#i loved ka'kwet and i just wanted to see her happy with her family
nose-bl · 3 years
i love anne with an e because while it does deal with some rather heavy topics, the whole show is just so beautiful and comforting, visually it’s just stunning, and every single detail is just CHEF’S KISS, anne is obviously autistic and imo also has adhd, she’s an amazingly written character who feels like a real kid and it’s just so perfect for me, so anyway i’m about to rewatch it rn
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witcherly16 · 4 years
Anne With An E, A Love Letter
Spoilers ahead...
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I have to start off by saying just how much I love this show. So many of the characters struggles I relate to deeply, I really can't offer it enough praise.
This show is not only fantastically true to its characters but also true to the reality of life during the 1890s. There is death and heartbreak, often from illness as there would have been at the time. There is the inconvenience of postal communication... and the lack of easy access of phones. It also plays out class and race struggle and the sexism of this time.
Season One
Season one so beautifully shows you the gift of chosen family, as a person whose mother was adopted and father's family mainly unknown apart from a deceased grandmother - I know what it means to find chosen family. What a gift it is to be connected to people not necessarily by blood but love. Anne is a troubled girl as we hear many times, she is a victim in so many ways and yet she is powerful and strong enough to not allow victimhood to dissuade her passion and love. She makes an incredible connection with Diana who becomes her best friend. In this season we also see the death of Gilbert's father, my father died a few months ago and was also very sick so with him I sympathise greatly. Death really does shake up your life in unexpected ways. Gilbert's subsequent travels overseas in the next season provide us with all new characters and social dynamics to explore.
Season two
This season feels a blur because so much happens, I watched the show in such quick succession that I struggle to remember what happens when. I do however remember the beautiful introduction into the first episode, it brings lightness and hope for Anne and all our characters. And the cinematography (chef's kiss)... This season is the one with criminal boarders, meanwhile Gilbert explores trinidad with his new friend Sebastian. This season shows us so much about life as a Black person at that time, the everyday prejudice despite being 'free'. It is certainly very topical at the moment and has great moments that display white privilege and includes crucial learning moments for the white cast when he is eventually brought back to Avonlea. This season also introduces the fiercely independent and strong Mary. Whilst the dynamic with Bash and Gilbert unfolds we have another story of discovery in Cole. This season is extremely eventful and in it Cole learns a lot about his sexuality after meeting aunt Josephine who is a lesbain and widowed by her female partner. This also introduces the idea of same sex partnership to Diana who is at first unsure but then comes to be accepting and loving. Anne and Cole's bond grows even stronger when he confides his sexuality in her. I have of recent been questioning my own sexuality, I always identified as one thing and now am unsure what the right label for me is... seeing this acceptance of Cole has given me hope for my own coming out to those I love, whenever that will be. Cole's story sets off another that had been developing througout season one, the romance between Prissy and her teacher. We learn that he is in fact gay and though he never reveals this to the cast, Prissy decides to be free, not to marry him as intended, and pursue education.
Season 3
We learn more about the previously introduced Miss Stacey, the new teacher. A huge inspiration to Anne's dream of teaching. This season is so much about self discovery and learning, much like seasons before. We meet new Indigenous characters, Ka'Kwet and her family who anne quickly befriends! Anne follows her passion of writing alongside the others for the school paper and in doing so challenges the town views on sexism and racism against the indigenous. All the while on a journey of finding her own lineage and about her parents. The final episode Marilla and Matthew find a book that was from her father to her mother, here she learns her mother was also a teacher. Interestingly I notice the book to be full of pressed flowers just like the one Anne had given to baby Delphine earlier on in the series. Gilbert's happy family found in Mary, Sebastian and Delphine is hugely disrupted. Mary falls ill and dies but before she does she is given a send off of the one thing she had always wished for, acceptance and inclusion. It is a terribly sad story but also a common one at the time. She leaves behind her baby to Sebastian and Gilbert who become a stronger family unit than ever. We begin in the end of the series to see the ups and downs of young love through Anne and Gilbert's growing and inevitable relationship. There are others in the picture but of course we know that he will be with Anne. Their story is so beautiful, and I adore that they don't sacrifice education for eachother. They get to be together even though they are far apart geographically. Their kisses in the last episode are truly beautiful and the long 3 series lead up makes it feel all the more realistic. It isnt a swept off your feet romance, it is a long and growing connection, a love that sits right under your nose.
Why it should be renewed
There are so many reasons I feel that it should be renewed, not just for love of the characters.
We have not gotten to further explore what is happening to Ka'Kwet and her family, the story hasn't been resolved.
With the kids in college it could make way for further exploration of being a woman in that time. Exploring sexism in courting etc.
Everyone wants to see Anne and Gilbert's relationship develop.
I would like to see Cole explore his sexuality more and maybe even meet someone, seeing more of the lgbtq+ circles of this time would be fascinating.
There is so much more to learn with Bash, I had expected a hint at an interracial relationship between himself and Miss Stacey. This could explore more of the prejudice of the time.
Seeing the role class plays in the Toronto medicine school with Gilbert. It would be interesting to see Gilbert learn more about high society outside of Avonlea and even him exploring the sexism in medicine.
I would like to see more class battles with Diana and her parents, to me it's inevitable she will want to marry someone below her class standing. It would be interesting to see Diana come into her own as Prissy did after her education.
Prissy, I would like to learn more about Prissy, I would like her to take over her father's business and be on a list of many other firsts for women in Avonlea.
Theres so much more I could add, there aren't enough words to express my feelings and thoughts on this show. Please do watch it and rewatch it and campaign for its return.
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dont-forget-indigo · 5 years
So amongst all the shirbert screaming I've seen some people talk about Ka'kwet and I got to thinking about why her storyline wasnt addressed as I was a bit disappointed at first. Honestly, I feel as though episode 9 was Ka'kwet's s3 finale. That was where her story was left off because it's what made sense. I understand the frustration but I think the season ended this way for a reason. I feel like had Ka'kwet's storyline been involved the episodes tone would have been darker. I don't expect her to have a happy ending anytime soon, as they are trying to be as realistic as possible. I think Moira wanted this episode to be overall happy. And while that might seem like it's ignoring that storyline I think that its smart for a finale. I mean look at us, we cant stop talking about it and we wont. We are going to be replaying this episode over and over. That gives us a much higher chance of getting a season 4. Plus having this unresolved storyline is also going to out more fight into the fandom. Having this super happy exciting episode might be what gets us season 4. We have so much energy as a fandom and we arent going to let it end here. The potential for next season is endless. I understand wanting Ka'kwet in this episode, but every episode has a theme and this one seemed to revolve around family and being reunited with those you love, something hat Ka'kwet cant have yet. Having that in the episode would have been out of place. I do feel like they could have shown something. But I think the distinction to give her how own ending was so important, rather than mixing it in with Anne's drama even more. Had they given Ka'kwet more attention this episode it would have been mostly ignored by the fandom in favor of shirtbert.
Disclaimer: I'm not telling you how to feel, I miss Ka'kwet too, i just think this might be why Moira chose to close her storyline in episode 9 rather than episode 10 with the other storylines. It holds so much weight and deserves its own spotlight. Now hopefully next season we will see more
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gwenstacied · 5 years
I swear if we don't get awae s4 I wiLL–
like there are so many reasons it's gotta be renewed.
ka'kWET. WHERE IS SHE. IS SHE OK. iS HER FAM OK. WE GOTTA SEE WHAT HAPPENS. realistically, she might never escape :(( cuz freakin colonizers, but I wanna see what happened to her either way. should I cry in happy tears that she's safe or sad tears that she'll never get to see her family again?? I must know.
MORE ANNE AND DIANA. bEiNg RoOMMATES. WEARING HIGH END SOPHISTICATED MAJESTIC OUTFITS. cuz let's be honest their outfits in the whole show, esp the last ep, were fine™
MORE SHIRBERT. those kisses were just amazing and damn can't believe we got 4-5 of that in less than a span of 10mins but they prob gave us that much cuz they knew they were getting cancelled :/ :( wHiCH IS WHY THEY CANT BE CANCELLED IT'S JUST NOT COOL MAN. I wanna know what they wrote to each other. I want the moments when they see each other again when they visit during holidays. I just want them 🥺
ELIJAH'S REDEMPTION ARC. he's finally part of the fam and I wanna see more of that you know? I wanna see the moments when he's with Dellie and scenes of him and Bash tgt with Bash accepting him more and just seeing him becoming a better man.
COLE AND AUNT JO. we gotta see more of them. we just gotta.
and the show is one of those rare shows that actually tackles social situations that tbh some I didn't even know that much abt, esp the residential schools. some ppl might be mad that it strays a little from the original books and has different stories but I love how they did that. i love how they used an already amazing story and from there they just expanded into even more amazing stories and somehow they can still tackle shirbert's story equally. like,,, das perfect ok. and must I add, it's loosely based on the book, loosely.
plus like the whole cast and crew deserve it and this show just needs to be renewed not just for viewers but for them too >:(
this ended up being a longer rant than I thought and I'm sorry idk how to add that reading on thing that can make this look shorter :')
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Some Thoughts on AWAE 3x10 (a lot of spoilers ahead)...
Yay, Winnie and Gilbert have broken up!
Since Winnie is fundamentally an unproblematic character, I can’t help but feel a bit bad for her. On paper, they seemed like the perfect couple.
Winnie is right, why did he lead her father on?
“I don’t have any plans to marry.”- Sure…
I love how Gilbert is compassionate and emphatic at this moment. He never takes a moment to doubt the actual heartbreak and emotion associated with her reaction. Even though they’re breaking up, he tells her that she is someone that shouldn’t be settled for.
Diana got in!
“Is there anything else you want to say to me?”-Now is your moment, Gilbert!
“Congratulations.”-That’s all? Seriously Anne is giving you opportunities on a silver platter.
Yes, he’s applying to Uni. of Toronto with Dr. Emily Oak
“Deceitful child, how could you?”-Remember that time you couldn’t figure out improper fractions?
Where would there be a gaggle of eligible, wealthy and educated men? College/university. Also, no wealthy and educated man wants an uneducated partner.
Diana’s parents’ reasoning is just uggggghhhhhhhhh.
Why do I have the feeling that Diana’s parents aren’t going to let her go to Queens?
Mathew, now was not a great time to tell her the news about the changes.
I swear to god that note better not fly away.
Wait, how does he know where her room is within the house.
You can’t sell half of Pride and Prejudice.
No, no, no! The note was the opposite of those sentiments. I’m going to buy that very infuriating action as a plot device to him confessing his feeling IN PERSON.
I’m continually amazed by how quick Anne sets aside her own problems in order to be there for her friends.
I can’t help but chuckle at how happy Marilla is at the corset.
Oh no, Elijah’s back. I thought was touching that he bought back Gilbert’s Dad’s watch from the pawn watch. While Bash’s treatment of Elijah is harsh, I understand where he’s coming from.
“The more I held her back, the less I was included.”-Never were truer words spoken.
“I’m so sad to see you go yet so happy I know you.”-Love Miss Stacy’s wisdom and I just wish a certain someone had said the exact same thing to her.
“I’d advise you to smarten up and explain yourself.”-YES, YES!
Happy to see that Bash’s relationship with Elijah has softened, considering that he’s been trying to make a concerted effort.
Oh, Anne looks so grown up!
I would have preferred for her skirt to be solid-colored but love the ensemble.
Glad to see that Ka'kwet hasn’t been forgotten. I love that she decided to take the hair accessories that she gave Anne with her.
Now would be a great time to initiate the conversation, Mathew.
That was a moment missed. Now, he better tell her right before she moves in.
The costume designers did Tillie dirty with her ensemble. Besides the hat, the outfit looks like an outfit made for Rachel. Seriously, couldn’t they cut her jacket at her waist?
I feel like I’ve seen Mrs. Blackmore in something else. Glad to see the intro of a deaf character.
Deaf-mute is a questionable but probably a historically accurate choice of words.
I laughed so hard when the girls were stopped from running up the stairs.
“I promise not to snore”.-Tillie
Was glad to see Josie’s shitty experience with Billy didn’t put her off from any notion of courting.
It feels surreal to see all the girls look so grown up with corsets and with their hair up.
Side note: Bash’s mom’s skin is just stunning. Seriously, she is glowing.
Elijah’s staying on! Mary’s wish to have her family together has been fulfilled.
Mathew, tell her that you’re sad that she’s going to be gone but you’re happy about her future.
I love how Marilla has really come to regard Aunt Jo to be part of the family.
I love how Cole has come into herself.
That dress, Marilla!
Sad to see that her inquiry in Scotland has led to a dead end.
Anne handled her feeling so maturely.
Yes, Mathew, is finally admitting his feelings!
That velvet looks so plush but isn’t that dress a little inappropriate for daytime?
“If I know you, you better tell me who and how.”-I found it hilarious, it was just in such sharp contrast to the happy background music.
There’s finally
I forgot that Anne doesn’t know that Gilbert and Winifred broke up.
Diana’s face dropped when he mentioned that he isn’t going to Queens but the University of Toronto.
Love the contrast between Gilbert’s smile and Diana’s scowl.
Seriously, Diana’s rant deserves all the awards. Glad she brought up the fact that he literally gave her 30 seconds to decide about her future.
Also if Diana’s very eloquent rant isn’t an indicator of her ability, I don’t know what is. Seriously, her parents want to waste all of that?
I also love, for the most part, how her story of finding her independence unraveled throughout the season.
He’s going after her!
I swear to god if there’s going to be another missed connection, I’m going to scream.
Just in the nick of time!
I love how her hair has slightly unraveled, it’s such a romantic look. It’s giving me Lucy Honeychurch in A Room with a View vibes.
Damn, he’s a good kisser.
Mrs. Blackmore better not be looking out the window, I desperately need them to have a moment.
“Do you truly have feelings for me?”-Idk, you guys should kiss again but seriously, was that kiss, not an indicator?
Anne went for it! Gleefully remembering, “Why must the girl wait?”
Oh darling, the second kiss was EVERYTHING!
I wonder what made Diana’s father’s mind change?
Maybe he saw her rant and thought, finishing school is a waste (and probably more expensive than college).
Damn, Gilbert.
Love Diana’s surprised look.
I wonder if Marilla and Mathew saw the kissing?
Love that they were able to give Anne the book, for her to have something of her parents.
“You’re a wish come true, I never knew I was making.”-Never truer words said.
Final Thoughts:
They really tied up everything in this episode. I wonder if they did that on purpose because if they were to be canceled, it wouldn’t be fair to leave on a cliffhanger.
I wonder if they’re going to do that Glee thing where they essentially split the show between two different plots. I hope they don’t do that because it didn’t work for Glee.
For two people who don’t have a lot of experience with kissing, they sure looked like they knew what they’re doing.
I really liked how when Gilbert and Winifred broke up, they didn’t emphasize Anne but the fact that it’s wrong to marry someone you feel as if you’re settling for.
Seriously, what made Diana’s dad change her mind?
Can’t wait for Queens plotlines!
His plan to go straight off to Paris without learning the language seriously doesn't make sense.
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magneticflower · 5 years
How are you feeling?? You good?? That felt like a finale...I don’t know if I can take another two episodes. Everything has changed.
This episode was truly an experience in a whirlwind sort of way. So many emotions going on and so much just going on in general sjsjsjs
I didn't anticipate them ending on Anne realizing her feelings nor did anticipating Aunt Josephine just going over there like 'sometimes you just have to forget the obstacles and go for it' and I'm really curious about how Anne will handle this new found realization. She didn't want to intrude upon Gilbert and his potential future if she didn't know for sure what her feelings were--- but now that she does, what will she do????
I've got a big feeling that the pen will definitely the thing that leads to the moment between the two where they may confront their feelings honestly and bluntly.
I was so profoundly happy to see Ka'kwet escape and find her way back into the arms of her family 😭😭😭 I still feel so badly for that poor little boy though being stuck with that demon. I feel that it won't be that easy for Ka'kwet to have just escaped so I wonder if we will see those guys showing up or Avonlea causing problems sjsjs
I was glad to see that Aunt Jo wasn't going to allow Diana to simply let her life be controlled without showing her that there were more options on the table than she thought and by pushing her towards them. Minnie May being the ultimate catalyst was perfect and powerful too sjjs I was so happy to see Anne and Diana reunite and their reconciliation was beautiful but Diana continued to treat Jerry so poorly this episode and ignore his feelings and I REALLY need her to realize how much she is wronging Jerry and that she needs to genuinely apologize.
Rachel was an absolute QUEEN this episode with Marilla as well. I was so excited and proud of her when she put the council in their place AND MARILLA BEING A NEW MEMBER I LOVE IT. The third woman I am expecting and hoping to be Miss Stacy but who knows sjdjdj
Really wondering about how Bash's mother will finally start to adjust to the realization that Bash and Gilbert's relationship is not like what she is used to and that they are truly family to each other. It hurt me to see the combativeness of the relationship and to see her trying to force Bash to be small though I know there were no real ill intentions behind it.
Also, the way that Miss Stacy pushed through and told them all that they would not succeed in silencing them as much as they try and that they would all forge forward even when they had been dealt such a devastating blow. I was glad she was able to encourage the kids to not be dissuaded and to assure them that there efforts must've been fruitful if they were met with such intense rebuttal. It made the loss of the schoolhouse less painful
Matthew encouraging his Anne and telling her how amazing and intelligent and great that she is and therefore easing her mind was so beautiful 😭😭
Overall excited for next week because I have no idea what to expect but I'm hopeful!
I totally just threw out whatever thoughts came to mind so sorry if this is just a mess of thoughts 😂😂
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Some thoughts on AWAE 3x09 (spoilers ahead)...
I’m sad that Ka'kwet is taking out her anger on her siblings but I’m glad they didn’t forgo the effects of the shitty residential school. Even her short stay will have lifelong consequences.
Anne is grown-up clothes!!! Huzzah!
Oh no, what’s happened to her?
“Do not make the same mistake as I did.” RIP John Blythe
Anne is going!!
No, where’s he going all dressed up!!??? Gilbert better wait, I swear to god there better not be another missed connection.
Why can’t the two just talk? They could resolve all the miscommunication in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.
Love how Diana is the wingwoman to warn Anne about his proposal plans.
He hasn’t gone to propose! The writing gods are shining down below on us.
Love the flashback to the dance rehearsals.
Damn, even Mr. Barry thinks Gilbert is about to propose to Winifred.
I love Minnie May but I get Mr. Barry’s reaction.
Oh no Anne, don’t slip the note under the container, he won’t see it.
Oh no this scene at the indigenous campsite looks ominous.
The jackass bounty hunters and agent better not take any more children.
Shit, don’t kill Ka'kwet’s mother!
Fuck, they shot her father. He better not die.
If the Avonlea kids are out of class, why are the children at the residential school still there? I know the schoolhouse burned down but why are they still being kept there? They weren’t going to never return the children, right?
This violent ordeal is only going to be added trauma to her short life.
“You must think I never loved you at all.”-Yikes, I was hoping for this conversation on race to end differently.
I like Bash and Miss Stacy strictly as friends.
Ka'kwet’s father hasn’t died but the agent took her back.
“Improper fractions”-ha. I was hoping now Ms. Barry would see the point of having Diana pursue a college education as opposed to finishing school.
I was really hoping that Marilla’s racist views on her indigenous neighbors would have dissipated by then.  
Love Marilla's sensibility but for once, could she listen to the point Ka'kwet’s mom has been trying to make this entire time? All they want, as mothers, is to know that their children are safe and happy.
Marilla consented!
Was it just me but did I think that they’re going to call for Gilbert to inspect the arm?
How can Gilbert look at the remains of their demonstration and the Story Club and think, Winifred?
Miss Stacy knows how to smoke fish and built her own smoker. She constantly surprises me.
I prefer Miss Stacy and Bash to remain as friends.
He stepped on the note. I swear to god, it better still be attached to the bottom of his show when he eats his dinner.
And the note dies in the dirt.
Return of the very unchristian nun.
WTF, why is she in a cellar/prison cell? Isn’t she supposed o be in class?
I swear to god if Mathew dies because of these jackasses, I will riot.
Love’s Mathew’s suggestion to submit an editorial to the Globe.
And then, here’s the return of creepy Father Beck.
“Kill the Indian and save the child.”-Exactly what every parent wants to hear, never mind indigenous parents.
And Gilbert is definitely off to propose to Winifred.
Love Anne but why has it taken her an entire week to realize that guess what, talking to him would be a great idea. Although Anne isn’t the only one to blame, Gilbert too. JUST TALK!
So, Bash’s father was lynched, hence her projection of internalized racist behavior.
“The only thing more dangerous thing than being hard-headed is being soft.”-I disagree but I appreciated the fact that this conversation was had. It was time since Delphine is growing rapidly and having her be repeatedly exposed to projections of internalized racist behavior without an explanation of the reasoning behind it, was going to have dire consequences, as exemplified by Bash.
Will somebody please answer the door?
I know that the Gilbert and Anne quasi-romance isn’t at all important in comparison to the talk that was occurring but I was hoping for more conversation between Bash & Anne.
Seriously, thank god Anne is direct because Gilbert is just wallowing around in a puddle of confusion.
I’m sad that Ka'kwet’s only visible tie to her family and culture is so close yet so far away. The scene made me tear up. At least she knows her parents are there.
And Gilbert has gone to see Winifred, long sigh, why?
He looks so young. Props to the costume department for being able to convey that with his suits that have been cut on the larger side.
He isn’t shown taking the ring with him.
He looks so apprehensive.
Final Thoughts:
I appreciated how the writers chose to not deploy Anne in a white savior trope and instead has her write to the Globe instead. It’s far more accurate and it doesn’t trivialize the trauma inflicted upon by the Canadian government onto the indigenous population.
I DON’T THINK GILBERT IS GOING TO PROPOSE. We didn’t see him take the ring with him.
Mathew is winning the father of the century award.
I love how the character Mathew has been expanded by the writers.
Still confused why Bash’s mom didn’t tell Gilbert that Anne had left a note.
I still need Diana to properly apologize to Jerry. Also, where was he in this episode?
I can totally see Anne being a muckraker.
I’m glad that both got to air out their grievances on the treatment of one another and their relationship to race because Dellie needs to have a strong black woman to look up to in her life.
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