#i love the Medusa changes i love the tweaks to annaneths relationship with her mom
pftones3482 · 5 months
People saying, "The PJO TV series is just as fast as the books, we just don't have Percy's inner monologue to slow us down."
Percy doesn't get expelled immediately in the books. He gets through the entire rest of the semester and then isn't invited back to the school because of his grades. That's already about a 4 month difference to the show.
When he gets to camp, he spends two full weeks in the book training before going on the quest. In the show, it's only a few days.
Why does it matter?
Percy is gaslit by Grover and Chiron for the entire rest of his school year into basically thinking he's crazy. It gives us time to see the build up of the mounting war, in the way of storms and violent oceans. It lets us see how much Percy struggles with school, with being different from everyone.
At camp, he has time to actually start to feel like he belongs somewhere, like he has people who get it. He learns from the people around him, and at least gets SOME kind of weapons training - them cutting out his swordfighting scene with Luke was criminal because it's the first nod towards the fact that Percy will eventually become the camps best sword fighter (and also gives us a nice glimpse at Luke's thoughts on Percy)
I know the pacing needs to be a little quicker because it's a show. But we can acknowledge that the show is moving MUCH faster than the books did, even with the inner monologue taken into account. Cutting every single scene that isn't absolutely crucial to plot diminishes character development, and the characters are supposed to be the core of this story.
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