#i love you elsweyr trailer cat lady
plufim · 7 years
E3 2017 predictions
E3 predictions
In general these come from my thoughts, but also include ideas I’ve heard floated around the web which I completely agree with. Avoiding the already announced/leaked stuff, since that’s not fun!
I’ve sort predictions for all main presentations into 3 different categories based on likelihood (“Lock it in, Reggie” (very confident), “50/50” and “swinging for the fences” (super unlikely but I gotta go all in)). Also, because I’m Connell, this skews Nintendo, but I do have thoughts on everyone! And almost entirely positive ones!
These are in order of the presentation times, hence Nintendo being last. Oh, and a shadow drop is an unannounced game or feature being available for download immediately.
General Predictions/Trends:
- One final push for remastered collections.
- The PC gaming show will be a shit-show again.
- After “Seven Nation Army” did so well for the Battlefield 1 trailer, at LEAST 3 other trailers will use a contemporary song for a game set in another time.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Need for Speed will have a Cops vs Racers mode. Because it is always the best thing. Shutting down fools for daring to turn MY roads into a race track is always the best.
- FIFA presentation will not mention the Switch version at all. Info will only be turned up at the show floor, with 2-3 units available. There will be a very simple token minigame so they can justify it as being “built for switch”, but it is 99% the PS3/360 version.
- Mass Effect 1-3 Remastered collection, for PS4 and Xbox one. Designed to win back trust from gamers who were burned hard by Andromeda, which really damaged the brand. This leads to my further prediction (not for this though) that ME5 then connects both stories together, where the Andromeda crew find a device that allows them to send a message with information back in time to Shephards brain and bam, you’re playing with the character’s people liked again.
- Sim City. It’s been long enough since the last Sim City, which was disastrous. Time for EA to show they learned from their mistakes and can take on city: skylines
 Singing for the fences:
- Mass Effect Trilogy also for the Switch. Despite the only support being a terrible FIFA game thus far, the actual sales of the system will be seen as an opportunity… to sell old games again with very little extra work. Perhaps some token amiibo functionality in the character creator.
Obviously, this will be all about Scorpio. Every game will make a point to include something about how the Scorpio version is enhanced. Also apologies, don’t really have much
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Forza 5.
- Scorpio will have VR featured heavily
- Scorpio’s final name will be: Xbox Scorpio. Microsoft is done with numbers.
- It will be revealed that Scorpio, unlike PS4Pro, will have games exclusive to it.
 Swinging for the fences:
- Crackdown demo shadow drop
- Exclusive John Wick videogame for scorpio
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Wolfenstein Titan(?) official reveal.
- Prey DLC chapters.
- Switch Skyrim has Zelda content in it. Because why else would someone pay $60 US for this game for a third time?
- Elder Scrolls VI revealed. Will feature at least 2 of the regions. Possibly Elsweyr and Valenwood
 Swinging for the fences:
- Elder Scrolls finally bring back the Dwemer, either by reviving them or setting it in the distant past.
So… most of this conference is already leaked, but still…. Uh… hm. Well here’s a few somethings.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Rabbids/Mario will have a CG teaser. Gameplay saved for Nintendo.
- On stage reveal for Farcry will include not only making fun of the people who got so angry that the villians are a white Christian cult, but there will be an embarrassing on-stage play where people pretend to be storming the stage to protest the treatment of horrible people.
 Swinging for the fences:
- A switch exclusive Assassin’s Creed side-story, much like they did for Vita around Assassin’s Creed 3.
- Rabbids/Mario features a cover of “All Star”, covered by Rabbids themselves, because this game will be drowning in memes. And I will hate this while secretly loving this.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Sony saves IO interactive, Hitman 2 will be PS4 exclusive. Microsoft SHOULD do this, but… this feels more like a Sony move.
- MASSIVE Spiderman blowout, including a lot of show floor stuff. Playable demo. No tie in to the movie, but instead a new story with Goblin and the sinister 6 as the villians. And there’ll be some shitty day 1 pre-order crap, probably involving a Black Cat side story. F4 will cameo, but play no major roles – however Insomniac will be building a shared games universe. Yes, even with the Squaresoft stuff.
- Bloodborne 2. It will happen.
- A real, honest to god Kingdom Hearts 3 trailer, with worlds revealed, including Moana and Frozen.
- Shenmue 1+2 Remastered announced. With Shenmue 3 delayed (and that having been inevitable for some time), this would be a smart move to capitalise on the clear demand for more Ryo.
- Another Last of Us Part 2 teaser, but no gameplay yet.
- English Dragon Quest XI release date, mid 2018.
- Red Dead 2 trailer, first with actual gameplay. I also think this will reveal that Zelda-like free climbing is being implemented.
 Swinging for the fences:
- The vita returns as a phone. The switch has shown portable games are still viable, vita has some life in Asian territories, and Sony want to keep the remote play train going. Destined to still fail? Probably! But let’s not let reality kill HYPE.
- Last of Us Part 2 prelude chapter available now, for free. One hour of set up, basically a demo. But that’s what they do to get the kids excited.
- Spyro Trilogy remastered. Activision gotta do something with the guy.
- Red Dead 2 trailer showcases a train heist. I LOVE train heists.
In general, there won’t be much or any 3DS. They’re getting a lot of that out of the way this week already.
Lock it in, Reggie:
- Xenoblade 2 is not delayed, December 2018. Playable on show floor.
- Mario Odyssey for October 2017. Massive show floor presence.
- Mario Kart DLC, same format as for WiiU – 2 packs of tracks, but this time it’s 8 racing and 2 battle tracks, as well as 3 characters and karts each. A shadow drop of the ability to buy the
- Zelda DLC part 1 shadow drop. Teaser for the rest of the DLC.
- Picross Switch, available now. Not Picross 3D though, they’ll hold off on that.
- Rabbids/Mario gameplay demo
- Dragon Quest XI for Switch officially announced
- Everyone on stage will wear goofy hats because of Mario Odyssey, because hats is a big thing in that game. Hats will grant abilities.
- Splatoon 2 test fire round 2 will be announced to begin the next weekend, with significant tweaks.
- New ARMs content announced, with new ARMs avaialable immediately and
- Massive update to switch UI, shadow dropped. Includes multiple UI styles, with Badge arcade built in for further customisation, folders, linking to old Nintendo friends lists, musical themes. Further themes will be on eshop going forward, like 3DS. And finally, this also includes the new online system, hence the new details revealed about it last week.
- Animal Crossing Switch. Early 2018, with much improved social features. Massive amiibo functionality, much like New Leaf now has. It’ll have a new hook, not sure what though. My guess is some Sim City style mayoral stuff like setting up and supplying utilities.
- Warioware Switch, holiday 2017. It’s been a while for the Rhythm Heaven/Warioware team. I NEED THIS ONE NINTENDO.
- Smash Brothers 4 Switch, Q2 2018, rereleased with the best levels from the WiiU and 3DS levels, plus an expanded single player mode. It’s just too crowded for this game yet, but they don’t need to hold off for too long, because it’ll be an evergreen. There will be a teaser though, starring Inklings, Ice Climbers and Spring Man.
- Mario Maker Switch for Q1 2018. It can’t release this year, it needs space away from Mario Odyssey. The game will include a new “switch” block which when hit in game alternates the game style. There will also be playable Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad for each game type, each with different styles, and a different switch block or pipe that changes your character mid-level.
- Skyward Sword HD for switch, with optional non-motion controls for boring people. Q2 2018.
- Partnership with Activision to make an Amiibo action game. You might think this is a swing for the fence, but: Toys for Bob is out of a gig right now. And this would sell better than any recent Skylanders game. Activision would release special versions of select characters, so they can get their cut from the toy sales.
- Donkey Kong Country Returns 3, Q1 2018, by Monster Games. They’ve been quiet for a while, they ported Returns to 3DS, they assisted Retro on Tropical Freeze, this is what they’ve been working towards.
- Dead Cells announced for Switch.
- Layton Collection announced… for phone. Lady Layton western release date.
- Retro’s game. And it’s NOT Metroid, but a sci-fi Western RPG.
- This is a long shot, but T2 is relatively impressed by the switch, so: GTA5 for Switch. With a chunk of the DLC included.
- Switch Sports, holiday 2017. The return of the king. All the games as released for WiiU, plus a few from Wii Sports resort (airplane), with additional modes for each sport. I do have a “swinging for the fence” on this though…
 Swinging for the fences:
- …Wuhu World. Remember Pilotwings 64? Where Little USA was a huge island with different activities, sights to see, and so on? Well, take Wuhu Island, scoot up the detail and resolution, include the small surrounding golf islands, and add a few other themed islands the same size as Wuhu (snow island, city island, etc). It’s a free game where you get the islands and one activity per island, and can walk/drive around each island. Dotted around each is various locations that count as home bases for various sports/vehicles from Wii Sports, Pilotwings and some new items. Each of these is paid, and comes with various different modes and missions. This could be further expanded over time, and allows Nintendo to make money from series that could no longer be sold alone.
- Mario Kart DLC includes mission mode, which is available day 1 with missions on existing courses and expands with the DLC.
- New 2D Metroid by a small team from within Retro. There is a 3D game teased to be in the works also, but not from Retro.
- Splatoon 2 Octoling content and Amiibo, including Octoling mascots. I need this, Nintendo.
- Nintendo Pinball. Remember Pokemon Pinball? And Metroid Prime Pinball? That but across multiple Nintendo series.
- Sonic and Mario All Stars Racing Transformed. Sumo has to have been making something aside from Snake Pass, and Sonic Racing 2 sold extremely well on the switch.
- Assault Android Cactus Deluxe for Switch. I believe in you Tim! Even if you aren’t even attempting this!
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