya huh is that what you’re thinking I know that’s what I’M thinking). ALSO the line from Genya “perhaps after, you could return to blue” HOPING that after these charades Alina could find herself again and get that happy ending - and absolute sucker punch of a line “I think I’m going to stick with the black, moving forward.” Like to know all these tactics the General is using are paying off? Obviously this is a sign of Alina growing in confidence in her abilities and how she wants to present that to the world but it’s also…. :(
Rant over ok but listen when the ship has no screen time what else are you supposed to do but pick apart their rare scenes… Genyalina is just sooooo good just in a vacuum, and then adding all the show events that are happening around them and how their friendship becomes so much more impactful? And then to see that as romantic? It’s just such a good dynamic!
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oookaline · 4 years
And The Saga Continues
By saga I mean me supervising this 'fake RbbSbb' account on twitter because I want to.
also Im going to separate the posts by day, if anything else happens I'll retweet and add it on this one. Tommorow its a separate post.
If you're intrested to see the first bit (two separate days in a post, one in which I found and then kept retweeting what happened after weeks (?) of not checking on it) (! I do reccomend reading the previous one)
so if you're intrested look up the tag #Fake-RbbSbb in my account.
Sooooo as expected our buddy changed his bio to 11, which supports my speculation that it was (obviously) a countdown to Louis' show.
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nothing new on the following/pfp/header etc...
They did tweet some things, but I'll touch on that later, first off the likes: It seems they are continuously trying to raise attention towards Rbb (and Rbb only???) being back in two weeks by sending anonymous statements in peoples CCs.
Also they liked this HIV support tweet- and I found that sweet so im also adding it in, because aweareness is key.
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aswell as replying back with their usual variation of two emojis:
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No sign of Android anywhere, just WebApp™.
Now onto the tweets:
Just like with the 12 they posted yesterday, today they posted an 11. And I got curious to know where abouts they were setting the time to:
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If whatever I triod to do here is too complicated (even I dont understand it lmao) basically:
In LA posting time would've been 23:29
In London posting time would've been: 07:29
so if they wanted to (and im speculating this because I did not check) update it on midnight lets say (or close to), then logically the tweet would've come from LA.
Now this thing which then tells us there will be a pattern of when they'll update the countdown
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The thing I found weird right, is that they're doing a countdown (supposedly) to Louis' show. So why update on LA time?
Next thing they posted was this:
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'Well Meet at the end of the Road' at a first glance you'd guess they're talking about the countdown.
But oh to know who Rudolph Valentino was...
I'll put some intresting quotes I found of him here, you can skip all of this if you want, I'll do a short resume at the end of the indented.
"He was a sex symbol of the 1920s, who was known in Hollywood as the Latin Lover (a title invented for him by Hollywood moguls), The Great Lover, or simply Valentino.[1] His premature death at the age of 31 caused mass hysteria among his fans and further propelled his status as a cultural film icon."
"The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse was released in 1921 and became a commercial and critical success" + "For his follow-up film, they forced him into a bit part in a B-film called Uncharted Seas.(1921)" + "Rambova, Mathis, Ivano, and Valentino began work on the Alla Nazimova film Camille.(1921)" + "Valentino's final film for Metro was the Mathis-penned 'The Conquering Power.(1921) "
thats 4 movies in a year!! Talk about overworked- (depending on how long they were)
"After quitting Metro, Valentino took up with Famous Players-Lasky, forerunner of the present-day Paramount Pictures, a studio known for films that were more commercially focused."
"Jesse L. Lasky intended to capitalize on the star power of Valentino, and cast him in a role that solidified his reputation as the "Latin lover"
"In The Sheik (1921), Valentino played the starring role of Sheik Ahmed Ben Hassan. The film was a major success and defined not only his career but his image and legacy."
"Famous Players produced four more feature-length films over the next 15 months" + "His leading role in Moran of the Lady Letty(1922) was of a typical Douglas Fairbanks nature" + "Valentino starred alongside Gloria Swanson in Beyond the Rocks(1922)" + "Valentino began work on another Mathis-penned film, Blood and Sand(1922)" + "During his forced break from Rambova, the pair began working separately on the Mathis-penned The Young Rajah(1922)"
15 months 4 movies. and again I will stress the 'capitalize the star power' over there.
Seems too familiar tbh.
"Missing Rambova, Valentino returned to New York after the release of The Young Rajah. They were spotted and followed by reporters constantly."
*cough* *cough* "spotted"
"During this time, Valentino began to contemplate not returning to Famous Players, although Jesse Lasky already had his next picture, The Spanish Cavalier, in preparation. After speaking with Rambova and his lawyer Arthur Butler Graham, Valentino declared a 'one-man strike' against Famous Players.[31]"
About the lawsuit:
"He was also upset over the broken promise of filming Blood and Sand in Spain, and the failure to shoot the next proposed film in either Spain or at least New York. Valentino had hoped while filming in Europe he could see his family, whom he had not seen in 10 years.[27]"
"In September 1922, he refused to accept paychecks from Famous Players until the dispute was solved, although he owed them money" + "Famous Players, in turn, filed suit against him.[33]"
"Valentino did not back down,[33] and Famous Players realized how much they stood to lose." + "the studio tried to settle by upping his salary" + "Variety erroneously announced the salary increase as a "new contract" before news of the lawsuit was released, and Valentino angrily rejected the offer.[31]"
"Valentino went on to claim that artistic control was more of an issue than the money." + "Famous Players made their own public statements deeming him more trouble than he was worth (the divorce, bigamy trials, debts) and that he was temperamental, almost diva-like. They claimed to have done all they could and that they had made him a real star.[33]
"Other studios began courting him." + "However, Famous Players exercised its option to extend his contract, preventing him from accepting any employment other than with the studio." + "Valentino filed an appeal, a portion of which was granted. Although he was still not allowed to work as an actor, he could accept other types of employment.[33]"
Return To The Movies
"Valentino returned to the United States in reply to an offer from Ritz-Carlton Pictures (working through Famous Players)" + "Rambova negotiated a two-picture deal with Famous Players and four pictures for Ritz-Carlton.[37] He accepted, turning down an offer to film an Italian production of Quo Vadis in Italy"
"Valentino once told gossip columnist Louella Parsons that: "The women I love don't love me. The others don't matter". He claims that despite his success as a sex symbol that in his personal love life he never achieved happiness.[62]"
"Valentino impulsively married actress Jean Acker, who was involved with actresses Grace Darmond and Alla Nazimova. Acker became involved with Valentino in part to remove herself from the lesbian love triangle, quickly regretted the marriage, and locked Valentino out of their room on their wedding night."
"From the time he died in 1926 until the 1960s, Valentino's sexuality was not generally questioned in print.[67][68] At least four books, including the notoriously libelous Hollywood Babylon, suggested that he may have been gay despite his marriage to Rambova.[69][70][71][72][73] For some, the marriages to Acker and Rambova, as well as the relationship with Pola Negri, add to the suspicion that Valentino was gay and that these were "lavender marriages."
"Such books gave rise to claims that Valentino had a relationship with Ramón Novarro, despite Novarro stating they barely knew each other." + "These books also gave rise to claims that he may have had relationships with both roommates Paul Ivano and Douglas Gerrad, as well as Norman Kerry, and openly gay French theatre director and poet Jacques Hébertot." + "However, Ivano maintained that it was untrue and both he and Valentino were heterosexual.[24] Biographers Emily Leider and Allan Ellenberger generally agree that he was most likely straight"
like every historian would say: "they were just good friends"
"further supposed evidence that Valentino was gay; documents in the estate of the late author Samuel Steward indicated that Valentino and Steward were sexual partners.[77] However, evidence found in Steward's claim was subsequently found to be false, as Valentino was in New York on the date Steward claimed a sexual encounter occurred in Ohio."
- Via Wikipedia
These are the few quotes from his wekipedia page in which I literally gaped at...
So in short:
Sex Symbol who was an Actor
Got his image enhanced and exploited by his manager.
Constanly Overworked
Relationships used for PR (?)
Thought about leaving his management which led to a 'one man strike' and a lawsuit.
The lawsuit started off because of finantial reasons, but it was revealed it was more because of fucking creative freedom.
Management tried to reason with him, he didn't back down. And they continued to do so before an article of the 'lawsuit' was made public, he didn't accept any.
Management tried to paint Valentino as 'ungrateful' and that they were the reason he was a star.
When other people tried to get Valentino to work with/for them, his management stopped him by "threatening to extend the contract" (?) which prevented him from acting.
His sexuality was never really questioned due to the many relationships with woman he had (one which literally was a lesbian)
Lavender Marriages / PR marriages
After his death, speculation that he dated many men came up.
One even said they did the dEEd, but its impossible because they were both in separate countries duh, right? RIGhT????
The way we can literally compare this with Harry's situation (and maybe Louis' aswell!!!) is literally hurting my mind.
Also adding that @eyupdaisy is helping me a lot, kuddos to her aswell. She found this:
If you search the actual name of the post 'We will meet at the end of the trail' on google, this picture comes up
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Which the HT account made a very lovely and subtle connection to it a few days ago
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Guess well have to start lowkey monitoring them too? Or maybe just what they interact with the Mr.R acc...
wait- max images reached ;-;
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laskume-dragon · 4 years
My designevolution of Alucard as a dragon/draki
Designing is a longtime thing ._. at least it was with Alucard and now that i told you about my AUs i wanna talk about that too owo
I mean...you already saw his current dragon design in my artdump earlier. Its that drawing in which is also the first drawing of Seras as a dragon. Eh, but nevermind!
I already said: it all started with the Draki AU and his dragon design developed pretty much at the same time as the draki form so...yeah...
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It all started with this in late 2016 or early 2017 i dunno...as you can see...i wasn't great at anatomy and shading either..but this was the first draki design..
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The first real dragon design was drawn with..this! ((featuring the first design of Anderson *cough*)) i mean...i've made sketches before but this was the first design with which i was pretty happy! It was drawn in middle or late 2017.
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In July 2018 i came up with this design. The biggest changes were that i gave it fur and feathers, instead of scales ( i dunno why tbh) and that i changed his eye colour. Just as it was shown in the OVA, Alucards human eye colour there was blue so i gave it to the dragonversion too.
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A few month later i gave these colourchanges the draki version too. I made his eyes blue and the wings too!
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This sketch of the dragonversion is, as you can see, pretty similar to the one before. I just added feathers to the tail and changed the head a bit.
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In February 2019 i drew this. This may not be a full draki version but it was very important for the design 'cause for the first time i drew the hybrid version with feathered wings to. And he even got white feathers too, which was at first just for fun but later it got a reason....
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One month later i drew this as the new full version of the draki. I even drew him a special armour for it. I still love that armour! And i also changed his tail again and i gave it feathers too instead of the weird claws..
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In middle 2019 i sketched this, where i...pretty much changed everything. I tried to make him look a bit more wolf-like and also its now clear that i made him to an Icedragon for...unknown reasons... I dunno... maybe it was just my love for Icedragons that caused me to do that....
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And here we are with the current Draki design. I drew this a month ago and the only major changes are that his arms and legs are covered in fur too. I thought it was weird that the dragonversion got fur and the hybridversion had scales.. that doesn't make any sense so i changed it to fur.
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And this is the current version of Alucard as dragon! He still got the white feathers on the wings and he even has a white paw now! The reason is, why he got the white spots, that he is a specimen with pseudomelanism. I made the kind of dragon, that he is, to an own species, that is naturally white (because they're Icedragons, that live in snowey mountains...) And i had to explain somehow why he is black sooooo...... genetics helped me a bit xD
But that was the whole evolution until now! Right now i don't think i'll change more...but yeah...it could happen...
Thanks for reading tho :'D this post was pretty long again...oof...
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Reasons Why You Should Date Yamazaki Hiroshi; an essay by the gremlin that follows him around his Best FriendTM (me)
The boi in question:
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Idk how to do the read more thing on mobile so y'all gotta deal with my bullshit you're welcome
Some Facts about The BoiTM:
Age: 17
Height: 181 cm/ 5’11
He’s a Leo if that means anything-
That’s it really-
Ok now the Real Tea: why at least one of y’all should date him:
Is basically a chihuahua: barks at ppl and snaps at them but they're cute so you keep them around
Will Fuck Up anyone who fucks with you
Is DTC (down to cuddle) 25/8 pls give this man some snuggles
You instantly gain like four five including me cOUGH friends. They're all assholes but still-
It's canon that his hobby is fighting games sOOOOO arcade dates. Those'll happen a lot.
His motto is life will work out somehow so !!! he's optimistic !!!!! which is a good trait considering he's an angsty teen who breaks ppl's bones bc his team captian/coach tells him too
Also on that note he's Not a fan of the bone breaking and cheating. Which means he has morals. Bare minimum but still, better than hanamiya fucking asshole
WILL dote on you. This bitch loves to love and be loved.
Strong Boi. No need to elaborate just,,,Strong,,
Will let you steal wear his clothes AND his jersey/team jacket (you gotta give those back tho bc then hanamiya will be on his ass and then hara will tease him and-)
Would LOVE to teach you basketball if interested. He just wants someone to play it with who doesn't break their opponents bones :(((( (i will never stress enough how big of an assholes my friends are-)
All in all he's a bad boy with a sweet side who unlike his friends other than me isn't down with murder unless it's someone who bothers you then he's Absolutely down with murder and just overall wants to love and be loved sOMEONE PLS GIVE HIM LOVE HE REALLY DESERVES IT-
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