#i love the concept of a lady adachi so much
mlady-meowmers · 2 years
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Throughout my finals week I thought of her
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crowautumnrain · 3 years
review: Cherry Magic | Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
Disclaimer: This is my very own humble opinion. If you  agree with my review, I’m glad that I’ve found someone like-minded, if  you do not agree, that’s fine too. Every opinion is valid. Don’t hate me  for mine.
I do not speak any asian language and therefore I rely solely on subtitles. And we all know that they are not always flawless. So if I misread a situation or misunderstand something, feel free to inform me. Spoilers ahead!
Genre: BL
From: Japan
Known Actors:  /
Trigger Warnings: cuteness overload
Rating: 8.5/10 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ☆    
Synopsis: When Kyoshi Adachi reaches his 30th birthday he develops an ability to hear the thoughts of other people by touching them. One day, he discovers that his popular co-worker, Yuichi Kurosawa, is in love with him.
Main Character(s): Kyoshi Adachi, Yuichi Kurosawa
Side Character(s): Masato Tsuge (Adachis BFF), Minato Wataya (Tsuges lover boy), Yuta Rokkaku (co-worker + Kurosawas “friend”), Nozomi Fujisaki, Kengo Urabe (Adachi's co-worker)
Short Appereance: /
Main Couple(s): AdachixKurosawa
Side Couple(s): TsugexMinato
My review:
I think I don’t really have to explain much, the title does a good job.This is going to be a little different than most reviews I do. I’m not going to comment every scene or comment on every step of the storyline, even though I will try to. For the most part I’m just going to ramble around for a bit. And try to write my thoughts down.
I remember when Cherry Magic fan edits popped up on youtube and it looked so cute I just had to watch it. During that time winter came into my town and another lockdown was around the corner. So, this show was really there to brighten my day once a week (or for a few days while I binge watched it).
The concept was really interesting, too. And here are my thoughts about it:
Adachi and Kurosawa
We start our story one day before our protagonsts 30th birthday. His name is Adachi. He has very low self esteem and and little confidence in himself (sounds familiar) but a big heart. It’s not always easy for him to say “no” (espacially to his co-worker). His life is mostly uneventful and repetitive. UNTIL one day on his 30th birthday he discover that the old wives’ tale that you develop powers if you are a virgin for 30years is actually true. He is able to hear peoples thoughts!
At the beginning he isn’t really sure if it’s just all in his head or if he really has this power. On his way to work he meets his co-worker Kurosawa. Due to a very crowded elevator, Kurosawa accidentally touches Adachi. Because of that, Adachi finds out that his super popular and super handsome co-worker is actually madly in love with him (relatable right?)
At first Adachi tries to ingore his powers. He can not be sure that the things he hears are really other people’s thoughts or just him making stuff up. He avoides crowds and Kurosawa. But fate just throws these two together again and again.
Since Adachi can read thoughts, every encounter he has with Kurosawa from now on excalates pretty quickly. Because our boy Kurosawa is just as horny as we all are. One day Kurosawa is being a “nice boy” and helps Adachi with the workload that his co-worker asked him to do. Totally selfless of course, not in any way him trying to be near his crush or anything noo. After hearing Kurosawa gushing over Adachi’s mole on his neck, that Adachi wasn’t even aware of, he is now pretty sure that his powers are real.
Adachi knows that - if the tale is true - he will only lose his powers if he also loses his virginity. And let me tell you something... Honestly, sex is probably really great and all but...you have powers. You are basically one step away of becoming a superhero. You can help people with that. Come one now, this show just proves that asexuals are above us all and are so powerful and deserve to be wizards. If you were able to life a life without sex to your 30s, it’s not that hard, you are almost halfway there. Just hold on.
This show follows mostly our two main leads, Adachi and Kurosawa, trying to manage their love for each other. But what makes Cherry Magic so sweet and heardwarming is the fact, that there are other topics being addressed besides same-sex-love. Like I said earlier, Adachi has extreme low self-esteeem and this is one of the biggest reasons why it takes so long for Adachi to realize and accept that he is not only in love with Kurosawa but also that he deserve this kind of love.
So many times, Adachi chickens out of telling Kurosawa how he feels and espacially when Kurosawa wants to take things to the next level, Adachi needs time. And Kurosawa respects that (bare minimum, but sadly the bar is so low) and gives Adachi time.
Kurosawa also suffers from some incecurities that he not often talks about, but since Adachi has his powers, we are often granted a quick look into Kurosawas head. And these little thought trains that we get tell us so much more about Kurosawa and fully flesh him out as a character.
We get to know about his fantasies, his wishes, his fears and insecurities. Sometimes, when Adachi reads Kurosawas mind, we get little fantasies. We see Adachi through Kurosawas eyes and it’s always a cute scene of Adachi smiling. We see how beautiful Kurosawa thinks of Adachi.
We get one episode from Kurosawas perspective, where we discover how Kurosawa fell in love with Adachi. He was always “aware” that he was there, but he never really “noticed” him. One day, when they both are having dinner with their boss and some random creepy lady, both realize pretty quickly, why they are really there (because of their looks). Kurosawa notices that Adachi does not drink alcohol and therefore he takes his glass and get’s drunk quickly.
Even though, it seems like a dumb thing to do, it tells you so much about Kurosawas character. How he wants to help people, even if that means he is the one to “suffer”. No matter the consequences, he helped his co-worker out there. The lady starts harassing Kurosawa and he turns her down in a very obvious way which was apparently something he wasn’t allowed to do. But fuck this lady and fuck his boss. Kurosawa, you did nothing wrong. She did.
He overhears his boss saying that Kurosawa is only a pretty face and apparently he can’t even do that right. This just gives him the rest and he leaves. Adachi, who was surprised by Kurosawa’s actions (drinking the alcohol for him), follows him outside to comfort him.
It’s a very touching backstory and it’s great that we get it in the middle of the show and not at the beginning, only allowing the characters to become more fleshed out.
When Adachi reads Kurosawa’s thoughts, he mostly thinks about how much he adores Adachi and how much he wants to help him becoming more confident. He often is pretty hard on himself and blames himself for things too often. He seems calm on the surface, but his inner-monologues show how much of a chaotic hopeless romantic he really is.
A reaccuring theme is Adachi being a little put off by how often Kurosawa get’s presents or just admiring looks or words. Because he get’s none and if so, he can’t really take compliments well.
What is really interesting is that through Adachi, we can hear that Kurosawa is not really enjoying all of this presents and kind words of his (mostly) female co-workers. He just wants to be praised for his work not his looks. Which is something only pretty people say. No, fr, I can only imagine that it’s super annoying that people only view you as “pretty” and therefore do not acknowledge your talents and skills. This show actually deals with that nicely. In Kurosawa’s episode he has this beautiful monologue: I had an advantage because of my looks. I hated that people only saw my looks. I knew it would annoy others if I talked about it. So, I pretended it didn’t bother me.
This show was not only about love, but also about loving and respecting yourself. Trusting yourself and gaining a little more confidence in yourself. What I loved so much about Kurosawa and Adachi is that they bring out the best in each other and help each other in so many ways.
At one point, Adachi tells Kurosawa the truth about his powers. Kurosawa tells him that he actually is happy that he has his powers, since they were the reason they got together in the first place.
But Adachi is not so happy about it. He grew used of the powers and now fears that his relationship won’t work out with Kurosawa, once he loses them. Since he wouldn’t be able to read his mind anymore, like he used to. The only option Adachi sees is: breaking up. And since Kurosawa respects his wishes, he leaves (hoping that Adachi would fight for him and maybe hold him back).
They make up in the end, when Adachi realizes that maybe communicating would be another option they have left. Because, guess what, that’s what most people do. So, they get back together and Kurosawa basically proposes to Adachi, which seemed...quite abruptly tbh. But hey, everyone has their own pace.
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Minato and Tsuge
Tsuge is Adachi’s best friend and also a virgin. Later, he becomes a wizard like Adachi, being able to read minds. He is a writer and spends his time at home 20/7, the 4 hours are probably just the hours he is willing to leave for grocery shopping and eating out with Adachi.
He has a really sweet cat and this cat will help him get him his future boyfriend. Minato, is his name. He works as a deliveryman. Tsuge doesn’t like Minato very much, since he is a so called “youngster” (oh gosh I think a brain cell just died while writing this).
Minato feels the same way about Tsuge “the old man”, but does love his cat. Tsuge develops feelings for Minato pretty quickly and even begins to stalks him, to find out more about him. He orders so much stuff from different shops just so this guy would show up at his doorstep again.
He finds out that Minato is actually trying to fullfil his dreams of becoming a dancer.
While it would’ve been a sweet idea, this couple couldn’t really win me over. First and foremost, how old is Minato supposed to be? The actor was at that point approximately 20/21 and he looks way younger than that tbh.  And in the show it’s never stated how old he is, his love interest states multiple times that he is “young” and refers to him as “the youngster(s)”. And it’s clear that Tsuge is 30. So...I just can’t ship them. Like, they are both of age and adults but it still feels weird for some reason. If the actor would at least look older...I guess that would maybe change my view on them. In reallife they are 6 (?) years apart which is still a lot but way less than what seems to be 8 or 10 years on the show.
It really didn’t help that Tsuge was the one initiating the relatioship and stalking Minato. Others called him even a pervert and honestly...he acted like one. Secretly talking pictures of someone, following them around, etc.
On top of that, their scenes often included cringy / over the top acting and triggered my second-hand embarassment, which...was that really necessary? Maybe, it was part of Tsuge’s character in the Manga, but you just can’t translate everything into a life-action show, because it looks hideous and awkward. In the more serious scene that Tsuge was in, he actually wasn’t all that bad.
I can take cringy acting, that’s how I survived most BL’s actually. But was it really necessary to have Tsuge kneel before Minato and scream at him how sorry he is in public? While people are watching? And Minato doesn’t really seem to be delighted by that. I’m sorry, but that’s where I draw the line, my cringe-o-meter exploded. I’m a very private and introverted person, so that just wasn’t it for me.
It actually hurts my heart that so many people think this is how socially awkward people behave, which - as a socially awkward person - I can’t confirm. We don’t flinch everytime people touch us, we don’t scream and shout and talk very fast, when we get nervous (at least not to that extent). And we don’t...ugh..back to the series.
I mean they had potential, they could’ve been cute and I don’t mind if anyone is shipping them, it’s just really icky to me and I can’t do that.
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Things I disliked
The actors ages. I mean, I know that most asians look very young, but come on. No one can tell me that these guys are supposed to be 30. I guess the actor of Kurosawa was about 29 (?) so he comes closest (he doesn’t look like he is 30 but I appreciate the attempt) but the others...They just don’t look like they are 30. And please, don’t cast some really young-looking dude as the love interest of a supposedly 30-year old.
Over the top “humorous scenes”. It doesn’t make me laugh, just cringe. But this happened only with scenes between Minato and Tsuge. Sometimes, I just skipped them. But yeah...not everyone’s tea I guess.
No kiss. I don’t need NC scenes or anything too intimate. But the whole no-kissing seems more like a “no homo” situation here. These guys are insanely in love and are basically married and you tell me that they didn’t even kiss on camera ONCE? Don’t tell me they are asexual or anything (even though I would love to see more representation like that, I mean if the actors don’t wanna kiss or the management is against it, why not create a little more representation while you’re at it?) because I would support that, they just didn’t want to show that or maybe the actors didn’t want to kiss. But then again I ask myself...why not cast actors who actually want to act out the role? Or was it a management issue? Whatever it was, defiinitely made it seem less believeable and it felt more rushed. Like, even if you give me the classic “fish kiss” with eyes wide open and it’s basically just them pressing their lips together...this treatment most Korean BLs get (thank you TMS honestly) it would’ve been better imo.
Also, Minato and Tsuge had a kissing scene (it wasn’t good but still). And that even further aligns with my theory of the actors or the management not wanting them to kiss. But this show is still cute and enjoyable, so I’ll let it slide this one time.
Rushed ending. Like I already said, this kind-of-proposal came out of nowhere for me and felt rushed. Sure, they know each other for years, but they only began to grow closer over the last couple weeks. Shouldn’t they start with dating first, then go to living together for a few couple of months and then - after really being sure that they want it and after talking it through - propose? But hey, I’m the single one here, so maybe I am in the wrong here.
Things I liked
How they handlded Adachi’s powers. Adachi was suddenly able to read peoples thoughts. One of the most private and intimate things. And Kurosawa was just like ‘“k, I’m actually glad you secretly kept reading my thoughts” which seemed a little too anti-climactic. Please, sweety at least pretend that you are a little hurt that your boyfriend kept reading your most private thoughts. It’s like someone reading your diary without your permission.
But apart from that, they handlded it actually quite well. Adachi wasn’t super okay with reading other people’s thoughts. He didn’t use it for revenge, there were no bad intentions. He always wanted to help and only used it as a way to help others or clear things up. When he did use it for his own advantage, he felt bad afterwards.
Miscommunication subplot. Overused, lame, just for the sake of plot, annoying - these are the first things that come into my mind, when thinking about miscommunication subplots. But Cherry Magic actually did a decent job at it. There was a miscommunicating subplot at the end and I expected to hate it, but I actually did like it.
It makes so much sense here, since Adachi was so used to his powers at some point, that losing them seemed like he was no longer able to understand people or their feelings. The “oh no I lost my powers and since I used them to understand Kurosawa better I don’t know if we can be together now that I don’t have them anymore” struggle seems realistic.
Tsuge only made it worse by saying: “I forgot how difficult it is to sense other’s feelings [without being ablte to read their thoughts]” after having a minor fight with Minato. And since Adachi is a person that worries and overthinks quite often and easily, he didn’t take it too well. It could’ve been so much better, if they did actually drag it out a little more. But maybe it’s for the better like that. They got the most important points across, even though they resolved it pretty quickly.
No happily ever after. This title is actually a little misleading, since the couple did get a happy ending. What I mean with that is that they didn’t give the couple a “they are now offically a couple so there story ends with that”. Most shows think that viewers only want to see the couple coming together and call it a day. In Cherry Magic the story doesn’t end with them getting together. We see them struggle with their relationship, going on cute dates, breaking up, resolving their issues and semi-propose.
It’s nothing new or groundbreaking, but it’s rare and refreshing to see. I do like that shows always try to give us the “and all was well” happy ending after they get together, but seeing storyline like Cherry Magic, where they actually deal with them being a couple and show us their ups and dows, I really appreciate that.
Special episodes. IIRC there are a total of 3 special episodes that are just the cherry on top of this cake. I really did enjoy them. They weren’t necessary for the story to work, but were a nice add to it. Pure fluff and comedy. Speaking of fluff-
Fluff and feel-good. This show in no way ITSAY or MOD and nowhere near them. It doesn’t make you ugly cry at 3 o’clock in the morning. And it’s not a mystery where you sit at the edge of your seat, trying to figure out who is the big bad guy. But - and this is important - this show is not meant for you to feel these kind of emotions. Cherry Magic is more of a rom-com. A feel-good show. Some sort of “grab your blanket and some hot chocolate and watch it and feel safe” kind of show. Espacially needed during whatever the hell is going on right now.
So, if you ever want a show, where the leads are adorable and relatable, where there is a little sprinkle of magic and a ton of fluff and you just wanna lay back and find a safe space to escape reality, this is the show for you.
I think this covers my thoughts on this series. Thanks for reading. Check out my other reviews.
My BL Review List: https://urmyquerencia.tumblr.com/post/627642344497364992/bl-reviews
- urmyquerencia
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themangaguide · 3 years
After which she cries
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Summary: It could be any kind of girl. Think of being a heroine of the romance. Hatori thought this one night she had actually get dedicated Rita, to her childhood close friend.
But that's not the means the globe functions! This is a humorous funny that really supplies an unpleasant unrequited love history of this yong lady in somali to mori no kamisama
I checked out one more story recap of the that explained this series from Kurumi's viewpoint, that will be truly an appropriate summary as Kimi ni Todoke. This series is something but formulaic. The concept of the series fits the style of shoujo manga very well without experience artificial or formulaic.
These qualities do not run.
Hatori might not be under initially of the series, however she progressively becomes much more straightforward as she involves understand the efficiency of Rita's and Adachi as well as checks link. After which she cries a good deal and also makes a great deal of errors. General, I thinks he's there was than Kurumi actually AN INFINITELY MORE likeable heroine, merely due to the fact that I locate Hatori to be constantly a ton more...multi-faceted.
Adachi resembles Sawako when it pertains to her introvertedness, but Adachi ends up being MUCH MORE aggressive (fairly passively, anyhow) as her connection with Rita developments. She may not route her envy of Hatori's close link to Hatori with Rita straight, yet she does not need to for that power of her emotions to obtain throughout. She tends to decide Hatori (silently. REALLY gently) on her inadequate options in methods Sawako wouldn't (because Sawako is also form, hehe).
unbalance x unbalance might be the one personality I'm not all that mad regarding within this collection. I'm ... not going bananas, although yes, he's miles likeable than great deals of shoujo personalities readily available. To begin with, he lacks the bishounen quality that is really fundamental that numerous personalities have (he's not attracted POORLY, he's just ... not expensive enough. Sorry. I'm fussy). In addition, his conduct in the direction of Hatori after he begins seeing Adachi is INEXCUSABLE. His conduct towards her is simply ruining Hatori's possible lovelife, although I recognize he does not desire to forget about his youth buddy. He should inform her to steer on, as well as there's NO-CHANCE of the link while he'll be there for her.
He needs to likewise quit the noticeable bodily get in touch with, since it's complicated Hatori AND generating Adachi envious (though she doesn't display it). Yes. Idiot-ish conduct a lot? Via the duration that I review this, I had been getting increasingly more exasperated to not the stage where I slammed my fist on my table with temper.
Additionally, Hatori's brand-new companion (his name escapes me right now) is rather boring. Although he's not truly a pinhead, he's while being unobjectionable simply ... dull and also uninteresting. So yay?
Moving forward to the artwork!
The art is not GOOD. Personally, I believe it is well performed with anyone that read manga online. do you? I delight in the use of aged 80's period layout shoujo art spread throughout, although It's never ever as elegant as a few of the material I normally such as! this approach is used by great deals of mangaka within their usage various amounts of high quality, however it's very well done right here! I actually think this series deserves a lot even more attention. And that I advise it ~! To know more, check out: https://sorelldifilippout1.wixsite.com/healthandwellness/post/pdx3hzg6m8rdn9or0knl1616650817
0 notes
Which I advise it
Recap: It could be any lady. Think of being a heroine of the love story. Hatori thought this one night she had actually obtain devoted Rita, to her childhood years pal.
Yet that's not the way the world works! This is a humorous comedy that actually provides an undesirable unrequited love background of this yong girl in manga online
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I checked out one more story summary of the that clarified this sequence from Kurumi's perspective, that will certainly be truly an appropriate description as Kimi ni Todoke. This series is something but standard. The concept of the sequence fits the style of shoujo manga very well without experience fabricated or routine.
These characteristics do not run.
Hatori may not be under in the beginning of the series, however she slowly comes to be a lot more straightforward as she entails understand the efficiency of Rita's and Adachi and checks connection. After which she weeps a good deal and makes a great deal of mistakes. General, I thinks he's there was than Kurumi really AN INFINITELY MORE likeable heroine, merely due to the fact that I locate Hatori to be constantly a load more...multi-faceted.
Adachi appears like Sawako when it pertains to her introvertedness, yet Adachi comes to be MUCH MORE hostile (fairly passively, anyhow) as her connection with Rita advances. She could not guide her envy of Hatori's close connection to Hatori with Rita straight, however she does not have to for that power of her feelings to obtain throughout. She has a tendency to choose Hatori (silently. REALLY softly) on her poor options in means Sawako would not (since Sawako is additionally develop, hehe).
the hero who returned remains the strongest in the modern world manga may be the one personality I'm not all that mad about within this collection. I'm ... not freaking out, although yes, he's miles likeable than lots of shoujo personalities available. To begin with, he does not have the bishounen top quality that is really basic that many characters have (he's not brought in POORLY, he's just ... not fancy sufficient. Sorry. I'm fussy). Additionally, his conduct towards Hatori after he starts seeing Adachi is INEXCUSABLE. His conduct towards her is simply ruining Hatori's potential lovelife, although I understand he does not wish to ignore his youth buddy. He has to notify her to maneuver on, and also there's NO-CHANCE of the connection while he'll be there for her.
He must also quit the noticeable bodily contact, since it's complex Hatori AND generating Adachi jealous (though she doesn't present it). Yes. Idiot-ish conduct much? With the period that I read this, I had actually been obtaining progressively much more frustrated to not the stage where I knocked my clenched fist on my table with temper.
Furthermore, Hatori's new partner (his name leaves me right now) is rather plain. Although he's not truly a bonehead, he's while being unobjectionable simply ... monotonous and also dull. So yay?
Moving on to the artwork!
The art is not GOOD. Directly, I believe it is well made with any individual who reviewed manga online. do you? I delight in the use of aged 80's period design shoujo art spread throughout, although It's never as elegant as a few of the product I usually like! this method is utilized by great deals of mangaka within their usage different amounts of quality, yet it's extremely well done below! I actually believe this series is worthy of a great deal even more attention. Which I advise it ~! You might also want to check https://allaboutmanga2016.wordpress.com/2021/02/02/i1liuclbgia9pgpclo4n0c1612279791/ related stories and information
0 notes