#i loveee it when hes insane and freaky
dulcesiabits · 24 days
want to know your thoughts about 2.2 and the massive sunday lore drop 😈 also ive read ur thoughts about him and yea now i know why i vibe with sunday immediately from the get go bc he reminds me of myself too 😭
OH MY GOD THE SUNDAY LORE DROP........ I have some things to add to my characterization of him now and MANY thins to say......... Also, since I'll be talking about spoilers, I'll put it under the cut!
Personally, I love contrasts and parallels when it comes to characters, so Sunday and Robin opposing each other's ideas of "harmony" and "dreams" and "paradise" and "freedom" is so good. I love how the bird metaphor comes into play (what do you do with a baby bird? cage it or let it fly free?) with Sunday, and how he decides that "order" is the best way to achieve a perfect paradise. I also love the religious themes with him, especially because Sunday is definitely a person who thinks suffering is a virtue. Bro read The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas and took it a little too seriously!!!
All jokes aside, I definitely think Sunday's emotional core is his sister. Like before he is the head of the Oak Family or even Sunday, he is Robin's brother. Their relationship is so integral to who he is, and it's hard to talk about him without talking about her. She's so important to him!!! Their promise to create a paradise is so dear to his heart, even if the way they want to achieve is different. I genuinely believe Robin is a stronger person than Sunday because he is the one trapped in the cage, and she's the one who tries to fly even if she stumbles, to bring back the metaphor. Where Robin's altruism leads her to help and inspire others, Sunday's altruism leads him to control and make choices for them.
There's something about how Robin believes in the inherent goodness of humanity, even when she gets hurt, and how Sunday is more nihilistic and pessimistic. He truly believes that the best way to make everyone happy is by trapping them in a dream, because reality is cruel and unfair, and people get hurt so easily, and the "strong" will not protect the "weak." Only in a dream can everyone be truly equal. There's an altruistic angle to his argument, but it's also inherently selfish, because he decides he's the one who knows best and is the only one who can carry out his plans to make everyone happy at his expense. Self-sacrifice is selfish, too, and Sunday gives me the vibes of the he has a more "divine" altruism that can only sympathize with others by condescending or looking down on them. Because people who you think need your protection are inherently less powerful/more weak than you.
If Robin is a singer, then he's a conductor. He knows best, and he'll willingly shoulder the burden of protecting the dream for the sake of others. This speaks to a lack of trust in people, too, and a deep streak of hyper-independence, where he can't rely on anyone else and prefers to do it all himself (because only he can do it right/only he should be the one to bear the burden of doing it). He's giving lonely oldest sibling martyr complex, and someone so set in his ways that you need to quite literally beat his ass to make him stop and see otherwise.
Now, I love messy characters, so when I interpret Sunday, I will lean into those messy aspects. I think he's someone who can't get close to others through conventional means, and it's exceedingly uncomfortable for him to be open. He's guarded and cagey, and he needs to express his emotions through 1000 layers of pretension, mind games and power plays (his favorite love languages) because it's never that simple with him!!! I think his feelings can be passionate, but in a way that's a little intense and all-consuming and manipulative <3 He thinks birds need to be kept in cages for their protection, after all, and the fear of the bird getting hurt means he's a very devoted warden.
(It must be mentioned he didn't try to dissuade Robin from leaving Penacony, but her getting shot frightened him and made him reconsider if he should have supported her so readily. His control issues stem from a fear of his loved ones getting hurt, but at the same time, he wants them to be happy more than anything. He's overprotective....)
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